IRC Chat : 2012-07-04 - OpenMRS

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01:30:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: OpenMRS UI Framework 1.6 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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01:55:44 <suranga> hi bwolfe ..
01:55:51 <suranga> bwolfe, um... good evening...
01:56:00 <bwolfe> hi
01:56:03 <bwolfe> why the um?
01:58:56 <suranga> bwolfe, heloo... he hee... so I'm currently trying to get some discussion going on hl7 output, just so that we will be ready (and with a plan) by the time the sprint starts...
01:59:47 <bwolfe> good ideas
01:59:47 <suranga> bwolfe, we will be discussing this at next weeks design call as well... do you think we are on track to have good good design spec ready by the end of the month ? :)
02:01:43 <suranga> bwolfe, anything else I should be doing ?
02:01:57 <bwolfe> are you putting things discussion on the list onto the wiki?
02:02:23 <suranga> bwolfe, I guess you are pleased that I dont start my conversations off with 'err....' like I used to...
02:02:40 <suranga> bwolfe, oh yep, im tryong to cover all off that...
02:23:19 <suranga> hi bwolfe so I guess your silence means that there's nothing else I can do... of is it that you got caught up with something else :-)
02:23:35 <bwolfe> the latter
02:23:58 <bwolfe> keep bringing it up. keep listing the other types of messags. I didn't look at your oru one yet. where did you post that on the wiki?
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02:26:05 <suranga> bwolfe, oru is at :
02:26:21 <suranga> bwolfe, even more details on :
02:26:22 <suranga>
02:26:22 <suranga>
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02:33:02 <bwolfe> suranga, I don't see anything about "this column in the data model goes into this section of the message"
02:33:46 <suranga> bwolfe, ooops...
02:33:58 <suranga> bwolfe, umm.. arent the comments I put in detailed enough ?
02:35:02 <bwolfe> which comments?
02:35:31 <suranga> bwolfe, the MSH segment doesnt contain any data from our model
02:35:58 <suranga> bwolfe, for PID and PVI i've put in some.... :-)
02:38:38 <suranga> bwolfe, i guess (based on your comments) that I need to add more explanations :)
02:39:37 <bwolfe> suranga, and heed what graeme says. he's an hl7 guru
02:40:28 <suranga> bwolfe, oh yeah, I was reading up on him actually... I've been trying to follow what he says.. have I missed out anything ? :-(
02:41:07 <bwolfe> I dunno. just want you to think twice on what he says before saying otherwise. :-)
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03:09:09 <suranga> bwolfe, I was planning to write to graeme again, to ask about some other design plans. Will keep what you said in mind :)
03:11:48 <bwolfe> cool
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09:32:50 <gede> hi, we're at Thougtworks Melbourne working on stories for the Concept Proposal Module
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11:15:22 <dkayiwa> hi rafa
11:15:57 <rafa> dkayiwa: hey!
11:16:27 <rafa> dkayiwa: how is the trip? :)
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11:16:44 <dkayiwa> rafa: sorry about not getting back to you as quickly for the ticket comments. the internet connection here is terrible!!!
11:17:00 <dkayiwa> rafa: JIRA seems to take forever to load
11:17:01 <rafa> dkayiwa: it's ok
11:17:08 <dkayiwa> rafa: but IRC works well :)
11:17:14 <rafa> dkayiwa: can I ask you on IRC?
11:17:18 <rafa> dkayiwa: do you have time now?
11:17:28 <dkayiwa> rafa: now going for lunch
11:17:35 <dkayiwa> rafa: but will tell you when i come back :)
11:17:44 <rafa> dkayiwa: great, thx
11:17:50 <rafa> dkayiwa: bon appetit
11:17:59 <dkayiwa> rafa: mercie :)
11:18:36 <dkayiwa> rafa: i can answer a quick one about 1.9.0 javadocs. i did not use mvn release. i manually tagged in svn and released
11:19:08 <rafa> dkayiwa: didn't mvn release work for you?
11:19:31 <dkayiwa> rafa: we had some commits on 1.9.x which we did not want for 1.9.0
11:19:39 <rafa> dkayiwa: ohh ok
11:19:43 <rafa> dkayiwa: makes sense
11:19:49 <dkayiwa> rafa: so we wanted to use 1.9 RC4 as the 1.9.0 release
11:20:11 <dkayiwa> rafa: and i did not know of any way of doing that using mvn release stuff :)
11:20:26 <rafa> dkayiwa: I'm not sure if it's possible either
11:20:45 <dkayiwa> rafa: moreover am a maven newbie :)
11:20:59 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok see ya later
11:21:03 <rafa> dkayiwa: cya
11:21:13 <rafa> applecool: hi!
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11:21:29 <rafa> applecoo_: hi!
11:21:42 <applecoo_> hi rafa :|
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11:21:57 <rafa> applecoo_: why the sad face? :)
11:22:39 <applecoo_> test is not working rafa
11:22:52 <rafa> applecoo_: which one?
11:23:03 <applecoo_> new one which i wrote
11:23:11 <applecoo_> FileUploadControllerTest
11:23:18 <rafa> applecoo_: can I help?
11:23:30 <applecoo_> trying rafa
11:23:47 <applecoo_> i will try for another few minutes and if i dont get i will ask you
11:23:54 <rafa> applecoo_: fair enough
11:24:01 <rafa> applecoo_: how it the pagination thing?
11:24:08 <rafa> applecoo_: done?
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11:24:56 <applecoo_> you asked me to do the test . so didnt do that!
11:25:22 <rafa> applecoo_: ohh are you working on a test from yesterday?
11:25:49 <applecoo_> actually dint work yesterday evening after the scrum! broadband issues :(
11:26:07 <rafa> applecoo_: I see
11:26:25 <rafa> applecoo_: ok you have another 30 minutes for the test
11:26:32 <applecoo_> okay
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11:27:15 <applecool> rafa: do you want to see the test
11:27:18 <applecool> i have done it
11:27:25 <applecool> and its failing as you wanted in the steos
11:27:27 <applecool> steps
11:27:34 <applecool> first fail then pass
11:28:00 <applecool> please tell me whether i am doing it right! so that i can proceed further!
11:28:07 <rafa> applecool: sure
11:28:12 <applecool> rafa: shall i commit? or pastebin
11:28:28 <rafa> applecool: commit
11:33:27 <applecool> rafa: some 5 folders got created . i donno from where did they come
11:33:50 <rafa> applecool: names?
11:34:08 <applecool> gpsindex
11:34:29 <rafa> applecool: what is the path?
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11:35:03 <applecool> metadatarepository/gpsindex
11:35:21 <rafa> applecool: is it the full path?
11:35:27 <applecool> i committed the code
11:35:30 <applecool> yes i guess
11:37:10 <applecool> they are on the commit
11:41:57 <rafa> applecool: you need to pull
11:42:07 <applecool> okay
11:42:11 <rafa> applecool: those were lucene index files
11:42:16 <rafa> applecool: the path was incorrect
11:42:16 <applecool> oh
11:43:22 <applecool> fone
11:43:26 <applecool> sorry
11:43:29 <applecool> done *
11:44:31 <rafa> applecool: the test is all wrong
11:44:47 <rafa> applecool: I told you to test the onSubmit method
11:44:54 <rafa> applecool: not the showForm method
11:45:15 <applecool> yes
11:45:17 <applecool> just a sec
11:58:18 <applecool> rafa: can you please check now?
11:59:35 <rafa> applecool: why are you passing null to onSubmit?
11:59:39 <rafa> applecool: pkg is null
12:00:05 <rafa> applecool: you need to do: pkg = new MetadataPackage();
12:00:05 <applecool> uh oh
12:00:13 <rafa> applecool: and set all necessary values
12:00:20 <rafa> applecool: including a file
12:00:27 <rafa> applecool: it can be any file from the classpath
12:01:30 <rafa> applecool: typically you don't catch exceptions in tests
12:02:21 <rafa> applecool: also aside from testing that the result is redirect, you need to test the package was acutally saved
12:03:00 <rafa> applecool: i.e. you need to get the package with a packageManager.loadPackage() and make sure it has all the fields saved including the file
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12:30:03 <applecool> i am getting a null pointer exception while setting the user on the pkg
12:30:06 <applecool> how do i get the user object in the FileUploadControllerTest?
12:30:20 <rafa> applecool: from user manager
12:30:24 <applecool> i am using the UserManager.getUserByUsername("admin");
12:30:50 <rafa> applecool: have you autowired userManager?
12:30:57 <applecool> oh!
12:30:59 <applecool> no
12:35:37 <applecool> committed ! please check rafa
12:35:48 <applecool> i am still getting the null pointer exception
12:36:21 <rafa> applecool: id should be null, it's not yet saved
12:36:45 <rafa> applecool: I said get some file from the classpath not from your desktop :P
12:37:04 <applecool> classpath?
12:37:08 <rafa> applecool: getClass().getResourceAsStream()
12:37:15 <applecool> oh
12:37:38 <rafa> applecool: and you can get any file that is in scr/test/resources
12:37:47 <rafa> or src/main/resources
12:38:16 <rafa> applecool: I told you not to catch exceptions
12:38:34 <applecool> i was removing them rafa
12:38:41 <applecool> just kept them for now will remove them
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12:58:26 <applecool> once check rafa
12:58:44 <applecool> NPE again at fis.available();
12:58:47 <applecool> i donno y
12:59:15 <rafa> applecool: path is wrong
12:59:25 <rafa> applecool: you just say "sample-data.xml"
12:59:48 <rafa> applecool: and you actually should copy the data :P
12:59:57 <rafa> applecool: not just create a table
13:00:18 <applecool> i dint get you rafa
13:00:31 <applecool> what do you mean by copying the data ..
13:00:42 <rafa> applecool: all you do is creating an array byte[] data = new byte[fis.available()];
13:00:46 <rafa> applecool: which is empty
13:00:51 <rafa> applecool: not file in there
13:00:57 <rafa> applecool: you should copy the file
13:01:06 <rafa> applecool: into the array
13:02:31 <rafa> applecool: and you also need to call setRemoteUser("user") on the request before calling onSubmit
13:02:47 <rafa> applecool: because it's how onSubmit sets the user on the package
13:04:38 <rafa> applecool: more hints: use ByteArrayOutputStream instead of byte[]
13:05:01 <rafa> applecool: use IOUtils to copy from input to bytearrayoutputstream
13:05:16 <applecool> as in the download which i have done!
13:05:22 <applecool> ah dint realize that
13:05:27 <applecool> okay will do that :)
13:05:39 <applecool> Thanks a lot for the hints rafa
13:06:02 <applecool> need to go! its closing time at school! cya rafa
13:06:13 * applecool running
13:06:13 <rafa> applecool: cya
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16:20:32 <mvorobey> hi all
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17:40:20 <mvorobey> bwolfe, hi
17:40:46 <bwolfe> hi mvorobey
17:40:47 <mvorobey> bwolfe, please, accept my congrats with Independence Day!
17:40:53 <bwolfe> thanks!
17:40:58 <mvorobey> bwolfe,
17:41:00 <mvorobey> :)
17:41:07 <mvorobey> bwolfe, have a minute ?
17:41:52 <bwolfe> only a few. then I have to go. but will be back soon
17:42:25 <mvorobey> bwolfe, any ideas why openmrs works very slow in debug mode ?
17:42:42 <bwolfe> lots of logging
17:42:55 <bwolfe> or do you mean debugging with breakpoints?
17:43:43 <mvorobey> bwolfe, no, without breakpoints
17:44:00 <mvorobey> bwolfe, actually, log has a few entries
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18:14:43 <suranga> bwolfe, greetings :)
18:15:00 <suranga> bwolfe, are you present, or are you merry-making ? :)
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18:21:02 <bwolfe> suranga, present now
18:21:16 <bwolfe> mvorobey, but if you turn off debugging it goes quickly again?
18:21:54 <suranga> o bwolfe can you dig into your extensive experiance, and tell me if you have ever faced a situation where your @requestbody parameter was not getting set ?
18:22:32 <bwolfe> you mean @requestparam?
18:22:35 <mvorobey> bwolfe, yes, i moved to 1.9 and working in debug mode with this version and it works as fast as holiday passes :)
18:22:54 <suranga> bwolfe, Im posting several parameters ( its passed in via two @requestparams + one requestbody) for some reason, the requestbody always gets dropped :(
18:24:06 <bwolfe> suranga, how are you passing requestbody in?
18:24:21 <bwolfe> does the html form element have the enctype set on it?
18:24:33 <suranga> bwolfe, something like
18:24:34 <suranga> public Object createEncounters(
18:24:34 <suranga> @RequestBody String hl7,
18:24:34 <suranga> @RequestParam(value = "patientId", required = true) String patientId,
18:24:34 <suranga> @RequestParam(value = "idType", required = true) String idType,
18:24:34 <suranga> HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
18:24:35 <suranga> throws ResponseException, IOException {
18:24:43 <suranga> to test it, im using soapui...
18:25:39 <bwolfe> hmm, not sure. what does google say? I would guess you're passing it in wrong...
18:26:29 <suranga> bwolfe, in soap, im simply passing in these three parameters as strings...
18:27:35 <suranga> bwolfe, oh, google says this : The request's input stream is not valid in several situations, but I can't find the correct documentation for it at the moment. For example, if you call request.getParameter() on a post request, tomcat has to read the input stream in order to interpret the parameters, thus afterwards when you read the input stream, it is empty because it has reached the end already.
19:14:05 <bwolfe> suranga, does the @requestbody need to be the last parameter?
19:14:46 <suranga> bwolfe, nopz,,, I moved it to the very top, actually... :(
19:15:35 <suranga> bwolfe, how would you normally post a very large String using a requestbody ? :-)
19:18:08 <bwolfe> suranga, you can do it using curl
19:18:14 <bwolfe> see the restws wiki page for examples
19:18:36 <suranga> bwolfe, umm.. actually thats how I got away with it for so long... :P
19:18:52 <suranga> bwolfe, it works fine on curl, but not on soapui :(
19:19:08 <suranga> bwolfe, which Ryan just noticed :-)
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19:21:30 <bwolfe> suranga, so its a problem with what you're doing in soap then :-p
19:23:43 <suranga> bwolfe, for my post requests, im simply sending three name / value pairs
19:23:58 <suranga> thats right, isnt it ?
19:24:27 <bwolfe> suranga, for what?
19:25:10 <suranga> bwolfe, so my two requet param fields are contained in the url itself, so the other post variable im passing in, that goes in as a String / value pair...
19:38:10 <bwolfe> suranga, you mean the postbody string is a key/value pair?
19:38:38 <suranga> bwolfe, umm.. yes.. is that bad ?
19:38:56 <bwolfe> I dunno. you can put whatever you want in the postbody
19:43:58 <suranga> bwolfe, hmmmm
19:44:45 <suranga> bwolfe, dont worry about it... I'll try to figure out something... but I guess you should be outside buying fireworks :P
19:45:03 <suranga> bwolfe, ooops, almost mixed up independence day with guy fawks night :-)
19:45:16 <bwolfe> no rain here in weeks. fireworks are banned in most cities. :-(
19:48:10 <jordank> hi.. is there a way to have a back button in a jsp page without needing javascript?
19:49:18 <jordank> bwolfe, same here about the fireworks :/
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20:00:52 <bwolfe> jordank, you can have a button that submits to a controller and the controller redirect to a different page
20:05:57 <jordank> bwolfe, thanks, that sounds right. do you know where I might be able to find an example?
20:06:28 <bwolfe> jordank, hmm, all over?
20:06:42 <bwolfe> put a value on the submit button
20:07:08 <bwolfe> in the controller that accepts that post, look for the name+value of that button. if it exists, redirect instead of continuing
20:09:26 <jordank> bwolfe: oh okay, got it.. thank you
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