IRC Chat : 2011-11-17 - OpenMRS

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06:18:20 <surangak> looks like only the two of us are here today boy !
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07:44:48 <surangak> surangak, nudged surangak
07:45:04 <surangak> surangak, see, dkayiwa has also joined us :)
07:45:14 <dkayiwa> :D
07:45:26 <surangak> only three of us today daniel
07:45:35 <surangak> im wondering, Is ben here today ?
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08:24:13 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, you still around?
08:24:20 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: yes
08:24:32 <bwolfe> did your skype die?
08:24:53 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: my modem got disconnected
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13:50:28 <downeym> Hi emagambo and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
13:50:56 <emagambo> thx @downeym
13:51:07 <emagambo> i `m new to openmrs
13:51:11 <emagambo> dev
13:52:55 <emagambo> i had few questions to ask?
13:56:39 <bwolfe> emagambo, sure, go ahead
13:56:44 <downeym> emagambo: sure :)
13:56:52 <downeym> emagambo: this is the place to do so!
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14:13:22 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, did you create any new tickets from the etherpad page yet?
14:13:34 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: not yet
14:14:05 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: do you still remember the etherpad url?
14:14:59 <bwolfe>
14:15:07 <bwolfe>
14:15:11 <dkayiwa> thanks!!!
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14:42:15 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, after you copy/create the sprint wiki page, link it to here. or maybe you can convince dawn_ to do that...
14:42:30 <dkayiwa> lollllll
14:42:38 <dkayiwa> will try my best to convince her. :)
14:43:07 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, have you started on the jira dashboard or the queries?
14:43:39 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: am about to. was first tagging the tickets with 1.9 beta sprint
14:44:05 <bwolfe> dkayiwa, ok. also important to create those from the etherpad. those will take more time than just finding/tagging other ones
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14:49:18 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: sorry i got disconnected
14:50:56 <dawn_> what can i do to help with the sprint wiki page?
14:51:03 <dawn_> finishing an email but can get to that in a sec
14:51:36 <dkayiwa> dawn_: you can help by setting up the sprint wiki page
14:51:49 <dkayiwa> dawn_: you can copy from previous sprints
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14:56:14 <downeym> !devmtg
14:56:15 <OpenMRSBot> downeym: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer Forum Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern Time -
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16:00:16 <dawn_> dkayiwa: bwolfe : done. i just need the jira dashboard link once it's done
16:00:36 <dkayiwa> thanks dawn_ will give you the link
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16:14:48 <djazayeri> bwolfe: are you about to do point releases?
16:15:52 <djazayeri> bwolfe: my real question is, if there's a bug in 1.6 that should be fixed, but isn't critical, should I mark that as 1.6.4, or should I create 1.6.5 and put it there?
16:22:11 <djazayeri> bwolfe, rafa, dkayiwa, wyclif: anybody there?
16:22:23 <rafa> hey\
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16:22:23 <dkayiwa> iam
16:22:33 <mnunez> Hi all!
16:22:45 <djazayeri> hi mnunez
16:22:57 <djazayeri> bwolfe, dkayiwa, rafa, wyclif: scrum?
16:24:02 <djazayeri> I will go first.
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16:24:06 <djazayeri> Yesterday:
16:24:20 <djazayeri> * Committed: STAND-32 -
16:24:43 <djazayeri> * Committed: STAND-32 -
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16:24:55 <djazayeri> (oops, the second is STAND-31)
16:25:00 <djazayeri> Today:
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16:25:08 <djazayeri> * review tickets
16:25:21 <djazayeri> * review overall workflow of the standalone + testing module
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16:25:25 <djazayeri> no blockers
16:25:47 <djazayeri> Also today: * check in code for standalone-build-support maven plugin
16:26:22 <djazayeri> if you all can test out packaging the standalone on your different operating systems, that'd be great
16:26:35 <djazayeri> (I bet it won't work on windows, but will on osx and linux)
16:26:46 <djazayeri> wyclif?
16:27:41 <djazayeri> rafa?
16:27:43 <djazayeri> dkayiwa?
16:27:48 <djazayeri> bwolfe?
16:27:48 <rafa> Yesterday: * Tested RELTEST-7. Added getting random patients. Today: * Further testing. Blockers: * Import fails with cannot start logic
16:28:08 <djazayeri> rafa: are you trying this with 1.10.x?
16:28:15 <rafa> djazayeri: yes
16:28:34 <rafa> djazayeri: I mean the module runs on 1.8
16:28:51 <rafa> djazayeri: the install wizard 1.10 obviously
16:29:01 <djazayeri> the problem is that logic 0.5 declares a max version of 1.9.*
16:29:14 <rafa> djazayeri: hmmm
16:29:26 <rafa> djazayeri: how to go around this issue?
16:29:28 <djazayeri> I just released logic (I think) with this fix
16:29:46 <djazayeri> so perhaps grab that and put that one in the bundled modules folder for trunk
16:30:06 <rafa> okay
16:30:07 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: the logic module on the openmrs module repository works well
16:30:22 <dkayiwa> i also had the same problem with some old version
16:30:39 <djazayeri> Yeah, the version I just released is up on the module repo.
16:30:47 <djazayeri> I just removed the max version.
16:31:12 <rafa> good then no blockers :)
16:31:25 <rafa> one question
16:31:42 <rafa> there's an option allowed ips in Settings
16:31:43 <djazayeri> yes?
16:31:55 <rafa> it's not respected I guess
16:32:06 <djazayeri> I'd remove it unless we actually have plans to implement it.
16:32:21 <rafa> do we? :)
16:32:34 <rafa> I haven't seen any ticket for that
16:32:43 <rafa> so I guess it's to be removed
16:32:48 <djazayeri> Yeah.
16:33:00 <rafa> second question
16:33:09 <rafa> do we want to have an option to export all data?
16:33:19 <djazayeri> personally I don't think so.
16:33:36 <rafa> okay
16:33:42 <djazayeri> in my opinion if you want to export all data, then set your max patients to 100000000000
16:33:57 <djazayeri> let's support less functionality, but better.
16:33:59 <rafa> fair enough
16:35:17 <rafa> djazayeri: regarding testing packaging. Shall I even bother to try it on windows?
16:35:30 <djazayeri> rafa: I guess not.
16:35:36 <rafa> good
16:37:21 <rafa> I'm all set :)
16:37:26 <djazayeri> great
16:37:29 <djazayeri> dkayiwa?
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16:37:54 <wyclif> djazayeri, rafa, bwolfe, dkayiwa, going for lunch with the group, i will email my update
16:38:39 <rafa> wyclif: bon appetit ;)
16:38:49 <dkayiwa> Did some code review
16:38:49 <dkayiwa> Done some ticket administration and organizing the 1.9 Beta Sprint tickets
16:38:50 <dkayiwa> Created 1.9 Beta Sprint JIRA dashboard
16:38:50 <dkayiwa> No Blockers
16:39:35 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: have you also prioritized the tickets?
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16:39:56 <djazayeri> (sorry, accidentally closed my window)
16:40:04 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: just left the priority they had
16:40:15 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: okay, I think we need to go through these explicitly.
16:40:22 <dkayiwa> ok
16:40:24 <djazayeri> Because there are currently more tickets in the sprint than we will get done.
16:40:32 <dkayiwa> ok
16:42:26 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: Do you want advice on prioritizing the tickets? Or do you want to do a first pass yourself?
16:43:07 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: some advice will be very useful!!!
16:48:02 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: should we talk by voice? or go through tickets here/
16:48:04 <djazayeri> ?
16:48:16 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: let me come back
16:49:01 <djazayeri> okay, when should we aim for?
16:51:36 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: like 3 hours from now?
16:52:01 <djazayeri> okay. I have a call at 2pm ET (in 2 hours), so in 3 hours should be good
16:52:08 <dkayiwa> ok
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17:40:33 <mnunez> djazayeri, do you have a minute?
17:40:42 <djazayeri> yes
17:42:09 <mnunez> Great! I'm having a java.lang.NullPointerException while attepting to use the Cohort Builder
17:42:36 <djazayeri> do you have a stack trace?
17:42:43 <mnunez> djazayeri: I've just updated my concept dictionary with the MVP dictionary
17:43:05 <djazayeri> is the NPE when opening it up in the first place?
17:43:09 <djazayeri> or when doing a query?
17:43:23 <mnunez>
17:43:28 <mnunez> NPE?
17:43:35 <mnunez> djazayeri: NPE?
17:43:42 <djazayeri> null pointer exception
17:44:05 <mnunez> djazayeri: when opening it up in the first place
17:44:47 <djazayeri> okay, looking for that line of code
17:45:08 <mnunez> djazayeri: Thanks!
17:45:48 <mnunez> djazayeri: could it be related to previous queries saved using the old dictionary?
17:46:15 <djazayeri> mnunez: do you have rows in the drug table?
17:46:36 <djazayeri> that pre-exist from before you imported the MVP dictionary?
17:46:47 <mnunez> djazayeri: Yes I do. Yes they are
17:47:00 <mnunez> Changing that would do?
17:47:06 <djazayeri> okay, the problem is that the drug table has a concept_id column which is fk'd to concept
17:47:08 <mnunez> I forgot about those.
17:47:18 <djazayeri> you'll need to change those to point to the new concept_ids in the MVP dictionary
17:47:20 <mnunez> djazayeri: thanks
17:49:25 <djazayeri> np
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21:11:51 <djazayeri> hi dkayiwa
21:11:56 <dkayiwa> hi djazayeri
21:12:10 <djazayeri> Ready to talk ticket priorities?
21:12:17 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: yes
21:12:34 <djazayeri> Okay. I believe you've set up the sprint dashboard, right?
21:12:37 <djazayeri> should we start from there?
21:12:44 <dkayiwa> ok
21:13:35 <djazayeri> I was thinking maybe we should look individually at the Available, In Progress, and Review tickets
21:13:45 <dkayiwa> ok
21:14:30 <djazayeri> I just opened up the Available query
21:14:35 <dkayiwa> ok
21:14:47 <djazayeri> (it's currently sorted by key desc)
21:15:01 <dkayiwa> oh
21:15:35 <djazayeri> that's fine, I just wanted to tell you what I'm looking at, and we can go in order.
21:15:41 <djazayeri>
21:15:43 <dkayiwa> ok
21:16:13 <djazayeri> TRUNK-2861: This seems like we should close as a duplicate of TRUNK-2639
21:16:23 <dkayiwa> ok
21:16:51 <djazayeri> Actually, we can leave the ticket around, fix its description, and bump it to 1.10
21:17:02 <dkayiwa> ok
21:17:03 <djazayeri> (the real user-reported issue is TRUNK-2639)
21:17:14 <dkayiwa> ok
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21:19:15 <djazayeri> TRUNK-2840: seems fine as-is (Should, low-complexity)
21:19:27 <dkayiwa> ok
21:20:44 <djazayeri> TRUNK-2821: fine as-is (Should, low-complexity). But since it actually applies to 1.8.x too, if we have to bump it, we can. (And address it in a bugfix sprint.)
21:21:03 <djazayeri> actually, for that reason I think maybe we should drop it to Could.
21:21:17 <dkayiwa> ok
21:21:32 <djazayeri> (feel free to disagree with me on any of these points)
21:21:38 <dkayiwa> ok
21:23:04 <djazayeri> TRUNK-2796 seems like a Must, but also a waiting-on-information, to see if it gets fixed by TRUNK-2588
21:23:16 <dkayiwa> ok
21:24:08 <djazayeri> What's up with TRUNK-2704. Is this a new bug, or was it in 1.8.x too?
21:24:56 <dkayiwa> not sure
21:25:43 <djazayeri> basically I think that the focus of this sprint needs to be getting the new 1.9 functionality locked down, and fixing any bugs we introduced in 1.9
21:25:54 <dkayiwa> ok
21:25:56 <djazayeri> Anything pre-existing is lower priority for purposes of the beta sprint.
21:26:02 <dkayiwa> ok
21:26:04 <djazayeri> But this reminds me that we should schedule a bugfix sprint soon.
21:26:10 <dkayiwa> ok
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21:29:40 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: I just investigated TRUNK-2704. I understand it now.
21:29:45 <dkayiwa> ok
21:30:16 <djazayeri> Janet wants it to behave such that if you just type a free-text name for a relationship, it should auto-create the person.
21:30:25 <djazayeri> And she's complaining that that didn't happen.
21:30:28 <dkayiwa> ok
21:30:29 <djazayeri> But that's not actually the behavior we want.
21:31:16 <djazayeri> The real problem is that the choose patient widget should show some sort of error indication if you enter an invalid name. (I.e. it's an autocomplete, not a combobox)
21:31:41 <dkayiwa> ok
21:32:19 <djazayeri> I will comment on the ticket, and we can decide whether to close as won't-fix, or rephrase the ticket to fix the UI glitch.
21:32:30 <dkayiwa> ok
21:32:57 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: do you want to start working on one of the other lists (either the Assigned, or the Review) and we'll meet in the middle?
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21:40:45 <dkayiwa> djazayeri: i thought i would be able to but looks like am getting sleepy. How about doing what you can and i will see your comments in the morning?
21:41:04 <djazayeri> okay
21:42:10 <dkayiwa> ok thanks
21:42:17 <djazayeri> sleep well.
21:42:27 <dkayiwa> :)
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22:09:04 <downeym> Hi arnie__ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
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22:21:29 <downeym> Hi ada__ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
22:21:45 <ada__> Hi, MD
22:22:52 <downeym> ada__: glad to have you around, finally :D
22:23:09 <ada__> haha
22:23:16 <ada__> will be more active here from now on
22:23:17 <ada__> :)
22:23:25 <downeym> ada__: how many years has it taken? ;-)
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