IRC Chat : 2012-04-07 - OpenMRS

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01:48:12 <downey> mccallumg: Make that 2 OSCON proposals accepted. :)
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02:08:16 <mccallumg> hey, nice downey
02:08:28 <mccallumg> downey: what's the second?
02:08:43 <downey> mccallumg: "Open Standards and Open Architecture in Global Health: Saving Lives with Open Source"
02:09:05 <downey> the other being "Global communities building open source Health IT platforms: The OpenMRS experience"
02:14:00 <mccallumg> so great
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16:17:41 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: reCaptcha Captcha in Open Cart Register Page <>
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16:37:26 <r0bby> Hi all
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17:59:16 <robbyoconnor> hey harshadura
18:02:05 <harshadura> hi robbyoconnor
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18:37:23 <harshadura> robbyoconnor : did u call me?
18:45:15 <robbyoconnor> no just sayin hi
18:50:29 <harshadura> robbyoconnor, lol okay :)
18:56:21 <harshadura> robbyoconnor, u thr ?
19:01:07 <robbyoconnor> yes
19:01:11 <robbyoconnor> but im going to sleep
19:01:44 <harshadura> its okay then. no worries, c ya later
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