IRC Chat : 2013-07-07 - OpenMRS

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03:13:55 <sashrika> /msg DraggonZ Hi DraggonZ .. are u there?
03:14:45 <harshadura> im here ;)
03:15:40 <sashrika> harshadura: :-) ok.. I need a help
03:15:53 <harshadura> sashrika : xD
03:16:00 <harshadura> sashrika: ha machan
03:16:55 <sashrika> harshadura: i am tying to debug my code. but it gives me Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection timed out.
03:17:10 <harshadura> remote debugging ?
03:17:16 <harshadura> with Eclipse ?
03:17:28 <sashrika> harshadura: I don't know :)
03:17:37 <sashrika> harshadura: is that the correct way?
03:18:00 <harshadura> sashrika:
03:18:03 <OpenMRSBot> <$f> (at
03:18:32 <harshadura> hope you are using intellij sashrika ;)
03:18:56 <sashrika> harshadura: NO.. i am using eclipse...
03:19:13 <sashrika> harshadura: i want to debug the module
03:19:34 <harshadura> hmm
03:19:55 <sashrika> harshadura: i'll try this.
03:20:01 <sashrika> harshadura: thank u
03:20:35 <harshadura> sashrika: check this:
03:20:36 <OpenMRSBot> <$i> (at
03:20:44 <harshadura> and this
03:21:02 <harshadura> im googling for you sorry i havent done that with eclipse before
03:21:44 <harshadura> so what about pentaho kettle xD
03:21:57 <harshadura> actually i dont understand the terms of your projects
03:22:00 <harshadura> xD
03:22:09 <sashrika> harshadura: Me too... :)
03:22:26 <harshadura> xP dont lie man!
03:22:43 <sashrika> harshadura: haven't u done any debug with openmrs?
03:22:55 <harshadura> did with intellij
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03:23:24 <sashrika> harshadura: remote debug?
03:23:28 <harshadura> why dont u use intelij its a great IDE :)
03:23:45 <harshadura> you can download the trial at thr site and use crack
03:24:33 <harshadura> yes remote debug
03:25:12 <sashrika> harshadura: hm... download intelij? :(
03:25:29 <harshadura> 200MB xP
03:25:43 <harshadura> do it man you will feel a real difference when coding
03:25:46 <harshadura> trust me yako
03:26:00 <harshadura> not specifically for this thing xP
03:26:16 <sashrika> harshadura: :) balamu. dan ayth ekak dagena okata plugin danakota epa wenawa
03:26:31 <sashrika> mata debug karagannay ona meka
03:26:36 <harshadura> no plugins ban, nothing just install and run
03:26:55 <sashrika> hm.. ok.. i'll try then...
03:26:59 <harshadura> then ok,as u wish
03:27:38 <sashrika> harshadura: ohh i have a one
03:27:54 <harshadura> already have da ?
03:28:04 <sashrika> harshadura: intelij 11.0.1
03:28:06 <harshadura> then ginnak nane, install
03:28:14 <harshadura> bit old but ok
03:28:21 <harshadura> dan yanne 12
03:28:23 <sashrika> harshadura: ya... let me try....
03:28:49 <harshadura> ok
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07:10:33 <DraggonZ> sashrika, hey :) I'm here
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08:21:08 <harshadura> hi dkayiwa
08:21:16 <dkayiwa> harshadura: hi
08:22:07 <harshadura> dkayiwa: is there a way to fetch allencounters by a particular encounter type, In encounter service i didn found such kind of method
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08:23:38 <dkayiwa> harshadura: there is a getEncounters method
08:23:50 <harshadura> yes dkayiwa
08:23:57 <dkayiwa> harshadura: use that
08:24:47 <harshadura> dkayiwa: but it gives all the encounter I mean i need only encounter which are under a specific encounter type like "patient-narratives"
08:24:49 <harshadura> :)
08:25:00 <harshadura> encounters*
08:25:13 <dkayiwa> harshadura: did you pass in that encounter type as parameter?
08:26:51 <harshadura> dkayiwa: is it already a parameter, great! thanks, it didn shown in my IDE as java doc thats why i asked
08:26:52 <harshadura> sorry
08:28:15 <dkayiwa> harshadura: am not sure i understand your last statement :)
08:29:59 <harshadura> dkayiwa: its ok, thank you for the hint, need to improve my english xD
08:30:15 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :D
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08:34:37 <harshadura> dkayiwa: the method getEncounters doesnt accept String>encounterType as an argument ?
08:34:52 <harshadura> i wrote it like this
08:34:53 <harshadura> String encounterType = "patient-narratives";
08:34:53 <harshadura> List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(encounterType);
08:35:19 <dkayiwa> harshadura: did you first look at the method signature?
08:35:26 <harshadura> yes
08:35:37 <dkayiwa> harshadura: what parameters does it have?
08:35:45 <harshadura> thats why i told you before :)
08:36:40 <harshadura> dkayiwa: (string, int, int, bool)
08:37:51 <dkayiwa> harshadura: and does it say that string represents encounter type?
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08:49:34 <sashrika> nribeka: Hi...
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08:50:52 <sashrika> nribeka: can i have a minuite?
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09:00:54 <harshadura> dkayiwa: you still there
09:01:17 <harshadura> dkayiwa: did you meant this method:,%20java.lang.Integer,%20java.lang.Integer,%20java.lang.Integer,%20boolean)
09:03:02 <harshadura> dkayiwa: sorry for bothering in week ends xD
09:03:19 <dkayiwa> harshadura: just look through all get encouters methods and look for one which includes anything to do with encounter type
09:03:55 <harshadura> ok dkayiwa i will check more
09:12:37 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i read the java doc seems like it doesnt support get encounters by encounter type below openmrs 1.10
09:13:52 <dkayiwa> harshadura: how many getencounters methods did you see?
09:15:09 <harshadura> dkayiwa: 10
09:16:09 <dkayiwa> harshadura: and are you sure none of them contains any parameter to do with encounter types?
09:18:25 <harshadura> dkayiwa: some have but in my scenario i dont the patientID
09:18:43 <dkayiwa> harshadura: you dont what?
09:19:13 <harshadura> dkayiwa: patient ID
09:19:22 <harshadura> sorry
09:19:33 <harshadura> sorry for the type :)
09:19:50 <dkayiwa> harshadura: what does i dont the patient id mean?
09:20:21 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i mean i dont have the patient id, sorry dkayiwa :)
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09:20:43 <dkayiwa> h just pass null for whatever you do not have
09:20:51 <dkayiwa> harshadura: ^^
09:20:59 <harshadura> great ok dkayiwa
09:33:47 <harshadura> dkayiwa: it worked finally, thank you :)
09:34:16 <harshadura> dkayiwa: had to do a big drama : xD
09:34:17 <harshadura> String encounterType = "patient-narratives";
09:34:17 <dkayiwa> harshadura: good!!!
09:34:17 <harshadura> List<EncounterType> var = new ArrayList<EncounterType>();
09:34:17 <harshadura> var.add(Context.getEncounterService().getEncounterType(encounterType));
09:34:17 <harshadura> List<Encounter> encounters = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(null, null, null, null, null, var, true);
09:34:18 <harshadura>
09:35:44 <dkayiwa> harshadura: yes thats exactly what i wanted you do, but wanted to make you find it out yourself instead of me simply directing you. That way i teach you how to find what you need. hence giving you net instead of fish :)
09:49:24 <harshadura> dkayiwa: thank you, you are a good teacher :)
09:49:43 <dkayiwa> harshadura: not all think so :)
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10:03:58 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i have a lil question regarding Xform schema
10:04:27 <dkayiwa> harshadura: OK
10:06:39 <harshadura> dkayiwa: I want to save a demographic field like FAMILY NAME. last time you adviced me to create a concept and add that particular concept to form schema, I did like that but still the saved encounter doesnt contain data, its field is blank
10:07:41 <harshadura> dkayiwa: my form schema look like this:
10:09:04 <dkayiwa> harshadura: do you know of any implementations which will save family name as a concept?
10:10:45 <harshadura> dkayiwa: no idea :)
10:11:00 <dkayiwa> harshadura: i also do not think so
10:11:27 <dkayiwa> harshadura: and so the question is, why do you waste time doing something which will never be used at all? :)
10:13:43 <harshadura> dkayiwa: these are just some mock fields, no problem with the field name. thats why i created like that.
10:14:50 <dkayiwa> harshadura: ok. did you refresh the form such that this concept comes up in the form designer?
10:15:42 <harshadura> i mean i will change these field names of the xform after these initial testings
10:16:04 <harshadura> yes dkayiwa, i did
10:16:21 <dkayiwa> harshadura: pastebin your save as of the form
10:21:04 <harshadura> dkayiwa:
10:22:48 <dkayiwa> harshadura: your paste does not look like valid xml
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10:26:00 <dkayiwa> harshadura: now it has loaded
10:26:40 <dkayiwa> harshadura: change name from family name to something different
10:28:23 <harshadura> ok dkayiwa :)
10:30:15 <harshadura> dkayiwa: it got working now :) the problem was i havent properly refreshed form through Xform designer
10:30:30 <dkayiwa> harshadura: oh good :)
10:30:35 <harshadura> thank you very much dkayiwa :)
10:30:44 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :D
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10:46:26 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i added another OBS and refreshed the form designer. the field gets showed in design surface tab but the text field doesnt get showed in preview tab, only the label exist
10:46:53 <harshadura> dkayiwa: something like this:
10:47:06 <dkayiwa> harshadura: is the visible property ticketd
10:47:18 <harshadura> yes dkayiwa
10:47:33 <dkayiwa> harshadura: pastebin the form
10:48:34 <harshadura> dkayiwa:
10:51:32 <dkayiwa> harshadura: did you give it a tabindex that is used by another widget?
10:52:18 <harshadura> no dkayiwa
10:52:29 <dkayiwa> harshadura: cross check
10:56:22 <harshadura> solved dkayiwa, thank you
10:56:29 <dkayiwa> harshadura: ok good
11:00:55 <dkayiwa> harshadura: this can be handy, just incase :) How to add more pages?
11:01:05 <dkayiwa> harshadura:
11:01:32 <dkayiwa> harshadura: instead of 'How to add more pages?" i meant the above faq link :)
11:06:13 <harshadura> dkayiwa: thats really nice
11:06:20 <harshadura> dkayiwa: but in my project need only one page xD
11:06:46 <dkayiwa> harshadura: that was a paste error. i meant the faq link :)
11:10:22 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i think I didnt got you :(
11:10:49 <harshadura> still trying to understand :)
11:11:46 <dkayiwa> harshadura: instead of pasting the link above, i pasted this "How to add more pages?"
11:12:36 <harshadura> ok got it dkayiwa xD
11:12:47 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :D
11:13:22 <harshadura> dkayiwa: are you native english speaker ? just curious
11:13:33 <dkayiwa> harshadura: not at all :)
11:13:45 <harshadura> i speak sinhalese native, english use in uni xD
11:13:47 <dkayiwa> harshadura: english used to be my worst in class :)
11:14:08 <dkayiwa> harshadura: i dont use english at home :0
11:14:09 <dkayiwa> :)
11:14:15 <harshadura> dkayiwa: me too xD
11:14:59 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i understand in sinhalese and translate words into english very difficult job xD
11:15:09 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :D
11:15:35 <harshadura> dkayiwa: which language you speak natively ?
11:16:36 <dkayiwa> harshadura: it is called Luganda
11:17:20 <harshadura> dkayiwa: cool name related to motherland :)
11:17:42 <harshadura> sri lanka .. sinhalese doesnt go much xD
11:18:03 <dkayiwa> :)
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21:47:30 <nribeka> jblaya, 640 patients is too small to cause out of memory exception ;)
21:48:03 <jblaya> nribeka, that's good to hear
21:48:29 <jblaya> nribeka, deal is, how do I analyze and fix the problem, because it occurs every time the task runs
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21:49:34 <jblaya> nribeka, any idea what the problem could be or how I could analyze it? because I don't get this in another module that also uses the reporting module
21:49:35 <nribeka> jblaya: profile it i guess? it should be using lots of memory on other part of the code
21:49:48 <nribeka> do you have yourkit?
21:50:04 <jblaya> nribeka, nop, but I can get it
21:50:31 <nribeka> on standard standalone openmrs, i can easily execute and get one or two thousands patients without memory error
21:50:53 <jblaya> nribeka, do you install that on the server or client?
21:51:28 <nribeka> you put the in the server and then run the yourkit client in your computer
21:52:33 <jblaya> nribeka, ok, so what you're saying is that it's definitely an error in the way we're storing the info or some way?
21:52:51 <nribeka>
21:53:24 <nribeka> the stacktrace is coming from reporting right? the one you attach in the email
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21:53:53 <nribeka> maybe pastebin your the code for your task?
21:54:43 <jblaya> nribeka, the error comes from
21:55:21 <nribeka> it is started here (in your stack trace): at org.openmrs.module.reporting.cohort.query.service.CohortQueryServiceImpl.executeSqlQuery(
21:55:55 <nribeka> i hope you're not running extremely super complex query :)
21:56:05 <jblaya> nribeka, actually I probably am
21:56:17 <jblaya> let me find the most complex one and I'll show you
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21:57:55 <jblaya> nribeka, here's one
21:59:17 <nribeka> have you tried running the query in mysql directly?
21:59:36 <jblaya> nribeka, yes, and it works, it just takes a bit
21:59:42 <jblaya> nribeka, let me try now and see what happens
22:00:13 <nribeka> i don't think the query is complex. the query only return 1 column too. so, it shouldn't cause out of memory
22:00:39 <jblaya> nribeka, ok, well all of my queries for these two modules return only the patient id
22:00:57 <jblaya> nribeka, and yeah, just ran it and it took 0.88 seconds
22:01:37 <jblaya> nribeka, funny thing is that we have another module that does similar things for sms, and that one has no problems, so my guess is that it is something in the way these other two modules were implemented
22:02:05 <nribeka> i think so jblaya
22:02:30 <jblaya> nribeka, deal is I don't really know where to look
22:02:33 <jblaya> any clues?
22:02:47 <nribeka> pastebin the scheduler task?
22:03:01 <jblaya> nribeka, ok
22:05:18 <jblaya> nribeka, crap, bitbucket is down for maintenance, and I don't have a local copy of the code...
22:05:46 <nribeka> haha ... ok jblaya. maybe tomorrow then ;)
22:06:08 <jblaya> nribeka, yeah, what a bummer, ok, I'll get it tomorrow and send it to you
22:06:10 <jblaya> nribeka, thanks!
22:06:40 <nribeka> maybe send it to the listserv. more eyes will be better :)
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22:08:25 <jblaya> nribeka, cool, thanks, have a great rest of the weekend
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