IRC Chat : 2013-01-14 - OpenMRS

00:21:50 <matthewl> Looks like they're checking the domain & port and not letting you redirect outside the base domain
00:22:27 <Adian> ok, that's good. did you try stuff like: ?
00:24:31 <matthewl> Not yet, I was reading the code to see how they handled the refererURL parameter
00:35:19 <zorlak> I'm going to grab some food shortly... found a couple SQLi issues that I need to follow up on later. Will be on most of the night I'm sure.
00:36:52 <Adian> ok
00:37:48 <Adian> FYI, for credit in the competition, bugs need to be sent to me by 6pm. but OpenMRS will appreciate them afterward of course as well
00:38:20 <djazayeri> Yes, we're happy to get bug reports all through the night. :-)
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00:43:27 <zorlak> I'll might not make it by the deadline but will send what I find of course. Having fun!
00:43:44 <Adian> good! ;-)
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01:40:01 <Adian> it is good to see you guys moved to a more secure password hash
01:40:17 <Adian> if you ever have the itch to change it again, consider bcrypt or scrypt
01:40:27 <Adian> or any of the other iterative hashes
01:46:54 <djazayeri> Adian: from an API perspective those are effectively drop-in replacements, right? (I.e. you're still just hashing a password, and then hashing the user input for comparison?)
01:47:51 <djazayeri> Adian: and, SHA-512 is still fine these days, right?
01:57:52 <Adian> yeah, pretty much drop-in replacements. it's just that the more advanced algorithms do multiple rounds of hashing
01:58:01 <Adian> in a way that can be improved over time as CPUs get faster, etc
01:58:05 <Adian> and they use built-in salts
01:58:26 <Adian> but yes, for password hashing, actually even MD5 is fine
01:58:34 <Adian> MD5 is badly broken for certain uses
01:58:39 <Adian> but not really for passwords
01:58:48 <Adian> the key is a good salt
01:58:55 <Adian> a slow algorithm is also good (iterative hashes)
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07:17:28 <dkayiwa> hi k-joseph
07:18:50 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
07:19:36 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: how is it going?
07:20:24 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: still stuck on test case issue, did you see the paste bin link i sent you?
07:20:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: let me look at it now
07:20:41 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
07:21:39 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you resend with only the unit test you have written?
07:21:56 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
07:26:09 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
07:26:15 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
07:27:27 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: which of the two asserts fails?
07:27:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: all fail
07:27:49 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-3751
07:27:50 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3751] Saying that a module requires OpenMRS 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT fails - OpenMRS JIRA -
07:28:20 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what are you trying to test with the first assert?
07:30:02 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: required openmrs version
07:30:14 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what does that mean?
07:30:34 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you write a meaningful english sentence please???
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07:31:20 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am testing required openmrs version
07:31:33 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: that is still not clear
07:32:46 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: if a stranger came and you simply told him that, do you think he understands you?
07:34:34 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: testing the openmrs version of the that given order, "1.9.2-SNAPSHOT" as the condition, ,it should be true
07:35:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: you are speaking to a programmer
07:35:49 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: i want you tell an an end user what you are testing?
07:36:17 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: if for instance your mother asked what you are testing, what would you tell her?
07:36:39 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: the openmrs version should be ot structure or order "1.9.2-SNAPSHOT" for this test to pass
07:37:11 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: and so that is what am asserting
07:37:22 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: do you remember what i told you to test the other time before i gave you the unit testing doc?
07:38:26 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think it was to test openmrs version and openmrs required verion to be "1.9.2-SNAPSHOT"/
07:38:42 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ??
07:38:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: correct
07:39:23 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so the test had to be such that the required version was that, and also the running openmrs version was that
07:39:53 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so can you write a test for that and pastebin?
07:40:28 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: to ensure that the test passes for running openmrs version 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT, if the required version is 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT
08:04:33 *** taygun has joined #openmrs
08:06:14 <taygun> hi everybody! can someone tell me how i stop the openmrs localhost server?
08:06:47 <dkayiwa> taygun: are you running the standalone or enterprise version?
08:08:04 <taygun> i think i run the enterprice version?
08:08:35 <dkayiwa> taygun: do you know how to stop tomcat?
08:08:52 <taygun> sudo service tomcat6 stop ?
08:09:18 <dkayiwa> taygun: try and see if it stops
08:11:23 <taygun> dkaywa: thanks a lot. it worked
08:11:56 <dkayiwa> taygun: good!
08:12:19 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: pasted at
08:12:28 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
08:13:35 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: asserTrue is failing, yet that is what i thought i was meant to use??
08:15:16 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: looking
08:18:52 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: when does matchRequiredVersions return true?
08:18:58 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: and when does it return false?
08:19:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it returns true when the condition is passed
08:20:09 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: which condition?
08:20:11 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: and it returns false when the condition fails
08:21:12 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: RequiredVersions()
08:21:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: that is an incomplete sentence
08:21:55 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you give an example conditions (assume am an end user)
08:23:52 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: forexample openmrs version allow ranged values, ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions(openmrsVersion, requiredOpenmrsVersion) is the condition in this case
08:25:20 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: if my openmrs version is 1.9.0 and the required version is 1.6.0, should it return true or false?
08:25:44 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: false
08:26:31 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: when required version is the minimum required
08:26:50 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: if say required version is x, then it means allowed versions are from x and above
08:27:11 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so any version from required verson value and above is correct
08:27:22 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: while any below required version is not allowed
08:27:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this make sense?
08:27:48 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it does
08:28:22 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so if my openmrs version is 1.9.0 and the required version is 1.10.0, should it return true or false?
08:30:20 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it returns true?
08:30:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: why?
08:34:20 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am not sure, how is this connected with minimum required version?
08:35:01 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: required version = minimum accepted version
08:35:19 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: when (where) required version is the minimum required
08:35:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this make sense?
08:37:09 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: pardon here when (where) required version is the minimum required
08:37:23 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: replace when with where
08:37:49 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: where required version = minimum version required (accepted)
08:37:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does this make sense?
08:38:05 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it does
08:38:26 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so can you now answer my why above?
08:44:02 <k-joseph> dlkayiwa: it returs true because 1.10.0 is minimum version where minimum version = required version
08:45:17 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: 1.10.0 is minimum version and yet am running which version of openmrs (my openmrs version) ?
08:45:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: 1.9.0
08:46:19 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you rephrase your sentence mentioning that also
08:46:20 <dkayiwa> ?
08:47:52 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it returs truebecause 1.10.0 is minimum version and yet running 1.9.0 openmrs version
08:49:06 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: k-joseph: if say required version is x, then it means allowed versions are from x and above
08:49:24 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what do you understand by the above statement?
08:52:04 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: that is, when required openmrs version is a value say x, this module successfully can be installed and used for openmrs versions beginning from x to above
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08:53:43 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: and in that case the return value for ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions will be what?
08:56:00 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: pardon,
08:57:05 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: in reference to your last statement, what would be the return value for ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions?
08:57:19 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: or when does ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions return true, and when does it return false?
08:58:45 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it returns true when required value is within range and false when not in the range
09:00:01 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: k-joseph: so if my openmrs version is 1.9.0 and the required version is 1.10.0, should it return true or false?
09:00:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: returns true
09:00:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: why?
09:01:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: since the range is from 1.10.0 on wards, which range 1.9.0 falls in
09:02:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: which of those two number is lower?
09:03:04 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think 1.10.0 is lower
09:03:29 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: why?
09:05:16 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am concidering the last 0 values to be of no impact, is this so??
09:06:05 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think if not so, then the opposite is true
09:06:31 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: correct
09:07:09 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so if my openmrs version is 1.6.0 and the required version is 1.8.0, should it return true or false?
09:07:46 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it returns false
09:08:05 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so if my openmrs version is 1.9.0 and the required version is 1.9.0, should it return true or false?
09:08:31 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i think true?
09:09:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so if my openmrs version is 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT and the required version is 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT, should it return true or false?
09:09:18 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: returns true
09:09:35 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you write a unit test for the last one?
09:21:57 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
09:22:04 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
09:31:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does the test pass?
09:31:53 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: no,
09:32:08 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: passes with asserFalse
09:32:42 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: still not sure what to correct for the test to pass
09:32:44 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: if you change both to 1.9.0, does it pass?
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09:33:08 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: checking.....
09:34:19 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: yes it does pass
09:35:20 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: whats the ticket number?
09:36:01 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: TRUNK-3751
09:36:18 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-3751
09:36:20 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3751] Saying that a module requires OpenMRS 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT fails - OpenMRS JIRA -
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09:39:04 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you pastebin for me the stack trace when you run the unit test with SHAPSHOT?
09:39:14 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: as in with 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT
09:48:35 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: re run fro several times but the console for this test is empty, no stack trace except failure trace in the junit field/window
09:48:38 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ?
09:49:15 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you send me that?
09:55:30 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: just right click and it and select "copy ....."
09:55:38 <dkayiwa> copy trace
09:56:47 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
10:04:15 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: how did you copy that?
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10:04:29 <rafa> dkayiwa: hi, have you spotted ?
10:04:58 <dkayiwa> rafa: have seen it but confused a bit because it passes locally
10:05:11 <dkayiwa> rafa: does it fail on your local computer too?
10:05:17 <rafa> dkayiwa: let me see
10:05:25 <dkayiwa> rafa: thanks
10:05:29 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: right click, then copy failure list
10:06:08 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what is the name of the window from which you copy?
10:06:30 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: Junit
10:06:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
10:06:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so that unit test should pass if the code is correctly implemented
10:07:12 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so the work on that ticket is to make that test pass
10:08:18 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so the unit test stays as it is. and the code it corrected to make the test pass
10:08:23 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: is that confusing?
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10:08:41 <rafa> dkayiwa: it fails, are you sure you run with -DopenMRSVersion=1.10.0-SNAPSHOT?
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10:09:16 <dkayiwa> rafa: i only tested with 1.9
10:09:31 <rafa> dkayiwa: ohh it passes for 1.9
10:09:36 <dkayiwa> rafa: yes
10:09:37 <rafa> dkayiwa: Test Against Trunk fails
10:09:44 <rafa> dkayiwa: it's 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT
10:10:05 <dkayiwa> rafa: yes it fails against that
10:10:49 <rafa> dkayiwa: so it should fail for you locally
10:10:55 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok thanks
10:11:02 <rafa> dkayiwa: np
10:11:42 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: not confusing, so i think that is what you meant in your comment in the ticket, is it?
10:11:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: correct
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10:46:15 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
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10:46:21 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
10:46:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i realise if openmrs version is 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT and required openmrs version something like 1.9.0-1.10.0, the test passes, word SNAPSHOT is not supported if it is the last in the range, noticed still that required version SNAPSHOT-1.10.0 passes, how can ii implement this, am still trying out
10:47:20 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: the change is fixing the code to ensure that the exact unit test you showed me, passes
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10:48:50 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am stuck here and kindly in need on assistance, am looking at ModuleUtil.checkRequiredVersion()!!!
10:49:55 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: feel free to just add the unit test to the ticket (as a comment) and choose another ticket
10:50:23 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
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11:18:37 <yony258> dkayiwa: Hi, my standalone won't add the global properties automatically, is that the right way to add those: ?
11:20:01 <yony258> dkayiwa: Nope :)
11:22:17 <dkayiwa> yony258: one <globalProperty> for each not many
11:23:08 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: added the comment, will be back shortely
11:23:25 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok
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12:54:51 <dkayiwa> hi k-joseph_
12:55:19 <k-joseph_> dkayiwa: hi
12:55:28 <dkayiwa> k-joseph_: got a ticket?
12:55:44 <k-joseph_> dkayiwa: not yet
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13:11:23 <dkayiwa> hi k-joseph
13:12:59 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you try this ticket?
13:13:04 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: TRUNK-3765
13:13:09 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-3765
13:13:11 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3765] Show the fully-specified birthdate date format like it did previously on patient search results - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:14:29 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: remember to unassign yourself from the other ticket
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13:49:18 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
13:49:24 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
13:49:34 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: did you see my previous commit,, should i make its pull request
13:49:55 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: yes i saw them. no need for pull request
13:50:02 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa: hi k-joseph
13:50:03 <dkayiwa> [4:46pm] dkayiwa: k-joseph: can you try this ticket?
13:50:03 <dkayiwa> [4:46pm] dkayiwa: k-joseph: TRUNK-3765
13:50:03 <dkayiwa> [4:46pm] dkayiwa: !ticket TRUNK-3765
13:50:03 <dkayiwa> [4:46pm] OpenMRSBot: dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3765] Show the fully-specified birthdate date format like it did previously on patient search results - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:50:03 <dkayiwa> [4:47pm] dkayiwa: k-joseph: remember to unassign yourself from the other ticket
13:50:04 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
13:50:04 <dkayiwa> [4:52pm]
13:51:00 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok, looking at that
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14:38:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
14:38:41 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
14:38:56 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: how was the old default value for global property like, the one that James expects, according to the comments on the ticket?
14:40:55 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: no global property exists for this
14:41:07 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so your work is add the global property and have it used
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14:42:25 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: according to the ticket it is though this was okay for the previous version, and was began to be faced with 1.9.0?
14:42:39 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: correct
14:43:43 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: does it mean that the global property was originally implemented and used?
14:44:23 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: it has never existed
14:44:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: so start by adding it
14:45:05 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
14:52:44 <cpower> testing 1...2..3
14:52:59 <dkayiwa> hello hello
14:53:06 <cpower> Hello :-)
14:53:10 <dkayiwa> :)
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15:00:47 <cpower> Hey..hey what do you say..A Scrum a day keeps the projects in play!
15:01:05 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
15:01:05 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
15:01:46 *** andrea_ has joined #openmrs
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15:02:07 <cpower> Reporting Mdoule Sprint Day 3, Order: Wyclif, dkayiwa, andrea_, rafa, mseaton, jkeiper(if he wants)
15:02:29 <wyclif_> Friday:
15:02:29 <wyclif_> RG all staff meeting
15:02:29 <wyclif_> REPORT-461 - Expose reporting module Person and Patient Data Definitions as Calculations
15:02:29 <wyclif_> Monday:
15:02:29 <wyclif_> REPORT-444 - When editing Report Processors the changes are saved but don't take effect
15:02:31 <wyclif_>
15:02:33 <wyclif_> Blockers: None
15:03:14 <dkayiwa> Committed: Error with Encounter Cohort Query with a Provider - REPORT-456
15:03:15 <dkayiwa> Now working on response to review comments for: Add ScriptedCohortDefinition - REPORT-93
15:03:15 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
15:03:36 <andreap__> Friday
15:03:37 <andreap__> Sprint-201301
15:03:37 <andreap__> Report-415
15:03:37 <andreap__> Put changes in compositionCohortDefinition.jsp
15:03:37 <andreap__> Monday
15:03:37 <andreap__> Sprint-201301
15:03:39 <andreap__> Report-415
15:03:41 <andreap__> Test changes in compositionCohortDefinition.jsp in UI
15:03:43 <andreap__> No blockers but discusion point:
15:03:45 <andreap__> First time working on a module. Do I still need to install the Reporting module using
15:03:47 <andreap__> Manage Modules page under administratino in UI?
15:03:55 <rafa> yes
15:04:02 <rafa> Today:
15:04:02 <rafa> * Committed more work on REPORT-464: Support Metadata Sharing of all Reporting Module metadata
15:04:02 <rafa>
15:04:02 <rafa> * Committed META-305: Display super type handler under one type to export
15:04:02 <rafa>
15:04:02 <rafa> * Reviewed tickets
15:04:03 <rafa> No blockers.
15:04:10 <andreap__> ok thanks rafa!
15:04:15 <mseaton> Today:
15:04:19 <mseaton> Ticket reviews
15:04:20 <mseaton> Code reviews
15:04:21 <mseaton> IRC
15:04:24 <mseaton> No blockers
15:04:31 <mseaton> (thanks for great work so far everyone)
15:04:52 <cpower> jkeiper going once...
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15:05:33 <cpower> twice..
15:05:43 <cpower> Sold!
15:06:02 <cpower> No blockers, no Discussion points other than great job so far.
15:07:13 <cpower> Notes of interest: Looking to do Patient Summary as our next set of work (eta 1/24) looking to have maybe another design call and a kick off meeting this week!
15:07:23 <cpower> Let me know if you are interested
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15:07:52 <cpower> Next up after that is back to Merging RestWS and RestWS modules
15:08:45 <rafa> cpower: thanks for the updates
15:09:08 <cpower> Then Reference Application 2.0 (the begining) and Patient Data to follow. Let me know if you have interest in any of these as a developer, product owner, tester, so on.
15:09:19 <cpower> Thanks and have a great day!
15:09:25 <cpower> !scrumoff
15:09:25 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
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15:27:51 <bhashitha> Hi
15:28:40 <bhashitha> Anyone knows about the encryption, hashing function used for passwords ?
15:28:52 <djazayeri> I know that it's sha-512
15:29:54 <bhashitha> thanks a lot
15:30:18 <djazayeri> bhashitha: there's a …utils.Security class
15:30:20 <djazayeri> I think
15:31:24 <bhashitha> You are correct
15:31:33 <bhashitha> I found it there
15:31:44 <bhashitha> thanks again
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15:54:32 <dkayiwa> wanyee: do you have openmrs-core forked and cloned?
15:54:54 <wanyee> No I don't
15:55:09 <dkayiwa> wanyee: you can start with that
15:55:30 <wanyee> Okay, I'll give it a shot and get back to you
15:56:07 <dkayiwa> wanyee: ok
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16:30:58 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
16:31:13 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
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18:06:13 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
18:06:32 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
18:06:57 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you pastebin only the changes you have done?
18:11:44 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
18:13:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you read wyclif 's comment?
18:13:51 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i did
18:14:22 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: as he suggests, the global property is not just for birthdate alone, but all dates
18:14:41 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does that make sense?
18:14:51 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it does
18:15:02 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok send me another pastebin lik
18:15:04 <dkayiwa> link
18:19:58 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
18:20:06 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
18:20:48 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: you actually need three global properties. for 1) date, 2) dateTime, & 3) time
18:21:00 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: does that make sense?
18:21:19 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: it does
18:21:32 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: ok. go ahead and do it
18:22:17 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: is datetime == currentTime?
18:22:46 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: how about time?
18:22:56 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: dateTime (includes both date and time)
18:23:02 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: while date (has only date)
18:23:07 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
18:23:08 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: time (has only time)
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18:53:43 <wyclif> mseaton, rafa dkayiwa does the latest build of the sprint branch start for you guys?
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18:56:44 <k-joseph> dkayiwa:
18:57:21 <apb156> Hey guys, I'm having trouble with an XForm that won't save data
18:57:43 <apb156> When I click on the form after submitting it, it just presents a blank page with "Edit Encounter"
18:57:55 <apb156> However, I did have this working for a period of time
19:01:05 <mseaton> mseaton
19:01:26 <mseaton> wyclif: not sure. would need to check
19:03:21 <mseaton> wyclif: pulling and building now. stay tuned
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19:06:01 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: checking it out
19:06:02 <wyclif> ok, am restarting my machine, will be back in a sec
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19:06:10 <dkayiwa> apb156: hi
19:06:17 <apb156> dkayiwa: Hey
19:06:38 <dkayiwa> apb156: which version of the module are you using?
19:07:15 <apb156> dkayiwa:
19:07:36 <apb156> dkayiwa: running on 1.9.2
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19:07:59 <dkayiwa> apb156: does the data get saved?
19:08:39 <apb156> dkayiwa: It was, but inexplicably, the data stopped saving. I had this behavior before it somehow resolved, but I can't put my finger on what fixed it in the past
19:09:03 <apb156> dkayiwa: This actually was all in the same day
19:09:12 <dkayiwa> apb156: does it happen for all forms? or just some forms?
19:10:19 <apb156> dkayiwa: just checked, it's all forms
19:10:21 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: in the description, do not put the format because it will be put by the user. ok?
19:10:46 <dkayiwa> apb156: does the problem persist after restarting tomcat?
19:10:48 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
19:11:59 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you also add javadoc to the property variable declarations?
19:12:02 <apb156> dkayiwa: yah, for sure, and for that matter, it takes 10-30 minutes before the server and openmrs are responsive after restarting the computer. So it's been tough to try to resolve issues in the field. Maybe you could help with that issue too?
19:13:03 <dkayiwa> apb156: did you say this problem has ever happened before and you solved it?
19:13:32 <dkayiwa> apb156: can you put the tomcat log at
19:14:13 <apb156> dkayiwa: On the first day I was testing out our first implementation, I ran into several issues, this being one of them. Throughout the day I was recreating forms and trying out things and I recall this issue resolving itself. However, I am now stuck on it again
19:14:38 <dkayiwa> member:apb156: can you put the tomcat log at
19:16:25 <mseaton> wyclif: seems to load ok
19:18:17 <apb156> dkayiwa: working on it...
19:18:19 <mseaton> wyclif: btw, where did you check in your calculation changes? are they in one of your own branches?
19:18:28 <dkayiwa> apb156: ok
19:18:38 <wyclif> mseaton, they in the branch
19:18:55 <mseaton> wyclif: not in the sprint branch, are they?
19:18:58 <wyclif> mseaton, the sprint-201301 branch
19:19:04 <wyclif> mseaton, they are
19:20:14 <mseaton> wyclif: are you sure?
19:22:38 <mseaton> dkayiwa: do you see a "calculation" package in the sprint branch currently?
19:22:54 <dkayiwa> mseaton: let me pull
19:24:10 <mseaton> wyclif: i also couldn't see your commits in github, incidentally, which was my first hint.
19:24:21 <wyclif> mseaton, hmm..
19:24:39 <mseaton> i could see the individual commits that you linked to, but if i looked at the commit history in full, they weren't listed wyclif
19:25:23 <mseaton> wyclif:
19:25:28 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:25:57 <dkayiwa> mseaton: i do not see them
19:26:07 <dkayiwa> wyclif: your commits are on master
19:26:14 <apb156> dkayiwa:
19:26:16 <mseaton> wyclif: i see them on your fork, not in the openmrs repo
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19:29:40 <dkayiwa> wyclif: they seem to be on that branch on your form
19:29:42 <dkayiwa> fork
19:30:17 <wyclif> dkayiwa, i see that, i pushed them to upstream which is the branch in openmrs repo
19:31:20 <mseaton> wyclif: i don't think they went to upstream
19:31:32 <wyclif> mseaton, let me push them
19:32:10 <mseaton> wyclif: via pull requests i assume?
19:32:44 <dkayiwa> apb156: the is there a way you can send me a clean log which has a little data as possible? (that happening when you try submitting the form)
19:32:52 <dkayiwa> apb156: do you know how to do it?
19:33:22 <mseaton> wyclif: since we are in a sprint branch you should be able to do pull requests, and then go into the openmrs repo and automatically merge in those pull requests into the branch.
19:33:28 <wyclif> mseaton, dkayiwa but you see the links i added to REPORT-461, they are commits to upstream
19:33:55 <mseaton> wyclif: they don't open up for me that way. they have a weird branch associated with them.
19:34:04 <wyclif> mseaton, hmm
19:34:13 <wyclif> mseaton, ok let me try pushing to upstream
19:34:31 <apb156> dkayiwa: how should I do that?
19:34:56 <mseaton> eg. wyclif, the url whos openmrs-module-reporting, but then the "tree" selector shows e7a709b70b
19:35:11 <mseaton> wyclif: whatever that means
19:35:50 <mseaton> wyclif: whereas normally this is where i would choose to look at commits from either master or sprint-201301, instead that uuid shows up
19:36:30 <mseaton> wyclif: what does eGit show you?
19:36:33 <dkayiwa> apb156: stop tomcat. cut the log files from the logs folder and paste them some where else. so logs folder will be empty and you can now start tomcat. try submit a form and then send me the logs
19:37:17 <apb156> dkayiwa: you got it, gimmie a few
19:39:01 <wyclif> mseaton, i think my repo got screwed up and probably am getting class oading issues when starting the module, let me try to clean up the mess
19:40:22 <mseaton> wyclif: good luck
19:40:45 <wyclif> mseaton, thanks for the help
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19:47:57 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: current pastie link
19:48:17 <thompcha> Hey, I Found a broken link on the implementers' field guide:
19:48:32 <thompcha> Should it point here?
19:48:33 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:49:41 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you just forget to add the javadoc to the variable declarations?
19:50:25 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i had forgotten actually, adding them...
19:51:40 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: also for the default values when doing .addProp, leave them as null
19:52:42 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
19:54:59 *** areo has joined #openmrs
19:56:03 <areo> hello, i have set OpenMRS test env. and I need to login to system. What is default login/password ?
19:57:27 <k-joseph> areo: try these login = admin and password = test
19:57:57 <djazayeri> jkeiper: hey, I just sent an email about this, but do you know how to get a module service (or core service I guess) via a groovy module's script?
19:58:26 <jkeiper> djazayeri, hrm ...
19:58:30 <jkeiper> djazayeri, we had a recipe ...
19:58:35 <jkeiper> djazayeri, looking in my email
19:59:03 <wyclif> dkayiwa, mseaton1 can you guys pull code from the sprint branch, i have pushed it
19:59:20 <wyclif> mseaton1, my repo was messed up
19:59:26 <areo> k-jospeh, ok I logged correctly with psw Admin123
19:59:51 <jkeiper> djazayeri,
20:00:35 <djazayeri> jkeiper: hmm, I didn't think that worked, but let me try
20:00:41 <jkeiper> djazayeri, ok
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20:06:49 <apb156> djazayeri: just an update, I'm still waiting for openmrs to load
20:07:07 <dkayiwa> apb156: am sure that was meant for me :)
20:13:09 <apb156> dkayiwa: oops, yah, sorry
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20:20:01 <wyclif> mseaton1, ?
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20:22:31 <apb156> dkayiwa: while i'm waiting for openmrs to load, I got a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" in the browser, is this likely the cause of my slow startup? Should I resolve this before continuing to look into the XForm error?
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20:24:32 <apb156> dkayiwa:
20:24:56 <apb156> dkayiwa: that is from before openmrs starts
20:25:01 <dkayiwa> apb156: ok
20:25:15 <areo> Could anyone recommend me one of the introductory ticket ? I would like to start contribute...
20:26:55 <apb156> dkayiwa: it just loaded openmrs and this is the most recent log file
20:27:11 <dkayiwa> apb156: ok
20:35:03 <apb156> dkayiwa: I just read this: ""
20:35:09 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:35:26 <dkayiwa> apb156: ok
20:35:28 <apb156> dkayiwa: I installed tomcat using apt-get, could this be an issue
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20:37:08 <dkayiwa> areo: have you looked at the tickets at?
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20:37:36 <apb156> dkayiwa: Since that documentation says it's specific to tomcat6, can I just run apt-get with tomcat7 without expectation of problems?
20:38:45 <dkayiwa> apb156: you seem to be running out of memory many times
20:38:55 <dkayiwa> apb156: did you increase your tomcat memory?
20:39:12 <apb156> dkayiwa: no, I didn't : /
20:39:24 <dkayiwa> apb156: that must be the problem
20:40:07 <dkayiwa> apb156: stop tomcat and first increase its memory
20:40:26 <dkayiwa> apb156: the default memory values it installs with are too small to run openmrs confortably
20:40:52 <apb156> dkayiwa: k, I'll give that a try. What do you think about upgrading to tomcat7 (in reference to the link I posted above)?
20:41:10 <dkayiwa> apb156: we have mostly used tomcat6
20:41:12 <mseaton1> wyclif: sorry, still need me to pull code?
20:41:22 <dkayiwa> apb156: very few users have tried tomcat 7
20:41:34 <wyclif> mseaton1, i pushed it, so you should pull to get it
20:41:51 <dkayiwa> apb156: so i would recommend tomcat6 (atleast for now)
20:42:04 <apb156> dkayiwa: okay, thanks
20:44:02 <areo> dkayiwa: Thanks, I consider the
20:45:49 <dkayiwa> apb156: this page can be good for you:
20:45:50 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:46:04 <apb156> dkayiwa: thanks, I'm looking at that now
20:46:12 <dkayiwa> apb156: ok good
20:47:00 <dkayiwa> areo: ok
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21:03:13 <areo> Should I assign TRUNK-3772 ticket to me if i would like to start work on it ?
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21:11:06 <apb156> dkayiwa: Okay, openmrs startup was much faster now. Can you take a look at this log file and tell me if I've solved any potential performance issues?
21:12:48 <dkayiwa> apb156: the log looks better
21:13:04 <apb156> dkayiwa: cool, anything suspicious?
21:13:27 <dkayiwa> apb156: do you still get the problem?
21:13:50 <apb156> dkayiwa: not the slow startup issue, but I'm checking on the issue with XForms now...
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21:14:02 <dkayiwa> apb156: check and tell me
21:16:17 <apb156> dkayiwa: the form is still not saving, want the latest log?
21:16:35 <dkayiwa> apb156: yes send me the log
21:17:36 <apb156> dkayiwa:
21:18:48 <dkayiwa> apb156: how do you tell that the data did not save?
21:20:58 <apb156> dkayiwa: when I view the encounter associated with that form, it just shows the "Edit Encounter" link and nothing else
21:21:16 <wyclif> mseaton1, did you manage to start the module after the pull request?
21:21:21 <dkayiwa> apb156: click the Edit Encounter link
21:21:28 <dkayiwa> apb156: then you will see the data
21:21:45 <apb156> dkayiwa: is that expected behavior?
21:21:50 <dkayiwa> apb156: the ui is a bit confusing as was changes from before
21:22:08 <dkayiwa> apb156: do you see the data after clicking the edit encounter link?
21:22:25 <apb156> dkayiwa: Yah I see it now. Is it possible for it to show up without clicking that link? I thought I remember seeing that
21:23:17 <dkayiwa> apb156: i think there was some discussions on that
21:23:34 <dkayiwa> apb156: i do not remember is we agreed on creating a ticket for it or not
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21:24:42 <apb156> dkayiwa: Okay, thanks for all your help. What is the best approach to viewing data for one patient? Ex: Medical History Fields
21:25:47 <dkayiwa> apb156: can you look at them using the form?
21:26:56 <apb156> dkayiwa: one by one yah, but the doctor's will want an overview I'm sure
21:27:39 <dkayiwa> apb156: can you make a mockup of what you are looking for?
21:31:08 <apb156> dkayiwa: I suppose, but I figured this would be a pretty popular feature.
21:31:51 <apb156> dkayiwa: I saw on the OpenMRS university call for XForms (at the end) there was a "Medical History Fields" feature in the admin tab. But I don't see any documentation on this feature
21:32:56 <dkayiwa> apb156: that is used for choosing observations to be pull down onto a mobile device (e.g phones with ODK Clinic) when downloading patient data
21:33:13 <dkayiwa> apb156: has no use case for one using browser on computer
21:33:54 <apb156> dkayiwa: : / hmm okay
21:34:22 <apb156> dkayiwa: So a doc needs to go through each patient's encounters to see their history?
21:35:30 <dkayiwa> apb156: there some widgets you can configure on the patient dashboard. eg graph for past weights, etc
21:36:01 <apb156> dkayiwa: Okay, thanks again, I'll look into those
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21:54:33 <mseaton1> wyclif: sorry, haven't had a chance. you're still stuck?
21:54:48 <wyclif> mseaton1, yes
21:55:44 <wyclif> mseaton1, am getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openmrs.calculation.patient.PatientCalculation
21:56:05 <mseaton1> wyclif: do you require the calculation module in config.xml ?
21:56:11 <wyclif> mseaton1, but i don't get why am getting this exception, am not defining this class anywhere
21:56:23 <wyclif> mseaton1, yes
21:56:42 <mseaton1> this class is defined in the calculation module, right?
21:56:46 <mseaton1> wyclif?
21:57:09 <mseaton1> wyclif: is the calculation module running?
21:57:23 <wyclif> mseaton1, yes
21:57:55 <wyclif> mseaton1, yes
21:58:29 <mseaton1> wyclif: what is throwing that error, what's the full stack trace?
22:01:07 <wyclif> am trying to debug wyhy it is trying to load the class at start up and i can't seem to figure it out, it happens when trying to instantiate a
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22:01:44 <wyclif> mseaton1, am not sure if core has an issue, because it is complaining that calculation module isn't running
22:02:05 <wyclif> mseaton1, yet it is, i know i have seen similar bugs, but it should be able to load the classes
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22:55:40 <wyclif> djazayeri, do you if reporting_report_request.process_automatically column was dropped
22:55:50 <djazayeri> wyclif: no idea
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23:36:56 <andreapat> djazayeri, u here?
23:37:02 <djazayeri> andreapat: yeah
23:38:03 <andreapat> hi djazayeri, I have an error starting my module - I see u talked about the same problem on irc awhile ago
23:38:28 <andreapat> djazayeri, error is: Error while trying to start module
23:38:28 <andreapat> Unable to load/find moduleActivator: 'org.openmrs.module.reporting-omod.ModuleActivator'
23:38:28 <andreapat> Module: Reporting OMOD
23:39:04 <djazayeri> andreapat: does the stack trace give a more detailed reason? Usually this is because other required modules aren't started yet, or because there was an exception, which will be in the logs
23:39:51 <andreapat> djazayeri, here's stacktrace: ** org.openmrs.module.Module.getModuleActivator(
23:39:51 <andreapat> ** org.openmrs.module.ModuleFactory.startModuleInternal(
23:39:51 <andreapat> ** org.openmrs.api.context.Daemon$
23:42:41 <djazayeri> andreapat: there should be more stack trace than that
23:46:01 <andreapat> djazayeri, just found it in standalone log
23:46:19 <andreapat> djazayeri,
23:47:29 <djazayeri> andreapat: Searching for "caused by" I see this:
23:47:29 <djazayeri> 1. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openmrs.module.reporting-omod.ModuleActivator
23:47:29 <djazayeri> 2.
23:47:58 <djazayeri> andreapat: I think this is a bug that rafa may have run into and fixed as the sprint was starting
23:48:09 <djazayeri> andreapat: where did the omod you're looking at come from?
23:48:29 <andreapat> djazayeri, it came from Rafal
23:49:57 <djazayeri> andreapat: recently?
23:50:38 <andreapat> djazayeri, at the beginning of the sprint
23:50:56 <andreapat> djazayeri, wasn't aware of his bug
23:51:50 <djazayeri> andreapat: can you check out the code (specifically the sprint branch, as I think is documented on the sprint wiki page) and build it? and try deploying that latest version?
23:52:06 <djazayeri> andreapat: not sure what your goal is in loading the module
23:54:11 <andreapat> djazayei, thought I had to install that module to test the JSP I changed
23:54:38 <andreapat> djazayeri, this is the first module I've worked on
23:55:42 <djazayeri> andreapat: what jsp did you change? One in the reporting module?
23:56:45 <andreapat> djazayeri, compositionCohortDefinition.jsp
23:57:48 <djazayeri> andreapat: so, if you've modified that, then you need to build the reporting module from the source code you have checked out
23:57:54 <djazayeri> andreapat: and that you've modified
23:57:59 <djazayeri> andreapat: this will produce an omod file
23:58:46 <andreapat> yes, that is .omod file I installed
23:59:05 <djazayeri> andreapat: I thought you said the omod came from rafal...