IRC Chat : 2011-08-04 - OpenMRS

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01:01:04 <indy2011> hello
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01:30:57 <jeff___> hi, i am trying to install 1,8.1 standalone with web-services of open emr and followed the instructions by installing firefox,tomcat,and mysql but on the last page (6) of the OpenMRS installation wizard it says I cannot create the database. I double checked and do have the correct port(3306) and the MySQL uname/pswd that I used when I installed MySQL,I see both TomCat and MySQL services running (I am running Windows 7 btw) and have
01:31:16 <jeff___> i mean openmrs (not open emr)
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04:14:37 <wyclif> hi jeff__
04:14:54 <wyclif> hi jeff___
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04:27:36 <surangak> djazayeri, helooo
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07:46:34 <dkayiwa> morning bwolfe
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08:35:25 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (providers): [TRUNK-2259] Management Pages for encounter roles(save/retire/unretire/purge encounter roles) <>
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10:40:29 <bwolfe> dkayiwa: how goes it?
10:40:40 <dkayiwa> not bad
10:40:47 <dkayiwa> just a few qtns
10:49:05 <bwolfe> ok, did you want to ask me those questions dkayiwa ?
10:49:29 <dkayiwa> not yet bwolfe :)
10:49:46 <dkayiwa> was finishing up something here
10:50:01 <bwolfe> ah
10:50:23 <dkayiwa> but let me take advantage of the fact that you are around
10:50:52 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: after the server processes an upload, shouldnt it move the file to something like archive folder?
10:51:27 <bwolfe> perhaps
10:51:29 <dkayiwa> and if an upload processing fails, shouldnt the file go to some sort of error folder? bwolfe
10:51:39 <bwolfe> perhaps
10:51:41 <dkayiwa> ok
10:51:43 <bwolfe> I can't remember how it works
10:51:56 <dkayiwa> for now it does none of the above bwolfe
10:52:25 <bwolfe> heh
10:52:30 <bwolfe> so it reprocesses them??
10:52:41 <dkayiwa> no
10:52:47 <dkayiwa> its clever :)
10:53:02 <dkayiwa> it checks their last modified date with the one stored in the database :)
10:53:22 <dkayiwa> but nevertheless wastes some cpu cycles
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11:00:06 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: another question
11:00:18 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: am failing to reproduce the error for
11:00:31 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: am using openmrs 1.6.3
11:01:07 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: looks like the reporter used: OpenMRS Version: Build 7679
11:01:22 <bwolfe> ok, so has been fixed
11:01:37 <bwolfe> either with openmrs or with the transition to the occ module using xstream instead of simpleframework serialization
11:01:40 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: maybe
11:01:43 <bwolfe> so you can just close that one
11:01:48 <dkayiwa> ok
11:03:24 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: in order to close it, should i go through workflow -> committed code?
11:03:31 <bwolfe> yeah
11:03:33 <bwolfe> no
11:03:36 <dkayiwa> :)
11:03:39 <bwolfe> workflow-->cancel
11:03:45 <bwolfe> and when cancelling, pick the right reason
11:04:07 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: under my workflow, i do not have cancel
11:04:43 <dkayiwa> for that ticket
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11:06:11 <bwolfe> dkayiwa: ok, I closed it for you then
11:06:18 <dkayiwa> thanks
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11:15:55 <dkayiwa> bwolfe is this when using the Add new Concept link on the Concept Dictionary Maintenance page ?
11:16:20 <bwolfe> yeah
11:16:35 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: just tried that as was not able to reproduce it
11:17:20 <bwolfe> are you connecting to a local instance of it?
11:17:30 <bwolfe> or is occ not running for you ?
11:17:35 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: yes. but i first shut it down
11:17:42 <bwolfe> oh, hmm
11:18:06 <dkayiwa> bwolfe am using http://localhost:8080/occ/admin
11:18:20 <bwolfe> ??
11:18:28 <bwolfe> using that where?
11:18:35 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: and i first confirmed that i get this error message
11:18:36 <dkayiwa> Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8080.
11:18:57 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: that is to confirm that i had shut down my occ server
11:19:10 <bwolfe> oh, gotcha
11:19:16 <bwolfe> what url is in your gp for hte occ server?
11:19:42 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: http://localhost:8080/occ
11:20:10 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: and the gp name is occmodule.occServerURL
11:20:33 <bwolfe> hmm, ok
11:20:36 <bwolfe> well, thats odd
11:20:40 <bwolfe> what version of openmrs are you using?
11:20:48 <dkayiwa> 1.6.3
11:20:52 <dkayiwa> bwolfe
11:21:02 <bwolfe> maybe thats why
11:21:20 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: let me try again with newer versions
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11:33:48 <dkayiwa> bwolfe: you are right i was able to reproduce it on 1.8.1 Thanks for the tip :)
11:34:21 <bwolfe> I think 1.7 introduced the dwr box along the top with the dwr errors
11:34:26 <bwolfe> otherwise its down int he status bar
11:34:35 <dkayiwa> oh i see
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12:56:32 <rcrichton> Hey all, the OpenMRS Jira site seems to be down.
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12:57:03 <rcrichton> Seem it can't connect to the db from the error I get.
12:57:11 <dkayiwa> same to me
13:05:37 <dkayiwa> hi bwolfe
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13:15:27 <dkayiwa> rcrichton: they have fixed it
13:17:52 <wayne> :)
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13:22:21 <rcrichton> dkayiwa: ok great :)
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13:29:04 <bwolfe> hi dkayiwa
13:29:06 <bwolfe> welcome rcrichton
13:29:25 <rcrichton> Hello bwolfe
13:29:36 <rcrichton> thanks
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13:46:50 <bwolfe> wyclif: in your crucible reviews, just pick one of either darius or myself. usually just choose the sprint leader
13:47:14 <bwolfe> as a core developer you are one of the approvers of the code and we say that only 2 devs have to approve it
13:52:02 <wyclif> bwolfe, ok
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14:03:42 <mccallumg> Trying to join the call - having some audio problems with skype (may be my bluetooth ear piece)
14:04:47 <bwolfe> mccallumg: pole
14:04:53 <bwolfe> mccallumg: sorry
14:05:23 <bwolfe> mccallumg: I seem to have the hardest time with audio myself.
14:08:30 <mccallumg> bwolfe: What is pole? ... i have new wireless headset on order but it hasn't arrived yet.
14:13:11 <bwolfe> mccallumg: its "sorry" in swahili. After only 4 months in Kenya I'm in the bad habit of saying it to people that don't know swahili. :-) pronounced "polay"
14:14:51 <mccallumg> bwolfe: good on you. The more you avoid English the quicker you'll pickup the language.
14:17:26 <bwolfe> unfortunately I havne't been avoiding english. I know about the same amount of swahili as when I got here. I relearned a lot, then have forgotten a lot to lack of use :-/
14:17:52 <bwolfe> downeym++ for making a completion status widget in confluence
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14:30:23 <magoo> dkayiwa the modules are failing to install check out this
14:30:46 <dkayiwa> magoo in meeting
14:30:58 <magoo> okay later
14:32:19 <downeym> !devmtg
14:32:20 <OpenMRSBot> downeym: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer meeting Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern -
14:34:26 <downeym> mccallumg: ping
14:34:56 <mccallumg> downeym: yes
14:35:56 <downeym> mccallumg: incoming privmsg :)
14:36:41 <mccallumg> downeym: see it now. didn't see it at first (scroll bar)
14:36:52 <downeym> irc--
14:37:21 <mccallumg> colloquy--
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14:43:15 <djazayeri> use adium. :-)
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15:04:07 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (1.8.x): backporting TRUNK-2430 to branches/1.8.x - fix userbar positioning <>
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15:05:49 <mccallumg> heard that now. completely missed it before.
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15:54:57 <asgoyal> bwolfe: Happy Birthday ben! :)
15:55:04 <djazayeri> hi jriley
15:55:15 <jriley> Hi!
15:55:27 <djazayeri> as I was saying, I'm not in Boston, but if you are, you should visit the PIH offices there.
15:55:31 <bwolfe> thanks asgoyal
15:55:37 <djazayeri> are you there temporarily or long-term?
15:55:47 <jriley> Where on earth did they find this music?
15:56:19 <jriley> djazayeri, long term
15:56:37 <jriley> I've been travelling most of the last year, but am back home in Boston now
15:56:44 <jriley> I've been working on an OpenMRS implementation for Cambodia
15:56:46 <djazayeri> okay, so I'll email you and some of the boston-based team.
15:56:56 <jriley> That would be great, thanks
15:57:21 <djazayeri> speaking of which, I recall at least one HTML Form Entry ticket we were discussing, but I didn't end up applying your patch.
15:57:27 <djazayeri> (Not intentionally.)
15:57:31 <djazayeri> Is that still relevant?
15:57:32 <jriley> I was just thining about that
15:57:34 <jriley> Yes
15:57:39 <jriley> So, uh, whose turn is it with that?
15:57:46 <jriley> I submitted a patch, you were reviewing it... you happy with it?
15:57:55 <jriley> ... bringing up the JIRA ticket
15:58:07 <djazayeri> I think I still have to review it. Honestly I don't remember.
15:58:16 <djazayeri> Is it just the one ticket?
15:58:23 <jriley> .. appreciating the luxury of good internet connectivity...
15:58:30 <jriley> For that patch, yes, just one
15:58:44 <jriley> I think there were a couple other JIRA items assigned to me, and I want to figure out why
15:59:42 <jriley> The HTML Form one is
16:00:51 <jriley> Ah, it comes back to me
16:06:17 <wyclif> bwolfe, djazayeri, dkayiwa gone for lunch with the team in indy
16:06:22 <djazayeri> ok
16:06:30 <wyclif> will give my update when i get back
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16:21:20 <jeff___> hi- is : a standalone version of openMRS ?
16:21:34 <djazayeri> jeff__: sounds like it
16:22:03 <djazayeri> jeff___: Is this your current login, and may I kick jeff__?
16:22:21 <dkayiwa> looking at the fact that its over 100MB, it should be it jeff__
16:22:57 <djazayeri> jeff___: you need to unzip it and double click on the jar. (There may be a .sh file if you're on linux)
16:24:33 <jeff___> ok thanks, i will try that version , i could not get the database created with the other version
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16:27:55 <jprice> i do not know anything about java....yet.... do i need the JDK and JRE or just JRE ?
16:28:06 <djazayeri> what operating system?
16:28:21 <jprice> sorry, windows 7
16:28:46 <djazayeri> dkayiwa: does the standalone include java?
16:28:55 <djazayeri> or is that the one thing jprice needs to install manually?
16:29:54 <jprice> i am looking at
16:29:55 <OpenMRSBot> <$> (at
16:30:23 <djazayeri> ah, okay, looks like you do need java
16:30:42 <djazayeri> I presume that either the JDK or JRE will work fine.
16:30:54 <djazayeri> If you think you may end up doing java _development_ then go ahead and get the JDK.
16:30:54 <jprice> ok thanks
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16:31:10 <djazayeri> the JRE is the "consumer-facing" version
16:32:02 <jprice> do i need to do java development to do what we were talking about yesterday...use the WS-REST to post HL7 messages to openMRS ?
16:32:13 <djazayeri> no
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16:35:21 <jprice> when i extracted the archive at :
16:35:39 <jprice> i only we a openmrs-standalone.war not a .jar file
16:36:27 <dkayiwa> how big was the zip file jprice ?
16:37:42 <jprice> 199.1 Mb
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16:38:29 <djazayeri> jprice: there's no "standalone-1.1.jar"?
16:38:41 <djazayeri> directly in that zip?
16:39:23 <jprice> sorry my bad, i was looking in the wrong place. it is there.
16:43:45 <jprice> just want to say upfront again-i greatly appreciate your help, i am under the gun (aren't we all ?) to make progress on this. when i click on the jar it says Apache Tomecat/6.0.26 not available
16:44:11 <djazayeri> did it open an application window at least?
16:49:20 <jprice> i get a windo what says Tomcat Port 8081 MySQLPort 3316, then get a large number of traceback stmts.
16:50:26 <jprice> one of them
16:51:16 <jprice> says SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.ShutdownListener
16:51:27 <jprice> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
16:51:33 <dkayiwa> jprice: can you send as the log file (or just pastebin its contents) under ...zipped folder/tomcat/logs
16:52:08 <jprice> sure send it email or IRC ?
16:52:35 <dkayiwa> you can use pastebin and send us the link
16:53:10 <jprice> not sure what pastebin is (i really feel inept.....)
16:53:22 <dkayiwa> ok send email
16:53:33 <djazayeri>
16:56:01 <jprice> what email address ?
16:56:40 <dkayiwa> dkayiwa at openmrs dot org
16:57:45 <jprice> sent
17:01:41 <jprice> did u receive it ?
17:02:06 <dkayiwa> yes looks like you tried run it multiple times
17:02:34 <dkayiwa> can you close the window the it opened up, then delete the log file, and try start it again
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17:02:56 <dkayiwa> then send me the new log file after it has given you an error in the browser
17:03:06 <jprice> yes i will do that right now
17:06:52 <jprice> that worked !!! what username password can i use ?
17:07:08 <dkayiwa> user name: admin
17:07:16 <dkayiwa> password Admin123
17:12:13 <jprice> does the Identifier in Create New Patient page have to be anything special ?
17:14:25 <dkayiwa> which identifier type did you select?
17:14:43 <jprice> OpenMRS
17:15:08 <dkayiwa> old ..... ?
17:15:29 <jprice> no
17:15:56 <dkayiwa> i think one of the identifier types requires a check digit
17:16:08 <dkayiwa> you can try the other if you just want to type anything
17:20:11 <jprice> that worked. thanks. now i need to figure out how about concepts and how to do the post of the hl7 message. if i post the hl7 message with a blood pressure in the OBX segment, where will it show up in openMRS and in what format ?
17:25:59 <jprice> also, i read but do not see any examples of creating a concept. are there any examples available ?
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17:30:47 <dkayiwa>
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17:41:12 <jprice> that video did not really help me understand what to enter for values in the CreateNewConcept page. are there other examples showing sample values for the fields on that page ?
17:41:37 <djazayeri> A quick example:
17:41:45 <djazayeri> Name: "Weight in kilograms"
17:41:52 <djazayeri> Description: "..."
17:41:55 <djazayeri> Class: "Finding"
17:41:59 <djazayeri> Datatype: "Numeric"
17:42:03 <djazayeri> Is Set? No
17:42:09 <djazayeri> Absolute minimum: 0
17:42:12 <djazayeri> Absolute maximum: 250
17:46:09 <jprice> thanks. do i need to create a mapping between that and one of the hl7 message fields (do you know which one ?)
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17:57:04 <bwolfe> jportela: you post with the concept id of the concept you created
17:57:22 <bwolfe> and a hl7 source in that element of 99DCT (local) I believe
17:57:30 <bwolfe> the hl7 wiki page has example messages on it
17:57:39 <bwolfe> err, jprice is who I meant, not jportela
17:57:57 <djazayeri> jprice: actually, do you know what data comes out of your BP device?
17:58:31 <djazayeri> Really what you should do is map that weight concept to SNOMED:27113001
17:58:41 <djazayeri> I found that here:
17:58:51 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
17:59:29 <jprice> not sure what format, but I think it will be some numerical values
18:00:20 <djazayeri> So, if you only want your app to be able to talk to OpenMRS via web services, you don't need to add a concept mapping.
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18:01:12 <djazayeri> But since you want to produce something that is interoperable with different EHR systems, you should actually add the mapping, and refer to it in hl7 as "27113001^Weight in kg^SNOMED" or something like that
18:02:12 <jprice> so assuming i have an hl7 message with a blood pressure value for an observation where will it show up in openMRS and how will it know what patient's record to put it in ?
18:06:03 <bwolfe> the PID section of hl7 messages says which patient it belongs to
18:06:20 <bwolfe> jprice: sorry about my misleading answer before, only read back through half of your conversation
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18:07:29 <jprice> no problem bwolfe....i so much appreciate you guys helping me. it would take forever, if ever, to figure this out on my own
18:08:24 <bwolfe> jprice: yeah, the docs can always be expanded
18:09:30 <bwolfe> jprice: can I ask a huge favor? keep track of your questions and where you looked for the answers. then we can work together after you're done to make sure we document those and/or reorganize the docs to make it easier to find for the next person
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18:09:52 <bwolfe> its very difficult for us as long-time-users/writers of openmrs to see where the holes in the documentation are
18:11:05 <jriley> jprice, there are some handy materials from a training class at . Look at course 202, the implementation course. I don't know if it covers mappings, but it does go over conepts and observations
18:11:13 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:12:48 <jprice> so would use the patient ID i created in openMRS in the PID field of the hl7 message ? also after I do the POST (have to learn how to do that to), where would the information from the hl7 message show up ?
18:13:32 <jprice> yes I will keep track of my questions. unfortunately I do not have the IRC log from yesterday to cut and paste from when I asked most of them
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18:18:21 <bwolfe> !refer jprice [irclogs]
18:18:22 * OpenMRSBot refers jprice to "irclogs" --- The OpenMRS IRC logs are publicly displayed online:
18:18:32 <bwolfe> you're in luck :-)
18:18:45 <bwolfe> someone is always watching!
18:18:51 <bwolfe> (where someone == OpenMRSBot)
18:19:04 <jprice> nice to have a BigBrother !
18:19:44 <jprice> did you have a comment on my last question (at 11:12) ?
18:22:36 <jprice> when I went to that link for logs : IRC Logs (Page Not Found)
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18:23:20 <downeym> hmmm
18:23:30 <downeym>
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18:27:25 <jprice> thanks found the logs . bwolfe: when we work on it i will extract the questions from there. right now i am under a lot of pressure to at least show that what i want to do will work with openMRS
18:28:00 <bwolfe> jprice: ok, no worries
18:28:18 <bwolfe> jprice: the patient id can be in the PID or the patient identifier can be in there. openmrs will look for and try to look up by both
18:28:46 <jprice> where will it show up in openMRS ?
18:28:58 <jprice> (the blood pressure for example)
18:29:21 <bwolfe> the patient id should not really be shared otuside your system. so I would recommend having external systems use the patient identifiers instead
18:29:46 <bwolfe> jprice: one hl7 orur01 message is parsed into 1 encounter with X number of observations
18:29:54 <bwolfe> blood pressure would be one obs
18:30:07 <bwolfe> and weight another
18:30:07 <bwolfe> and height another
18:30:07 <bwolfe> and cd4 count another
18:30:20 <bwolfe> and each of those would link to the same encounter because they were collected together adn sent in one hl7 message
18:32:41 <jprice> ok, i guess i just have to try to figure out 2 other new things now. how to build an hl7 msg (u provided a link to examples), and how to do the post/use the WS API. is there an example of how to do that ?
18:35:36 <bwolfe> there are 3 diff options for getting the hl7 in. all are listed on that hl7 page
18:35:38 <bwolfe> !hl7
18:35:39 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "hl7" --- Read about HL7 at
18:35:46 <bwolfe> the new module
18:35:51 <bwolfe> the old rest module
18:35:58 <bwolfe> posting to a server url
18:36:15 <bwolfe> and actually theres one more: putting it into the db hl7_in_queue table
18:42:04 <jprice> i think i want to use the model. do you if the one i am using 1.8.1-stable-with-WS-alpha uses the new or old one ?
18:46:02 <jprice> posting to a server url is also something i might want to do. which one is simpler, and are there examples of how to do both methods ?
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18:57:33 <bwolfe> thats the new one jprice
18:58:17 <bwolfe> I'm not sure about examples of either, really. the posting is simple, its just a matter of posting with the right param names
18:59:15 <bwolfe> as far as the one, its on and
18:59:21 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:00:18 <jprice> would it be worth asking on the email list to see if anyone has any code samples that do those things ?
19:00:34 <jprice> for the post, what are the right parameter names ?
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19:06:38 <Gene> Hi. I just downloaded openMrs with the sample database. How do I get a username and password to try it out?
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19:10:33 <bwolfe> gene, should be admin:Admin123
19:10:42 <bwolfe> or admin:test
19:11:01 <bwolfe> ("test" is the old pw we used, so depending on how old the demo data is that you picked up...)
19:11:16 <Gene> Thanks @bwolfe. admin:Admin123 worked!
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19:42:37 <downeym> bwolfe: come get your do-nut
19:42:50 <robbyoconnor> or i'll eat it
19:42:53 <robbyoconnor> AND I WILL!
19:43:04 <bwolfe> downeym: ok, I'll leave now
19:43:11 <downeym> bwolfe: only 97 left
19:43:14 <bwolfe> and be there in a few months. save it for me
19:43:20 <bwolfe> why'd you order so many??
19:43:49 <yanokwa> bwolfe ever programatically created pdfs?
19:44:07 <bwolfe> yanokwa: no, but win has
19:44:24 <downeym> bwolfe: we just gathered up some money and handed it to long's
19:44:26 <bwolfe> the clinicalsummary module does lots of pdf creation
19:44:50 <djazayeri> yanokwa: two common ways are xsl-fo, and itext
19:50:42 <yanokwa> i'm talking to winardi as we speak..
19:50:51 <yanokwa> he doesn't hang out here, i guess.
19:55:29 <yanokwa> hey djazayeri are you involved in the openmrs spinoff thing?
19:55:50 <djazayeri> spinoff? haven't heard of it...
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19:56:13 <djazayeri> (
19:56:26 <nribeka> donuts in indianapolis ...
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19:56:39 <nribeka> hi all
19:56:53 <yanokwa> djazayeri: paul said there was some commercial openmrs thing that all the core folks were involved in.
19:57:25 <djazayeri> well, we're in the final stages of starting a 501c3 non-profit
19:57:31 <djazayeri> which will be its own organization
19:58:03 <djazayeri> so, a spinoff in some sense. but not commercial.
19:58:10 <yanokwa> ahh. any docs about it anywhere?
19:58:32 <downeym> it really won't be much different than the organization you know :)
19:59:01 <djazayeri> I don't know that we have any public docs about it besides leadership call meeting minutes
19:59:50 <downeym> yanokwa, i think there will be more announced at the implementers meeting
20:00:02 <yanokwa> ok. i've starting thinking about odk going forward and what some of those options are...
20:01:58 <djazayeri> it's an interesting question, and there are different ways to approach it
20:02:16 <bwolfe> yanokwa: very interesting that you heard it worded as a commercial thing from paul.
20:02:52 <djazayeri> indeed the whole point is that it's *not* commercial
20:02:53 <yanokwa> bwolfe: i didn't. i likely projected.
20:03:18 <djazayeri> the biggest decision point is about _what_ you'd want the org to be
20:03:21 <bwolfe> heard what you wanted to hear :-)
20:03:52 <djazayeri> specifically in our case the decision is _not_ to have "OpenMRS" do any implementation work, but just do the software development.
20:04:18 <yanokwa> well. carl and i will graduate in a few months. uw/goog can't support the project forever. so we need something to go get money...
20:04:31 <djazayeri> indeed, it's a legimate approach
20:04:36 <yanokwa> and how does the ngo fund the software dev?
20:04:49 <djazayeri> because doing the implementations is where the money is
20:05:15 <djazayeri> the question is whether you think that would overly pull the development process towards dealing with today's fires rather than tomorrow's features.
20:05:15 <yanokwa> oh. so the ngo does the implementations. and the openmrs community or whatever does the software dev?
20:05:21 <djazayeri> (and whether you have an alternative)
20:05:53 <djazayeri> the next question is whether you'd expect there to be "ODK developers" who are actually paid by ODK.
20:06:16 <djazayeri> or whether they are really just contributed developer time from other organizations.
20:07:26 <djazayeri> so, in our case the openmrs community does _core_ software development
20:07:42 <djazayeri> (but that also includes contributed time from implementing ngos, or so we hope)
20:08:22 <yanokwa> my gut says we need to be implementation focused, but build things in such a way that others can use them.
20:08:26 <djazayeri> implementations also develop modesl that are generally useful.
20:08:44 <djazayeri> (e.g. PIH has probably funded 95% of the development time for the HTML Form Entry module.)
20:08:47 <yanokwa> otherwise, we'll get carried away building random stuff that have no real value...
20:09:01 <djazayeri> yanokwa: I like that approach.
20:09:20 <djazayeri> The key is to configure it in such a way that your devs aren't overly-focused on one specific implementation.
20:10:06 <yanokwa> "our devs". we'd likely have one -- carl. i'd have to do more organizational stuff..
20:11:05 <djazayeri> I'd presume that if you let people pay you (i.e. ODK) to do implementations you might need more than one dev, no?
20:11:21 <bwolfe> yanokwa: thats how people always claim to write them. however, time and life usually force devs to choose the easy/less general route. this was the drivign force behind us wanting to separate code development from implementations
20:11:37 <bwolfe> but as you say, getting input and the actual drive from implementations is key
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20:11:50 <downeym> Hi nishi and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
20:11:58 <bwolfe> djazayeri: nah, odk thats it /that/ easy :-p
20:13:24 * nishi starts to dance
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20:14:36 <yanokwa> the other concern is the margins on implementations can be low. and you aren't incentivized to make things easier in the code cause it's the friction there that gets the ngo money.
20:15:25 <djazayeri> I guess it depends whether "doing an implementation" is building a form and giving it to someone (which could be a good business model), or whether that involves actual travel, etc.
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20:15:57 <djazayeri> sorry: actual acquiring phones, training people, following up data quality, etc.
20:16:07 <downeym> Hi nningego and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
20:16:31 <yanokwa> is openmrs gonna do all that logistical stuff?
20:16:41 <bwolfe> none of it
20:16:44 <djazayeri> no, we're _not_ doing that
20:16:47 <djazayeri> not even building forms
20:16:57 <yanokwa> so whats an implementation?
20:17:26 <bwolfe> nothing that we're dealing with :-)
20:17:28 <yanokwa> bwolfe: thanks for the message on the list...
20:18:21 <djazayeri> E.g. someone says "I'd like to install OpenMRS in clinic X to manage our HIV program"
20:18:39 <bwolfe> yanokwa: someone from France ping'd our press contact list askign for more info from me about odk and the nooktouch. so I went and searched google for "ben wolfe nook odk" and your group came up. was very happy I didn't have to join the list to reply to it. :-)
20:18:40 <djazayeri> or, "I'd like to roll out OpenMRS nationwide in country X for primary care"
20:19:35 <djazayeri> those would be implementations
20:19:51 <djazayeri> i.e. the stuff the OpenMRS non-profit won't do.
20:23:20 <yanokwa> ok. so the ngo does core software dev, and the implementations are done by other commercial groups.
20:23:34 <djazayeri> yes
20:23:45 <djazayeri> (commercial or NGO. but not us)
20:23:51 <wyclif> bwolfe, i think we need to edit the html for concept form
20:24:15 <bwolfe> wyclif: what do you mean?
20:24:21 <djazayeri> yanokwa: the other point is that we're currently looking at few programmers directly employed by "the ngo"
20:24:37 <djazayeri> e.g. Ben is actually employed by RI, I'm employed by PIH, and we're donated to OpenMRS.
20:24:38 <wyclif> because when there is a long list of proposed concepts to import from the occ, the concept form gets pushed down
20:24:46 <wyclif> leaving a vertical space above it
20:25:03 <wyclif> i think we need to add a valign="top " to it
20:25:08 <yanokwa> djazayeri i'm still not clear on who pays the ngo's bills? do you license the implemeners?
20:25:37 <wyclif> i.e if it is in a TD
20:25:53 <wyclif> let me send an image if what i mean
20:26:14 <djazayeri> yanokwa: the NGOs bills are relatively small, since it's not directly paying programmers.
20:26:24 <bwolfe> wyclif: ok. I thought that box floated on the right. are you proposing changing core or the module?
20:26:56 <wyclif> i will look at the code for the form
20:27:07 <djazayeri> yanokwa: so, a combination of foundation support, charging for trainings, some funded code development, and things we haven't thought of
20:27:10 <bwolfe> yanokwa: options are fees for being a premier partner, training fees, conference fees, and patent royalties paid by the new ODK ngo that copies the openmrs ngo
20:27:14 <wyclif> am not sure which needs to be changed
20:27:23 <yanokwa> bwolfe: hehe
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20:29:13 <bwolfe> wyclif: ah, ok, so it shares the table
20:29:21 <bwolfe> and the rows are centered.
20:29:33 <wyclif> bwolfe, are you using an exension point to add it or you overide the form?
20:29:49 <bwolfe> this does need fixing, I'd propose putting the results in a floating box or some other thing that is outside the table tags
20:29:55 <bwolfe> extension point
20:29:56 <djazayeri> wyclif: which page are we talking about?
20:30:10 <djazayeri> btw, I did a mockup here, which Ben didn't exactly like:
20:30:29 <wyclif> djazayeri, concept form
20:30:40 <djazayeri> you mean the create/edit concept form?
20:30:46 <bwolfe> djazayeri: if you read my comment, I liked your mockup, just not your workflow. I think we should definitely show the results as you have them
20:30:47 <wyclif> when you have a long list of proposed concepts from occ server to import
20:30:54 <wyclif> yes djazayeri
20:31:06 <djazayeri> okay, yes, so see my mockup on OCC-61
20:31:25 <djazayeri> obviously on a normal-sized screen the pop-in wouldn't cover real fields.
20:34:30 <djazayeri> wyclif: point being, show them in a higher layer that slides in from the right
20:35:36 <wyclif> djazayeri, do you mean it should floating over the form but to the right?
20:35:44 <djazayeri> yes
20:36:06 <djazayeri> imagine a div that appears to be "above" the main page, and slides in from the right to show you results.
20:36:30 <wyclif> and i would prefer having radio buttons with one import button
20:36:49 <djazayeri> on the OCC-returned options?
20:36:56 <wyclif> instead of an import button for every suggested concept
20:37:07 <djazayeri> I disagree.
20:37:12 <wyclif> why?
20:37:18 <djazayeri> I'd propose a "more info" button for each proposed concept
20:37:30 <djazayeri> and once you're seeing the full info, *then* you can choose to import it.
20:37:57 <wyclif> but then more info shoudl probably be in a popup so that we don't take the use from the form
20:38:11 <bwolfe> after clicking import you see more info anyway
20:38:13 <djazayeri> definitely should not take you away from the form.
20:38:16 <bwolfe> so renaming to more info is probably best
20:38:33 <djazayeri> Does clicking import actually do the import?
20:38:41 <djazayeri> or take you to a page that requires confirmation?
20:39:01 <djazayeri> my point is that we should show a compact view of the most important info about the proposed match.
20:39:07 <djazayeri> you can click on that to see the whole thing.
20:39:17 <wyclif> am not sure what import does
20:39:22 <wyclif> i have not yet tested it
20:39:40 <djazayeri> Okay. But clicking on "more info" should not automatically create a concept
20:39:45 <djazayeri> it should merely show you more info...
20:39:55 <bwolfe> there is a confirmation step
20:39:56 <djazayeri> and at that point (once you're seeing the entire thing) you can choose to import it.
20:41:24 <bwolfe> right
20:41:24 <wyclif> apparently the confirmation pop i showing me an error page
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20:46:15 <jprice> hi- djazayeri (i sent an email to the dist list but not sure how often you check it and i am stuck again), is there any sample code that someone has that does 1) http post of hl7 to openMRS 2) use web-services api to get the hl7 into openMRS
20:47:06 <downeym> hi jprice - you may get more response writing to
20:48:58 <djazayeri> jprice: not sure if there's any sample code anywhere. (1) is very old, (2) is very new
20:49:32 <djazayeri> to test (1) you can create a plain form in an html file that submits to (your-server)/openmrs/remotecommunication/postHl7.form
20:50:05 <djazayeri> and it should submit these parameters: username, password, source, message
20:50:57 <djazayeri> source should be the *name* of an HL7 Source. Actually, looking at the demo server, I see that you can't actually create an hl7 source from the web UI...
20:51:40 <jprice> not sure what that means to me
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20:51:59 <djazayeri> Do you know how to connect to the openmrs database via sql?
20:52:11 <jprice> no
20:53:08 <djazayeri> okay. (so, just FYI, this problem will be resolved in the 1.9 release)
20:53:40 <djazayeri> The point is that in order for the system to process an hl7 message, it also needs to know the "source" of that message.
20:53:53 <djazayeri> (and it stores the recognized sources in the hl7_source database table)
20:54:16 <djazayeri> so, in order to create an HL7Source, you're going to need to download the groovy module, and type a command that I tell you.
20:54:28 <djazayeri> jprice: can you go to Manage Modules on the admin screen and install the groovy module?
20:55:56 <jprice> ok i am there
20:57:34 <djazayeri> you've installed the module?
20:58:00 <jprice> its thinking about it right now
20:58:10 <jprice> its done
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20:59:17 <djazayeri> okay, from the admin screen there's a link to a groovy console, or something like that
21:00:09 <jprice> 2 choiuces. Groovy Scripting form and Manage Groovy Scripts. which one shall i choose ?
21:00:20 <djazayeri> try the first
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21:00:32 <djazayeri> Apparently the module has been updated since I last used it. :-)
21:00:39 <djazayeri> you're looking for a big text area to type a command in.
21:00:47 <jprice> i am there
21:01:44 <djazayeri> okay, try this:
21:01:51 <djazayeri> def source = new org.openmrs.HL7Source();
21:01:51 <djazayeri> = "BP Monitor"
21:01:51 <djazayeri> source.description = "messages coming from a remote blood pressure monitor"
21:01:51 <djazayeri> def hl7 = org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getService(org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Service)
21:01:51 <djazayeri> hl7.saveHL7Source(source)
21:02:10 <djazayeri> (you can change the name and description if you want)
21:07:02 <jprice> here is result :
21:07:07 <jprice> startup failed: Script1.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class org.openmrs.HL7Source @ line 1, column 14. def source = new org.openmrs.HL7Source();
21:07:53 <djazayeri> oops, replace org.openmrs.HL7Source with org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Source
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21:08:30 <jprice> result :
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21:08:34 <jprice> org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Source@be9982
21:09:42 <djazayeri> okay, now try this (a new script)
21:09:42 <djazayeri> def hl7 = org.openmrs.api.context.Context.getService(org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Service)
21:09:42 <djazayeri> hl7.allHL7Sources
21:09:47 <djazayeri> it should return one result
21:11:54 <jprice> result:
21:11:58 <jprice> [org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Source@613ef0, org.openmrs.hl7.HL7Source@6b06f6]
21:12:28 <djazayeri> hmm, add one more line to that script:
21:12:32 <djazayeri> rather, change the last line to:
21:12:51 <djazayeri> hl7.allHL7Sources.collect { }
21:13:28 <djazayeri> and just verify that one of the two things it prints is "BP Monitor"
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21:14:54 <jprice> says "LOCAL, BP Monitor"
21:15:03 <djazayeri> okay, great.
21:15:26 <djazayeri> so at this point we've created an HL7 Source to represent the app you'll be sending messages from.
21:16:05 <djazayeri> Now, back to what I was saying before:
21:16:16 <djazayeri> to test (1) you can create a plain form in an html file that submits to (your-server)/openmrs/remotecommunication/postHl7.form
21:16:17 <djazayeri> and it should submit these parameters: username, password, source, message
21:16:22 <djazayeri> source should be "BP Monitor"
21:16:35 <djazayeri> username, password, and message should be obvious.
21:17:20 <djazayeri> once you've verified that your hl7 messages are being correctly processed, you can switch to using web services instead of this post.
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21:18:27 <jprice> ok. i have some homework do to; learn how to do what you suggested. i am mainly a network protocol developer but been given this task so i have a lot of new things to learn
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21:21:04 <jprice> any suggestions on what to google for to learn how to do the form test you suggested ?
21:21:17 <djazayeri> html post
21:21:38 <djazayeri> This isn't something OpenMRS-specific.
21:23:53 <jprice> ok. its off to google for me. thanks so much for your help so far. i may (e.g will) probably have more questions on the openMRS part after I figure out how to do the post. like how to use the web-services api, but one thing at a time i will attempt to conquer
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22:01:18 <djazayeri> wyclif, bwolfe: how are you running occ server and openmrs client at the same time?
22:01:24 <djazayeri> server in tomcat, client in jetty?
22:03:11 <wyclif> djazayeri, am running occ serverin eclipse on a different port
22:03:19 <wyclif> the jetty:run gaol failed for me
22:03:31 <wyclif> check the readme.txt file
22:03:34 <djazayeri> like Run As -> Server Application?
22:03:38 <djazayeri> oh, okay, i'll look at the readme
22:03:52 <wyclif> djazayeri, the read me file doesn't say my way
22:04:05 <wyclif> djazayeri, i use eclipse run on server command
22:04:13 <wyclif> besides, it uses less memory for me
22:04:32 <djazayeri> cool, i'll try that
22:04:38 <wyclif> sorry not command, run on server option
22:04:54 <wyclif> but you will have to add a j2ee server like tomcat
22:06:02 <djazayeri> do you see maven errors like this?
22:06:03 <djazayeri> Missing artifact org.openehr:openehr-aom:jar:1.0.1:compile
22:08:28 <djazayeri> wyclif: ^^
22:08:47 <wyclif> djazayeri, yes
22:08:53 <djazayeri> okay, just ignore them?
22:09:10 <wyclif> that should be solved by the steps in the readme file
22:09:17 <djazayeri> gotcha
22:09:19 <djazayeri> also, I just checked out the occ module project, and it seems to have compile errors
22:09:26 <wyclif> you need to execute that .sh file to install the artifacts
22:09:38 <wyclif> as for the module
22:09:45 <djazayeri> e.g. OccModuleActivator startup() method "must override..."
22:09:50 <wyclif> you need to adjust the compiler level to 1.6
22:10:03 <djazayeri> ah, okay, why hasn't someone checked that in?
22:10:05 <djazayeri> anyway, I will.
22:10:06 <wyclif> for the project properties
22:12:48 <wyclif> ok
22:15:47 <djazayeri> wyclif: I don't see an updates.sql file. Is that instruction not required?
22:17:22 <wyclif> it is occ-1.7.x
22:17:41 <wyclif> we need to update the read me file, it is misleading on that
22:17:48 <djazayeri> okay, but it's just one script, not one followed by an update.
22:18:10 <wyclif> no
22:18:39 <wyclif> for oneof the tickets i did i just appended the query at the bottom of the file
22:18:58 <wyclif> but ben suggested that we should add a separate update file
22:19:28 <wyclif> sorry! i might have mixed up my messages
22:19:49 <djazayeri> anyway, I'm good for now
22:49:09 <djazayeri> wyclif, bwolfe: do I need to manually add openmrs 1.6 jars? or did bwolfe already resolve this?
22:49:14 <djazayeri> (for the client module)
22:49:44 <wyclif> is that a ticket or you are trying to run the app
22:49:50 <djazayeri> trying to run the app
22:50:01 <djazayeri> to build the module, rather
22:50:16 <wyclif> i haven't run into any issues with requiring 1.6 jars
22:51:10 <djazayeri> in the omod project I get a class that won't compile because imports can't be resolved
22:51:17 <djazayeri> including org.openmrs.api.context.Context
22:52:56 <djazayeri> (that's resolved by manually adding 1.6.x's api jar to the build path
22:53:09 <djazayeri> but it still leaves a bunch of dependencies, e.g. spring framework, logging, missing
22:53:54 <djazayeri> actually, doing mvn clean install from the command line works
22:54:08 <djazayeri> so, must be an eclipse m2e problem
22:54:09 <djazayeri> sigh
22:54:40 <djazayeri> ah, looks like that project didn't get the maven nature added, or something
22:57:05 <djazayeri> got it
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23:12:21 <djazayeri> wyclif, bwolfe: unit tests do not pass in the omod project, right?
23:12:42 <djazayeri> org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException: CONCEPT_SOURCE.VOIDED
23:12:59 <wyclif> djazayeri, i havent run module unit tests yet
23:13:08 <djazayeri> okay, how did you build it?
23:13:21 <wyclif> all my tickets have been in the server project
23:13:28 <djazayeri> okay. :-)
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23:54:00 <jprice> djazayeri: i know it is not openMRS specific but can i email u the you the html file (only one i have ever done) for the html post to see if it looks ok. u can probably do that very quickly