IRC Chat : 2013-12-20 - OpenMRS

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05:40:35 <GitHub30> [openmrs-core] vinkesh opened pull request #488: TRUNK-4167
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07:26:29 <Ch3ck> Hi guys I'll like to know more about the development priorities for openmrs
07:26:43 <Ch3ck> I've read the implementers Guide created at the Doc Camp
07:26:58 <Ch3ck> and I"m familiar with the Java SE standards
07:27:36 <Ch3ck> but looking at the Software Architecture looks like I'll need to learn Hibernate or Spring to be able to contribute
07:28:05 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: not necesarily
07:28:06 <Ch3ck> Is this the only case or are there any unassigned projects my Java SE skills could be applied?
07:28:26 <Ch3ck> Well I'll love to take on a project which I'll probably till GSoC
07:28:32 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: did you look at the tickets here
07:28:34 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
07:28:35 <Ch3ck> and after a really long project
07:29:07 <Ch3ck> dkayiwa, looked at those but they're just little tasks I could use to get commit access
07:29:32 <Ch3ck> I'm talking of a large unassigned projects with deep Java I could start working on after I get commit rights
07:29:45 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: before looking at big tasks, are you able to do the small ones?
07:29:46 <Ch3ck> I mean Java SE
07:30:16 <Ch3ck> well dkayiwa I could do them, I'm currently cloning the Git hub repository to start working on some of them
07:30:45 <Ch3ck> could have started earlier but due to school guess I could spend my Christmas day on OpenMRS code ;)
07:30:54 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: after doing a couple of them, you will know why we recommend starting with them :)
07:31:16 <Ch3ck> ok gr8 guess I should start working on them then ;)
07:31:22 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: you may think they are small, but lets see how long they take you :)
07:31:35 <Ch3ck> ok, love the challenge
07:31:58 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: welcome to the world of challenges that save lives!!! :)
07:32:00 <Ch3ck> but I know it'll take me some time to be familiar with the code repo
07:32:11 <Ch3ck> dkayiwa, Yeah :)
07:32:34 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: thats exactly one of the purposes of those tickets, among others ofcourse
07:33:59 <Ch3ck> thanks man dkayiwa guess I should start and finish the 'git clone'
07:34:12 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: ok
07:36:13 <Ch3ck> will let you know if I come into any probs ;) :D
07:39:41 <dkayiwa> Ch3ck: sure
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08:21:58 <GitHub3> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
08:21:58 <GitHub3> openmrs-core/1.10.x 7fed125 dkayiwa: removing setter for orderNumber for: The API should assign order numbers...
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10:05:20 <GitHub35> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
10:05:20 <GitHub35> openmrs-core/1.10.x ddc5ba9 dkayiwa: Setting order numbers in the api needs to be safe in a clustered...
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10:42:07 <GitHub22> [openmrs-core] channab opened pull request #489: TRUNK-3646:Placed Select/Unselect All checkbox outside the privileges ta... (master...TRUNK-3646)
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11:17:30 <akwatuha___> hi downey
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13:40:53 <GitHub77> [openmrs-core] k-joseph closed pull request #482: TRUNK-4136 Add DrugOrder.route and remove DrugOrder.equivalentDailyDose properties (1.10.x...TRUNK-4136)
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13:44:11 <GitHub10> [openmrs-core] k-joseph opened pull request #490: [#TRUNK-4136] Add DrugOrder.route and removed DrugOrder.equivalentDailyDose properties (1.10.x...TRUNK-4136)
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14:18:36 <GitHub125> [openmrs-core] k-joseph opened pull request #491: [#TRUNK-4137] Add frequency and numberOfRepeats properties to TestOrder class (1.10.x...TRUNK-4137)
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14:34:33 <wluyima> hi cpower
14:34:50 <cpower> wluyima: what's up?
14:34:56 <wluyima> cpower: we no longer have daily stand ups, right?
14:35:33 <wluyima> cpower: because i see no one
14:36:04 <cpower> wluyima: I was thinking we will still do the IRC one's at 10 so we can make sure we know what's going on in community, and still give Order Entry updates there. I can imagine India and Kenya have their own daily private ones too.
14:36:26 <cpower> wluyima: but yeah, we can drop the 9:30
14:36:58 <wluyima> cpower: and only have daily scrums except for tuesday and thursday when we have the standups
14:38:02 <cpower> wluyima: I'd still like to have IRC ones on those days just to keep IRC going and know what's going on in the community swimlane.
14:38:16 <wluyima> cpower: that is what i meant
14:38:33 <cpower> wluyima: good :-)
14:39:23 <cpower> The next question is how do we keep Lee engaged without them?
14:39:51 <cpower> looking for thoughts from wluyima djazayeri and burke
14:41:13 <wluyima> cpower: good question, i think we need to involve him in the thursday and tuesday calls, also we can invite him to the daily scrums
14:42:30 <cpower> He's been great, I hate for him to get lost in the shuffle
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15:01:45 <GitHub164> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa closed pull request #489: TRUNK-3646:Placed Select/Unselect All checkbox outside the privileges ta... (master...TRUNK-3646)
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15:01:45 <GitHub1> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa pushed 2 new commits to master:
15:01:45 <GitHub1> openmrs-core/master d1e00c9 channab: TRUNK-3646:Placed Select/Unselect All checkbox outside the privileges table
15:01:45 <GitHub1> openmrs-core/master 1617851 dkayiwa: Merge pull request #489 from channab/TRUNK-3646...
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15:10:24 <cpower> Let us celebrate this day with a SCRUM!!!!
15:10:30 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
15:10:30 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
15:10:48 <cpower> Order: wluyima , dkayiwa , rafa , djazayeri
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15:13:11 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [1617851] [dkayiwa] The build passed. -
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15:16:15 <rafa> don't be shy... I'll start ;)
15:16:25 <rafa> Today:
15:16:25 <rafa> * Working on TRUNK-3644
15:16:25 <rafa> Define which resources to load for module based on OpenMRS version
15:16:25 <rafa>
15:16:25 <rafa> (it's going quite well, changes are not big and they should be easy to back port)
15:16:25 <rafa> No blockers.
15:17:36 <dkayiwa> Reviewed and merged: Exclude longitude, latitude, start date and end date fields from address template - TRUNK-4111
15:17:37 <dkayiwa> Reviewed, merged and forward ported: Enhancing SourceMySqldiffFile to be used from command line - TRUNK-4186
15:17:37 <dkayiwa> Reviewed and merged: Add ability to select/unselect all privileges on Role Management page - TRUNK-3646
15:17:37 <dkayiwa> Committed a response to review comments for: The API should assign order numbers to new orders - TRUNK-4163
15:17:38 <dkayiwa> Committed: Setting order numbers in the api needs to be safe in a clustered environment - TRUNK-4183
15:17:38 <dkayiwa> Going to choose a new order entry ticket
15:17:38 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
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15:36:08 <GitHub111> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
15:36:08 <GitHub111> openmrs-core/1.10.x 23cf0e3 k-joseph: TRUNK-4136 Added DrugOrder.route and removed DrugOrder.equivalentDailyDose properties
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15:36:09 <GitHub107> [openmrs-core] wluyima closed pull request #490: [#TRUNK-4136] Add DrugOrder.route and removed DrugOrder.equivalentDailyDose properties (1.10.x...TRUNK-4136)
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15:47:53 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-ONEPOINTTENX-27 has FAILED (1 tests failed) : Updated by Joseph Kaweesi <>
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18:04:45 <mseaton> rafa: would love to stay in the loop with regards to progress on TRUNK-3644 - i see you comments above that it's going well, which is great. would love to hear a summary of where things are headed and/or see any code committed thus far in a branch or fork...
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18:39:13 <cpower> !scrumoff
18:39:13 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
18:39:22 <cpower> ;-)
18:39:40 <cpower> wluyima: do we have agenda topics for Monday?
18:42:00 <wluyima> cpower: none off the top of my head that i can add, lets see by monday morning
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19:26:11 <GitHub24> [openmrs-core] vinkesh closed pull request #488: TRUNK-4167
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19:35:55 <GitHub14> [openmrs-core] vinkesh opened pull request #492: TRUNK-4167
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19:50:03 <GitHub123> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
19:50:03 <GitHub123> openmrs-core/1.10.x e21ab40 Vinkesh Banka: TRUNK-4167
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19:51:06 <GitHub60> [openmrs-core] wluyima closed pull request #492: TRUNK-4167
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20:59:12 <cpower> burke: hi
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21:18:33 <GitHub51> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
21:18:33 <GitHub51> openmrs-core/1.10.x 798b137 wyclif: Applying auto format changes
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