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09:42:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (obs-codes-expanded): Adding LocationHandler for comparison purposes, and adding exception handling for both handler classes <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/OMRStrunk/~3/iUaNjNjw1wI/OpenMRS>
12:42:29 *** dkayiwa has joined #openmrs-sprint
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14:04:28 <sunbiz> helloooo every1??
14:04:31 <sunbiz> kickoff??
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14:50:35 <sunbiz> did the meeting finish??
14:50:42 <sunbiz> kickoff anyone??
15:00:04 <sunbiz> djazayeri: no kickoff??
15:00:09 <sunbiz> dkayiwa: u there??
15:00:55 <sunbiz> :(
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19:33:08 *** abonilla has joined #openmrs-sprint
19:33:30 <abonilla> Hello, where can I find a developer to customize openmrs?
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19:53:09 <abonilla> Anyone?
19:53:40 <dkayiwa> hey
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