IRC Chat : 2013-12-15 - OpenMRS

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12:11:36 <Sumith> i got some errors with jetty:run any help to solve this
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13:05:17 <ayuk> need help with accessing tomcat6 web manager error:The requested resource (/manager/html) is not available.
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17:10:23 <Ch3ck> trying to create my own space on the openMRS site and there is this error "you are not permitted to perform this operation" Is this correct or am I doing some thing wrong?
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17:14:12 <Sumith> i got OutOfMemoryError with system i change the catalina.bat file to fix error but still error exist any help for solve this?
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17:38:39 <sacheth> hello
17:38:48 <sacheth> when i start tomcat and openmrs its working fine, however when i am starting tomcat from eclipse I am facing errors
17:39:02 <sacheth> can some one help me out?
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18:38:05 <sacheth> when i start tomcat and openmrs its working fine, however when i am starting tomcat from eclipse I am facing errors
18:38:13 <sacheth> can some one help me out?
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20:13:47 <tal> dkayiwa: Hi Daniel are you here?
20:13:54 <dkayiwa> tal: hi
20:15:00 <tal> dkayiwa: i have 2 questions for you, do you have 15 mins right now?
20:15:11 <dkayiwa> tal: ok
20:15:39 <tal> dkayiwa: first of all, Im working on this ticket
20:15:41 <tal> dkayiwa:
20:16:09 <dkayiwa> tal: can i get back to you in a few minutes? am pushing a visitor back home :)
20:16:23 <tal> dkayiwa: sure :)
20:36:45 <dkayiwa> tal: ok am back
20:37:09 <tal> dkayiwa: great
20:37:26 <tal> dkayiwa: so Im working on this ticket
20:38:16 <tal> dkayiwa: and i need to add "add appointment" to the general actions section on patient chart
20:39:18 <tal> dkayiwa: can you help me with that?
20:40:42 <tal> dkayiwa: daniel?
20:40:58 <dkayiwa> tal: and what is the second one?
20:41:40 <tal> dkayiwa: some error i have when creating a new controller, the first one is the more important issue
20:42:27 <dkayiwa> tal: ok
20:43:23 <tal> dkayiwa: so, what's extensionPointId i need to do it? i cant find it on the docs
20:43:36 <dkayiwa> tal: let me check
20:44:49 <tal> dkayiwa: is there any existing plugin that adding link to the general actions section?
20:45:58 <dkayiwa> tal: checking...
20:47:48 <dkayiwa> tal: extension is: patientDashboard.overallActions
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20:51:02 <dkayiwa> tal: and example to look at is in coreapps: overallActions_extension.json
20:51:03 <tal> dkayiwa: Daniel?
20:51:11 <dkayiwa> tal: extension is: patientDashboard.overallActions
20:51:26 <tal> dkayiwa: Thanks Im trying!
20:51:49 <tal> dkayiwa: do they have a controller or just a json file?
20:52:11 <dkayiwa> tal: for just adding a link, all you need is a json file
20:52:32 <dkayiwa> tal: but you will need a controller to handle what happens when the link in clicked
20:52:57 <tal> dkayiwa: yes but i need to add the user id as a get varibale
20:53:23 <dkayiwa> tal: are you able to simply display the link?
20:53:47 <tal> dkayiwa: not yet, trying..
20:54:07 <dkayiwa> tal: start simple before you complicate things for yourself :)
20:54:20 <tal> dkayiwa: ok
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21:01:52 <tal> dkayiwa: so i start with that
21:01:56 <tal> dkayiwa:
21:02:02 <dkayiwa> tal: good
21:02:23 <tal> dkayiwa: trying to mvn clean install
21:02:35 <dkayiwa> tal: ok
21:06:30 <tal> dkayiwa: Daniel, there is no change in the patient page =q
21:06:35 <tal> dkayiwa: =/
21:07:09 <dkayiwa> tal: where did you put that?
21:07:35 <tal> dkayiwa: under my apps folder
21:07:45 <dkayiwa> tal: in what file
21:08:52 <tal> dkayiwa: you can see it here
21:08:54 <tal> dkayiwa:
21:09:12 <tal> dkayiwa: sched / omod / src / main / resources / apps / addVisit_app
21:15:24 <dkayiwa> tal: does it work if you put it in overallActions_extension.json?
21:16:18 <tal> dkayiwa: Im running standalone version, how can i change overallActions_extension.json?
21:16:45 <dkayiwa> tal: by changing it in coreapps module
21:17:32 <tal> dkayiwa: I mean - how can i get to the coreapps module in the standalone version?
21:17:56 <tal> dkayiwa: it's there as omode file..
21:17:58 <dkayiwa> tal: do you know how to install a module?
21:18:20 <tal> dkayiwa: yes, i need to update the module?
21:18:43 <dkayiwa> tal: just to see if it works
21:18:55 <tal> dkayiwa: ok sec
21:24:55 <tal> dkayiwa: i can't compile coreapps module =/
21:24:56 <tal> dkayiwa:
21:25:37 <dkayiwa> tal: delete and clone it again
21:25:47 <tal> dkayiwa: ok
21:27:55 <tal> dkayiwa: again :
21:28:14 <tal> dkayiwa: can you try it in the coreapps module?
21:28:19 <dkayiwa> tal: how are you compiling?
21:28:34 <tal> dkayiwa: mvn clean install
21:28:42 <dkayiwa> tal: from command line?
21:28:48 <tal> dkayiwa: yes
21:30:21 <dkayiwa> tal: can you delete /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/api/openmrs-api/1.9.4
21:32:13 <tal> dkayiwa: yes
21:32:18 <tal> dkayiwa: now clean install again?
21:32:28 <dkayiwa> tal: yes
21:32:51 <tal> dkayiwa: ok it's downloading some files right now, sec :)
21:33:16 <tal> dkayiwa: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project coreapps-api: Compilation failure [ERROR] error: error reading /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/liquibase/liquibase-core/2.0.5/liquibase-core-2.0.5.jar; cannot read zip file [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
21:33:47 <dkayiwa> tal: delete /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/liquibase/liquibase-core/2.0.5
21:34:50 <tal> dkayiwa: deleted it now clean instal again :)
21:35:10 <tal> dkayiwa: :(
21:35:13 <tal> dkayiwa: now :
21:35:15 <tal> dkayiwa: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project coreapps-api: Compilation failure [ERROR] error: error reading /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/web/openmrs-web/1.9.4/openmrs-web-1.9.4.jar; cannot read zip file [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
21:35:33 <dkayiwa> tal: do the same thing
21:36:12 <tal> dkayiwa: maybe i will format my computer :D
21:36:29 <dkayiwa> tal: :)
21:36:38 <tal> dkayiwa: delete 1.9.4/?
21:37:46 <tal> dkayiwa: still have the same error
21:37:48 <tal> dkayiwa: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project coreapps-api: Compilation failure [ERROR] error: error reading /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/web/openmrs-web/1.9.4/openmrs-web-1.9.4.jar; cannot read zip file [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
21:39:09 <dkayiwa> tal: what did you do?
21:39:24 <tal> dkayiwa: delete 1.9.4 folder
21:39:31 <tal> dkayiwa: and liquidbase folder
21:39:45 <dkayiwa> tal: i want full folder name
21:40:06 <tal> dkayiwa: /Users/tallevi/.m2/repository/org/openmrs/web/openmrs-web/1.9.4
21:40:26 <dkayiwa> tal: delete the whole .m2 folder and do compile again
21:41:26 <tal> dkayiwa: it's not a system folder? are you sure i can delete it?
21:41:42 <dkayiwa> tal: just its contents
21:42:19 <tal> dkayiwa: it's content is related ONLY to OpenMRS?
21:42:40 <dkayiwa> tal: everythibg
21:42:55 <tal> dkayiwa: ok
21:43:49 <tal> dkayiwa: ok i deleted all the content
21:43:53 <tal> dkayiwa: cd .m2/ h-MacBook-Pro-sl-tl:.m2 tallevi$ ls h-MacBook-Pro-sl-tl:.m2 tallevi$
21:44:10 <tal> dkayiwa: validated its empty
21:45:18 <tal> dkayiwa: now mvn clean install?
21:49:55 <tal> dkayiwa: Daniel :)?
21:59:37 <tal> dkayiwa: are you still here?
22:04:06 <dkayiwa> tal: hi
22:04:55 <tal> dkayiwa: after i removed the m2 folder
22:05:10 <tal> dkayiwa: build succeed =]
22:06:08 <tal> dkayiwa: but in the admin panel i have
22:06:09 <tal> dkayiwa: There was an error starting the module: Core Apps Module ('Reading' this alert 'reads' it for all recipients)
22:07:18 <tal> dkayiwa: Error while trying to start module Not all required modules are started: org.openmrs.module.emrapi 1.1-SNAPSHOT. Module: Core Apps Module ** org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal( ** org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
22:07:37 <tal> dkayiwa: what i need to do =/ ? now all the coreapps not working
22:09:31 <tal> dkayiwa: Daniel?
22:11:16 <dkayiwa> tal: hi
22:11:44 <dkayiwa> tal: pastebin the log
22:11:59 <tal> dkayiwa: that the log
22:12:07 <tal> dkayiwa: Error while trying to start module Not all required modules are started: org.openmrs.module.emrapi 1.1-SNAPSHOT. Module: Core Apps Module ** org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal( ** org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
22:12:26 <tal> dkayiwa:
22:13:34 <dkayiwa> tal: that does not have enough for me to tell the cause
22:14:14 <tal> dkayiwa: so what i need to do right now? the coreapps not working right now, how can i revert to the previous state?
22:14:59 <dkayiwa> tal: you need to tell why its not working
22:15:20 <tal> dkayiwa: how can i tell you?
22:15:43 <dkayiwa> tal: logs
22:15:54 <tal> dkayiwa: where can i find these logs?
22:16:05 <dkayiwa> tal: logs folder
22:17:08 <tal> dkayiwa: where its located?
22:18:00 <dkayiwa> tal: under tomcat
22:19:17 <tal> dkayiwa:
22:20:42 <dkayiwa> tal: which other modules are not started?
22:21:01 <tal> dkayiwa: only the coreapps
22:21:18 <dkayiwa> tal: where do you see that
22:21:34 <tal> dkayiwa: in the admin panel
22:21:46 <dkayiwa> tal: what url
22:21:55 <tal> dkayiwa: its written Core Apps Module [Not Started]
22:22:41 <tal> dkayiwa: in http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/admin/modules/module.list
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22:24:09 <dkayiwa> tal: are you sure thats the only module which is not started?
22:24:23 <tal> dkayiwa: yes
22:24:35 <dkayiwa> tal: is EMR API running?
22:24:46 <tal> dkayiwa: yes
22:25:24 <dkayiwa> tal: can u show me a screenshot of that page?
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22:26:38 <tal> dkayiwa:
22:28:02 <dkayiwa> tal: delete the logs folder. then try start the coreapps module from that page. after it fails, pastebin the log again
22:29:23 <tal> dkayiwa: only this
22:29:24 <tal> dkayiwa: WARN - ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(637) |2013-12-16 00:28:33,789| Error while trying to start module: coreapps org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Not all required modules are started: org.openmrs.module.emrapi 1.1-SNAPSHOT. Module: Core Apps Module at org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal( at org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$ INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(117) |20
22:30:13 <dkayiwa> tal: which file name do you get that from
22:30:32 <tal> dkayiwa: 2013-12-16.log
22:31:31 <tal> dkayiwa: you want to try it yourself with teamviewer?
22:31:39 <dkayiwa> tal: no
22:32:29 <tal> dkayiwa: Daniel, how can i delete the module and go back the the standalone version working?
22:32:35 <dkayiwa> tal: do you have the distro module
22:33:18 <tal> dkayiwa: i think not
22:33:27 <dkayiwa> tal: clone it
22:33:58 <tal> dkayiwa: but before you told me to clone coreapps and install it everything was ok
22:35:07 <tal> dkayiwa: can you tell me how to go back to the previous version?
22:35:22 <dkayiwa> tal: i do not know
22:36:31 <tal> dkayiwa: ok, i will try to remove the standalone version and install it again
22:36:45 <tal> dkayiwa: Thanks anyway
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