IRC Chat : 2013-09-26 - OpenMRS

00:07:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: HTML Form Entry 2.2 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <> || OpenMRS Modules: HTML Form Entry Extensions for OpenMRS 1.9 Module 1.4 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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01:27:32 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: yt? I have some time this evening... I'll review the wiki docs, but also thinking about more UI tests...
01:28:09 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: but just noticed that devtest01/02 home page has just Find Patient and Active Visits, nothing else. what happened?
01:28:19 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: as what user?
01:28:39 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: as "doctor" this is actually expected.
01:28:43 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri:, tried clerk and doctor. we put in proper controls, eh? nice.
01:28:51 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: yes, it's intentional.
01:29:14 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: what about Enter Vitals? doesn't a dr have permission for that?
01:29:41 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: they do, but they wouldn't do it via the standalone Capture Vitals app, which is intended for a triage nurse
01:29:54 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: hopefully they can capture vitals on the patient dashboard. If they can't, that's a mistake.
01:29:57 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: looks like Vitals are gone even for admin
01:30:28 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I see capture Vitals for the admin user on devtest02
01:30:34 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ok, so I should maybe write some check-permissions tests. login as different users and verify what's there
01:30:43 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: that makes sense, yes.
01:30:45 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: oh right. duh. sorry. long day..
01:31:07 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: is there a list of users/permissions and apps somewhere?
01:31:14 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: the highest priority ticket that you could actually work on is RA-218 (Generate RefApp demo data)
01:31:26 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: it might take a bit longer though, over the course of a few days.
01:31:32 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ah. hm. ok. right..
01:31:41 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: if I do start on that, where does it go?
01:31:51 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: which module/project?
01:31:56 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: the list of privilegse and roles we want ot set up are RA-182
01:32:21 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: RA-218 would be in the referencedemodata (your favorite)
01:33:22 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: the idea is that in the module's activator class (don't know the name offhand) you should check the value of a global property, and if it indicates demo patients should be created, do some hacky code to create them.
01:33:32 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: and then clear the global property after saving the patients.
01:33:51 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ok. does such a global property already exist?
01:34:06 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: have you seen ?
01:34:09 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I don't think so, I think you'd need to create that in the module's config.xml
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01:34:55 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: at the end of that module is a nested class called PatientInfo and a generateRandomPatient method
01:35:21 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I expect that you could basically copy that code over, with some additions.
01:35:48 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: it (cleverly?) uses the last N digits of the current time in millis to append to the names, address, etc.
01:35:56 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: this is intended as code that will last us ~6 months or so and then get thrown away.
01:36:11 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: so it doesn't have to be pretty at all.
01:36:22 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: so patient names like User539849 is ok
01:36:43 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I'd probably have an array of first and last names, and randomly pick a combo. It's okay to have multiple patients with the same name, as that does happen in real life.
01:36:53 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: gotta run for a bit
01:36:54 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: with matching Address1539849
01:37:08 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: k. I'll investigate..
01:37:46 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: thanks, that's awesome. I've been wondering how we're going to get to that ticket, as wyclif, daniel, and rafal are going to be busy down to the wire with documentation and bugfixing...
01:38:03 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: take a look, let me know if it's feasible
01:38:24 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: to deliver by the end of this iteration, e.g. next Tuesday.
01:38:31 <djazayeri> brb
01:51:39 <djazayeri> back
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01:54:14 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: just trying to update sources and get clean builds...
02:12:25 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project referencedemodata-api: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openmrs.module:referencedemodata-api:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.openmrs.module:providermanagement-api:jar:2.1-SNAPSHOT
02:13:16 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: is that due to modules being released recently? and if so, why doesn't the bamboo build fail?
02:14:07 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: yes, it's because 2.1 of that module has been released, and we should be just doing 2.1
02:15:17 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: where do I find that on github. looking at the providermanagement repo and I don't see anything about 2.1 release
02:15:33 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I thought I just looked at and found it
02:15:36 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: did I misread?
02:16:16 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: though actually on I only see version 2.0
02:16:16 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: I'm looking at github, not maven repo. I guess there's no "evidence" of a release on github?
02:17:49 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: you're right. That's odd
02:18:39 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: no, wait, you're wrong
02:18:57 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: the top two commits from Aug 26 release 2.1 and prepare for 2.2-SNAPHOT
02:19:02 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: 2.1 and 2.2-SNAPSHOT are out there, but not 2.1-SNAPSHOT. (now looking at maven repo)
02:19:18 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: AUGUST 26?
02:19:35 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: that was a month ago. why is this just now a problem?
02:19:42 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I don't know the answer to that.
02:20:32 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: well, I do. Our bamboo server's local maven repo actually seems to hold onto the last SNAPSHOT of old releases
02:20:33 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: sigh. this is the kind of thing Kent is talking about..
02:20:40 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I don't know why that happens.
02:21:21 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: that's why bamboo doesn't catch it...
02:21:26 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ah.
02:21:45 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: seems like a bug. sortof.
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02:22:29 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: seems to be a common problem we keep running into, here an on Mirebalais work. I wonder if there's some maven config setting that will cause snapshots to get deleted when a release happens, and we can set this on bamboo so we get the errors earlier
02:23:10 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: must be. it seems like we don't quite have maven setup just right.
02:24:06 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: and Kent's suggestion to mash everything into one git repo will (possibly) just mask the fact that maven-dependencies is the real cause of these problems. ?
02:25:13 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: in any case, I changed that dependency to 2.1 and refdemodata builds now
02:25:27 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: great, can you commit and push that please?
02:27:08 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: done
02:30:10 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: just noticed that referencemetadata is using version 1.1.3 of providermanagement. shrug.
02:30:30 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: interesting…look the other way and keep walking...
02:30:59 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ...
02:31:58 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: (I mean, if you really care, upgrade that dependency to 2.1 also. But it seems to not be breaking anything to have it the way it is.)
02:32:14 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: but can we at least put "figure out maven dependencies once and for all, for the ref app" on the TODO list?
02:34:14 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: yes, that would be good. Create a ticket for that.
02:34:28 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: won't happen before the kenya meeting and the 2.0 release though. :-)
02:34:47 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: obviously
02:41:11 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: would it be easy to setup a way to test this create-fake-patient ? e.g. an entry on the admin page?
02:41:48 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: it would be okay to also add an entry on the admin page that lets you create N fake patients
02:42:09 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: I would suggest that to write the code you actually test it via a BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest
02:43:09 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ah. right. an actual unit test. thanks. much easier.
02:43:12 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: and do this in the IDE and/or command line, rather than by loading it into the webapp
02:43:24 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: right
02:43:37 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: there's already some unit tests in there
02:43:40 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: it might still be a slow unit test because it may have to load up MDS packages before being able to actually run
02:43:51 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: that's ok
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02:57:53 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher1: off for the night.
03:00:28 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: ok, I'm making a little progress. being able to test it with an ordinary ut helps hugely.
03:00:51 <LeeBreisacher1> djazayeri: and I should have some time this weekend
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07:39:08 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: App Framework Module 2.0 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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09:15:29 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: SON-REFAPP-7 has FAILED : Scheduled build <>
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09:17:27 <mareias> rafa: are you there?
09:22:51 <mareias> dkayiwa: are you there?
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09:33:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: SON-REGISCORE-4 has FAILED : Scheduled build <>
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09:53:23 <mareias> anyone knows if I can use liquibase to run script files from a module?
09:53:33 <mareias> like this
09:57:11 <harsz89> hi mareias
09:57:24 <harsz89> mareias, wht kind of script you need to run?
10:09:23 <mareias> harsz89: we have a bunch of sql scripts file and i need to move to a module
10:09:43 <mareias> harsz89: the default approach would be create a bunch of XML files with those changes
10:10:13 <mareias> harsz89: however, that would be a pain. If we could create this example in the link inside the module, that would be great
10:10:21 <mareias> harsz89: i don't know if it is possible though
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10:22:03 <harsz89> mareias, i not sure about exactly
10:22:15 <harsz89> mareias, you can simply drop a mail to dev list
10:22:36 <harsz89>
10:22:45 <mareias> harsz89: will do. thanks
10:25:18 <dkayiwa> mareias: sorry i had stepped out
10:26:16 <mareias> dkayiwa: no problem. were you able to see my last messages?
10:27:44 <dkayiwa> mareias: checking...
10:29:01 <dkayiwa> mareias: yes liquibase can run an sql script
10:29:41 <mareias> dkayiwa: that's great. Do I need to put my sql files in the same folder as the liquibase.xml?
10:30:39 <dkayiwa> mareias: yes you can if you want. but generally i think it can see it anywhere in module resources or classpath
10:32:33 <mareias> dkayiwa: thanks dude!
10:33:55 <harsz89> mareias, this may be helpful
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12:44:05 <mareias> dkayiwa: still there? i added a sql file with the headers "--liquibase formatted sql
12:44:05 <mareias> --changeset mario-areias:bahmniregistration-2013-09-26-16:37 "
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12:44:28 <mareias> dkayiwa: but it does not work. Do I need to update any config file to make it work?
12:48:35 <dkayiwa> mareias: can i look at your changeset? any errors in the logs?
12:49:25 <mareias> dkayiwa:
12:49:31 <mareias> dkayiwa: no errors
12:49:49 <mareias> dkayiwa: i think it is missing some configuration
12:50:36 <dkayiwa> mareias: are you putting in a module's liquibase.xml file?
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13:00:12 <mareias> dkayiwa: no, that was my questions. If i could like this
13:00:46 <mareias> could do*
13:00:54 <mareias> dkayiwa:
13:01:56 <dkayiwa> mareias: can you give me some background about what you are doing? are you trying to do an openmrs module?
13:02:07 <mareias> dkayiwa: yes
13:02:15 <mareias> dkayiwa: and I need to add some legacy sql scripts
13:02:32 <mareias> dkayiwa: everything is working fine, but the sql scritps
13:04:03 <dkayiwa> mareias: did you consider calling the script from your module's liquibase.xml file?
13:04:19 <mareias> dkayiwa: is that possible?
13:05:21 <dkayiwa> mareias: yes
13:05:27 <dkayiwa> mareias: see how we do it here:
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13:05:45 <dkayiwa> mareias: the very first changeset in that file
13:06:19 <mareias> dkayiwa: ooooh
13:06:24 <mareias> dkayiwa: if i use this <customChange class="org.openmrs.util.databasechange.SourceMySqldiffFile">
13:06:24 <mareias> <param name="sqlFile">update-to-</param>
13:06:25 <mareias> </customChange>
13:06:31 <dkayiwa> mareias: so do the same in your module's liquibase.xml file
13:06:33 <mareias> dkayiwa: it should be fine then
13:06:37 <dkayiwa> mareias: yes
13:06:39 <mareias> dkayiwa: thanks dude!
13:08:38 <dkayiwa> mareias: another option is to use the sql tag
13:08:55 <dkayiwa> mareias: as for this changeset: <changeSet id="20110825-1000-creating-providers-for-persons-from-encounter" author="raff" dbms="mysql">
13:09:02 <dkayiwa> mareias: in the same file above
13:09:43 <mareias> dkayiwa: ok
13:11:27 <mareias> dkayiwa: for me, the first option is better :)
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13:11:50 <dkayiwa> mareias: :)
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13:18:56 <wyclif_> hi dkayiwa
13:19:02 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: hi
13:19:59 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: did you update the mvp sql file to include the lates concepts and mappings darius asked andy to add for the RA
13:20:47 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: i do not know. all i know is that i got that file from Andy (Just cant tell if he had added those guys :)
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13:25:19 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: so you added a new file from andy?
13:25:53 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: yes
13:26:28 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: ok, and i thought for RA-221, it says the standalone should ask a user to choose between only 2 options
13:26:34 <wyclif_> but i still 3
13:26:37 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: i got it on september 18
13:26:59 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: are you using the branch i put on the ticket?
13:28:51 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: sorry my mistake
13:29:01 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: i knew :)
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13:35:30 <djazayeri> wyclif_, rafa: standup
13:44:12 <rafa> djazayeri: what is the link?
13:44:28 <LeeBreisacher>
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13:49:30 <rafa> LeeBreisacher: thanks :)
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13:59:31 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: when i tried the demo mode, there are no modules
13:59:49 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: the contents of the module folder are some strange fils
14:02:19 <wyclif_> djazayeri: on dev call
14:04:37 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: KenyaCore 0.13.1 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
14:05:19 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: what parameters did you use?
14:07:06 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: mvn clean package -Dopenmrs.version=1.9.4
14:07:56 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: can you use the same pattern as the one i gave on the ticket?
14:10:39 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: what do you mean by pattern
14:11:05 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: point to the very folder where your modules are output by the distro
14:11:26 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: meaning that the folder you specify, if you look into it, you should see the modules to be copied
14:11:42 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: oh i see what you mean
14:13:26 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: i think users should be able to just specify the folder and append the target/distro for them because it is always the same for all
14:13:30 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: ok thanks
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14:14:25 <djazayeri> wyclif_, dkayiwa: I disagree with magically adding the target/distro.
14:14:35 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: djazayeri me too :)
14:14:46 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: djazayeri makes it less flexible
14:15:02 <djazayeri> wyclif_, dkayiwa: we should be able to take advantage of this feature to not _only_ support pointing to something just-built-from-maven, but also to something downloaded, something assembled manually, etc.
14:15:03 <wyclif_> djazayeri: dkayiwa how?
14:15:21 <wyclif_> djazayeri: ok
14:15:26 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: ok
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14:36:29 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: which modules have updated recently
14:36:57 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: me in particular? or anyone else?
14:37:02 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: KenyaCore 0.13.2 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
14:37:04 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: you
14:37:18 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: registrationapp and refenceapp
14:45:49 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: ok thanks
14:46:17 <wyclif_> djazayeri: which version of uiframework module will we be using
14:46:25 <wyclif_> djazayeri: latest or 3.0?
14:47:01 <djazayeri> wyclif_: I need to release 3.1, and we'll use that
14:47:26 <wyclif_> djazayeri: ok thanks
14:47:33 <djazayeri> wyclif_: underlying modules may not specifically require 3.1, and probably can live with 3.0. I forget
14:47:47 <wyclif_> djazayeri: i will updating modules that are referencing 3.0-SNAPSHOT to 3.1-SNAOSHOT
14:48:51 <wyclif_> djazayeri: so modules currently referencing 3.0-SNAPSHOT should be switched to 3.0
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15:17:34 <djazayeri> wyclif_: I'm going to release 3.1 within the next two days, so at least openmrs-distro-referenceapplication should now be on 3.1-SNAPSHOT and I'll update to 3.1 soon
15:17:46 <djazayeri> wyclif_: any of the other modules that are 3.0-SNAPSHOT should be 3.0, yes.
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15:24:04 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: you there? quick fix needed for the cyclical capture vitals app
15:24:13 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: and I have my mirebalais environment open, not my refapp one
15:24:33 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:25:12 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: After capturing vitals from the cyclical app, it redirects you back to a 404, because it redirects you back to findPatient with the wrong appId.
15:25:27 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:25:28 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: it's …vitalsapp instead of ...vitals
15:25:33 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: can you fix that quickly?
15:25:36 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:25:45 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: thanks!
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15:26:16 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: perhaps you actually need to be redirecting back to a variable page
15:26:28 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:26:35 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: or maybe there's just one more json config param that needs to be set
15:26:45 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: anyway, thanks ahead of time for fixing :-)
15:26:45 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:27:00 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: :)
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16:02:46 <dkayiwa> rafa: hi
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16:13:39 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, got a minute?
16:13:45 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
16:13:57 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, i am getting out of java memory errors
16:14:06 <rfriedman> when omrs is loading modules
16:14:30 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, i put in the fix for tomcat memory leak
16:14:53 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, is there anything else that can/should be done beside increasing the memory for the jvm?
16:15:15 <rfriedman> and should i make that change in tomcat or in java?
16:15:42 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: how did you increase memory and to what value
16:16:06 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, i haven't increased memory, i only turned off connection pooling
16:19:16 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can i look at the stack trace
16:20:13 <rfriedman> where would you like it?
16:20:47 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ^
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16:21:47 <rfriedman> dkayiwa,
16:22:34 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
16:25:01 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you increase memory
16:25:15 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, yes, just need to know the best way to do it
16:26:17 <dkayiwa> rfriedman:
16:26:18 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:28:07 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ok, I think I did this, but I've had to mess around with Tomcat, maybe I lost it
16:28:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-1264 has FAILED : Dependant of REP-REP-32 <>
16:28:13 <rfriedman> I'll check, dkayiwa
16:28:19 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
16:29:04 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: or you increased to not enough yet :)
16:31:08 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFAPP-OMODDISTRO-1213 has FAILED (1 tests failed) : Dependant of RA-RA-154 <>
16:31:12 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx2048m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=500m -XX:PermSize=300m
16:32:00 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, I can add another 512m
16:45:05 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: hi
16:46:24 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: wyclif_ rafa LeeBreisacher does any one have a workaround for this error which is becoming a blocker to almost every ticket am working on now? java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't find codedDiagnosisConcept concept for DiagnosisMetadata which should be mapped as org.openmrs.module.emr:Coded Diagnosis
16:47:35 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: rafa wyclif_ LeeBreisacher because if the above error, am doing commits without the ability to test locally and i wait until when devtest gets the changes such that i can test atleast using devtest which does not reproduce that error
16:49:33 <LeeBreisacher> dkayiwa: I don't know. When do you see that error?
16:49:41 <wyclif_> hi dkayiwa
16:50:06 <dkayiwa> LeeBreisacher: in the standalone. you got the same error too when testing it :)
16:50:06 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: am testing the standalone and that is my first priority to fix
16:50:13 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: ok
16:50:22 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: I think the quick-fix is to rename your local concept source that's called org.openmrs.module.emrapi by removing the "api" from the end
16:50:26 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: that might work
16:50:35 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: let me try that
16:50:39 <LeeBreisacher> dkayiwa: yes, but now I don't remember where it happens
16:51:00 <wyclif_> dkayiwa: djazayeri is correct, i ran into that last week and i fixed by renaming the concept source in the db
16:51:16 <dkayiwa> wyclif_: thats all i need :)
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17:08:16 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, tks, actually was out of memory, had to stop other webapps
17:08:30 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok good
17:10:03 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, oops, spoke to soon, modules were not started, still run out of memory starting them
17:10:13 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: lolllllllll
17:19:01 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ok, i have struggled through all this mess, now i am back at the same place i was 2 days ago
17:21:43 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: are running from eclipse or standalone?
17:22:20 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, under manual installation of tomcat
17:22:22 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: CA-CA-273 has FAILED : Updated by dkayiwa <>
17:23:08 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: what lead to the starting for that failure? assuming you never used to have this problem before with the same tomcat instance
17:24:08 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, actually, I did have it, it's just i've had so many problems i didn't remember ... last time i shut down eclipse ... poor way to debug!
17:24:17 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, vowed to try jetty
17:24:35 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, but in the meantime managed to screw things up and had to go back 17 steps
17:26:07 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, give me an lol before i start crying
17:27:58 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: :)
17:28:21 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: so your openmrs does not even load because of memory?
17:29:48 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, well, if i kill enough stuff, it loads :)
17:30:13 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, xchat is next to go :)
17:30:29 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, then i will be up the creek without a paddle
17:31:21 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: so you need to increase it :)
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17:32:06 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, this is a usg machine, can't do it
17:33:03 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, i can't even load software on it ... i boot from an external disk to get ubuntu :)
17:33:36 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, see, now you've made me cry :(((
17:34:03 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: oh sorry man
17:34:38 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, see you are not impressed by crying, you will never get a girlfriend
17:36:05 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: i have a wife :)
17:38:24 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, right, once you're married you can't respond to tears
17:39:38 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, sorry, sure you are busy as we all are, i will tend to my knitting
17:40:30 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: hahahaha :)
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17:54:20 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: can you commit your failing unit test (with an @Ignore on it)? Or will that break the build?
17:55:00 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: it would be easier for me to speculate about the fix if I could fiddle with the code
17:55:10 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: um..well..the faulty code is in non-test code
17:55:33 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I can certainly commit it with the relevant portions commented out
17:55:38 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: but it presumably has something to do with configuration
17:55:53 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: ah, so it breaks other unit tests?
17:56:04 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: no, just this one
17:56:34 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: oh wait. uh, actually yes it probably does break other tests. sorry. haven't been running them
17:58:08 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: well, it only runs if the GP is >0 right? So it shouldn't affect other tests...
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17:58:28 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I didn't put that check in yet..
17:59:34 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: but I can put that in and check that other tests are ok. then commit.
18:00:14 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: cool, if you can do that I'll poke around about what the issue is
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18:02:10 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: actually, look at this helpful email by me from 1.5 years ago
18:02:12 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher:!searchin/dev/Timeout$20trying$20to$20lock$20table/dev/rcQJCWvN8DQ/mp2_i7YGm8cJ
18:02:14 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:02:53 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: that might be the quick solution
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18:06:15 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: actually, it might be easier if you just insert these lines of code into, say, org.openmrs.module.referencedemodata.ReferenceDemoDataActivator.started()
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18:06:25 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService();
18:06:25 <LeeBreisacher> PatientIdentifierType patientIdentifierType = ps.getPatientIdentifierTypeByName("OpenMRS ID");
18:06:25 <LeeBreisacher> IdentifierSourceService iss = Context.getService(IdentifierSourceService.class);
18:06:25 <LeeBreisacher> String identifier = iss.generateIdentifier(patientIdentifierType, "test");
18:06:25 <LeeBreisacher> System.out.println(identifier);
18:06:43 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and that will break?
18:06:55 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: then run ReferenceDemoDataActivatorTest
18:07:29 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: okay. Can you try the MVCC thing I suggested from that email?
18:08:05 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: MVCC email? when did you send it?
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18:08:33 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: look at the google groups link I sent 5 minutes back on irc
18:09:04 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: ah, sorry. missed that..
18:14:19 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: well, that error went away and now I get a NPE. that's progress.
18:14:29 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: woohoo!
18:17:22 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: looks like the PatientIdentifierType "source" is null
18:21:09 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: as you can see in those lines I pasted above, I'm using PatientService.getPatientIdentifierTypeByName. shouldn't that work?
18:23:40 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: I'm on a call now. I'll try to check in the background.
18:24:23 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: and I'm setting a breakpoint and debugging (he said guiltily avoiding real work...)
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18:25:01 <GitHub49> [openmrs-core] surangak opened pull request #411: TRUNK-4109 (master...master)
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18:27:32 <mseaton> djazayeri: regarding reporting module change to require omrs 1.7, i think i'd want to do it as a part of this ticket officially: in summary, it will bump up to 1.7.5, once it is released.
18:28:50 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: yeah, the BaseIdentifierSourceService looks up the IdentifierSource for source=1 (obtained from that getPatientIdentifierTypeByName) and gets null. Question: how do I know the idgen module is even running/started here? this is just a unit test.
18:29:17 <djazayeri> mseaton: agreed
18:34:50 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: hi
18:34:58 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: hi
18:35:10 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: am looking at
18:35:22 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: what do i need to change
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18:40:55 <rfriedman> djazayeri, you there?
18:41:07 <djazayeri> @everyone, I'm on a call now
18:41:26 <rfriedman> ok, djazayeri will try later if i need you
18:41:37 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, got a minute?
18:42:04 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: no. i instead have an hour :)
18:42:13 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, good, i'll use it
18:42:40 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, running omrs under jetty, where does go? where do modules go?
18:42:49 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: too many calls will kill you :)
18:42:49 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, specifically, logic
18:43:16 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: same place as for tomcat
18:43:18 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: CA-CA-276 has FAILED (2 tests failed) : Updated by Mark Goodrich <>
18:43:28 <rfriedman> nope
18:45:59 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ^, at least tomcat found a good version of logic
18:46:31 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: what error
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18:47:34 <rfriedman> WARN - ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(618) |2013-09-26 14:29:56,814| Error while trying to start module: logic
18:47:35 <rfriedman> org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Module requires version between and, Current code version is 1.6
18:48:28 <rfriedman> also
18:48:32 <rfriedman> WARN - ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(618) |2013-09-26 14:29:57,546| Error while trying to start module: calculation
18:48:33 <rfriedman> org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Module requires at least version 1.6.6, Current code version is only 1.6
18:48:33 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: which openmrs vesrion is that
18:48:40 <rfriedman> 1.9.4
18:49:18 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: try mvn clean install
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18:52:08 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, this is so frustrating ... Monday i was merrily running under tomcat with lots of log messages and making progress ... since then, haven't been able to run dog poop
18:52:48 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ohhhhh
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19:03:29 <mseaton> djazayeri: if i wanted to get backported to 1.8.x and 1.7.x, remind me of the process. do i open new tickets for that? or do i re-open the original ticket?
19:03:34 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: for the ci-stg setup of REFAPP-STAND
19:04:02 <mseaton> or dkayiwa rafa what do you normally do for ^^
19:04:27 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: you have to Configure Plan -> Default Job -> add the relevant tasks to the job
19:05:02 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: you need to figure out what to do with the tasks
19:05:51 <djazayeri> mseaton: I guess it should happen as part of the same ticket.
19:06:19 <mseaton> djazayeri: i assume i would need to do both the backporting and the release if i want this to happen?
19:06:26 <djazayeri> mseaton: I guess that means reopening it
19:06:57 <djazayeri> mseaton: if you need the releases of a new 1.7.x and 1.8.x to happen before the implementers meeting, you'd probably have to do it.
19:07:19 <djazayeri> mseaton: if you can wait until after, the core team might be able to pick it up
19:07:51 <mseaton> djazayeri: i'm not pushing on it i guess. but i know omrs cares about the clear text pw issue
19:08:20 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, this is very screwed up ... it's actually 1.9.5 ... i've checked git and it shows me on the 1.9.1 branch ... i do mvn clean install and it runs fine with no errors ... but eclipse shows me errors even after cleaning ... and jetty says SERVICE _UNAVAILABLE although console shows channel selector started for
19:08:23 <djazayeri> mseaton: yes, but…bandwidth is quite tight
19:08:35 <mseaton> djazayeri: i'm not suggesting anyone do this now
19:09:18 <djazayeri> mseaton: so, if you have time to backport now…go ahead. If not, create a new ticket, link it to the old one, and ask me to vote on it. :-)
19:11:38 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, make that 1.9.x branch
19:11:40 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: CA-CA-277 has FAILED (2 tests failed) : Updated by djazayeri <>
19:12:23 <rfriedman> djazayeri, looks like 277 is a piece of CA-CA
19:13:46 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: okay, so what's the current state of things?
19:13:46 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: terrible
19:14:02 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: just sent an email..
19:16:17 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: make sure that TestingApplicationContext.xml and test-hibernate.cfg.xml exist in the module
19:16:30 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and make sure they mention IdentifierSource.hbm.xml
19:16:51 <ciaron> hey, qq - does anyone know if there's a list of oss projects with a "social good" theme anywhere on the interwebs?
19:17:14 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: can you debug and do something like IdentifierSourceService.getAllIdentifierSources() and look at them, to see what the state of things is?
19:17:53 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, i can't test with junit bcs "use inmemory database"=false and @Rollback(false) don't work
19:18:56 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: the module does have TAC.xml and test-hibernate.cfg.xml. and the latter one does mention IdentifierSource.hbm.xml.
19:19:52 <rfriedman> ciaron, why don't you just try the gsoc project list
19:19:59 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: why not use inmem db
19:20:17 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, bcs i create new tables and need to look at them
19:20:41 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, running inside a xactn, i never get to see the join tables
19:20:47 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
19:21:59 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, , this is enuf to piss off the pope
19:22:08 <ciaron> rfriedman: yeah, although i was hoping for something that spanned all the major repos/programs
19:22:47 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: getAllIdentifierSources returns just one. "Generator for OpenMRS ID"
19:23:00 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: which seems correct
19:23:48 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I'm looking at it in the debugger, fwiw
19:24:04 <rfriedman> ciaron, besides, everyone thinks they're contributing to social good, even NSA
19:24:13 <ciaron> hah true
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19:43:00 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and does that generator have its identifierType property pointing to an existing PatientIdentifierType?
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19:43:57 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I think so. I've been debugging more and it looks like there's a DB lookup for the identifier source and that's not found.
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19:44:34 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: so, where is the identifier type info supplied in a dataset.xml ?
19:45:18 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: does this test do @SkipBaseSetup?
19:45:24 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I found standardTestDataset.xml and it has some <patient_identifier_type> entries, but none of them look like the "official" one
19:45:25 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and then load some packages?
19:45:53 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: ah, yes. it does use @SkipBaseSetup
19:46:29 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: executeDataSet("requiredDataTestDataset.xml");
19:47:16 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: but that requiredDataTestDataset.xml just has a few <concept_dataype> entries. that's all.
19:47:46 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: it also calls initializeInMemoryDatabase()
19:48:06 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: you're doing new ReferenceMetadataActivator().started() right?
19:48:13 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: this probably loads up several MDS packages
19:48:24 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: including one that creates a PatientIdentifierType
19:48:45 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: yes, I'm calling that.
19:50:15 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: but I don't see anything in ReferenceMetadata module that loads patient identifier types
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19:56:25 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: ah, I see it now in the code. I was looking at the zip files.
19:59:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFAPP-STAND-2 has FAILED : Manual build by Daniel Kayiwa <>
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20:05:23 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I gotta step out for a while. back in an hour or so...let me know if you find anything..
20:06:21 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: actually, it's not in an MDS package, it's in org.openmrs.module.referencemetadata.ReferenceMetadataActivator#setupOpenmrsId
20:06:35 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: which is called as part of ReferenceMetadataActivator
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20:11:20 <rfriedman> djazayeri, are you testing refapp for memory leaks?
20:11:32 <djazayeri> rfriedman: not actively, no
20:11:42 <djazayeri> rfriedman: not passively either. :-P
20:11:56 <rfriedman> djazayeri, should be on somebody's agenda
20:12:09 <djazayeri> rfriedman: there was a significant one that was part of UI Framework (had to do with groovy classloaders under 1.6) that was found early in Mirebalais
20:12:16 <djazayeri> rfriedman: and that was fixed
20:12:29 <rfriedman> djazayeri, if memory leaks are associated with module loading unloading, it is going to show up quickly
20:12:53 <rfriedman> djazayeri, or invocation
20:13:16 <djazayeri> rfriedman: Mirebalais is running a very similar codebase, and is in heavy use in production, usually with long uptimes, so that's likely to find memory leaks. But I agree that we should be more proactively testing for them somehow.
20:13:33 <djazayeri> rfriedman: also, we never hot-load modules in Mirebalais, so we're not testing that.
20:13:54 <rfriedman> djazayeri, ok, great, maybe we can refer it to the continuous intgegration group
20:16:07 <djazayeri> rfriedman: perhaps you can reply to Ozge's sonar email and ask whether there's a CI approach we can take to looking for memory leaks?
20:16:22 <rfriedman> djazayeri, ok will do
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20:31:01 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: errand was quicker than I thought. I'm back. So any ideas?
20:31:26 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: see my comment above, which says where the PatientAttributeType comes from
20:31:44 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: yes, I understand all that. there's still a NPE.
20:31:46 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: you're running the activator for the metadata module first?
20:31:54 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: yes
20:31:59 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: what exactly is the NPE?
20:33:01 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: in org.openmrs.module.idgen.service.BaseIdentifierSourceService.generateIdentifiersInternal(Integer, Integer, String), it calls getIdentifierSource(sourceId) which returns null
20:34:00 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrsci: REFAPP-STAND-3 has FAILED : Manual build by Daniel Kayiwa <>
20:34:04 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: at that point what's the value of sourceId, and should there be an IdentifierSource with that id?
20:34:57 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: id = 1 and yes, source #1 is the only identifier type we have (OpenMRS ID)
20:35:29 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: but that getIdentifierSource(sourceId) call does a DB lookup
20:36:01 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: so it appears that there's a table row missing?
20:36:14 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: source #1 != identifier type #1
20:36:20 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: though presumably both exist?
20:36:34 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: could be something about a transaction no having committed yet?
20:36:49 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: can you make the test @NotTransactional ?
20:36:58 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: pretty sure. yes. keep in mind this is in a unit test. there must be something that happens in the real server that's not being setup in the test.
20:38:19 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: @NotTransactional is deprecated, but trying it..
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20:39:12 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Reporting 0.8 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
20:40:15 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: hm. got a little further. now I get an sql error: ERROR - JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(234) |2013-09-26 13:38:45,376| Column "NEXT_SEQUENCE_VALUE" not found; SQL statement:
20:40:15 <LeeBreisacher> select next_sequence_value from idgen_seq_id_gen where id = ? [42122-135]
20:40:56 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: that's coming from the id generator
20:41:54 <rfriedman> didn't have much luck with @NotTransactional nor @Rollback(false) nor UseInMemoryDatabase=false
20:43:12 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: Hmm…okay, I think we should take a step back here
20:43:28 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: basically, the way that IdGen is written, it's hell to use it in unit tests
20:43:59 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: How about for the test we do a mock of IdentifierSourceService
20:44:01 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: oh. can I make my own fake patient ids?
20:44:04 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and bypass all this
20:44:08 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: exactly
20:44:38 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: don't we want them to look and act like "real" ones?
20:44:44 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: but just make your own fake ids in the test. I.e. the code should still call IdentifierSourceService
20:45:16 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: ah. how do I mock the service? I assume there are some examples I can look at?
20:45:19 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: but in the test, do a mock that just returns random identifiers, and inject that
20:45:42 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: have you used mockito before?
20:45:49 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: yes
20:47:42 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: oh I see. sorry, I've been getting confused between the test and the fake-patient-generator (which is sortof test-like).
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20:48:52 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher:
20:48:52 <djazayeri> IdentifierSourceService identifierSourceService = mock(IdentifierSourceService.class);
20:48:52 <djazayeri> when(identifierSourceService.generateIdentifier(openmrsIdType, "demo patients")).thenAnswer(...)
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20:48:55 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: I'm pretty sure there's an ID-validity-checker on the savePatient(), so I need to at least make the random id's legit.
20:49:07 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: right
20:50:01 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: and you need to not call Context.getService() from the method where you generate the demo patients
20:50:12 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: though you do need to call that in the activator's constructor
20:50:33 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: e.g. add a setIdentifierSourceService(…) to the activator, and call this from the test
20:51:08 <LeeBreisacher> djazayeri: check
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20:58:03 <djazayeri> LeeBreisacher: stepping away (lunch) btw
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