IRC Chat : 2012-10-29 - OpenMRS

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12:57:01 <suranga> Greetings ! looking like its office time at RG !
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13:53:08 <jkeiper> suranga, haha
13:53:20 <jkeiper> i can hear the rains down in africa
13:53:22 <jkeiper> over the phone
13:53:36 <suranga> jkeiper, howdy !
13:53:47 <suranga> jkeiper, its raining cats and dogs over here tooo !
13:53:56 <suranga> jkeiper, snowing in Indy yet ? :-)
13:54:07 <jkeiper> haha not yet
13:54:12 <jkeiper> but we did get down to 0 C
13:54:47 <suranga> jkeiper, my biggest disappointments was missing snow and halloween during my RG visit... and of course, not meeting cpower
13:54:55 <jkeiper> ahhhh
13:54:56 <suranga> um... 0 c == snow, right ?
13:54:57 <jkeiper> of course
13:55:11 <jkeiper> only means snow if you have enough water in the clouds
13:55:11 <jkeiper> ;-)
13:55:17 <jkeiper> otherwise it just means COLD
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13:58:59 <suranga> not very sure if I will survive an actual snowfall. But I feel like i'd die if I dont experiance a real one :)
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14:01:19 <cpower> hello!
14:01:26 <cpower> Ready to scrum?
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14:02:29 <rafa> cpower: sure thing
14:02:50 <rafa> cpower: though it's an hour earlier for me ;)
14:02:51 <cpower> Good deal!
14:03:01 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:03:01 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:03:30 <cpower> Order: djazayeri, downey, jkeiper, rafa, suranga, dkayiwa, wyclif
14:03:36 <cpower> and Andrea when she shows
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14:03:54 <djazayeri> someone go before me
14:03:56 <djazayeri> still typing
14:04:20 <cpower> ok downey if you got anything go, otherwise jkeiper
14:04:22 <andrea__> hi - I'll go
14:04:40 <andrea__> Friday
14:04:40 <andrea__> Finihed code, unit test for TRUNK-3616
14:04:40 <andrea__> Merck doc
14:04:40 <andrea__> emails
14:04:40 <andrea__> Today
14:04:41 <andrea__> Commit, pull request for TRUNK-3616
14:04:43 <andrea__> Find nrew ticket
14:05:06 <djazayeri> !ticket trunk-3616
14:05:08 <OpenMRSBot> djazayeri: [#TRUNK-3616] ConceptValidator should require at least one description for a concept - OpenMRS JIRA -
14:05:36 <jkeiper> idk when downey will go, so:
14:05:37 <jkeiper> Since last scrum:
14:05:37 <jkeiper> - fixed errors with amrsreports (everyone should update now)
14:05:37 <jkeiper> - worked with antony on the details
14:05:37 <jkeiper> - tried to help with the AMPATH wiki/jira
14:05:37 <andrea__> djazayeri, yes that ticket
14:05:39 <jkeiper> Until next scrum:
14:05:41 <jkeiper> - write up AMPATH MOH register tickets
14:05:43 <jkeiper> - go through some backlogged OpenMRS reviews
14:05:45 <jkeiper> Blockers:
14:05:47 <jkeiper> - none
14:06:10 <rafa> is it me now?
14:06:19 <cpower> sure go
14:06:22 <rafa> Today:
14:06:22 <rafa> * Committed a follow up fix for META-297: Unable to import metadata sharing package with Role
14:06:22 <rafa>
14:06:22 <rafa> * Reviewed / Committed / Back ported:
14:06:22 <rafa> + TRUNK-3664: Unable to remove a synonym from the edit concept page if the synonym is blank
14:06:23 <rafa>
14:06:23 <rafa> + TRUNK-2547: TRUNK-2539 / Warnings reported by SerializedObjectDAOTest
14:06:23 <rafa>
14:06:23 <rafa> + TRUNK-3404: Make retired Encounter Types more visible on Add Encounter form
14:06:24 <rafa>
14:06:24 <rafa> + TRUNK-3280: Short patient form should display Relationships only if the showRelationships GP is set to true
14:06:25 <rafa>
14:06:25 <rafa> + TRUNK-3186: Throw an Exception instead of returning null in Context
14:06:27 <rafa>
14:06:27 <rafa> No blockers.
14:06:54 <cpower> suranga you are up
14:07:01 <suranga> howdy !
14:07:04 <suranga> DID
14:07:04 <suranga> Very little related to OpenMRS, unfortunately
14:07:04 <suranga> Took part in several conversations on the dev list
14:07:04 <suranga> Wrote blog post on GSOC mentor summit / sent to stephanie /she likes it
14:07:04 <suranga> TO DO
14:07:06 <suranga> A lot more !
14:07:08 <suranga> Discusson with djazayeri as soon as I read up on validaton topic (as per email thread)
14:07:10 <suranga> Prepare for unversity call talk
14:07:12 <suranga> NO BLOKERS
14:07:18 <cpower> very good
14:07:26 <dkayiwa> Curating tickets
14:07:27 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:07:32 <jkeiper> hahahah
14:07:44 <cpower> ar eup
14:07:49 <wyclif> Friday:
14:07:49 <wyclif> Curating tickets
14:07:49 <wyclif> Google hangout with Mirebalais team
14:07:49 <wyclif> Tripple programmed with Darius and Alex from TW
14:07:49 <wyclif> Monday:
14:07:49 <wyclif> Mirebalais project tickets
14:07:51 <wyclif> Clean up/Update braches in my git fork and unmerged pull requests
14:07:53 <wyclif>
14:07:55 <wyclif> Blockers:
14:07:57 <wyclif> none
14:08:27 <cpower> ok I saw no blockers, any discussion points?
14:08:38 <djazayeri> I didn't go...
14:08:48 <cpower> fair enough, go for it
14:08:53 <djazayeri> Friday & weekend
14:08:53 <djazayeri> * Paired with Wyclif and Alex on a mirebalais ticket (assigning accession numbers to radiology orders)
14:08:53 <djazayeri> * Wrote a webdriver test for ER check-in
14:08:53 <djazayeri> * Started thinking about reimplementing question-per-screen check-in in EMR and UI Framework modules
14:08:53 <djazayeri> * bunch of emails
14:08:54 <djazayeri> Today
14:08:55 <djazayeri> * Mirebalais tickets
14:08:55 <djazayeri> no blockers
14:09:06 <cpower> ok I saw no blockers, any discussion points?
14:09:30 <jkeiper> wyclif, did you finally get your env set up for mirebalais?
14:09:36 <cpower> and with that there was silence in the land...
14:09:43 <cpower> have a good day everyone
14:09:44 <wyclif> jkeiper, yeah
14:09:45 <jkeiper> (and did you write a 5-page blog post about it for everyone else?)
14:09:47 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:09:47 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:10:07 <wyclif> jkeiper, didnt actually get past it
14:10:49 <djazayeri> Hey, has anybody here installed Eclipse + Maven very recently?
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14:11:14 <jkeiper> netbeans++
14:11:40 <wyclif> djazayeri, i tried and miserably failed
14:13:06 <rafa> wyclif: did you use the Install Software Items From File method?
14:13:17 <wyclif> rafa, that didnt work too
14:13:44 <rafa> wyclif: some missing dependencies?
14:14:20 <wyclif> rafa, everything gets installed, checkout projects, the y build on commandline and in eclipse BUT?
14:15:41 <rafa> but?
14:15:55 <wyclif> in eclipse' project/package explorer windows i get alot of classpath issues, i.e dependencies are not get added to the classpath because the .project and .classpath files are not getting generated
14:16:16 <wyclif> i tried copying them from the old project and still didnt work
14:17:03 <djazayeri> wyclif: let's screenshare so I can look at that briefly.
14:17:10 <wyclif> it is like the latest m2e and doesn't uses a different nature class and commandbuild
14:17:26 <wyclif> djazayeri, sure
14:17:49 <wyclif> so the project in eclipse doesnt get set up as a maven project
14:17:59 <wyclif> sorry, so the project in eclipse doesnt get set up as a jave project
14:19:01 <djazayeri> wyclif: call me on skype and send me teamviewer credentials
14:19:21 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
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14:23:08 <andrea__> djazayeri, i did pretty recently - hsd trouble with maven plug-in, installed at cmd prompt too
14:23:42 <andrea__> djayayeri, installed juno
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14:35:57 <cpower> djazayeri who's the interested group in "Integration of RESTWS"
14:36:14 <djazayeri> cpower: I don't know what that means exactly
14:38:07 <cpower> Some how "Integration of RESTWS" has made the list of sprints we should have. I'm pretty sure it was on a PM call, but I don't recall who wanted it.
14:38:23 <djazayeri> probably roger
14:39:39 <cpower> Yes it was I see it now... thanks!
14:44:20 <jkeiper> heh
14:44:36 <jkeiper> cpower, we need time on this week's call for the TW guys to present their eval
14:44:37 <jkeiper> is that ok?
14:44:44 <jkeiper> on the design call
14:44:46 <jkeiper> we figured
14:44:56 <jkeiper> do rafa and dkayiwa typically join that call too?
14:45:08 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: i do :)
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14:49:28 <rafa> jkeiper: I'll join
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15:03:47 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: hey, join us on #hum-team
15:03:56 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
15:04:09 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: sorry i had forgotten :)
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15:37:23 <kavuri> djazayeri: could you please help in debugging the problem with installing and using atomfeed module? I consistently face the problem that the admin console goes on forever when I try installing atomfeed module. And when I try to stop openmrs webapp, it gets stuck somewhere after printing the following messages:
15:37:26 <kavuri> 29 Oct, 2012 9:05:12 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
15:37:27 <kavuri> INFO: Reloading Context with name [/openmrs191] has started
15:37:27 <kavuri> 29 Oct, 2012 9:05:12 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
15:37:27 <kavuri> INFO: Waiting for 2 instance(s) to be deallocated
15:37:27 <kavuri> 29 Oct, 2012 9:05:13 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
15:37:28 <kavuri> INFO: Waiting for 2 instance(s) to be deallocated
15:37:30 <kavuri> 29 Oct, 2012 9:05:14 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper unload
15:37:32 <kavuri> INFO: Waiting for 2 instance(s) to be deallocated
15:38:20 <kavuri> djazayeri: and when I try to restart tomcat, openmrs would not start and looks like it gets stuck trying to start atomfeed module
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15:53:25 <kavuri> anyone? ^^^
15:55:17 <djazayeri> kavuri: hey, can you try stopping tomcat/jetty, and manually putting all the right omod files into your modules folder, and manually setting the GPs event.started and atomfeed.started to true, then starting tomcat/jetty?
15:55:27 <djazayeri> see if it loads correctly in a fresh startup?
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15:57:18 <kavuri> djazayeri: where should I set the values event.started and atomfeed.started?
15:57:28 <kavuri> djazayeri: as in which file?
15:57:30 <djazayeri> kavuri: the global_property table in the database
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16:09:34 <kavuri> djazayeri: stopped tomcat, deleted the properties related to atom and event, copied the modules to modules directory, and then started tomcat again
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16:18:12 <kavuri> djazayeri1: tomcat startup gets stuck after the following message:
16:18:13 <kavuri> /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS/modules
16:18:18 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(142) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,360| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
16:18:19 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(117) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,423| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: webservices.rest19ext.started value: true,
16:18:19 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(142) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,425| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
16:18:19 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(117) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,435| In method AdministrationService.saveGlobalProperty. Arguments: GlobalProperty=property: webservices.rest19ext.mandatory value: false,
16:18:19 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(142) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,438| Exiting method saveGlobalProperty
16:18:21 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(117) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,537| In method SchedulerService.saveToMemento. Arguments:
16:18:24 <kavuri> INFO - LoggingAdvice.invoke(142) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,553| Exiting method saveToMemento
16:18:26 <kavuri> INFO - AbstractSessionFactoryBean.destroy(246) |2012-10-29 21:35:06,739| Closing Hibernate SessionFactory
16:18:28 <kavuri> INFO - LocalSessionFactoryBean.buildSessionFactory(777) |2012-10-29 21:35:09,522| Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
16:18:49 <kavuri> djazayeri1: here are the global property values:
16:18:50 <kavuri> mysql> select property,property_value from global_property where property like 'event%';
16:18:50 <kavuri> +-----------------+----------------+
16:18:51 <kavuri>
16:18:51 <kavuri> +-----------------+----------------+
16:18:51 <kavuri>
16:18:52 <kavuri>
16:18:54 <kavuri> +-----------------+----------------+
16:18:56 <kavuri> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
16:18:58 <kavuri> mysql> select property,property_value from global_property where property like 'atom%';
16:19:00 <kavuri> +--------------------------+----------------+
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16:19:02 <kavuri>
16:19:04 <kavuri> +--------------------------+----------------+
16:19:06 <kavuri>
16:19:08 <kavuri>
16:19:10 <kavuri>
16:19:14 <kavuri>
16:19:16 <kavuri>
16:19:16 <dkayiwa> kavuri: :)
16:19:18 <kavuri> +--------------------------+----------------+
16:20:35 <kavuri> dkayiwa: sorry! was desperate to post them immediately here :p
16:20:46 <dkayiwa> kavuri: :D
16:24:15 <djazayeri> kavuri: I find this hard to read in the irc window. can you please resend in a pastebin?
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16:39:26 <kavuri> djazayeri: here it is:
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16:44:07 <djazayeri> kavuri: do you have the entire thing console output? E.g. what module is it starting when it hangs?
16:44:47 <kavuri> djazayeri: that is pretty much the entire log output
16:45:06 <kavuri> djazayeri: whichever I did not paste is related to tomcat
16:45:48 <djazayeri> kavuri: can you try removing all modules except for restws, restws19ext, and atomfeed, and starting up?
16:46:44 <kavuri> djazayeri: I guess I will need the event module for atomfeed module
16:46:50 <kavuri> djazayeri: so I will have to keep it
16:47:12 <kavuri> djazayeri: other than these 4 (rest, restws19ext, event, atom) I only have metadatasharing module
16:47:20 <kavuri> djazayeri: will remove metadatasharing and try again
16:49:38 <kavuri> djazayeri: again tomcat gets stuck after what it looks like it has successfully loaded webservices.rest19ext module
16:49:51 <djazayeri> kavuri: if that doesn't work, remove restws19ext, and see if restws and atomfeed alone work
16:49:58 <djazayeri> kavuri: sorry, typed this earlier and forgot to press enter
16:50:22 <djazayeri> kavuri: right, include event :-)
16:51:37 <kavuri> djazayeri: hmm..looks like the atomfeed module is started and event module is stuck
16:52:07 <kavuri> djazayeri: I take my words back...
16:52:57 <kavuri> djazayeri: the modules seem to have started, but tomcat is still stuck in starting up
16:53:00 <kavuri> djazayeri:
16:53:08 <kavuri> djazayeri: above is the log output
16:53:42 <djazayeri> kavuri: and it just hangs there?
16:54:05 <kavuri> djazayeri: yes, just hangs there
17:03:18 <djazayeri> kavuri: can you try running this in jetty, under the debugger, and after it has hung for a bit, hit the pause button, and see what the callstack looks like at that point?
17:03:40 <kavuri> djazayeri: will give it a try
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18:09:17 <kavuri> djazayeri: interesting find. In jetty, all the modules start fine and I am able to view the atomfeed module configuration
18:09:36 <kavuri> (sorry, it took sometime to get my jetty configuration up and running)
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18:51:10 <downey> Hi kjoseph and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
18:52:15 <kjoseph> @domney:hi please
18:52:19 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: hi
18:52:29 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: hi
18:52:42 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: how is it going
18:53:51 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i downloaded standalone and am requesting on how to further from opening the window using the jar file in the directory
18:55:27 <dkayiwa> jkeiper: did you have a look at this?
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19:05:02 <dkayiwa> is the demo server down?
19:05:45 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: did you have a look at this?
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19:56:20 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: am getting: Error occurred while trying to get the updates needed for the database. Unable to get a connection to the database. Please check your openmrs runtime properties file and make sure you have the correct connection.username and connection.password set
19:56:52 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: after opening in a browser
19:57:05 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: for the standalone?
19:57:25 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:yes
19:57:38 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: which version of the standalone?
19:58:58 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: openmrs-standalone-1.9.1
19:59:36 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: which option did you choose for the first screen the came up?
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20:01:51 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i first run the jar file and waited until the opening and then i also tried entering other tomcat and mysql values and still the same
20:02:46 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: when you run the standalone for the first time, it asks you to choose the setup type among three options. So which of the three did you choose?\
20:05:01 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: i chose the first one
20:05:14 <kjoseph> dkayiwa: the first one
20:05:43 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: can you delete the expanded folder, then unzip it again and run?
20:10:48 <kjoseph> dkayiwa:what next then
20:11:10 <dkayiwa> kjoseph: has it run
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21:05:01 <downey> Hi yony258 and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
21:05:12 <yony258> Hi!
21:05:44 <yony258> Im struggling with a lot of PermGen Space out of memory errors right now
21:05:59 <yony258> Wanted to know if any1 knows how to check current MaxPermSize value?
21:06:25 <yony258> I know there is a command prompt command for it, cant remember what is it (Google not helping)
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21:24:24 <downey> yony258: If you look at your app server (e.g. Tomcat) process arguments, you should see something like '-XX:MaxPermSize=256m'
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