IRC Chat : 2011-05-23 - OpenMRS

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02:05:17 <darmo_> hello everyone
02:05:45 <darmo_> introduce me, i'm muhamad sudarmono from indonesia
02:06:11 <darmo_> have a problem with xforms entry
02:07:06 <darmo_> when i try to submit the xforms, there's Unexpected Failure
02:07:17 <darmo_> with message: Invalid dateTime value. Timezone is out of range (-14:00 to +14:00)
02:07:49 <darmo_> anyone can help me? thank you very much for the assistance
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04:08:45 <darmo_> found the problem. i uninstalled libtcnative and libapr. then i can submit the xforms again.
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06:42:53 <free__> @bwolfe
06:42:57 <free__> how to get
06:43:10 <free__> acess to subversion
06:43:26 <free__> can u giv a example mail
06:44:37 <bwolfe> free__: sorry, empathy didn't notify me of your @bwolfe. Perhaps it doesn't like the twitter-like notation. :-)
06:45:19 <bwolfe> what do you mean an example mail? its just a normal email. it just goes to 3 or 4 of us that manage the svn repo
06:45:34 <bwolfe> do you still have the link I gave you to the wiki page about requesting access?
06:46:27 <free__> the procedure just that
06:46:59 <free__> ?
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06:53:04 <bwolfe> yep, its as simple as that free__
06:54:41 <bwolfe> /whois free__
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07:14:33 <bwolfe> free seems to be in and out all the time...
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07:47:29 <dmexs> hey dkayiwa
07:47:34 <dkayiwa> hey
07:47:43 <dmexs> how goes it
07:47:54 <dkayiwa> good and your side?
07:48:12 <dmexs> not too bad, justing wrapping things up before Peru
07:48:47 <dkayiwa> ok
07:48:52 <dmexs> been working on the xforms, and I've figured a lot out but my latest issue is with editing forms
07:49:08 <dkayiwa> aha, and what is the issue?
07:49:12 <dmexs> I get a date "unparseable date" error
07:49:30 <dmexs> it works fine to create an encounter
07:49:38 <dmexs> through a regular form or a patient registration form
07:49:45 <dmexs> but not to edit
07:50:46 <dkayiwa> editing a patient?
07:50:58 <dmexs> editing a patient's encounter
07:51:04 <dmexs> from the encounters tab
07:51:19 <dkayiwa> can u give me the url and i try it out?
07:52:24 <dmexs> one moment, i moved everything to my laptop lemme try and open up a port on the router
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07:53:32 <dkayiwa> ok
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08:13:10 <pascal`> bwolfe+-
08:13:43 <dkayiwa> = no change :D
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09:43:23 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (localize-setup-wizard): Creating branch for Taras Chorney (cta) for gsoc2011 project localizing the setup initial setup wizards - https://wiki.o... <>
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12:19:37 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @twthoughts: <Tuesday, May 24> Join us at the ThoughtWorks Pune office for OpenMRS Hack Day with Ola Bini & Zabil CM. Register ... <>
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12:50:34 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS (webapp-testing): Creating branch for webapp testing framework and unit tests - initial ticket: <>
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14:25:51 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Work begins today for our 16 Google Summer of Code students. Good luck! #GSoC #OpenMRS <>
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15:24:03 <r-friedman> bwolfe: got yr ears on?
15:24:57 <r-friedman> downeym: hi mike got yr ears on?
15:26:25 <r-friedman> wyclif: hi wyclif got yr ears on?
15:28:06 <r-friedman> djazayeri: hi darius got yr ears on?
15:28:40 <wyclif> hi r-friedman
15:28:52 <r-friedman> hi wyclif, could you do me a favor?
15:29:30 <r-friedman> could you send an e-mail to Andy Kanter asking him to send me a recent version of the mvp concept dictionary to me at r dot friedman at mindspring dot com?
15:29:58 <r-friedman> i am on a bad connection and can't open my work e-mail
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15:37:56 <djazayeri> wyclif, r-friedman, did that email get sent?
15:38:44 <r-friedman> djazayeri: haven't heard either way, darius, thanks for asking
15:41:17 <wyclif> not yet
15:41:28 <djazayeri> wyclif: I'll do it
15:41:38 <wyclif> djazayeri, thanks
15:42:02 <wyclif> hi r-friedman, sorry for my luck of a quick resonse
15:42:07 <wyclif> response
15:43:18 <r-friedman> wyclif: no problem, thanks djazayeri
15:43:24 <djazayeri> don
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15:43:28 <djazayeri> done
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17:04:59 <wyclif> djazayeri, am heading for an RG meeting for about an hour
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17:05:36 <djazayeri> wyclif: okay
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19:29:39 <downeym> Hi darmo_ and welcome to the #openmrs IRC channel.
19:29:51 <darmo_> hi all
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19:32:15 <darmo_> actually the xforms error i've reported before (about the timezone) can be resolved by add timezone setting on the catalina or java opts.
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19:35:28 <darmo_> i've added this line: CATALINA_OPTS="-Duser.timezone=Asia/Jakarta" on the tomcat
19:35:47 <darmo_> and i was able to submit xforms again.
19:41:59 <darmo_> thank's
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20:12:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Address Hierarchy 2.0 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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