IRC Chat : 2012-12-02 - OpenMRS

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07:51:27 <dkayiwa> hi kjoseph
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11:20:54 <dkayiwa> hi kjoseph
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11:32:05 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: are you on?
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12:22:23 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes am now on, i have been doing a final cisco exam\
12:30:05 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok are you done now?
12:30:31 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes, i have finished it
12:30:44 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok so what are you working on now?
12:32:40 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: am now reading and going through about concept obs and encounters
12:33:01 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: reading from where?
12:33:11 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: as in reading which doc?
12:34:56 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i downloded notes from EH202 openMRS training
12:35:37 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: i want you do reading and coding at the same time
12:35:54 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: you never responded the other time to the dev list
12:36:53 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: okay please, this time i will follow up inorder to keep on responding
12:37:04 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok waiting
13:15:26 <dkayiwa> hi kjoseph
13:15:35 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:
13:16:03 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: is this error different from the one you sent the other time to the dev list
13:18:42 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: are you still on?
13:19:06 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes it is different
13:22:22 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you respond to the other thread and tell them whether it worked or not?
13:22:45 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: the one you sent the other time a few days ago
13:23:34 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: when you start an email thread, it is good to conclude it by telling them whether it worked or not
13:23:58 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: just kepping quiet does not encourage people to keep helping you
13:25:00 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: are you busy doing something else or attending to what am typing on IRC?
13:25:35 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:okay please, the other time it did not work, i tried git pull origin master as advised and it did not help me out, but i created a new local repository which am now workingin
13:26:13 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: but you never responded to the email about what happened next
13:26:23 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you do that now?
13:26:44 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: ok
13:26:53 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok waiting :)
13:27:59 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: so then, is it possible to drop the original remote origin and add a new one, if it's how can i do that, am responding to back
13:28:17 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: first respond
13:28:32 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: to both theads
13:28:53 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: the old and the new that you have just started today
13:29:16 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: ok
13:29:29 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: thanks!!!
13:43:07 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: waiting for your assistance on the above issue
13:44:43 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: i thought you created a new repo that has your name instead of the numbers 009614 ?
13:45:05 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: did you?
13:45:22 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes
13:45:40 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you give me its url?
13:46:24 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:
13:46:29 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
13:49:06 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you go to github admin and add me as a collaborator?
13:49:22 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: to that repository
13:50:15 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: are you there?
13:50:17 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i have done that
13:50:50 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: how did you add the number 009614?
13:51:04 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: it shows that number instead of your name for the commit
13:52:29 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: may be it was the first time when i was using the old account, i don't fully remember exactly!!!
13:53:05 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: when you try to push, does it prompt you for a username?
13:53:28 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: no
13:53:39 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: what did it ask for instead?
13:53:58 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: passphrase
13:54:17 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: for the ssh key
13:54:42 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you load one under your:
14:01:31 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: are you still there?
14:01:43 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes
14:01:58 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: working on adding your ssh?
14:02:20 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes,
14:02:26 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok good :)
14:13:41 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: dkayiwa: ERROR: Repository not found.
14:13:42 <kjoseph> fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
14:13:42 <kjoseph> Please make sure you have the correct access rights
14:13:42 <kjoseph> and the repository exists.
14:13:42 <kjoseph> when i again push
14:14:03 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: did you put the ssh?
14:14:18 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes
14:14:42 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: did you also do the steps here?
14:14:56 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: under: Creating your own module on github
14:18:39 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: seen it?
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20:28:42 <yony258> dkayiwa: Hi, sry I've been offline all day, me and Adam are working on a presentation related to this project.
20:28:57 <dkayiwa> yony258: no need to be sorry
20:29:08 <dkayiwa> yony258: i never expected you to work on the weekend :)
20:29:35 <dkayiwa> yony258: i wish you all the best on your presentation!!!
20:29:42 <yony258> dkayiwa: Thank you :)
20:29:57 <yony258> dkayiwa: I know we talked about me starting the Resource Scheduling UI, but Adam has been working on this for the past days, so what should I do next?
20:30:35 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you browse through the available tickets and see if you can chose one you prefer to work on next?
20:31:12 <yony258> dkayiwa: We got the Create Appointment UI but its a "Maybe" for this Sprint
20:31:34 <yony258> dkayiwa: While Resource Scheduling UI is a "Must" for this sprint.
20:32:06 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok.
20:32:13 <yony258> dkayiwa: So what do you think?
20:32:30 <dkayiwa> yony258: looking at the sprint dashboard now.....
20:38:56 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you work on the appointment block ui tickets?
20:39:08 <yony258> dkayiwa: AM-3 ?
20:39:40 <dkayiwa> yony258: oh taken by Adam
20:42:20 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you work on any of its sub tickets?
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21:00:32 <yony258> dkayiwa: Yes
21:00:40 <dkayiwa> yony258: ok
21:30:05 <yony258> dkayiwa: Maybe I should work on AM-4 ?
21:30:41 <dkayiwa> !ticket AM-4
21:30:43 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#AM-4] Create new Appointment - OpenMRS JIRA -
21:31:44 <dkayiwa> yony258: perfect
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22:02:06 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: Hi daniel... I have commited an initial form for AM-3. can you review it? right now I'm trying to present the appointment blocks on a table
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22:04:21 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: yony258 adam_l_ you guys have time for a short scrum now then we'll resume 2130 tomorrow?
22:04:29 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: ok
22:04:35 <yony258> tobin_g: dkayiwa adam_l_ ok
22:05:17 <adam_l_> tobin_g: ok
22:05:19 <tobin_g> tobin_g: adam_l_ dkayiwa 1) i've just been working on scheduling with the sprint etc 2) tomorrow i'll check in with everyone and also work with yony258 on design issues for AM-4 3) no blockers
22:05:58 <yony258> tobin_g: I think you should use scrumon or something like that, dkayiwa probably knows what I mean
22:06:10 <tobin_g> yony258 dkayiwa adam_l_ yeah i'm not so clever
22:06:18 <dkayiwa> yony258: sure :)
22:06:23 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: you're the boss :-)
22:06:37 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: i prefer to be in the background :)
22:06:40 <yony258> !scrumon
22:06:40 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster - you may begin when ready.
22:06:52 <dkayiwa> yony258++ :)
22:07:01 <yony258> order: dkayiwa tobin_g adam_l_ yony258
22:07:09 <yony258> tobin_g: Please repeat
22:07:12 <dkayiwa> yony258: wow!!!! :)
22:08:03 <tobin_g> before scrum: i've just been working on scheduling with the sprint etc
22:08:15 <tobin_g> after scrum: i'll check in with everyone and also work with yony258 on design issues for AM-4
22:08:17 <tobin_g> blockers: none
22:08:23 <dkayiwa> Had a chart with tobin about our schedules
22:08:23 <dkayiwa> Now reviewing Adam's commit
22:08:24 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
22:08:42 <yony258> adam_l_: youre up
22:09:26 <yony258> Updated AppointmentType FORM to include duration, created TimeSlot, verified unit tests, got reviewd, need confirmation on AM-11 (to finish that ticket). will work tomorrow on AM-4, will need help from dkayiwa to split to smaller parts. Blockers: none
22:09:53 <dkayiwa> yony258: do you mind doing a separate line for each? :)
22:10:05 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: ++
22:10:09 <yony258> dkayiwa: Is there a tag for that?
22:10:20 <yony258> dkayiwa: let * me * try
22:10:26 <dkayiwa> yony258: am not aware of any :)
22:10:41 <yony258> dkayiwa: ok, noted will do. adam_l_ update when you can
22:11:16 <dkayiwa> yony258: i keep my tasks in a text file line by line. when it comes to scrum time, i just paste :)
22:11:31 <yony258> dkayiwa: good point will do
22:11:47 <tobin_g> you guys are such nerds.
22:11:51 <adam_l_> Created Initial form for AM-3 - JSP+Controller and need help to continue on that
22:12:00 <yony258> adam_l_: blockers?
22:12:44 <adam_l_> yony258: no just need guidance
22:13:04 <yony258> adam_l_: Ok
22:13:06 <yony258> !scrumoff
22:13:06 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
22:13:26 <dkayiwa> yony258++ :D
22:13:34 <dkayiwa> !karma yony258
22:13:34 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: yony258 has neutral karma.
22:13:46 <yony258> dkayiwa: So was that as it supposed to be?
22:13:51 <yony258> dkayiwa: what is karma ?! lol
22:14:17 <dkayiwa> yony258: some sort of points you have scored on IRC :)
22:14:39 <yony258> dkayiwa: Haha ;)
22:15:06 <tobin_g> dkayiwa, sounds like adam_l_ needs some help with AM-3 please check in.
22:15:17 <tobin_g> adam_l_, if it's getting late you can do it tomorrow during your time with dkayiwa
22:15:30 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: does he want to sleep now?
22:15:43 <dkayiwa> if yes, then no problem we can resume tomorrow
22:15:45 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i don't know you'll have to ask adam_l_ :-)
22:16:01 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: do you wanna sleep? :)
22:16:01 <yony258> tobin_g: dkayiwa One thing I want to mention is that I need code review on AM-11 (DB definition) we finished it but haven't completed the ticket.
22:16:12 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: it's quite possible that i'm the only wimp...
22:16:18 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: lol
22:16:34 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: I need to :(
22:16:47 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: no problem. we can resume tomorrow :)
22:17:04 <tobin_g> adam_l_ yony258 here is the schedule for working with dkayiwa
22:17:07 <dkayiwa> yony258: can you put it in post commit review state?
22:17:09 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
22:17:10 <tobin_g> adam_l_: yony258 dkayiwa also mailed to you
22:17:17 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: ok
22:17:23 <tobin_g> OpenMRSBot: that's clever.
22:17:24 <OpenMRSBot> tobin_g: Error: "that's" is not a valid command.
22:17:31 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: great :) have a good night... thanks
22:17:35 <tobin_g> computer doesn't hink i'm funny
22:17:50 <yony258> dkayiwa: adam_l_ tobin_g Have a good night all, need to be in class in 8h.
22:17:53 <yony258> Thank you.
22:17:55 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: have sweet dreams. but do not dream about appointment blocks UI :)
22:18:04 <yony258> dkayiwa: Ha!
22:18:12 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: ha.
22:18:18 <tobin_g> yony258: i have to be in the clinic at 8am - scarier
22:18:31 <dkayiwa> yony258: have a good night too. and do not dream about AM-11 :D
22:18:34 <dkayiwa> !ticket AM-11
22:18:36 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#AM-11] Create Appointment Module Tables in Database - OpenMRS JIRA -
22:18:38 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: lol
22:19:05 <yony258> dkayiwa: Well as long as I've achieved my dream to be a SCRUM Master I can sleep good now ;P
22:19:23 <dkayiwa> yony258++ :D
22:20:03 <yony258> dkayiwa: tobin_g adam_l_ Alright, cya tomorrow. Thank you all for your time.
22:20:27 <dkayiwa> yony258: you too MR SCRUM MASTER d:)
22:20:48 <yony258> dkayiwa: ;)
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22:21:20 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: can you include the commit on the ticket?
22:21:37 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: just put a comment with the commit url
22:21:55 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: then click the request code review button
22:23:00 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: ok
22:23:01 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: adam_l_ this is great because i get email updates that way :-)
22:23:11 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: adam_l_ goodnight
22:23:34 <adam_l_> tobin_g: good night tobin :) sweet dreams
22:23:36 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: have a good night too. Please do not dream about our schedules :)
22:24:03 <tobin_g> dkayiwa: i try not to have nightmares
22:24:14 <dkayiwa> tobin_g: :D
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22:25:53 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: one small question
22:25:59 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: ok
22:26:53 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: If you saw my code, I added a calandar. What we want is to present Appointment Blocks on a table that is on that selected date.
22:27:13 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: ok
22:27:29 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: In order to do that I need to do post back when ever someone choses new date?
22:27:50 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: preferably ajax call
22:28:00 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: OK I understand
22:28:06 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: such that page does not refresh :)
22:28:15 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: only parts in it
22:28:23 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: perfect!!!
22:28:55 <dkayiwa> adam_l_:
22:29:07 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: ok I will work on that :) and ask you questions tomorrow
22:29:15 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: sure :)
22:29:27 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: what is that? ajax example?
22:29:37 <dkayiwa> adam_l_: check it out :)
22:29:50 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: ok thanks!
22:31:06 <adam_l_> dkayiwa: I need to go now... have a good night :)
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