IRC Chat : 2013-07-05 - OpenMRS

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00:59:22 <shrewduh> Hi, is there a way to automate concept indexing through bash/ant scripts? We are using some sql scripts to add/setup concepts. Wanted to know if you can trigger the indexing task after that.
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06:25:09 <geekgugi> Hi , can anyone tell me which hashing (or algorithm) is used to store the password ?
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07:04:48 <rnjn> hi good people
07:05:10 <rnjn> any chance I can get help on logging using log4j?
07:07:04 <harshadura> hi rnjn
07:07:16 <rnjn> hi harshadura
07:07:29 <harshadura> yes go ahead
07:07:32 <rnjn> so I am trying to follow the conventions. no log4j xml file
07:08:06 <rnjn> since openmrs default logging is set to WARN, when I create a logger and log info, its not visible
07:08:44 <harshadura> there's something called surefire logs, did you checked there ?
07:09:05 <rnjn> now I can use the logging module to add said logger and allow it to listen to info's as well, but that works only for an instance, and is not the right approach which can be automated
07:09:13 <rnjn> nope, havent
07:09:24 <rnjn> will check
07:09:33 <harshadura> ok
07:09:50 <rnjn> but how does surefire help?
07:10:07 <harshadura> no i mean some hidden logs can be found there
07:10:15 <rnjn> I cannot change OpenMRS log level to info, as the log output then is verbose
07:10:44 <rnjn> hibernate queries from the whole wide world are getting published there
07:11:12 <rnjn> so what I really want to know is, how do configure openMRS to log my module's info logs
07:11:40 <rnjn> better if I can do this from my module, instead of changing the openmrs standalone
07:13:47 <rnjn> any suggestions on this @harshadura?
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07:15:04 <harshadura> rnjn: sorry i dont have proper idea about it, but normally info logs can be seen
07:16:40 <rnjn> ok
07:16:58 <rnjn> no problems, will dig deeper. thanks anyway
07:17:45 <harshadura> rnjn: may be dkayiwa will help you, he will be only after sometime
07:17:56 <rnjn> ok, will wait for him
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07:28:46 <harshadura> rnjn: hi may be you can write to mailing list too, sorry forgot to tell that
07:28:53 <harshadura>
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08:18:42 <harshadura> !seen dkayiwa
08:18:42 <OpenMRSBot> harshadura: dkayiwa was last seen in #openmrs 11 hours, 28 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
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08:32:37 <sashrika> mseaton: Hi Mike...
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09:38:03 <sashrika> rafa: Hi Rafal...
09:41:32 <rafa> sashrika: hi
09:42:25 <sashrika> rafa Hi.. i have some questions abt the REST framework. can i have a minute?
09:43:03 <sashrika> rafa: Hi.. i have some questions abt the REST framework. can i have a minute?
09:47:45 <rafa> sashrika: just ask
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09:50:42 <sashrika> rafa: I am currently working on adding the ColumnNames[] details to the DataSetDefinitionResource in reportingRest module. There is a DataSetMetaDataConverter class. I hope i can use that for this. But i can't find from where the DataSetMetaDataConverter is called.
09:51:27 <sashrika> Adding Parameter[] is also done through a ParameterConverter class
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09:53:39 <rafa> sashrika: I'm not familiar with reporting REST
09:53:50 <rafa> sashrika: I'd have to check it out
09:54:37 <rafa> sashrika: I'm sorry I don't have time right now
09:55:05 <sashrika> rafa: thats ok.. :)
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10:49:21 <harshadura> hi dkayiwa
10:49:27 <dkayiwa> harshadura: hi
10:50:53 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i want to list down all the encounters which are under a same encounter type. whats the best way to get done that ? i had a looked at patient Dashboard jsp but just curious whether
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10:51:24 <GitHub72> [openmrs-core] dkayiwa pushed 2 new commits to master:
10:51:24 <GitHub72> openmrs-core/master ab8d467 nribeka: Add Indonesian language support.
10:51:24 <GitHub72> openmrs-core/master 89f096c dkayiwa: Merge pull request #355 from nribeka/TRUNK-3461...
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10:52:09 * harshadura indonesian by nyoman :)
10:53:18 <nribeka> yes harshadura :)
10:53:46 <dkayiwa> nribeka: oh sure Mr Muzima :)
10:53:58 <dkayiwa> harshadura: is that new functionality you wanna implement?
10:54:27 <harshadura> dkayiwa: yes
10:54:29 <nribeka> thank you for merging Dan :)
10:54:38 <harshadura> nribeka: xD
10:54:45 <dkayiwa> nribeka: thank you too for translating :D
10:55:24 <dkayiwa> harshadura: have you looked at the encounter service to see if there is a method for that?
10:57:19 <harshadura> dkayiwa: yes dkayiwa
10:57:29 <dkayiwa> harshadura: so just use that
10:57:37 <harshadura> ok dkayiwa
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11:00:38 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [89f096c] [dkayiwa] The build passed. -
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11:18:16 <dkayiwa> nribeka: hi
11:18:30 <nribeka> yes dkayiwa
11:18:46 <dkayiwa> nribeka: do you have an answer for this?
11:18:50 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-282
11:18:52 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-282] Identifiers in Clinical Summary Module - OpenMRS JIRA -
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11:21:45 <nribeka> i think all future clinical summary module should be moved to patient summary project (probably) dkayiwa
11:22:04 <nribeka> patient summary is the project to create clinical summary using reporting
11:22:23 <dkayiwa> nribeka: can you move that too? :)
11:22:35 <nribeka> i think you should close it as won't fix probably?
11:22:41 <nribeka> hahaha ...
11:22:58 <dkayiwa> nribeka: ok thanks. i enjoy closing tickets :)
11:23:04 <nribeka> hahahahahahaha ...
11:23:25 <nribeka> won't fix: all future clinical summary project should be done on patient summary project (i think)
11:23:36 <nribeka> hahahahaha ...
11:23:42 <dkayiwa> nribeka: :D
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11:42:42 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i have created a HTML form and tried to submit it thru patient dashboard form entry tab. The form doesnt get submitted since I havent selected any provider but th provder list box doesnt contain single provider too
11:43:29 <dkayiwa> harshadura: admin - manage prividers
11:44:28 <harshadura> dkayiwa: i have already 2 providers there
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11:45:03 <harshadura> sorry forgot to mention that before
11:45:21 <dkayiwa> harshadura: pastebin the form
11:46:08 <harshadura> dkayiwa :
11:46:14 <dkayiwa> harshadura: are you using provider or encounterprovider tag
11:46:35 <harshadura> dkayiwa: encounterProvider
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11:48:02 <dkayiwa> harshadura: use this:
11:48:28 <harshadura> dkayiwa: thank you
11:54:07 <harshadura> dkayiwa: thank you, that solved :)
11:54:18 <dkayiwa> harshadura: :D
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14:10:45 <dkayiwa> suranga: hi
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14:14:39 <h3llborn> no scrum again? haha
14:14:51 <h3llborn> rafa: good afternoon/evening :P
14:14:58 <rafa> h3llborn: hey
14:15:21 <h3llborn> rafa: how goes it?
14:15:55 <rafa> h3llborn: pretty good, you?
14:16:15 <rafa> h3llborn: is an installer ready for me to try it out? :)
14:16:23 <h3llborn> rafa: not too bad, just got home from getting a haircut
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14:17:05 <h3llborn> rafa: and I'm still working on it, I ended up getting windows installed but the disk I had, had some corrupt files on it, so I ended up having to do it all over again. you should have it by the end of today latest.
14:17:12 <h3llborn> rafa: again, sorry for the delay
14:17:31 <rafa> h3llborn: no problem!
14:18:07 <h3llborn> rafa: so ya, I'll just be working on that again today. btw on a completley other side, what do we use fisheye/crucible for? :s
14:18:21 <rafa> h3llborn: we don't use it anymore
14:18:33 <rafa> h3llborn: we used it together with svn
14:18:59 <rafa> h3llborn: but we moved to git
14:19:01 <h3llborn> rafa: ohh ok, it donesn't work with github?
14:19:24 <cpower> Hello anyone want to scrum?
14:19:24 <rafa> h3llborn: probably there's some way to set it up to work with github, but there's really no need to do it
14:19:44 <rafa> h3llborn: github does everything we need already
14:19:54 <h3llborn> rafa: oh thats sweet! :)
14:20:02 <h3llborn> rafa: saves you time and headaches then
14:20:57 <rafa> cpower: sure! :)
14:22:17 <h3llborn> rafa: well I'm gonna go ahead and start on finishing this installer off, btw I'm also doing some translation for this
14:22:19 <rafa> h3llborn: so you are good to go for today?
14:22:28 <rafa> h3llborn: cool
14:22:50 <h3llborn> rafa: ya thanks :) and enjoy the rest of your day, I'll fire off an email when im done this
14:22:52 <rafa> h3llborn: thanks for working on translations! :D
14:23:03 <h3llborn> rafa: ya no worries haha
14:23:13 <rafa> cpower: lost in action?
14:23:54 <cpower> rafa: nah, just realized it was a scrum of 2 and didn't get a response somoved
14:23:57 <cpower> moved on
14:24:01 <cpower> ;-)
14:24:04 <cpower> But we can!
14:24:09 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:24:09 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:24:14 <cpower> Order: dkayiwa , rafa
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14:24:32 <cpower> and of course anyone else that would like to update us on what you are working on.
14:24:40 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Make Max Number of Encounters on Dashboard Configurable - TRUNK-2449
14:24:41 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Add LocationService method to search for a location by a location attribute - TRUNK-3589
14:24:41 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Fix ugly error on patient screen when invalid birthday submitted - TRUNK-3721
14:24:41 <dkayiwa> Reviewed and merged: Add Indonesian Language Support - TRUNK-3461
14:24:42 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Complete spanish translation of core - TRUNK-4001
14:24:42 <dkayiwa> Dome more ticket management tasks
14:24:42 <dkayiwa> Doing more code reviews
14:24:42 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
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14:26:09 <rafa> Yesterday:
14:26:10 <rafa> * Bought a new laptop and was setting it up
14:26:10 <rafa> Today:
14:26:10 <rafa> * Continued setting things up
14:26:10 <rafa> * Working on RA-92 Build dispensing form with details
14:26:10 <rafa>
14:26:11 <rafa> No blockers.
14:26:31 <cpower> Great work
14:26:43 <cpower> No announcements, have a great weekend.
14:26:48 <rafa> cpower: you too!
14:26:50 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:26:50 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:27:25 <dkayiwa> rafa: is that a macbook? :)
14:27:35 <rafa> dkayiwa: nope, another thinkpad :D
14:27:45 <dkayiwa> rafa: oh nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :)
14:27:53 <rafa> dkayiwa: ohh yesss!
14:28:00 <dkayiwa> rafa: why not mac? :)
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14:28:51 <rafa> dkayiwa: I've got a very unique configuration
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14:29:14 <dkayiwa> rafa: that does not work on mac? :)
14:29:15 <rafa> dkayiwa: with two drives and a hot swappable dvd
14:29:19 <rafa> dkayiwa: no mac can do that ;D
14:29:38 <dkayiwa> rafa: hahahaha. am sure a mac is not your taste :D
14:29:40 <rafa> dkayiwa: and a replacable battery up to 14 hours
14:29:58 <dkayiwa> rafa: do you run out of power that much? :)
14:30:36 <rafa> dkayiwa: it's for travels :)
14:30:57 <dkayiwa> rafa: do you travel that much? :)
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14:31:09 <dkayiwa> rafa: i mean when not on vacation :)
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14:31:44 <rafa> dkayiwa: not that much
14:32:06 <rafa> dkayiwa: need to run to eat something
14:32:13 <dkayiwa> rafa: any way, you have proved to me that apple cannot employ me in their marketing department :)
14:32:21 <dkayiwa> rafa: enjoy the chicken :)
14:32:35 <rafa> dkayiwa: haha no chicken today
14:32:42 <rafa> dkayiwa: but thanks
14:32:42 <dkayiwa> rafa: and the thinkpad soup :)
14:32:54 <rafa> dkayiwa: have a nice weekend!
14:33:02 <dkayiwa> rafa: same to you man!!!
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16:30:16 <GitHub175> [openmrs-core] isha-tripathi opened pull request #356: modified Provider.toString() to return provider id with name (master...TRUNK-3736)
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16:44:23 <suranga> ruwanego: hi !!
16:44:29 <suranga> jkeiper: howdy !!
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18:19:12 <suranga> jkeiper: um... howdy. Could you please let me know when you;re free ? I need to ask you about our workplan :)
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18:43:13 <jkeiper> suranga: heyya ... sorry, been caught up in work
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19:13:52 <suranga__> jkeiper, hello :)
19:30:34 <h3llborn> hey guyyzz
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20:07:40 <suranga__> jkeiper, i'm sorry, having a lot of irc troubles, Can you please let me know when we can talk ? :)
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22:24:23 <suranga__> jkeiper, im sorry, we kept missing each other online. Please let me know when we can talk, and i'll come online (its 4 am over here, so going to sign off :-)
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