IRC Chat : 2012-11-10 - OpenMRS

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00:07:48 <djazayeri> andreapat: now you need to test to make sure that it doesn't fail if you re-run it after already dropping the constraint...
00:09:09 <andreapat> djazayeri, reading wiki to figure out - is this all I have to do to remove null constraint
00:09:16 <djazayeri> andreapat: I think so
00:09:37 <andreapat> djazayeri, don't have to actually do the sql?
00:09:56 <djazayeri> andreapat: exactly, we do our db updates via liquibase xml instead
00:10:20 <andreapat> djazayeri, very cool!
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17:47:42 <dkayiwa> hi kavuri
17:47:52 <kavuri> dkayiwa: hi
17:48:21 <dkayiwa> kavuri: how is it going?
17:51:18 <kavuri> dkayiwa: trying to debug the issue related to post to /obs if the "value" is at the beginning of the json msg
17:51:32 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
17:52:17 <kavuri> dkayiwa: the problem is in
17:52:31 <kavuri> dkayiwa: and a conversionexception is thrown at line 312
17:52:58 <dkayiwa> kavuri: oh i seeeeeeee
18:06:55 <kavuri> djazayeri: No matter what, I get classcastexception while trying to use the set with setGroupMembers
18:22:06 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I think the problem could be that the concept object is not being set which is resulting in an invocationTargetException
18:22:44 <dkayiwa> kavuri: oh i see
18:23:15 <kavuri> dkayiwa: guess these are set in
18:23:33 <dkayiwa> kavuri: not sure. would need to look at it
18:27:18 <djazayeri> kavuri: can you put a breakpoint there, use the debugger, and see what the actual type of the collection is?
18:27:39 <kavuri> djazayeri: the error message says it is LinkedHashMap
18:28:08 <djazayeri> kavuri: the value being passed in is a linkedhashmap?
18:28:19 <djazayeri> the second argument to setGroupMembers?
18:28:30 <kavuri> djazayeri: it is an ArrayList
18:29:11 <djazayeri> kavuri: okay, and its contents are LinkedHashMaps?
18:29:39 <kavuri> djazayeri: ok, not sure about that. I was assuming it would be a Obs
18:32:12 <djazayeri> kavuri: gotta run now.
18:32:23 <kavuri> djazayeri: ok, later...
18:32:50 <djazayeri> kavuri: can you post a patch, or a branch on github, that adds a (failing) unit test on ObsController that tries to create an obs + group?
18:32:51 <dkayiwa> kavuri: i can try continue with you on it :)
18:33:07 <kavuri> djazayeri: sure, will do that
18:33:10 <djazayeri> kavuri: if you don't get it solved now with dkayiwa, post that, and I'll try to take a look.
18:33:11 <kavuri> dkayiwa: thanks
18:33:26 <kavuri> djazayeri: ok
18:37:37 <dkayiwa> kavuri: do you have the unit test?
18:37:46 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I am creating one
18:37:52 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
18:37:56 <kavuri> dkayiwa: until now I was using a curl call
18:38:02 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
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18:48:51 <kavuri> dkayiwa: created the test case
18:49:16 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can u pastebin it?
18:49:31 <kavuri> dkayiwa: shall I create a github pull request?
18:49:59 <dkayiwa> kavuri: just pastebin it
18:50:04 <kavuri> dkayiwa: ok
18:50:30 <kavuri> dkayiwa, djazayeri:
18:51:05 <kavuri> dkayiwa: this is in
18:51:26 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
18:53:28 <dkayiwa> kavuri: is that in the restws module
18:53:36 <kavuri> dkayiwa: yes
18:55:28 <dkayiwa> kavuri: but the test passes :)
18:55:53 <kavuri> dkayiwa: yes, I have not added enough asserts
18:56:13 <kavuri> dkayiwa: if you look into the database, then you will see that the obs_group_id of the observations will be null
18:56:18 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok will tell me after you have a failing test :)
19:01:00 <kavuri> dkayiwa: this one should fail
19:01:02 <kavuri> dkayiwa:
19:01:10 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
19:02:21 <dkayiwa> kavuri: it passes too :)
19:02:28 <kavuri> djazayeri: is still on svn, so will not be able to create a pull request
19:02:36 <kavuri> djazayeri: rather replying to the mail thread with the patch
19:04:43 <kavuri> dkayiwa: hmm..if the method isObsGrouping() is correct, then it should return false, since there is no reference from the group parent to its children
19:04:50 <kavuri> dkayiwa: else, I would assume that the method is wrong
19:05:06 <dkayiwa> kavuri: the test passes
19:05:28 <dkayiwa> kavuri: test should fail
19:05:46 <kavuri> dkayiwa: the reason is that the assert is not failing
19:05:50 <dkayiwa> kavuri: test passing means all is well
19:06:07 <kavuri> dkayiwa: and I am suspect that the method isObsGrouping itself is wrong
19:06:28 <dkayiwa> kavuri: write a test proving its wrong
19:06:39 <dkayiwa> kavuri: then we start to fix it
19:07:08 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I do not know how to use the right api to prove that the child observations do not have the obs_group_id set
19:07:13 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I am new to the api
19:09:09 <kavuri> dkayiwa: but the problem is real, and I demonstrated it to djazayeri y'day
19:09:26 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
19:10:06 <dkayiwa> kavuri: this test create a proper obs grouping
19:10:18 <dkayiwa> kavuri: i see 4 obs in total
19:10:32 <dkayiwa> kavuri: where one obs is the parent for the three
19:10:37 <kavuri> dkayiwa: internally in the database, the obs_group_id of the children observations will not be set
19:13:02 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can you pastebin for me the post data i should use on the restws test page?
19:13:54 <kavuri> dkayiwa:
19:14:06 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
19:14:09 <kavuri> you will have to modify the uuid's of the person, concept and location
19:14:17 <kavuri> dkayiwa: encounter is optional, so you can remove it
19:14:28 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
19:15:24 <dkayiwa> kavuri: have you actually tried out this in the test page?
19:15:49 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I have used curl, which is same as test page
19:16:04 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can you reproduce the error on the test page?
19:16:12 <kavuri> dkayiwa: sure
19:16:33 <dkayiwa> kavuri: after that, just copy and paste for me what you put in the POST data field
19:16:43 <dkayiwa> using pastebin
19:16:54 <kavuri> dkayiwa: the POST of the obs group will work, but the corresponding GET will not get the groupMembers
19:17:15 <dkayiwa> kavuri: will the database be update properly?
19:17:21 <kavuri> dkayiwa: no
19:17:30 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok try the test page and confirm it
19:25:57 <kavuri> dkayiwa: how do you want me to post the result?
19:26:08 <dkayiwa> kavuri: you do not have to
19:26:35 <dkayiwa> kavuri: the unit test should simply test that childObs.getGroup != null
19:26:37 <kavuri> dkayiwa: for the obs group that I just created, the result for "groupMembers NULL"
19:26:48 <kavuri> dkayiwa: ok
19:27:19 <kavuri> dkayiwa: you tried that and it fails?
19:27:36 <dkayiwa> kavuri: just looked at the child obs in the debugger :)
19:28:12 <kavuri> dkayiwa: creation of the observations is not a problem, but the obs_group_id of the children is null
19:28:21 <kavuri> dkayiwa: so they are not related to the parent at all
19:28:47 <kavuri> djazayeri: because of which, if you perform a GET on the parent observation, then groupMembers is returned as NULL
19:28:53 <kavuri> dkayiwa: ^^
19:29:30 <dkayiwa> kavuri: and all your want is the code to set obs_group_id for each child?
19:29:39 <kavuri> dkayiwa: yes
19:30:08 <kavuri> dkayiwa: for which djazayeri proposed to add a setGroupMembers in, but I am facing issues with the type of the value object
19:30:17 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I sent the patch to the mailing list
19:30:38 <kavuri> dkayiwa: but basically the idea is what you mentioned
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19:31:38 <dkayiwa> kavuri: in which method do you set the groupmembers?
19:31:40 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:hi
19:31:44 <dkayiwa> hi kjoseph
19:31:51 <kavuri> dkayiwa: setGroupMembers
19:32:00 <kavuri> dkayiwa: but in the current code (in trunk) there is no such method
19:32:10 <kjoseph> djazayeri: hi
19:32:18 <kavuri> dkayiwa: so as per djazayeri directions, added a method
19:32:24 <dkayiwa> kavuri: can you so what did you change?
19:32:41 <kavuri> dkayiwa: I sent the patch in the mailing list
19:35:34 <kavuri> dkayiwa: its already quite late here..will have to bid goodbye for the day
19:35:43 <kavuri> dkayiwa: 0100hrs
19:35:48 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: what exactly am i supposed to enter through command line as group id from or i should use the given default id
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19:35:51 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok will resume when you are back :)
19:36:09 <kavuri> dkayiwa: but if you have sometime, pls. take a look into it
19:36:18 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok
19:36:35 <kavuri> dkayiwa: have been struggling with it for quite sometime now
19:37:11 <dkayiwa> kavuri: ok will send my findings to the mailing list before i sleep :)
19:37:22 <kavuri> dkayiwa: great! thanks
19:37:34 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: is it now working?
19:38:24 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: yes and am at the step when am supposed to input group id,
19:38:57 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: so can you first respond to the mailing list that it worked and what was it that made it work?
19:39:33 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: that way other newbies struggling with the same will share the answer by searching the mails
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19:40:23 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: okay, but still you may help me to do that as i continue
19:40:47 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: first send the email and tell me when sent :)
19:50:58 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:am through with it please and now waiting upon your reply
19:53:59 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: oj
19:54:01 <dkayiwa> ok
19:54:33 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: group id is: org.openmrs.module
19:55:46 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: then how about artifact id
19:57:23 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: artifact id can be the name of the module you want to create. For instance: testmodule
19:57:36 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: so you can for now put the value of: testmodule
19:58:18 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: how about version
19:58:30 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: for that you can put: 1.0
19:59:13 <kjoseph> dkakyiwa: module name
19:59:43 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: something like: Test Module
19:59:56 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:
20:00:31 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Module description:
20:01:02 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: something like: Learning how to develop an OpenMRS module
20:01:49 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Module author: == joseph!!!
20:02:04 <dkayiwa> kjoseph
20:02:57 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: OpenMRS version to depend on
20:03:12 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: 1.9.0
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20:04:18 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Do you want to add an admin page link: (y/n) y
20:04:28 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: yes
20:04:33 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: y
20:04:55 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Do you want to add a service layer: (y/n) y:
20:05:02 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: yes
20:05:24 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Service name: Test Module:
20:05:42 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: TestModuleService
20:06:11 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Model object name: Test Module
20:06:26 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: TestModule
20:06:50 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Do you want to add another module to depend on: (y/n) n
20:07:01 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: no
20:07:34 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: Ready to create a module. Are the above values correct: (y/n) = y !!!
20:07:45 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: yes
20:09:12 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: have you also read this page?
20:11:32 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: have you?
20:12:08 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i had lightly went throough it before
20:12:27 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: all of it?
20:13:32 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: okay: required to leave campass, please thank you alot and have agood night
20:13:54 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: when you get back online, read through it again
20:14:02 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: and its child pages at the bottom
20:14:15 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: it will give you a background on modules
20:14:20 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok?
20:14:20 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: okay
20:14:28 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: ok have a good night
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