IRC Chat : 2013-12-17 - OpenMRS

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01:46:00 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: SON-RESTWEBSERV-84 has FAILED : Scheduled build <>
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02:12:10 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFMETA-REFMETA-203 has FAILED (2 tests failed) : Dependant of EMRAPI-EMRAPI-343 <>
02:18:10 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: RDD-RDD-247 has FAILED (3 tests failed) : Dependant of EMRAPI-EMRAPI-343 <>
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02:40:35 <GitHub168> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
02:40:35 <GitHub168> openmrs-core/1.10.x 6360b0e wyclif: Cleared all methods from OrderService
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03:14:25 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFMETA-REFMETA-204 has FAILED (2 tests failed) : Dependant of EMRAPI-EMRAPI-344 <>
03:26:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: SON-OPENMRSCOREMASTER-86 has FAILED : Scheduled build <>
03:42:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: HFEUI-HFEUI-243 has FAILED (9 tests failed) : Dependant of APPUI-APPUI-231 <>
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03:50:38 <GitHub97> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
03:50:38 <GitHub97> openmrs-core/1.10.x fc41dd2 k-joseph: [#TRUNK-4130] Add numedRefills and administrationInstructions properties to DrugOrder...
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03:55:41 <GitHub143> [openmrs-core] wluyima closed pull request #465: [#TRUNK-4130] Add numRefills and administrationInstructions properties to DrugOrder class (1.10.x...TRUNK-4130)
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05:08:47 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: SON-EMRAPI-89 has FAILED (1 tests failed) : Scheduled build <>
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08:49:50 <Or> dkayiwa: hey
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08:52:08 <orhemi> rafa: hey rafal
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08:52:55 <GitHub109> [openmrs-core] vinkesh opened pull request #473: TRUNK-4157
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09:54:51 <Mnicho> dkayiwa, how are you ssebo?
09:56:15 <dkayiwa> Mnicho: hi
09:56:57 <Mnicho> dkayiwa, i need some help with the codes for connecting to the database plz
09:57:16 <Mnicho> dkayiwa, I am Nicholas from kcc
09:57:24 <dkayiwa> Mnicho: is that OpenMRS?
10:00:16 <Mnicho> dkayiwa, may be both
10:00:29 <dkayiwa> Mnicho: ok
10:00:35 <Mnicho> dkayiwa, for OPENMRS and the normal ones
10:00:45 <dkayiwa> Mnicho: ok
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10:23:58 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-CORE-1 has FAILED (1 tests failed) : First build for this plan <>
10:34:01 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-CORE-2 has FAILED (10 tests failed) : Manual build by Daniel Kayiwa <>
10:38:02 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-ONEPOINTTENX-1 has FAILED : First build for this plan <>
10:50:04 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-ONEPOINTTENX-2 has FAILED (10 tests failed) : Manual build by Daniel Kayiwa <>
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11:19:54 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
11:19:59 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
11:25:15 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: when i make a first commit in the good way having run mvn clean install, and then i pass some time with out making another commit on the same ticket and then other code is merged that takes up even the files that i am editing in that particular ticket, and then i pull in the main branch, checkout the other branch again and then continue and add another commit, when you are merging the code, do you get any problems, in other wards
11:25:38 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: when do you fail to merge the code into the main branch
11:25:38 <k-joseph> ?
11:25:55 <k-joseph> Mnicho: hi
11:26:03 <Mnicho> k-joseph, hi
11:26:11 <Mnicho> k-joseph, how are you?
11:26:22 <k-joseph> Mnicho: fine, welcome to
11:26:23 <k-joseph> :)
11:26:52 <k-joseph> Mnicho: is it about openmrs?
11:27:05 <Mnicho> yeah
11:27:13 <Mnicho> k-joseph, yeah
11:27:23 <k-joseph> Mnicho: what is it?
11:27:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i just avoid cases that require me to merge because it has been a nasty experience for me
11:27:49 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you pull with -rebase
11:28:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: not really, merging i mean when you are adding code from pull request into openmrs-core master branch forexample!!!
11:29:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: then i think am not understanding what you are asking :)
11:32:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: what am asking is; for you to add code from a pull request into like master branch of openmrs-core, does that code need to be from a branch that is current at the same commits with master, or master can even be many commits ahead of it, with even commits into similar files as that in the pull request
11:34:40 <k-joseph> Mnicho: refer to the online tutorial at
11:35:18 <k-joseph> Mnicho:‎
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11:35:36 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am i still not clear in my question?
11:35:48 <Mnicho> k-joseph, thx bro then i will be getting started
11:36:10 <k-joseph> Mnicho: ok, wishing you all the best
11:36:18 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: when you pull request has lines touched by other commits, you get conflicts on merging
11:36:29 <Mnicho> k-joseph, thx
11:36:46 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: and most times you need to manually resolve these conflicts
11:37:07 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this answer you
11:37:58 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: that is what i wanted, and so, meaning that some times you manually ressolve conflicts as that before you merge the code from pull request into the main branch!!
11:38:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: yes i some times need to manually resolve conflicts before i can push
11:39:24 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so to reduce the likelyhood of that, i pull very often
11:40:01 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: or ensure that a pull request does not take long before it gets merged
11:40:36 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: you said, before you can push!!! meaning it is every dev's task, not neccessarily you who adds the code into the main branch!!!,
11:41:12 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: it is for the dev who merges
11:41:14 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: thanks for that, will pick up your ways of addressing this
11:41:55 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the pull request arthor does not merge
11:42:28 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: but he can help the merger to avoid conflicts by pulling often :)
11:44:14 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think i can better understand this if i make a voice call with you :)
11:44:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: :)
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12:09:54 *** GitHub97 has joined #openmrs
12:09:55 <GitHub97> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
12:09:55 <GitHub97> openmrs-core/1.10.x 62d6759 dkayiwa: Fix failing unit tests on 1.10.x - TRUNK-4182
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12:19:09 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: in the description of TRUNK-4126, we have added some thing like;
12:19:30 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
12:19:31 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-4126
12:19:31 <k-joseph> Set the duration_units for existing drug orders to match the concept mapped to the text drug_order_duration_units
12:19:32 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-4126] Add duration and durationUnits properties to DrugOrder class - OpenMRS JIRA -
12:20:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i request you to explain to me in much simpler terms than the technical language that it appears in the description, what that is
12:21:07 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: on the contrary, i would rather you go for tickets that you understand
12:21:25 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: then come back to these after all that you understand are taken or finished
12:21:30 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what do you think? :)
12:21:45 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: this part was added after i had picked up the ticket
12:21:55 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think that works well
12:22:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: oh i see. now that makes sense for you to ask
12:22:05 <dkayiwa> :)
12:23:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i have already addressed the other parts of the ticket exept that one
12:23:29 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
12:23:45 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you have a concept named something like? drug_order_duration_units
12:24:49 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: that is a foreignkeyconstraint
12:25:14 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what does it point to?
12:25:50 <k-joseph> called drug_order_duration_units_fk, it points to Concept.conceptId
12:30:47 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: may be an example that addresses something as this would help me get it as well
12:30:52 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: that means for all existing records that have a value for duration_units, set it to that conceptid
12:31:02 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this make sense?
12:32:29 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: that makes sence, so then is this done within java/service layer?
12:33:14 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i think liquibase sql changeset
12:34:18 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: something like: update table set duration_units = conceptid where duration_units = ???
12:34:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: but am not very sure that is what Wyclif expects. so you may ask on the ticket :)
12:35:10 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok, thanks a lot please for your support
13:33:10 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
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13:35:11 <k-joseph> harshadura: hi
13:52:30 <harshadura> hi k-joseph :)
13:52:51 <harshadura> k-joseph: sorry for the delay ..
13:54:01 <k-joseph> harshadura: fine. just wanted to say hi to you bro, long since i had said hi to you:)
13:54:36 <harshadura> k-joseph: hey xD thank you bro
14:24:38 <dkayiwa> harshadura: what is bro in full? :)
14:25:35 <harshadura> dkayiwa: brother xD
14:25:54 <dkayiwa> harshadura: oh, i did not know that you and k-joseph are related :)
14:26:34 <dkayiwa> harshadura: who is older? :)
14:26:42 <harshadura> dkayiwa: xD
14:27:18 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i was born in 1990 k-joseph is 1992 or 1993 as i remember xD
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14:28:50 <harshadura> dkayiwa: which yr u born ? :D
14:29:27 <dkayiwa> harshadura: 1979 :)
14:29:39 <harshadura> dkayiwa :)
14:30:04 <dkayiwa> harshadura: am sure you were born 20 years later :)
14:30:47 <harshadura> dkayiwa: not 20, its only 11 :D
14:31:00 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :)
14:33:21 *** GitHub95 has joined #openmrs
14:33:22 <GitHub95> [openmrs-core] rkorytkowski opened pull request #474: TRUNK-4129 Modify datatype of drug_order.quantity column and add quantity_units column to drug_order (1.10.x...TRUNK-4129)
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14:37:34 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: do i need to add changesets for a newly to be created table in both liquibase-schema-only.xml and liquibase-update-to-latest.xml or in one of them, how diverse are these files one from the other!!!,
14:42:03 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: good day sir
14:42:10 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: can we chat briefly about xforms?
14:42:20 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: good day SIR :)
14:42:32 <jkeiper> hahaha
14:42:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: just put in one of them
14:42:46 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: update-to-latest
14:42:50 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: ok
14:43:13 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: i need to enhance the relationship widget in xforms
14:43:42 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: specifically, i need to allow people to enter data that includes address, phone numbers, nicknames, etc ... indeed, most of what you find in
14:44:03 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: for Form Entry Module, I would do this via XSLT and the ORU^R01 processir
14:44:14 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: but I understand that XForms does things ... differently.
14:44:49 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: this has everything to do with what akwatuha__ has been working on
14:45:09 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: since we are on 1.8.2 and do not plan to upgrade anytime soon, akwatuha__'s work may not be useful at this time
14:45:30 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: so we want to update the relationship widget to further define the relative
14:45:33 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: does this make sense?
14:45:55 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: ok
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14:54:26 <jkeiper> dkayiwa: haha, so my question is: where would this be done in xforms? is there a relationship processor or do you rely on XSLT for that?
14:58:45 * cpower what would l like for christmas? Great question! A midi song that plays an old 70's TV game show song that plays when I use the !scrum on command
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14:59:41 <cpower> On that note...
15:00:03 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
15:00:03 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
15:00:25 <cpower> Order: rafa , wluyima
15:00:42 <rafa> Today:
15:00:42 <rafa> * Sent initial PR for TRUNK-4129
15:00:42 <rafa> * Working on a migration changeset for TRUNK-4129
15:00:42 <rafa> No blockers.
15:01:56 <cpower> wluyima: you are up
15:02:53 <wluyima> yeah
15:03:03 <wluyima> Monday:
15:03:04 <wluyima> - Core reviews and merging code
15:03:05 <wluyima> - design call
15:03:07 <wluyima> - Comitted code for clearing OrderService and creating follow tickets to fix affected code in other classes
15:03:08 <wluyima> Tuesday
15:03:09 <wluyima> - More code reviews and merging code
15:03:10 <wluyima>
15:03:11 <wluyima> Blockers: None
15:03:26 <cpower> !scrumoff
15:03:27 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
15:05:04 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REPUI-REPUI-320 has FAILED (1 tests failed) : Dependant of REP-REP-139 <>
15:07:25 <wluyima> hi rafa
15:07:48 <wluyima> i have added something to the description of TRUNK-4129
15:07:56 <wluyima> rafa: i have added something to the description of TRUNK-4129
15:08:07 <wluyima> rafa: ?
15:09:22 <rafa> wluyima: hey
15:09:27 <rafa> wluyima: I'll have a look
15:10:13 <rafa> wluyima: yes, I talked about that with Darius yesterday
15:10:41 <rafa> wluyima: the idea is that there will be a module (created in a different ticket) which will set a global property with mappings
15:11:37 <rafa> wluyima: as part of TRUNK-4129 I just need to read that gp and move from units to quantityUnits
15:13:10 <wluyima> rafa: correct, so since existing values were just numbers, it means they were all of the same units meaning there will be one mapping for quantity_units
15:14:17 <rafa> wluyima: what do you mean by existing values?
15:15:46 <wluyima> rafa: because on upgrade, they will rows with values in that quantity column, but in the old way one never specified what the units, so the assumption is that all the values are of the same units, so only one concept is needed at upgrade for quantity_units
15:18:43 <wluyima> rafa: unlike for dose where one was able to specify doseUnits for each drug order(row), so there will be multiple doseUnits texts that need to be mapped individually to separate concepts but this is not the case for quantity units, makes sense ?
15:29:47 <rafa> wluyima: we had the units column which was free text before
15:30:10 <rafa> wluyima: I would think it applied to quantity
15:32:00 <rafa> wluyima: are you saying the units column applied to dose?
15:35:55 <wluyima> rafa: in 1.9.x there is quantity units column equivalenty
15:36:07 <wluyima> rafa: in 1.9.x there is quantity units column equivalent
15:37:01 <wluyima> rafa: that units you see in DrugOrder is actually supposed to be doeUnits, see
15:37:25 <rafa> wluyima: ok
15:37:59 <rafa> wluyima: if units supposed to be doseUnits then it's clear
15:47:16 <wluyima> rafa: cool
15:47:55 <wluyima> rafa: i meant earlier to say there is no quantity units in 1.9.x
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15:58:11 <GitHub149> [openmrs-core] k-joseph opened pull request #475: [#TRUNK-4159] Add OrderFrequency to the data model (1.10.x...TRUNK-4159)
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16:40:51 <GitHub64> [openmrs-core] gitahi86 opened pull request #476: TRUNK-4143 Support for mapping drugs to other terminologies (1.10.x...1.10.x)
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19:05:18 <k-joseph> wluyima: hi
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19:27:46 <dkayiwa> wluyima: hi
19:44:27 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: hi
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19:56:07 <GitHub59> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
19:56:07 <GitHub59> openmrs-core/1.10.x 39be2c3 wyclif: Revert "Fix failing unit tests on 1.10.x - TRUNK-4182"...
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20:06:18 <wluyima> hi dkayiwa
20:06:25 <dkayiwa> wluyima: hi
20:06:40 <wluyima> dkayiwa: when you create new tickets, i would say wait to work on them
20:06:47 <dkayiwa> wluyima: ok
20:10:00 <dkayiwa> wluyima: since the test will pass when the API is done, how are we going to know when any of our commits breaks the build?
20:10:26 <dkayiwa> wluyima: i mean during the course of the sprint when we are working on other tickets?
20:10:31 <djazayeri> wluyima: we don't want to have the tests in a consistently red state
20:10:58 <djazayeri> at the same time, dkayiwa, just commenting out tests isn't right. We either need to remove them (if no longer relevant) or fix them. :-)
20:11:35 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: looks like fixing them is going to be the work for the sprint
20:11:39 <dkayiwa> :0
20:11:41 <dkayiwa> :)
20:12:14 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: I didn't look too closely at what broke.
20:12:18 <djazayeri> :-)
20:12:31 <wluyima> dkayiwa: djazayeri dkayiwa what am working on is to adding @ignore to failing tests while creating follow up tickets to fix them and any broken code referencing removed service methods
20:12:46 <wluyima> djazayeri: dkayiwa can we do a quick hangout on this?
20:12:52 <djazayeri> sure
20:13:26 <wluyima> djazayeri: dkayiwa
20:13:28 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:13:49 <dkayiwa> wluyima: i think adding @Ignore is fine. All i wanted is a way of having something that fails when any of our commits breaks something :)
20:13:53 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: HFEUI-HFEUI-245 has FAILED (9 tests failed) : Dependant of APPUI-APPUI-233 <>
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20:28:17 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-ONEPOINTTENX-4 has FAILED (10 tests failed) : Updated by Wyclif Luyima <>
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22:28:50 <GitHub181> [openmrs-core] wluyima pushed 1 new commit to 1.10.x:
22:28:50 <GitHub181> openmrs-core/1.10.x ac741be wyclif: Set the length for administrationInstructions to 65535 in the hbm file - TRUNK-4126
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22:44:50 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: TRUNK-ONEPOINTTENX-5 has FAILED (10 tests failed) : Updated by Wyclif Luyima <>
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23:34:14 <wluyima> hi djazayeri
23:34:36 <djazayeri> hi wluyima
23:34:49 <wluyima> djazayeri do you happen to know why i don't see the record button in connect?
23:35:20 <djazayeri> wluyima: are you logged in as admin?
23:35:29 <djazayeri> wluyima: which connect room?
23:35:54 <wluyima> university, am logged in with my UI credentials
23:36:15 <wluyima> djazayeri: is there a single admin account that is shared?
23:36:22 <djazayeri> wluyima: no, should be your own
23:36:31 <djazayeri> wluyima: I'm trying to log in now
23:36:53 <wluyima> djazayeri: well that is what i was saying earlier, i have insufficient privileges to record a meeting
23:36:56 <djazayeri> wluyima: it's under Meeting. I see it.
23:37:01 <djazayeri> wluyima: hmm, okay
23:37:26 <djazayeri> wluyima: I just promoted you to host, try again
23:37:27 <wluyima> djazayeri: djazayeri do you privileges to make me admin too
23:37:59 <wluyima> djazayeri: cool, now i can, thanks
23:38:32 <djazayeri> wluyima: so just don't log out for the next couple hours. :-)
23:38:46 <wluyima> djazayeri: why not?
23:38:58 <wluyima> djazayeri: will lose the privileges?
23:39:22 <wluyima> djazayeri: didn't know it was temporary, will ask ryan or michael to elevate them
23:39:35 <djazayeri> wluyima: I assume it's temporary. you can log out and in again and see
23:40:43 <wluyima> djazayeri: ok
23:42:00 <wluyima> djazayeri: yeah i lost the privs when i logged out
23:42:22 <djazayeri> wluyima: okay, I promoted you again
23:42:35 <djazayeri> wluyima: I can be around near when the call starts, but will have to leave soon after
23:43:13 <wluyima> djazayeri: ok thanks, i will also not log out