IRC Chat : 2013-04-08 - OpenMRS

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08:17:40 <garima> hi rafa
08:17:46 <rafa> garima: hi
08:18:28 <garima> rafa: can u tell me how to test the search module?
08:18:52 <rafa> garima: absolutely, just give me 5 minutes
08:18:57 <rafa> garima: I'll get back to you
08:19:02 <garima> rafa: sure :)
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08:22:29 <rafa> garima: I'm back.
08:23:16 <rafa> garima: so you already know that you need to implement a search handler, which you'll put in omod-1.9 submodule, right?
08:23:26 <garima> rafa: yes
08:23:45 <rafa> garima: ok, so the way to test it is create ConceptController1_9Test
08:23:50 <rafa> garima: in the same submodule
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08:24:03 <rafa> garima: look at ConceptController1_8Test for an example
08:24:22 <garima> rafa: okay
08:24:41 <rafa> garima: it needs to extend MainResourceControllerTest and implement a few abstract methods, which you can copy from ConceptController1_8Test
08:25:11 <rafa> garima: to test the search see in particular shouldFindConceptsBySourceAndCode
08:25:54 <rafa> garima: you will do something similar which just one parameter term
08:26:44 <garima> rafa: yes, is this it shouldFindConceptsBySource() ?
08:27:17 <rafa> garima: yes, that test uses just one parameter
08:27:55 <rafa> garima: instead of source you will say term and instead of a name you will give a uuid of a term
08:28:26 <rafa> garima: you can find uuids of terms in standardTestDataset.xml
08:28:42 <rafa> garima: or you can add your own
08:29:25 <garima> rafa: so it should say shouldFindConceptsByTerm() and inside the Parameter(), i should pass a uuid?
08:29:33 <rafa> garima: correct
08:30:53 <garima> rafa: then i will have to manually see what the result size should for the parameter uuid passed and the assert statement should have that result size?
08:31:05 <rafa> garima: yes
08:31:46 <garima> rafa: "mvn clean package" will test it and report whether the corresponding test passed or failed?
08:31:54 <rafa> garima: yes
08:32:16 <garima> rafa: thanks a lot for your help :)
08:32:26 <rafa> garima: no worries
08:32:32 <rafa> garima: I'm around if you need me
08:33:09 <garima> rafa: thanks, will come to you if i get stuck
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08:55:47 <khayamuddin31> hi dkayiwa did you see atttachment what i can implemented
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09:02:09 <dkayiwa> khayam: hi
09:08:48 <khayam> dkayiwa- did you see the attachment
09:09:49 <dkayiwa> khayam: yes and commented on the ticket
09:10:57 <khayam> dkayiwa-so can i pull the code for review?
09:12:03 <dkayiwa> khayam: yes
09:12:27 <khayam> dkayiwa-ok thanks
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11:10:09 <GitHub195> [openmrs-core] khayamuddin31 opened pull request #268: Add delete/purge for program states in the workflow (master...TRUNK-3094)
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11:19:46 <khayam> dkayiwa-Hi I have commited code please review it, thanks!
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12:28:10 <jkeiper> mseaton: happy birthday ;-)
12:28:16 <jkeiper> !beerme mseaton
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14:03:17 <rafa> cpower_: cpower good morning!
14:06:24 <rafa> it's scrum time, isn't it?
14:07:27 <andreapat> no cpower?
14:08:03 <cpower> hello!
14:08:14 <cpower> sorry monday meetings :-(
14:08:18 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:08:18 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:08:53 <cpower> Order: mseaton , rafa , andreapat , djazayeri, wyclif
14:09:04 <cpower> and anyone else who would like to give an update
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14:10:35 <rafa> I'll go
14:10:40 <rafa> Friday (missed scrum):
14:10:40 <rafa> * Reviewed/merged pull requests in core
14:10:40 <rafa> * Tested Concept Proposal Module
14:10:40 <rafa> * CPM call
14:10:40 <rafa> Today:
14:10:40 <rafa> * Assessed RESTWS tickets.
14:10:40 <rafa> * Committed RESTWS-372: VisitResource getting by wrong name in getVisitsByPatient()
14:10:41 <rafa>
14:10:41 <rafa> * Assisted with RESTWS-368: Add search by term to ConceptResource1_9
14:10:42 <rafa>
14:10:42 <rafa> * Finishing with META-329: Concept Numerics don't import properly
14:10:43 <rafa>
14:10:43 <rafa> * Next RA-15: Document setting up a dev environment
14:10:44 <rafa>
14:10:44 <rafa> No blockers.
14:11:17 <andreapat> Friday
14:11:17 <andreapat> Ticket TRUNK-3751
14:11:17 <andreapat> My original changed worked fine but onlyhandle standalone
14:11:17 <andreapat> re-Wrote code in ModuleUtil.checkRequiredVersion:
14:11:17 <andreapat> to parse alpha versions and handle ranges correctly
14:11:18 <andreapat> Still 2 Failing due to
14:11:20 <andreapat> More hard code in compareVersion for handling SNAPSHOT
14:11:22 <andreapat>
14:11:24 <andreapat> Monday
14:11:26 <andreapat> Fix this problem and new unit test
14:11:28 <andreapat> Blocker/Discussion re @should treat SNAPSHOT as earliest version
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14:13:21 <rafa> djazayeri_may_be: you are next if you are there :)
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14:13:50 <rafa> wyclif: it seems like you're up
14:13:53 <wyclif> Friday:
14:13:53 <wyclif> -Google hangout with sprinters
14:13:53 <wyclif> -Refactored code in coreapps module
14:13:53 <wyclif> -RA-37 - Spike on refactoring Mirebalais codebase to use new App Framework module
14:13:53 <wyclif> Monday:
14:13:53 <wyclif> -Continue with spike on RA-37
14:13:55 <wyclif> -pick up another ticket
14:13:57 <wyclif>
14:13:59 <wyclif> Blockers: None
14:14:17 <khayam> wyclif- Hi, did you know when dkayiwa will be available?
14:15:05 <rafa> okay so we have one blocker from andreapat
14:15:12 <rafa> I'll be happy to help in 30 mins
14:15:13 <cpower> yep anyone else?
14:15:29 <andreapat> rafa, ok
14:15:31 <wyclif> khayam, nope
14:15:32 <cpower> Annoucements: Looking for Design meeting topics
14:16:00 <wyclif> khayam, it's nearly end of day in Uganda, so the chances are slim
14:16:10 <andreapat> rafa, will you ping me then?
14:16:13 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:16:13 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:16:17 <rafa> andreapat: sure
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14:17:38 <khayam> wyclif-i have commited the code i am wanted somebody to review it
14:17:52 <andreapat> rafa, ok good
14:18:04 <harsz89> rafa, hi
14:18:27 <harsz89> rafa, if you have a time please look at the ticket pul request and my comments :)
14:18:43 <harsz89> rafa, :)
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14:33:48 <wyclif> hi djazayeri_may_be
14:34:07 <wyclif> djazayeri_may_be, are we having the hangout?
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14:40:17 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
14:40:41 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
14:40:50 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i have inboxed you
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14:45:29 <Anuruddha> sunbiz: hi!!
14:46:11 <djazayeri> wyclif, dkayiwa, breeze, (rafa): hi
14:46:23 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: hi
14:46:38 <djazayeri> sorry for missing earlier
14:47:03 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: to catch up quickly, I see that the logic build is green and you put that ticket in review. Anything else to report?
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14:47:24 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: i remember having changes that already :)
14:47:42 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: as in i already put it in post commit review
14:48:15 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: the build was red when I looked last night, and it's green now, so I assume you did something in between. :-)
14:48:51 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: i only did what you told me on the ticket. and it worked. after that i changed the ticket state to post commit review
14:48:54 <djazayeri> breeze: how goes getting things to a demo server?
14:50:21 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: cool, so is there anything else I should look at?
14:51:15 <breeze> djazayeri: I'm going to need some help with troublehshotting stuff
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14:51:29 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: i have not yet committed a response to review comments for RA-22
14:51:33 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: but about to
14:51:38 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: okay, cool
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14:51:49 <djazayeri> breeze: you want to chat now (for 9 minutes) or later?
14:52:01 <breeze> djazayeri: now is good
14:53:26 <djazayeri> breeze: okay, what's the question?
14:53:58 <breeze> djazayeri: well first thing is with the idgen module....a couple errors that I'll paste in a sec
14:54:35 <andreapat> rafa, you back?
14:54:35 <breeze> I'm wondering 1- if they are show stoppers? and 2- if so how to fix them? I'm sure it's config stuff that I don't have
14:55:03 <breeze> error 1 = ERROR - CommonsLoggingOutput.error(75) |2013-04-08 09:49:46,171| Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml on line: DWREncounterService.findEncounters(String phrase, Integer patientId, boolean includeVoided)
14:55:15 <djazayeri> breeze: that one can be ignored
14:55:29 <breeze> ok
14:55:35 <djazayeri> breeze: any "Parameter mismatch parsing signatures section in dwr.xml"
14:55:39 <breeze> then error 2 actually only a warning WARN - AuthenticatedTask.authenticate(85) |2013-04-08 09:49:55,893| Error authenticating 'admin' user. Please ensure you scheduler username and password are configured correctly in your global properties
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15:02:26 <breeze> and I guess just a general question I have. I know there is an implementers section on the wiki. does it contain info on configs that can be set?
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15:04:35 <andreapat> rafa?
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15:08:52 <breeze> then a more concrete error = org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/view/module/idgen/manageIdentifierSources.jsp (line: 37, column: 11) "idgen.${}" contains invalid expression(s): javax.el.ELException: Failed to parse the expression [idgen.${}]
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15:09:42 <breeze> when going to Admin => Patient ID types => Manage Identifier Sources
15:10:39 <andreapat> rafa, you back?
15:10:53 <djazayeri> breeze: ah, you're running on tomcat 7
15:10:56 <djazayeri> breeze: I think
15:11:08 <h3llborn> djazayeri: i got a question about TRUNK-3936
15:11:10 <djazayeri> breeze: this is a trivial fix in the idgen module to make things work though
15:11:10 <breeze> yes
15:11:54 <breeze> djazayeri: I can switch to tomcat6 is need be
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15:12:53 <djazayeri> breeze: the fix to this is to change where it says ${} to be ${source["class"].name}
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15:13:24 <djazayeri> breeze: or else switch to tomcat 6
15:13:30 <djazayeri> breeze: fixing it would fix it for the next person
15:13:35 <breeze> djazayeri: ok...let me try that locally
15:14:13 <breeze> djazayeri: though it makes me wonder if tomcat7 will bring up other issues like that? are we ready and willing to deal with them or just go the safer route in use tomcat6?
15:14:33 <djazayeri> breeze: we've fixed many instances of this, and I know that some people do run on tomcat 7
15:15:10 <breeze> djazayeri: ok. i'll put that fix in and see what comes up next :)
15:15:31 <djazayeri> breeze: the only thing we really run into is that .class -> ["class"] due to some change in the jsp spec that made class a reserved work
15:16:30 <breeze> djazayeri: ok
15:16:42 <h3llborn> djazayeri: do you have a min?
15:16:53 <djazayeri> h3llborn: no, sorry, on a standup now
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15:17:05 <djazayeri> h3llborn: just starting now
15:17:08 <h3llborn> ok
15:17:15 <h3llborn> well ill msg u in like an hr if that works?
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15:19:57 <rafa> andreapat: hi
15:20:10 <andreapat> rafa, hi
15:20:45 <rafa> andreapat: you have some code for me? :)
15:20:48 <garima> rafa: hi
15:20:55 <rafa> garima: hi
15:21:34 <rafa> andreapat: which ticket?
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15:21:57 <andreapat> rafa, ticket TRUNK-3751
15:22:10 <garima> rafa: i had a doubt, if instead of using standardTestDataset.xml, I were to populate the openmrs MySQL database myself, is that okay?
15:22:23 <rafa> garima: yes, it's ok
15:22:39 <garima> rafa: thanks :)
15:22:46 <andreapat> rafa, have compile error and some git weirdness going on also
15:23:05 <rafa> andreapat: is there a pull request?
15:23:14 <andreapat> rafa, no
15:23:40 <rafa> andreapat: ok, shall we go to adobe connect?
15:24:09 <andreapat> rafa, yes great!
15:24:27 <rafa> andreapat: ok is ready
15:24:31 <andreapat> rafa, omrsu
15:25:22 <rafa> andreapat: have you figured out your skype issues?
15:25:29 <rafa> andreapat: can we do voice there?
15:26:49 <djazayeri> rafa: hey, what's the status of the META story about concept numerics?
15:27:10 <rafa> djazayeri: I'm close to fix that, will commit today
15:27:23 <andreapat> rafa, will try skype
15:27:29 <djazayeri> rafa: awesome!
15:27:40 <rafa> andreapat: ok
15:27:52 <andreapat> rafa, spell your last name please
15:27:59 <rafa> andreapat: rafal.korytkowski
15:28:40 <burke> where is the new demo site? I tried and no luck.
15:28:54 <djazayeri> burke: breeze is working on it
15:29:09 <harsz89> hi rafa
15:29:15 <rafa> harsz89: hi
15:29:26 <andreapat> rafa, says skype name not found when I try to add contact
15:29:47 <harsz89> rafa, if you have time today please have a look at the comments and the pull request of
15:29:48 <rafa> andreapat: do you know yours?
15:29:50 <harsz89> rafa, :)
15:30:10 <rafa> harsz89: I did comment there :)
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15:30:40 <rafa> andreapat: do you know your skype id?
15:30:43 <andreapat> rafa, andrea.patterson59
15:31:35 <rafa> andreapat: you should have received an invitation
15:31:44 <harsz89> rafa, i'm sorry just saw it
15:31:53 <rafa> harsz89: no worries
15:31:59 <harsz89> rafa, i'll work on it :) thank you
15:32:00 <rafa> harsz89: is it clear?
15:33:08 <rafa> andreapat: you need to accept my skype invitation before I can call you
15:33:12 <andreapat> rafa, no invite - weird I always see when Darius is online - what could be wrong?
15:33:26 <andreapat> rafa, I don't see it
15:33:32 <harsz89> rafa, yes it's clear
15:33:41 <rafa> andreapat: I don't know
15:33:53 <rafa> andreapat: ok, let's just do chat
15:34:02 <rafa> andreapat: can you share your screen please?
15:34:14 <andreapat> rafa, ok don't you have sound?
15:34:23 <harsz89> rafa, for fix ClassHierarchyResourceTest i may need to remove the assert of class name
15:34:32 <rafa> harsz89: that's cool :)
15:34:37 <harsz89> rafa, since it returns a simple object
15:34:42 <harsz89> rafa, okey i'll do
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15:34:52 <harsz89> rafa, thank you :)
15:35:00 <rafa> andreapat: I can enable voice on the adobe connect
15:35:12 <andreapat> rafa, good
15:35:33 <rafa> andreapat: can you heaer me?
15:36:36 <rafa> andreapat: do you know how to enable voice in adobe connect?
15:36:48 <rafa> andreapat: it should work with no problem on windows
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15:37:18 <rafa> andreapat: just click the mic icon in the top menu
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15:48:58 <andrea_p> rafa, back
15:49:01 <rafa> andrea_p: ok
15:49:16 <rafa> andrea_p: type git add -i again
15:49:41 <rafa> andrea_p: now "a"
15:49:56 <rafa> andrea_p: pick 1 and 3
15:50:18 <rafa> andrea_p: enter :)
15:50:26 <rafa> andrea_p: q
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15:50:36 <rafa> let's commit
15:51:09 <rafa> andrea_p: after we commit we can clean other untracked files with
15:51:14 <rafa> andrea_p: git clean -df
15:51:20 <andrea_p> rafa, ok what now?
15:51:38 <rafa> andrea_p: git clean -df
15:52:03 <rafa> andrea_p: good
15:52:09 <rafa> andrea_p: now let's try building again
15:52:49 <andrea_p> rafa, building
15:53:03 <rafa> andrea_p: ok
15:53:16 <andrea_p> rafa, finally go comcast - much faster now
15:53:43 <andrea_p> rafa, but still takes long
15:53:49 <rafa> andrea_p: comcast?
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15:55:23 <andrea_p> rafa, yes comcast instead of at&t - it is much faster
15:55:53 <andrea_p> rafa, I hear ISPs are much better in Europe
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15:57:03 <rafa> andrea_p: I have 20 MBs :)
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15:57:22 <rafa> andrea_p: sorry Mbs ;)
15:57:48 <andrea_p> rafa, what is Mbs?
15:58:00 <rafa> andrea_p: megabits ;)
15:58:03 <andrea_p> rafa, oh got ya
15:58:38 <andrea_p> raf, still running
15:58:46 <rafa> andrea_p: for just ~ $15 ;)
15:58:57 <rafa> andrea_p: just finished
15:59:23 <andrea_p> rafa, that's amazing - am paying $79
15:59:47 <rafa> andrea_p: then indeed ISPs are much better here :D
15:59:53 <andrea_p> rafa, ok SUCCESS
15:59:54 <rafa> andrea_p: success!
16:00:13 <rafa> andrea_p: are we done?
16:00:21 <rafa> andrea_p: or is there something else left?
16:00:56 <andrea_p> rafa, no - quewstion about SNAPSHOT - will show you code
16:01:05 <rafa> andrea_p: ok
16:01:49 <andrea_p> rafa, hard not to be able to talk
16:02:00 <rafa> andrea_p: yeah
16:02:16 <rafa> andrea_p: you really need to try upgrading skype
16:02:20 <breeze> djazayeri: so going down that path to fix idgen module uncovered a few things, but the most immediate of which is the following
16:02:22 <andrea_p> rafa, put back my original cvhange whick works fine for SNAPSHOT
16:02:35 <andrea_p> raf, will upgrade skype
16:02:57 <breeze> WARN - ModuleFactory.stopModule(933) |2013-04-08 11:00:41,563| Unable to call module's Activator.shutdown() method
16:02:57 <breeze> org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Unable to load/find moduleActivator: 'org.openmrs.module.idgen.ModuleActivator' Module: ID Generation
16:02:57 <breeze> at org.openmrs.module.Module.getModuleActivator(
16:03:16 <djazayeri> breeze: hmm, sounds like it didn't package right
16:03:18 <andrea_p> rafa, but Darius wants it to work for any alpha version and alpha with ranges
16:03:49 <andrea_p> rafa, there is other hard code re SNAPSHOT
16:03:57 <rafa> andrea_p: it will be eaiser if you just send a pull request of what you've got and I'll comment on that
16:04:02 <breeze> djazayeri. that
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16:04:27 <andrea_p> rafa, hi-lited my original change
16:04:39 <breeze> djazayeri: that's possible. I built idgen locally then simply renamed the jar to omod and tried to upload it via the ui
16:04:40 <rafa> andrea_p: how does that sound?
16:04:48 <garima> rafa: hi
16:04:52 <rafa> garima: hi
16:04:53 <nyoman> djazayeri, do the html form entry can generate something for offline form filling? or can i submit some data (xml) and use html form entry to process it? similar to how infopath generate xml payload?
16:05:01 <djazayeri> breeze: that's wrong
16:05:15 <djazayeri> breeze: if you build locally, you just look at omod/target/*.omod
16:05:21 <rafa> andrea_p: it will be eaiser if you just send a pull request of what you've got and I'll comment on that
16:05:22 <djazayeri> breeze: and that should be there.
16:05:39 <breeze> djazayeri: wasn't but let me look at it again
16:05:41 <garima> rafa: to connect to database, what username and password should I use in the code?
16:05:50 <andrea_p> ok rafa, will do - will put comment on pull
16:05:52 <rafa> andrea_p: I can't really follow of what you're showing
16:05:58 <rafa> andrea_p: great, thanks
16:06:17 <rafa> garima: you don't have to connect
16:06:40 <rafa> garima: just use service methods in your test to populate database
16:06:53 <rafa> garima: Context.getConceptService().saveConcept... etc
16:07:04 <garima> rafa: not for populating
16:07:11 <breeze> djazayeri: guess I need more coffee today :)
16:07:13 <garima> for retrieving
16:07:20 <rafa> garima: ohh for searching
16:07:28 <garima> rafa: yes
16:07:43 <garima> rafa: there is no api like you said earlier
16:08:06 <rafa> garima: look at RestHelperServiceImpl
16:08:31 <rafa> garima: you might be able to use that
16:08:46 <rafa> garima: getObjectsByFields in particular
16:09:29 <breeze> djazayeri: ok looking much better now....
16:10:41 <rafa> garima: a usage example is in ConceptReferenceTermMapSearchHandler1_9
16:11:01 <garima> rafa: thanks, I am looking into it
16:15:50 <garima> rafa: what do I pass in the function "username" and "password"?
16:16:21 <rafa> garima: what function?
16:17:11 <garima> getObjectByFields, the fieldname
16:18:34 <andrea_p> rafa, you still here
16:19:39 <andrea_p> rafa??
16:19:53 <rafa> garima: you probably want to call something like getObjectsByFields(ConceptMap.class, new Field("conceptReferenceTerm", conceptReferenceTerm))
16:20:25 <rafa> andrea_p: yes ;)
16:21:25 <andrea_p> rafa, weird I'm having trouble with pull request
16:21:25 <garima> rafa: so i do not need to search from the database, instead use getObjectsByFields ?
16:22:00 <rafa> garima: yes, it should work
16:22:05 <rafa> andrea_p: what problem?
16:22:24 <rafa> andrea_p: I'm disconnected from adobe connect
16:22:32 <garima> rafa: thanks, i will look into it
16:22:40 <breeze> djazayeri: so the fix you suggested is already in place for the 2.5.x version of id gen, but the refapp pom is using 2.4.x as a dependency. is there any reason not to just update the dependent version?
16:22:44 <andrea_p> rafa, I know
16:23:41 <andrea_p> rafa, in github
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16:23:58 <andrea_p> rafa
16:24:22 <andrea_p> rafa?
16:24:33 <rafa> andrea_p: yes?
16:24:46 <rafa> andrea_p: you haven't pushed your commits
16:24:55 <andrea_p> rafa, aah!
16:25:36 <andrea_p> rafa, very embarrasing - thought I had
16:25:48 <rafa> need to run, I'll be back in an hour or so
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16:27:11 <djazayeri> breeze: indeed I think you should use the versions plugin to always be fetching the latest versions
16:27:26 <djazayeri> breeze: sorry for slow reply, this window doesn't seem to be beeping, or else I'm too distracted
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16:27:35 <GitHub148> [openmrs-core] andreapat opened pull request #269: TRUNK-3751 (master...master)
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16:27:40 <breeze> djazayeri: np
16:29:41 <andrea_p> rafa:
16:29:48 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
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16:30:22 <andrea_p> rafa, did you get that?
16:30:30 <andrea_p> rafa, will email too
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18:06:37 <breeze> I know there was discussion about this error in the reference application module re: versioing, but was it ever addressed / fixed?
18:06:38 <breeze> WARN - ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(605) |2013-04-08 13:05:26,077| Error while trying to start module: referenceapplication
18:06:38 <breeze> org.openmrs.module.ModuleException: Module requires version between 1.9.4 and , Current code version is
18:13:24 <djazayeri> breeze: it's the bug that andrea is working on. the fix for this is to change the omod/src/main/resources/config.xml in the reference application module to just require OpenMRS 1.9.3 (instead of ${openmrsCoreVersion})
18:13:29 <djazayeri> breeze: can you change that?
18:13:57 <breeze> djazayeri: sure...
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18:48:25 <breeze> wyclif: you on?
18:48:39 <sunbiz> Hurray!!
18:48:49 <wyclif> breeze, yeah
18:48:51 <sunbiz> Congratulations to everyone... GSoC 2013 is on...
18:49:59 <breeze> wyclif: question about the reference application module. I'm trying to just smoke test the ui, but I don't get a login page, just an index.html with "Welcome to OpenMRS Reference Application!"
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18:51:00 <breeze> wyclif: is the login not there yet?
18:51:33 <wyclif> correct, breeze, that is all you get
18:51:55 <djazayeri> wyclif: didn't you do a login page?
18:52:00 <wyclif> breeze, there is an addition i added to list all extensions
18:52:21 <breeze> wyclif: do I use / access that?
18:52:28 <wyclif> breeze, djazayeri i did a login but there is no link on the home page to go to the login page
18:52:37 <wyclif> breeze, i can add it
18:53:11 <breeze> wyclif: is there a "back door" to login page then?
18:54:43 <wyclif> breeze, a quick one is to use the url to the login page in core, it gets redirected to the new login page
18:54:59 <breeze> wyclif: ok
18:55:06 <wyclif> breeze, so technically going to login.htm should work
18:55:50 <wyclif> djazayeri, djazayeri, i managed to get a link for one of the apps in emr module show up via the new App framework
18:56:03 <wyclif> djazayeri, what plans did you have for the tasks?
18:56:18 <wyclif> djazayeri, same implemetation?
18:57:57 <breeze> wyclif, djazayeri: yes, that did it, but the only thing I see is a redirect back to referenceapplication/ is that to be expected?
18:59:11 <wyclif> breeze, that happens if you are already authenticated, first logout
18:59:56 <wyclif> breeze, if you are not authenticated it should be the login page instead
19:00:56 <breeze> wyclif: sorry. didnt tell the full story. it did give me login fields, I logged in, but now again only get with the same welcome message and that's it
19:01:57 <wyclif> breeze, that is the correct behaviors now, there is much in the module yet
19:02:23 <djazayeri> wyclif: yeah, tasks should be replaced by extensions too. cool!
19:02:45 <breeze> wyclif: ok...I'll take it out of the set of reference modules until there is more in there
19:03:55 <wyclif> breeze, djazayeri i think i have the code for listing extensions in my local repo
19:04:21 <wyclif> breeze, djazayeri i wrote it when i was testing the coreapps and emr modulee
19:05:04 <djazayeri> So, breeze, can you please make a latest-deployed server public ASAP? That way wyclif will feel bad about having local code, and commit it. :-)
19:05:17 <wyclif> breeze, you will need to install the core apps module and my changes to have extensions listed on the home page
19:05:28 <wyclif> i can commit them later so you can have something on that page
19:05:42 <wyclif> djazayeri, ha ha ha
19:05:48 <wyclif> djazayeri, breeze sorry guys
19:07:03 <breeze> djazayeri: yes, I can put the blame on him instead of myself :)
19:11:14 <breeze> downey: just making sure. I should still be aiming at using for new reference application deploy, correct?
19:11:23 <downey> yep
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19:18:11 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
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19:18:19 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
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19:20:02 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: can you please help me, am facing this failure trace after writing a unit test
19:20:11 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
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19:21:08 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you also pastebin your test?
19:22:12 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: here is the test case
19:23:15 <k-joseph> i have modified that last link to
19:23:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
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19:26:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: thats because of the unit test's base class
19:26:38 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: make it like for the others
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19:31:08 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
19:32:52 <wyclif> djazayeri, is there is anything else you want to be done for RA-37 besides having a app being added via the new app framework? I added the find patient app
19:33:07 <wyclif> djazayeri, no task
19:35:22 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i have extended that, that is not solving the failure
19:35:59 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you still get the same exact error?
19:38:31 <davidpardz> congrats to OpenMRS for being one of the accepted organizations to participate in GSoC
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19:44:28 <h3llborn> djazayeri: you free now?
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19:51:45 <h3llborn> downey: so openmrs got accepted ? :D
19:51:58 <downey> h3llborn: yes, that's correct. :)
19:52:07 <h3llborn> shah awesome :) can't wait
19:52:24 <h3llborn> btw i got a question about TRUNK-3936
19:54:12 <downey> !ticket TRUNK-3936
19:54:14 <OpenMRSBot> downey: [#TRUNK-3936] Locally Exposed Database Credentials - OpenMRS JIRA -
19:55:23 <h3llborn> I'm just wondering if its only a linux problem
19:55:37 <h3llborn> and where exactly the wizard is located in the core of openmrs
19:55:41 <h3llborn> i must be blind haha
19:56:54 <k-joseph_> dkayiwa: hi
19:57:00 <dkayiwa> k-joseph_: hi
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19:57:17 <sunbiz> h3llborn: so ur name is Chris :)
19:57:22 <h3llborn> it is haha
19:58:00 <h3llborn>
19:58:04 <h3llborn> sunbiz: ^
19:58:05 <djazayeri> h3llborn: busy for the rest of the mainly
19:58:24 <djazayeri> wyclif: what have you done for RA-37
19:58:30 <h3llborn> kk djazayeri
19:58:35 <djazayeri> wyclif: so I can answer what else there is to do. :-)
19:58:37 <wyclif> djazayeri, find patient
19:58:43 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
19:58:57 <sunbiz> h3llborn: only after ur email to the list u can be identified :)
19:59:16 <h3llborn> never knew that sunbiz
19:59:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: did you see my last pastebin link
19:59:26 <k-joseph> ?
19:59:26 <h3llborn> well now you know hahah
19:59:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: was that what you were meaning?
19:59:43 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i asked you a question which you have not yet responded to
19:59:46 <djazayeri> h3llborn: busy for the rest of the *day* mainly
19:59:56 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: k-joseph: do you still get the same exact error?
20:00:09 <h3llborn> djazayeri: its ok, I'm sure someone on the mail list can help
20:00:12 <djazayeri> wyclif: so, you created a patient dashboard app, and it has extension points for visit action and general action?
20:01:27 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: yes, it is here again
20:01:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: how does your current test look like?
20:03:11 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it looks like
20:06:59 <sunbiz> Is Horatio Hornblower a real guy?? I know Darius patient is... :)
20:08:25 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
20:09:58 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you add the service to applicationContext-service.xml ?
20:13:15 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi, i had not done that, am doing that now
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20:26:17 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: after adding the serive to applicationContext-service.xml, the testcase fails with failure trace
20:27:06 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: thats because you did not put all the necessary entries in that file
20:27:31 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: just look for any service and see all its entries in that file
20:27:38 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: e.g conceptService
20:28:51 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: so am i supposed to put all the services files even the ones that am not associating with
20:30:00 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: a starting step would be simply search for any service and see all its entries in that file. Then do the same for your service
20:30:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
20:33:05 <wyclif> hi djazayeri_may_be
20:34:30 <wyclif> djazayeri_may_be, i created a find patient app that is added to the home page and a patient dashboard app with the 2 ext points but i didnt register an extensions
20:45:23 <wyclif> djazayeri_may_be, ?
20:48:00 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: after ensuring that all is added this is the failure trace
20:49:07 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you see this in your error log? [org.openmrs.notification.impl.NoteServiceImpl]: Bean property 'noteDAO' is not writable or has an invalid setter method. Did you mean 'nodeDAO'?
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20:58:39 <wyclif> hi djazayeri_may_be
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21:27:54 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
21:28:00 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
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21:31:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: have you already seen
21:31:43 <k-joseph> ?
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21:32:21 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: k-joseph: do you see this in your error log? [org.openmrs.notification.impl.NoteServiceImpl]: Bean property 'noteDAO' is not writable or has an invalid setter method. Did you mean 'nodeDAO'?
21:34:09 <breeze> djazayeri_may_be: good news and bad news.....
21:34:19 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: dkayiwa: yes i see that
21:34:34 <breeze> djazayeri_may_be: the good news is I've got automated deploys happening for the demo box
21:34:43 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you understand it
21:35:14 <breeze> djazayeri_may_be: the bad news is that bamboo does not let you chain builds across projects together, only plans within the same project
21:37:58 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am actually not getting it
21:38:18 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you have a setter for that property?
21:41:37 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i have not defined nodeDAO any where
21:42:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: you need to define it like other services do
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22:00:06 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: actually that was because the developer that wrote had named the setter setnodeDAO() rather than setNoteDAO() i have corrected that and now
22:00:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: excellent!!! :)
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22:14:00 <h3llborn> dkayiwa: you around?
22:14:10 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: almost :)
22:14:45 <h3llborn> haha any chance you could help me quick? I'm just trying to figure out where the code for one time install wizard is in the core of openmrs
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22:21:38 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: without mentioning my name, i may take like hours without knowing you are asking me something :)
22:22:04 <h3llborn> well i would have thought you had kept the window open dkayiwa
22:22:40 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: only if all i was doing was attending to you :)
22:22:50 <h3llborn> ahahah
22:23:15 <h3llborn> anyhow dkayiwa , would you be able to point me int he right direction regarding TRUNK-3936
22:23:17 <h3llborn> !ticket TRUNK-3936
22:23:19 <OpenMRSBot> h3llborn: [#TRUNK-3936] Locally Exposed Database Credentials - OpenMRS JIRA -
22:23:30 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: checking.....
22:24:00 <h3llborn> ok thanks dkayiwa
22:25:43 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: are you asking for the code creating that file?
22:25:53 <h3llborn> well ya i have no idea where it is :P
22:26:05 <mario_> dkayiwa, hey dude, do you know why emr-api depends of metadatasharing 1.1.6 ? I am trying to download it from the and the last version is 1.1.3
22:26:43 <dkayiwa> mario_: do you mean emrapi-api?
22:27:15 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: have you looked at?
22:27:28 <h3llborn> dkayiwa: hold on
22:27:44 <mario_> dkayiwa, sorry. emrapi module :)
22:28:23 <dkayiwa> mario_: i just copied and pasted that value from somewhere else. so feel free to change it :)
22:28:38 <h3llborn> dkayiwa: ok thanks ill check it out
22:29:18 <dkayiwa> h3llborn: in that file you will see a comment like: // output properties to the openmrs runtime properties file so that this wizard is not run again
22:29:33 <mario_> dkayiwa, cool. But are you able to start your local environment with this dependency?
22:29:53 <dkayiwa> mario_: emrapi runs well for me
22:30:19 <mario_> dkayiwa, hum, maybe is something wrong with my local workspace. I'll take a look. Thanks dude!
22:30:50 <h3llborn> dkayiwa: thanks again :)
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23:39:48 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
23:40:14 <djazayeri> hi wyclif
23:40:58 <djazayeri> what's up?
23:48:54 <wyclif> djazayeri, do i have to run the mirebalais project to view the apps?
23:49:07 <djazayeri> wyclif: what do you mean?
23:49:41 <wyclif> djazayeri, basically i added a patientdashboard app with the 2 extension points, so i am trying to view them
23:49:41 <djazayeri> wyclif: you've been tweaking the emr module, right? so in theory it should be sufficient to deploy the emr module (plus its many dependencies...)
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23:50:44 <djazayeri> wyclif: to view them it should be enough to have referenceapplication + coreapps, right?
23:51:19 <djazayeri> wyclif: though the point of this ticket is to determine what it will take to migrate the Mirebalais stuff, which means primarily the emr and mirebalais modules
23:51:21 <wyclif> djazayeri, nope, this is in the emr module
23:51:40 <djazayeri> wyclif: okay, so referenceapplication (just for the homepage) and the emr module
23:51:56 <wyclif> djazayeri, are we adding emr module?
23:52:31 <djazayeri> wyclif: we are going to temporarily add the emr module, and then work on removing it piece by piece.
23:53:39 <wyclif> djazayeri, reference app lists ext for the home page only, so what page are going to use for listing other apps?
23:53:55 <djazayeri> wyclif: what do you mean? should we go voice?
23:55:40 <wyclif> djazayeri, sure
23:58:56 <djazayeri> wyclif: call me via any technology, I should be online on all of them (though I'm in a coffee shop so not sure about firewall)