IRC Chat : 2011-11-08 - OpenMRS

01:04:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @isaacholeman: MiDoctor service uses @openmrs, SMS, IVR to manage #chronicdisease in #chile. video of a cool project <>
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01:43:04 <djazayeri> wyclif: yo
01:43:05 <djazayeri> :-()
01:43:09 <djazayeri> sorry, mistyped that
01:43:10 <djazayeri> :-)
01:43:52 <djazayeri> want to discuss the workflow? or is it not a good time?
01:44:18 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
01:44:38 <wyclif> i'm available
01:44:42 <wyclif> i'm available djazayeri
01:44:54 <djazayeri> okay, I just emailed the dev list, in addition to commenting on a couple tickets.
01:45:17 <djazayeri> I apologize for asking you about the workflow in 3 places. My brain is a bit scattered at the moment.
01:45:23 <djazayeri> Anyway...
01:45:44 <wyclif> djazayeri, no problem
01:46:16 <djazayeri> So, I definitely agree that doing some of this in the install wizard will be easier than doing it in the standalone.
01:46:24 <djazayeri> Because it's just a familiar webapp.
01:46:59 <djazayeri> Though in the long run it would be nice if the standalone can ask for the relvant info, and pass it to the install wizard.
01:47:42 <wyclif> all the standalone has to do is to provide a way for the user to choose whether they want to run the install wizard or run the app
01:47:56 <djazayeri> Good enough, I guess.
01:48:15 <djazayeri> Let's do that for v1
01:48:19 <wyclif> djazayeri, what i'm avoiding is tying the install wizard to the standalone
01:48:51 <djazayeri> Right, I'm just thinking that if there were a way to provide extra instructions to the install wizard, then the standalone or anything else could optionally do this.
01:48:55 <djazayeri> but that can be v2.
01:49:04 <wyclif> right
01:49:19 <wyclif> i dont have any of the mockup tools on my box
01:49:25 <djazayeri> For v1 we'll just add an option to the standalone that lets you say "I want to go through the startup wizard".
01:49:38 <djazayeri> (Did you create a ticket for that yet?
01:49:50 <wyclif> any recommendation for those you have used in the past on linux?
01:50:21 <wyclif> djazayeri, i will create that in the standalone project and link it to the sprint via lablees
01:50:23 <djazayeri> I have used balsamiq locally. You need to install Adobe Air, but it worked fine. But I just use the online version now, either through jira or confluence.
01:50:25 <wyclif> labels
01:50:58 <djazayeri> wyclif: actually, go ahead and create a version in Standalone with the same name as the one we're using in trunk.
01:51:10 <djazayeri> That should work, right?
01:52:42 <wyclif> djazayeri, do you mean projec version?
01:52:52 <djazayeri> yes
01:52:55 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
01:52:59 <wyclif> i willl djazayeri
01:53:27 <djazayeri> wyclif: okay, so they run the standalone, they say they want to see the install wizard
01:54:41 <djazayeri> I guess this means that the standalone needs a first-time-setup screen, and if you choose this option, it deletes the DB data. But it should somehow instruct the installer wizard that it has to use specific db location and user/pass, right?
01:54:58 <djazayeri> Okay, so moving on, we're at the install wizard...
01:55:03 <wyclif> djazayeri, the standalone should rename the database folder to something else in preparation for a clean install, then it can delete it once the clean install is done
01:55:17 <djazayeri> okay, write that in the ticket. :-)
01:55:29 <wyclif> djazayeri, correct , it can delete it before starting openmrs
01:55:49 <wyclif> to force running of the init wizard
01:55:54 <djazayeri> The install wizard asks for Standard vs Custom, right? Has it already been extended with a 3rd option for the new workflow we're discussing here?
01:56:25 <wyclif> djazayeri, there is code in trunk that i added with a third option
01:56:42 <djazayeri> Is it in 1.9.x yet?
01:56:48 <djazayeri> or was it very recent?
01:57:02 <wyclif> djazayeri, i just commented it out not to appear in 1.9 alpha
01:57:18 <wyclif> djazayeri, but it is already there
01:57:22 <djazayeri> Okay, cool.
01:58:16 <djazayeri> so, the user chooses option 3.
01:58:32 <wyclif> correct, then we take them to the login page
01:59:18 <djazayeri> Before any other questions that the install wizard asks?
01:59:20 <wyclif> which will authenticate via DWR
01:59:34 <djazayeri> wyclif: I don't think DWR is the right technology here, actually.
01:59:59 <djazayeri> The goal isn't for the user's web browser to authenticate to the production server.
02:00:23 <djazayeri> Rather the (standalone) server needs to authenticate to the production server.
02:00:40 <djazayeri> So, question 1 is "what's the URL of the production server you want to test an upgrade for?"
02:01:15 <wyclif> djazayeri, the url will be required
02:01:22 <djazayeri> yes.
02:01:41 <djazayeri> so, after choosing option 3, the first question is "what URL?"
02:02:34 <wyclif> djazayeri, right
02:02:38 <djazayeri> We then need to test whether that server exists (by looking at the root url and checking that you get the login page) and if it's running the Release Testing module (by looking for a particular page)
02:03:47 <djazayeri> assuming this passes, *then* we ask for username and password.
02:03:57 <wyclif> djazayeri, so you want the user to login into OpenMRS say in an iframe?
02:04:02 <djazayeri> no.
02:04:17 <djazayeri> I think we ask for the username and password on the *test* server.
02:04:52 <djazayeri> I mean, we ask them to give us production credentials, but we do this on the test server.
02:05:04 <djazayeri> The test server can use those credentials to connect to the production server from the server-side.
02:06:00 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
02:07:20 <djazayeri> So, at this point our test server can fetch the sql dump, and the zip file of modules, right?
02:07:26 <djazayeri> what does it do with those?
02:08:25 <wyclif> it has to process the sql dump to replicate the data on the test server
02:08:50 <djazayeri> okay, but does it just store that in one of the installer wizard's session variables?
02:08:56 <djazayeri> and then ask the other questions?
02:09:05 <wyclif> it also has to install the modules on the test server but all this code that replicates the data is already in place
02:10:08 <wyclif> i was hoping to store that info in a temp directory but that can be insecure
02:11:41 <djazayeri> wyclif: hmm, good point. what does your current method for processing the sqldump require? a file?
02:12:45 <djazayeri> also, perhaps we should have the sqldump process in the testing module scramble the names?
02:13:14 <wyclif> djazayeri, it looks in the tmp directory and if it finds a sql file with a given name exists, grabs it and executes it
02:13:26 <djazayeri> okay, so we need a file.
02:13:33 <wyclif> djazayeri, right
02:13:50 <djazayeri> one option would be to encrypt it as we write it, and remember the encryption token for a later step.
02:14:49 <djazayeri> Okay, so what about all the other questions that the install wizard typically asks?
02:15:05 <djazayeri> e.g. it asks you for your database, user/pass or root/pass, etc.
02:15:12 <wyclif> djazayeri, the other option is that once we getthe file, we use it immediately, no need to save it anywhere
02:15:27 <wyclif> djazayeri, no that wouldnt work
02:15:39 <djazayeri> wyclif: do you run it with mysql at the command line?
02:15:44 <wyclif> djazayeri, i mean my suggestion
02:16:13 <djazayeri> okay, well, let's ignore the security issue for now, and get through the rest of the workflow.
02:16:28 <djazayeri> wyclif: what about the rest of the questions the install wizard typically asks?
02:16:44 <djazayeri> I feel like if you're doing this from within standalone, you should not be allowed to change lots of those things.
02:17:02 <wyclif> all it needs is the connection to the production server and authentication
02:17:52 <wyclif> once it has the two files for the moduls and sql dump, the rest is in place
02:18:02 <wyclif> djazayeri, no more prompts
02:18:06 <djazayeri> but where does it put them?
02:18:14 <wyclif> djazayeri, put what?
02:18:25 <djazayeri> I mean, what database does it load the sqldump into?
02:19:12 <wyclif> djazayeri, i have a constant in the init wizard as openmrstest
02:19:38 <djazayeri> so it always loads into an openmrstest db?
02:20:09 <wyclif> djazayeri, openmrs_test
02:20:21 <djazayeri> okay, but that's not what we want, right?
02:20:38 <djazayeri> In this case, the standalone has a database it wants to use, right?
02:20:40 <wyclif> djazayeri, it could be somethinh we prompt the user for
02:23:32 <djazayeri> wyclif: so, I just replied to my email, summarizing our conversation.
02:23:57 <djazayeri> We can revisit this tomorrow during work hours. :-) I've got to run for a bit.
02:24:20 <wyclif> ok, i will write up some skeleton code in the meatime
02:24:28 <wyclif> meantime
02:25:05 <djazayeri> Okay. Alternately, if you have time to identify the ticket that goes with each of the steps I listed in the email, that'd be awesome.
02:25:11 <djazayeri> I wonder how many we're missing.
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03:22:02 <srinivasa> darius: Hi ...I have a doubt regarding usage of sql queries...We have to execute a complex sql query so is there any means using which we can execute complex sql queries
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03:34:47 <chopin> srinivasa: you can execute any sql query, but what is it intended to do?
03:37:43 <srinivasa> chopin: we want to retrieve data from active_problem_list table..Actually we are able to fetch the data using the DAO's but we want to do some processing over the data and sql queries would reduce the complexity...
03:38:47 <chopin> srinivasa: you can either write your own sql or use a hibernate Criteria object to build the query through the hibernate API.
03:38:54 <chopin> srinivasa: there are lots of examples in our DAOs
03:47:05 <srinivasa> chopin: How to find appropriate Hibernate configuration xml file to obtain session
03:51:56 <chopin> srinivasa: are you doing this in a module?
03:52:08 <chopin> srinivasa: if so, just mimic another module's moduleApplicationContext.xml file
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03:52:43 <chopin> srinivasa: it will give you a sessionFactory
03:53:00 <chopin> from that sessionFactory you can call sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria()
03:53:38 <srinivasa> chopin: thanks
03:58:14 <chopin> srinivasa: yep, good luck.
04:08:55 <surangak> chopin, wellcome to our timezone !
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05:27:04 <morristic> hello is anyoe around?
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06:03:46 <djazayeri> morristic: I am now
06:06:47 <surangak> djazayeri, helllo
06:06:52 <surangak> djazayeri, long time no see
06:06:54 <djazayeri> hi surangak
06:06:59 <surangak> I got caught up with AMA+PATH work
06:07:09 <surangak> over the past weeks, im afraid :-)
06:07:29 <surangak> doing some work for Ada and Dr. Shaun...
06:07:55 <surangak> did not have much time to look at 2588 :-(
06:08:19 <djazayeri> luckily I've given 2588 to Rafal, and he's going to solve it. :-)
06:08:36 <surangak> poor Rafal :-(
06:09:07 <surangak> djazayeri, I think the AMPATH work was somewhat urgent, so I was pretty much working on it 100% of the time....
06:09:24 <djazayeri> surangak: no worries
06:09:39 <djazayeri> for complexdatatype stuff, you'd still be blocked on the thing I left incomplete.
06:10:13 <surangak> djazayeri, I will try to join in with Rafal once this is done, but bugs seem to be comming at a terible rate these days :P
06:14:48 <surangak> djazayeri, mm.. quick question, do u know where I can find any Elecrtonic record samples for physiotheraphy ?
06:15:00 <djazayeri> surangak: nope, sorry
06:15:03 <surangak> basically forms and docs on how doctors do it :-)
06:15:09 <surangak> oh, ok :(
06:15:20 <djazayeri> I don't know much about medical content, actually...
06:21:44 <surangak> djazayeri, no problem, guess we r both newbies :-)
06:22:30 <morristic> Hi djazayeri, still around?
06:23:16 <djazayeri> hi morristic
06:23:19 <djazayeri> yes, for a bit longer
06:23:24 <morristic> good evening
06:23:34 <morristic> just have a quick question about this error I keep running into
06:23:37 <morristic> I made a ticket
06:24:44 <djazayeri> what's the error?
06:25:52 <morristic>
06:26:14 <morristic> When I submit an html form after editing the encounter, I get an error when date fields are blank
06:26:34 <morristic> this error doesn't occur if they were empty when initially filling out the form
06:26:52 <morristic> org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a
06:26:52 <morristic> null or transient value: org.openmrs.Obs.dateCreated
06:27:11 <morristic> filling in each date field fixed the error
06:27:17 <djazayeri> hmm, that's odd
06:27:43 <djazayeri> can you reproduce this on the demo server?
06:27:46 <morristic> but this is not a solution because we wouldn't want a date listed if a symptom or diagnosis wasn't filled out.
06:27:49 <morristic> let me try
06:28:19 <djazayeri> If you can provide steps to reproduce this on the demo server, that'd really help debugging it.
06:35:10 <morristic> having a tough time duplicating it
06:35:22 <morristic> want to log into our server?
06:35:36 <djazayeri> morristic: perhaps some other time, I have to get to bed now. :-)
06:35:42 <morristic> ok
06:35:44 <morristic> nite nite!
06:35:48 <djazayeri> gnight
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08:03:22 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: XForms 4.0.8 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <> || OpenMRS Modules: My Patients 1.0 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
08:23:09 <surangak> bwolfe, howdy, may I have an educated opinion ? :-)
08:23:19 <bwolfe> no, just an opinion
08:23:32 <surangak> bwolfe, :D
08:23:40 <surangak> bwolfe, Im doing some stuff for ampath
08:24:24 <surangak> ada says that a query is not running in the ampath server, Ive done some changes, but cant be sure that it fizxes the problem becoz i dont have access to their data...
08:24:38 <surangak> the code im looking at generates an sql query like this....
08:25:22 <surangak> ------------------
08:25:27 <surangak> SELECT `import_uid`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.uuid`, `(Attribute) Citizenship`, `org.openmrs.Patient.uuid`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.countyDistrict`, `
08:25:27 <surangak> mrs.PersonAddress.neighborhoodCell`, `org.openmrs.Patient.gender`, `(Attribute) Birthplace`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.cityVillage`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress
08:25:27 <surangak> .country`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.middleName`, `(Attribute) Mother's Name`, `(Attribute) Civil Status`, ``, `org.openmrs.Patient.d
08:25:27 <surangak> eathDate`, ``, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.townshipDivision`, ``, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.preferred`, `org.o
08:25:29 <surangak> penmrs.PersonAddress.subregion`, `(Identifier) OpenMRS Identification Number`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.prefix`, ``, `org.openmrs.Patien
08:25:34 <surangak> t.birthdateEstimated`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.familyNamePrefix`, `org.openmrs.Patient.patientId`, `org.openmrs.Patient.personId`, `
08:25:37 <surangak> titude`, `org.openmrs.Patient.birthdate`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.uuid`, `(Attribute) Health Center`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.preferred`, `org.openmrs.Person
08:25:42 <surangak> Name.givenName`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.familyName2`, `org.openmrs.Patient.dead`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.address6`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.postalCode`,
08:25:45 <surangak> `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.address5`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.address4`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.address3`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.address2`, `org.op
08:25:50 <surangak> enmrs.PersonAddress.address1`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.familyNameSuffix`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.personNameId`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.longitude`, `(Identi
08:25:53 <surangak> fier) Old Identification Number`, `(Attribute) Race`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.stateProvince`, `org.openmrs.PersonName.familyName`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress
08:25:56 <surangak> .region`, `(Attribute) Health District`, `org.openmrs.PersonAddress.personAddressId` FROM import ORDER BY `org.openmrs.Patient.gender`
08:25:59 <surangak> its taking data from a table named 'import' which has the above columns.....
08:26:03 <bwolfe> uh
08:26:07 <bwolfe> am I supposed to read that? :-/
08:26:15 <surangak> sorry Ben :)
08:26:16 <bwolfe> can you tidy it up and pastebin the query maybe?
08:26:19 <surangak> sure
08:26:28 <bwolfe> I need to run out, can you either email me or we chat in 1 hour?
08:26:50 <surangak> sure,m no problem
08:26:58 <surangak> will catch u later :)
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09:31:03 <kishoreyekkanti> !ticket TRUNK-2747
09:31:04 <OpenMRSBot> kishoreyekkanti: [#TRUNK-2747] Automated Error Report: LazyInitializationException on NewPatientFormController - OpenMRS JIRA -
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10:12:05 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Hey ben we need to create branches folder under htmlformentry. Is this some thing you can do?
10:14:35 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, sure. I don't know why the other folders aren't in a branches folder already...
10:15:22 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Yeah! I'm trying to move this htmlformentry from svn to git and i need these project to be organized under Trunk, branches and tags.
10:15:44 <bwolfe> kishoreyekkanti, looks like it already is. did you asksomeone else to do it already?
10:15:51 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: According to rowan he said we can move 1.4.x, 1.5.x, designer, formschema and gsoc under branches folder
10:15:52 <bwolfe> surangak, you still around?
10:16:12 <kishoreyekkanti> hey yeah! i've mailed rowan and i guess he did that for me
10:16:12 <surangak> bwolfe, oh, hello Ben
10:17:25 <kishoreyekkanti> bwolfe: Hey any ways thanks for volunteering :)
10:20:19 <upul`> i had chicken pox
10:22:30 <bwolfe> upul`, just recently?
10:22:45 <upul`> bwolfe: last 2 weeks
10:22:59 <upul`> I didn't come to this room, i could have spread it
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10:24:41 <bwolfe> upul`, ooo, sorry to hear that. glad to see you're ok though
10:24:50 <bwolfe> and thanks for not spreading it to us :-P
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15:04:16 <mathstest> hi
15:04:22 <mathstest> any doctors in the house
15:04:24 <mathstest> ???
15:04:36 <mathstest> its 2 in the morning
15:04:53 <mathstest> and i have had a huge headache for 4 days
15:04:59 <mathstest> and its not going away
15:05:07 <mathstest> its on the right side of my head
15:05:18 <mathstest> and its like someone is drilling into my head
15:05:28 <mathstest> CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME???
15:05:39 <mathstest> i cant sleep from the pain
15:06:57 <djazayeri> only computer programmers here...
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15:07:21 <mathstest> this is a medical chat room isnt it
15:07:22 <mathstest> ?
15:07:44 <djazayeri> This is a chat room for the software developers and implementers of OpenMRS.
15:08:36 <mathstest> oh
15:08:38 <mathstest> ok
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15:10:43 <djazayeri> anyway, you should talk to a doctor
15:12:53 <djazayeri> raff_, wyclif: hi
15:13:06 <raff_> hi
15:13:12 <djazayeri> apparently today only the US-based people are here...
15:13:14 <wyclif> hi djazayeri
15:14:46 <djazayeri> I haven't made it through my mountain of overnight email yet, but has dkayiwa released the alpha yet?
15:15:20 <raff_> I've seen an e-mail on a dev list :D
15:15:43 <dawn_> he posted an email to the implementers list for alpha release
15:15:45 <raff_> sorry implementers list
15:15:52 <djazayeri> oh, great!
15:18:17 <djazayeri> Okay, well, looks like dkayiwa and bwolfe aren't going to show for now.
15:18:25 <djazayeri> wyclif, raff_: scrum time
15:18:56 <raff_> I'm ready
15:19:10 <djazayeri> okay, go ahead then!!
15:19:17 <djazayeri> (sorry for the duplicate !)
15:19:25 <raff_> it's short
15:19:29 <raff_> Yesterday: * Started with TRUNK-2830: Add a GenerateTestDataController Today: * Continue with that. No blockers.
15:19:48 <raff_> well actually I've got a question
15:20:10 <djazayeri> yes?
15:20:15 <raff_> where to put code for importing a dump?
15:20:31 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
15:20:56 <raff_> It's not supposed to be in the testing module, is it?
15:21:09 <djazayeri> raff_: no, that should be in the install wizard
15:21:14 <djazayeri> wyclif may have already written it
15:21:39 <raff_> cool
15:21:42 <djazayeri> Actually, wyclif, raff_, let's go through the step-by-step list from last night's email, and wyclif can point out where code already exists.
15:21:58 <raff_> I may look into that later during the day
15:22:09 <raff_> I am still working on creating a dump
15:23:26 <djazayeri> Okay, still, this is worth doing, at least for my own sake. :-)
15:23:33 <raff_> djazayeri: do you mean the Release/Testing improvements thread?
15:23:33 <djazayeri> 1. User downloads standalone, unzips, and double clicks on the JAR
15:23:38 <djazayeri> Yes.
15:23:43 <raff_> okay
15:23:47 <djazayeri> step 1: don't need anything special
15:23:55 <djazayeri> 2. User chooses a "show me install wizard" option (needs a ticket)
15:24:10 <djazayeri> -> TODO: create a ticket for this, make a mockup. (I'll do this)
15:24:16 <wyclif> nice
15:24:34 <djazayeri> 3. Install wizard asks (a) Standard, (b) Custom, (c) Test an upgrade (requires uncommenting some code that already exists). User chooses (c).
15:24:50 <djazayeri> -> wyclif, where is the code that needs to be uncommented for this?
15:25:07 <djazayeri> -> wyclif, and is there a ticket for uncommenting it?
15:25:47 <wyclif> djazayeri, i have uncommented as part of work for TRUNK-2835, it is in the installmethod.vm
15:25:57 <djazayeri> wyclif: okay, so no need for a ticket?
15:26:06 <wyclif> djazayeri, correct
15:26:14 <djazayeri> okay. 4. Install wizard should not ask you the typical series of questions about db connect string, user/pass, root user/pass. Instead the standalone should have set these to fixed values.
15:26:17 <raff_> !ticket TRUNK-2835
15:26:18 <OpenMRSBot> raff_: [#TRUNK-2835] Add a page to the installation wizard that prompts for a url to a production system - OpenMRS JIRA -
15:26:45 <djazayeri> How do we do step 4?
15:27:05 <wyclif> djazayeri, i have also removed the prompt page for step 4 as part of TRUNK-2835
15:27:05 <djazayeri> i.e. how can the standalone tell the install wizard what the db connection string, db username, and db password should be?
15:27:09 <djazayeri> and is that the right approach?
15:28:09 <wyclif> djazayeri, my focus the now is to have the insall wizard do stuff on its own, the standalone will need to plug in it's values independently
15:28:46 <wyclif> djazayeri, so for now i have pages in place to request for connection url to production system and login page
15:28:51 <djazayeri> wyclif: yes, but the standalone should still need to be able to indicate this use case to the install wizard
15:29:15 <djazayeri> because if you're running the install wizard through the standalone, with its embedded mysql database, you shouldn't be allowed to choose a different database, right?
15:29:49 <wyclif> djazayeri, i agree
15:29:58 <djazayeri> okay, so how do we make that happen
15:30:32 <wyclif> djazayeri, hmmm
15:30:49 <djazayeri> wyclif: can the standalone write a special property to
15:31:26 <wyclif> djazayeri, i think it can
15:31:40 <djazayeri> when we start up in this mode, is there a runtime properties file already?
15:32:44 <wyclif> djazayeri, yeah
15:32:55 <djazayeri> okay, so let's do it that way.
15:33:01 <djazayeri> I presume we need a ticket for this?
15:34:14 <wyclif> djazayeri, as the standalone is for now, you can select a different database in the init wizard
15:34:40 <djazayeri> wyclif: right, but normally you bypass the init wizard with the standalone.
15:35:09 <djazayeri> we're adding a new workflow where it does let you see it, so we should constrain.
15:35:22 <djazayeri> Possibly this should be an option.
15:35:31 <djazayeri> okay, moving on
15:35:33 <djazayeri> 5. Install wizard asks for the URL of the production server you want to test an upgrade for.
15:35:40 <djazayeri> -> This is the ticket wyclif just mentioned.
15:35:52 <djazayeri> trunk-2835
15:36:01 <djazayeri> 6. Test server verifies that the production server is reachable at that URL, and that it's running the Release Testing module. If either check fails, give an appropriate error message, and return to the previous step.
15:36:11 <djazayeri> wyclif: is this part of the same ticket? or does it need a new one?
15:36:27 <wyclif> djazayeri, it is part of the same ticket
15:37:00 <djazayeri> okay, cool.
15:37:11 <djazayeri> 7. Test server asks user for username/password for the production server, and verifies that they're valid. If not, ask again.
15:37:14 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Many exciting entries from #OpenMRS community in "Top 11 in 2011" innovation contest! Read more, vote: #ICT4D #HealthIT <>
15:37:43 <djazayeri> wyclif: You had a ticket for the DWR service, but this probably needs something else, right?
15:37:48 <wyclif> djazayeri, this is what is so far bothering me
15:38:52 <wyclif> djazayeri, the testmodule after authenticating, it needs to maintain a session otherwise the wizard would have to send authentication info back
15:38:54 <djazayeri> so, I think we should ignore Burke's comments about being OAuth-like, for now.
15:39:09 <wyclif> djazayeri, i was thinking it could generate a special token and sends it back
15:39:14 <djazayeri> wyclif: why? Can't it just hold onto the username and password in memory?
15:39:25 <djazayeri> as long as it doesn't persist them, it's fine.
15:39:46 <wyclif> djazayeri, how abou if another user hit the module
15:40:05 <djazayeri> what do you mean?
15:40:21 <wyclif> it would need to associate the username.password to a unique identifier of the client
15:40:44 <djazayeri> why do we need a session for this?
15:41:15 <djazayeri> All we need to do is something like https://production/openmrs/modules/releasetesthelper/download?u=xyz&p=abc
15:41:33 <djazayeri> or we can do that twice, once for data, once for module zip
15:42:26 <wyclif> djazayeri, so you are saying the wizard needs to send auth credentintials for every request to the production server?
15:42:48 <djazayeri> wyclif: I'm saying that's a legit approach. There are only two requests, right?
15:43:15 <wyclif> technically 2 more after authentication
15:43:49 <djazayeri> well, 2 actual requsts, plus "one or more" to test the connection, yeah
15:43:55 <djazayeri> anyway, that's what I'm proposing we do in the first pass.
15:44:08 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
15:44:34 <djazayeri> okay, so…is there a ticket for this yet?
15:44:48 <djazayeri> or is this a new workflow that needs ticketing?
15:45:29 <wyclif> djazayeri, TRUNK-2823
15:45:42 <wyclif> we just need to cleanup the description
15:47:30 <djazayeri> okay, great
15:48:24 <djazayeri> 8. Test server uses those credentials to fetch an appropriate sql dump, and zip file of modules. (It does this server-side, the user doesn't see this happening.
15:48:32 <djazayeri> wyclif: are there tickets for this yet?
15:48:54 <wyclif> djazayeri, yes, let me get them
15:49:50 <wyclif> TRUNK-2826, TRUNK-2825, TRUNK-2827
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15:50:52 <djazayeri> 9. Install wizard loads up the sql dump, and puts the modules in the right place.
15:50:58 <djazayeri> wyclif: Are there tickets?
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15:51:45 <wyclif> djazayeri, yes
15:51:55 <djazayeri> okay, what are their numbers?
15:54:22 <wyclif> TRUNK-2826 and TRUNK-2825
15:55:03 <wyclif> TRUNK-2825 is a sub ticket of TRUNK-2826 however it could probably be a single ticket
15:55:13 <djazayeri> that's fine
15:55:19 <wyclif> the module ticket is TRUNK-2827
15:55:26 <djazayeri> 10. Install wizard runs the liquibase update scripts
15:55:30 <djazayeri> nothing new here
15:57:08 <djazayeri> So, that's the whole process, right?
15:57:21 <wyclif> djazayeri, step 10 is already integrated
15:57:28 <djazayeri> I'll put that all together on the wiki page.
15:57:36 <wyclif> djazayeri, great
15:57:42 <djazayeri> okay, so, wyclif, your turn to report. :-)
15:57:47 <djazayeri> (let's finish the scrum)
15:58:40 <wyclif> Yesterday:
15:58:40 <wyclif> -TRUNK-2834 - Add a DWRAuthenticationService to test module
15:58:40 <wyclif> -TRUNK-2832 - Add GetModulesController to test module
15:58:40 <wyclif> -Did some work and had a couple of discussions around the sprint and reorganising tickets
15:58:40 <wyclif> -Started on TRUNK-2823 - Add a login page to the initialization wizard(not completed)
15:58:41 <wyclif> Today:
15:58:42 <wyclif> -Get TRUNK-2823 to a usable state - Add a login page to the initialization wizard(not completed)
15:58:44 <wyclif> -Move tickets to their respective projects i.e module vs trunk
15:58:46 <wyclif> -Other sorint tickets
15:58:48 <wyclif> -Created TRUNK-2837 - Back button is broken in the Installation wizard
15:59:49 <raff_> will there be a database schema and tables before loading the sql dump?
16:00:02 <djazayeri> I don't think so…wyclif?
16:00:02 <wyclif> raff_, no
16:00:21 <wyclif> raff_, look at TestInstallUtil
16:00:39 <wyclif> you can edit whatever is already there if you don't like it
16:01:07 <raff_> wyclif: is it working?
16:01:45 <wyclif> i ran it the when i did the initial phase of the test install step, but you can test further
16:02:17 <wyclif> raff_, i recall it froze on the obs table for a large dataset
16:02:36 <wyclif> but i doubt if this will happen since we are cutting down on the data
16:03:06 <wyclif> raff_, you could review the code before using it
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16:04:03 <wyclif> raff_, is it also mysql specific, but we said this is fine for the first pass
16:04:49 <wyclif> raff_, it also assumes the sql dump file is in the tmp directory, you might want to change this
16:07:04 <raff_> okay thanks
16:07:47 <djazayeri> My report: code reviewed the few tickets that were in code-review state, and commented on others. worked on step-by-step workflow with wyclif
16:07:58 <djazayeri> today: do a ticket, code review anything relevant
16:08:57 <wyclif> djazayeri, don't forget to create the tickets you mentioned above
16:09:14 <djazayeri> yes, and do a mockup for one of them
16:09:15 <djazayeri> :-)
16:09:22 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
16:09:30 <djazayeri> okay, that's our scrum for today
16:09:43 <djazayeri> gotta run for a bit, back online soon
16:10:44 <wyclif> ok
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16:28:50 <kishoreyekkanti> is "Rowan Seymour" here with any other irc handle
16:41:26 <djazayeri> kishoreyekkanti: nope, he isn't
16:41:56 <kishoreyekkanti> djazayeri: oh ok thats fine.
16:42:11 <kishoreyekkanti> djazayeri: I have a question
16:42:27 <kishoreyekkanti> djazayeri: do developers really need eclipse settings file to be checked in the code
16:42:35 <djazayeri> kishoreyekkanti: no
16:42:42 <djazayeri> sorry, i'd meant to reply to that email
16:42:52 <djazayeri> before maven, we did check in the eclipse-specific files
16:43:01 <djazayeri> post-maven, we don't
16:43:17 <djazayeri> the idea is that people check out the code via "SCM" in eclipse, and this leads to eclipse creating the right files.
16:43:47 <djazayeri> I'll reply to the email now.
16:43:52 <kishoreyekkanti> djazayeri: okk. gotcha. I'll remove the files from scm
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17:17:21 <suranga> hi james_regen
17:17:26 <suranga> are you there ?
17:22:59 <james_regen> james_regen: yes, i'm here
17:27:50 <suranga> hi james_regen ... unfortunately report is still not working for amrs, it seems
17:28:07 <suranga> Im wondering what I can do to find the error
17:28:37 <james_regen> i can get the log file sometime, i can see what it says
17:29:21 <suranga> james_regen, I have confirmed that it is working with the openmrs db, but I dont have access to a amrs db...
17:29:36 <suranga> james_regen, Ada is saying that she can get Win to maybe check it out ?
17:29:52 <suranga> since I cant get my hands on the amrs db...
17:30:29 <james_regen> suranga: i'm hoping the log file will be helpful. i'm not sure waht to do without it
17:31:23 <suranga> james_regen, can u try for the log file then ? or maybe get win to check if possible...
17:31:41 <suranga> but still, I guess theres noting like a good 'ol debug to fix a problem :P
17:36:18 <james_regen> suranga: yeah, i'll let you know what i find
17:37:20 <suranga> james_regen, great ! maybe u can mail me anything u find ? :)
17:38:29 <james_regen> i will
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18:57:21 <raff> djazayeri, wyclif where to look for code for the installation wizard?
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18:57:48 <wyclif> rafa__,
18:58:01 <rafa__> thx
18:58:04 <wyclif> rafa__, sorry! InitializationFilter
18:58:06 <djazayeri> rafa__: the views are like web/src/main/resources/org/openmrs/web/filter/initialization/*.vm
18:59:35 <rafa__> djazayeri: do we commit this sprint code to trunk actually?
18:59:53 <rafa__> or there is a branch?
18:59:53 <djazayeri> rafa__: we should commit to trunk yes.
18:59:57 <rafa__> okay
19:00:10 <djazayeri> we also need to backport to 1.9.x at the end of the sprint.
19:13:53 <djazayeri> wyclif: you set a fixVersion of 1.9.1 for the Back Button Broken ticket.
19:13:57 <djazayeri> shouldn't that be 1.9?
19:14:07 <djazayeri> seems like a pretty major issue.
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19:20:52 <wyclif> oh yes, 1.9 is still not yet released
19:25:53 <djazayeri> we're only on the alpha so far. :-)
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20:02:40 <djazayeri> wyclif, rafa__: note that the dashboard is not actually showing all relevant tickets. it's only showing the TRUNK ones, not the standalone ones.
20:02:51 <djazayeri> Need to get Ben to fix this at some point.
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20:09:24 <kishoreyekkanti> !ticket TRUNK-2798
20:09:26 <OpenMRSBot> kishoreyekkanti: [#RCM-69] Missing description when saving patient ids in cohort builder should give user friendly error message - OpenMRS JIRA -
20:10:59 <kishoreyekkanti> !ticket TRUNK-2807
20:11:00 <OpenMRSBot> kishoreyekkanti: [#TRUNK-2807] Unbounded coded concepts should not throw a NullPointerException when trying to answer them - OpenMRS JIRA -
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20:15:56 <wyclif> djazayeri, ok
20:35:42 <rafa__> wyclif: how close are you to
20:36:31 <rafa__> wyclif: I assume you're editing the filter and I don't want us to edit it simultaneously
20:37:10 <wyclif> rafa__, what do you want to do?
20:37:31 <rafa__> wyclif: query the server for a test data set
20:37:48 <rafa__>
20:39:11 <rafa__> we can add authorization in a later step
20:39:33 <rafa__> I just want to make sure that dumps can be imported properly
20:39:41 <wyclif> 2835 is not not a problem, i can get done with it in the next 1 hr
20:40:04 <rafa__> have you started it?
20:40:23 <wyclif> my plan is to get done with both 2825 and 2823 today
20:40:48 <wyclif> i havent added the login page to the init wizard
20:41:04 <rafa__> 2825 is mine :)
20:41:10 <wyclif> and code to read in the username and passwors
20:41:21 <wyclif> i meant 2835
20:41:34 <rafa__> !ticket 2823
20:41:35 <OpenMRSBot> rafa__: HTTP Error 404: Not Found -
20:41:52 <rafa__> !ticket TRUNK-2823
20:41:53 <OpenMRSBot> rafa__: [#TRUNK-2823] Add a login page to the initialization wizard - OpenMRS JIRA -
20:42:05 <wyclif> rafa__, you leave TRUNK-2825 for tomorrow
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20:42:26 <rafa__> wyclif: fair enough
20:42:45 <rafa__> thanks!
20:43:26 <rafa__> note that TRUNK-2823 is closed
20:43:58 <rafa__> wyclif: btw what's DWRTestingService for?
20:44:51 <rafa__> wyclif: I mean we'll be authenticating with each call right?
20:45:24 <wyclif> rafa__, we decide that each time the wizard hits the production server, it sends the username and password
20:45:30 <wyclif> they will only be 2 calls
20:45:46 <wyclif> rafa__, one for sql dump and the other for the modules
20:46:02 <rafa__> that's right
20:46:18 <rafa__> and we won't use any DWR stuff, do we?
20:49:35 <rafa__> wyclif: is it only server-to-server communication? no ajax?
20:50:12 <wyclif> it more like rest
20:50:39 <wyclif> the test module acts more like a rest service
20:51:35 <wyclif> i can commit TRUNK-2835 in the next 30min
20:51:43 <rafa__> cool :D
20:52:00 <rafa__> I stop bothering you then ;-)
20:52:07 <rafa__> let you focus
20:52:09 <rafa__> :D
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