IRC Chat : 2012-09-27 - OpenMRS

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01:02:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Only 12 days until #OMRS12 - make sure to register and find event info at #OpenMRS <>
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05:18:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: Google Code Jam 2012 Practice - Store Credit <>
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05:41:25 <reshrams> @OpenMRSBot hello guyz
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07:50:01 <dkayiwa> hi reshrams
07:50:31 <reshrams> im great dkayiwa n u?
07:50:41 <dkayiwa> reshrams: am great too :)
07:51:09 <reshrams> any lead on the challenge i mentioned. At the moment im developing my xForms using purcforms
07:51:40 <dkayiwa> reshrams: i do not remember the challenge :)
07:52:43 <reshrams> creating an xForm that has biometric capability as a data field. We communicated via emails.
07:52:50 <reshrams> Otlaathusa
07:53:28 <dkayiwa> reshrams: have you been able to fill out atleast one form for a patient and submitted the data successfully?
07:55:38 <reshrams> yes with a few questions using check boxes, drop down menus date widgets as well text fields
07:56:05 <dkayiwa> reshrams: which biometric equipment do you have?
07:57:43 <reshrams> we have purchase FS80 fingerprint scanners
07:58:44 <reshrams> and we are using OTG adapter cable to connect them to samsung galaxy 7 model P3100
07:58:52 <reshrams> 7"
07:59:50 <dkayiwa> reshrams: do they come with any software
08:00:42 <reshrams> no they r jst plug n play
08:02:11 <dkayiwa> reshrams: can you send out an email to the dev and implementers list about a finger print email?
08:05:56 <reshrams> should i send or its a question? i think i had nonetheless but i never got any feedback
08:06:33 <dkayiwa> reshrams: can you show me what you sent
08:10:33 <reshrams> i don remember exactly but in nutshell i was requesting for help on creating xforms biometric functionality
08:10:59 <reshrams> should i resend the enquiry to emai list again
08:11:39 <dkayiwa> reshrams: can you resend to both implemeters and developers mailing lists
08:12:09 <dkayiwa> reshrams: do not tie it to xforms. just as if there is any module implementing fingure print biometrics
08:15:52 <reshrams> ok im doing that now...
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08:37:26 <reshrams> i have posted to developers list
08:37:53 <dkayiwa> reshrams: i thought you were sending to both lists?
08:38:38 <reshrams> i will send the same post to implementers's list
08:38:49 <dkayiwa> ok
08:39:51 <dkayiwa> reshrams: do you have SANA already installed on your device?
08:40:46 <eshan> hello: I am quit new to openmrs. I need a small help from you guys. I am trying to address this issue.
08:41:49 <eshan> does some one using eclipse ide and debugging the openmrs code by deploying war file in embedded tomcat in eclipse ?
08:42:31 <eshan> I was trying to do it an it seems deployment is not working as I normally use with dynamic web projects.
08:42:40 <dkayiwa> eshan: am not sure if i understand your question. can you rephrase it?
08:42:52 <dkayiwa> eshan: are you simply asking for how to debug openmrs web app?
08:43:19 <eshan> dkayiwa: yes. With the eclipse Ide
08:43:43 <dkayiwa> eshan: are you able to run the app in eclipse without debugging?
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08:44:59 <eshan> dkayiwa: sorry. I was able to do both. I added webbapp project as dynamic web project. and added it into tomcat configured in the IDE
08:45:33 <eshan> also added the maven deployment dependencies
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08:46:29 <dkayiwa> eshan: have you read this page?
08:48:54 <eshan> dkayiwa: no. I will follow the steps. thanks
08:49:50 <reshrams> dkayiwa: yes i have the SANA app running and connecting to openMRS instance
08:50:55 <dkayiwa> reshrams: are you able to send data back to openmrs from the SANA instance?
08:53:40 <reshrams> dkayiwa: yes i am.
08:54:13 <dkayiwa> reshrams: which data have you successfully sent from SANA to OpenMRS?
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09:09:26 <reshrams> dkayiwa: i have managed to send text, geo points and numeric data such as clients names, locations, long text such as answers to questions and so forth but i hvnt done biometric data
09:09:42 <reshrams> whois
09:11:38 <dkayiwa> reshrams: have you filled out and sent back forms?
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09:18:05 <reshrams> dkayiwa: yes i hve.
09:18:37 <dkayiwa> reshrams: which forms
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09:21:18 <reshrams> dkayiwa: i have created xforms using purcforms which is an out of box componet in openMRS. I change the global properties so that the default registration module can be overriden and i loaded the xforms to the SANA app so that i can capture data and send it back. That i have done
09:22:08 <dkayiwa> reshrams: how did you send back to openmrs?
09:22:57 <reshrams> through gprs network and our wireless connections.
09:23:46 <dkayiwa> reshrams: can you send me the form which you successfully sent its data to openmrs?
09:24:33 <reshrams> i will send that to your email address
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09:33:56 <reshrams> dkayiwa: i hve emailed it.
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10:27:56 <eshan> dkayiwa: I found that code can be build through intelij. So that I followed this steps
10:28:13 <eshan> when I run the jetty plugin through IDE i got this.
10:28:27 <eshan> Do you have any idea of this ?
10:36:03 <dkayiwa> eshan: let me look at it
10:36:32 <dkayiwa> eshan: did you run mvn clean install ?
10:49:15 <eshan> dkayiwa: I did it through IDE. And finally i install it again from command line. Now what I am getting is Unable to find a runtime properties file at >> openmrs-core\webapp\
10:49:32 <eshan> I did a file search and it seems there is no such a file in my local copy
10:51:32 <dkayiwa> eshan:
10:51:33 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
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10:54:43 <zuhaib_memon> hellow
10:55:04 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: i m here, as you suggested in the email
10:55:12 <dkayiwa> hi zuhaib_memon
10:55:25 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: was the same form working well before?
10:55:38 <zuhaib_memon> no. i just made this form
10:55:47 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: do other forms work?
10:55:51 <zuhaib_memon> although the same form, and permission work on my local machine
10:56:04 <zuhaib_memon> no, other forms are not working as well
10:56:17 <zuhaib_memon> when i try to submit the data from one other form, it doesnt even show in the error log
10:56:21 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can i look at the submitted hl7 message?
10:56:37 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: you can put it at and send me the link
10:57:45 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: you mean the catalina.out file? because that is the only error log i get
10:58:13 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can you look in the database
10:58:24 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: there is an hl7error table
10:58:51 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: it has the same error i sent to you in the email
10:59:45 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can you send one for this very form you sent , at pastebin
10:59:52 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i mean the hl7 message
11:01:35 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i want the exact hl7 message for the very last form. it will be at the bottom in the table
11:02:03 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa:<-- please follow the link
11:02:18 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: ok let me look at it
11:03:28 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: let me make a new for test purpose on the server
11:03:29 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i mean the actual hl7 message
11:04:31 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: which field in that table exactly?
11:04:51 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: which table?
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11:05:16 <zuhaib_memon> table: hl7_in_error,
11:05:20 <zuhaib_memon> field: ?
11:05:40 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i do not remember but check one which has the hl7 message
11:07:49 <zuhaib_memon>
11:08:28 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: ok
11:09:11 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: how many users do you have in the users table?
11:10:35 <zuhaib_memon> 32
11:10:55 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: what is the name of the user with id=17?
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11:11:42 <zuhaib_memon> Padam Dahal
11:12:03 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: is that the provider you chose while filling the form?
11:12:18 <zuhaib_memon> yes
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11:13:03 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: did you change the form's xslt?
11:13:39 <zuhaib_memon> no
11:14:16 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can you send me any hl7 you have in the hl7_archive table
11:14:18 <dkayiwa> ?
11:15:07 <zuhaib_memon> its empty
11:15:29 <zuhaib_memon> i have 3 records in qeueu
11:15:30 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can you send me the form's xslt?
11:17:04 <zuhaib_memon> give me one mini
11:17:11 <zuhaib_memon> *min
11:19:02 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa:<-- the link to xslt
11:19:15 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: ok
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11:21:31 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: which roles has this user got?
11:23:17 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: i created a new role, mOperator for this user and assigned it the required permissions
11:23:50 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: so this user has one role?
11:24:53 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: yes, mOperator is also inheriting the role of provider
11:25:13 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: which works on my local machine, when submitted using mobile form
11:25:51 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: what is the value of person_id in the users table for user_id=17?
11:28:18 <dkayiwa> hi k9joseph
11:28:23 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: 1043
11:28:53 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: in the person table, do you have a row with person_id = 17?
11:29:36 <zuhaib_memon> no
11:30:22 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: did you just upgrade the openmrs version
11:30:59 <zuhaib_memon> i did this in feb from 1.5 to 1.6.4
11:31:12 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: is that when it stopped working?
11:31:40 <zuhaib_memon> we never tested the mobile forms before, just tested this for the first time
11:32:00 <dkayiwa> which version of openmrs do you have on your laptop?
11:32:14 <zuhaib_memon> 1.6.4
11:32:32 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: and which version of the module do you have on your laptop?
11:32:44 <zuhaib_memon> 3.7.9
11:32:52 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: and on the server?
11:33:00 <zuhaib_memon> same
11:33:15 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: can you try using the latest xforms module
11:33:43 <zuhaib_memon> ok
11:34:24 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: after upgrading to it, you will create and test a new form
11:34:43 <zuhaib_memon> yes
11:37:11 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: xforms gives error starting
11:37:22 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: which error
11:39:30 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: Unable to refresh the WebApplicationContext null
11:40:24 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: error log?
11:42:39 <zuhaib_memon>
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11:46:06 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: uninstall the xforms module
11:46:11 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: then restart tomcat
11:46:19 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: then reinstall the new xforms module
11:46:38 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: oh do not
11:46:51 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i think i know why it failed to start
11:46:59 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: just stop the formentry module
11:47:10 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: then try again upgrading the xforms module
11:48:10 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: am now very sure you are not using the same versions of openmrs and xforms module on your laptop as with server :)
11:48:15 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i catch you now
11:48:33 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: there is no way it can work on your laptop if they are the same
11:48:51 <zuhaib_memon> i can give you screen shots, if you wish
11:49:02 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: hahahha. leave that aside
11:49:04 <dkayiwa> :)
11:49:11 <zuhaib_memon> this is what confusing us as well
11:49:30 <zuhaib_memon> we have implemented this at many locations, using the same module + openmrs version
11:49:34 <zuhaib_memon> it works fine there
11:49:37 <zuhaib_memon> jst not working here
11:49:50 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: i think you may just be lucky to have an id on your laptop that makes it apear to work. but will blow sometime later
11:50:05 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: that version of openmrs is not compatible with the module
11:50:35 <zuhaib_memon> wierd, works fine on a system deplyed in nov 2011
11:50:55 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: any way, if you are going to use openmrs versions 1.6 and above, you need to use the latest xforms module
11:51:10 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: loaded xforms
11:51:23 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: create a new form and try submit data
11:51:29 <zuhaib_memon> dkayiwa: do you want me to start formentry module now
11:51:35 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: no
11:51:48 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: just make sure the forms can now submit data
11:58:01 <zuhaib_memon> can't download cohorts, or forms using this module
11:58:28 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: yes i know why
11:58:45 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: the mobile app need to be upgraded
11:58:57 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: in order to work with the latest version of the xforms module
11:59:28 <zuhaib_memon> is there a solution, we can do this with the old version of xform and app for now?
11:59:32 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: as of now, it only works with the lower version of the module which is supported by openmrs version 1.5
11:59:45 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: you have two options
12:00:04 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: either stick to openmrs 1.5 and the old version of the xforms module
12:00:06 <zuhaib_memon> ?
12:00:40 <dkayiwa> zuhaib_memon: or switch to the latest version of the xforms module if you want to upgrade from openmrs version 1.5. That would mean you also make some changes on the mobile client
12:01:29 <zuhaib_memon> alright
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12:07:28 <dkayiwa> hi rafa
12:07:33 <rafa> dkayiwa: hi
12:08:15 <zuhaib_memon> thnk you for your suport
12:08:15 <dkayiwa> rafa: am enjoying your RapidJUnit test. it is speeding me up for BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest s :)
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12:08:28 <rafa> dkayiwa: good to hear :)
12:08:33 <dkayiwa> :)
12:08:56 <rafa> dkayiwa: if you have any ideas how to improve it, I'll be happy to hear them :D
12:09:08 <dkayiwa> rafa: yes i already have one
12:09:15 <rafa> dkayiwa: great
12:09:18 <dkayiwa> rafa: can you also make it work in non debug mode?
12:09:22 <dkayiwa> rafa: Run As
12:09:31 <rafa> dkayiwa: not possible unfortunately :(
12:09:40 <dkayiwa> rafa: oh why?
12:09:46 <rafa> dkayiwa: hot replace does not work in debug mode afaik
12:09:55 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok
12:10:07 <rafa> dkayiwa: why do you need it?
12:10:25 <dkayiwa> rafa: sometimes i find myself doing Run As instead of Debug As :)
12:11:07 <rafa> dkayiwa: ohh I could put it in run as menu, but it would still do debug ;)
12:11:14 <rafa> dkayiwa: could be confusing though ;)
12:11:29 <rafa> dkayiwa: what you should be using is the key shortcut actually
12:11:51 <rafa> dkayiwa: alt + shift + d, x
12:11:58 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok
12:12:02 <rafa> dkayiwa: it's how I use it
12:12:13 <rafa> dkayiwa: much faster
12:12:17 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok
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12:24:31 <eshan> dkayiwa: Thanks for the info. That file is created automatically. I think it has a mess with my previous instance deployed in tomcat.(at that moment it has creates property file in Appdata folder). Then I delete the existing one and run the maven target again. Now it works file. :)
12:25:04 <dkayiwa> eshan: oh thats so so cool!!! :)
12:35:29 <eshan> dkayiwa: seems that openmrs project team follows agile methodologies. Is it ?
12:36:03 <dkayiwa> eshan: you know that better than me :)
12:37:56 <eshan> dkayiwa: opps..I am new comer to this community. But I am currently working for a company where we followed the agile stuff planning porker, standup meeting etc :)
12:38:15 <dkayiwa> eshan: oh i see!!! :)
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13:33:41 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: @ProsperBT Could be. Best idea is to write our implementers mailing list with a "before" and "after" description. <> || On Twitter: OpenMRS: @reshrams Thanks -- we like you too! Come hang out with us in IRC: <>
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17:06:45 <bwolfe> wyclif, where are we persisting the templates?
17:07:14 <wyclif> bwolfe, which templates?
17:08:41 <bwolfe> template strings for the patient summaries
17:08:45 <bwolfe> you know, the sprint this week? ;-)
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17:11:34 <bwolfe> wyclif ^^
17:12:51 <wyclif> bwolfe, i didnt work on that
17:13:17 <bwolfe> hmm, and daniel/rafa/mike are all missing...
17:13:37 <wyclif> bwolfe, those summaries are driven by reporting ReportDefinitions
17:14:58 <wyclif> bwolfe, but daniel i think worked on some stuff for letting users scripts their own summaries kind of like the ones i worked on in the ui framework module
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17:36:03 <djazayeri> bwolfe: hey, how do you feel if we have our mirebalais CI server deploy snapshot versions of a few modules to OpenMRS's nexus?
17:36:51 <bwolfe> I looked back at your convo from last night. I feel fine about it
17:37:16 <djazayeri> bwolfe: okay, two questions:
17:37:34 <djazayeri> 1. do you know if it's enough to just do mvn deploy with a snapshot version, and nexus is smart enough to put that in the snapshots repo?
17:38:25 <djazayeri> 2. how do privs on nexus work? particularly, should we create a nexus account to represent our bamboo? or should we hardcode one of our personal ones?
17:38:30 <djazayeri> bwolfe: ^^
17:38:58 <bwolfe> would be best to create an account for your CI server in nexus
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17:39:15 <djazayeri> bwolfe: does downey own that or do you?
17:39:16 <bwolfe> and I think you need to set the repo in the pom to be the snapshots one
17:39:34 <bwolfe> I dunno, its a gray area
17:42:38 <djazayeri> bwolfe: okay, since you're here and he's not, do you want to create me an account?
17:42:57 <djazayeri> you can't say I didn't give you the opportunity to say ask downey. :-)
17:42:58 <bwolfe> sure. preferred username?
17:43:10 <bwolfe> downey left 5 mins before you pinged
17:43:12 <djazayeri> maybe pihbamboo ?
17:43:17 <djazayeri> or just pih?
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17:56:04 <bwolfe> djazayeri, admin email for this user?
17:58:53 <djazayeri> bwolfe: asking ellen now
17:59:03 <djazayeri> I guess you can put mine...
17:59:30 <bwolfe> djazayeri, done
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18:00:38 <bwolfe> djazayeri, let me know if you hit any 403 errors. I was 100% sure on the permissions it should have.
18:00:52 <djazayeri> okay, going to a meeting now, will let you know after. thanks!
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18:57:34 <karl> howdy
18:57:44 *** karl is now known as Guest69408
18:58:27 <bwolfe> hi Guest69408
18:58:30 <bwolfe> err, Karl
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18:59:05 <Guest69408> sorry dont know how this works.
18:59:15 <Guest69408> nickserv doesnt like me
18:59:18 <bwolfe> heh
18:59:20 <cpower> Hello everyone
18:59:25 <bwolfe> you have to choose a less common name Guest69408
18:59:32 <Guest69408> ah
18:59:34 <bwolfe> use "/nick karlistheman"
18:59:42 *** Guest69408 is now known as karlb
18:59:49 <bwolfe> uh oh, cpower is here. its about to get real scrummy...
18:59:56 *** karlb is now known as karlRF
19:00:11 <cpower> darn toot'n
19:01:13 <cpower> let's do it
19:01:19 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
19:01:19 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
19:02:06 <cpower> Order: dkayiwa, suranga, mseaton, djazayeri, bwolfe, wyclif
19:02:27 <dkayiwa> Committed: Add a ReportProcessor which can save rendered output to disk - REPORT-439
19:02:28 <dkayiwa> Committed: Demonstrate ability to display most recent value of a Coded Obs on a patient summary - PS-4
19:02:29 <dkayiwa> Dev Call
19:02:29 <dkayiwa> Working on: Support ability for ReportTemplateRenderer to render one output per row in a given dataset - REPORT-438
19:02:29 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
19:02:54 <cpower> suranga
19:03:18 <bwolfe> is suranga awake?
19:03:22 <bwolfe> !seen suranga
19:03:22 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: suranga was last seen in #openmrs 1 day, 0 hours, 7 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <suranga> bwolfe, a few days back, you mentioned a module that needs to check if its implementation ID is set or not. could you please job my memory ?
19:03:42 <cpower> ok, mseaton
19:03:55 <mseaton> not much patient summary done yesterday or today
19:04:03 <mseaton> not many tickets need review
19:04:15 <mseaton> blockers: lack of time to do anything with patientsummary yesterday / today
19:04:30 <mseaton> wondering about progress with in progress tickets
19:04:52 <cpower> meee too
19:04:53 <bwolfe> in-progress progress?
19:05:01 <cpower> get this stuff done!
19:05:04 <cpower> next
19:05:20 <cpower> djazayeri
19:05:38 <djazayeri> skip
19:05:41 *** djazayeri has left #openmrs
19:05:44 <bwolfe> lol
19:06:25 <bwolfe> Wednesday
19:06:25 <bwolfe> univ call
19:06:25 <bwolfe> work on a ticket for patientsummary?
19:06:25 <bwolfe> help andrea with git, unit testing, and eclipse
19:06:25 <bwolfe> reviewed tickets in core
19:06:26 <bwolfe> design call
19:06:28 <bwolfe> pm call
19:06:30 <bwolfe> Thursday
19:06:32 <bwolfe> reviewed trunk tickets
19:06:34 <bwolfe> commented on emails
19:06:35 *** andreapat has joined #openmrs
19:06:36 <bwolfe> dev list
19:06:40 <bwolfe> pm call
19:06:42 <bwolfe> PS-13
19:06:44 <bwolfe> no blockers
19:07:03 <cpower> ok wyclif
19:07:08 <wyclif> Wednesday:
19:07:08 <wyclif> Worked partially on TRUNK-3349 - Move away from depending on module id
19:07:08 <wyclif> design call
19:07:08 <wyclif> moved audit log module to github
19:07:08 <wyclif> Thursday:
19:07:09 <wyclif> Dev call
19:07:13 <wyclif> Web related stuff for TRUNK-3349 - Move away from depending on module id
19:07:15 <wyclif> Blockers: None
19:07:34 <cpower> and Andrea
19:07:50 <andreapat> dev call
19:08:03 <andreapat> unit tests for 2 tickets
19:08:14 <andreapat> commit for 2 tickets
19:08:26 <andreapat> friday ?
19:08:36 <andreapat> no blockers
19:08:59 <cpower> ok
19:09:36 <cpower> Discussion: progress
19:09:42 <cpower> No blockers
19:09:46 <cpower> !scrumoff
19:09:46 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
19:10:32 <karlRF> heh. never seen a scrum before. that was cool.
19:11:55 <dkayiwa> karlRF: :)
19:13:23 <karlRF> is that u daniel?
19:14:17 <karlRF> long time no see... ur scrum report was #1 i think :)
19:14:30 <dkayiwa> karlRF: oh yes :D
19:15:13 <dkayiwa> karlRF: have we talked before? :)
19:15:40 <karlRF> i think i met u at an openMRS conf, perhaps in Monkey valley or perhaps Kigali
19:16:01 <dkayiwa> karlRF: oh :)
19:16:36 <bwolfe> karlRF, welcome to the geek center of openmrs
19:16:40 <dkayiwa> karlRF: are you the Karl that works with rockfellar foundation? :)
19:16:48 <karlRF> yes...
19:16:54 <dkayiwa> karlRF: or with Jembi
19:17:05 <dkayiwa> karlRF: lolllllllllll. Shame upon me :D
19:17:33 <karlRF> yeah that scrum was rather cryptic
19:17:41 <bwolfe> Jembi's Carl uses a "C". not as high class as the RF Karl with a "K". ;-)
19:17:47 <dkayiwa> karlRF: i remember you recommended my name of the conference in Italy Bellagio Center
19:17:50 <karlRF> but i'm sure you all understood what it meant... yes karl with a K is so much better.
19:17:53 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: hahahaha. nice one :)
19:18:30 <karlRF> so how often do u scrum? i litterlally just happened into this room, never been before... good timing :)
19:18:38 <bwolfe> mseaton, do you want a report from each dev with an "In Progress" ticket? are you trying to gauge if the sprint will finish 100% on time?
19:18:46 <dkayiwa> karlRF: every day :)
19:19:00 <bwolfe>
19:19:26 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: hahahah. i like the go check for yourself way of ..... :)
19:20:05 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, I was going to say "every day, look here: (link)". but you beat me tot he "every day" part, so I left that off. :-p
19:20:21 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: hahahahah :)
19:20:53 <mseaton> bwolfe, don't need a detailed report, but just a sense of where things are at. just a pulse on the devs to see who is actively working on things still, who things they'll finish things that are assigned to them, and by when
19:22:36 *** cpower has quit IRC
19:23:01 <karlRF> we're going to bring agile to RF internally, so I've been reading up on these methodologies.
19:23:27 <karlRF> anyway nice to "see" you guys, i hope u have fun in manila.
19:23:27 <dkayiwa> karlRF: oh that will be so cool!!!
19:23:47 <dkayiwa> karlRF: will i meet you again in manila?
19:23:53 <bwolfe> agile in a non-dev environment? interesting...
19:24:35 <bwolfe> mseaton, my report on my in-progress ticket: it will be a close one. I'll have something for the editor by tomorrow, but probably not everything polished.
19:24:40 <karlRF> gonna use it for IT projects; it will have to be modified since w'ere not a software development shop, but apparently many companies do so for internal IT projects.
19:25:10 <karlRF> dkayiwa: unfortunately i can't join in Manila this time :(
19:25:31 <dkayiwa> karlRF: oh we shall miss you alot :(
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19:40:36 <karlRF> cheers daniel - enjoy the meeting! will miss seeing you guys too.
19:40:52 <dkayiwa> karlRF: sure!!!
19:42:32 <dkayiwa> mseaton: do you have some time now to discuss REPORT-438?
19:42:35 <dkayiwa> !ticket REPORT-438
19:42:38 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#REPORT-438] Support ability for ReportTemplateRenderer to render one output per row in a given dataset - OpenMRS JIRA -
19:43:19 <mseaton> dkayiwa sure
19:44:40 <dkayiwa> mseaton: you suggestion was to implement stuff in the base class ReportDesignRenderer. So first question, since all subclasses override the render method, how will the base class render run?
19:46:39 <mseaton> hmm. good question.
19:48:15 <mseaton> dkayiwa: not sure. perhaps a new renderer that wraps a renderer then?
19:48:45 <dkayiwa> mseaton: let me think about that for a moment :)
19:49:00 <mseaton> ok
19:49:03 <bwolfe> a renderer that renders a renderer?
19:49:08 * bwolfe 's brain explodes
19:49:18 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: lollllll :D
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20:24:58 <dkayiwa> hi mseaton
20:25:04 <mseaton> hi dkayiwa
20:25:19 <dkayiwa> mseaton: were wyclif 's changes for PS-11 merged in?
20:25:29 <dkayiwa> !ticket PS-11
20:25:31 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#PS-11] Patient Summary UI: List all available PatientSummaryReportDefinitions - OpenMRS JIRA -
20:26:19 <mseaton> dkayiwa: no. i was hoping that rafa was looking into it
20:26:30 <dkayiwa> mseaton: ok
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21:25:46 <sunbiz> hey guys!!
21:26:24 <sunbiz> is it a known issue that jetty:run is actually deploying the code from src and not target for the openmrs-webapp project??
21:26:52 <sunbiz> shouldnt it be deploying from target... or is it just my setup that's causing this somehow??
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22:46:39 <sunbiz> bwolfe: u here??
22:47:59 <sunbiz> is it a known issue that jetty:run is actually deploying the code from src and not target for the openmrs-webapp project??
22:48:07 <sunbiz> shouldnt it be deploying from target... or is it just my setup that's causing this somehow??
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