IRC Chat : 2012-05-14 - OpenMRS

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03:47:37 <every0ne> 'ello. gm.
04:01:35 <every0ne> my source check-out (trunk) finally completed; now i find myself seeing an error in addressLayout.jsp, and identical error in nameLayout.jsp
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04:25:16 <every0ne> hmz
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07:13:01 <ibewes> hello all!
07:14:14 <dkayiwa> hey ibewes
07:17:58 <Zouzou> hello
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09:25:21 <every0ne> 'lo dk
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09:52:02 <every0ne> any suggestions on how to build trunk in eclipse/galileo? it's looking for ant 1.8, and galileo bundles 1.7
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10:23:11 <ibewes> every0ne: sorry... love to help but I'm using IntelliJ
10:24:35 <every0ne> ibewes: no worries (+: thanks anyhow
10:28:55 <allen6machary> hello
10:30:11 <every0ne> 'lo
10:35:20 <ibewes> allen6machary: howdy!
10:35:29 <allen6machary> run openmrs-webapp 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT on jetty server . on initial setup it's asking for OpenMRS Username and password , it there a default user for this
10:36:11 <ibewes> allen6machary: I think it is usually admin:test
10:36:44 <allen6machary> tried it , but failed
10:37:25 <ibewes> ah... sorry, not sure then
10:37:41 <Alexis_MSF> Admin123 maybe ?
10:39:29 <allen6machary> that too.. doesn't work
10:43:33 <Alexis_MSF> hmm usually in the set up, it's admin:test
10:45:09 <every0ne> try the database user/pass? openmrs/test
10:45:10 <allen6machary> got it
10:45:18 <every0ne> oops
10:45:36 <allen6machary> i had a database 'openmrs' in mysql ... it was referring to that one
10:45:46 <Alexis_MSF> ok :)
10:45:51 <allen6machary> a simple drop and create fixed it
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12:33:26 <bwolfe> every0ne, what is the error?
12:33:54 <bwolfe> every0ne, oh wait, you sent that 8 hours ago. (couldn't tell cause my client lost connection) did you get that solved?
12:34:00 <every0ne> it's looking for 'skipexisting'
12:34:23 <bwolfe> addresslayout is?
12:34:26 <every0ne> or did you mean the bit about issues in the JSP? ah
12:34:36 <every0ne> no, mismatched tags there
12:35:13 <every0ne> grant me a couple of minutes to reload eclipse
12:35:22 <bwolfe> every0ne, whats the new erro?
12:35:25 <bwolfe> *error
12:35:42 <suranga> r0bby, happy birthday r0bby !!!
12:37:03 <every0ne> new error? didn't get you
12:38:57 <bwolfe> yes, happy 30th old man! I'll be as old as you in only a few short months...
12:39:06 * bwolfe goes to look at logs
12:39:49 <every0ne> input tag not closed. addressLayout Line 287
12:42:13 <bwolfe> every0ne, did you get trunk to build?
12:43:08 <bwolfe> every0ne, you shouldn't need ant at all. we use maven to build now. see for tips on how to do that
12:43:13 <every0ne> no. i'm giving up on galileo if these plugin issues don't get resolved in another couple of hours. then i'll just have to move to eclipse
12:44:16 <every0ne> bwolfe: maven install didn't succeed. it looks for JDT 3.6, which i've scheduled for d/l now. that's what i'll be trying with in another few hours
12:44:38 <every0ne> move to helios/indigo, i mean
12:44:57 <bwolfe> had me confused there for a bit.
12:45:05 <bwolfe> eclipse version shouldn't really matter
12:45:14 <bwolfe> I don't know what jdt is
12:45:50 <every0ne> bwolfe: (+: i don't know exactly what it is meself; just that m2e says it needs JDT 3.6
12:46:11 <jkeiper_> netbeans++
12:46:38 <every0ne> jkeiper: on a p4 with 2GB ?? you've got to be joking
12:46:49 <rafa> jkeiper: I switched to netbeans yesterday :D
12:47:01 <jkeiper_> rafa++
12:47:04 <jkeiper_> ;-)
12:47:19 <jkeiper_> all these "plugins" won't be necessary
12:47:48 <jkeiper_> but .. i did start coding a plugin for creating unit tests for @should annotations
12:47:50 <every0ne> haha. maven isn't available for NB6 anyway
12:48:19 <rafa> netbeans is so much better now than it used to be
12:48:28 <rafa> every0ne: the latest version is 7.1.1
12:49:11 <every0ne> rafa: i know (+: but what does it have by way of system req?
12:49:21 <rafa> guys in Czech Republic are doing good things with NB :D
12:50:18 <rafa> every0ne: not sure specifics, just try it out
12:51:08 <every0ne> ah. no thanks, not immediately anway. i would like to get trunk to build first here on one path before venturing down another
12:51:09 <bwolfe> every0ne, fixed address and namelayout in rev:27381. thanks!
12:51:24 <every0ne> don't mention it (+:
12:51:46 <every0ne> brb. somebody turned off the fan
12:52:11 <bwolfe> rafa, why czech republic? did oracle abandon it?
12:52:57 <rafa> bwolfe: it's Oracle, but the team is in Prague as far as I know
12:53:46 <every0ne> abck
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13:53:04 <mvorobey> hi all
13:54:17 <cpower> hello
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13:58:07 <every0ne> anybody else looking at trunk?
13:58:54 <bwolfe> every0ne, define "looking at"
13:59:28 <every0ne> bwolfe: in possession of a copy on system ready for work
13:59:35 <cpower> Good morning everyone, are we ready?
13:59:47 <cpower> !scrum on cpower
13:59:47 <OpenMRSBot> cpower: Error: "scrum" is not a valid command.
13:59:52 <bwolfe> every0ne, a lot of people are. one sec, lets discuss in a few minutes
13:59:58 <bwolfe> one word cpower...
14:00:11 <cpower> ok
14:00:23 <downey> scrumon
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14:00:47 <cpower> first time screw ups are expected ;-) so be nice guys
14:01:06 <cpower> !scrumon cpower
14:01:06 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster cpower- you may begin when ready.
14:01:27 <cpower> list today: wyclif, rafa, bwolfe, dkayiwa, djazayeri, mvorobey
14:01:41 <rafa> hi!
14:02:08 <wyclif> Friday
14:02:09 <wyclif> * ATOM-1 - Implement the AtomFeedUtil.getViewUrl(OpenmrsObject) method
14:02:09 <wyclif> * Review TODOs for ATOM-11 - Implement the AtomFeedConfig page
14:02:09 <wyclif> * Review TODOs for EVNT-11 - Add annotation to automatically add event listeners
14:02:09 <wyclif> Monday:
14:02:09 <wyclif> * EVNT-18 - Fill out event module wiki documentation
14:02:11 <wyclif> * Work on something else if there are no more sprint tickets
14:02:15 <wyclif> Blockers: none
14:02:42 <rafa> Today:
14:02:42 <rafa> * Fixed EVNT-15: Add support for create/update/delete of collections
14:02:42 <rafa>
14:02:42 <rafa> * Fixed EVNT-6: Finish void/purge section of GeneralEventAfterAdvice
14:02:42 <rafa>
14:02:42 <rafa> * Testing TRUNK-3296: Found multiple reference terms (will commit and back port later today)
14:02:43 <rafa>
14:02:43 <rafa> Blockers: testing liquibase upgrade scripts is very time consuming, we need to automate that one of those days
14:03:49 <cpower> bwolfe, your up
14:04:00 <bwolfe> so I am...
14:04:05 <bwolfe> Friday
14:04:05 <bwolfe> review atom/event tickets
14:04:05 <bwolfe> plan dev forum topics
14:04:05 <bwolfe> interview dev for atlas
14:04:05 <bwolfe> do ATOM-12, atomfeed jsp
14:04:07 <bwolfe> today:
14:04:12 <bwolfe> review tickets
14:04:16 <bwolfe> fly to poland
14:04:22 <bwolfe> blockers: time
14:04:33 <dkayiwa> Was traveling from my home town. So just starting to work now. Will be working late :)
14:04:34 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
14:05:18 <djazayeri> Friday 11-May-2012
14:05:18 <djazayeri> * Forum/call agenda planning
14:05:18 <djazayeri> * Finished first-pass at "distribution" module
14:05:18 <djazayeri> Monday 14-May-2012
14:05:19 <djazayeri> * Look at using Metadata Sharing module with OpenMRS 1.9
14:05:19 <djazayeri> * Embed HTML Forms in UI Framework
14:05:23 <djazayeri> no blockers
14:06:23 <djazayeri> mvorobey: your turn
14:06:57 <cpower> mvorobey, you there?
14:07:57 <cpower> Ok, summary of blockers: Time, and the need to automate the liquibase scripts
14:08:02 <wyclif> looks to me like there is almost no sprint tickets
14:08:23 <bwolfe> wyclif, they are low, but thats good for a sprint. :-)
14:08:32 <bwolfe> wyclif, feel free to review others' commits/patches
14:08:36 <cpower> anything else before I turn off the sprint meeting?
14:08:55 <bwolfe> (the sprint leader doesn't ahve to be the only one reviewing tickets)
14:08:56 <djazayeri> cpower: go ahead and turn it off.
14:09:02 <cpower> !scrumoff
14:09:02 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
14:09:02 <djazayeri> discussion point happen after
14:09:31 <djazayeri> discussion point: bwolfe, sprint status, and what should people work on while you're traveling/offline?
14:09:53 <wyclif> bwolfe, can you read the comments i added in response those you added to CR-MOD-421
14:10:19 <djazayeri> rafa: you'd like to automate running the liquibase scripts in a unit test?
14:10:53 <rafa> djazayeri: in junit yes
14:10:55 <bwolfe> wyclif, I'll look
14:11:04 <mvorobey> djazayeri, hi, was AFK, sorry
14:11:20 <mvorobey> djazayeri, I can actually share my updates now, if you wish
14:11:42 <djazayeri> mvorobey: go ahead
14:11:49 <mvorobey> * Work in progress - ATLAS-14
14:11:49 <mvorobey> * Reworked patch for TRUNK-3300
14:11:49 <mvorobey> Without blockers
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14:12:36 <rafa> djazayeri: in some external testing project (not in core)
14:12:55 <djazayeri> rafa: right, because it would take forever if we did that during every build
14:13:21 <bwolfe> our tests take way to long as it is :-p
14:13:32 <bwolfe> you could do it in core but in an @ignored one
14:13:35 <djazayeri> rafa: presumably we could add it as a different maven goal, right?
14:13:36 <every0ne> should i be concerned about this syntax error in override-web-xml under /trunk/webapp/src/test/resources ?
14:14:13 <every0ne> malformed XML
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14:14:24 <downey> Hi jkeiper_ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
14:14:39 <every0ne> gtg. back in a few hours - if all goes well
14:14:52 <djazayeri> bwolfe: sprint status?
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14:15:28 <downey> Hi jkeiper__ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
14:15:53 <bwolfe> djazayeri, status is:nearing completion.
14:15:58 <rafa> djazayeri: I thought about a setup similar to the standalone
14:16:13 <djazayeri> bwolfe: so, what should people do when you're offline and traveling?
14:16:27 <bwolfe> djazayeri, same as what I put up on friday
14:16:28 <rafa> djazayeri: only as a depenency to a selected core version
14:17:12 <bwolfe> what to do if waiting on a sprint ticket. please review other tickets in the sprint. but more specifically: wyclif: bug fixing and/or web services finishing up (look at previous sprint page). rafal, get your 1.9 tickets in order. dkayiwa, work on 1.9 RC and/or sprint wiki pages + ticket setup for roles/privs sprint
14:18:21 <dkayiwa> ok
14:19:15 <rafa> djazayeri: I'd imagine we would put there sql dumps of different databases and the test would execute liquibase-update-to-latest from the chosen omrs version on each
14:19:37 <djazayeri> rafa: that would be great
14:19:53 <djazayeri> it would be even better if we try updating on both mysql and postgresql
14:19:56 <dkayiwa> rafa: can i now release 1.9 RC4?
14:20:17 <rafa> dkayiwa: still testing, I'll need 2-3 hours more
14:20:25 <dkayiwa> rafa: ok will wait for you
14:20:30 <rafa> dkayiwa: thx
14:22:17 <wyclif> dkayiwa, if you visit the concept map type list page, there is a label that says greyed out map types are hidden, can we get rid of that?
14:22:45 <rafa> djazayeri: are we supporting postgresql?
14:22:52 <dkayiwa> wyclif: why was it put there in the first place?
14:23:58 <djazayeri> rafa: starting in 1.9 we support other DBs besides mysql
14:24:13 <wyclif> i thought it was necessary but there was a review comment to said we get rid of it since it ddint make sense to have it
14:24:25 <rafa> djazayeri: there a lot of changesets marked as dbms="mysql" and no alternative for other DBs
14:24:32 <dkayiwa> wyclif: which ticket was that?
14:24:40 <wyclif> it was a tickt
14:24:56 <djazayeri> rafa: aren't those all the uuid ones?
14:25:00 <rafa> djazayeri: no
14:25:02 <wyclif> i think TRUNK--412
14:25:16 <djazayeri> rafa: oh, it's because those are the ones for upgrading pre-1.9 dbs to 1.9
14:25:39 <djazayeri> rafa: we're only supporting other dbs if you *start* with a new one at 1.9
14:26:06 <rafa> djazayeri: okay that makes sense
14:26:16 <djazayeri> rafa: all those mysql-only changesets were incorporated in the 1.9-core by saptarshi
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14:51:25 <jriley> djazayeri, what software do you use to record screencasts for OpenMRS U ? Do I recall you're on Mac as well?
14:51:36 <djazayeri> jriley: I used camtasia
14:51:47 <djazayeri> (when I'm pre-recording things)
14:51:50 <djazayeri> jriley: and yes, for osx
14:51:54 <jriley> Thanks
14:52:06 <djazayeri> I did a few with the trial version, and ended up buying it, because it worked very nicely
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16:04:35 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Join the expert panel at @GHDonline: #OpenMRS Implementers: Experiences and Lessons Learned - #HealthIT #eHealth #ICT4D <>
16:05:32 <djazayeri> rafa: to use MDS with OpenMRS 1.9 should I use the version in the module repo, or the latest from github?
16:08:06 <dkayiwa> hi bwolfe djazayeri
16:08:16 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: djazayeri is TRUNK-3333 a blocker for 1.9.0?
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16:09:49 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: I think so, yes.
16:09:52 <djazayeri> seems like a one-line fix
16:10:10 <djazayeri> i.e. add the annotation on that method
16:10:20 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
16:10:25 <djazayeri> add the new do-not-cascade annotation somewhere
16:10:39 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
16:10:45 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: bwolfe how about TRUNK-3323?
16:11:51 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: adding @Deprecated on Drug.route should happen in 1.9.9
16:11:55 <djazayeri> sorry, 1.9.0
16:11:58 <djazayeri> it's another one-liner
16:13:02 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: ok
16:17:27 <rafa> djazayeri: github
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16:17:46 <djazayeri> rafa: cool, will fork it (maybe I did already) and take a look
16:17:54 <rafa> djazayeri: I've recently added a profile to build and test against 1.9
16:19:28 <djazayeri> rafa: do I need a different profile to build the omod for 1.9?
16:19:36 <djazayeri> rafa: or just to run the unit tests against 1.9?
16:19:40 <rafa> djazayeri: no, it's just for testing
16:20:00 <rafa> djazayeri: unfortunately they fail :(
16:21:54 <djazayeri> rafa: okay, will take a look soon
16:22:04 <djazayeri> rafa: anything documented about exploring the failure that I should know about?
16:22:43 <rafa> djazayeri: no, sorry
16:23:37 <rafa> djazayeri: I configured it for testing with 1.9 yesterday
16:23:57 <djazayeri> rafa: should I just look in the pom.xml to see the profile name for testing against 1.9?
16:24:13 <rafa> djazayeri: I haven't got time to look more into why they failed
16:24:44 <rafa> djazayeri: yes, it's enoguh to select 1.9 profile
16:25:19 <rafa> djazayeri: I've also added integration-test profile to run core tests and module tests
16:26:17 <djazayeri> rafa: core tests meaning it will run the 1.9 tests with the MDS module loaded?
16:26:23 <rafa> djazayeri: yes
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16:48:36 <downey> Hi every0ne and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
16:50:15 <every0ne> 'lo downey .
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17:13:26 <djazayeri> rafa: I just tried doing a plain mvn package on MDS and it failed. Is this expected?
17:14:07 <djazayeri> (actually I may not have merged your changes in correctly...)
17:17:28 <rafa> djazayeri: you need to run mvn install
17:18:14 <djazayeri> rafa: okay, i'll try that
17:18:16 <rafa> djazayeri: with 'mvn packge' tests may not be installed in your local repo
17:18:43 <djazayeri> it's failing in FunctionalityTest.importPackageWithConcepts (and …2)
17:18:44 <every0ne> mvn package mean maven?
17:18:52 <djazayeri> every0ne: yes
17:19:28 <every0ne> djazayeri: is anybody on the channel attempting to use Eclipse Galileo?
17:20:26 <djazayeri> every0ne: I'm using 3.7
17:20:49 <every0ne> djazayeri: that would be indigo. Galileo is 3.5
17:21:12 <djazayeri> every0ne: yeah, my point is that I'm not using 3.5.
17:22:20 <every0ne> djazayeri: 'k. just teething troubles getting started on 3.5 might give a shout in a while if things continue to misbehave
17:23:59 <djazayeri> rafa: it's an NPE in this line in ImportPackageTest: for (Item item : packageImporter.getImportedPackage().getItems()) {
17:24:27 <djazayeri> rafa: I'll try a clean checkout of your code
17:27:38 <djazayeri> rafa: this fails
17:27:39 <djazayeri> Campo-de-Jazayeri:test djazayeri$ git clone git://
17:27:39 <djazayeri> Campo-de-Jazayeri:test djazayeri$ cd openmrs-module-metadatasharing/
17:27:39 <djazayeri> Campo-de-Jazayeri:openmrs-module-metadatasharing djazayeri$ mvn clean install
17:29:38 <rafa> djazayeri: hmmm let me do the same
17:32:30 <rafa> djazayeri: sorry my pc is really slow, I'm running the standalone build :/
17:34:15 <every0ne> rafa: what is your system?
17:34:39 <rafa> every0ne: you mean os?
17:34:45 <rafa> every0ne: win 7
17:35:41 <every0ne> rafa: no, processor RAM and stuff
17:37:46 <rafa> every0ne: i5, 4 GB
17:37:56 <rafa> djazayeri: I don't understand, it has just built fine for me.
17:38:02 <djazayeri> rafa: odd
17:38:45 <every0ne> much better than my classic p4, 2GB ... i wonder how long it'll take to build on that
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17:38:46 <rafa> djazayeri: maybe I have some jars cached in my maven repo
17:38:48 <djazayeri> rafa: I'm stepping through in eclipse and the issue seems to be that in ImportPackageTest, packageImporter.getImportedPackage() gives something that looks right
17:39:09 <djazayeri> rafa: but packageImporter.getImportedPackage().getItems() returns null
17:47:28 <rafa> djazayeri: does the test loads a package file correctly?
17:47:51 <rafa> djazayeri: maybe it's a windows/linux path issue
17:49:25 <djazayeri> rafa: seems to load the file correctly because I see that it found xml and deserialized it, then did stuff, earlier in the test
17:54:47 <djazayeri> rafa: what's the distinction between packageImporter.importedItems and packageImporter.importedPackage.items ?
18:04:55 <rafa> djazayeri: importedPackage.items are just item summaries in header
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18:05:09 <rafa> djazayeri: importedItems are actual deserialized objects
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18:05:44 <djazayeri> rafa: where would packageImporter.importedPackage.items be set from?
18:06:39 <rafa> djazayeri: from header.xml
18:06:46 <djazayeri> rafa: I mean where in the code?
18:07:56 <djazayeri> rafa: where should I look to find the code that happens before ImportPackageTask.execute()?
18:08:55 <rafa> djazayeri: it's loaded in PackageContainer.loadSerializedPackage
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18:34:24 <djazayeri> rafa: I'm looking at the file, and in it, header.xml does _not_ include an <items> node
18:35:34 <djazayeri> rafa: thus PackageContainer.loadSerializedPackage, when it deserializes that to "other", ends up with items = null (rather than being an empty set which is set in the constructor)
18:36:25 <rafa> djazayeri: that explains why it's null, but why it doesn't fail for me :/
18:36:39 <djazayeri> indeed...
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18:42:13 <rafa> djazayeri: mark it as @Ignored, I'll look into that later
18:42:27 <djazayeri> rafa: I was able to get the tests to pass if I do this:
18:43:26 <djazayeri> rafa:
18:44:25 <djazayeri> rafa: I'll create a ticket
18:48:34 <rafa> djazayeri: thx
18:48:39 <rafa> djazayeri: I actually think the tests should fail and needs to be upgarded to a newer version
18:49:19 <djazayeri> rafa: okay, I'll revert my change and @Ignore the tests for now
18:51:29 <rafa> djazayeri: I wonder if it's possible that we have a different xstream version or something
18:51:56 <djazayeri> rafa: possibly, but isn't that a maven dependency?
18:52:10 <rafa> djazayeri: yes, it is
18:52:21 <rafa> djazayeri: in core
18:52:53 <rafa> djazayeri: maybe version is not declared in 1.6 poms...
18:53:17 <rafa> djazayeri: I don't know, just speculating....
18:53:34 <djazayeri> perhaps
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19:25:38 <suranga> howdy downey :)
19:25:42 <suranga> long time no see !
19:25:47 <downey> hi suranga
19:26:01 <djazayeri> rafa: is there an easy way to check whether an MDS package has already been imported?
19:26:13 <djazayeri> e.g. at startup I want my module to install certain MDS packages
19:26:21 <djazayeri> that are in a zip
19:26:30 <djazayeri> sorry, that are included inside the module's omod
19:27:50 <rafa> djazayeri: you can use MetadataSharingService.getImportedPackageByGroup
19:28:33 <djazayeri> rafa: cool, thanks
19:28:48 <rafa> djazayeri: next you'll have to compare if you have the right version
19:37:19 <djazayeri> Does anyone know offhand how I can access something in api/src/main/resources from my code?
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19:41:52 <downey> Hi every0ne_ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
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19:54:33 <rafa> djazayeri: ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream should do
19:54:49 <djazayeri> rafa: just found that, thanks!
19:55:08 <djazayeri> (and those are in the root)
19:55:12 <djazayeri> root package that is
19:55:55 <rafa> correct getClass().getResourceAsStrem() gives you access to resources, but in the same package
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19:56:42 <djazayeri> rafa: if I include the whole MDS package zip there, is there a convenience method to load it? (Should I just look in MetadataSharingService?)
19:57:16 <djazayeri> I mean: how do I tell it I want it to just import everything in non-interactive mode
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19:58:04 <djazayeri> rafa: or do I have to open up the zip myself?
19:58:56 <rafa> djazayeri: no it's all there. look at FunctionalityTest.importPackage
19:59:31 <djazayeri> oh, I see, loadSerializedPackageAsStream expects a zip file
19:59:37 <rafa> djazayeri: or better importPackageWithConcepts
19:59:51 <rafa> correct
19:59:53 <djazayeri> that's not obvious from the name, and it has no javadoc. :-)
20:02:03 <rafa> djazayeri: Stream means file :P
20:02:31 <rafa> djazayeri: and a single file means it must be a zipped package ;)
20:03:24 <rafa> djazayeri: loadZippedPackage would be way too obvious :P
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20:44:42 <dkayiwa> hi rafa
20:44:51 <rafa> hi
20:45:02 <dkayiwa> rafa: will you tell me when you are doine? :)
20:45:11 <rafa> dkayiwa: I'm done
20:45:17 <djazayeri> that was fast
20:45:17 <dkayiwa> rafa: oh thanks :)
20:45:18 <rafa> dkayiwa: I e-mailed you an hour ago ;)
20:45:25 <dkayiwa> rafa: hahaha :)
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21:06:37 <djazayeri> rafa: ever seen this?
21:06:37 <djazayeri> Caused by: incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree
21:06:53 <rafa> djazayeri: no
21:07:03 <rafa> djazayeri: how that happened?
21:07:34 <djazayeri> rafa: I created an MDS zip via the webapp, and tried to load it from a unit test
21:08:08 <djazayeri> happening somewhere underneath your call: String file = IOUtils.toString(zip, ENCODING);
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21:08:50 <djazayeri> I'll google around, though my first google search wasn't helpful
21:09:32 <rafa> djazayeri: did you try downloading the zpi from the webapp again?
21:09:43 <djazayeri> I'll try re-download it
21:09:56 <djazayeri> and test it in a zip program
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21:15:34 <djazayeri> no luck, though the zip file opens fine in two zip applications
21:15:44 <djazayeri> I'll experiment some more.
21:49:11 <djazayeri> rafa: oddly, this fails when I fetch the zip file via ClassLoader.getResource, but it works if I do a FileInputStream directly to the file on disk.
21:49:53 <rafa> djazayeri: interesting...
21:50:06 <rafa> djazayeri: you mean getResourceAsStream?
21:50:22 <djazayeri> both getResourceAsStream and also getResource().getContent (and cast to InputStream)
21:50:46 <djazayeri> actually, this also fails:
21:51:57 <djazayeri> new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(resource.getFile()))
21:52:38 <djazayeri> rafa: hmm, it occurs to me that this file is under /target. I wonder if maven garbled it while copying it over
21:53:41 <rafa> djazayeri: indeed it may have something to do with maven filtering
21:54:19 <djazayeri> hmm, yeah, just verified that
21:54:31 <djazayeri> it works on the file in src/resources, but fails for the file in target/classes
21:54:42 <djazayeri> rafa: thanks for listening. seems like I've got the solution.
21:56:47 <rafa> djazayeri: you should blog about it for posterity ;)
21:57:14 <djazayeri> I will
21:58:07 <rafa> djazayeri: btw where are you bloging?
21:58:23 <djazayeri> rafa: on a project blog that hasn't been made public yet.
21:58:35 <djazayeri> reminds me, I will bug them to get it public. :-)
21:58:58 <rafa> djazayeri: let us know when it happens :)
22:00:23 <djazayeri> of course!
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23:16:38 <djazayeri> rafa: seen this in a unit test?
23:16:38 <djazayeri> Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Value too long for column "IMPORT_CONFIG VARCHAR(255)": "STRINGDECODE('<org.openmrs.module.metadatasharing.ImportConfig>\n <previous>false</previous>\n <exactMatch>PREFER_MINE</exactM... (382)"; SQL statement:
23:16:39 <djazayeri> insert into metadatasharing_imported_package (imported_package_id, uuid, group_uuid, date_created, date_imported, subscription_url, subscription_status, name, description, import_config, remote_version, version) values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [90005-135]
23:17:58 <rafa> djazayeri: yes, when I ran against tests against 1.9
23:18:20 <djazayeri> rafa: okay, but you don't know the solution? :-)
23:19:02 <rafa> djazayeri: increasing the column size? I think it was a bad idea to store that as xml
23:19:12 <rafa> djazayeri: don't know why I did that
23:21:13 <djazayeri> rafa: in sqldiff.xml you define it as VARCHAR(1024). But you don't declare this in the hbm.xml (it's a user type)
23:21:40 <djazayeri> rafa: so maybe h2 is guessing 255 due to something new in the 1.9 unit test setup
23:22:04 <rafa> djazayeri: I see
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23:37:21 <djazayeri> Turns out there's a one-line fix (just adding length="1024" in the hbm.xml). I'll send you a pull request.