IRC Chat : 2012-10-01 - OpenMRS

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01:26:40 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Are you registered for #OMRS12? See you in 8 days at Manila: #OpenMRS <>
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08:32:00 <rafa> dkayiwa: hi, do I have you for the sprint this week? :)
08:32:17 <dkayiwa> rafa: hahahahah. bug fixing as usual :)
08:33:08 <rafa> dkayiwa: META-261 is a bug :D
08:33:30 <dkayiwa> rafa: hahahahaha. i love that thinking :D
08:33:36 <dkayiwa> !ticket META-26
08:33:37 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#META-26] Add ability to view the contents of a Metadata package - OpenMRS JIRA -
08:33:44 <rafa> !ticket META-261
08:33:45 <OpenMRSBot> rafa: [#META-261] Stack Trace on import if a metadata package contains a concept with more than one new mapping - OpenMRS JIRA -
08:34:01 <dkayiwa> lollllll :)
08:34:02 <suranga> hi rafa , I was wondering, since I made a pull request already, I should cancel it,redo the code, and make a new pull request, isnt it ?
08:34:20 <rafa> suranga: was your pull request off a topic branch?
08:34:59 <rafa> suranga: I see it was off master, not the best practice
08:35:02 <suranga> rafa, it was from my form of the openmrs metadatasharing module...
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08:35:11 <suranga> rafa, :-(
08:35:15 <rafa> suranga: but you can simply commit more to your master
08:35:20 <suranga> rafa, what should I do
08:35:25 <rafa> suranga: and it will be added automatically to the pull request
08:35:37 <rafa> suranga: for the future you should be always creating topic branches for your pull request
08:35:41 <rafa> suranga: and not work on master
08:36:09 <rafa> suranga: if you work only on master you can't do more work until I close the pull request
08:36:12 <rafa> suranga: not very efficient
08:36:19 <suranga> rafa, oh, so If I commit to my fork now, it will be automatically added to the existing pull right ?
08:36:23 <suranga> rafa, I seee :(
08:36:25 <rafa> suranga: right
08:36:44 <suranga> rafa,ok if i continute this fork for this ticket only ? :(
08:36:50 <rafa> suranga: sure
08:37:14 <rafa> suranga: continue with this ticket on master
09:04:34 <goutham> hi rafa ... can you make a quick comment on
09:05:11 <rafa> goutham: hi
09:06:13 <rafa> goutham: to answer your question, yes Darius refers to a module dependency in parent pom.xml
09:07:59 <goutham> rafa: ok... but module dependency scope is already set to "provided"
09:08:06 <goutham> rafa:
09:08:57 <rafa> goutham: maybe Darius refers to a commented out section
09:09:22 <rafa> goutham: not sure
09:09:36 <rafa> goutham: the commented out section should be compile though
09:10:34 <rafa> goutham: ask Darius which version of module archetype is he using
09:13:23 <goutham> rafa: Ok.. but while using archetype command "mvn module-wizard:generate" we do not specify any version , so he might ask me that question
09:13:53 <rafa> goutham: he will need to look in his m2 directory
09:14:03 <rafa> goutham: see which version he has cached
09:15:21 <goutham> rafa: Ok...i will ask him to clean his cache and try again
09:15:28 <goutham> rafa: thanks :)
09:16:40 <rafa> goutham: np, be sure to update the docs if that helps
09:22:59 <goutham> rafa: yes that would be useful to users , im thinking to add a Trouble Shooting section to
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09:30:30 <dkayiwa> goutham: yes the troubleshooting section would be excellent :D
09:31:00 <goutham> :)
10:21:42 <suranga> hi rafa , are you around ? :-)
10:21:50 <rafa> suranga: hi, yes
10:22:13 <suranga> rafa, it seems that the test does not extend
10:22:39 <suranga> rafa, in fact, its not extending anything... it doesnt get triggerd when I try to run the tests... :(
10:23:11 <rafa> suranga: you mean it's not run?
10:23:20 <suranga> rafa, yes :(
10:23:46 <suranga> rafa, eclipse -> run as -> Junit does not seem to do the trick either...
10:24:33 <rafa> suranga: in mds tests are run in the integration-test submodule
10:24:46 <rafa> suranga: you need to run mvn clean install on the main project
10:25:06 <rafa> suranga: if you run run as -> junit it should work though
10:25:07 <suranga> rafa, I see... Im sure I did that....
10:25:39 <rafa> suranga: do you right click on PackageValidatorTest and run as junit?
10:25:56 <rafa> suranga: it works for me
10:26:10 <suranga> rafa, yes. I get ERROR - Context.getServiceContext(243) |2012-10-01 15:56:02,695| serviceContext is null. Creating new ServiceContext()
10:26:10 <rafa> suranga: also I can see it being run when I do mvn clean install on the main project
10:26:32 <rafa> suranga: yes, because it's not context sensitive test as you noticed :)
10:26:47 <rafa> suranga: if you want to make it context sensitive you need to extend BaseContextSensitiveTest
10:27:01 <rafa> suranga: which is fine
10:27:19 <rafa> suranga: alternately you could use mocks
10:27:38 <suranga> rafa, sorry, but when I do a clean install, I see unrelated tests failing. Is it the same for you ?
10:27:56 <rafa> suranga: no, which tests fail for you?
10:28:09 <suranga> rafa,
10:28:10 <suranga> Tests in error:
10:28:10 <suranga> publishedPackageSerializationTest(org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing.PublishTest): Export failed
10:28:10 <suranga> subscriptionUrlserializationTest(org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing.PublishTest): Export failed
10:28:10 <suranga> subscriptionUrldeserializationTest(org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing.PublishTest): Export failed
10:28:32 <suranga> probably a configuration issue ?
10:28:37 <rafa> suranga: can you pastebin the errors?
10:28:44 <suranga> sure
10:30:43 <suranga> rafa, please hang on, i need to test one more possible problem :)
10:53:08 <rafa> suranga: my last commit may have broken PublishTest
10:53:47 <suranga> rafa, um.. when did you commit it ?
10:54:58 <rafa> suranga: hmm yesterday
10:55:25 <suranga> rafa, :(
10:59:13 <rafa> suranga: can you update and test now?
10:59:59 <suranga> rafa, sorry, is that a "fetch from upstream" ?
11:00:23 <rafa> suranga: git pull --rebase upstream master
11:06:08 <suranga> rafa, any way to do that using eclipse IDE ? :(
11:06:49 <rafa> suranga: have you added upstream in a console?
11:07:22 <suranga> rafa, im on windows. upstream is set, but Im getting fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository
11:07:22 <suranga> fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
11:07:43 <suranga> rafa, resetting upstream is not helping, im afraid...
11:08:24 <rafa> suranga: run git remote -v
11:08:31 <rafa> suranga: say what you have there
11:08:50 <suranga> rafa, origin (fetch)
11:08:50 <suranga> origin (push)
11:09:04 <rafa> no upstream listed
11:09:35 <rafa> suranga: run git remote add upstream
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11:10:45 <suranga> rafa, :-)
11:10:46 <suranga> rafa, C:\Users\HP\git\openmrs-module-metadatasharing>git pull --rebase upstream master
11:10:46 <suranga> remote: Counting objects: 109, done.
11:10:46 <suranga> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.
11:10:46 <suranga> remote: Total 73 (delta 30), reused 62 (delta 19)
11:10:46 <suranga> Unpacking objects: 100% (73/73), done.
11:10:47 <suranga> From
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11:10:49 <suranga> * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
11:10:51 <suranga> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
11:10:53 <suranga> Applying: Changes for META-243
11:11:13 <suranga> rafa, so it checks out the latest (your changes) and then adds my changes (meta-243) on top ?
11:11:20 <rafa> suranga: yes
11:11:25 <suranga> rafa, cool !
11:11:34 <suranga> rafa, so now I just refresh eclipse ?
11:11:47 <rafa> suranga: it should refresh automatically
11:21:10 <suranga> rafa++
11:21:18 <suranga> rafa, it worked :-) :-)
11:23:37 <rafa> suranga: very well :)
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11:55:04 <Dodo> Hello Friends
11:56:16 <Dodo> eshan may i know you
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12:03:13 <eshan> Dodo: nope. A new comer :)
12:04:35 <Dodo> thats good , where are you from
12:04:44 <Dodo> ,,:)
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12:06:00 <eshan> Dodo: From Sri Lanka... :)
12:06:20 <Dodo> :) nice to meet you
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12:07:44 <eshan> Dodo: nice to meet you too...Are you working on a specif module or openMRS core ?
12:09:47 <Dodo> i am working on the both
12:10:02 <Dodo> core and also on modules
12:10:03 <Dodo> :)
12:12:28 <eshan> Dodo: Nice :)
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13:15:12 <james_regen> suranga: i just got an email from support. port 8080 should be open now through the firewall
13:18:27 <rafa> wyclif: hi, please start from dictionary publishing tickets :)
13:18:57 <rafa> wyclif: such as META-251
13:19:05 <wyclif> rafa, ok
13:19:52 <wyclif> rafa, do you mind trying to link the tickets and probably set which tickets depend on others?
13:20:25 <rafa> wyclif: well yes, I did it for most of them
13:20:42 <wyclif> rafa, cool
13:24:18 <rafa> suranga: I will merge your pull request as it is
13:24:30 <rafa> suranga: and you will issue a new one when you're done
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13:58:15 <cpower> See get Andrea back in her own time zone and she's early to the scrum ;-)
13:59:40 <rafa> cpower: hi, can we start with the kickoff meeting on today?
14:00:30 <rafa> cpower: or do you want it after the scrum?
14:01:13 <cpower> Let's do it after, keep it clean and focused
14:01:38 <cpower> unless someone in the group has objections
14:02:00 <dkayiwa> cpower: which is first? :)
14:02:06 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:02:06 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:02:20 <cpower> I'll answer that with scrum on ;-)
14:02:46 <dkayiwa> :D
14:03:01 <cpower> Order: bwolfe, rafa, suranga, andrea_, dkayiwa, wyclif and anyone else feeling the need to share
14:04:33 <rafa> no bwolfe?
14:04:55 <rafa> I'll go
14:04:59 <rafa> Today:
14:04:59 <rafa> * Reviewed sprint tickets
14:04:59 <rafa> * Committed META-250: Create Dictionary Publishing module
14:04:59 <rafa> * Working on:
14:04:59 <rafa> + META-212: Java heap space with large export
14:04:59 <rafa> + META-280: Create MIRROR import mode
14:04:59 <rafa> No blockers.
14:05:09 <bwolfe> sorry, was on another tab.
14:05:13 <bwolfe> I can jump in before suranga
14:05:23 <bwolfe> Friday
14:05:23 <bwolfe> PS-13
14:05:23 <bwolfe> emails
14:05:23 <bwolfe> roadmap planning call
14:05:23 <bwolfe> give datamodel overview to Andrea
14:05:24 <bwolfe> Monday
14:05:26 <bwolfe> emails
14:05:28 <bwolfe> reviewed a trunk ticket
14:05:30 <bwolfe> choose/start a sprint ticket
14:05:34 <bwolfe> nothing blocked...except my sinuses
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14:06:00 <cpower> suranga you are up if you are able?
14:06:34 <cpower> Next! andrea_
14:06:48 <andrea_> ok
14:07:07 <andrea_> Friday
14:07:07 <andrea_> Merck timesheets - no joke - 3 sets
14:07:07 <andrea_> Overview of system with Ben
14:07:07 <andrea_> Found, fixrd problem with Junit test
14:07:07 <andrea_> Today
14:07:07 <andrea_> Commit, push pull ticket 3701
14:07:28 <andrea_> Sqash commirs for next ticket
14:07:37 <andrea_> find new ticket
14:07:49 <andrea_> project meeting with Patrick
14:07:58 <andrea_> no blockers
14:08:03 <dkayiwa> Investigated: Duplicate provider names shown if user (person) has multiple names - HTML-212
14:08:04 <dkayiwa> Committed: Autocomplete widget doesn't yield the search results - HTML-217
14:08:04 <dkayiwa> Now working on: HTML form entry forms not working on MDS 1.0.9 and openmrs 1.9.1 - META-274
14:08:04 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:09:02 <wyclif> Friday:
14:09:03 <wyclif> More work on TRUNK-3349 - Move away from depending on module id
14:09:03 <wyclif> Monday:
14:09:03 <wyclif> META-251 - Publish concept dictionary
14:09:03 <wyclif> Blockers: None
14:09:37 <cpower> Discussions none, blockers none
14:09:43 <cpower> !scrum off
14:09:44 <OpenMRSBot> cpower: Error: "scrum" is not a valid command.
14:09:48 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:09:48 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:09:58 <cpower> Ok Rafa the floor is yours
14:10:07 <rafa> cpower: anyone joing
14:10:15 * bwolfe joins
14:11:20 <cpower> how did you do that bwolfe?
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14:11:41 <bwolfe> cpower, I just called into FC. the music is only there if theres a single participant
14:12:08 <bwolfe> wyclif, dkayiwa, andrea_, do you have time to join and listen to rafal for 20 mins?
14:12:18 <wyclif> ok
14:13:07 <bwolfe>
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14:14:44 <andrea_> sure where
14:14:58 <rafa> see the link andrea_ :)
14:15:02 <rafa>
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14:17:00 <jkeiper_> hi
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14:19:32 <bwolfe> hi chopin.
14:19:37 <bwolfe> /whereis chopin
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14:27:09 <chopin> hi
14:27:21 * chopin is at home, about to leave for work now that morning meetings are done
14:30:06 <andrea_> got it rafa - it's good
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14:34:02 <bwolfe> lh, your server sig still says your osuosl staff...are you moonlighting? :-)
14:36:02 <andrea_> thanks rafa! Will watch again later.
14:36:15 <rafa> andrea_: thanks for joining
14:36:32 <andrea_> It was enlightening
14:36:57 <andrea_> got to get into the office now - bye
14:37:54 <rafa> bwolfe: how to make the recording public?
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14:40:34 <downey> rafa: Adobe Connect recording?
14:40:45 <rafa> downey: hi, yes
14:40:59 <rafa> downey: this guy:
14:40:59 <downey> rafa: do you have a connect ID/password? if not, i can do it.
14:41:06 <rafa> downey: I do have one
14:41:32 <downey> rafa: if you log in to and browse to your meeting, then the recordings tab, you should be able to see the list of recordings and set them private/public.
14:42:03 <downey> rafa:
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14:43:37 <rafa> downey: cool thanks
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15:07:26 <lh> bwolfe, once an OSLer always an OSLer
15:12:17 <bwolfe> lh, true enough
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16:05:58 <chopin> rafa, missed the kickoff ... sorry
16:06:08 <chopin> i was even online for it but wasn't aware
16:06:43 <rafa> chopin: hi, there's a link to the recording on the sprint wiki
16:06:51 <chopin> rafa, thanks
16:06:56 <chopin> i'll check it out
16:07:04 <rafa> chopin: np
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16:49:31 <djazayeri> rafa: hey, I notice that the MDS module is not passing unit tests, and also that you didn't release 1.0.10 or 1.1 before starting this sprint. What's your current plan?
16:49:48 <rafa> djazayeri: 1.0.10 is released
16:50:02 <djazayeri> rafa: it's not in the module repository
16:50:06 <djazayeri> is it in maven?
16:50:13 <djazayeri> maybe it's just in maven, I mean
16:50:14 <rafa> djazayeri: it's in maven
16:50:31 <rafa> djazayeri: I'll upload to the module repository
16:50:37 <djazayeri> rafa: thanks!
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18:16:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Metadata Sharing 1.0.10 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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19:41:38 <downey> Hi Dodo_ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
19:41:56 <Dodo_> Hello freinds
19:42:03 <Dodo_> Thanks Downey
19:43:59 <Dodo_> how many of you are going to the implementers meeting
19:45:46 <Dodo_> ??
19:46:49 *** cpower has joined #openmrs
19:47:48 <cpower> So anyone have a second to brainstorm with me on an OpenMRS idea with me?
19:47:49 <bwolfe> dodo_, millions of us
19:48:17 <cpower> as I say me too many times..
19:48:35 <cpower>
19:48:53 <Dodo_> :) unfortunity i am not
19:49:01 <Dodo_> me too
19:49:02 <dkayiwa> cpower which idea is that which will take just a second? :)
19:49:24 <cpower> no sadly this will take longer than a second
19:49:49 <cpower> So say I make an implementation of OpenMRS here in Indianapolis
19:51:05 <cpower> Then say I have a patient that wants access to just their medical record. Do we have a way of doing that?
19:52:02 <Dodo_> i think i should wait my seniors to Answer
19:52:36 <cpower> this is something like no more clip board if you are familar with that.
19:53:29 <Dodo_> :)
19:53:45 <cpower> The goal would be to allow a patient to see their record, THEN be able to select either from a list of preferences or some other way to filter out what the doctors can and cannot see using their role or the doctors name to set the filter.
19:54:11 <cpower> Giving them some sense of control over their record and some privacy.
19:56:22 <bwolfe> cpower, Hui Xiao wrote the personalhr module that allows this
19:56:38 <bwolfe> I don't know if data is filterable, but it is sharable, etc
19:58:06 <cpower> ok, so next question. Do we have something like a demo implementation, an enviroment with some dummy patients, and docs?
19:58:17 <bwolfe> aside from ?
19:59:18 <cpower> is there test patients in here?
19:59:46 <bwolfe> there are 2 I think
20:00:12 <bwolfe> oh wait, no, it has the bigger set
20:00:22 <bwolfe> it has probably 5000 patients
20:00:26 <bwolfe> and 50000 obs
20:00:37 <bwolfe> err, 500,000 obs
20:00:42 <bwolfe> cpower ^^
20:00:50 <cpower> You up in the wedge?
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20:01:53 <bwolfe> always
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20:50:13 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: @INDIVIDUALIT We're on it - will contact you for follow-up questions. Sorry for the inconvenience! <>
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21:22:56 <wyclif> hi rafa
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