IRC Chat : 2012-07-16 - OpenMRS

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07:38:06 <stanleyitkamer> Hello All
07:38:13 <stanleyitkamer> please I badly need help
07:38:26 <stanleyitkamer> with Building OpenMRS for the first time
07:38:34 <stanleyitkamer> can anybody help me please ?
07:40:54 <stanleyitkamer> Anybody in ?
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07:41:14 <stanleyitkamer> Hello?
07:42:34 <stanleyitkamer> This is the error I get so if anybody can read and help please ?
07:44:08 <magoo_> stanleyitkamer hi
07:44:20 <stanleyitkamer> hi
07:44:28 <stanleyitkamer> thanks magoo
07:45:03 <stanleyitkamer> I have a question on Building OpenMRS in Maven for the first time
07:45:12 <stanleyitkamer> can you kindly help out?
07:46:13 <magoo_> stanleyitkamer do you have all the requirements for building openmrs?
07:46:22 <stanleyitkamer> yes
07:46:24 <stanleyitkamer> I do
07:46:34 <stanleyitkamer> how can I send you the build report I got ?
07:47:27 <stanleyitkamer> It seems I cannot paste in this chat room?
07:48:13 <magoo_> stanleyitmaker go to
07:48:24 <stanleyitkamer> ok
07:50:02 <magoo_> stanleyitmaker check out this
07:50:17 <stanleyitkamer> thanks
07:50:25 <stanleyitkamer> I already checked that out
07:50:31 <stanleyitkamer> but did not get an answer
07:50:41 <stanleyitkamer> I have gone to
07:51:38 <stanleyitkamer> here is the link:
07:53:58 <stanleyitkamer> magoo please have you checked out the report?
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07:54:48 <stanleyitkamer> ops magoo is gone!
07:55:23 <stanleyitkamer> Anybody else to help me please?
07:56:25 *** rafa has joined #openmrs
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07:56:46 <stanleyitkamer> rafa Hi
07:56:56 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: hi
07:57:30 <stanleyitkamer> rafa thanks, please can you be of help to me as I try to build OpenMrs
07:57:33 <stanleyitkamer>
07:58:01 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: sure
07:58:12 <stanleyitkamer> rafa thanks so much
07:58:29 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: can you go to the /openmrs-api/target/surefire-reports and see what files you have there?
07:59:05 <stanleyitkamer> rafa ok, let me do so now
07:59:05 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: sorry the path is C:\Users\stanleym\workspace\openmrs\api\target\surefire-reports
08:00:23 <stanleyitkamer> rafa please how do I sned u the files
08:00:28 <stanleyitkamer> which are here ?
08:00:51 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: can you sort them by size and open the biggest one ending with .txt?
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08:01:11 <stanleyitkamer> rafa ok
08:01:15 <stanleyitkamer> let me do so
08:01:28 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you can just pastebin its content
08:04:22 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: there you go btw thanks so much already:
08:05:26 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it's xml, do you have any txt?
08:05:40 <stanleyitkamer> yes yes
08:05:46 <stanleyitkamer> let me check sorry
08:07:35 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: here you go:
08:08:06 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: great
08:08:13 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it's a known problem
08:08:32 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: great
08:08:32 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: do you use the latest trunk?
08:08:53 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: what exactly do you mean
08:08:56 <stanleyitkamer> ?
08:09:04 <stanleyitkamer> I downloaded it yesteday
08:09:09 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: have you just checked out the code from svn?
08:09:11 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: okay good
08:09:27 <stanleyitkamer> ys
08:09:28 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I'll mark this test as ignored and enter a ticket to fix it
08:09:30 <stanleyitkamer> yes
08:09:44 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: give me 10 minutes
08:09:52 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Thanks so much
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08:18:50 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Done. Can you update from svn and build again?
08:20:09 <stanleyitkamer> ok
08:20:19 <stanleyitkamer> let me do so thanks
08:20:30 <stanleyitkamer> so u mean I should actually check on the files again?
08:20:50 <stanleyitkamer> or how do I update from the svn?
08:20:55 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: how did you check out the code?
08:21:03 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: did you use a command line or some tool?
08:21:07 <stanleyitkamer> using Maven
08:21:13 <stanleyitkamer> a tool Maven
08:21:21 <stanleyitkamer> I am using windows
08:21:24 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: maven is for building the project
08:21:31 <stanleyitkamer> ahh sorry
08:21:31 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: how did you get the code?
08:21:34 <stanleyitkamer> Eclipes
08:21:38 <rafa> ok
08:21:48 <stanleyitkamer> yes
08:21:58 <rafa> so right click on the main project and do team -> update to head
08:22:09 <stanleyitkamer> ok
08:23:43 <stanleyitkamer> to be sure shoudl that be right click-maven-update project configuration?
08:25:46 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I have seen update to rivision, but not update to head
08:25:50 <stanleyitkamer> are they thesame?
08:26:44 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes, you should be able to select the latest revision later in the dialog window
08:29:18 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I have updated
08:29:35 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Should I now build again?
08:29:39 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes
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08:32:36 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I am building please 5mins will give you the resutls
08:32:53 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: great
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08:38:07 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: finished building
08:38:18 <stanleyitkamer> seeems to have same errors
08:38:45 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: can you pastebin the same file?
08:39:06 <stanleyitkamer> ok
08:39:11 <stanleyitkamer> let me do so 1min
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08:41:36 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: here you go :
08:42:28 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: these are different errors...
08:42:38 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: strange you have them
08:43:49 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: ok so the other errors were solved?
08:44:02 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes
08:44:16 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you're using java 1.7 right?
08:44:55 <stanleyitkamer> yes
08:44:57 <stanleyitkamer> yes
08:45:02 <stanleyitkamer> can that be the probelm?
08:45:20 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it may be
08:45:28 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: we're still working against 1.6
08:45:53 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I have 1.7 installed too so I can test it
08:46:07 <stanleyitkamer> i c
08:46:09 <stanleyitkamer> ok
08:46:10 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: see if I have the same problem
08:46:21 <stanleyitkamer> so should I let you try ?
08:46:25 <stanleyitkamer> and lest see?
08:46:34 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes, I'm building it right now
08:46:48 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Ok great!
08:52:31 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: failed for me on 1.7 as well
08:52:53 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I don't think it can be fixed quickly
08:53:01 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I'll enter a ticket
08:53:10 <stanleyitkamer> rafa ok
08:53:21 <stanleyitkamer> so i should go in for java 1.6
08:53:22 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: meanwhile you should use jdk 1.6
08:53:37 <stanleyitkamer> ok let me download and instlall just now
08:55:56 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Thanks so much for your help in the maintime
08:56:15 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you're welcome
08:56:26 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: btw what brings you to OpenMRS?
08:56:54 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Thanks for asking
08:57:25 <stanleyitkamer> I own IT-Company in my country Cameroon
08:57:50 <stanleyitkamer> and we are very intesrested in deploying workflow solutions in hospitals there
08:58:45 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: sounds great! so you're just starting?
08:59:06 <stanleyitkamer> rafa
08:59:08 <stanleyitkamer> yes
08:59:18 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: have you made contact with some existing implementations?
08:59:34 <stanleyitkamer> not yet
08:59:41 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you should post your use case to the implementers list
09:00:11 <stanleyitkamer> we want to do so
09:00:51 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I am sure you will get valuable feedback from other folks
09:01:07 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: do not hesitate to do it!
09:01:11 <stanleyitkamer> i will dear
09:01:20 <stanleyitkamer> we have a motivated team
09:01:36 <stanleyitkamer> for now we want to understand how it works
09:01:37 <stanleyitkamer> well
09:01:49 <stanleyitkamer> and then contact others to get their advice
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09:04:57 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Great! We
09:05:10 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: We're looking forward to your contribution!
09:05:47 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Remember you can help us shape the system :)
09:07:15 <stanleyitkamer> yes
09:07:21 <stanleyitkamer> rafa:
09:07:30 <stanleyitkamer> we have a young and motivated team
09:07:42 <stanleyitkamer> they are very excited about the project
09:07:45 <stanleyitkamer> 2 a medical doctors
09:07:55 <stanleyitkamer> myseld I did a PhD in Medical Informatics
09:08:49 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Really exciting!
09:09:25 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Please can you tell me how I can point eclipse to java 1.6
09:09:59 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: go to windows -> preferecnes -> java -> installed jres -> add...
09:10:04 <stanleyitkamer> I am actually a c++ programmer and have never used eclipse sorry for silly questions
09:10:17 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you can delete jdk 1.7 and add only jdk 1.6
09:10:35 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: this way you'll be sure the right one will be used
09:11:25 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it's ok. We help many people like you :)
09:12:51 <stanleyitkamer> thanks
09:13:03 <stanleyitkamer> just did so
09:13:05 <stanleyitkamer> waoo
09:13:15 <stanleyitkamer> honestly that was one of the reasons we choosed openmrs
09:13:28 <stanleyitkamer> bc we know there is great help
09:13:34 <stanleyitkamer> you guys are so great in support
09:13:48 <stanleyitkamer> ok now that you are still here
09:14:05 <stanleyitkamer> let me build and lets see if it works with java 1.6
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09:15:40 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I am building my fingers are crossed for it to work!
09:16:28 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: works for me ;)
09:16:56 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: lets see for me
09:17:12 <stanleyitkamer> Rafa: So how do you use OpenMrs
09:17:13 <stanleyitkamer> ?
09:17:32 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I'm a core developer
09:17:42 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: wao
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09:17:44 <stanleyitkamer> exciting
09:18:08 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: so I don't work for any specific implementation
09:18:12 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I will therefore keep much contact with you
09:18:42 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I spent some time testing OpenMrs
09:18:51 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: there are a few of us around
09:19:06 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: and other open EHRs
09:19:25 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I will say it was easy to make the choice of OpenMrs
09:20:52 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes, we're standing out of the crowds ;)
09:21:16 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: btw there's an implementers meeting in October
09:21:39 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it's a great chance to discuss and learn about other implementations
09:22:02 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: we may have some workshops and even a hackathon
09:23:09 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: yes
09:23:20 <stanleyitkamer> I will really like to attend some of the workshops
09:23:41 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: If I may ask why the choice of java?
09:24:12 <stanleyitkamer> rafa:Yopiiiiiiiiiii
09:24:14 <stanleyitkamer> it works
09:24:32 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it's mainstream for enterprise applications
09:24:44 <stanleyitkamer> ya
09:24:47 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: has great open source libraries
09:24:48 <stanleyitkamer> rafa you are right
09:24:50 <stanleyitkamer> ok
09:24:55 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Now it works
09:25:01 <stanleyitkamer> where do I go from here
09:25:08 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: good
09:25:16 <stanleyitkamer> do I get to run the code and see the results it produces?
09:26:16 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: have you followed: ?
09:26:17 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:26:39 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: yes
09:26:48 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: so there's also
09:26:50 <stanleyitkamer> thats where I was until I got stuck
09:26:57 <stanleyitkamer> until you were of great help
09:27:04 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: it explains how to start a server
09:27:09 <stanleyitkamer> ok
09:27:27 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: we use jetty for development
09:27:40 <stanleyitkamer> rafa:so the next step will be to start a server?
09:28:09 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes, so that you have the app running
09:29:02 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Thanks let me read about that and then do it
09:32:41 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I am running now lets see the results
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09:38:14 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Are you still there?
09:38:22 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes
09:40:27 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: in order to see what this code doesdo i follow the run configuration instructions?
09:40:57 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: That is the :How to Run Web Application?
09:41:25 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: did you run mvn jetty:run?
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09:42:33 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: no
09:42:42 <stanleyitkamer> its not in the instructions here
09:42:51 <stanleyitkamer> how/why should I do that
09:42:53 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: from eclipse you right click on the webapp project and do -> debug as -> maven build... -> specify goal: jetty:run
09:43:10 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: then click debug
09:43:29 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: the application will start in a debug mode within eclipse
09:43:43 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: when it's ready you'll be able to go to localhost:8080/openmrs
09:45:09 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: then click debug here u mean run
09:45:19 <stanleyitkamer> bc I cannot see debug i can only see run
09:45:29 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes, sorry
09:45:33 <stanleyitkamer> ok
09:45:35 <stanleyitkamer> great
09:45:47 <stanleyitkamer> running now
09:46:20 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: when it says jetty started you can go to the web browser
09:46:29 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: and enter the url
09:47:18 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Do you mean when it says this: [INFO] Started Jetty Server
09:47:26 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: yes
09:47:54 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Ok now i go to the web browser and enter which URL
09:48:05 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: http://localhost:8080/openmrs
09:48:42 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Ok have done that
09:49:22 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Should i choose the testing option?
09:50:19 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: I tend to pick advanced, but any option is fine
09:50:26 <stanleyitkamer> ok great
09:50:31 <stanleyitkamer> i will take advanced
10:01:55 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: everything is at 100% now
10:02:48 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: the wizard say installation is in progress
10:03:10 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: when it's really done it should take you to the login page
10:03:30 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: you just need to wait, the application may be refreshing right now
10:04:03 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: I c
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10:45:22 <applecool> hi rafa
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10:45:27 <rafa> applecool: hi
10:45:40 <applecool> i dint start the work yet
10:46:37 <rafa> applecool: you mean you haven't started with the task at all?
10:46:53 <rafa> applecool: or you just didn't work yet today
10:47:40 <applecool> no! sick from day before ! got struck with viral
10:47:57 <applecool> will start it today anyhow in the night
10:48:48 <rafa> applecool: ok, take care
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10:49:52 <applecool> i will complete,i will commit and ping you rafa
10:49:55 <applecool> is it okay
10:50:32 <rafa> applecool: yes
10:50:46 <applecool> Thanks rafa :)
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11:13:38 <stanleyitkamer> rafa:sorry i went for a break
11:13:49 <stanleyitkamer> had to pick up my daughter from school
11:14:08 <stanleyitkamer> had wanted to keep a copy of my chat with you
11:14:13 <stanleyitkamer> kinda lost it
11:14:16 <stanleyitkamer> do u still have it
11:14:20 <stanleyitkamer> ?
11:14:31 <dkayiwa> stanleyitkamer: IRC Logs :)
11:15:03 <stanleyitkamer> dkayiwa: smiles but dont understand
11:15:12 <rafa> stanleyitkamer:
11:15:26 <dkayiwa> stanleyitkamer: :D
11:15:36 <stanleyitkamer> Rafa: Thanks so much
11:18:12 <stanleyitkamer> dkayiwa: still dont understand but thanks anyhow
11:18:39 <dkayiwa> stanleyitkamer: was referring to the link rafa gave you :)
11:19:02 <stanleyitkamer> dkayiwa: sorry thanks realy thanks
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11:42:22 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Do you know anybody who is deploying OpenMRS for commercial purposes ?
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11:44:07 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Joaquín Blaya
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11:45:18 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: If I remember right he's from Chile
11:45:38 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: Thanks
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12:11:39 <stanleyitkamer> Rafa: its impressive what he has been doing
12:11:49 <stanleyitkamer> I will try and get in contact with him
12:14:41 <rafa> stanleyitkamer: Great. Please try to have conversations on the mailing list, even if it's addressed directly to a person so that others can chime in or benefit from your discussion :)
12:20:36 <stanleyitkamer> rafa: yeah I will do so
12:23:26 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Hey Ben you there
12:23:40 <bwolfe> yep
12:23:44 <bwolfe> want to chat about func tests?
12:24:07 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: yep
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12:31:41 <suranga> hi bwolfe . sorry to inturrput, please let me know when you are done :-)
12:32:05 <bwolfe> no interruptions done. kishoreyekkanti hasn't asked me anything yet. :-)
12:32:21 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Oh i'm waiting for you to reply ;)
12:32:43 <bwolfe> what am I to reply?
12:33:10 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: something like "go ahead" :-P . Fine any ways heres the question
12:33:19 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: go to
12:33:19 <bwolfe> "go ahead"
12:33:22 <bwolfe> :-)
12:33:27 * bwolfe goes
12:33:40 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: it says no failed tests found bout possible compilation error and the build fails
12:34:09 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I'm not sure how to resolve this. Let me tell you the whole scenario once.
12:34:38 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Bamboo will not be able to parse jbehave xml file and hence can't decide if the build is pass or fail
12:35:30 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: So, we need to convert jbehave xml to something like junit xml which could be understanded by bamboo. So, i've did the transformation (xsl) from behave to junit xml
12:36:11 <kishoreyekkanti> kishoreyekkanti: Now bamboo shows this error. I don't know exactly why it complains about the compilation failure.
12:36:26 <bwolfe> talking to yourself now? ;-)
12:36:28 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Now bamboo shows this error. I don't know exactly why it complains about the compilation failure.
12:36:50 <bwolfe> I am looking at your task setup
12:36:56 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: In the stack trace i can see the server is not stopped smoothly. But thats not a failure.
12:37:00 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: ok!
12:37:07 <bwolfe> I don't see where the tests are actually run
12:37:22 <bwolfe> I see source code checkout, then 4 scripts, then junit parser call
12:38:07 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: they are ran as part of the 3 script "export display and run the maven tasks"
12:38:44 <bwolfe> ah ok, didn't scroll right there.
12:39:03 <bwolfe> do you need to set up any artifacts so that the files aren't cleaned out?
12:39:43 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Hmm.. might be not sure. I can try that
12:41:10 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Not sure about what kind of artifacts i can create here. Do you want me to create all the xmls(output of the test execution)
12:44:06 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, thats definitely one thing.
12:44:24 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, which task is actually failing?
12:44:37 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: None of the tasks are failing
12:44:51 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Bamboo reports that there would be a possible compilation error
12:44:57 <bwolfe> it'd be easier if these were separate jobs, then you can see which failed. however, then you have to worry about how to transfer data/output from one job to the next
12:45:21 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: When i look at the log, it shows me a stack trace when the server is shutting down.
12:46:58 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: "exporting the display" and running the maven tasks should be part of the single script. Else launching the firefox browser would not be possible
12:47:29 <bwolfe> ok
12:49:06 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I've created the artifacts. Have a look at it
12:49:21 <bwolfe> are you looking in the right dir? I see "**/target/jbehave/TEST*.xml"
12:49:27 <bwolfe> perhaps that needs to drop stars?
12:49:31 <bwolfe> or hte target?
12:50:02 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: oops. yet. let me edit it
12:50:21 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, is there a way to turn up logging so you know where it is looking exactly
12:51:02 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: hmm. not sure. I've copied the format from the pipeline of Junit 1.9.x
12:52:31 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: not sure about how we can enable logging
12:55:12 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I've edited it and i think that should work.
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12:56:23 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, looks the same to me...
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12:57:36 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I guess it means in the location "release-test/target/jbehave", copy all the files(even sub directories, which starts with TEST and have an extension of .xml) **/TEST*.xml . Isn't it?
12:58:04 <bwolfe> I think so
12:58:18 <bwolfe> but if the base dir is different, then you might be off
13:01:49 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, are you going to run it again?
13:01:58 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Yep just triggered it
13:02:12 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Do you have any thing to add to the config?
13:02:19 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, not really
13:02:30 <bwolfe> suranga, want to talk about hl7output?
13:04:57 <suranga> hi bwolfe yeps :)
13:05:07 <bwolfe> "go ahead"
13:05:15 <bwolfe> ;-)
13:05:22 <suranga> bwolfe, I just saw your email on the subject.. I had kinda assumed that it was called 'hl7-output"
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13:05:40 <suranga> bwolfe, do we need to discuss this name with the others ?
13:05:51 <bwolfe> suranga, if you are putting it in the org.openmrs.module package, yes
13:06:58 <suranga> bwolfe, we will be doing that, wont we ? should I drop an email to ?
13:07:14 <bwolfe> yes
13:07:20 <bwolfe> just the standard procedure
13:07:29 <suranga> bwolfe, cool, will do so
13:07:38 <bwolfe> I assume hl7output will be fine. but they might insist on hl7query or something
13:07:53 <bwolfe> datalookupinhl7format
13:07:55 <bwolfe> :-D
13:08:12 <suranga> bwolfe, :P
13:08:15 <suranga> bwolfe, bwolfe, so I was told that the sprint will run between 30th july to 12th August ?
13:08:35 <suranga> bwolfe, and that all of you guys would be available for it ? :)
13:09:13 <bwolfe> thats the plan
13:09:14 <bwolfe>
13:09:24 <bwolfe> so we need to come up with 10-15 units of work and put those into tickets
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13:10:18 <suranga> bwolfe, michael hasnt created the jira project for me yet, so I've written up some tickets on MSword
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13:10:26 <bwolfe> suranga, what do you think they will be? they can depend one after the other if need-be.
13:10:31 <bwolfe> suranga, cool, can you send me that doc?
13:10:52 <suranga> cool... can u give me about 10 minutes ? they are still under constrcution :)
13:11:12 <bwolfe> I just want to see the titles, I don't need the descriptions yet
13:13:44 <suranga> bwolfe, unfortunately, they have just detailed titles so far... i have about 10% more to write down ...
13:14:00 <bwolfe> suranga, just send 'em now. :-)
13:14:12 <bwolfe> I won't judge. and I can guess at what else you will write
13:14:30 <suranga> bwolfe, ok... will mail you :)
13:15:02 * bwolfe furiously clicks the refresh button in his inbox
13:15:59 <suranga> bwolfe, its all yours :-)
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13:21:00 <bwolfe> suranga, ok, some of the basic framework stuff you will want done. like ticket 1.
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13:21:19 <suranga> bwolfe, aha, yep. I understand
13:21:34 <suranga> bwolfe, do you see anything I have overlooked ?
13:21:43 <bwolfe> still looking
13:21:44 <suranga> bwolfe, I need unit testss
13:22:12 <bwolfe> yes, but make those part of the other tickets. don't make a special "create unit tests" ticket
13:23:42 <bwolfe> suranga, why are you pulling the encounter through restws? why can't the oruor1generator class just know about encounter objects? (did I miss something int he discussions?)
13:23:55 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: If you have access to the bamboo machine can you please login and send me the xml files generated in the build location?
13:24:10 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, didn't you create the artifacts?
13:24:27 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: yep. But how to access them from the web?
13:24:31 <bwolfe>
13:24:38 <bwolfe>
13:24:45 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Awesome! thanks
13:24:54 <suranga> bwolfe, Dr. burke wanted us to interact with the openMRS core using the webservices module, correct ? thats what I understood from our conversations ...
13:24:57 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, looks like your junit output is bad.
13:25:13 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Yeah looking into it now
13:25:15 <suranga> bwolfe, I myself am not sure as to exactly why we need to do this :(
13:25:34 <bwolfe> suranga, which converstation was this? do we have notes on it?
13:25:42 * suranga goes to look
13:31:32 <suranga> bwolfe, reporting back. I cant find it on our notes, but the decisions seems to have been made on the 11th JUly. I have mentioned this in two mails to the dev list . one of them was on an 'action list' to work on after that call...
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13:32:18 <suranga> bwolfe, maybe darius could have confirmed :(
13:33:25 <bwolfe> suranga, what is the exact test for me to search for that email?
13:33:30 <bwolfe> I don't see an "action list" text
13:33:53 <suranga> bwolfe, the title was : Updated Agenda For July 11th Design Call
13:34:29 <suranga> bwolfe, I have mailed a response to this on the 12th july...
13:35:14 <bwolfe> I see it now
13:35:20 <bwolfe> "2. The hl7 output module will interact with the rest module. It will retrieve JSON objects, and pass them into the hl7 output module. hl7 output will process these into hl7 messages (xml or pipe delimited format)"
13:35:51 <suranga> bwolfe, thats the only written evidence I can find, im afraid :(
13:36:59 <bwolfe> I see darius wrote "Effectively, pull data with REST web services, and transform that into an HL7 message." in the notes for that day.
13:39:28 <suranga> bwolfe, sorry, I got RYan talking to me on another window :)
13:39:58 <suranga> bwolfe, so I guess we will need to use REST ? this actully makes things a bit harder
13:40:24 <wyclif> hi bwolfe ]
13:40:33 <bwolfe> suranga, right
13:40:35 <bwolfe> hi wyclif
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13:41:27 <suranga> bwolfe, umm... so far i've created 9 tickets... should I try breaking these into smaller pieces ?
13:41:51 <bwolfe> suranga, yes, probalby. and the tasks should be as independent as possible
13:41:58 <wyclif> bwolfe, who is in the swimlane and curating tickets this week?
13:42:14 <bwolfe> because when 3-4 people are working, you don't want them stepping on the toes of others. (or waiting for someone to finish)
13:42:20 <bwolfe> wyclif, you, me, and dkayiwa
13:42:31 <bwolfe>
13:42:43 <suranga> bwolfe, i dont think it will be a very hard sprint for our our guys, dont you think ?
13:42:57 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, have you been editing tickets? I haven't see any fly across my inbox, but I might not be watching a few tickets...
13:43:09 <bwolfe> suranga, they're all about the same. :-)
13:43:11 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: which tickets?
13:44:06 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, curating tickets.
13:44:12 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, what have you been working on today?
13:44:26 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: TRUNK-3319
13:44:31 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-3319
13:44:32 <suranga> bwolfe, I will be sending that email soon, and then I have to go look at some stuff for wayne. I assume Michael will create the jira project and let me know ?
13:44:35 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3319] Person attribute autofill shows nothing if concept name doesnt exist in users language - OpenMRS JIRA -
13:45:59 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, ok, I guess we didn't send out an update about who is doing what this week
13:46:37 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: i thought am working on the bug fixing sprint led by rafa :)
13:47:20 <bwolfe> suranga, some other tasks: create wiki page. update restws module so that these json resources can be called programmatically
13:48:12 <suranga> hi bwolfe sorry... could you please elaborate on " update restws module so that these json resources can be called programmatically"
13:48:38 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, that is the correct thing to do based on the spring schedule page. :-)
13:48:52 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: though i added myself there :)
13:49:00 <suranga> bwolfe, I think I had created a ticket for that task. do you want me to take care of that prior to the spring start ?
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13:55:38 <rafa> dkayiwa: you've volunteered :D bwolfe: I'm confused who is working on the bug fixing sprint too...
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13:56:48 <rafa> bwolfe: I just know I lead it, but not sure who are volunteers ;)
13:57:49 <dkayiwa> rafa: do you mean i have turned bwolfe into a volunteer? :)
13:58:14 <bwolfe> I always volunteer
13:58:14 <rafa> dkayiwa: no I mean you're a volunteer ;)
13:58:37 <rafa> bwolfe: very well :D
13:58:50 <bwolfe> rafa, its you, perhaps mykola, and then others that come and ask to help.
13:59:05 <bwolfe> for curating its daniel, me, and wyclif. we need to get trunk tickets organized asap
13:59:35 <dkayiwa> rafa: do you mean i was not supposed to work on the bug fixing sprint? :)
13:59:52 <bwolfe> no, you weren't, but oh well. finish up that ticket then work on curating.
14:00:06 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: ok :)
14:00:26 <dkayiwa> no wonder, i had not seen my name listed :)
14:00:58 <cpower> Hello!
14:02:04 <shortend> Hey, does anyone know if there exists any kind of guide for gathering the required concepts and metadata for a new OpenMRS site?
14:02:48 <wyclif> dkayiwa, noticed that too and asked ben, but i recall he sent out an email last week though i only mentioned himself and i
14:03:16 <cpower> It's time to do the daily Scrum are we ready!
14:03:21 <bwolfe> shortend, there was a "concept 101" wiki page at some point detailing out some projects did that
14:03:25 <dkayiwa> wyclif: ok :)
14:03:32 <bwolfe> cpower, was that a statement or a question?
14:03:44 <cpower> yes
14:03:48 <bwolfe> because if you command me to be ready, I'll be ready
14:04:31 <cpower> Thanks for confirming my suspicions about you...
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14:04:37 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:04:37 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:04:46 *** bwolfe is now known as seapower
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14:05:09 * bwolfe wants to be like cpower
14:05:25 * bwolfe grows a goatee
14:05:47 <cpower> So Dkayiwa is the only one here from the scheduled sprint
14:06:01 <cpower> oh and lakkarau
14:06:09 <rafa> oh and me
14:06:11 <rafa> ;)
14:06:24 <cpower> well you just sneaked in
14:06:30 <cpower> fine, fine..
14:06:47 <lakkarau> cpower:good morning
14:06:50 <cpower> Order, Rafa, dkayiwa, Lakkarau
14:07:07 <rafa> Friday (missed scrum):
14:07:07 <rafa> * Prepared more tickets for the sprint
14:07:07 <rafa> * Fixed some 1.8 tests in MDS (still some remain...)
14:07:07 <rafa> * Continued with more 1.9 tests in MDS
14:07:07 <rafa> Today:
14:07:08 <rafa> * IRC "call desk"
14:07:08 <rafa> * Entered
14:07:09 <rafa> + TRUNK-3596: SchedulerServiceTest:shouldAllowTwoTasksInitMethodsToRunConcurrently fails randomly
14:07:09 <rafa>
14:07:10 <rafa> * Maybe finally merge the 1.9-support branch in MDS.
14:07:10 <rafa> * Some sprint tickets.
14:07:10 <rafa> No blockers.
14:07:38 <bwolfe> cpower, wyclif, dkayiwa, and myself are doing the "ticket curation swim lane". it doesn't seem to be listed on the sprint schedule page though
14:07:58 <cpower> not on the page doesn't exist ;-)
14:08:30 <wyclif> bwolfe, we are doing ticket curation and bug fixing swimlane, right?
14:08:33 <cpower> but I guess we will let them give an update saying "Curating tickets and I need help with X"
14:09:11 <cpower> dkayiwa go!
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14:09:37 <rafa> wyclif: are you on oscon? :D
14:09:47 <cpower> focus people
14:09:51 <wyclif> rafa, no
14:09:53 <rafa> cpower: sorry
14:10:08 <cpower> dkayiwa, your up
14:10:45 <dkayiwa> about to commit TRUNK-3319
14:10:56 <dkayiwa> started rather late. so will be working late today :)
14:10:59 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:11:16 <lakkarau> nothing much from my side Friday:worked on XFRM-79
14:12:42 <cpower> so I'll take it there was no blockers on your one ticket?
14:12:53 <cpower> What's your plan for today?
14:13:02 <lakkarau> no blockers
14:13:18 <dkayiwa> cpower: i guess you are asking me??? :)
14:13:31 <rafa> dkayiwa: I take you have some ticket to review from the xforms sprint
14:13:33 <cpower> No Lakkarau
14:13:37 <lakkarau> dkayiwa:sorry
14:14:02 <lakkarau> if i have interupted
14:14:16 <cpower> lakkarau, what is your plan for today?
14:14:33 <lakkarau> cpower:work on trunk issues
14:15:20 <cpower> ok Wyclif any issues in curating?
14:15:56 <wyclif> just have a question for bwolfe
14:16:15 <cpower> and finally bwolfe...
14:16:19 <wyclif> bwolfe, if the current sprint is a bug fixing sprint and we are in the bug fixing swilane too, then how different is that?
14:17:17 <bwolfe> wyclif, we are in th e"ticket curation" swim lane
14:18:07 <wyclif> bwolfe, so we are in the swimlane and working on current sprint tickets, right?
14:18:27 <bwolfe> wyclif, "curation" means "curate"
14:18:29 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:18:29 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:18:33 <bwolfe> which means "clean up"
14:18:42 <bwolfe>
14:18:47 <cpower> No blockers, and the discussion is happening as we speak.
14:18:51 <wyclif> bwolfe, i get that
14:19:04 <bwolfe> sorry, got a phone call and missed my update:
14:19:09 <bwolfe> Friday
14:19:09 <bwolfe> emails
14:19:09 <bwolfe> triaged trunk tickets
14:19:09 <bwolfe> applied TRUNK-3590, errorhandler ext
14:19:09 <bwolfe> review tickets for next week
14:19:10 <bwolfe> rg staff meeting
14:19:12 <bwolfe> planning call with pb
14:19:14 <bwolfe> call with anthony and chris
14:19:16 <bwolfe> Monday
14:19:18 <bwolfe> emails
14:19:20 <bwolfe> discuss sprint with suranga
14:19:22 <bwolfe> help kishore with func testing
14:19:24 <bwolfe> triaged 1 ticket
14:19:28 <bwolfe> reviewed permissions module for Ashley
14:19:30 <bwolfe> curate some tickets
14:19:32 <bwolfe> set up github migration tickets
14:19:34 <bwolfe> no lakkarau?
14:19:51 <wyclif> bwolfe, i was just confirming that we are working on the current sprint tickets
14:19:54 <cpower> she did, she just didn't have much
14:20:23 <wyclif> bwolfe, because i didnt see my name listed on the current sprint page
14:20:51 <bwolfe> wyclif, you are not working on the bug fixing swim lane
14:21:08 <bwolfe> you will be cleaning up tickets and doing github migration stuff with daniel and me
14:21:34 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
14:24:55 *** lakkarau has quit IRC
14:25:41 <bwolfe> I have asked kiran to send out an email explaining this week. we forgot to do that last week. :-(
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14:41:07 <pushkar> bwolfe, hi
14:41:10 <bwolfe> hey
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15:28:25 <wyclif> bwolfe, what do we have to do as part of the migration to git process? besides moving over the code?
15:29:54 <wyclif> bwolfe, am justing trying to get the bigger picture of what we have to and how the 3 of us we are going to collaborate
15:33:38 <wyclif> bwolfe, ?
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16:10:37 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Welcome to #OSCON! Meet up with us this week to learn how we're saving lives with #opensource #HealthIT. #ICT4D #HFOSS <>
16:13:22 <bwolfe> wyclif, just work on curating tickets until I get the git migration tickets done
16:13:45 <bwolfe> wyclif, we'll collaborate on the git stuff. getting tickets cleaned up is important for this sprint though (cc dkayiwa)
16:13:49 <bwolfe> clean clean clean
16:14:02 <dkayiwa> ok
16:14:05 <bwolfe> so hopefully we have no "Needs Assessment" tickets at the end of this
16:14:20 <bwolfe> and hopefully a lot of tickets have descriptions such that a newbie can figure out where to look/go/fix it
16:14:47 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok thanks!
16:15:09 <dkayiwa> ok
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16:31:52 <dkayiwa> hi bwolfe
16:32:10 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: i have a question on TRUNK-3319
16:32:13 <dkayiwa> !ticket TRUNK-3319
16:32:14 <OpenMRSBot> dkayiwa: [#TRUNK-3319] Person attribute autofill shows nothing if concept name doesnt exist in users language - OpenMRS JIRA -
16:32:44 <bwolfe> ask away
16:32:58 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: right on the ticket
16:34:29 *** cpower has quit IRC
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16:40:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @askanter: Primer on #openmrs. Thanks for the reminder, Daniel. <>
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16:48:05 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, answered, sorry, got distracted!
16:48:12 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: ok
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17:15:24 <wyclif> bwolfe, if i curate a ticket, added a commented and waiting for response what state should it be changed to?
17:16:21 <bwolfe> leave it in "waiting for information". you haven't "curated" it until its ready for work, all questions answered, theres a good description, some helpful tips for where to look for the dev, hours estimated, etc.
17:16:59 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok thanks
17:18:35 <bwolfe> djazayeri1, do you remember why we wanted the hl7output module to get json from restws and pass that json to the handlers? seems like an unnecessary step to complicate things quite a bit...
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17:43:14 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, looking good! now you have true failure output! :-)
17:43:34 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Yep yep!! thats very consoling :)
17:43:42 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I know how to fix those random errors.
17:43:54 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Hopefully we are very near to see the green build!
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17:44:15 <bwolfe> green++
17:44:41 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: latest issue i fixed the the generate xml. Change couple of xsl transformations.
17:44:52 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I guess i can submit this as a plugin to bamboo
17:48:16 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, yep! I'm sure lots of people will be happy with it
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18:28:11 <bwolfe> lakkarau, what are you working on today? You missed the scrum this morning
18:28:50 <lakkarau> bwolfe:i was in Scrum today
18:29:19 <lakkarau> bwolfe: i am working on TRUNK-3589 issue
18:30:33 <bwolfe> lakkarau, how did you come to pick that ticket? and did you finalize and/or comment and/or close out the xforms ticket?
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18:33:00 <lakkarau> bwolfe:XFRMs ticket i added a comment.
18:33:08 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Ok. Whats this now
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18:33:47 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: I see that all tests are passed
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18:46:56 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @praxagora: Interested in health care, at Open Source convention - Meet at table devoted to health at lunchtime each day (maybe not M ... <>
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18:57:57 <mvorobey> hi all
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18:58:30 <jriley> bwolfe, I'm thinking about mavenizing the jspexample module and bringing it up to the current versions of openmrsapi, spring, junit, etc. . Is this likely to cause problems for anyone?
18:58:44 <bwolfe> should be fine jriley
18:58:56 <jriley> ( a nickel says I'll be sorry I asked :)
18:59:01 <jriley> Thanks bwolfe
19:01:48 <jriley> bwolfe, if I branch the current code, would it make sense to name the current version for the openMRS api version it uses? (1.5x)
19:02:17 <bwolfe> 1.5.x or 1.5-compatible
19:02:25 <bwolfe> (I prefer the latter)
19:05:26 <bwolfe> wyclif, tickets done for the github migration. I cc'd you on a few of them, but then dropped doing that.
19:06:29 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
19:15:32 <bwolfe> wyclif, is there something you would prefer doing? would you prefer I do the trunk/core move?
19:16:59 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @mccallumg: @praxagora I'll be at the ignite #oscon event with others from #OpenMRS. Anyone from #Mitre #PopHealth here? <>
19:17:54 <wyclif> bwolfe, i can do that too
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19:19:49 <bwolfe> wyclif, have you moved any modules over yet?
19:20:59 <wyclif> bwolfe, nope
19:22:40 <wyclif> bwolfe, i think i can start with this, when i look at the migration wiki page, doesn 'tseem that complex
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19:27:36 <bwolfe> wyclif, start with trunk? hmm
19:28:04 <bwolfe> how about you do basicmodule? I'll start trunk migrating from buea or something
19:28:47 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
19:29:13 <bwolfe> wyclif, (I also want to delay doing trunk for a day to give people a chance to read/respond to my new dev email)
19:29:45 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
19:31:03 <bwolfe> lakkarau, how did you come to pick your ticket out?
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19:31:56 <lakkarau> bwolfe: i did not understand the above statement.
19:32:45 <bwolfe> lakkarau, why did you choose TRUNK-3589 today ?
19:33:25 <lakkarau> bwolfe:bcause i dont know what is the work assigned to me .
19:33:36 <bwolfe> lakkarau, and to answer your other question about: It is the CI plan for running the tests in the "openmrs-release" folder of openmrs trunk code. it runs openmrs and runs selenium tests against the UI
19:33:59 <bwolfe> lakkarau, ok.
19:34:09 <bwolfe> lakkarau, if you ever need something, you check with the current sprint.
19:38:24 <lakkarau> bwolfe:ok
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19:39:19 <bwolfe> click on this week's, read about the sprint, its topic, etc. then there is always a link to jira and for the jira homepage for the tickets for htat sprint
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