19:05:30 | <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @RegenstriefGHI: @openmrs Paul and Burke discussing the history of #openmrs in IU student interview. @Regenstrief @pbiondich @ekrub h ... <http://twitter.com/OpenMRS/statuses/190876004431044608> || On Twitter: OpenMRS: Blast from the past: #OpenMRS user group meeting attendee portfolio, 2006 http://t.co/hJcZxtNb <http://twitter.com/OpenMRS/statuses/190875104668958720> |
22:10:06 | <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: If you use the #OpenMRS Metadata Sharing and Sync modules together, read this important announcement: https://t.co/2tG4hnNd <http://twitter.com/OpenMRS/statuses/190917819553161217> |