IRC Chat : 2012-12-10 - OpenMRS

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10:36:46 <yony258> dkayiwa: hi
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11:05:11 <dkayiwa> hi adam_l
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11:12:14 <adam_l> dkayiwa: hi daniel how are you today?
11:12:28 <dkayiwa> adam_l: am good. you?
11:13:17 <adam_l> dkayiwa: great :)
11:14:16 <adam_l> dkayiwa: where can I find information about openmrs:fieldGen?
11:14:45 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I can*
11:15:10 <dkayiwa> adam_l: org.openmrs.web.taglib.FieldGenTag
11:15:28 <dkayiwa> adam_l: does your onchange get called?
11:16:46 <adam_l> dkayiwa: "Attribute onChange invalid for tag fieldGen"
11:18:45 <dkayiwa> adam_l: can you use onchange on locationField tag?
11:19:16 <adam_l> instead of fieldGen?
11:19:24 <dkayiwa> adam_l: yes
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11:22:41 <yony258> dkayiwa: ?
11:22:53 <dkayiwa> yony258:
11:23:15 <yony258> dkayiwa: Still waiting for an answer for what we talked about yesterday
11:24:04 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you hard code some times slots for me to use?
11:24:30 <yony258> dkayiwa: I can send you the sql CREATE queries that I used
11:24:55 <yony258> dkayiwa:
11:24:59 <dkayiwa> yony258: did you mean sql INSERT?
11:25:06 <yony258> dkayiwa: Yea sorry
11:25:24 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok let me try that out now
11:26:04 <dkayiwa> yony258: on a side note, making the find available times be a POST instead of DWR call has some serious side effects
11:26:20 <dkayiwa> yony258: all providers, appointment types, etc are cleared
11:26:26 <dkayiwa> yony258: did you notice that too?
11:26:46 <yony258> dkayiwa: Of course, I just thought there is some way to fix that
11:27:02 <dkayiwa> yony258: why don't we make it a DWR call and avoid that?
11:27:17 <yony258> dkayiwa: Or that in order to fix this we need to create some entity that backs up this form
11:27:39 <yony258> dkayiwa: I dont mind doing that..
11:28:00 <dkayiwa> yony258: you do not mind changing to DWR call?
11:28:13 <yony258> dkayiwa: No I don'
11:28:13 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I can't
11:28:27 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok go ahead and do it
11:28:35 <yony258> dkayiwa: I cant do it right now.
11:28:35 <dkayiwa> adam_l: what?
11:28:48 <yony258> dkayiwa: But I still want to understand how to bind the selected radio button
11:28:53 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it gives me the same error
11:28:59 <dkayiwa> yony258: yes am looking at that now
11:29:13 <dkayiwa> adam_l: which error?
11:29:39 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I can't use onchange event
11:29:49 <dkayiwa> adam_l: why?
11:30:12 <adam_l> dkayiwa: that's what I'm asking you :)
11:30:14 <adam_l> dkayiwa: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/view/module/appointment/appointmentBlockList.jsp(73,6) Attribute onChange invalid for tag locationTree
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11:31:04 <dkayiwa> adam_l: can you pastebin your jsp?
11:31:28 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I want to access the location id selected via JavaScript. can I do that? if yes how?
11:32:04 <adam_l> dkayiwa: yes
11:32:55 <adam_l> dkayiwa:
11:35:40 <dkayiwa> adam_l: document.getElementById("locationId").options[document.getElementById("locationId").selectedIndex].value
11:36:00 <adam_l> dkayiwa: o0
11:36:10 <adam_l> dkayiwa: ok thanks
11:50:00 <adam_l> dkayiwa: document.getElementById('locationId') returns null
11:50:22 <dkayiwa> adam_l: because no location selected?
11:50:46 <adam_l> dkayiwa: no :) even if I select location
11:51:19 <dkayiwa> adam_l: can you pastebin your jsp?
11:51:47 <adam_l> dkayiwa:
11:55:16 <dkayiwa> adam_l: how do you tell its null?
11:55:31 <adam_l> dkayiwa: alert(location);
11:56:11 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I change the location and press the button which triggers the function above and a see the alert message
11:56:23 <dkayiwa> adam_l: ok let me test here
11:56:38 <yony258> dkayiwa: If you can just email me the solution for what we talked about,
11:58:02 <yony258> dkayiwa: Or just let me know if you dont have the time for it.
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12:00:24 <yony258> adam_l: Do you want to do the assignment in Databases? (Due Sunday)
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12:01:33 <adam_l> yony258: yes :) I'm at the university right now
12:01:40 <yony258> adam_l: ok which lab?
12:02:14 <adam_l> yony258: 9 but there is alot of people here. I think we better go to 3/4. call me when you arrive
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12:02:30 <yony258> adam_l: ok
12:03:32 <adam_l> dkayiwa: daniel I lost the hope using the tree hirarchy location. I could build it by myself till now :)
12:03:51 <dkayiwa> adam_l: you wanna build it yourself? :)
12:05:18 <adam_l> dkayiwa: no but I just trying to pass some point :) you do you think I should do?
12:05:31 <adam_l> dkayiwa: what do you think*
12:05:44 <dkayiwa> adam_l: why would you wanna build it yourself? :)
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12:07:03 <adam_l> dkayiwa: because I don't understand how to work with it. everything I do fails :)
12:08:12 <dkayiwa> adam_l: about your alert, did you first select a location?
12:08:32 <adam_l> dkayiwa: yes sure I tested it couple of times to be sure
12:08:50 <dkayiwa> adam_l: am using your pastebin but i see no way of selecting a location
12:08:53 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it always alerted me "null"
12:09:35 <adam_l> dkayiwa: have you changed the code?
12:10:00 <dkayiwa> adam_l: only the jsp
12:10:09 <dkayiwa> adam_l: i just pasted your pastebin contents
12:10:40 <adam_l> dkayiwa:
12:10:43 <adam_l> dkayiwa: try again
12:10:48 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it should work
12:11:24 <adam_l> dkayiwa: there is a problem with the location tag
12:12:08 <dkayiwa> adam_l: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/view/module/appointment/appointmentBlockList.jsp(75,126) Unterminated &lt;openmrs_tag:locationTree tag
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12:13:42 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it was loading it from the chrome chache so I didn't notice
12:13:58 <dkayiwa> adam_l: ok fix it first
12:18:15 <adam_l> dkayiwa:
12:18:36 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I hope it's working now
12:19:13 <dkayiwa> adam_l: how do i select a location?
12:21:28 <adam_l> dkayiwa: is it only none?
12:21:49 <dkayiwa> adam_l: there is not even a widget for me to select
12:22:38 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I don't know I have a widget
12:23:09 <dkayiwa> adam_l: i think your chrome is using an older version
12:23:24 <dkayiwa> adam_l: can you use firefox with the same exact jsp you have sent me?
12:24:00 <adam_l> dkayiwa: maybe because you don't have the dwr service updated it crashes?
12:24:47 <dkayiwa> adam_l: did you make changes to it?
12:25:10 <adam_l> dkayiwa: on firefox I can select only location 'none' I don't know why
12:25:28 <dkayiwa> adam_l: but before your changes, things were working all fine
12:25:51 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it's working... I had to login to get access to the locations...
12:26:16 <dkayiwa> adam_l: your jsp does not even let me select a location
12:26:38 <dkayiwa> adam_l: adam_l but when i do not put in your changes, i can freely select a location
12:27:37 <adam_l> dkayiwa: I think I should do a commit ... If you will delete the DWR call I think it will work for you...
12:28:02 <dkayiwa> adam_l: push
12:30:43 <adam_l> dkayiwa: there is a conflict.. just a sec
12:30:51 <dkayiwa> adam_l: no problem
12:42:13 <adam_l> dkayiwa: it will take a while to make order. I need to go I will talk to later thanks
12:42:37 <dkayiwa> adam_l: no problem
12:42:45 <dkayiwa> adam_l: thanks for your hard work!!!
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13:00:42 <shortend> Hey team!
13:00:54 <shortend> Is there a sprint going on for a registration module?
13:04:41 <dkayiwa> shortend: supposed to start today
13:08:29 <shortend> dkayiwa: I've never participated in a sprint before. Should I watch here for updates, or somewhere on JIRA?
13:09:21 <dkayiwa> shortend: you can watch here and email
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13:11:52 <shortend> dkayiwa: Thanks.
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13:15:10 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: good evening
13:15:39 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: good evening
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14:02:14 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [4235333] [rkorytkowski] The build passed. -
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15:01:39 <cpower> Hello!
15:02:00 <cpower> And welcome to what was supposed to be the start of the Registration sprint
15:03:02 <cpower> Sadly, Jkeiper has been sick and will be delayed a day so we will move forward on community development for the day and hopefully get back on track tomorrow.
15:03:27 <cpower> With that in mind let's see what our developers have been up to with our daily scrum
15:03:34 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
15:03:34 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
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15:04:08 <cpower> Order: wyclif_, kishoreyekkanti, dkayiwa, rafa, djazayeri
15:04:16 <cpower> and Andrea when she shows
15:04:52 <wyclif_> Friday:
15:04:52 <wyclif_> TRUNK-3770 - update all of these types of extension point links to use c:url so that we are consistent
15:04:52 <wyclif_> Meeting with 2 RG system engineers working on OpenHIM to give them a git walk through
15:04:52 <wyclif_> Partially worked on SXS-1 - Fix unit tests in serialization module
15:04:53 <wyclif_>
15:04:55 <wyclif_> Monday:
15:04:57 <wyclif_> Curating tickets
15:04:59 <wyclif_> Fix more tests SXS-1 - Fix unit tests in serialization module
15:05:01 <wyclif_>
15:05:03 <wyclif_> Blockers: None
15:06:34 <dkayiwa> Reviewed code and tested module for Tobin's Team
15:06:34 <dkayiwa> Guided Tobin's team with their current tasks
15:06:34 <dkayiwa> Reviewed and closed: Username validation is not the same between API and web application - TRUNK-3776
15:06:34 <dkayiwa> Now: Helping Yonatan on how to make spring bind to the selected time slot for the Create new Appointment form - AM-4
15:06:35 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
15:07:24 <rafa> Today:
15:07:24 <rafa> * Back ported TRUNK-2511: When creating a new patient, pre-populate the "Identifier Type" field
15:07:24 <rafa>
15:07:24 <rafa> * Committed TRUNK-3820: PersonNameValidator appears to be validating voided person names
15:07:24 <rafa>
15:07:25 <rafa> * Reviewed TRUNK-3351: Merging persons incorrectly handles addresses and names
15:07:25 <rafa> (djazayeri, do you want me to take it over and put in 1.9.2?)
15:07:26 <rafa> * Now testing 1.9.2, ready to release if TRUNK-3351 is not a must...
15:07:26 <rafa> Blockers: Bamboo stuck again... pinged Michael already
15:08:15 <djazayeri> My report
15:08:16 <djazayeri> * Mirebalais stuff
15:08:16 <djazayeri> * Planning for Openmrs Reference Application work
15:08:18 <djazayeri> no blockers
15:08:36 <cpower> hmm no Andrea...
15:09:16 <cpower> ok no blockers, no discussion points?
15:09:32 <cpower> !scrumoff
15:09:32 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
15:09:57 <djazayeri> rafa: TRUNK-3351 isn't a requirement for 1.9.2 (though we'll need it in 1.9.3 before we go into production in Feb/March.)
15:10:13 <wyclif_> rafa, micheal is a way today, he has an exam
15:10:22 <rafa> djazayeri: fair enough, thanks
15:10:53 <rafa> wyclif_: I see
15:11:54 <rafa> djazayeri: do you have admin rights for our Bamboo and see a button to rest agents? :D
15:12:02 <rafa> *reset
15:12:04 <djazayeri> rafa: let me check.
15:12:43 <djazayeri> rafa: which task, de dev test 01 one?
15:13:09 <rafa> djazayeri: I don't think it's enought to stop this one task
15:13:12 <djazayeri> rafa: oh, you don't need me to stop the build...
15:13:13 <rafa> djazayeri: I did it before
15:13:32 <rafa> djazayeri: the build queue is hung
15:15:24 <wyclif_> hi djazayeri
15:15:38 <djazayeri> rafa: first, I think I just made you a bamboo admin
15:15:47 <djazayeri> rafa: now to look around for a reset agent thing
15:16:01 <rafa> djazayeri: ok, thanks
15:17:14 <wyclif_> djazayeri, for this ticket
15:17:58 <wyclif_> djazayeri, do i have to configure something to be able to see duplicates when adding a new patient, i can't seem to view duplicates
15:18:28 <djazayeri> rafa: I tried stopping, disabling, re-enabling, but it didn't help
15:21:21 <djazayeri> wyclif_: in theory if there are similar patients, they're shown somewhere in the workflow
15:21:26 <djazayeri> I don't think this can be enabled/disabled
15:21:33 <djazayeri> wyclif_: I forget exactly where it happens though.
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15:26:12 <wyclif_> djazayeri, is that in a module?
15:26:22 <djazayeri> wyclif_: it's in core
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15:26:32 <wyclif_> djazayeri, i have never seen anything like it
15:27:15 <andreap> cpower, you there - sorry I'm late - have bad cold flu - sick today
15:28:05 <djazayeri> wyclif_: seems like it does restrict based on age range in addition to name
15:28:25 <djazayeri> wyclif_: on the demo server, try creating someone with name: darius mengechi, birthdate: first of this month, sex: male.
15:28:51 <wyclif_> djazayeri, i have seen it
15:29:27 <djazayeri> wyclif_: for you're right, it's already don
15:29:28 <djazayeri> done
15:29:37 <djazayeri> can you close the ticket with an appropriate status?
15:30:12 <djazayeri> maybe daniel did it in rev:23534
15:30:31 <andreap> djazayeri, wyclif_, am sick today - will catch you all tomorrow, ok
15:30:50 <djazayeri> bye andreap: feel better!
15:31:04 <andreap> djazayeri, thanks!
15:40:55 <rafa> djazayeri: I think Michael is already restarting it :)
15:41:01 <djazayeri> great
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16:05:13 <djazayeri> cpower: is rm call now?
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16:10:39 <travis-ci> [travis-ci] [openmrs/openmrs-core] [319646e] [Rafal Korytkowski] The build passed. -
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16:29:44 <rfriedman> hi suranga, what's your experience level with html form entry?
16:30:06 <suranga> hi rfriedman , im afraid Im a total novice on that subject :-(
16:30:26 <rfriedman> suranga, tks, I will save you for important questions :-)
16:31:46 <rfriedman> hi dkayiwa , can i ask you an html form entry question?
16:31:54 * suranga 's ignorance of certain core modules is embarassing :(
16:32:46 <rfriedman> suranga, there's no way to know everything
16:32:47 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
16:33:10 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, can you set obs.accession_number through html form entry?
16:33:48 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: not in any way that am aware of
16:34:18 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, tks
16:34:46 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, do you know whether people are mostly entering lab specimens via lab order or using obs?
16:35:10 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: am not sure of that
16:36:04 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, if you want to enter 3 instances of the same test and number them 1-3, how would you do it?
16:36:55 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: i do not think the order would be maintained
16:37:07 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, my thought exactly
16:37:10 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: and i think there must be a ticket for that
16:39:38 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, if you wanted to keep a counter for each patient and decrement it each time a particular obs was entered, how would you do it?
16:40:27 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: i would create a module for it
16:40:34 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, hahaha
16:40:38 <dkayiwa> :)
16:42:11 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, tks, i will pester you again when i have more questions
16:42:45 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: no problem :)
16:42:50 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, of course all that is possible in xforms ...?
16:43:13 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: none of the above :D
16:43:22 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, but you will have them done by tomorrow?
16:43:53 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: if you want them in the module :)
16:44:19 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, you must be on bug fixing swim lane to be begging for a module to write :)
16:45:15 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: sure :)
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17:33:54 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: hi
17:34:02 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: hi
17:35:34 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: am requesting for your assistance, am failing to resolve this:
17:36:21 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: what did you do to get this error?
17:38:12 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i had contributed, and trying to run after wards, i got that in the browser
17:38:29 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i mean runnong openmrs from eclipse
17:38:47 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you rerun openmrs?
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17:47:20 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: now am getting 404
17:48:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: did you make many changes?
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17:49:09 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: not really, just a few on some .jsp files
17:51:01 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you revert them and see if it works
17:51:48 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: i did that before, but it did'nt help me out
17:53:03 <dkayiwa> k-joseph: can you drop the openmrs database and run setup again
17:53:25 <k-joseph> dkayiwa: ok
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17:55:43 <yony258> dkayiwa:Hello
17:57:22 <dkayiwa> yony258: hi
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17:57:42 <yony258> dkayiwa: How can I get the selected time slot to the appointment?
17:59:11 <yony258> dkayiwa: And if you can provide some links that describe the spring binding that would be great. I read all in the link you sent me but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for, Im looking for some deeper level, how does the bind happens "behind the scenes".
18:00:23 <dkayiwa> yony258: i attempted it today, but the radio buttons were behaving like not in a group (meaning i could check more than one)
18:01:21 <yony258> dkayiwa: The name should be exactly the same for all buttons, thats how I got it to enforce one-selection.
18:01:48 <dkayiwa> yony258: when i make the name the same, then the binding stops working :)
18:02:03 <yony258> dkayiwa: And thats the problem I have.
18:03:10 <yony258> dkayiwa: The problem I dont have a deeper understanding of how it works so I can only try different options without really getting to the cause of the problem. (and thus I ask for links)
18:04:27 <dkayiwa> yony258: i do not have any apart from the spring reference documentation
18:04:38 <dkayiwa> yony258: all i can do is googling :)
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18:04:56 <yony258> dkayiwa: Ok than I'll google it myself, dont waste time on it
18:05:15 <yony258> dkayiwa: But we should try to get it to bind.
18:05:24 <yony258> dkayiwa: I'll try in the meanwhile change it to DWR
18:05:33 <dkayiwa> yony258: i fully agree
18:06:30 <yony258> dkayiwa: One more thing, I commented on one of your comments on github, whenever you have time check it out. But my top priority right now is to understand how to do the radio buttons feature.
18:06:46 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
18:07:17 <yony258> dkayiwa: ok so while you are trying I'll change it to DWR.
18:07:30 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
18:08:21 <tobin_g> yony258: i'm a little out of the loop, but i think that adam may have also tackled this in his UI?
18:08:49 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: he has not :)
18:09:45 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: ok.
18:09:55 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: he says he has some stuff to commit tonight so we'll see.
18:10:25 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
18:15:21 <yony258> dkayiwa: Can I add an object to the ModelMap using javascript?
18:15:34 <yony258> this will seriously reduce the amount of code I need to change
18:15:48 <dkayiwa> yony258: am not aware of how to do that
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18:33:29 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: Adam says that he committed the code for AM-3 a while ago, can you confirm everything is OK with it? He is working on some of the related tickets and will ask you questions if you have time now
18:33:52 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
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18:39:21 <Ojwanganto> Hi nribeka
18:49:08 <nribeka> hi ningosi hi Ojwanganto
18:51:32 <yony258> dkayiwa: How can I access the different properties of a time slot using javascript? :)
18:51:43 <yony258> dkayiwa: It was easy using the controller and the ModelMap
18:52:25 <yony258> dkayiwa: now im getting the time slots but having null property values
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18:53:27 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you pastebin your jsp?
18:56:35 <yony258> dkayiwa:
18:56:59 <yony258> dkayiwa: look @ function findAvailabletTime
18:59:21 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
19:01:16 <dkayiwa> yony258: which line returns null
19:03:00 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: Hi daniel I commited my code. can you please pull and check If the locations?
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19:03:19 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: ok
19:03:27 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: thanks
19:04:13 <yony258> dkayiwa: appointmentBlock is null
19:04:47 <dkayiwa> yony258: in DWR?
19:05:10 <dkayiwa> yony258: in java
19:05:24 <yony258> dkayiwa: line 31 in the pastebin
19:05:58 <dkayiwa> yony258: what is the block id in the database
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19:06:17 <dkayiwa> yony258: for the time slot
19:08:03 <yony258> dkayiwa: I dont understand
19:08:05 <yony258> dkayiwa: 1 or 2
19:09:09 <dkayiwa> yony258: what is the time slotId for this record you are looking at?
19:13:09 <yony258> dkayiwa: sec I think Adam found the issue
19:13:16 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
19:13:33 <tobin_g> !karma adam_l_
19:13:33 <OpenMRSBot> tobin_g: adam_l_ has neutral karma.
19:14:19 <dkayiwa> adam_l_++
19:14:40 <dkayiwa> !karma adam_l_
19:14:40 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: Karma for "adam_l_" has been increased 1 time and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 1.
19:15:06 <yony258> tobin_g: You had a "Sofgania" today? :)
19:15:39 <tobin_g> yony258: today not yet -- but i am definitely getting fat from those and the latkes :D
19:16:27 <tobin_g> yony258: been quite the little piggy. you and me and adam_l_ should go to rolladin this week :)
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19:22:50 <adam_l_> tobin_g: sounds great :)
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20:01:35 <yony258> dkayiwa: Any progress with binding the time slot?
20:02:17 <dkayiwa> yony258: am starting to think that we my need to use some sort of hacking :)
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20:06:13 <adam_l__> dkayiwa: did you finish reviewing the commit?
20:06:43 <dkayiwa> adam_l__: was finishing yony258?
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20:08:06 <yony258> dkayiwa: sorry got Disconnected. Any chance it will work with the DWR?
20:08:08 <kavuri> djazayeri: hi
20:08:25 * yony258 will push in a sec, just removing unneeded stuff.
20:08:33 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
20:08:45 <kavuri> djazayeri: just wanted to update you that updating the version in pom.xml to 1.9 and adding "visits" to the creatable properties in, I am able to link an encounter with a visit
20:09:22 <kavuri> djazayeri: (remember the missing feature of an encounter not linked to a visit, I was refering to earlier?)
20:10:02 <djazayeri> kavuri: cool
20:10:28 <djazayeri> yes
20:11:38 <kavuri> djazayeri: also, good that the and webservices.rest19ext are moved to github. There is a bug in pom.xml. It has an invalid url for <developerConnection>
20:12:07 <kavuri> djazayeri: instead of svm:git:https:/... it should be git:svn:https//...
20:12:28 <djazayeri> kavuri: not git:svn
20:13:02 <kavuri> djazayeri: *svn:git:https://
20:13:29 <kavuri> djazayeri: it should be scm:git:https://...
20:15:41 <kavuri> djazayeri: if you have commit rights to the module trunk, then it is better to fix it straight, instead of me (or someone else) raising a bug, creating a pull request and then committing to trunk
20:16:07 <kavuri> djazayeri: I think it was Bruke who moved it to git (from the git log)
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20:17:42 <kavuri> djazayeri: done for today...have to head to bed now...
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20:18:38 <djazayeri> kavuri: step 1, email burke (on the dev list) and point out the flaw in his standard svn->git transfer process
20:26:56 <yony258> dkayiwa: pushed
20:27:34 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
20:34:28 <yony258> adam_l__:
20:46:44 <tobin_g> hi dkayiwa
20:47:07 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i was just talking with yony258 about the dead-end you guys are hitting
20:47:48 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: wondering what you're thoughts are on it? should we try the dev@ list?
20:48:05 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: yes
20:48:29 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i'm not sure i totally understand it, do you think you can explain it well?
20:49:04 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i get that it has something to do with binding objects that are selected via a radio button but that's vague
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20:53:56 <dkayiwa> yony258: tobin would be the best person to ask :)
20:55:02 <yony258> dkayiwa: Can you explain it from your point of view?, since you have greater knowledge of Spring than me.
20:55:31 <yony258> dkayiwa: Please :)
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21:07:21 <tobing> hi jblaya nice to see you
21:07:45 <jblaya> tobing, hey, though not as much fun as Manila ;D
21:08:15 <tobing> jblaya you speak the truth!!
21:10:10 <tobing> dkayiwa: it feels like this issue is really holding things up, had yony258 stumped all weekend.
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21:30:56 <yony258> tobin_g: any news?
21:34:42 <tobin_g> yony258: nope
21:35:45 <tobin_g> yony258: lets try to pitch the question to the dev list. want to try to explain it to me?
21:36:10 <yony258> tobin_g: sure, just a sec
21:36:54 <dkayiwa> yony258: in the meantime, (as we wait for the dev list) you can just do the simpler UI of simply listing the time slots in a drop down list
21:37:03 <dkayiwa> yony258: just as we do for appointment types and providers
21:37:19 <yony258> dkayiwa: Let'
21:37:45 <yony258> dkayiwa: Can you try and explain the problem? I'll re-edit it too?
21:38:35 <yony258> dkayiwa: I think we should try and solve it we're already spending a lot of time on it
21:38:46 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
21:39:31 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i agree with yony258 and if it takes some time to get an answer we can always get started on AM-6 or other tickets
21:39:42 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
21:40:17 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: can you help yony258 explain the issue in a way people on the dev@ list canunderstand?
21:40:47 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
21:41:22 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: great
21:44:22 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: can you explain now and yony258 will add/edit before mailing it out?
21:44:35 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
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21:52:14 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: ?
21:53:13 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: yony258
21:54:03 <yony258> dkayiwa: That is good, ty
21:54:12 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: thanks :-)
21:54:16 <dkayiwa> yony258: you can also attach a screen shot for only the time slot section (to make things clearer in the email)
21:54:52 <yony258> dkayiwa: I agree
21:55:11 <tobin_g> yony258: this seems pretty clear to me?
21:56:28 <yony258> dkayiwa: BTW what you wrote doesn't need my javascript function, correct?
21:56:49 <yony258> dkayiwa: I mean, appointment.availableTimes is the value returned from the DWR?
21:56:55 <dkayiwa> yony258: i have not looked into that yet :)
21:57:09 <dkayiwa> yony258: my assumption was that if this works, the rest should be simpler :)
21:57:14 <yony258> dkayiwa: >.<
21:57:25 <dkayiwa> yony258: :O
21:58:01 <yony258> dkayiwa: ok I'll go with that, just saying - I would really be happy to know if I can get values using DWR and than use them with the ${something...} expression.
21:59:10 <yony258> dkayiwa: I mean, if I could do that, my javascript functions will be a lot clearer and less ugly
21:59:25 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
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22:04:52 <yony258> dkayiwa: Im sorry maybe you didnt understood my question?
22:05:22 <dkayiwa> yony258: maybe :)
22:05:31 <yony258> dkayiwa: lol
22:06:18 <yony258> dkayiwa: I was asking if there is a way to get a value using DWR and than use it like a model attribute. Such as: ${something.something}. Because right now I have some really ugly javascript functions.
22:06:53 <dkayiwa> yony258: like which value do you wanna get?
22:07:36 <yony258> dkayiwa: Lets say List<TimeSlot>
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22:17:41 <yony258> dkayiwa: are you looking into it?
22:17:48 <yony258> dkayiwa: :)
22:17:53 <dkayiwa> yony258: which one?
22:18:48 <yony258> dkayiwa: Can you say that there is or there isn't a way to do what I asked?
22:19:21 <dkayiwa> yony258: i have not understood what you exactly want to do.
22:19:38 <yony258> dkayiwa: Its ok, let me say it again
22:20:33 <yony258> dkayiwa: Lets say that there is a js function that uses the DWR and gets a value, ok?
22:23:23 <yony258> dkayiwa: Now the question is: Is there a way to make that value accessible using the ${ } syntax on the JSP page, OR that I have to do that ugly "innerHTML" stuff all the time?
22:25:04 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you pastebin for me a sample jsp that has the exact way you would want to access it?
22:26:03 <djazayeri> yony258 (and dkayiwa): in general, you cannot non-hackily fetch server-side variables via javascript after the page has been loaded
22:26:29 <djazayeri> yony258 can you point me to an example of what you're talking about via pastebin or just point to a github file?
22:27:10 <yony258> djazayeri: dkayiwa Actually I can't think of an example right now. But your answer sounds good to me
22:27:36 <yony258> djazayeri: Thank you for that :)
22:30:29 <yony258> djazayeri: dkayiwa An example:
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22:43:54 <djazayeri> yony258: in that pastebin example, I'm confused about what you're asking...
22:44:00 <djazayeri> yony258: something different from this?
22:45:11 <djazayeri> yony258: my question would be *why* are you getting a list of Strings via DWR? And could you include them in the jsp when you generate the page.
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22:45:23 <yony258> djazayeri: What im doing right now is what you wrote in that link, I am asking if there is another way to do it (as I wrote in the previous link) :)
22:45:45 <yony258> djazayeri: Yes I agree but its just an example.
22:46:14 <djazayeri> yony258: I don't have the previous link
22:46:28 <yony258>
22:47:26 <djazayeri> yony258: okay, I saw that, what I'm saying is that I'd need to know *why* you're doing that. One you've already got DWR returning a list of Strings, there's not much you can do
22:47:48 <djazayeri> yony258: although I can suggest using underscore templates, to avoid too much hacky string concatenation to do innerhtml
22:48:06 <yony258> djazayeri: What are underscore templates?
22:49:30 <djazayeri> yony258:
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22:49:33 <djazayeri> yony258: those are two links
22:50:21 <djazayeri> yony258: not sure if that's relevant to what you're trying to do. but basically they let you write html with <%= %> in it, and you can substitute in the result of the dwr call as a result, for example
22:50:44 <djazayeri> yony258: if you're going to use this, I can also tell you how to switch away from <%= and %>, which won't work well with jsp
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22:51:52 <yony258> djazayeri: The way im doing that right now is creating a string var something = "<td>....</td>" and than just document.getElementById(...).innerHtml = something;
22:52:56 <djazayeri> yony258: look here:
22:53:00 <djazayeri> yony258: template is at line 5
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22:53:06 <djazayeri> yony258: {{- and }} are the delimiters
22:53:42 <djazayeri> yony258: the template is called from here
22:53:44 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
22:54:29 <yony258> djazayeri: Got it, Thank you !
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