IRC Chat : 2013-05-20 - OpenMRS

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07:56:09 <sashrika> downey: Hi downey.. can i ask some questions about changing my gsoc proposal?
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08:59:45 <akwatuha_> hi dkayiwa
09:00:17 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: hi
09:02:46 <akwatuha_> I would like to know how the complex Obs is saved through xforms, I am yet to get my saveObs method called. Any ideas? Do i paste the saveObs code here?
09:04:45 <suranga> akwatuha_: dkayiwa I dont think that the xforms module supports complex obs....
09:06:07 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: my code is here
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09:06:28 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: any idea why my saveObs is not called?
09:06:38 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: which ticket is that?
09:06:40 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: here is the error
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09:08:28 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa:
09:09:13 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: the ticket is
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09:10:43 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: my problem is that my saveObs method seems not to be called. Is there a configuration i need?
09:11:22 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: have you tried to run the app in debug mode?
09:11:49 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: or even better, do you have a unit test for it?
09:15:35 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: i have run in the debug mode and observed the error thrown on the class XformsQueueProcessor, i am looking at the method private void saveComplexObsValue(Element element, boolean useValueNode) , it seems the element is null.
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09:18:05 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: i would like to know how Or what point the xforms calls a complex handler to save Obs. I can then figure out what why it is not being called. Any ideas?
09:18:40 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: can you create a unit test that reproduces this error? Then i can look at it?
09:28:18 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: i am not sure how to do that, i have the module on github but it requires to run on openmrs 1.10.
09:28:58 <dkayiwa> akwatuha_: you can look at the unit test that wyclif wrote to support complex obs. it will give you some ideas on how to write such unit tests
09:30:37 <akwatuha_> dkayiwa: i will take a look at that.
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13:15:55 <sashrika> muthumini: moko karanne?
13:16:57 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Kenya EMR UI Library 1.3.7 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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13:47:58 <wyclif> hi go
13:48:02 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
13:48:12 <wyclif> djazayeri: which is the hangout link?
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14:00:32 <cpower> morning everyone ready to scrum?
14:00:56 <cpower> silence is golden
14:01:06 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:01:06 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
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14:01:32 <cpower> First Who is working in the community swimlane this week?
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14:01:43 <dkayiwa> cpower: am almost the one :)
14:02:20 <cpower> Order: djazayeri , dkayiwa , wyclif , others willing to give an update
14:02:29 <cpower> dkayiwa: ok thanks for the heads up
14:02:37 <djazayeri> skip me today, sorry
14:03:07 <cpower> ok dkayiwa you areup
14:03:40 <dkayiwa> Did some final GSOC application review/comparion
14:03:41 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Auto highlight on coded answer and active Add button in dictionary - TRUNK-3221
14:03:41 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Add voidNote() method to NoteDAO - TRUNK-3258
14:03:41 <dkayiwa> Now: Making the patient registration app show on the reference app home page
14:03:41 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:05:12 <wyclif> Friday:
14:05:12 <wyclif> -REPORT-485 - Reporting module sqldiff fails if database is not utf8
14:05:14 <wyclif> -Work on
14:05:15 <wyclif> Monday:
14:05:16 <wyclif> -Continue with
14:05:17 <wyclif> Blockers: None
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14:06:41 <cpower> Ok any other updates?
14:06:53 <cpower> Thanks!
14:06:56 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:06:56 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:14:24 *** gauravsaini03 has joined #openmrs
14:19:34 <gauravsaini03> Hi, I have completed the TRUNK-3221 ticket yesterday, how much time it will take to someone review it.
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14:26:21 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: was looking for you and you had gone :)
14:27:01 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Sorry yesterday my internet connection had some problem
14:27:23 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: So can you review it now ?
14:27:54 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i had some questions for you
14:28:14 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: what ?
14:29:04 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: check on github
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14:36:44 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: hi
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14:37:00 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: hi
14:37:18 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i do not seem to understand your response :)
14:37:29 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: So if we are supporting only 1.9 and above, this script block would not be necessary. Correct?
14:38:05 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Actually I checked it once again you said the jquery-ui version you said is 1.9 but it is 1.8.2
14:38:06 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: where 1.9 = OpenMRS 1.9
14:38:38 <gauravsaini03> No, I am saying about the jquery-ui.custom.min.js !
14:38:42 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i have just updated my comment :)
14:39:05 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: can you now edit your response in reference to that?
14:39:19 <gauravsaini03> In github ?
14:39:27 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: yes
14:39:33 <gauravsaini03> I will
14:40:57 <gauravsaini03> I did not get the updated response of your in Github !
14:41:47 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa : Also after updating my response what I have to do, is there anything else I have to clear you ?
14:42:04 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so what does this statement do?
14:42:06 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: menu.activate( $.Event({ type: "mouseenter" }), menu.element.children().first() );
14:42:35 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa : Ok I will explain it in response, wait for a min
14:43:06 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: since it looks like a complicated line/statement (atleast to me) can you put a comment in the code?
14:43:55 <gauravsaini03> Yes, I will do that also.
14:44:29 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: for any statement that does not look obvious, feel free to include a comment above it. ok? :)
14:44:46 <gauravsaini03> I will :)
14:46:01 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: after that, can you also squash your commits into one? :)
14:46:27 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Can yo tell me how to do that ?
14:46:36 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: google has the answer :)
14:46:45 <gauravsaini03> :)
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14:55:54 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Actually statement activates the mouseenter event, over the first element which comes in the menu.
14:56:26 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: this is the meaning of the line of code.
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14:57:32 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: is that all in the code?
14:58:17 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, that last line means the same.
14:58:40 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: means the same or is in the code?
14:59:02 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: It is in the code.
14:59:14 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: ok
14:59:36 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Is anything else I have to do >
15:00:00 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: have you finished doing all i told you to do?
15:00:02 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: So I can now squash all my commits into one
15:00:22 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, I have added response on github
15:00:26 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: always first finish doing all for the moment and then ask me when you are idle :)
15:00:40 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so are you idle now?
15:00:54 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, I am done.
15:01:12 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so you have nothing else to do? (idle) :)
15:02:10 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: oops, sry ! will squash my code now !
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15:22:41 <sashrika> dkayiwa: Hi....
15:22:47 <dkayiwa> sashrika: hi
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15:23:25 <sashrika> dkayiwa: daniel can i have Lluis Martinez's email address? do u have?
15:26:04 <dkayiwa> sashrika: are you on the dev list?
15:27:00 <sashrika> dkayiwa: yes. i can post there. but this is some thing urgent :) . that's why i finding it.
15:27:17 <dkayiwa> sashrika: no i meant you can always get it from his posts there :)
15:27:58 <sashrika> dkayiwa: but the mail is hiden no? only the first part is appeared. rest is hiden
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15:30:35 <dkayiwa> sashrika: in any of his posts, just hoover the mouse over his name (sender) and you will see it
15:33:58 <sashrika> dkayiwa: ohh why isn't it working for me!topic/dev/CAGDb1it0E4
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15:35:55 <dkayiwa> sashrika: are you checking from your inbox?
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15:37:33 <sashrika> dkayiwa: No..... is not working
15:37:53 <sashrika> dkayiwa: thats a public one. not from my inbox
15:38:05 <dkayiwa> sashrika: why don't you use your inbox?
15:39:16 <sashrika> dkayiwa: Perfect... Got it :)
15:39:32 <sashrika> dkayiwa: thanks for the clue :)
15:39:41 <dkayiwa> sashrika: from inbox? :)
15:40:21 <sashrika> yes....! mailing list doesn't show the full address. but inbox does.
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16:08:20 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I have committed the code.
16:08:41 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Added the comment into it.
16:08:51 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: am waiting for JIRA to tell me so :)
16:08:59 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: ok.
16:10:18 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: But the squash really screwed up for me. I ran many commands but still not able to see all that on my gitihub. It still shows the previous commits
16:10:34 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa:
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16:11:01 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: which command did you execute?
16:11:40 <gauravsaini03> git rebase -i HEAD~4
16:12:12 <gauravsaini03> followed by this, git commit --amend; git rebase --continue
16:12:43 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I also edited the file from pick to stash
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16:13:15 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Really all messing up for me :(
16:13:29 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: can you send an email to the dev list and get help on how to do it? After their response, ensure that you put the instructions on the wiki for others :)
16:16:27 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Ok. So can you complete my request now ?
16:16:37 <gauravsaini03> I have done all my code
16:16:53 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i will look at it after you have squashed all commits into one
16:17:25 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Ok. Really now its a big task for me, rather than righting some piece of code !!
16:18:07 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: bigger task = more learning :)
16:18:17 <gauravsaini03> Yes, right :)
16:18:45 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so you end up benefiting more :)
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17:14:26 <GitHub145> [openmrs-core] gauravsaini03 opened pull request #318: Auto highlight on coded answer and active Add button in dictionary - TRUNK-3221 (master...TRUNK-3221)
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17:16:38 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I am done, you can check the code now.
17:16:47 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: ok
17:16:51 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa:
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17:17:33 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Also added necessary information to the ticket TRUNK-3221
17:17:52 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: in which versions of openmrs will this return true? if ( !autocomplete.options.selectFirst )
17:18:51 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I also previously told you its not the openmrs version, its because of jquery version.
17:19:24 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: For jquery-ui verion 1.8.23 above it will work fine.
17:19:39 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: which version are we using
17:20:08 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: we are using 1.8.2
17:20:38 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so it does not work fine with our version?
17:21:13 <wyclif> hi guys
17:21:14 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: No the selectFirst is not available in our version that is why I have to add that javascript for it.
17:22:13 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so will our version return true or false for this? if ( !autocomplete.options.selectFirst )
17:26:50 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Actually our version does not support it so it will return false
17:27:51 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: you mean our version does not have selectFirst ?
17:28:01 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes
17:28:17 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: then that will return True instead of False
17:28:20 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: not so?
17:28:33 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: if ( !autocomplete.options.selectFirst )
17:28:55 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: yes, actually its not equal statement there.
17:29:34 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so am i correct to say that our version will evaluate to true for this statement? if ( !autocomplete.options.selectFirst )
17:30:23 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: yes
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17:31:00 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: so it will return and hence the menu.activate..... will never get executed. correct?
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17:41:32 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: No it will be executed.
17:42:06 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: The return statement exit the if statement but will execute the next line
17:42:29 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: how come? you said our version does not have selectFirst so the if condition will evaluate to true and hence return
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17:43:40 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: after it returns, how then can it execute the menu.activate... statement?
17:43:53 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: unless this is another language am not aware of :)
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17:49:15 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, you are right
17:49:37 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Strange for me.
17:49:47 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Let me recheck the code again.
17:50:21 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: are you sure you tested this in the webapp? :)
17:50:56 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, 100% sure about this. I written and modified and tested it.
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17:51:15 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Let me make some changes and then test it.
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18:06:47 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I tested it and found the reason
18:07:43 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Actually if(!autocomplete.options.selectFirst) return False
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18:09:22 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Its strange that when I tested it with a if(!autocomplete.options.appendTo) it returns True
18:10:07 <gauravsaini03> I checked the jquery documentation of autocomplete it stated that it has appendTo option, still it return True.
18:10:09 <gauravsaini03>
18:13:50 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: am not sure i properly understand. can you reply to the github comments?
18:14:43 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Ok.
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18:26:13 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Please check the comment
18:26:21 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: ok
18:26:24 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: at github
18:27:08 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: can we discuss this comment from you?
18:27:10 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: I tested it with if(!autocomplete.options.selectFirst) it returns True which means its available in jquery-ui
18:27:55 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: when the if condition returns true, does it mean selectFirst is available in jquery?
18:28:01 <gauravsaini03> Actually the if(!autocomplete.options.selectFirst) retun True
18:28:17 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: and does that mean then that selectFirst is available?
18:28:44 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i thought returning true means its NOT available
18:29:07 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: are you forgetting that it starts with the not operator (!) ?
18:29:22 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: SOrry updated my comment
18:29:31 <gauravsaini03> Actually the if(!autocomplete.options.selectFirst) retun False
18:30:21 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: that is why the if statement is not executed.
18:30:59 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: what do you mean by the if statement not being executed?
18:31:18 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: that means the conditional test does not happen :)
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18:32:20 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, the if condition is not executed as it is not true. It return False
18:32:47 <suranga> hi dkayiwa , mm... so lets say someone wants to work on refernce application tickets. is there some sort of document on how to set up the dnvironment, etc ?
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18:34:18 <dkayiwa> suranga:
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18:34:29 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: do you know if that wiki page is up to date?
18:34:43 <suranga> aha. thanks /me goes to look
18:35:00 <suranga> ooops, dkayiwa , is it upto date ? :-)
18:35:05 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
18:35:09 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Yes, the if condition is not executed as it is not true. It return False
18:35:25 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: some of the stuff there was useful to me :)
18:36:05 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: okay, and if a newbie were to look at it, would it help them or confuse them?
18:38:13 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: i already has done some reference app setup before i bumped onto that page. so i could give a biased answer to that question. How about asking suranga if that page alone helps him set it up without confusion? :)
18:38:20 <dkayiwa> has = had
18:38:44 <suranga> dkayiwa: djazayeri sounds like a plan :-)
18:39:57 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
18:40:36 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Hi, Did you get the comment ?
18:41:15 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
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18:42:09 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: i have seen it
18:42:30 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Can we discuss it further
18:42:33 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: which version of openmrs are you testing with?
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18:43:38 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
18:43:48 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I want to complete it soon, so I can work on another ticket. I am using openMRS latest version. I checkout it from github openmrs-core
18:44:54 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: you do not have to wait before you take on another ticket
18:45:09 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: you can always work on another ticket as you wait for review :)
18:45:16 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: ok. :)
18:45:36 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: So what doubt you have now, in reviewing it
18:45:44 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I want to clear them all
18:46:00 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: keep working on another ticket and i will tell you as we get along :)
18:46:04 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: after adding code that i have commited at mvn clean install fails with, ObsTest fails, i think this is due to the added code, what is the mess in the code, also adds changes automatically to my repository with out my notice, what is the cause for this? dkayiwa: after adding code that i have commited at
18:46:04 <k-joseph> joseph/openmrs-core/commit/TRUNK-3765 mvn clean install fails with, ObsTest fails, i think this is due to the added code, what is the mess in the code, also adds changes automatically to my repository with out my notice, what is the cause for this?
18:46:08 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:46:30 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: If you can test my code at your end it will clear you that it is working.
18:46:59 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: it is not enough to test and confirm its working. the code should also make sense to me :)
18:47:51 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: I have explained the condition in my comment, I can explain you further.
18:48:08 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you commit changes outside the scope of your ticket?
18:48:32 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: keep working on another ticket and i will ask you when i review it again
18:48:52 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i don't think so
18:49:17 <gauravsaini03> dkayiwa: Ok. I will be back tomorrow. :)
18:49:26 <dkayiwa> gauravsaini03: sure :)
18:49:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: which test class is failing?
18:50:03 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
18:50:23 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does your test pass?
18:51:08 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: dkayiwa: i had not written a test case, for this ticket
18:51:57 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: have you addressed all comments from wyclif?
18:52:19 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: yes, i did in that commit
18:52:34 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: all of them?
18:53:02 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think so,
18:53:16 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does the ticket indicate that?
18:53:48 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: beg your pardon
18:54:06 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: what exactly!!!
18:54:21 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: by looking at the ticket, can i tell that you have addressed wyclif's comments?
18:56:40 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: you may also concider the prevous commit where wyclif's comments are, at
18:56:41 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:57:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: is that supposed to be an answer to my question above?
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18:58:51 <Areo> hello All, DO you know example of pop-up form in OpenMRS? Thanks!
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