IRC Chat : 2013-01-22 - OpenMRS

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08:15:16 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
08:19:28 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
08:22:40 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: please i humbly request you to have some time to take a look,
08:22:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok looking at it now
08:23:50 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: you seem to have added a new method to the locationService which i told you is not correct
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08:26:19 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: k-joseph: you seem to have added a new method to the locationService which i told you is not correct
08:28:36 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: what did you then mean by [21:22] <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does theLocationService have the getLocationId() method? and [21:23] <dkayiwa> k-joseph: am trying tounderstand why you are calling a method which does not exist
08:29:15 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the Location object already has a method that returns the locationId integer. Did you see that?
08:29:47 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i saw that,
08:30:22 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so why don't you use that?
08:42:05 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
08:43:11 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: where is the getLocationId() method?
08:43:40 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: same class
08:43:57 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i do not see it in your pastebin
08:45:10 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: here is the whole class
08:46:16 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: that is not correct
08:46:38 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the very exact line which is complaining about the error, what object does it return?
08:51:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: that is locationId,
08:51:36 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i mean before your changes
08:51:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what was the return object of that line?
08:51:50 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: loaction
08:51:59 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what object?
08:52:48 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it was locationId
08:53:06 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: for line if (this.location == null || !this.location.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(locationId)) {
08:53:14 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: before
08:53:21 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the second error line
08:54:38 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: sorry if (this.location == null || !this.location.getName() .equalsIgnoreCase(locationId)) { was the secoond error line, the first one was this.location = Context.getLocationService().getLocation(Integer.valueOf(locationId));
08:54:38 <k-joseph> dkayiwa
08:54:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: yes that one
08:54:54 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so what object does it rerien?
08:55:21 <dkayiwa> return
08:55:49 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: do you mean Integer
08:56:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: loactionId
08:56:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you understand what we mean by return value of a method?
08:57:03 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: yes, i do
08:57:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what does it mean for a method call to return a value?
08:58:47 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: the return value is a reference value for the called method
08:58:52 <k-joseph> public Location getLocation() {
08:58:52 <k-joseph> return this.location;
08:59:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so what does this return? Context.getLocationService().getLocation(Integer.valueOf(locationId))
08:59:57 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: the last two, location
09:00:08 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i mean location
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11:16:21 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
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11:37:10 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you delete the other first line which was causing compiler errors?
11:37:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the one which had getName
11:38:21 <k-joseph> yes i did, did we need it?
11:38:51 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you add it as it was
11:39:27 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: we need to first understand what it was doing and then basing on that we can tell whether we need it
11:42:08 <k-joseph> if (this.locationId == null || !this.location.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(locationId)) { isnt it for allowning both lower and upper case, and if so do we need that locationId?
11:42:42 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did it appear like that before you made any changes?
11:43:35 <k-joseph> it was like:-> if (this.location == null ||!this.location.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(locationId)) { before
11:45:31 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you see the comment that it had?
11:46:26 <k-joseph> seen it
11:47:08 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so can you replace it with the equivalent but using locationId instead of location
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12:06:39 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this compile? if (this.locationId ==null || !this.locationId.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(lo cationId)) {
12:07:32 <k-joseph> trying fixing error marking att getId()
12:08:10 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: send me only what compiles :)
12:08:44 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the compiler should be your first reviewer before you send me. unless you fail to fix the compiler error
12:21:53 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what are you trying to accomplish by this statement? !this.locationId.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(locationId)
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14:15:33 <tobin_g> hi dkayiwa
14:23:28 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: hi
14:24:19 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: thanks for all the help reviewing code, i have to check with the guys but I think we're ready to start the pilot tomorrow :-)
14:24:27 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: then need to get our documentation ready for big release!
14:25:22 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: surely thanks guys for all the great work!!!
14:25:29 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: and wish you all the best :)
14:25:36 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: :)
14:25:43 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: Also, re: your email after pounding my head against OpenMRS for many frustrating hours I think I have located a bug w/ providers
14:25:55 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: aha whats it?
14:26:09 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: it turns out that if you have more than 10 providers in 190 and retire one, you get the error
14:26:18 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: lolllllllll
14:26:23 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: in later versions of openmrs I think the bug still exists but you don't actually see the error.
14:26:34 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: what a wiered bug?????
14:26:36 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: it manifests as a little spinning circle to the right of the provider search bug
14:26:42 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: SUPER weird
14:26:42 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: aha
14:27:04 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: any idea what could cause such a thing?
14:27:06 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: so can i reproduce it if i have just 11 providers?
14:27:16 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: yup
14:27:34 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i haven't yet verified if versions after 190 throw an error into the logs
14:27:35 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: on OpenMRS 1.9.0?
14:27:42 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: yes 1.9.0
14:27:59 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: let me test now with just 11 providers
14:28:13 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: thanks :)
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14:31:44 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: so the bug is about a spining widget?
14:33:57 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: on mine I actually get an error message that goes to the logs
14:34:59 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: give me a second and I'll replicate for you
14:35:13 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
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14:46:24 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: have you created a ticket for it?
14:46:50 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: not yet, just trying to make it reproducible!
14:46:56 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
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15:02:23 <andrea_> hi cpower
15:02:24 <cpower> Hello are we ready to scrum?
15:02:34 <dkayiwa> cpower: yes
15:02:35 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
15:02:35 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
15:02:43 <dkayiwa> cpower: can you start with me and i run away? :)
15:03:13 <cpower> Order dkayiwa, wyclif, djazayeri, andrea_, rafa
15:03:19 <dkayiwa> Reviewed and merged: Error in creating a provider with attributes - RESTWS-317
15:03:20 <dkayiwa> Reviewed: Preview of Indicators don't work on later pages or when searching - REPORT-459
15:03:20 <dkayiwa> Did more reviews for Tobin's team code for appointment module
15:03:20 <dkayiwa> Committed: Allow comment in mysql dataset - REPORT-372
15:03:20 <dkayiwa> Now working on: Age Query Return Different Number When Executed With The Same Parameters - REPORT-458
15:03:21 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
15:03:42 <cpower> and mseaton, jkeiper (if he wants), tobin_g (if he wants),
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15:04:03 <jkeiper> ;-)
15:04:11 <tobin_g> :)
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15:04:52 <cpower> wyclif go
15:05:23 <wyclif> Friday:
15:05:23 <wyclif> more discussion with Jer and Burke about TRUNK-3841 - Create a complex obs handler to store value of the "relationships" complex observation
15:05:23 <wyclif> Review TODOs for REPORT-247 - Spaces or underscores in any of the "Searches to Combine" CohortDefinition keys breaks Composition String in CompositionQuery
15:05:23 <wyclif> REPORT-237 - Change ReportDesign to reference ReportDefinition by uuid rather than by foreign key to serialized object
15:05:24 <wyclif> Tuesday:
15:05:26 <wyclif> REPORT-237 - Change ReportDesign to reference ReportDefinition by uuid rather than by foreign key to serialized object
15:05:29 <wyclif>
15:05:31 <wyclif> Blockers: None
15:05:52 <cpower> djazayeri you are up
15:06:33 <cpower> ok, next
15:06:39 <cpower> andrea_ you are up
15:06:50 <andrea_> Friday
15:06:50 <andrea_> Report-415
15:06:50 <andrea_> Squash commits
15:06:50 <andrea_> Further testing in UI make sure it works the same as other
15:06:50 <andrea_> Cohort queries
15:06:51 <andrea_> Finish putting system on new computer
15:06:53 <andrea_> Tuesday
15:06:57 <andrea_> Rest-ws kickoff meeting
15:06:59 <andrea_> Work on Rest-ws?
15:07:01 <andrea_> Find a ticket?
15:07:03 <andrea_> No Blockers
15:07:28 <cpower> rafa..hi!
15:07:30 <cpower> go
15:07:37 <rafa> Today:
15:07:37 <rafa> * REPORT-225: you can't purge a report design if the serialized object assocated with this report design can't be deserialized
15:07:37 <rafa>
15:07:37 <rafa> * Reviewed sprint tickets
15:07:37 <rafa> * RESTWS call
15:07:37 <rafa> *
15:07:38 <rafa> *
15:07:38 <rafa> No blockers.
15:08:10 <cpower> Indeed thank you everyone
15:08:17 <mseaton> for me, been doing ticket and code reviews, minor tweaks here and there. trying to find time for doing documentaiton / screencast.
15:08:22 <mseaton> question: is the sprint over?
15:08:26 <cpower> No blicers, no discussion points
15:08:29 <cpower> blockers
15:08:29 <mseaton> didn't it start on a thursday?
15:08:52 <rafa> mseaton: according to a calendar it ends tomorrow
15:09:05 <cpower> mseaton: no it's been going on for a bit now. Ends tomorrow
15:09:11 <mseaton> ok, so we have today and tomorrow still? or are people moving on to rest ws today?
15:09:27 <mseaton> cpower: on _a_ thursday. not last thursday :)
15:09:28 <cpower> Patient Summary starts tomorrow
15:09:48 <cpower> scratch that.
15:09:53 <andrea_> cpower, when is Patient Summary kickoff?
15:09:54 <mseaton> cpower: seems unlikely
15:09:55 <cpower> th
15:10:00 <cpower> 24th
15:10:14 <cpower> Patient Summary kickoff is set for the 24th
15:10:29 <andrea_> cpower, thanks
15:11:00 <cpower> unless the patient summary team now thinks they are not ready?
15:11:27 <andrea_> mseaton, rafa, I am done with Reporting sprint, right?
15:11:28 <cpower> We have a meeting today with the Patient Summary team 1pm EST
15:11:30 <mseaton> cpower: and rafa, you seemed to be implying that this sprint is ending today, with your thank yous and such. or were you just being encouraging.
15:11:40 <cpower> yep
15:11:57 <mseaton> cpower: why is this sprint ending today exactly?
15:12:09 <rafa> mseaton: it ends tomorrow
15:12:12 <cpower> No..not ending today, ends tomorrow
15:12:19 <mseaton> end of day tomorrow?
15:12:24 <mseaton> so 2 more days?
15:12:24 <cpower> yes
15:12:37 <mseaton> ok, let's make sure everyone is clear on that! :)
15:12:43 <rafa> mseaton: for me it's just one more ;)
15:12:48 <cpower> Patient Summary owns the sprint 12:01am 1/24
15:12:49 <andrea_> mseaton, rafa, is there anything else I can do?
15:13:17 <cpower> Annoucements:
15:13:33 <mseaton> andrea_: will look at the board.
15:13:45 <andrea_> mseaton, ok
15:14:09 <mseaton> andrea_: probably building the module and testing as much as you can to try to find any bugs before we release later this week would be the most helpful.
15:14:16 <cpower> Patient Summary has a meeting today at 1pm EST for those interested. RestWS has a design call at 12pm EST today, We are still looking for anyone interested in joining.
15:14:39 <andrea_> mseaton, will do
15:15:08 <cpower> Patient Summary Estimated start is 1/24, RestWS part II estimated start: 2/7
15:15:17 <andrea_> cpower, thought I was on Patient Summary sprint
15:16:03 <cpower> We are also starting to dig into Reference Application 2.0 with Darius design should start very soon so join in if you are interested. Estimated start of the sprint is 2/21
15:16:11 <cpower> andrea_ you are
15:16:50 <andrea_> cpower, and Rest-ws too?
15:17:06 <cpower> Just added your name to the page, you can go ahead and add your name to the RestWS page if you like
15:17:26 <cpower> I haven't caught up on minor documentation duties quiet yet.
15:17:43 <cpower> Ok anything else?
15:17:44 <andrea_> cpower, do they overlap? I'm confused
15:17:50 <cpower> No overloap
15:17:52 <cpower> overlap
15:17:59 <cpower> !scrumoff
15:17:59 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
15:18:46 <cpower> andrea_: Patient Summary goes 1/24 to 2/6, Rest WS goes 2/7 to 2/20
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17:06:16 <cpower> djazayeri are you joining us on the RestWS call?
17:06:27 <djazayeri> cpower: it tells me that the conference is currently full
17:07:11 <cpower> ok try again I backed out so you can join
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18:04:14 <djazayeri> cpower: did you possibly leave an echo when you left the call.
18:04:18 <mseaton> cpower: do we have a meeting now?
18:04:32 <cpower> Yep I'm in the conference
18:04:40 <cpower> 559-726-1200 Code: 707889
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18:14:41 <apb156> hey guys, I was running Tomcat 6 on Ubuntu and reinstalled manually instead of using apt-get, now I am having performance issues. Anyone have any experience in this area?
18:15:10 <apb156> I read in the documentation that installing Tomcat using apt-get would result in poorer performance so this is why I switched
18:16:10 <apb156> Also, I have applied the fix for the memory leak and java heap size exception that is in the documentation
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18:35:38 <andrea_> mseaton, what need to be tested in Reporting module?
18:36:08 <andrea_> mseaton, have done lots of testing on cohort queries
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18:36:49 <andreapat> mseaton, u ere?
18:37:37 <djazayeri> andreapat: are you asking that because you have a ticket about "test things"? or to know what to test about a specific ticket you're working on?
18:37:37 <mseaton> andreapat: the main things would be a) go through each ticket that has been done for this sprint, and test the bug or feature that it addressed; b) go through all aspects of the UI, try to create one of everything, and make sure everything works (no stack traces, no javascript errors, etc)
18:37:55 <djazayeri> (oh, okay, mseaton is here, so andreapat, never mind me.)
18:38:03 <andreapat> mseaton, ok good plan
18:39:01 <mseaton> andreapat: and if you hit areas you don't understand and then figure them out (either on your own or questions on irc or the lists), if this could lead to us improving our documentation on the wiki, that would be amazing.
18:41:50 <apb156> djazayeri: Hey, do you have a sec? i'm running tomcat6 on ubuntu and it's chewing up almost all my system's memory (even with the memory fixes from the OpenMRS documentation)
18:42:14 <djazayeri> apb156: I don't really know much about that, unfortunately.
18:42:52 <apb156> djazayeri: no worries, thanks anyway
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18:52:09 <cpower> ok mseaton and djazayeri, looking for design call topics for tomorrow
18:52:17 <cpower> any suggestions?
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19:10:29 <cpower> wyclif you there?
19:12:19 <wyclif> hi
19:18:11 <djazayeri> cpower: It would be nice to spend some time discussing "What are providers, and what are we doing next with provider roles?"
19:19:01 <cpower> Ok I'll add it
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19:44:38 <mseaton> jkeiper: ping
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20:16:31 <apb156> hey guys, one of the developers told me once that after loading MVP, there would be a background process running for up to 24 hours which could cause performance issues during that time. Does anyone know anything about this?
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20:27:01 <jkeiper> mseaton, heyya
20:27:05 <jkeiper> mseaton, i was just pouring through docs
20:27:07 <jkeiper> on reporting
20:27:44 <mseaton> jkeiper: great. would love to hear thoughts on better organizing / presenting that documentation. it's marginal at best
20:28:12 <mseaton> jkeiper: regarding tomorrow's university call. is there something specific you hope to get out of it?
20:28:15 <jkeiper> mseaton, if one would rather not register definitions, etc ... do you still have to save cohortdefinitions or can you link everything in situ and have a report rendered on the fly?
20:28:34 <jkeiper> mseaton, a start-to-finish row-per-object report built and rendered in a module would be fly.
20:29:14 <mseaton> jkeiper: yes, you can do it on the fly without persisting any definitions. we do this in the mdr-tb module, and the kenyaemr project also does this I believe. djazayeri would be able to say for sure there.
20:29:33 <jkeiper> mseaton, ah ... i've been reading pihmalawi code
20:30:11 <jkeiper> mseaton, is there a reporting doc sprint coming?
20:30:18 <jkeiper> mseaton, or is it just a topic for the dev call?
20:30:31 <mseaton> jkeiper: pihmalawi took an interesting approach, but isn't exactly what i would recommend as best-practice.
20:31:02 <jkeiper> mseaton, ah ... i'll check out kenyaemr and ping djazayeri
20:31:07 <mseaton> jkeiper: i think it's just recognized as sorely needed. roger is pushing the agenda i think for the dev call this week.
20:31:31 <jkeiper> mseaton, ok. roger's UML is still a bit complicated. i'd like a drill-down series of diagrams
20:31:58 <jkeiper> mseaton, wyclif and i talked about the need for it last week, and i hoped to come up with some myself
20:31:59 <mseaton> jkeiper: i haven't looked at the uml yet, but i'm aware he did it
20:32:06 <mseaton> jkeiper: join the club :)
20:32:10 <jkeiper> mseaton, it's _thorough_ ;-)
20:33:11 <jkeiper> mseaton, i think going through this exercise of rendering a report from scratch in code will help tremendously
20:33:20 <mseaton> jkeiper: so you are not looking for a broad introduction to reporting module concepts, mainly geared at an implementer or a first time user. you want to talk about a specific aspect of how you would extend reporting in a module for row-per-patient reporst
20:33:23 <jkeiper> mseaton, also i think a lot of work that went into row-per-object isn't reflected yet in the docs
20:33:36 <mseaton> jkeiper: i'm not sure _any_ of it is documented
20:33:57 <jkeiper> mseaton, i definitely want the code / api side of reporting
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20:34:16 <jkeiper> mseaton, if others want the UI side that's fine ... i can always get it by reading code / looking at demos
20:34:47 <mseaton> jkeiper: ok. i'm trying to figure out whether/ what to do screencasts on tonight...
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20:35:14 <jkeiper> mseaton, ah good point.
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20:36:04 <jkeiper> mseaton, the docs online do give a basic intro to the UI ... at least I was able to follow them
20:36:09 <jkeiper> mseaton, but a screencast goes far
20:36:23 <jkeiper> mseaton, so ... idk. guess we need that reportingdemo module
20:36:38 <jkeiper> mseaton, because that would be what i'd read now
20:36:39 <mseaton> jkeiper: another one for the todo list.
20:37:23 <jkeiper> haha
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