IRC Chat : 2012-01-06 - OpenMRS

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08:04:34 <mvorobey> hi all!
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08:18:47 <surangak> good morning mvorobey ! up and early arnt we ? :-)
08:21:37 <mvorobey> yep, the early bird catches the worm :)
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15:14:17 <chopin> hi guys
15:14:29 <chopin> bryq, have you been on the MDS sprint?
15:14:49 <bryq> chopin: No :(
15:16:22 <chopin> ah
15:16:24 <chopin> :-/
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20:13:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @suranga_kas: @OpenMRS does your implementation use the PatientMatching module ??? try it out today !!! :-) <>
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