IRC Chat : 2012-08-31 - OpenMRS

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06:07:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @suranga_kas: @OpenMRS we're happy to announce the release of hl7query 0.9 Beta, a convenient way to exchange OpenMRS data as hl7 me ... <>
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12:07:46 <walkandfish> hi.. I am trying to install openmrs on a powerpc running Fedora 17. I notice the does not include Linux-ppc. Is it possible to use openmrs on a powerpc?
12:08:55 <dkayiwa> walkandfish: you can install the non standalone version of OpenMRS
12:09:34 <walkandfish> thanks.. I will try.. appreciate the help.
12:10:20 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, hi, can I have 2 different versions of OMRS standalone installed at the same time?
12:10:40 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: yes you can have as many as you want
12:11:10 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: all you need is have them running from separate folders
12:11:11 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, what do I have to do to keep them from clashing?
12:11:19 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: nothing :)
12:11:40 <rfriedman> so how do I control what folder is used?
12:12:11 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: just make a copy of the standalone folder by simply pasting it else where
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12:12:44 <rfriedman> so download, copy and run?
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12:13:22 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, or move the existing first?
12:13:32 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: before the 1.9.1 standalone, you had to change the mysql and tomcat ports in the runtime properties files to ensure they are different for each. But not anymore since 1.9.1's standalone is intelligent enough to check and use only freely available ports
12:13:39 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: yes
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12:13:48 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: as in download, copy and run
12:14:26 <rfriedman> ok, so if i want to use 1.8 i should make sure it starts first, dkayiwa ?
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12:15:16 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: you can just copy the 1.9.1's standalone.jar and paste it into your 1.8 folder to take advantage of the using free ports feature
12:15:38 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ok, super, thanks
12:15:40 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: so then order of running does not matter
12:15:56 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: you are welcome. try it out and get back to me if you get any problems
12:16:11 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, doing so now ;)
12:16:18 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok :)
12:17:41 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: for 90% of what i do, i use standalone only. i have standalones all the way from 1.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2. 1.6.3, 1.7.0, 1.7.1, etc to 1.9.1 :)
12:19:56 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, yes, definitely the easiest way
12:19:59 <walkandfish> hi.. where can I find the non-stand-alone version?
12:20:20 <dkayiwa> walkandfish: same place where you downloaded the stadalone from
12:21:11 <rfriedman> walkandfish,, the Enterprise WAR file version
12:21:56 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, is the download actually a zip file or a jar file that has been renamed by the file system?
12:22:18 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: download is a zip file
12:22:33 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: it has jars and non jar files. so we just zip it
12:22:42 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, np, tks
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12:32:55 <walkandfish> how where should I put the WAR package to make the single user version work on a ppc?
12:34:56 <dkayiwa> walkandfish: have you looked at the readme at?
12:35:01 <OpenMRSBot> <$jR2> (at
12:36:27 <walkandfish> Thanks.. I will
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13:00:40 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, install doesn't seem to be working ... it's hung up trying to run mysqld ... it's trying to run mysql from its own directory when I already have mysql open and running
13:01:03 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: which port is it using
13:01:17 <rfriedman> 3316
13:01:36 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: and the other one is using which port?
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13:02:45 <rfriedman> 3306, dkayiwa
13:03:16 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you change the standalone port and try again
13:03:30 <rfriedman> aha, mysqld pid-file not found
13:03:44 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: which os
13:03:48 <rfriedman> ubuntu
13:04:17 <dkayiwa> which standalone version
13:04:24 <rfriedman> 1.8.4
13:04:58 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ever run standalone on that os before?
13:05:13 <rfriedman> 1.9.1
13:07:12 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: so 1.9.1 works but 1.8.4 fails?
13:07:18 <rfriedman> yes
13:07:30 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you try again
13:07:37 <rfriedman> sure
13:07:48 <rfriedman> should/can I change runtime properties?
13:08:00 <rfriedman> can I use 3306?
13:08:06 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: no
13:08:22 <rfriedman> OK, be that way :)
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13:10:31 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, fyi, here is some dump from previous run:
13:10:34 <rfriedman> [MysqldResource] mysqld pid-file not found: /home/rfriedman/openmrs-standalone-1.8.4/database/data/
13:10:34 <rfriedman> SQL: null
13:10:34 <rfriedman> ErrorCode: 0
13:10:34 <rfriedman> User initialization error. Can not connect as openmrs with password. Can not connect as root without password. URL: jdbc:mysql://
13:10:57 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
13:11:17 <rfriedman> still want me to rerun installation?
13:11:27 <rfriedman> or just try to start db, dkayiwa ?
13:11:49 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: no installation. just delete the unzipped folder and then unzip again
13:12:43 <rfriedman> ok, but this is linux, have to run script or command line to start it
13:13:04 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
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13:25:08 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, same result
13:25:40 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: does your standalone have a mysql password
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13:26:04 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, what do you mean?
13:30:09 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, mysql startup command in installation calls for in directory above, that file does not exist, looks like something was left out of the package
13:32:36 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you look at the runtime properties file in your standalone folder
13:32:48 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: and then look for key named connection.password
13:33:24 <rfriedman> vm_arguments=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewSize=128m
13:33:25 <rfriedman> connection.username=openmrs
13:33:25 <rfriedman> connection.url=jdbc:mysql:mxj://
13:33:25 <rfriedman> connection.password=test
13:33:26 <rfriedman> module.allow_web_admin=true
13:33:28 <rfriedman> tomcatport=8081
13:33:30 <rfriedman> application_data_directory=appdata
13:33:34 <rfriedman> reset_connection_password=true
13:33:36 <rfriedman> auto_update_database=false
13:34:17 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: that looks fine
13:34:49 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, it's not getting that far
13:35:05 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you pastebin the log
13:36:43 <rfriedman>
13:37:46 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: is the log file for one run?
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13:39:22 <rfriedman> yes, dk
13:39:25 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ^
13:39:54 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: did you also copy the standalone.jar from 1.9.1 to 1.8.4?
13:40:01 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, no
13:40:11 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: can you do it and try again?
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13:47:21 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, looks like i have not run standalone, only jetty
13:48:21 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
13:50:01 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, anything just to get going quick? am supposed to demo this in 11 mins
13:50:27 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: may be a restart of your computer
13:50:55 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ok, or maybe i will just run it via jetty
13:51:02 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: ok
13:55:16 <cpower> Happy Friday everyone
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13:58:37 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, nope, have 1.9 in eclipse, stupid git won't let me have 1.i out also
13:58:39 <rfriedman> 1.8
13:58:53 <rfriedman> will try to reboot and not have mysql running
13:59:02 <dkayiwa> ok
13:59:17 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, will you keep looking into this or should i make a ticket?
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13:59:30 <dkayiwa> rfriedman: create a ticket
13:59:36 <rfriedman> dkayiwa, ok tks
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14:00:17 <cpower> Are we ready to Scrum?
14:00:23 <andreapat> I am
14:00:39 <cpower> :-)
14:01:04 <cpower> ok let's begin
14:01:08 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:01:08 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:01:49 <cpower> Order: Wyclif, dkayiwa, andreapat, suranga, rafa, and kishore if he has something to share
14:02:48 <cpower> Wyclif you are up!
14:04:01 <cpower> ok passing on to dkayiwa
14:04:11 <dkayiwa> Closed a few xforms sprint tickets
14:04:12 <dkayiwa> Committed: Include Relationship Widget in XForms Designer - XFRM-16
14:04:12 <dkayiwa> Doing further testing to ensure all is well with: Include Relationship Widget in XForms Designer - XFRM-16
14:04:12 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:04:25 <cpower> Andreapat your turn
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14:05:11 <andreapat> Looked at all the links from yesterday's scrum - understanding concepts and the dictionary better
14:05:41 <cpower> What's today plan?
14:06:13 <cpower> Format Yesterday: XXXXXX
14:06:19 <cpower> Today: XXXXX
14:06:26 <cpower> Blockers: XXXX
14:06:50 <wyclif> sorry
14:07:06 <wyclif> can i go?
14:07:12 <andreapat> however the youtube videos on system setup ect were old - use svn not git - my system looks different - didn't answer my questions so thats a blocker. Today more of same but must do some Merck training.
14:07:14 <cpower> Andreapat, what's your plan for today, and do you have any blockers?
14:07:46 <cpower> ok
14:07:53 <cpower> Suranga
14:07:59 <suranga> howdy !
14:08:01 <suranga> yesterday :
14:08:02 <suranga> RELEASE hl7query 0.9 (yay !!!)
14:08:02 <suranga> TOday :
14:08:02 <suranga> Prepare / start discussions on a list of future //TO do's for the module
14:08:02 <suranga> WILL DO :
14:08:02 <suranga> Begin email thread of outstanding issues we should address
14:08:04 <suranga> NO BLOCKERS
14:08:10 <cpower> Wyclif your late, so your at the end
14:08:17 <andreapat> Get databse loaded. Do Merck training. Blocker - found error on build
14:08:21 <cpower> Good deal, Rafa
14:08:28 <rafa> Yesterday:
14:08:28 <rafa> * Committed RESTWS-218: Support custom client-defined representations of resources
14:08:28 <rafa>
14:08:28 <rafa> Today:
14:08:28 <rafa> * Started with TRUNK-3379: Upgrade HL7 from 2.5 to 2.6
14:08:29 <rafa> (awaiting answer)
14:08:29 <rafa> * Curated tickets (swim lane)
14:08:30 <rafa> * Committed TRUNK-3706: Installation assistant not showing correct encoding
14:08:30 <rafa>
14:08:31 <rafa> * Now working on TRUNK-3699: Fix DB clean up in tests
14:08:31 <rafa>
14:08:32 <rafa> No blockers.
14:08:50 <wyclif> Thursday:
14:08:50 <wyclif> dev call
14:08:50 <wyclif> TRUNK-3484 - visit handlers need to accept uuids in visits.encounterTypeToVisitTypeMapping global propery for both encounter type and visit type
14:08:50 <wyclif> TRUNK-3593 - proposed concept queue - proposed concept text did not get saved to dictionary correctly
14:08:50 <wyclif> Friday:
14:08:51 <wyclif> TRUNK-3492 - Add option to initialization wizard to set application data directory
14:08:55 <wyclif> STAND-52 - Users should be able to cancel standalone installation
14:08:57 <wyclif> Apply and review ticket patches
14:08:59 <wyclif> Release calculation module
14:09:01 <wyclif> Blockers: None
14:09:25 <cpower> Ok Don't see any discussion topics
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14:11:31 <cpower> Blockers that could use some help for Andreapat:Error on her build, and help her on Git
14:12:42 <andreapat> Would like to ping someone when I get into the office re the error. Weird - no red flag in Eclipde - error is in pom.xml
14:13:51 <andreapat> Anyone be around to help later?
14:14:56 <cpower> good point, get in the office and come back here and we should be able to find someone to help out or point you in the right direction
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14:16:25 <andreapat> Ok will do
14:16:28 <cpower> with that... !scrumoff
14:16:35 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:16:35 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:16:38 <andreapat> bye all
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16:28:40 <downey> Hi patandrea and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
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17:01:31 <patandrea> anybody around?
17:02:10 <patandrea> llooking for help with build error
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18:08:06 <downey> patandrea: worth a shot :)
18:13:27 <patandrea> hey I'm here
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18:33:54 <patandrea> hey rafa, can you be of any help with a build issue?
18:40:39 <rafa> patandrea: hi, yes, what's the problem?
18:41:09 <patandrea> hi rafa - hang on I'll copy in the error
18:41:50 <patandrea> POM: Could not find artifact org.openmrs.module:htmlformentry:pom:1.10.1-SNAPSHOT
18:41:51 <patandrea> and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM pom.xml /htmlformentry-release-tests line 5
18:42:29 <rafa> patandrea: are you trying to build htmlformentry?
18:43:09 <rafa> patandrea: with eclipse or command line?
18:43:51 <patandrea> Also watced the youtube video re installing OpenMRS - my directory structure in eclipse does not look the same. However they setup with svn - I used git.
18:44:03 <patandrea> with Eclipse
18:45:01 <rafa> patandrea: so you first cloned with git using the command line and then import an exisiting maven project to eclipse?
18:45:32 <patandrea> Is htmlformentry-api supposed to be the top level - it is
18:45:54 <rafa> patandrea: top level should be htmlformentry
18:46:40 <rafa> patandrea: you may see it also as openmrs-module-htmlformentry
18:48:06 <patandrea> No - thru eclipse following instructions on Git - IDE integration from wiki
18:49:04 <rafa> patandrea: can you paste a link to that here? I haven't seen that page...
18:49:56 <patandrea> ok :
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18:51:08 <patandrea> I do see openmrs-module-htmlformentry - its last in the directory structure
18:51:23 <patandrea> Also - I have never used Maven before
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