IRC Chat : 2013-02-06 - OpenMRS

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05:21:36 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [a8b769f] [lluismf] The build was broken. -
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07:05:03 <shady__> dkaiywa, halo, yesterday i somehow managed to solve the Transaction rolled back error. but now i encounter a differrent error:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
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08:12:03 <dkayiwa> shady__: you are misspelling my nickname is why my irc client does not alert me whenever you ask me anything
08:26:03 <ibewes> dkayiwa: howdy!
08:26:24 <dkayiwa> ibewes: hey
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09:06:48 <shady__> dkayiwa, am really sorry. i need your assistance on the error
09:07:08 <dkayiwa> shady__: pastebin the stack trace
09:14:55 <shady__> dkayiwa, am still having problems with pastebin. any other alternative?
09:15:24 <ibewes> shady__: works well too
09:18:22 <shady__> ibewes, thanks very much
09:18:40 <shady__> dkayiwa, here is the link
09:20:39 <dkayiwa> shady__: when exactly does this happen?
09:22:27 <shady__> dkayiwa, when i try running a groovy script in openmrs to generate an sql file
09:22:53 <dkayiwa> shady__: you can send this again to the mailing list
09:31:38 <shady__> dkayiwa, its now posted
09:31:44 <dkayiwa> shady__: ok
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09:36:10 <kavuri> dkayiwa: hi
09:36:17 <dkayiwa> kavuri: hi
09:36:42 <kavuri> dkayiwa: got a query on CustomRepresentation for webservice module
09:36:59 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I am trying to retrieve auditInfo for an encounter as a custom tag, but it is not returned.
09:37:24 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can you write a unit test for it?
09:37:43 <kavuri> dkayiwa: how does the custom representation work?
09:37:58 <dkayiwa> kavuri: would need to look at them to tell :)
09:38:45 <kavuri> dkayiwa: :) would you be please be kind enough to help me understand
09:45:54 <kavuri> dkayiwa: hi
09:46:01 <dkayiwa> kavuri: hi
09:46:47 <kavuri> dkayiwa: if you could let me know the code that handles the representation to custom tag, I can look into it and also write some unit testcases to check the issue
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09:59:00 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can you send that to the dev list?
10:03:19 <kavuri> dkayiwa: ok, will do
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11:30:31 <suranga> hi rafa :)
11:30:43 <suranga> rafa, I just wanted to say that your suggestion worked :P
11:30:59 <suranga> I managed to convince the boss that it was too hard to accomplish !
11:31:33 <dkayiwa> suranga: was that the suggestion :)
11:32:01 <suranga> dkayiwa, rafa suggested that it was really to hard to override page bahavior, and that I should introduce a new page instead :)
11:32:20 <suranga> dkayiwa, rafa , my boss'es feedback - > "you younger generation of coders have no sense of adventure"
11:32:50 <dkayiwa> suranga: no sense of hacking :D
11:32:51 <rafa> suranga: haha
11:33:17 <rafa> suranga: good for you
11:33:34 <suranga> rafa, dkayiwa :)
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13:03:35 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: OpenHMIS Cashier Module 1.1.1 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <> || OpenMRS Modules: Jasper Report 1.5.3 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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14:37:11 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Jasper Report uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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14:55:09 <jkeiper> mseaton, lemme know if REPORT-471 needs anything different ... working on a complex cohort now
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15:02:18 <downey> !dcme cpower_
15:02:18 * OpenMRSBot slides cpower_ a litre of coke light
15:02:40 <cpower_> good morning!
15:02:52 <cpower_> !powerup
15:02:52 <OpenMRSBot> cpower_: (powerup <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "action slides $1 a Jack and Coke".
15:03:02 <cpower_> !powerup cpower
15:03:02 * OpenMRSBot slides cpower a Jack and Coke
15:03:09 <cpower_> and let's begin
15:03:11 <downey> haha
15:03:13 <cpower_> !scrumon cpower
15:03:13 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
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15:03:45 <cpower_> Order: mseaton, rafa, dkayiwa, wyclif, andrea_
15:05:06 <cpower_> silence...
15:05:10 <cpower_> mseaton?
15:05:25 <cpower_> NEXT!
15:05:37 <rafa> Today:
15:05:37 <rafa> * Committed PS-2: Demonstrate ability to display obs-based problem list on a patient summary
15:05:37 <rafa>
15:05:37 <rafa> * RESTWS sprint prep
15:05:37 <rafa> * Univ Call
15:05:37 <rafa> No blockers.
15:05:37 <rafa> Attention: openmrs-core is red since yesterday
15:05:48 <dkayiwa> Committed: Demonstrate ability to display conditional alerts / reminders on a patient summary - PS-8
15:05:48 <dkayiwa> Committed: Demonstrate ability to display 3 recent values and dates of a Numeric Obs on a patient summary - PS-5
15:05:48 <dkayiwa> Have put a question on ticket: Move functionality from svn version of patientsummary module - PS-17
15:05:49 <dkayiwa> Univ Call
15:05:49 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
15:06:44 <cpower_> wyclif...
15:06:51 <wyclif> Tuesday:
15:06:51 <wyclif> Reviewed and apply pull requests
15:06:51 <wyclif> TRUNK-3822 - Search for patient by identifier fails when identifier is made of only letters
15:06:51 <wyclif>
15:06:51 <wyclif> Wednesday:
15:06:51 <wyclif> design call
15:06:53 <wyclif> Review and apply pull requests
15:06:55 <wyclif> pick another swimlane ticket
15:06:59 <wyclif>
15:07:01 <wyclif> Blockers: None
15:07:08 <cpower_> and andrea_
15:07:17 <andrea_> Tuesday
15:07:18 <andrea_> PS-5
15:07:18 <andrea_> Demonstrate ability to display 3 recent values and dates of a Numeric Obs on a patient summary
15:07:18 <andrea_> Wednesday
15:07:18 <andrea_> Univ call
15:07:18 <andrea_> Design Call
15:07:20 <andrea_> Prepare for REST-WS
15:07:22 <andrea_> Rafal has pointed me to good documentation
15:07:24 <andrea_>
15:07:26 <andrea_> No Blockers
15:08:00 <cpower_> Ok big question...what's Core going red mean rafa?
15:08:22 <rafa> wyclif: take a look :)
15:08:38 <rafa> cpower_: it means the build is broken and needs to be fixed
15:08:40 <dkayiwa> cpower_: means one needs to notify Lluis :)
15:08:58 <rafa> dkayiwa: I think wyclif pushed the change :)
15:09:11 <dkayiwa> rafa: haha :)
15:09:18 <cpower_> was it Lluis' code that broke it, or just the guy who seems to be looking at these recently
15:09:20 <cpower_> ?
15:09:54 <rafa> cpower_: it's Lluis' code
15:10:12 <rafa> cpower_: wyclif merged it so he either needs to fix or revert the change, which is also a fix ;)
15:11:02 <cpower_> And who's job is it to notify Lluis? <<<--New to this process
15:11:08 <wyclif> rafa, i think i know the problem, let me fix it
15:11:26 <rafa> cpower_: it's up to wyclif if he want to fix it himself or aks Lluis
15:11:51 <rafa> cpower_: if it's a simple fix, we usually do it ourselves
15:14:31 <rafa> cpower_: switch us off
15:14:42 <dkayiwa> :D
15:15:03 <mseaton> rafa: dkayiwa cpower_ i'm here sorry. in an all day meeting. available for questions.
15:17:13 <cpower_> No worries see scrum above
15:17:44 <cpower_> mainly 0199<dkayiwa> Have put a question on ticket: Move functionality from svn version of patientsummary module - PS-17
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15:52:43 <rafa> !scrumoff
15:52:43 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
15:52:53 <dkayiwa> :D
15:52:54 <rafa> the longest scrum ever!
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16:44:45 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [6ccff9b] [wluyima] The build was fixed. -
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16:53:50 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [dbeff54] [wluyima] The build was fixed. -
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18:13:47 <jblaya> wyclif, jkeiper, suranga hey guys I wanted to make an update to the logic module and found that it's only in subversion, so I wanted to check with you that it hasn't been mavenized or moved to github yet, is that right?
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18:18:26 <suranga> jblaya, hi.. mm.... thats a major shocker... (looks at dkayiwa and jkeiper )
18:19:33 <suranga> jblaya, it has been mavenized, right ? the version on SVN has a pom.xml
18:21:51 <jblaya> suranga, oh, sorry, I'm still downloading it from svn
18:21:57 <jblaya> suranga, it's taking forever
18:22:47 <suranga> jblaya, regarding the github issue, it seems that someone may have overlooked mavenizing it :-) :-)
18:23:38 <suranga> hmm... the svn version is 0.5.3-SNAPSHOT, so that should be the latest all right...
18:24:01 <jblaya> suranga, ok, you're right that it has a pom.xml, so I'll send an email to code to have them move it over to github
18:24:06 <jblaya> suranga, thanks
18:24:23 <suranga> jblaya, no worries :)
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18:40:02 <jkeiper> jblaya, suranga: you'll have to talk w/ tammy dugan about logic module
18:47:02 <jblaya> jkeiper, ok, thanks
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19:10:00 <cpower_> does anyone know what time it is in Rafal's timezone?
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19:11:18 <dkayiwa> cpower_: just check for polland time zone :)
19:12:38 <dkayiwa> cpower_: something like 8pm
19:13:10 <downey> cpower_:
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19:40:41 *** OMT_LLC has joined #openmrs
19:41:09 <OMT_LLC> good afternoon! have question regarding linkage of mobile app and OpenMRS-based EMR system
19:41:20 <OMT_LLC> Can anyone help?
19:43:17 <downey> Hi OMT_LLC … ask your question and we'll do our best
19:44:15 <OMT_LLC> thanks. I'm developing a mobile app that I'd like to be interoperable with OpenMRS. I need to know how to best achieve import/export of patient records?
19:44:35 <OMT_LLC> eg. how must the data be formatted and are there examples?
19:45:21 <OMT_LLC> I want OpenMRS to "understand" the records so I assume there is a format to form fields, order, etc..
19:45:49 <OMT_LLC> and vice versa (app can import records from server / OpenMRS)
19:46:34 <downey> suranga_: ping
19:46:37 <OMT_LLC> Sorry I'm a newbie and it feels like I learn a new coding language every day
19:46:47 <OMT_LLC> ping?
19:47:23 <downey> OMT_LLC: No problem, it's a complex kind of platform so it takes some time, but we have a lot of people very knowledgeable in different areas
19:48:15 <downey> OMT_LLC: HL7 is a standard way of exchanging data, it may be a good place to start your design thinking.
19:48:18 <OMT_LLC> Thanks for your patience. If I'm diconnected my email is
19:49:18 <OMT_LLC> Ok another question. Are there working systems that integrate OpenMRS with existing hospital systems? I guess I'm wondering if "enterprise" systems like Epic can "read" data from OpenMRS and vice versa?
19:49:24 <downey> OMT_LLC: FYI, we've got a lot of people on the IUPUI campus involved in the project, who may be able to help. :)
19:50:15 <OMT_LLC> Yes I've met with several. This project is just getting legs and I've met with Regenstrief and Dr. Finnell about future collaboration. Thanks!
19:50:35 <dkayiwa> OMT_LLC: another option is:
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19:51:22 <OMT_LLC> Awesome! This is exactly the type of info needed!
19:53:06 <OMT_LLC> Thanks so much! The goal of my app is to improve and connect healthcare systems globally through some innovative concepts If anyone is interested in collaborating please contact me!
19:54:09 <dkayiwa> OMT_LLC: you may want to send a signal to the dev and implementers lists. :)
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19:55:41 <downey> OMT_LLC: Agreed with starting a discussion (debate?) on our dev@openmrs list.
19:56:54 <OMT_LLC> Thanks I'll send something that way. Have a great day!
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20:26:07 <mseaton> dkayiwa: hey
20:26:16 <dkayiwa> mseaton: hey
20:26:44 <mseaton> dkayiwa: just commented on . looks like you never committed this up to the openmrs branch but only in your fork :(
20:26:59 <dkayiwa> mseaton: oh checking
20:31:04 <dkayiwa> mseaton: i think i may have accidentally mixed it with a commit for another ticket and then merged together
20:31:07 <dkayiwa> mseaton:
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20:31:46 <mseaton> dkayiwa: i'm having issues with the configuration, so i think something is missing in the openmrs repo
20:31:59 <dkayiwa> mseaton: let me look closely at it
20:32:31 <dkayiwa> mseaton: oh you must be right
20:32:34 <mseaton> dkayiwa: here is what i saw: 1. i merged in your print button pull request and got compilation errors because it contained some of the ocnfiguration stuff.
20:32:55 <mseaton> dkayiwa: so i backed out the change to one of those files (we'll need to change this back again once we resolve what happened)
20:33:05 <dkayiwa> mseaton: ok
20:33:19 <mseaton> dkayiwa: when i go to the patient dashboard now, it is not loading summaries correctly and things are generally screwed up
20:33:36 <dkayiwa> mseaton: ok
20:55:47 <mseaton> dkayiwa: i see your pull request. are you going to handle merging this in?
20:56:03 <dkayiwa> mseaton: its faulty too
20:56:36 <mseaton> dkayiwa: but you are on top of it?
20:56:46 <dkayiwa> mseaton: trying :)
20:56:58 <mseaton> great
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21:33:33 <Areo_> hello, i had sent pull request, added link to ticket comment and now ticket is in state: Review-Initial. Is that ok ?
21:33:52 <downey> Areo_: What's the ticket number/link?
21:35:01 <Areo_>
21:36:13 <downey> Areo_: Looks correct to me. Darius has been in meetings today but will no doubt take a look as soon as he can
21:38:53 <Areo_> @downey: Can I start work on the next ticket or wait while TRUNK-3772 is not closed ?
21:39:23 <downey> Areo_: I think it's fine to work on another ticket if you like to do so. :)
21:42:22 <Areo_> @downey: Thanks for help, Now i am going to choose one from Introductory ticket.
21:50:13 <downey> Areo_: Perfect. :)
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