IRC Chat : 2012-08-06 - OpenMRS

00:40:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: @dr1337 Check out for past conversations! /cc @omowizard <>
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04:12:00 <Zzz_> hey
04:12:19 <Zzz_> anyone in here??
04:13:02 <Zzz_> Where will I be able to get openmrs 1.6.0 trunk??
04:18:23 <Zzz_> anyone?
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04:24:17 <Zzz_> hey r0bby
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04:32:53 <rfriedman> Zzz_, you still here?
04:36:01 <Zzz_> yes I am here
04:36:06 <rfriedman> Zzz_, I am quitting, but here's your answer: go to, under that go to openmrs. There will be a 1.6.x branch which has the latest 1.6.x in it
04:36:22 <Zzz_> thank you
04:36:28 <rfriedman> if you want a particular version, like 1.6.3, then you would look under tags
04:36:42 <Zzz_> thanlk you again
04:36:59 <rfriedman> sure, np
04:38:25 <rfriedman> Zzz_, I believe there is going to be one more rev for 1.6 then it is going end of life
04:38:54 <rfriedman> Zzz_, usually we have 3 active versions, now it's 1.7-1.9
04:39:03 <Zzz_> okay, just need 1.6.0, it's here
04:39:30 <rfriedman> Zzz_, okay, as long as you have what you need, my work here is done
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04:43:21 <Zzz_> bye n thanks
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07:26:55 <dkayiwa> hi goutham
07:27:42 <suranga> hiiiiiiiiii dkayiwa :)
07:27:52 <dkayiwa> suranga: hey :D
07:28:06 <suranga> dkayiwa, one more week to go.. he hee..
07:28:14 <dkayiwa> suranga: oh yes :)
07:28:43 <suranga> dkayiwa, we seem to be rather behind schedule, and there are rumors (from ben) that I may loose one resource soon :(
07:28:57 <dkayiwa> suranga: which resource?
07:29:17 <suranga> dkayiwa, not sure yet. but got the info from Ben :(
07:29:33 <dkayiwa> suranga: and you did not ask which resource? :)
07:30:01 <suranga> dkayiwa, I hadnt the heart to do so...but not right away. he said 'later' on the week :(
07:30:46 <suranga> dkayiwa, so I was reviewing what we accomploshed over the weekend
07:30:48 <dkayiwa> suranga: am sure our commit workflow is to blame for the behind schedule!!! :)
07:31:10 <suranga> dkayiwa, we dont have much time, but i short listed three tickets
07:31:20 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
07:31:28 <suranga> dkayiwa, if we can solve these, then we are good to have a working outcome :)
07:31:45 <suranga> dkayiwa, did you see this ?
07:31:46 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
07:32:17 <suranga> dkayiwa, it has a good explanation of who did what segment, and where it fits in context of the others...
07:32:58 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
07:33:25 <suranga> dkayiwa, please take a look, and tell me what you think :)
07:33:47 <dkayiwa> suranga: what i think in terms of who did best? :)
07:34:30 <suranga> dkayiwa, sorry, not sure if I understood you :(
07:34:50 <suranga> dkayiwa, oh no, i mean, in terms of where the message templates are headed, etc.
07:34:52 <dkayiwa> suranga: what i think in which dimension? :)
07:35:20 <suranga> dkayiwa, we cant measure 'who did best' .. but you two have done muh much more than me :P
07:35:31 <dkayiwa> suranga: since i completely have know idea how a correct template should look like, the best i can be of help with is telling who has a bigger box :)
07:35:49 <dkayiwa> know = no
07:36:10 <suranga> dkayiwa, the bigger boxes are made up of smaller boxes, so the guys who have bigger boxes simply have to call the smaller ones
07:36:30 <dkayiwa> suranga: hahahha
07:36:33 <dkayiwa> :)
07:36:39 <suranga> dkayiwa, for example, I just found out that the 'biggest box' (for the entire ORUR01 message) is just 9-10 lines long...
07:37:35 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
07:37:35 <suranga> dkayiwa, if you take a closer look, you will see that tickets 31 and 38 are still to do..
07:37:54 <suranga> dkayiwa, i was hoping to give one each to both of you :P
07:38:02 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
07:40:38 <suranga> dkayiwa, hope you havent anything already picked out, which you wanted to work on ..
07:41:37 <dkayiwa> suranga: not yet
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07:42:12 <suranga> dkayiwa, since you came online first, maybe you should have the 'easier' HLQRY-38 :-)
07:42:24 <dkayiwa> suranga: hahahah. ok :)
07:42:39 <dkayiwa> !ticket HLQRY-38
07:42:40 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#HLQRY-38] Create a groovy template to create the OBR Obs group segment of an ORUR01 message - OpenMRS JIRA -
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07:45:20 <shortend> Hey, I wonder if someone could answer a quick question. Links in an admin section extension seem to automatically map to a jsp extension.
07:45:35 <shortend> Is there a way to use a Groovy template instead?
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07:52:08 <dkayiwa> !ticket HLQRY-31
07:52:09 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#HLQRY-31] Create the Generic Patient Result template which is called per each encounter - OpenMRS JIRA -
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08:01:01 <goutham> Hi dkayiwa
08:01:31 <dkayiwa> hi goutham
08:02:00 <dkayiwa> goutham: have a couple of review comments for you. do you have some time now?
08:03:25 <goutham> dkayiwa , always... i like comments it makes me more stronger :-)
08:03:38 <dkayiwa> goutham: oh great!!! :D
08:04:05 <dkayiwa> goutham: did you understand the one of yesterday for unit test names for the service class?
08:04:43 <goutham> dkayiwa, yes iam reading the wiki documentation and links in it
08:04:57 <dkayiwa> goutham: ok
08:05:14 <dkayiwa> goutham: do you yet have any questions about it?
08:06:51 <goutham> dkayiwa, have to change method names similar to "getFormFilter_shouldreturn formfilter"
08:07:10 <dkayiwa> goutham: perfect :)
08:07:33 <dkayiwa> goutham: then you also remember to add the @should annotations to the service interface???
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08:08:34 <dkayiwa> member:goutham: then you also remember to add the @should annotations to the service interface???
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08:11:59 <goutham> dkayiwa, yes then i think @should in not required in service @see tag is present on it
08:12:26 <dkayiwa> goutham: it should be at the service interface
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08:13:25 <goutham> dkayiwa, ok
08:13:42 <dkayiwa> goutham: can you also apply the openmrs code formatter?
08:15:09 <goutham> dkayiwa , ok
08:15:22 <dkayiwa> goutham: we also have a convention of not including the @author :)
08:15:35 <dkayiwa> goutham: in the code :)
08:17:18 <goutham> dkayiwa, it got auto generated...will remove it :-)
08:17:25 <dkayiwa> goutham: ok
08:18:03 <dkayiwa> goutham: you did getId() and setId() correctly in FormFilter, but not yet so in other classes
08:19:32 <goutham> dkayiwa, :| oops will change it
08:20:32 <dkayiwa> goutham: some params in FormFilterService are also not fully documented
08:21:06 <dkayiwa> goutham: for instance something like: @param Form
08:21:37 <goutham> dkayiwa, ok
08:22:17 <dkayiwa> goutham: also your comments for serialVersionUID do not seem to add any information.
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08:22:35 <dkayiwa> goutham: we could as well remove them
08:23:26 <goutham> dkayiwa, ok
08:25:17 <dkayiwa> goutham: i think you could go to all classes and ensure that the method params are fully documented
08:25:36 <dkayiwa> goutham: for instance i also see AddFormFilterPropertyController having some of its params not fully documented
08:25:50 <dkayiwa> goutham: because i see things like: @param formFilterProperty
08:26:00 <dkayiwa> goutham: and am sure there are lots more
08:27:00 <goutham> dkayiwa , yes will add them
08:27:29 <dkayiwa> goutham: thanks :)
08:27:39 <dkayiwa> goutham: i also see no unit tests for controllers
08:29:13 <goutham> dkayiwa, thought tests for only services.. Will add t them too
08:30:01 <dkayiwa> goutham: for controllers too. generally, anything that can be broken is fit for testing :)
08:30:37 <goutham> dkayiwa, for daos?
08:30:52 <dkayiwa> goutham: no. add only for controllers
08:31:49 <dkayiwa> goutham: and you can always look at the openmrs core and copy how controllers are tested with mocks :)
08:32:46 <goutham> dkayiwa, ok :-)
08:33:19 <dkayiwa> goutham: in viewformfilter.jsp, there is some unlocalized text
08:33:37 <dkayiwa> goutham: e.g Deleting Filter, No, Yes
08:35:08 <suranga> dkayiwa, hi, just to say that I hope you did a fetch request before you started. I made several changes over the weekend :)
08:35:26 <dkayiwa> suranga: oh thanks for the reminder :)
08:37:09 <dkayiwa> goutham: i also still see unlocalized text in jquery.easy-confirm-dialog.js
08:39:23 <goutham> dkayiwa , in jquery thing i have to do research a bit
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08:40:24 <goutham> dkayiwa , will try to add but will take time
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08:42:32 <dkayiwa> goutham: if you look at openmrs, we do localize text in javascript
08:42:54 <dkayiwa> goutham: and you will be surprised how easy it it to do. so you just copy :)
08:43:32 <goutham> dkayiwa, :D
08:44:04 <dkayiwa> goutham: feel from to get back to me as quickly as possible if you fail to find an example to copy from the core openmrs :)
08:47:12 <goutham> dkayiwa , :-) thanks for the great tips , ya will sure reach u...if i find trouble
08:47:59 <dkayiwa> goutham: isnt this enough for you for today? :)
08:49:48 <dkayiwa> goutham: i had forgotten to tell you that this also needs to be updated:
08:49:49 <goutham> dkayiwa , :-) don't know... You have any other comments tell me...will try to do ;-)
08:50:13 <dkayiwa> goutham: for instance read the very first line and see that i needs to be corrected :)
08:52:17 <dkayiwa> goutham: still on the same page, this module does not depend on the Form Entry module :)
08:53:36 <dkayiwa> hi suranga
08:53:57 <suranga> hi dkayiwa
08:53:59 <dkayiwa> suranga: is all my last week's work merged? :)
08:54:14 <suranga> dkayiwa, it was, right ? :)
08:54:25 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok great!!! :)
08:54:33 <suranga> dkayiwa, I merged some, and you committed some :)
08:54:39 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok :)
08:55:23 <goutham> dkayiwa, admin should be replaced with user
08:55:24 <dkayiwa> suranga: now to prevent all that mess, every time i make a pull request, will merge immediately even before you review. As per Rafal's tip :)
08:55:56 <suranga> dkayiwa, you mean that you will be making the merge too, right ?
08:56:17 <suranga> dkayiwa, I think thats the best option. After that, we can review and bug fix
08:56:21 <dkayiwa> goutham: just make it be whatever you see as most appropriate. i think you also need to punctuate that sentence
08:56:35 <goutham> dkayiwa , if form entry module does not exist... How can one see the filtered forms
08:57:13 <dkayiwa> suranga: yes because if i do not merge myself, will have to waste time later resolving conflicts that are caused my merges that take long to happen :)
08:57:13 <suranga> dkayiwa, but please send me the link to the merge you completed...
08:57:29 <dkayiwa> suranga: sure will do that :)
08:57:30 <suranga> dkayiwa, totally agree, this is the best way :)
08:58:09 <dkayiwa> goutham: they can see if they have xforms or even htmlforms
08:58:42 <goutham> dkayiwa , ok w
08:58:53 <goutham> dkayiwa, ok
08:59:04 <dkayiwa> goutham: you also forgot to mention about the filer form link on the form schema screen!!!
08:59:21 <dkayiwa> goutham: together with its screen shots
09:00:41 <goutham> dkayiwa , yes ..will add them too
09:01:10 <dkayiwa> goutham: do you think you can address all these by the end of today?
09:02:34 <goutham> dkayiwa , i think no will take 2 days...but i can try
09:02:41 <dkayiwa> goutham: ok
09:03:59 <goutham> dkayiwa , :-) thanks for support and review
09:04:25 <dkayiwa> goutham: you are welcome. thanks too for your work and patience with me!!! :)
09:05:50 <goutham> dkayiwa , :-) its lunch time for me. Catch you later !
09:06:10 <dkayiwa> goutham: please enjoy your lunch and see ya later :D
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09:27:58 <applecool> hey rafa good morning
09:28:04 <rafa> applecool: hi
09:28:38 <applecool> i have small questions about the comments on the commit
09:29:07 <applecool> do you have some time?
09:29:08 <applecool> rafa:
09:29:15 <rafa> applecool: yes
09:29:24 <applecool> oh great!
09:29:28 <rafa> applecool: I've seen one question
09:29:32 <rafa> applecool: answered it
09:29:45 <applecool> oh didnt check that! just a sec
09:32:10 <applecool> got that!
09:33:00 <rafa> applecool: I didn't understand your problem from e-mail though
09:33:06 <applecool> next one is in the same commit you have told me to add the comment what it does and where it is used! in the file
09:33:10 <rafa> applecool: about the viewPackage page
09:33:27 <rafa> applecool: yes?
09:34:07 <applecool> so that was for the public static final String PACKAGE_LIST = "packageList"; or for this public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
09:34:33 <rafa> applecool: there was no commet for packageList
09:34:46 <applecool> yup added that :) okay thats clear now
09:34:50 <applecool> next
09:35:11 <applecool> METAREPO-11
09:35:31 <applecool> in this you told me to check for q=null right
09:35:39 <applecool> thats what you meant?
09:35:55 <rafa> applecool: but it's checked a line below!
09:36:04 <applecool> yes!
09:36:11 <rafa> applecool: you just need to put your line below the if statement
09:36:33 <applecool> you mean the appending the string
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09:36:44 <rafa> applecool: yes, it's what you added there, isn't it?
09:37:27 <applecool> yes sorry got confused
09:37:39 <applecool> and what about this startWithQ ?
09:37:52 <applecool> you want the variable name as Q ?
09:37:55 <rafa> just rename the variable
09:38:01 <applecool> or Query
09:38:04 <applecool> is fine?
09:38:07 <rafa> huh?
09:38:21 <applecool> no Query because Query is a class name
09:38:29 <rafa> change newq to startWithQ
09:38:54 <applecool> startwithQ is a variable name?
09:39:05 <rafa> yes
09:39:13 <applecool> oh!
09:39:43 <rafa> it's what you do there right?
09:40:00 <rafa> you change from searching for q to searching for something which starts with q
09:40:08 <rafa> give your variables meaningful names
09:40:25 <applecool> oh okay. :)
09:41:24 <applecool> okay now to the email question! viewPackage.jsp
09:41:56 <applecool> now i need to display the package details in the viewPackage.jsp right!
09:42:20 <rafa> applecool: right
09:43:08 <suranga> yo rafa
09:43:13 <suranga> rafa, howdy !
09:43:13 <rafa> applecool: you need a link in package listing tables /packageform/viewPackage?id=${}
09:43:26 <applecool> so whenever i click on the view button of a particular package i need to show that particular package details
09:43:33 <applecool> yes i added that later
09:43:36 <applecool> already
09:43:44 <rafa> applecool: then you need a method in a controller which takes MetadataPackage pkg
09:43:49 <rafa> applecool: and that's all
09:44:18 <rafa> applecool: you access the fields in viewPackage.jsp with ${}, ${metadataPackage.description}, etc.
09:44:23 <rafa> suranga: hi
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09:44:31 <mvorobey> hi all
09:44:35 <applecool> rafa: okay
09:44:37 <rafa> mvorobey: hi
09:44:45 <suranga> rafa, we have one more week to go :P
09:44:58 <suranga> rafa, I went over the tikets again, and made a few fixes
09:45:17 <suranga> rafa, you should probably make a fetch request...
09:45:22 <rafa> suranga: yes, I've seen your comments
09:45:25 <suranga> rafa, I also wrote this up
09:45:38 <rafa> suranga: it's what I do every minute of my life ;)
09:45:53 <suranga> rafa, :D
09:46:17 <rafa> suranga: what an unfriendly file format :P
09:46:17 <suranga> rafa, this document shows the progress of each template, and where it all fits in :)
09:46:42 <suranga> rafa, ooops, sorry. I think I might have a pdf somewhere... (goes to look)
09:48:39 <suranga> rafa, mailed you
09:49:00 <rafa> suranga: got it
09:49:22 <mvorobey> rafa, how it's going ?
09:49:30 <rafa> mvorobey: good, how are you?
09:49:44 <mvorobey> rafa, am starting bug fixing from REPORT-398
09:49:47 <mvorobey> !ticket REPORT-398
09:49:48 <OpenMRSBot> mvorobey: [#REPORT-398] Possible memory leak with reporting scheduled tasks - OpenMRS JIRA -
09:49:54 <suranga> rafa I also made a small change to the ORUR01 template that you worked on. Earlier on, this template was supposed to be the harest right ? but not any more :)
09:50:32 <rafa> suranga: I didn't know why you said it was the hardest :P
09:50:54 <rafa> suranga: it's easy like all others
09:51:46 <mvorobey> rafa, as I saw you've almost got rid of that memory leak by providing ability to stop reporting task thread, right ? but it's need to get REPORT-352 completed in order to be able to close that ticket, right ?
09:52:08 <rafa> mvorobey: right
09:52:23 <rafa> mvorobey: I see Mike is on REPORT-352
09:52:55 <rafa> mvorobey: you could ping him if he needs help there
09:53:08 <mvorobey> rafa, yeah I see that mseathon is working on REPORT-352 right now :) will ping him
09:53:14 <suranga> rafa, im so happy that you like writing templates, so im hoping that you could also take up HLQRY-31
09:53:14 <rafa> mvorobey: and meanwhile move to a different ticket
09:53:24 <mvorobey> rafa, ok, thanks
09:53:34 <suranga> rafa, the ORUR01 template you were working on seems rather finished now :)
09:54:11 <rafa> suranga: have you managed to merge all pull requests?
09:54:19 <suranga> mvorobey, why are you working on REPORT tickets ? you should join my sprint. that way I would have more minions to boss around :-)
09:54:27 <suranga> rafa, finally, yes, I think so
09:54:33 <suranga> rafa, switched to using Egit
09:54:40 <rafa> suranga: mvorobey is on the bug fixing sprint!
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09:54:56 <suranga> rafa, mvorobey :-(
09:55:00 <mvorobey> suranga, yeah, I heave very important mission here
09:55:11 <suranga> rafa, im told I will loose a resource later this week :(
09:55:18 <rafa> suranga: you have enough slaves :D
09:55:44 <mvorobey> suranga, I need to get rif of all bugs rafa and others are not managed to did before me :D
09:55:57 <rafa> mvorobey: haha go for it!
09:56:02 <mvorobey> I need to get rif of all bugs rafa and others are not managed to finish before me :D
09:56:40 <mvorobey> rafa, really, I do not believe it it myself, but, as I used to say: the devil is not so black as he is painted :)
09:56:47 <dkayiwa> hi suranga
09:56:57 <suranga> rafa, my aim is this. if you finish 31, and Daniel does 38 (he's already taken this) we should be able to get a basic message up and running in no time...
09:56:59 <suranga> dkayiwa, hi
09:57:05 <dkayiwa> suranga: how different is my ticket from the ORU_R01.OBSERVATION which rafa did?
09:57:16 <suranga> mvorobey, I would have loved finding some work for you too :P
09:57:36 <suranga> dkayiwa, only the segments it contains are different
09:58:15 <suranga> dkayiwa, did you see the developers guide I wrote up ?
09:58:22 <dkayiwa> suranga: yes
09:58:28 <dkayiwa>
09:58:44 <suranga> dkayiwa, oops, wayne calls. give me minute :(
09:58:54 <dkayiwa> suranga: 8)
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10:09:58 <suranga> hi dkayiwa . I will try multi tasking now...
10:10:17 <suranga> dkayiwa, the OBR-ENC represents an encounter. Inside that we will need to store multiple OBS...
10:10:18 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
10:11:41 <suranga> so lets say your encounter has 9 obs
10:11:57 <suranga> but of these 9, there are two obs groups of three each
10:12:13 <suranga> so for each Obs group, you create an OBR segment
10:12:27 <suranga> this OBR will contain the concept name / ID of the Obs grouper
10:12:41 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
10:12:41 <suranga> the other OBs ( that ccome under this) are stored as OBX segments
10:14:08 <rafa> suranga: check on <PID> <PID.1>1</PID.1> <!--Set ID - PID. It is a hardcoded -->
10:14:28 <rafa> suranga: in PID.xml it's <PID><PID.1>${ index }</PID.1>
10:14:46 <suranga> rafa, I did notice that. I ment to talk to you about that. Igimmie a minute :)
10:16:14 <suranga> dkayiwa, so yes, the OBR and OBX segments will both contain information of an obs, but together, willl represent an obs group
10:16:36 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
10:17:00 <suranga> dkayiwa, assume that there are ungrouped obs in your encounter
10:17:06 <suranga> if so, they all go into an OBR too
10:17:21 <suranga> but this obr wont be mapped to an OBS.. its obr.4 segment will be empty
10:18:26 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok
10:18:59 <suranga> dkayiwa, so because this OBR wil have no info of an OBS, we will know that the OBX it contains are all unmapped
10:19:28 <suranga> dkayiwa, so you need to call rafa s oBX template appopriately to get your tickets done :)
10:19:38 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok :)
10:20:12 <applecool> rafa: will be back in 30 min cya
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10:30:00 <suranga> dkayiwa, hope that solve your question :)
10:30:24 <dkayiwa> suranga: yes for now :) thanks!!!
10:31:14 <rafa> suranga: so what to do with ${index} in pid?
10:31:33 <rafa> suranga: should it be changed to 1?
10:32:24 <suranga> rafa, sorry, yes, thats right
10:32:36 <dkayiwa> suranga: what is this <ORC> stuff?
10:32:38 <suranga> rafa, there will always be only a single PID segment per encounter
10:32:42 <dkayiwa> suranga: should i include it?
10:33:04 <rafa> suranga: also in pid.xml there's a loop for(name in patient.getNames())
10:33:30 <rafa> suranga: but the default patient name template always displays the default patient name
10:33:35 <rafa> suranga: :)
10:33:43 <suranga> rafa, that came from Grahame (over the dev list mail) so better put it in that way..
10:34:17 <suranga> rafa, umm... I overlooked that.. its still there ? (goes to look)
10:34:25 <rafa> suranga: yes
10:34:40 <suranga> dkayiwa, sorry, I thought i removed mention of ORC, where did you see it ? no need to include ORC segments :)
10:34:57 <dkayiwa> suranga: here:
10:35:02 <rafa> suranga: I also feel like we have too many small templates
10:35:13 <dkayiwa> rafa: :D
10:35:15 <rafa> suranga: meaning most of them could be put in a single one
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10:35:56 <rafa> suranga: like PID could do what DefaultPatientIdentifier and DefaultPatientNaeTemplate do
10:36:54 <rafa> suranga: but I may be missing a bigger picture
10:37:10 <suranga> rafa, dkayiwa let me get back in a minute :)
10:37:12 <rafa> suranga: anyway what to do with the for loop?
10:37:24 <rafa> suranga: the names one
10:37:50 <suranga> rafa, i always thought that there an be only one preferred name per patient,right ?
10:38:01 <rafa> suranga: right
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10:39:17 <rafa> suranga: the question is if you want to display one preferred name or all names?
10:39:26 <suranga> in that case, we dont need a loop. I think Ben wanted a loop for patients to print ALL the patient names
10:39:45 <suranga> rafa, I think for our case, we need just one preferred patient name, so no loop
10:39:57 <rafa> suranga: okay
10:40:32 <rafa> suranga: do we want to display all active patient identifiers or just the preferred one?
10:41:09 <suranga> rafa, display all active identifiers :)
10:41:20 <rafa> suranga: ok
10:41:22 <suranga> rafa, oh sorry, alll PREFERRED ones
10:41:27 <suranga> rafa, sorry sorry
10:42:41 <rafa> suranga: it's the same
10:42:53 <rafa> suranga: ahh sorry no it's not
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10:43:41 <rafa> suranga: are you sure about only preferred ones?
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10:45:46 <suranga> rafa, for the default template, I think we should display only the prefered names and identifiers, isnt it ?
10:46:30 <rafa> suranga: I don't know, it's a business not a dev decision ;)
10:46:46 <dkayiwa> :D
10:47:06 <suranga> rafa, if anyone asks why, lets say I said so :(
10:49:01 <rafa> suranga: sorry there can be more than one preferred name
10:49:12 <rafa> suranga: so you want to display all preferred?
10:49:30 <suranga> rafa, hi, just finished one discussion, so im back :P
10:49:56 <suranga> rafa, my idea was, for the default templates, that we should return only the special names and identifiers
10:50:12 <suranga> rafa, if we return all names and identifiers, there may be quite a lot to display
10:50:43 <suranga> rafa, im not sure if we can have multiple preferred names or identifiers ( I always thought we can only have one of each)
10:51:01 <suranga> rafa, but if we can have many preferrd, then yes, we will need to include them all...
10:51:04 <rafa> suranga: I've just checked with our validators
10:51:17 <rafa> suranga: and logic in getActiveIdentifiers and getPersonName
10:51:23 <rafa> suranga: we allow for many
10:51:40 <suranga> rafa, so this is where your second question, about why we have such small templates, comes into play
10:52:18 <suranga> rafa, lets say someone wants to return first name. family name, (Dr. MR. MRS. etc. and middle name)
10:52:58 <suranga> rafa, then all they need to do it write a PID.5 template, and call that, instead of editing a bigger template'
10:53:27 <suranga> rafa, actually, the plan to have small templates was a buisness decision :)
10:53:35 <rafa> suranga: yes, it all depends on the use case
10:54:41 <rafa> suranga: it's just they're so small which adds extra coding with no visible benefit ;)
10:54:56 <dkayiwa> :D
10:55:01 <rafa> suranga: but if you intend to use small pieces in 50 different templates
10:55:34 <rafa> suranga: then it makes sense to have these small pieces :)
10:56:18 <suranga> rafa, oh no, the templates we have upto now are all we will use for this sprint :)
10:59:48 <suranga> dkayiwa, .. regarding your question on ORC segment, I removed that refernce on the wiki page. its obsolete now :)
11:00:06 <dkayiwa> suranga: ok thanks :)
11:04:02 <shortend> Are there any modules that make use of the UI framework?
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11:17:00 <mvorobey> rafa, you there ?
11:17:05 <rafa> mvorobey: yes
11:17:42 <mvorobey> rafa, AFAIK we still not moved OpenMRS core to GitHub, right ?
11:17:50 <rafa> mvorobey: right
11:17:59 <mvorobey> rafa, only under Kishore account
11:18:04 <rafa> mvorobey: correct
11:18:42 <mvorobey> rafa, so, if there is a patch created against trunk and it's ready to be applied, where to apply it ? to svn or to kishore account ?
11:18:52 <rafa> mvorobey: to svn
11:19:06 <mvorobey> rafa, good, thanks a lot!
11:19:19 <rafa> mvorobey: np
11:20:22 <mvorobey> rafa, you are the model of laconic today, ain't you ? :)
11:20:52 <rafa> mvorobey: haha
11:21:03 <rafa> mvorobey: short and to the point
11:21:23 <mvorobey> rafa, that is exactly what I meant :)
11:21:55 <rafa> applecool: i'm ready for the hacking session
11:22:01 <applecool> cool
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11:48:40 <mvorobey> rafa, imagine the case, there is a patch which is created off the workspace but not of the project as it should be, what to do ? re-create it from project or ask author to do it and then re-attach it back to ticket again ?
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11:49:18 <rafa> mvorobey: you should be able to point eclipse to the project when applying the patch
11:49:42 <rafa> mvorobey: when you right click on the file in the applying patch window
11:49:56 <rafa> mvorobey: you can say exclude or point to a corresponding file in your workspace
11:49:57 <mvorobey> rafa, let m e try :)
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11:51:40 <mvorobey> rafa, unfortunately it still says, that openmrs-api-TRUNK does not exists.
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11:57:40 <bwolfe> mvorobey, did kiran email you? Are you the bug fixing swim lane leader this week? :-)
11:59:33 <mvorobey> bwolfe, hi, yeah, already started with bug fixing swim lane
11:59:42 <bwolfe> mvorobey++
11:59:44 <bwolfe> :-)
12:00:00 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, is supposed to be your backup, so feel free to lean on him.
12:00:06 <dkayiwa> :)
12:00:47 <mvorobey> bwolfe, personally Kiran did not emailed me, but he set me on calendar, so I got it as a sign from the sky :D
12:01:03 <mvorobey> did not emailed = have not emailed
12:01:14 <bwolfe> haha, ok, perfect!
12:11:48 <bwolfe> rafa, did kiran talk to you at all?
12:18:38 <mvorobey> bwolfe, I just verified that fix for TRUNK-2582 works fine, made comment on ticket and believe that we can close it, but looks like I do not have enough permissions to do it. What am supposed to do in this case ?
12:18:44 <mvorobey> !ticket TRUNK-2582
12:18:45 <OpenMRSBot> mvorobey: [#TRUNK-2582] ComplexObs not being saved via Encounter - OpenMRS JIRA -
12:19:34 <mvorobey> bwolfe, or I need to redirect this question to dkayiwa ?
12:20:17 <bwolfe> mvorobey, heh, either of us is fine. :-)
12:20:57 <bwolfe> mvorobey, good find on those commits
12:21:46 <bwolfe> mvorobey, I've made you an "approver" on trunk, you should have permissions. but we have one last fix for that ticket, I'll comment
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12:22:49 <mvorobey> bwolfe, thanks a lot!
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12:37:58 <dawn_> suranga: i don't think you will escape me during your trip to Kigali. Apparently I will be a pupil in your training class. :P
12:38:30 <suranga> dawn_, yayy !!!
12:38:40 <dawn_> :D
12:39:03 <suranga> dawn_, give me a tip. will the students be unruly ? should I plan for the worst ? :)
12:40:12 <dawn_> haha!! suranga : we are going to cause trouble. sleep during class, talk on our phones, etc.
12:40:26 <dawn_> suranga: i am joking. it will be a great group of our dev team and implementation team
12:40:48 <bwolfe> suranga, always plan for the worst
12:40:54 <suranga> dawn_, ah, I would prefer if everyone slept, instead os asking questions :-) :-):-)
12:41:01 <bwolfe> and assume that they know less than you think they know.
12:41:34 <suranga> bwolfe, it is the opposite of what you just said that Im really worried about :)
12:42:01 <dawn_> suranga: i am known to ask a lot of questions. 0:) :D
12:42:16 <dawn_> bwolfe: HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!!!!
12:42:28 * dawn_ can't believe how old bwolfe is
12:42:33 <bwolfe> thanks dwan
12:42:36 <suranga> bwolfe, its your birthday ??
12:42:50 <bwolfe> not anymore
12:42:53 <suranga> oooh... VERYY HAPPY BITHDAYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!
12:43:22 <suranga> last time, remember they played that song for you before the weekly dev call ?
12:43:33 <applecool> HAPPY BiRTHDAY bwolfe :) special greetings from applecool :D
12:43:46 <applecool> belated *
12:43:52 <bwolfe> thanks guys
12:44:05 <bwolfe> yeah, nothing as cool as that this year :-p
12:44:21 <harshadura> happy birthday bwolfe :)
12:49:45 <suranga> bwolfe, is certainly getting old. Too bad only im allowed to stay the same age, just like peter pan :P
12:50:04 <bwolfe> thanks harshadura
12:50:10 <bwolfe> suranga, glwt :-)
12:52:16 <suranga> dawn_, will anyone else I know be there ?
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12:52:28 <suranga> dawn_, other than Rowan, of course
12:52:38 <srinath> hi guys..
12:53:17 <dawn_> suranga: i will be there, and that's all you need to know. :P just kidding
12:53:41 <dawn_> suranga: Eric Dusabe and Kamonyo Mugabo will be there. They were at the Implementers Meeting last year. You may remember them once you see them again here
12:54:13 <suranga> dawn_, in terrible with names, but very good with faces :)
12:55:09 <dawn_> suranga: that's good though! some people forget faces easily. I am sure you will remember when you meet them.
12:57:51 <bwolfe> I don't even remember what dawn looks like
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13:01:26 <dawn_> bwolfe: you should join facebook then :P
13:02:05 <dawn_> you are missing my pics of hiking volcanoes and walking through a swarm of bats
13:04:06 <bwolfe> oh! in that case!
13:04:16 * bwolfe hurries off to not join facebook
13:04:21 <bwolfe> :-)
13:05:01 *** pascal` has joined #openmrs
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13:05:07 <pascal`> Hey bwolfe
13:05:11 <bwolfe> hi pascal`
13:05:45 <pascal`> bwolfe, I haven't been able to find out on the wiki how to include a jar file in your module with Maven.
13:06:06 <pascal`> bwolfe, pre-maven you just dumped it in the lib folder, but I can't seem to finding anything on how to do it now. Any hints? :)
13:07:49 <bwolfe> pascal`, something like this?
13:07:50 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
13:08:12 <bwolfe> pascal`, although that assumes the other jar is an omod. but you basically just add the jar to your pom.
13:08:56 <pascal`> Yeah just saw in the conversion, script. I've done that though. Will have to take a look to see why it's not working.
13:08:57 <pascal`> Thanks!
13:09:59 <bwolfe> pascal`, if provided = true, then the jar is not put into the omod. if provider=false (or isn't listed) then the jar is put into the omod
13:14:24 <applecool> rafa: i got the groupUuid correctly in the log. i checked it with the header.xml file too
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13:14:52 <rafa> applecool: so it's not persisted in the db for some reason
13:14:59 <pascal`> bwolfe, cool, thanks. Should it be in omod > target > lib?
13:15:06 <applecool> hmm.
13:16:24 <bwolfe> pascal`, what is going there?
13:20:26 <pascal`> bwolfe, nothing. I'm trying to figure out where to look to make sure it's working.
13:20:34 <pascal`> bwolfe, Where in the omod should the jars be copied to?
13:20:53 <bwolfe> pascal`, the jars in the lib will still be in the lib folder
13:20:58 <bwolfe> err, jars in the omod
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13:22:24 <dkayiwa> hi suranga
13:22:45 <suranga> dkayiwa, howdy !
13:22:50 <pascal`> bwolfe, okay, well, it's not working for some reason.
13:23:06 <pascal`> bwolfe, the only thing in the lib folder is the api jar for the module.
13:23:13 <dkayiwa> suranga: why do we hardcode this? <TS.1>201207120000</TS.1>
13:23:28 <dkayiwa> suranga: that is under: <ORU_R01.ORDER_OBSERVATION>
13:23:28 <suranga> dkayiwa, mm... we dont (bad mistake from my end)
13:23:39 <dkayiwa> suranga: so what should we instead put?
13:23:47 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, suranga, I created a ticket for that a few minutes ago
13:24:13 <suranga> bwolfe, :-( sorry, silly me
13:24:29 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: i saw it as one of the reasons to reopened HLQRY-8 :)
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13:25:48 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: so we i now close HLQRY-8 ?
13:26:00 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: should i now close HLQRY-8 :)
13:26:10 <bwolfe> !ticket HLQRY-8
13:26:11 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#HLQRY-8] Create a controller class to get encounters in orur01 hl7 format - OpenMRS JIRA -
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13:27:31 <suranga> dkayiwa, that value stands for encounter.getEncounterDatetime();
13:28:03 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, yes, thanks. I updated #8 and the pull request comment
13:28:12 <bwolfe> suranga, isn't that date the "date this hl7 message was generated" ??
13:28:22 <bwolfe> I thought it was supposed to be just "new Date()"
13:28:32 <suranga> bwolfe, there is a slat to put that too
13:28:51 <suranga> bwolfe, the OBR-ENC represents encounter specific stuff...
13:29:13 <suranga> bwolfe, there is a SLOT to put that too*
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13:40:26 <suranga> bwolfe, hi, so to let you know whats happening on the sprint...
13:40:40 <suranga> bwolfe, I have two major blocker tickets on the template remaining.
13:40:56 <suranga> today I handed them over to rafa and dkayiwa
13:41:24 <suranga> spencer seems to be doing well on the MSH ticket, and Uma is working on the global properties thingy
13:42:13 <suranga> bwolfe, once thease are over, wireing them up to export hl7 will be pretty simple
13:42:59 <bwolfe> what are the blocker tickets?
13:45:17 <suranga> bwolfe, HLQRY-38
13:45:26 <suranga> HLQRY-31
13:45:41 * suranga goes to find the rest
13:46:39 <suranga> bwolfe, HLQRY-32 and HLQRY-5
13:46:48 <suranga> of these, HLQRY-32 is very easy
13:48:47 <bwolfe> !ticket HLQRY-32
13:48:48 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#HLQRY-32] Create the ORUR01 template which produces the complete ORUR01 message - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:48:49 <bwolfe> !ticket HLQRY-5
13:48:50 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#HLQRY-5] Create a groovy template to create the MSH segment of an ORUR01 message - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:49:24 <bwolfe> suranga, isn't #5 what skathol is working on? why did you assign that to dkayiwa or rafal?
13:49:45 <suranga> bwolfe, umm... I didnt
13:50:16 <suranga> bwolfe, I gave away 31 and 38 to those two. skathol seems t have almost completed #5
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13:50:36 <rafa> suranga: 31?
13:50:45 <rafa> suranga: no one is assigned to 31
13:50:46 <bwolfe> oh, I missed the 31 msg
13:50:49 <bwolfe> !ticket HLQRY-31
13:50:50 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#HLQRY-31] Create the Generic Patient Result template which is called per each encounter - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:50:52 <suranga> rafa, sorry, what did I give you ?
13:51:07 <rafa> suranga: 35?
13:52:35 <suranga> rafa, cool, thats a biggie too
13:52:43 <suranga> wyclif, has taken on 31 :)
13:53:00 <rafa> :)
13:54:43 <suranga> wyclif, hi, since you have taken on 31, you might have a look at this doc. It shows how each segment fits in with the other
13:54:45 <suranga> wyclif,
13:57:17 <wyclif> suranga, thanks, are all thes other segments done?
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13:58:15 <suranga> wyclif, dkayiwa is working on 38. if you ask him the name of his template, you can just call it by name, and assume that it works :)
13:58:18 <wyclif> suranga, my assumption is that i need to pull all the others and put them together, am not familiar with the structure of the doc and the module, so i will be using this ticket to get up to speed
13:58:44 <wyclif> suranga, so do i get the other templates from a service or a Util class
13:58:51 *** cpower has joined #openmrs
13:59:03 <cpower> Hello everyone!
13:59:12 <wyclif> suranga, like if i want daniel's template, do i fetch it from the service
13:59:22 <suranga> wyclif, they are avilable to you via the templateEngine class
13:59:23 <bwolfe> wyclif, use <% func.callTemplate...
13:59:31 <wyclif> suranga, ok
13:59:35 <bwolfe> suranga, there is no "templateengine" class
13:59:48 <suranga> wyclif, yep, as bwolfe says. take a look at the other templates in the db
13:59:58 <suranga> bwolfe, wyclif sorry,
13:59:59 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
14:00:05 <bwolfe> wyclif, look at Generic PID, iirc
14:00:10 <bwolfe> hi cpower
14:00:18 <wyclif> ok
14:00:22 <cpower> Ok, let's Scrum
14:00:29 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:00:29 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:01:47 <cpower> Order: bwolfe, rafa, suranga, dkayiwa, mvorobey, skathol, wyclif
14:02:02 <cpower> oh and Judygichoya
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14:02:50 <bwolfe> Friday
14:02:50 <bwolfe> email catchup
14:02:50 <bwolfe> lots of reviews of hl7query tickets/design
14:02:50 <bwolfe> interview for merck dev
14:02:50 <bwolfe> (half day)
14:02:51 <bwolfe> Monday
14:02:53 <bwolfe> swim lane setup
14:02:55 <bwolfe> review pull requests on hl7query project
14:02:57 <bwolfe> review all recently commented tickets in hl7query
14:03:01 <bwolfe> dev interview
14:03:03 <bwolfe> do an hl7 query ticket
14:03:05 <bwolfe> no blockers
14:03:10 <rafa> Today:
14:03:10 <rafa> * Call with my GSoC student
14:03:10 <rafa> * Committed HLQRY-35: Create a hl7 PATIENT segment which combines the PID and PV1 segments.
14:03:10 <rafa>
14:03:10 <rafa> Blockers: waiting for other templates to complete HLQRY-32
14:04:19 <bwolfe> suranga, you're up
14:04:27 <suranga> hi
14:04:28 <suranga> Weekend :
14:04:29 <suranga> updating tickets, commenting
14:04:30 <suranga> pulling + merging
14:04:30 <suranga> creating new wiki document to show message structure
14:04:30 <suranga> minor fixes to hl7query module (committed)
14:04:30 <suranga> Quesstion : so Wyclif is back on my sprint ? yay !!!
14:04:44 <wyclif> suranga, yes
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14:05:14 <cpower> blockers?
14:06:12 <cpower> ok moving on dkayiwa..
14:06:24 <dkayiwa> Did a code review with my GSOC student
14:06:24 <dkayiwa> Committed remaining work on: Add ability to select orur01 template to the Settings admin page - HLQRY-25
14:06:25 <dkayiwa> Looked into review comments for: Create a controller class to get encounters in orur01 hl7 format - HLQRY-8
14:06:25 <dkayiwa> Now finishing: Create a groovy template to create the OBR Obs group segment of an ORUR01 message - HLQRY-38
14:06:25 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:06:33 <mvorobey> * Reviewed TRUNK-3332
14:06:33 <mvorobey> * Started progress - XFRM-76
14:06:33 <mvorobey> * Verified functionality - TRUNK-2582 (still need to edit each of commit comments in order to close the ticket)
14:06:33 <mvorobey> * Gotta email mseaton about status of REPORT-352 to be able to deal with memory leak in reporting module (REPORT-398)
14:06:33 <mvorobey> No blockers
14:06:43 <skathol> done:
14:06:45 <skathol> * HLQRY-5 Generic MSH Template: worked on testing
14:06:46 <skathol> will do:
14:06:48 <skathol> * HLQRY-5 Complete testing
14:06:49 <skathol> blockers:
14:06:51 <skathol> * Unable to save global properties in test for use by template?
14:06:52 <skathol> * Is it a good idea to allow bindings to override GPs to allow overall template-specific control?
14:07:19 <bwolfe> mvorobey, don't need to email off list, just add a comment to the ticket so its all out in the open
14:07:30 <mvorobey> bwolfe, noted :)
14:07:36 <wyclif> Friday:
14:07:36 <wyclif> Read about CustomDatatypes to get up to speed
14:07:36 <wyclif> FORM-121 - Modify code and admin pages to support form resources
14:07:36 <wyclif> Reviewed patch for TRUNK-3589 - Add LocationService method to search for a location by a location attribute
14:07:36 <wyclif> Skype call with Dmitry
14:07:38 <wyclif> Looked at TRUNK-3240 but coulnd't reproduce it - Trying to upgrade a stopped module gives me an error related to extensions
14:07:41 <wyclif> Monday:
14:07:43 <wyclif> HLQRY-31 - Create the 'Generic Patient Result' template which is called per each encounter
14:07:45 <wyclif> Blockers: None
14:08:13 <suranga> wyclif, wyclif, a heads up on your ticket.
14:08:13 <suranga> you dont need to call every sub template.
14:08:13 <suranga> For example, if you look at the document i sent you, Judys templates are called by daniels template. and daniels template is called by rafa's template.
14:08:13 <suranga> All you can see is rafa's template, daniels other template (green ) and hl7query-38.
14:08:30 <cpower> are up
14:08:39 <bwolfe> suranga, hold until the discussion time
14:08:42 <wyclif> suranga, cool
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14:08:51 <judygichoya> no current ticket :(
14:09:15 <judygichoya> unless there are still pending tickets ..sneaks back to olympic.. :)
14:09:45 <bwolfe> judygichoya, there are always open tickets to choose. see the sprint dashboard. :-)
14:09:55 <bwolfe>
14:09:56 <judygichoya> ha ha ..
14:10:03 <cpower> Discussion points: skathol: binding's override to GP,
14:10:13 <judygichoya> anyway will select a new one tonight
14:11:38 <cpower> Blockers: Unable to save golbal properties (skathol), waiting for templates for HLQRY-32 (rafa)
14:12:03 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:12:03 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
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14:12:19 <rafa> suranga: anything I can work on instead of waiting? ;)
14:12:40 <bwolfe> cpower quits right after the scrum?
14:12:45 <rafa> suranga: do we have a ticket for omod not compiling?
14:12:51 <lakkarau> cpower: i had a technical issue with my internet
14:13:02 <bwolfe> lakkarau, go ahead now
14:13:11 <suranga> rafa, umm.. omod not compiling ? umm ?
14:13:17 <suranga> :-O
14:13:26 <rafa> suranga: yes, I see the same compilation error as on Friday
14:13:39 <rafa> suranga: and I did pulled like a minute ago ;)
14:13:50 <suranga> rafa, whats the error ? not a test faliure, is it ?
14:14:01 <lakkarau> bwolfe:monday:
14:14:01 <lakkarau> will pull request HLQRY-26
14:14:01 <lakkarau> will attach the patch for TRUNK-3589
14:14:18 <lakkarau> no blockers
14:14:33 <rafa> suranga: The method renderPipeDelimitedHl7(String) is undefined for the type HL7QueryService
14:15:00 <suranga> rafa, umm.. that was commited in to the service layer, im sure...
14:15:12 <applecool> rafa: got why the other package information are not persisted in the db!
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14:15:39 <rafa> suranga: okay, my eclipse may need clean project ;)
14:15:59 <rafa> applecool: what was the problem?
14:15:59 <suranga> rafa, do check it out, and also, maybe you can take over, some ui tickets that wyclif used to work on ?
14:16:06 <suranga> hi skathol
14:16:22 <rafa> suranga: ok it helped sorry to bother you
14:16:50 <suranga> skathol, skathol you wanted to discuss global pros right ? could u please give me a minute ? my boss is calling :(
14:17:03 <skathol> hi suranga. of course
14:17:05 <applecool> rafa: The problem was only when we click on the save button we are saving the data to the db! so added the fields as you said to the package form and saving the package
14:17:19 <bwolfe> skathol, I think overriding GPs with a binding is a good idea
14:17:25 <applecool> and it fixed our problem and the ticket which you said earlier
14:17:28 <applecool> in the call
14:18:15 <applecool> i have sent you a couple of screenshots
14:18:23 <rafa> applecool: ok, sounds good
14:18:26 <rafa> applecool: thx
14:18:30 <applecool> :)
14:18:31 <judygichoya> which tickets for wyclif?
14:18:32 <bwolfe> skathol, and for GPs, you can just add them using the "Advanced settings" page in the admin section for now
14:18:49 <applecool> i just need to add the ticket right!? can you guide me? how to add a new ticket? rafa
14:19:40 <skathol> bwolfe, yes, I think so too, to allow different templates to behave differentl. But, I think we need to give users a way to set certain bindings for a given template - otherwise, the coded bindings will not be configurable to users at all.
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14:20:35 <bwolfe> skathol, nah
14:20:46 <skathol> bwolfe, what about setting GPs in unit tests?
14:20:49 <applecool> rafa: there?
14:21:05 <bwolfe> skathol, I think suranga mentioned in the ticket comment how to set those
14:21:20 <bwolfe> skathol, the user can set the GPs for changing all MSH templates
14:21:51 <bwolfe> skathol, if an admin wants to call the MSH template but wants to "hardcode" the value of one of them (aka not let the user set it via a GP), then the binding is passed in
14:22:43 <maurya> !sgithens
14:22:44 <OpenMRSBot> maurya: Error: "sgithens" is not a valid command.
14:23:36 <skathol> bwolfe, yes, but setting GPs as instructed isn't working for me-
14:23:38 <skathol> adminService.saveGlobalProperty(new GlobalProperty("hl7query.messageSource", "OPENMRS"));
14:23:39 <skathol> List<GlobalProperty> props = adminService.getAllGlobalProperties();
14:23:41 <skathol> If I debug through these two lines, props.size() == 0
14:24:40 <maurya> !seen sgithens
14:24:40 <OpenMRSBot> maurya: sgithens was last seen in #openmrs 4 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 48 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <sgithens> cool, will give that a go
14:24:44 <skathol> bwolfe, The example suranga referenced is getting locales from the adminSerivce which are set on the mock object in the MockBaseTest constructor.
14:25:22 <bwolfe> skathol, if the test is using mocks, than calling "save" doesn't actually do anything
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14:27:06 <skathol> bwolfe - I haven't used mocks much before - I am trying to research the correct way to save GPs in this scenario.
14:28:42 <bwolfe> skathol, the way to use mocks is to say "when someone calls "adminservice.getGlobalProperty, return this GP"
14:31:49 <mvorobey> bwolfe, I've quick question
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14:32:23 <mvorobey> bwolfe, once I changed commit comment using Set Commit Properties in eclipse, do I need to do SVN commit ?
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14:32:30 <skathol> bwolfe, ok but I'd really need to say, "when someone calls adminservice.getGlobalProperty(key), return this GP". I think this is possible - just need to read up on the API...
14:32:59 <bwolfe> mvorobey, no, its committed then already
14:33:49 <mvorobey> bwolfe, ok, thx
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14:35:15 <judygichoya> maurya sgithens is in the field
14:35:21 <judygichoya> in Western Kenya..
14:35:28 <judygichoya> and he comes back tomorrow to eldoret
14:35:42 <judygichoya> so unlikely to be in the irc chat.. :)
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14:36:03 <maurya> judygichoya, okay... thank you:)
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14:38:28 <kavuri> bwolfe: The Webservice REST API resources page still has missing resource definitions. Could that page be generated?
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14:39:06 <bwolfe> kavuri, sure. rafa, can you regenerate that? looks like you were the last to touch it and it stops after "Role".
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14:41:18 <kavuri> bwolfe: if the listing is alphabetical, provider seems to be missing too. Or was there no resource for provider at all?
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14:43:41 <mvorobey> bwolfe, can I close TRUNK-2582 once I edited commit comments for it ? And seems like I do not have permissions to close that ticket :(
14:44:38 <bwolfe> kavuri, provider is provided by the 1.9extension to restws
14:44:48 <bwolfe> !ticket TRUNK-2582
14:44:49 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#TRUNK-2582] ComplexObs not being saved via Encounter - OpenMRS JIRA -
14:44:51 <rafa> bwolfe: yes, will look into that
14:44:58 <mvorobey> bwolfe, skip the second part :)
14:45:01 <kavuri> rafa: thanks
14:45:21 <kavuri> bwolfe: could you please point me to the extension
14:45:57 <bwolfe> kavuri,
14:46:08 <bwolfe> I don't know if its documented anywhere yet.
14:46:44 <kavuri> bwolfe: also, is it possible to link a provider a location?
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14:51:04 <skathol> bwolfe, figured out how to set GPs using mock object.
14:52:56 <skathol> saranga, bwolfe: I will look into referencing bindings in Java code, further discussion will go in JIRA comments. If I can't figure it out I'll create a new ticket. Either way, should be able to submit a patch for HLQRY-5 this evening. For now, gotta go.
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14:56:50 <mvorobey> bwolfe, so, what's you answer ?
14:59:42 <bwolfe> mvorobey, yes, you can close it now
14:59:46 <bwolfe> thanks!
15:00:37 <mvorobey> bwolfe, do not mention it :)
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15:39:13 <kavuri> bwolfe: could you please brief the use of "location tag"? I understand it is to tag locations as groups, but I do not see any references of location tag in location table
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15:54:07 <bwolfe> kavuri, its to create a folksonomy. kind of like tagging blog posts in wordpress. just for loose categorization
15:54:34 <bwolfe> kavuri, location doesn't refer to location_tag
15:54:55 <bwolfe> kavuri, the Location.hbm.xml mapping file links location_tag to location via location_tag.location_id column
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16:32:05 <kavuri> bwolfe: I do not see location_tag.location_id column in the 1.9 schema
16:42:17 <bwolfe> kavuri, oh, sorry, theres a table that maps from location to location_tag. I momentarily forgot it was a many to many!
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16:43:08 <downey> Hi isaac__ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
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16:44:46 <kavuri> bwolfe: ok, location_tag_map
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17:20:04 <dkayiwa> hi goutham
17:20:18 <goutham> dkayiwa: Hi :)
17:20:30 <dkayiwa> goutham: how is it going? :)
17:21:16 <goutham> dkayiwa: all good :)
17:21:27 <dkayiwa> goutham: oh great!!!
17:21:57 <goutham> dkayiwa: how long you will be online?
17:22:13 <dkayiwa> goutham: for like 3 more hours :)
17:22:29 <dkayiwa> goutham: if not 4 :)
17:24:02 <wyclif> suranga, some templates are stored in files and not DB, right?
17:24:13 <goutham> dkayiwa: Cool my help line will be for another 3-4 hours then :D
17:24:14 <wyclif> because i cant see the patient segment
17:24:20 <wyclif> suranga, because i cant see the patient segment
17:24:32 <dkayiwa> goutham: oh sure!!! :D
17:24:36 <wyclif> suranga, but i see an xml file unders templates
17:25:25 <suranga> hi wyclif
17:25:50 <suranga> all the templates are supposed to go into the db, but i think some have not been added yet because they are still being corrected... :(
17:26:19 <wyclif> suranga, so what are those xml files i see under templates folder
17:30:42 <suranga> oh sorry wyclif , I just saw this
17:31:50 <suranga> wyclif, actualy, i was so busy with testing the message structure, im not too clear about where we stand in terms of this either. as I remember, rafa did not add changesets for some templates yet...
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17:31:53 <suranga> lets ask dkayiwa
17:31:58 <suranga> dkayiwa, hellooo :)
17:32:05 <dkayiwa> suranga: hey
17:32:30 <suranga> dkayiwa, me and wyclif have a question in terms of which templates made it into the db yet...
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17:32:53 <dkayiwa> suranga: all that i committed :)
17:33:21 <suranga> dkayiwa, some teampltes have not yet been moved into the db, right ? there only exist in their xml formats ?
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17:34:40 <suranga> dkayiwa, how do you use the templates that have not yet been moved to the db ?
17:35:01 <suranga> do you just call them by name, and assume that they will work once they've been moved into the db ?
17:35:16 <dkayiwa> suranga: mine should all be in the database
17:35:28 <dkayiwa> suranga: is there any that i did which is not in the db?
17:36:08 <suranga> dkayiwa, ah, I see. it seems that rafa is still working on one of his
17:36:19 <suranga> dkayiwa, :(
17:37:28 <suranga> dkayiwa, since I dont want this to be a blocker for wylif, can he just assume a call to the template by its name retrieves results ?
17:37:52 <dkayiwa> suranga: yes
17:38:15 <suranga> cool, thanks dkayiwa :) :)
17:38:51 <dkayiwa> suranga: good news is that unit tests use mocks which Rafal put in place :)
17:39:37 <suranga> dkayiwa, ahaa
17:39:52 <suranga> wyclif, which template are you missing ? is it <ORU_R01.PATIENT> ?
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17:40:55 <wyclif> suranga, Generic Patient isn't in the DB and daniel' for HLQRY-38
17:41:20 <dkayiwa> wyclif: oh yes my HLQRY-38 :)
17:41:54 <suranga> dkayiwa, wyclif cant wyclif do this ?
17:42:13 <suranga> cant he make the calls to the templates by name, assuming that they exist in the db
17:42:25 <suranga> then he can test is by using the mocks
17:42:27 <dkayiwa> suranga: yes he can
17:43:17 <suranga> dkayiwa, so once you add those templates to the db, they should work because the functionality of those sub templates are indipendent of their peers, right ?
17:43:21 <dkayiwa> suranga: thats exactly what i did when i committed one of my tickets and forgot to add the liquibase db insert changeset :)
17:43:37 <lakkarau> suranga:hi
17:43:45 <suranga> dkayiwa, he hee... lets overlook that for now :P
17:43:48 <dkayiwa> suranga: right
17:43:48 <suranga> lakkarau, helooo :)
17:44:18 <lakkarau> suranga:i am adding the properties in this fashion ${project.parent.artifactId}.msh.encoding.character=Encoding Characters
17:44:28 <dkayiwa> suranga: hahaha. i fixed it when bwolfe did catch it :)
17:45:16 <suranga> lakkarau, where do you copy the names encoding.character etc. from ? from the wiki pag ?
17:45:40 <rfriedman> bwolfe, u there?
17:45:48 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa i hope the templatefor HLQRY-38 take in a set of Obs
17:46:15 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa to be able to pass in the ungrouped obs as a set
17:46:26 <suranga> dkayiwa, it takes an encounter, right ?
17:46:31 <dkayiwa> wyclif: it takes an obs group
17:46:47 <dkayiwa> suranga: which is in an encounter
17:46:52 <rfriedman> wyclif,: it takes a miracle
17:46:53 <lakkarau> suranga :
17:46:54 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
17:47:11 <wyclif> dkayiwa, an obs groups is just an obs ,so how will i pass in the ungrouped ones
17:47:27 <dkayiwa> wyclif: just put them in an encounter
17:47:39 <dkayiwa> wyclif: and then pass me an encounter
17:48:01 <wyclif> so your template takes in an encounter
17:48:02 <suranga> dkayiwa, has he got to worry about doing that ? I thought your HL738 was responsible for that...
17:48:09 <lakkarau> suranga: i am i following the correct page
17:48:24 <suranga> lakkarau, let me check that
17:48:28 <wyclif> suranga, i still need to know what to pass to it
17:48:47 <dkayiwa> suranga: no worry :)
17:48:56 <lakkarau> suranga:ok
17:49:37 <suranga> dkayiwa, if wyclif calls the name of daniels template, and pass in an enounter, wont hl7 38 know how to build multiple obs groups , etc ?
17:50:02 <wyclif> suranga, the assumption is that if i find an obs group i pass in the group members OR i have to pass in the obs assuming dkayiwa 's template will call obs.getMembers
17:50:08 <dkayiwa> suranga: it will
17:50:44 <suranga> lakkarau, you;re right, but all u creating all 19 segments ? :)
17:50:46 <dkayiwa> wyclif: my ticket will get getmenbers
17:50:47 <wyclif> suranga, iw as looking at the description for HLQRY-31, it says call daniel's multiple times
17:51:14 <lakkarau> suranga:yes finished,.
17:51:14 <dkayiwa> ohhh
17:52:00 <suranga> lakkarau, no worries, thats cool
17:52:10 <suranga> dkayiwa, mm.. you sound upset :(
17:52:13 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa so the decription for HLQRY-31 is wrong, i should call dkayiwa 's template once and let it take care of the business of obs groups and none obs groups
17:52:34 <lakkarau> suranga:the convenction iam using is ok right.
17:52:58 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, hi, how it's going ?
17:53:11 <lakkarau> suranga: ${project.parent.artifactId}.msh.encoding.character=Encoding Characters
17:53:12 <suranga> lakkarau, yes, but what default values are you setting ?
17:53:35 <lakkarau> suranga:have no idea :-(
17:53:42 <dkayiwa> suranga: because of wyclif's comment about description
17:53:49 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: hi going on well
17:53:55 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: and you?
17:54:13 <lakkarau> Suranga:for now i am just giving the field names
17:54:20 <suranga> dkayiwa, I think ticket 31 description is wrong, and needs to be amended :(
17:54:41 <dkayiwa> suranga: thats exactly the reason for my "ohhh"
17:54:55 <suranga> lakkarau, one minute, ill get you some data
17:55:24 <suranga> dkayiwa, if I edit wyclifs ticket, and make him call your template once with an encounter, you are happy ? :)
17:55:30 <lakkarau> suranga:delemited by |
17:55:51 <dkayiwa> suranga: :D
17:55:53 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, me too :) digging into XFRM-76, maybe you can point me to write direction what is exactly wrong ? is it problem inside XFormsDesigner controller or on presentation tier ?
17:56:07 <mvorobey> !ticket XFRM-76
17:56:08 <OpenMRSBot> mvorobey: [#XFRM-76] Order of form fields should be the same in both schema design in form entry and form field task pane in xforms - OpenMRS JIRA -
17:56:10 <dkayiwa> !ticket XFRM-76
17:56:11 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#XFRM-76] Order of form fields should be the same in both schema design in form entry and form field task pane in xforms - OpenMRS JIRA -
17:56:15 <dkayiwa> :D
17:56:20 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, me first :)
17:56:28 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: as always :)
17:56:34 <wyclif> dkayiwa, so for HLQRY-38, you need to check for obs groups and print out the members where necessary
17:56:34 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, :D
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17:56:46 <dkayiwa> wyclif: perfect!!!
17:57:28 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: were you first of all able to reproduce the problem?
17:57:43 <suranga> dkayiwa, wyclif , I updated !ticker HL7QRY-31 , I hope that this suits both of you :)
17:57:58 <suranga> wyclif, i think this makes your job rather easier :)
17:58:25 <dkayiwa> suranga: mostly wyclif because i was not planning to look at that ticket :)
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17:59:13 <suranga> dkayiwa, you've already implemented yours to accept a single encounter right ? your ticket was hard from the bery begining :P
17:59:31 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa that makes sense, thanks!
17:59:54 <dkayiwa> suranga: its gets harder as i dive deeper :)
18:00:00 <wyclif> suranga, may problem i cant really test it since it has missing pieces
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18:00:14 <suranga> wyclif, dkayiwa sorry for NOT making sense earlier, and thanks for helping me reach this satisfactory situation :)
18:00:20 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa, how have you been writing unit tests for these templates?
18:00:24 <dkayiwa> suranga: but thats ok because it does not scare all at once :)
18:00:29 <suranga> wyclif, wont mocking help you ?
18:00:42 <suranga> lakkarau, can you look at this ?
18:00:42 <wyclif> mocking the template?
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18:01:03 <suranga> lakkarau,
18:01:05 <dkayiwa> wyclif: yes mocking the service layer call to get the template
18:01:06 <wyclif> i saw one of rafa's tests
18:01:06 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, not yet :) but I was trying and encountered that even if I add new field to schema design it is not appearing in xforms designer ... so may be this is a point from where you could help me, sorry
18:01:19 <wyclif> dkayiwa, ok
18:01:22 <lakkarau> suranga:yes i will .
18:01:25 <suranga> lakkarau, here i've defined some default values that you can use
18:01:32 <dkayiwa> wyclif: so we put a template in the test source folder, which is loaded by the mock
18:01:43 <wyclif> dkayiwa, suranga sorry for my ignorance on this, this is my first template to write
18:01:55 <suranga> lakkarau, for example you can use the the default value for <MSH.1>
18:02:02 <dkayiwa> wyclif: be sure, i had even more trouble than you :)
18:02:03 <suranga> lakkarau, <MSH.2>
18:02:47 <suranga> <MSH.9>
18:02:51 <suranga> <MSH.11>
18:02:53 <suranga> <MSH.12>
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18:03:35 <suranga> lakkarau, MSH.7 is a date, so we cant have a global property for that. its set programatically :)
18:04:20 <lakkarau> suranga:yes
18:04:27 <suranga> lakkarau, the same goes for <MSH.10>, its a uuid, so we cant have a global proes for that
18:04:32 <dkayiwa> so wyclif you can look at: org.openmrs.module.hl7query.MockBaseTest
18:04:41 <lakkarau> suranga:ok
18:04:52 <wyclif> dkayiwa, ok
18:04:53 <dkayiwa> wyclif: and an example subclass is HL7OBRORUR01TemplateTest
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18:05:19 <dkayiwa> wyclif: sorry that i not yet committed. i meant HL7OBXORUR01TemplateTest :)
18:05:46 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: oh sorry. you need to refresh :)
18:05:53 <suranga> lakkarau, or MSH.4 i would suggest OpenMRS asthe default
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18:06:11 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: under form fields, right click on the form name, and then select refresh. that should bring the new fields
18:06:16 <suranga> lakkarau, leave MSH.6, and the other peoperties also blank, for the user to fill in (no defaults :)
18:06:39 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: it could be named either refresh or pull new elements
18:06:40 <lakkarau> suranga:ok
18:07:03 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, thanks
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18:07:35 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: maximize me as much as you want :)
18:07:56 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, :D
18:08:18 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, field appeared in tree panel
18:08:31 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: perfect. thats it
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18:09:57 <wyclif> suranga, dkayiwa do the unit tests pass for you, they are failing for me
18:10:24 <dkayiwa> wyclif: they are passing for me. which one is failing for you?
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18:11:00 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, actually, after I refreshed my designer surface I got that field in the bottom, even after submit/cancel buttons, is this right ?
18:11:12 <wyclif> dkayiwa, first pull all updates from remote master before running the tests
18:11:18 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: right/correct
18:11:36 <dkayiwa> wyclif: ok
18:11:47 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, why it's happening ?
18:12:04 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: because that is the way it was designed :)
18:12:24 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, strong argument :D but am okay with it :)
18:12:40 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: ofcourse it is not what we wanted :)
18:12:54 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, actually yes
18:13:08 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: we were waiting for someone like you to come up with a way of fixing it :)
18:13:57 <dkayiwa> wyclif: you are right they are failing :)
18:15:08 <maurya> djazayeri1, got a minute?
18:17:27 <dkayiwa> suranga: is it you or Rafal who changed <PID.1>1</PID.1> from index to 1?
18:18:05 <suranga> dkayiwa, ah, that a valid change. Rafa did it :)
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18:18:07 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, added one more field to schema and it again was inserted to the end of surface, yeah, need to do something with it ...
18:18:25 <dkayiwa> suranga: that is why one of the unit tests is failing for wyclif :)
18:18:34 <dkayiwa> suranga: so the test will need to be changed
18:18:51 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: yes
18:19:05 <suranga> dkayiwa, sorry about that.. I should have remembered that :(
18:19:32 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: but for that ticket, you can ignore the design surface widget placement and work on placement under form fields to match with openmrs form schema
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18:19:58 <dkayiwa> suranga: always cause by not running all tests before commit :)
18:20:55 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, obviously that it's javascript issue, because new nodes areinseted to the end of tree
18:21:07 <mvorobey> areinseted = areinseted
18:21:11 <mvorobey> :(
18:21:17 <mvorobey> areinseted = are inseted
18:21:29 <mvorobey> inserted :D
18:21:37 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: you can deal with it without any javascript :)
18:21:47 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, how ?
18:22:10 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: you could change the order it is placed in the xform
18:22:28 <dkayiwa> the display order depends on that in the xforms xml
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18:23:54 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: is what am saying making sense? :)
18:24:22 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, manually ?
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18:25:15 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: we are looking for a way of automating it
18:25:32 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: the first step is understand
18:26:02 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, from what I know we can reorder xml with XSLT
18:26:47 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: if you can do that and put it in the right place, then you have fixed it :)
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18:27:25 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: to understand what am saying, you can try the offline designer and create a form with like two questions
18:27:42 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: on moving around xml, you will notice that the order under form fields will change
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18:29:50 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, ok, will try it
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18:35:29 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, so, form fields placement within form element inside Forms Pane is denoted by underlying layout xml, and if it's changed then fields order is changed appropriately, right ?
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18:36:56 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: not the xml in the layout xml tab. but rather the xml under the xforms xml tab
18:37:31 <rafa> bwolfe: hi, what is missing in ?
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18:37:37 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: so if changed in the xforms xml tab, the fields in the forms panel change order
18:38:03 <bwolfe> rafa, everything after "R".
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18:38:06 <bwolfe> I see nothing about Users
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18:38:48 <rafa> bwolfe: ohh right
18:38:49 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, that makes sense now, thanks
18:38:59 <rafa> bwolfe: actually there's only User after R :)
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18:39:27 <bwolfe> rafa, haha, then its just User that is missing probably :-p
18:43:50 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa i think these calls StringUtils.deleteWhitespace are the problem
18:44:22 <dkayiwa> wluyima: ok
18:44:23 <suranga> wluyima, are the by some chance deleting the white space inside the tages too ?
18:44:41 <suranga> wluyima, <ORU RO1> to <ORURO!> ?
18:45:02 <wluyima> suranga, probaby that and print func.... becomes printfunct..
18:45:45 <dkayiwa> wluyima: hahahaha very nice catch!!! :)
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18:47:14 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, changed order in xforms xml tab but order in forms pane tab did not change, what I did wrong ?
18:47:44 <dkayiwa> can you pastebin your xform?
18:47:57 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: before you do that
18:48:03 <suranga> howdy rafa
18:48:08 <rafa> suranga: hi
18:48:09 <suranga> rafa, are you around ? :)
18:48:13 <suranga> aah
18:48:17 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa if you look at HL7CompleteORUR01TemplateTest.shouldParseHL7StringToORUR01Object
18:48:19 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: after changing the order in xml, did you click the open toolbar icon?
18:48:20 <rafa> suranga: ;)
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18:48:52 <suranga> rafa, umm.. your tickets (that you picked up today) are all done, arnt they ?
18:49:09 <mvorobey> dkayiwa,
18:49:30 <rafa> suranga: I have one ticket on me which is not done
18:49:33 <dkayiwa> wluyima: ok
18:49:34 <suranga> rafa, in that case, how about we try to get the enrite things running tomorrow (with the template Wyclif is writing now :)
18:49:37 <rafa> suranga: the one fo the complete message
18:49:47 <suranga> rafa, yep, if possible :)
18:49:56 <dkayiwa> wluyima: since rafa wrote it and he is here, he should be able to fix it :)
18:50:08 <suranga> wluyima, im looking at that method...
18:50:49 <rafa> suranga: I'll be releasing maintenance versions of OpenMRS starting from tomorrow
18:50:58 <suranga> rafa, :(
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18:51:06 <suranga> rafa, :-(
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18:51:25 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: which exact change did you make?
18:51:33 <suranga> rafa, oops, have you got anything else to send over to us ?
18:51:34 <rafa> suranga: it should be pretty easy to hand it over to someone else
18:51:40 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: and did you open after the change?
18:51:45 <suranga> I think you had one pending changeset to comming ?
18:51:46 <rafa> suranga: I have all code committed and merged
18:52:06 <dkayiwa> suranga: is rafa the resource we are looking????
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18:52:14 <dkayiwa> loosing
18:52:14 <suranga> dkayiwa, :(
18:52:25 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, moved xf:input tag in order, did not find open toolbar icon at least :(
18:52:31 <dkayiwa> suranga: oh thats unfair :(
18:52:36 <suranga> rafa, just to check, you wrote a liquibase changeset for ttodays ticket too, right ?
18:52:57 <rafa> suranga: hmm wait
18:53:13 <rafa> suranga: hmm nope one changset missing
18:53:26 <rafa> suranga: HLQRY-35
18:53:35 <suranga> hi wluyima , in that unit test u showed me, the assert equals (line 134)
18:53:39 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: its the second icon on the toolbar
18:53:40 <suranga> should not start with <?xmlversion=\"1.0\"?>
18:54:03 <rafa> suranga: I'll add a changeset for HLQRY-35
18:54:12 <suranga> rafa, coool
18:54:20 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, really, I thought that the second is save :(
18:54:27 <rafa> suranga: and fix per review comments
18:54:50 <rafa> suranga: so please review
18:55:22 <rafa> suranga: Ben left some questions there
18:55:29 <rafa> suranga: see
18:55:31 <suranga> rafa, nice. umm.. wil you be commiting it tomorrow, or today ?
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18:55:41 <rafa> suranga: tomorrow
18:55:57 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: i think is it the first one :)
18:55:59 <rafa> suranga: I have one more thing to fix today
18:56:02 <suranga> rafa, let me look at the comments
18:56:45 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, yeah, I tried it but instead of reordering of form panel I got reloading of xforms xml tab content
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18:58:33 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: looking at it now....
18:59:17 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, am receiving the following parse error: This page contains the following errors:</h3><div style="font-family:monospace;font-size:12px">error on line 10 at column 26: xmlns:openmrs: 'formentry.infopath_server_url cannot be empty/moduleServlet/formentry/forms/schema/1-1' is not a valid URI
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18:59:39 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: after changing it manually?
19:00:17 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, right, after changing and then clicking open icon in toolbar
19:01:00 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: you could have messed it up
19:01:02 <dkayiwa> :)
19:01:15 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa it means daniel's template for HLQRY-30 can't be named 'Generic OBS Group' because it will actually take in a single encounter
19:01:26 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: just remembered that you also need to change the bind node order
19:01:44 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa basically from mine i call his for each encounter
19:01:51 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, specifically ?
19:02:12 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: meaning???
19:02:43 <suranga> wluyima, yep, but i think that name represents the purpose of dkayiwa 's ticket well
19:03:07 <suranga> wluyima, if we dont name it as such ,it'll be hard for anyone tounderstand what that template is for...
19:04:58 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, sorry, I did not get what you mean saying "change the bind node order" :)
19:05:58 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: the ones that begin with <xf:bind id=
19:06:10 <wluyima> suranga, so you mean the collection of obs in the encounter is the grouping
19:06:43 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, uh, that's it, thanks, will trying fresh start :)
19:07:03 <suranga> wluyima, dkayiwa will repeat his template per each obs group he finds
19:07:27 <suranga> dkayiwa, 's ticket is not for a single obs group, but for all obs groups inside a given encounter
19:07:34 <wluyima> suranga, so i call dkayiwa template for each obs and not for each encounter
19:07:41 <dkayiwa> suranga: correcteth!!!!
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19:08:00 <dkayiwa> wluyima: for each encounter
19:08:10 <dkayiwa> wluyima: which can have many obs groups
19:08:12 <suranga> wluyima, umm.. no. you call dkayiwa 's template once per encounter
19:08:34 <suranga> wluyima, we're trying to make your job very easy here :P
19:09:03 <suranga> wluyima, dkayiwa , if you look at the excel sheet i sent, you need to call only three templates...
19:09:12 <suranga> Rafals patient (In blue)
19:09:26 <suranga> Daniels OBR-enc (in green)
19:09:35 <suranga> hl7qry 38 (in orange)
19:10:03 <suranga> wluyima, and make sure your template starts ends with our message tags.
19:10:09 <wluyima> suranga, ok
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19:11:12 <suranga> rafa, commented on pull/37
19:11:21 <rafa> suranga: thx
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19:13:43 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, got it, form fields order has changed :)
19:14:08 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: oh goodeth!!! :D
19:14:25 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, hehehe :)
19:14:36 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, that's great
19:14:58 <dkayiwa> :)
19:15:26 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, let me ask you this
19:15:54 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, which component is responsible for generation xform xml text ?
19:16:38 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: XformBuilderEx and XformBuilder
19:17:02 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, thanks
19:18:59 <wluyima> suranga, , do you know the name of the patient result segment
19:19:29 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: do you know how to run in debug mode?
19:19:46 <mvorobey> ?debug in url
19:20:08 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, or debug from eclipse ? :)
19:20:08 <suranga> wluyima, this is your template(What youre writing now, isnt it ?)
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19:20:20 <suranga> wluyima, ive suggested to name it 'Generic Patient Result'
19:20:23 <wluyima> suranga, i.e the hl7 entity
19:20:26 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: as running the module in debug mode
19:20:40 <wluyima> suranga, the hl7 entity
19:20:49 <suranga> wluyima, do you mean the entire ORURo1 message ?
19:20:51 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, no, please, teach me
19:21:12 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: normal browser url, but when you can step into module in eclipse?
19:22:24 <wluyima> suranga, forintance some templare are PVI or PID or OBR-ENC, what is the one for patient result?
19:23:04 <suranga> wluyima, mm.... the patient result template is the one u are writing right now
19:23:22 <wluyima> suranga, yeah
19:23:34 <wluyima> suranga, it is the one i have been working on
19:24:06 <suranga> wluyima, oh, I get you. its PATIENT_RESULT
19:24:31 <suranga> wluyima, sorry about that. took me a while to map what u said to the db table :(
19:24:53 <wluyima> suranga, cool thanks
19:25:43 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, if you're about debugging applications from eclipse using JPDA then I know how to do it, but if about debugging something special, then I need your help :)
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19:27:20 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: if am running the standalone, i use the instructions here:
19:27:22 <dkayiwa>
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19:27:42 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: under: How to run the embedded Tomcat in debug mode
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19:28:05 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, ah, I know how to do it, and ?
19:28:43 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: then you can step into methods called as you refresh in the form designer
19:29:13 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, ok, will do it, thanks
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19:36:19 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, but where to put breakpoint if we suing GWT-based form designer, there is no sources for it attached at all and I can not trace the request path. Can you point me how to be in this case ?
19:36:19 <mvorobey> suing = using
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19:44:04 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: you may not need to touch the GWT part for this ticket
19:44:16 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: looking at the code now ....
19:44:23 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, thanks
19:51:09 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa am a little confused what is the point in having OBR - ENC and PATIENT RESULT
19:51:45 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa OBR - ENC and PATIENT_RESULT are both encounters
19:52:37 <wluyima> suranga, dkayiwa seems to me like if we have PATIENT-RESULT, then we dont need OBR - ENC since it will be included already in PATIENT_RESULT
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20:12:39 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: sorry for taking long to get back to you
20:13:30 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, no no no, I was waiting for you!
20:13:32 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: was looking at it more deeply and discovered that you are actually right about the effects being a problem in the underlying pucforms widget (the GWT one)
20:14:31 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: i think comment on the ticket by saying that the underlying purcforms widget is the one which needs to be fixed
20:14:59 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, ok, will do it, thanks!
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20:21:03 <wluyima> hi bwolfe
20:21:18 <wluyima> hi suranga
20:21:26 <bwolfe> hi wluyima
20:22:46 <wluyima> bwolfe, for HLQRY-31, you do realise it says we include the OBS_ENC and PATIENT RESULTS why include OBS_ENC if PATIENTE_RESULTS includes all ancounters?
20:23:14 <bwolfe> !ticket HLQRY-31
20:23:15 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: [#HLQRY-31] Create the Generic Patient Result template which is called per each encounter - OpenMRS JIRA -
20:24:59 <wluyima> bwolfe, i guess i get the reason why
20:25:01 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, can you point me to the source code where we can find purcfroms widget ?
20:25:41 <wluyima> bwolfe, on the hand i take that back, i dont get
20:25:48 <dkayiwa> mvorobey:
20:26:26 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: but i think having to learn that code too may take you longer than you may need to have some tickets done by the end of the bug fixing lane
20:26:41 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: so i think you may as well choose another ticket :)
20:28:39 <wluyima> bwolfe, i guess what i dont seem to get is when creating the bindings, they seem to require a patient encounter and encounters, so from the list of ecounters which is the encounter? i know it this sounds vague
20:31:16 <bwolfe> wluyima, see this page ?
20:31:17 <bwolfe>
20:31:37 <bwolfe> you're making the "<ORU_R01.PATIENT_RESULT>" part
20:31:55 <bwolfe> the whole orur01 could have multiple <ORU_R01.PATIENT_RESULT> in it, but thats for the orur01 to decide
20:32:06 <bwolfe> this is a very simple template. don't overthink it. :-)
20:32:34 <bwolfe> so your template can expect to have an "encounter" object as the binding
20:33:24 <wluyima> bwolfe, i actually already finished it but the unit test is what am trying to put together and isn't making sense
20:41:09 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, commented on, please, have a look at it :)
20:41:28 <mvorobey> mseaton, hi, how it's going ?
20:41:46 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: ok
20:43:21 <dkayiwa> mvorobey: perfect!!! :)
20:43:32 <mvorobey> dkayiwa, thanks!
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20:48:47 <bwolfe> wluyima, how is it not making sense?
20:51:11 <wluyima> forintance in my test i have to add a encounter E to the bindings and the list of encounters L yet E is included in the list L, you see what i mean
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20:56:50 <bwolfe> wluyima, I don't get what you mean. can you push to your local repo and link me to the code?
20:57:09 <wluyima> sure
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21:25:11 <bwolfe> wluyima, why did you make a pull request? is it done?
21:25:46 <wluyima> yeah
21:26:10 <wluyima> bwolfe, there is a TODO i left because it depends on a ticket daniel is working on
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