IRC Chat : 2011-06-03 - OpenMRS

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01:10:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: We'll be upgrading our #OpenMRS JIRA issue tracking system starting in 15 minutes or so. Thanks for your patience and understanding! <>
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03:36:08 <goutham> Hi every one
03:37:54 <goutham> i have a question: i recently added a project in is there a way to rename the project?Delete the project?
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03:50:13 <goutham> i have a question: i recently added a project in is there a way to rename the project?Delete the project?
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04:18:50 <mccallumg> surangak:
04:19:07 <surangak> mccallumg: helllo
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04:20:05 <mccallumg> surangak: i'm sorry i can't talk tonight. Just had a sudden personal issue come up. I'll be in touch.
04:20:23 <surangak> mccallumg: sure
04:20:35 <surangak> mccallumg: ill mail you regarding what i've done later ?
04:20:59 <surangak> mccallumg: when shall we meet again ?
04:21:00 <mccallumg> surangak: my apologies. please do send an email.
04:21:29 <mccallumg> surangak: monday night my time for sure.
04:22:18 <surangak> mccallumg: sure, will do
04:22:38 <mccallumg> surangak: gotta run. bye.
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04:53:38 <surangak> bwolfe: howdy, r u there ?
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05:12:35 <bwolfe> yeah
05:14:02 <surangak> bwolfe: can i ask a question.. itll take about 10 miniutes i guess
05:14:19 <surangak> bwolfe: im going into uncharted waters with a tag class
05:14:21 <bwolfe> you can always ask
05:14:27 <bwolfe> you don't need to ask to ask. :-)
05:14:54 <surangak> bwolfe: aha, can i move to skype , its easlier for the connection
05:15:00 <bwolfe> no
05:15:03 <bwolfe> sorry, must be here
05:15:12 <bwolfe> (because I don't like skype and because we should do it in a public forum)
05:15:22 <bwolfe> you should have all openmrs debugging questions done here
05:15:34 <bwolfe> if you have connection problems, perhaps try a different client that is more forgiving?
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05:17:22 <surangak_> bwolfe: sorry, happened again
05:17:38 <bwolfe> what client do you use?
05:17:44 <bwolfe> !irclogs
05:17:44 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "irclogs" --- The OpenMRS IRC logs are publicly displayed online:
05:17:56 <surangak_> bwolfe: im on freenode
05:18:06 <bwolfe> everyone is on freenode. :-)
05:18:13 <bwolfe> what do you use to connect to freenode ?
05:18:29 <surangak_> via the web interface
05:18:52 <surangak_> im not very familiar with IRC, we;re all windows slaves over here :P
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05:20:17 <surangak> bwolfe: my problem was, im using a tag class to generate another tag class
05:20:45 <surangak> bwolfe: that is, tag class no.1 has params that will generate a fieldGen tag and display it to user
05:21:14 <bwolfe> surangak: Free windows irc client:
05:21:37 <surangak> bwolfe: aha, thanks, let me check that :)
05:21:40 <bwolfe> taglib and tag class?
05:22:23 <surangak> for now, the stuff that should be passed into the tag for the generation, im hard coidng into the tag class itself for test purposes
05:22:31 <surangak> bwolfe: etc. String widgetName = "org.openmrs.Patient"; String formFieldName ="valueComplex";
05:22:55 <surangak> bwolfe: and then
05:22:58 <surangak> bwolfe: <openmrs:fieldGenformFieldName="${formFieldName}"type="<%=widgetName%>" val="${ value.objectValue }"/> <% }
05:23:07 <surangak> bwolfe: if you get what im meaning
05:23:40 <bwolfe> tag class number 1 is a taglib java class? or a tag jsp file ?
05:25:40 <surangak_> bwolfe: its a jsp file .... very much like attribute.tag class
05:26:11 <surangak_> bwolfe: if u see attribute.tag, its 70% same to mine
05:26:46 <bwolfe> so whats the problem you're running into?
05:27:26 <bwolfe> brb
05:27:36 <surangak_> bwolfe: how to set the value variable :(
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05:27:48 <surangak_> bwolfe: sure
05:28:57 <surangak_> bwolfe: as in, assuming above instance, where type will be set as patient, nd formFIeldName as 'ConceptCOmplex" mmm.... how to set value variable to let users do an auto complete search...
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05:30:54 <surangak> test
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05:47:50 <surangak> test
05:50:12 <bwolfe> surangak, not sure what you're asking still
05:50:19 <bwolfe> can you give me an example of what you're trying to do?
05:50:27 <bwolfe> use to post example snippets
05:50:38 <bwolfe> I'll be back in 10 minutes, walking into "work" now
05:50:40 <surangak> bwolfe, ah, let me do that
05:50:45 <surangak> sure
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05:59:23 <bwolfe> actually, to be perfectly correct, I should have said "office" in quotes instead of "work"
06:04:37 <surangak> bwolfe, this is in Ghana, right ?
06:04:44 <surangak> bwolfe, office, i mean ?
06:04:45 <bwolfe> Kenya
06:05:55 <surangak> aha...
06:06:07 <surangak> bwolfe, ive put it up in
06:06:36 <surangak> my worry is basically how to assign the 'value' attribute for a fieldGen tagg
06:07:54 * bwolfe takes a look
06:09:01 <bwolfe> surangak, you should avoid using scriplets (the <% %> stuff)
06:09:14 <bwolfe> <c:setvar="widgetName"value="org.openmrs.Patient"/>
06:09:18 <bwolfe> then ${widgetName}
06:09:46 <bwolfe> surangak, which field gen are you calling?
06:09:51 <surangak> bwolfe, ah ya.. i see
06:09:59 <surangak> i want to call patient here
06:10:01 <bwolfe> you should just be able to leave "value" blank.
06:10:13 <surangak> fiedgen type="org.openmrs.patient"
06:10:18 <bwolfe> i don't see any call to fieldGen in your pastebin
06:10:36 <surangak> ummm as line 32 - 37
06:11:00 <bwolfe> oh, right, that. :-p
06:11:07 <bwolfe> just leave value out
06:11:07 <surangak> bwolfe, line 32 to 37.. im trying to generate the fieldGen which will eventually render on jsp page
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06:11:34 <bwolfe> see obsForm.jsp as an example of somethign calling the patient field gen
06:11:39 <surangak> umm as in i totally remove val="${ org.openmrs.Patient }
06:11:46 <bwolfe> yes
06:11:49 <surangak> bwolfe, tht is, delete line 31
06:11:55 <bwolfe> thats the default chosen patient fi you put it in
06:11:55 <surangak> great, let me try that
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06:21:37 <surangak> bwolfe, ummm problem
06:21:53 <surangak> bwolfe, apparently attribute val is mandatory for tag fieldGen...
06:22:35 <surangak> bwolfe, how about val="${ null }"
06:22:46 <surangak> bwolfe, or is that a stupid suggestion
06:22:46 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (webapp-testing): Wrapper shell script for executing the tests <>
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06:30:10 <bwolfe> surangak, val=""
06:30:23 <bwolfe> ${null} only works if you have a variable called null
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06:31:10 <surangak> bwolfe, thanks o wise master. Grashopper trying that now...
06:31:47 <bwolfe> surangak, don't use fieldGen
06:31:55 <bwolfe> oh wait, maybe you have to
06:32:02 <bwolfe> nm, carry on
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06:56:04 <surangak> bwolfe, hmmm
06:56:36 <surangak> bwolfe, small problemo im afraid.. i think it may need a value, because now it is not rendering in the jsp..
06:56:56 <surangak> bwolfe, that is, it is not displaying on the jsp
06:58:10 <bwolfe> it should be nullable, I don't get it
06:58:22 <bwolfe> if you just put "17" in there, does it owrk?
06:58:27 <bwolfe> (or some other valid patient_id)
07:00:44 <surangak> bwolfe, aha.. let me check that...
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07:11:40 <surangak> bwolfe, afraid that didnt do the trick , but let me dig into this for a bit...
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08:25:36 <surangak> bwolfe, howdy... i tried putting an id for the value variable as suggested... then it gave me "The class 'java.lang.Long' does not have the property 'patientId' "
08:25:53 <surangak> bwolfe, so im thinking it specifically needs a patient object as the value
08:26:16 <surangak> bwolfe, maybe if i call patientservice and get a patient object and set that.....
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09:55:19 <surangak> bwolfe, wooo hoooo it works !
09:55:46 <surangak> bwolfe, so now i have a rough sketch to build, plan and plot on..
10:11:30 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (webapp-testing): Removed the excludedport call as it is invalid <>
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11:08:53 <pascal`> dkayiwa, the "Pull new elements" thing
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11:09:05 <pascal`> dkayiwa, that does exactly what refresh used to do, right?
11:09:17 <pascal`> dkayiwa, plus creating the validation rules (the stuff you added for us)
11:09:18 <dkayiwa> pascal` ye
11:09:19 <dkayiwa> s
11:11:06 <dkayiwa> Actually i did not just add if for you. it was already there but disabled. so i just turned it on . Meaning there was not much i did. :)
11:11:30 <pascal`> Ok, thanks dkayiwa :)
11:11:32 <pascal`> dkayiwa++
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11:17:21 <pascal`> dkayiwa, under what circumstances are widgets automatically added to the design surface when you click "pull new elements"?
11:17:37 <pascal`> dkayiwa, only if the concepts in the schema are not already bound to widgets?
11:18:11 <dkayiwa> When you click pull new elements after right clicking on the design surface
11:18:46 <dkayiwa> and will only add widgets for widget that have not yet been already added to the design surface
11:19:26 <pascal`> ok, thanks dkayiwa, that's what I thought
11:31:15 <pascal`> dkayiwa++
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11:55:47 <finbrein> hi downeym
11:56:36 <finbrein> hi all
11:57:08 <finbrein> i've got three questions, two for openmrs and one is personal.
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11:59:36 <bwolfe> finbrein, go ahead and ask away. if anyone knows any answers they'll answer. :-)
12:00:42 <finbrein> 1. is there any other project on mobile health which is related to the current web project you are working on. I would like to work on a project like this for openmrs
12:01:00 <bwolfe> !mobile
12:01:00 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: Error: "mobile" is not a valid command.
12:01:08 <bwolfe> bummer, was hoping the bot had that one. :-)
12:01:23 <finbrein> mHealth
12:01:28 <bwolfe>
12:02:39 <finbrein> very good
12:04:12 <pascal`> bwolfe, ever seen anything like this:
12:04:21 <pascal`> bwolfe, I think it might be the headless issue, but I was sure I resolved that
12:04:23 <finbrein> I would like to be with openmrs and will surely do but presently I need to complete some school work . I have checked the some issue tickets on and I am a bit confused as to where to start from as a beginner
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12:05:18 <bwolfe>
12:05:22 <bwolfe> aptly named. :-)
12:05:24 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
12:05:50 <bwolfe> pascal`, doesn't look headless-like
12:06:07 <finbrein> yeah I know bwolfe , I have downloaded the project but i need to solve one tickett issue first
12:06:10 <pascal`> bwolfe, hmmm
12:06:27 <bwolfe> are you just having trouble choosing a ticket finbrein?
12:07:14 <finbrein> yes
12:08:05 <bwolfe> ah
12:08:23 <bwolfe> !trivialtickets
12:08:23 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: Error: "trivialtickets" is not a valid command.
12:08:26 <bwolfe> !introtickets
12:08:26 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "introtickets" ---
12:08:32 <bwolfe> !gettingstarted
12:08:32 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "gettingstarted" --- You might want to look at !overview, !techtalk, and !projects
12:08:44 <finbrein> ok
12:09:05 <bwolfe> sorry, that previous getting started didn't copy/paste right:
12:09:06 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
12:09:22 <bwolfe> finbrein, how long of a project do you want?
12:09:27 <finbrein> it worked like a proxy
12:09:28 <bwolfe> 8 hours?
12:09:30 <bwolfe> 2 hours ?
12:09:53 <finbrein> what does 8 and 2 h means? I don't understand
12:11:40 <bwolfe> they went with my "finbrein, how long of a project do you want?" question
12:11:47 <bwolfe> is a good one
12:11:56 <bwolfe> its changing a servlet and a jsp
12:12:10 <bwolfe> although you could rewrite it using a proper annotated spring controller that would be cool
12:12:34 <bwolfe> or maybe
12:12:39 <finbrein> great! I don't know how long it's going to take since it is the first one but I'll work on it as soon as i get a chance
12:13:26 <finbrein> i'm okay with Java servlet and jsp
12:14:02 <finbrein> you mean using spring framework
12:14:28 <finbrein> I'll have to learn spring 'cos i haven't use it before
12:15:44 <bwolfe> its pretty easy
12:15:49 <bwolfe> as far as MVC goes anyway...
12:16:14 <finbrein> I'm familiar with MVC
12:16:22 <finbrein> i'll work on it
12:18:34 <finbrein> 3. I've got a job coming as trainee - java/android developer for this summer since I couldn't get GSOC and I've had a phone interview which went well.Now i am going for the next step - the face-to-face interview whcih will last for 2 hours including a 30 minutes technical interview. Please enlighten me on this one too.
12:20:25 <bwolfe> finbrein, what are you wanting enlightened on exactly?
12:20:28 <bwolfe> the interview process?
12:20:32 <finbrein> yes
12:20:34 <bwolfe> or java/android?
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12:21:15 <finbrein> Interview process for Java/Android developer - intern
12:21:52 <bwolfe> they're all different
12:22:03 <bwolfe> but you will probably be interviewed by 4 differe people: 30 mins each
12:22:09 <bwolfe> an hr person
12:22:18 <bwolfe> a boss type person
12:22:24 <bwolfe> a random other person
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12:22:46 <bwolfe> and then a person that knows java/android dev and will ask you questions to see how much you know about java and android dev
12:22:51 <bwolfe> I'd suggest reviewing a lot of stuff
12:23:05 <bwolfe> do google searches for "questions asked during an android interview"
12:23:06 <bwolfe> etc
12:23:47 <finbrein> ok, thanks a lot
12:23:52 <bwolfe> you didn't put in a question 2 you know...
12:23:57 <bwolfe> you went from 1 to 3. :-p
12:23:58 <pascal`> bwolfe, any ideas on that stack trace?
12:24:05 <bwolfe> no
12:24:11 <bwolfe> its birt related. I stopped reading then ;-)
12:25:05 <finbrein> question 2 is the trouble ticket and how to work on it. I didn't name it.
12:25:14 <pascal`> bwolfe, =S
12:32:02 <finbrein> Although I need I have to check the OpenMRS documentation thoroughly but a quick one. - Do you use Maven with eclipse, Java and tomcat to run this app. I assume I am making a servlet and jsp
12:32:49 <finbrein> Maven to manage, Eclipse + Java to make the app and Tomcat to run on server
12:33:00 <bwolfe> yes, maven
12:33:06 <bwolfe> devs use jetty built in through maven
12:33:33 <finbrein> something new there but i have to check it
12:36:06 <bwolfe> mvn jetty:run in the "webapp" directory does it
12:36:09 <bwolfe> !maven
12:36:09 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: Error: "maven" is not a valid command.
12:36:16 <bwolfe> man, the bot is failing with these shortcuts
12:36:20 <bwolfe>
12:37:29 <finbrein> ok - - good
12:38:01 <finbrein> let's see how it all goes in the next two weeks - it's definitely a busy one for me
12:39:36 <pascal`> bwolfe, do you know off-hand if the birt module creates any database tables?
12:40:10 <bwolfe> probably does
12:40:18 <bwolfe> look for a sqldiff in the omod
12:42:33 <pascal`> bwolfe, weird, nothing in the sqldiff
12:42:44 <pascal`> bwolfe, but there is a hibernate mapping for ReportDefinition
12:43:09 <bwolfe> heh
12:43:12 <bwolfe> strange
12:44:11 <pascal`> yeah, arg
12:44:36 <pascal`> I'm thinking my error might have something to do with the fact that I have to birt tables
12:44:51 <pascal`> but it's weird, because things were working and i haven't changed the db
12:44:53 <pascal`> so maybe not
12:50:39 <pascal`> lol, I pastebin something, then search for it in google and my pastebin is the first result
12:50:42 <pascal`> that helps...
12:51:42 <bwolfe> ha
12:51:45 <bwolfe> google is too fast
12:51:49 <pascal`>
12:51:54 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
12:52:00 <pascal`> it's that error, but the thread has no resolution :(
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13:32:53 <surangak> gentlmen, may i bother you with a question
13:33:02 <surangak> as to how i may register a global variable
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13:33:56 <surangak> as in, assume i have a variable, but want to make it a global property... should i be registering it in some form of xml file etc. etc. ?
13:37:06 <bwolfe> config.xml
13:38:02 <surangak> hm... err... i tried to do a ctrl +shit + r for it.. did not see it...
13:38:31 <bwolfe> surangak, oh wait, core or in a module?
13:38:35 <surangak> please pardon my ignorance.. i blame it on large quantities of coke I drink...
13:38:39 <surangak> for core..
13:38:42 <bwolfe> ah
13:38:45 <bwolfe> OpenmrsConstants
13:39:15 <surangak> ahah... so i register it there, and then use it as other examples already in the code... great...
13:39:17 <surangak> thanks ben
13:39:28 <surangak> oh, by the way, i got that problem working
13:39:41 <surangak> what i asked you this morning ?
13:39:49 <surangak> you were right on that...
13:40:45 <surangak> so i register it there, and then go to the ui and set the value right ?
13:40:52 <surangak> i mean, via the dashboard...
13:41:36 <bwolfe> what part was I right on?
13:41:55 <surangak> about val ="" being ok...
13:42:03 <surangak> seemed a change i made elseware was blocking
13:42:08 <bwolfe> you should put a default value for the gp in the OpenmrsConstants.CORE_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES() method
13:42:29 <bwolfe> ah good, I was a little worried when you said it was required...
13:44:50 <surangak> sorry about that :P... my mistake :)
13:48:43 <bwolfe> np
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14:16:34 <pascal`> dkayiwa, can changes made from the xforms designer change the form schema?
14:17:27 <pascal`> bwolfe, when cloning a form, is there any kind of link from the cloned form can to the original?
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14:20:23 <bwolfe> no
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17:07:12 <downeym> Hi Suranga and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
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17:44:49 <downeym> Hi arif and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
17:44:57 <arif> helo
17:45:47 <arif> I am trying to download the source code repository from Eclipse but I am facing a problem. Can you help?
17:52:16 <downeym> arif: What's the problem?
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18:15:07 <arif> Whenever I put this link "" and click "finish" eclipse exits without giving any error message
18:20:57 <downeym> hmm
18:21:05 <downeym> are you behind a firewall?
18:21:14 <arif> yes
18:21:25 <arif> What should I do?
18:21:34 <downeym> try using https ...
18:21:41 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:21:49 <downeym> just an idea
18:22:42 <arif> ok lets try
18:23:46 <bwolfe> arif, also just just
18:23:51 <bwolfe> or
18:24:08 <bwolfe> if you run eclipse at the command line it should spit the errors out for you too
18:24:50 <arif> I dont know how to run Eclipse in Command Line :(
18:26:05 <arif> This time there is a error message showing..Java has started but returnes exit code=1 then the contents of eclipse.ini file are printed
18:30:33 <bwolfe> very strange
18:30:44 <bwolfe> does google have any helpful pages? :-/
18:30:45 <bwolfe> brb
18:31:29 <arif> no
18:31:44 <arif> I have googled but no direct help
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18:39:56 <downeym> what os are you using?
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18:44:08 <arif> Windows Vista
18:45:19 <downeym> arif: Do you have TortoiseSVN or another simple svn client you can try to connect with?
18:45:21 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: We're looking forward to a fantastic #OpenMRS code jam with @ThoughtWorksInc this weekend. Hope yours is just as fun! <>
18:45:45 <arif> no
18:46:08 <arif> Whats that? How can I get and use that?
18:46:22 <downeym> I don't use windows so i haven't used it but it's a popular one -
18:46:51 <downeym> if you can connect to the repository from there, we'd know the problem lies in eclipse
18:48:11 <arif> Ok..lets try that
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19:08:34 <arif> downeym: I can download the source code by using tortoise
19:08:45 <downeym> arif: ok, that's a good start
19:09:28 <arif> Another question: Do I need to have Maven seperately other than the Eclipse Plug In for Maven in order to download code from Eclipse?
19:09:40 <downeym> is this the error you saw?
19:09:46 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:10:59 <downeym> i think most of our people are using M2E
19:11:07 <downeym> check out if you haven't seen it yet
19:11:08 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:11:40 <arif> I have installed both the core and the extras
19:11:46 <downeym> cool
19:11:57 *** downeym sets mode: +v pascal`
19:12:04 <arif> About the error: similar to that but not exactly
19:14:27 <downeym> seems like a potential bug in configuration
19:15:04 <arif> configuration of what?
19:15:10 <downeym> eclipse :)
19:15:17 <downeym> you might try to /join #eclipse or see here
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19:17:54 <arif> i am just curious to know whether I need to install Apache Maven seperately other than the Eclipse Plug Ins?
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19:27:46 <czakian> hey guys I am adding hibernate 3.6 and I am getting an error that I am not sure is related to my upgrade or not
19:27:49 <czakian> it is
19:27:50 <czakian> ERROR - ModuleUtil.getURLStream(558) |2011-06-03 15:28:36,695| Logging an attempt to connect to:
19:27:57 <czakian> and hangs there forever
19:28:04 <czakian> (well 1 hour now)
19:28:28 <czakian> this error wasn't cropping up yesterday, so were there some changes made today that might cause this?
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19:28:52 <nribeka> hi arif
19:28:53 <downeym> czakian: no changes but it should be looking for
19:28:57 <nribeka> hi downeym
19:29:24 <arif> hi nribeka
19:29:32 <downeym> czakian: i.e.,
19:29:36 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:29:57 <czakian> ok, so how long should I expect that to take?
19:30:16 <downeym> expect what to take?
19:30:30 <arif> downeym: Eclipse is exiting even when It tries to create a simple project
19:30:39 <czakian> well you said it should be looking for it
19:30:51 <downeym> arif: can you describe the problem to nribeka ?
19:30:56 <downeym> czakian: ah. about 50ms :)
19:31:06 <czakian> drat
19:31:07 <czakian> ok
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19:32:15 <arif> @nribeka: whenever I tried to download source code from OpenMRS or create a simple new project in Eclipse, Eclipse exits with exit code 1
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19:32:45 <czakian> time to roll back
19:33:07 <nribeka> did you checkout using the maven plugin from sonatype?
19:33:30 <nribeka> i'm on another window, just put nribeka so i can get notification arif
19:33:36 <arif> yeah I downloaded core and extra plug Ins
19:34:08 <arif> nribeka
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19:34:30 <downeym> czakian: hasn't existed for quite a while and was replaced by
19:35:05 <arif> Eclipse exits even when I wanted to create a new Java project. So I think the problem is not with Subversion or OpenmRS
19:35:10 <arif> nribeka
19:35:22 <nribeka> hmm ...
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19:35:29 <downeym> Hi szrrizvi and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
19:35:48 <nribeka> maybe need to increase the memory?
19:36:04 <nribeka> or arif, better option is use intellij idea :D
19:36:24 <arif> what?
19:38:11 <nribeka> arif,
19:39:45 <arif> nribeka: where can I get the required plug Ins then?
19:39:48 <downeym> nribeka: are you still using IDEA?
19:41:56 <arif> I have to go now. thanx a lot downeym and nribeka
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19:42:54 <nribeka> yeah, downeym
19:43:03 <nribeka> renew the license please
19:43:08 <nribeka> expired in 1 month
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