IRC Chat : 2011-01-06 - OpenMRS

02:04:08 *** bwolfe has joined #openmrs
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02:19:11 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #17456: [Darius Jazayeri] Fixing TRUNK-1932 - Daemon threads need to be able to spawn other daemon threads <>
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06:03:42 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.8.x #17459: [Wyclif Luyima] Back porting addition unit tests for concept word weighing and cleaning up of the weighing logic - TRUNK-205 <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #17458: [Wyclif Luyima] Added unit tests for concept word weighing and cleaned up the weighing logic - TRUNK-205 <>
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15:05:02 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Modification on Drug Regimens Tab <>
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15:10:05 <bwolfe> !deevmtg
15:10:05 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: Error: "deevmtg" is not a valid command.
15:10:08 <bwolfe> !devmtg
15:10:08 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer meeting Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern -
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15:13:28 <bwolfe> today's notes:
15:13:31 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
15:16:37 <bwolfe>
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15:31:17 <r-friedman> bwolfe: hi, are you on a share? what site?
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15:32:24 <bwolfe> r-friedman: a screen share you mean?
15:32:30 <r-friedman> yeah
15:32:32 <bwolfe> we're on the typical
15:32:48 <r-friedman> tks
15:35:15 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Modules: Spring MVC UI Framework 0.2 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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15:42:40 *** ChanServ changes topic to "OpenMRS: open source medical record systems for the developing world - - IRC info & logs:"
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15:57:46 <bwolfe> word cloud in patient flags ftw
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16:00:09 <downeym> to the cloud!
16:07:18 <bwolfe> jsr 223
16:17:14 <downeym>
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20:21:55 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #17470: [Wyclif Luyima] Applying code formatting <> || Ben Wolfe: Script to Find Unused Message Keys in Files <>
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21:26:05 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.8.x #17473: [Ben Wolfe] Cannot edit an encounter's details - TRUNK-1933 <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #17472: [Ben Wolfe] Cannot edit an encounter's details - TRUNK-1933 <> || On Twitter: OpenMRS: Interested in translating #OpenMRS? @bawolfe helps with new tools - read more: <> || On Twitter: OpenMRS: New #OpenMRS Spotlight video interview: Roger Friedman from US CDC AIDS program: #eHealth <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.8.x #17471: [Wyclif Luyima] Applying code formatting <>
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