IRC Chat : 2012-01-18 - OpenMRS

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10:20:28 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Shazin Sadakath: IBM CMOD Folder Field Default Value Retrieval Using ODWEK API <>
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14:51:19 <duali> hi daniel
14:59:29 <dkayiwa> hi duali
14:59:44 <dkayiwa> duali: put dkayiwa
15:05:04 <duali> do you know ubuntu
15:05:22 <dkayiwa> duali: never used it :)
15:06:13 <duali> you use win
15:06:23 <dkayiwa> osx
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15:07:22 <duali> I am trying this command : sudo rm /usr/share/apache-tomcat6.0.29/.OpenMRS/ Doesn't it work
15:07:48 <duali> for delete
15:07:55 <dkayiwa> duali: what happens
15:10:01 <duali> i need the installation again openmrs in my system but i have also old openMrs
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15:27:48 <dkayiwa> duali: have you ever tried the standalone?
15:29:14 <duali> yes openmrs-standalone-1.8.3
15:29:58 <dkayiwa> duali: did it run without problems?
15:36:14 <duali> yes i have problem
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17:27:12 <dkayiwa> hi sunbiz
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17:49:20 <mvorobey> hi, wyclif
17:49:52 <wyclif> hi mvorobey
17:50:04 <mvorobey> Thanx, wyclif, for code review, that you have done couple of minutes ago
17:50:37 <wyclif> magicaltrout, no problem
17:50:44 <wyclif> mvorobey, no problem
17:51:01 <wyclif> sorry magicaltrout , that was not meant for you
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17:51:12 <mvorobey> wyclif, would you like to reply on my last comments on it?
17:51:18 <mvorobey> so I will be able to add new patch for it
17:52:22 <magicaltrout> i'll survive ;)
17:54:51 <wyclif> mvorobey, you are right it is there
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17:56:15 <mvorobey> wyclif, np
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17:57:07 <mvorobey> wyclif, and what about my comment on
18:00:29 <dawn_> !scrumon dawn
18:00:29 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING is STARTING. This meeting should not last longer than 15 minutes. Please hold other comments until the end of the meeting, or message someone privately. Thank you! ScrumMaster dawn- you may begin when ready.
18:00:37 <dawn_> rafa: dkayiwa , wyclif : hi
18:00:46 <dkayiwa> hi
18:00:46 <rafa> hey
18:01:06 <dawn_> Today's order: rafa , dkayiwa , wyclif :)
18:01:13 <rafa> Today:
18:01:13 <rafa> * Worked on importing part of META-170: Spliting metadata packages into multiple sub-packages
18:01:13 <rafa> and will work another few hours today
18:01:13 <rafa> Tomorrow:
18:01:13 <rafa> * META-176: Resuming import
18:01:14 <rafa> (will be 10-liner when META-170 is done)
18:01:14 <rafa> * META-177: Revising import modes
18:01:15 <rafa> (will probably fill my day)
18:01:15 <rafa> No blockers.
18:01:49 <dkayiwa> Committed: ClassCastException when trying to view form schema - TRUNK-3020
18:01:49 <dkayiwa> Committed: Delete the deletebeforerelease package - RESTWS-179
18:01:50 <dkayiwa> Did some code reviews
18:01:50 <dkayiwa> Did some more ticket administration
18:01:50 <dkayiwa> Looked into: Add unit test to look for hacky conversion - RESTWS-182
18:01:51 <dkayiwa> Now reviewing: Revision Number Not Indicated In Web Application - TRUNK-2347
18:01:51 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
18:02:04 <dawn_> wyclif: you there?
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18:04:00 <dawn_> !scrumoff dawn
18:04:00 * OpenMRSBot says the DAILY SCRUM MEETING has ENDED. This channel is now returned to normal hacking operations. Post-scrum meeting follow-up conversations may now begin.
18:04:09 <dawn_> rafa: and dkayiwa : i can't find wyclif
18:04:18 <dawn_> left him a note to send us his updates
18:04:19 <dawn_> :)
18:04:31 <dkayiwa> dawn_: you can check his cubicle :)
18:05:00 <dawn_> dkayiwa: i did…he has gone missing :)
18:05:03 <rafa> dawn_: you can check each cubicle :D
18:05:11 <dkayiwa> :D
18:05:18 <dawn_> rafa: hahaha!!! sure. let me run up and down each row
18:05:33 <dawn_> dkayiwa: and rafa : maybe i should set him with a gps device ;)
18:05:44 <dkayiwa> dawn_: you can also check in his car. assuming he still has the same other one :)
18:06:09 <dawn_> :D
18:06:22 <dawn_> dkayiwa: It's -4C here so everyone is inside
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18:06:32 <dkayiwa> dawn_: lolllllllllllll
18:06:46 <wyclif> hello
18:06:57 <dkayiwa> :D
18:07:19 <dawn_> yay!!! wyclif!!!
18:07:28 <dawn_> wyclif: we're ready for your updates :)
18:07:28 <wyclif> sorry guys!
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18:07:45 <wyclif> Tuesday:
18:07:46 <wyclif> * went through emails log related to the sprint tickets and closing tickets that need to be closed
18:07:46 <wyclif> * Back ported fix for TRUNK-3000 and closed it - Test Install ignores the global property that lets you change the module folder
18:07:46 <wyclif> * went through pending code review for rest webservices ticket for test.jsp getting cleared
18:07:46 <wyclif> * Address review comments for SMART-25 - Change how user apps are managed
18:07:47 <wyclif> * Address review comments for SMART-26 - Allow users to hide smart apps from the dashboard
18:07:49 <wyclif> * SMART-34 - Get rid of the activity and web hook classes
18:07:51 <wyclif> today:
18:07:53 <wyclif> * Code reviews for RESTWS-191, RESTWS-176 , RESTWS-172
18:07:55 <wyclif> * SMART-35 - Show meaningful message when a SMART app encounters an error while in action
18:07:57 <wyclif> * SMART-36 - Setting a coded value code should not always throw exception when no mapping is found
18:07:59 <wyclif> * SMART-38 - SmartUserService should fetch users by uuid
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18:09:27 <dawn_> cool. wyclif : any blockers?
18:09:41 <wyclif> no blockers
18:10:16 <dawn_> okay. rafa dkayiwa wyclif : thanks!
18:10:30 <dkayiwa> dawn_: thanks too!!! :)
18:10:46 <dawn_> :)
18:10:55 <dkayiwa> :D
18:10:58 <rafa> ohh hi wyclif
18:11:05 <rafa> dawn_: thank you!
18:11:58 <dawn_> dkayiwa: and rafa : you're welcome. when are you two going to tech me how to code? :D :D
18:12:13 <wyclif> hi rafa
18:12:16 <dkayiwa> dawn_: and wyclif?? :)
18:12:41 <dawn_> wyclif: can help too, but he will make me listen to trance music :D
18:12:51 <dkayiwa> dawn_: hahahaha
18:13:02 <rafa> haha
18:13:10 <dkayiwa> dawn_: maybe the next time i come to Indy, i will stay at your house. :D
18:13:34 <dawn_> dkayiwa: haha! sure. my neighborhood isn't as big as ada's, but i'm near a park that's nice
18:14:04 <dkayiwa> dawn_: what is enough for you is already enough for me. :)
18:14:07 <wyclif> dawn_, you've been saying that since you joined the team
18:14:35 <dkayiwa> wyclif: it is because we have not acted :)
18:15:01 <dawn_> haha!! +1 for dkayiwa
18:15:09 <dkayiwa> :D
18:15:16 <mvorobey> wyclif, and what about my another comment on in code-review?
18:15:23 <wyclif> dkayiwa, i'm the doc and she is the patient
18:15:43 <dkayiwa> wyclif: a good doc looks for the patient :)
18:15:47 <wyclif> or you and rafa are the docs
18:16:04 <wyclif> then we've all been bad docs
18:16:11 <dkayiwa> wyclif: some docs even advertise :)
18:16:30 <dkayiwa> wyclif: we can style up for 2012 :)
18:16:44 <wyclif> dkayiwa, lol
18:17:06 <wyclif> mvorobey, which one?
18:17:59 <mvorobey> on, I posted omly one comment on this class :)
18:18:09 <mvorobey> only, sorry
18:19:16 <mvorobey>
18:20:37 <wyclif> mvorobey, commented
18:21:19 <mvorobey> wyclif, thanks you a lot :)
18:22:34 <wyclif> mvorobey, no problem, i prefer to use the @PropertyGetter option
18:23:08 <mvorobey> wyclif, ok, give me some time to read about it
18:26:03 <wyclif> mvorobey, annotate the getName() method with @PropertyGetter and then for the methods argument when adding the property, replace findMethod () with findPropertyGetter()
18:26:24 <wyclif> sorry with findGetterMethod
18:26:31 <wyclif> mvorobey, sorry with findGetterMethod
18:27:26 <mvorobey> wyclif, thanks, will add it
18:35:02 <mvorobey> wyclif, but findGetterMethod() is not visible inside (because it's declared as private inside BaseDelegatingResource)
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18:38:09 <djazayeri> hi wyclif
18:38:13 <djazayeri> sorry I missed the scrum.
18:39:27 <djazayeri> wyclif: I see a bunch of ticket in needs-review state. Are some of those from before, or do you need help in reviewing?
18:39:35 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
18:39:49 <wyclif> djazayeri, apparently they are mainly mine
18:40:11 <wyclif> djazayeri, i had assigned them to ben as the reviewer but it will add you or daniel
18:40:32 <wyclif> djazayeri, am reviewing those that are not mine
18:40:33 <djazayeri> wyclif: Okay. I won't get to look at anything until Friday.
18:40:52 <wyclif> djazayeri, then i will add daniel
18:41:08 <wyclif> djazayeri, but i will kep the reviews open
18:42:04 <mvorobey> wyclif, I found the solution for that :) gonna add the patch and update review
18:42:04 <djazayeri> wyclif: if you don't think daniel's review is sufficient, then don't add him. i.e. we just need one reviewer, so either Daniel is sufficient, or if it's a piece of code he hasn't seen before and Ben or I have, then just wait for Ben or I.
18:42:43 <djazayeri> wyclif: gotta run back to meetings now
18:42:49 <djazayeri> let me know if you have any questions
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18:43:39 <wyclif> djazayeri, it is ben that is familiar with smart so i will wait for him unless it is something that doesn't really require much familiarity with the module's functionality
18:43:44 <wyclif> djok
18:44:04 <wyclif> mvorobey, cool
18:44:17 <mvorobey> wyclif, aha :)
18:45:21 <wyclif> mvorobey, hold on
18:47:39 <wyclif> mvorobey, you need to use addProperty("display", Method); with no representation since this is supposed to be a string
18:52:37 <mvorobey> wyclif, I just did it and now am testing it
18:58:29 <mvorobey> wyclif, seems it works for me :)
18:58:42 <mvorobey> added new patch and updated review
18:58:58 <mvorobey> see last comment on ticket
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