00:13:18 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: OpenMRS UI Framework 2.1 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <https://modules.openmrs.org/modules/view.jsp?module=uiframework&ampversion=&amp2.1>
05:59:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: Distance Scanner - Low Cost Walking Aid for the Blind <http://shazsterblog.blogspot.com/2012/11/distance-scanner-low-cost-walking-aid.html>
06:29:42 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: OpenMRS UI Framework 2.1.1 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <https://modules.openmrs.org/modules/view.jsp?module=uiframework&ampversion=&amp2.1.1>
07:03:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: Hadoop Vs Cassandra and HBase <http://shazsterblog.blogspot.com/2012/11/hadoop-vs-cassandra-and-hbase.html>
17:02:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: Storing Apache Hadoop WordCount Example Output to Database <http://shazsterblog.blogspot.com/2012/11/storing-hadoop-wordcount-example-with.html>