IRC Chat : 2010-10-12 - OpenMRS

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02:12:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15852: [bwolfe] Addition to pom to make jrebel integration easier - TRUNK-1762 Author: misha680 <>
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05:19:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Happy birthday to #OpenMRS community member and #GSoC student Shazin Sadakath! <>
05:51:46 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @pbiondich: Supposedly @ today's IOM yearly meeting @timoreilly asked: "Why isn't US adopting #OpenMRS when rest of world is?" #eHealth <>
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14:36:09 <the_asterite> Hi
14:36:16 <the_asterite> I have a problem installing OpenMRS 1.7 RC
14:36:49 <the_asterite> I get "A user context must first be passed to setUserContext()...use Context.openSession() (and closeSession() to prevent memory leaks!) before using the API Unable to complete the startup." at the end of the installation process (deploying the war)
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14:38:35 <bwolfe> the_asterite: how many times did you go through the installation wizard?
14:38:46 <bwolfe> any other errors while starting up in the log?
14:39:19 <the_asterite> I tried to install it like 5 times, each time deleting the database, deleting the deploy and restarting tomcat... always the same result
14:39:23 <the_asterite> Where can I see the log?
14:40:17 <the_asterite> I mean, there is a log while installing, but at some points it returns to the first page of the installation with the error in red at the top of the page
14:40:23 <the_asterite> So I can't go back to that log...
14:41:03 <bwolfe> the_asterite: tomcathome/logs/catalina.out potentially
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14:43:05 <the_asterite> Oh, yes, I see a big stack trace
14:47:28 <the_asterite> org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open Hibernate Session for transaction; nested exception is...
14:47:47 <the_asterite> But it could connect, because it created all the tables... I'm going down the stack trace, but it's huge
14:48:05 <bwolfe> yeah, the stacktraces get large sometimes :-/
14:51:47 <the_asterite> Ok, here's another one:
14:52:08 <bwolfe> clickatell??
14:52:40 <bwolfe> the_asterite: do you have any modules installed? iirc, clickatell is used by the messaging module...
14:53:24 <the_asterite> How can I know if I have modules installed? Even if I deleted everything and reinstalled the war, modules are somewhere else?
14:53:28 <the_asterite> (because I had openmrs 1.6 before)
14:55:48 <bwolfe> the_asterite: yeah, it might be finding the modules you had installed in 1.6
14:56:04 <the_asterite> Where are these modules?
14:56:17 <bwolfe> modules are put into the filesystem at userwhorunstomcat/.openmrs/modules
14:56:33 <bwolfe> (assuming you're running linux)
14:59:22 <the_asterite> Cool, thanks. I just remove everything from the modules folder?
15:00:02 <the_asterite> Nevermind, I will deleted the .openmrs folder :-P
15:00:39 <bwolfe> thats fine, but you problably just deleted your runtime properties file too
15:00:53 <bwolfe> but you can just restart tomcat/openmrs and it will walk you through the wizard
15:04:24 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15855: [wyclif] Fixing message text on database updates page (see CR-TRUNK-151) - TRUNK1802 <>
15:07:50 <the_asterite> Awesome, it worked!
15:07:53 <the_asterite> Thanks a lot!!!
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15:51:02 <chopin> hi
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16:28:44 <bwolfe> hi chopin
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16:55:06 <chopin> hi bwolfe
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17:11:41 <misha680> bwolfe: as for Deb package, what do you think if we prompt the user to go to localhost:8080/openmrs and he has to press OK when installing. I know _I_ would hate it, but on the other hand I probably wouldn't notice a message on the screen and complain to a mailing list :)
17:12:10 <misha680> bwolfe: otoh, this would have the advantage of potentially having translations for our message
17:12:28 <bwolfe> translations?
17:13:24 <misha680> bwolfe: yup. our default configuration messages will get translated by a team of Debian translators
17:13:46 <misha680> bwolfe: that's the plus of having our package hosted on Debian. We would not get translations, I don't think, in an ant task btw. Not sure.
17:14:39 <misha680> bwolfe: i.e., translations to other languages
17:15:34 <bwolfe> misha680: the ant task just builds the deb, then the deb can be posted to debian. right?
17:17:40 <misha680> bwolfe: I have to think and go eat right now, but honestly I think if we're building debs in an ant task the likelihood of them going to debian is probably quite slight. They have a fairly strict process. However, we can certainly post them on our site or upload them to an Ubuntu PPA.
17:18:21 <misha680> bwolfe: the debs we have now will pretty much update (with a little human interaction - updating the changelog, running a uscan command) when we release a new version as seen on I believe
17:18:54 <misha680> bwolfe: but someone still has to upload them. plus, do you really want the trunk version on the debian repos? I would think we would want a stable version.
17:19:35 <misha680> bwolfe: in other words - do you want "official" debs that are kosher for Debian from the ant task?
17:20:34 <misha680> bwolfe: anyway, let me know. I gotta go eat. It might be possible... I have to think about it. Perhaps you could send me an email re what you think you would like to see.
17:20:57 <bwolfe> misha680: I'm confused. how do you get debs to debian then? do they package them? if not, then we have to create the deb somewhere
17:21:14 <bwolfe> the idea is that trunk will become 1.8.x eventually...and then the ant task can create the deb for the 1.8 releases
17:21:28 <bwolfe> yes, ideally the deb that is created is kosher
17:47:41 <agdak> bwolfe: when i go to the manage modules and click add or upgrade module it gives me a popup within the page what is that popup called?
17:47:54 <bwolfe> a modal dialog
17:47:57 <bwolfe> its done by jquery
17:48:08 <agdak> cool thanks
17:54:42 <agdak> bwolfe: I had another question too. I compiled and ran the basicmodule and it gave me a link on the administration webpage but i wanted to add another jsp page to the administration web page how do i link it with the rest of the module I figured out the map.put but couldn't get openmrs to find the jsp page
17:55:13 <bwolfe> your link/url is probably wrong
17:55:20 <bwolfe> check the jsp that you are linking to
17:55:30 <bwolfe> check the annotation on it to make sure its right
17:55:32 <agdak> i named is second.jsp
17:56:08 <agdak> and map.put("module/firstmodule/second.jsp", "This is the second page");
17:56:44 <agdak> do i need to modify anything on the
17:58:31 <bwolfe> should be second.htm or second.form or second.list
17:59:01 <agdak> why is that and not the absolute file
17:59:10 <bwolfe> only things with .htm/.form/.list extensoins get sent through spring. then you need the spring annotations on the controller to say whihc java file relates to that url
17:59:33 <agdak> ah
18:00:58 <agdak> thanks a lot
18:03:57 <agdak> is the map.put function fifo or filo or just random?
18:15:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: RT @timoreilly: My panel on innovation in #healthcare yesterday at the Institute of Medicine: video #eHealth #OpenMRS <>
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19:14:07 <bwolfe> agdak: depends which map class you're instantiating
19:14:20 <bwolfe> HashMap is ordered by hash (random)
19:14:28 <bwolfe> LinkedHashMap is FIFO
19:14:53 <agdak> ah thanks gotcha
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21:47:57 <misha680> bwolfe: sent you a new deb to try. let me know what you think :)
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23:32:53 <agdak> bwolfe: is there like a reference guide or a book or multiple of them you recommend to read first
23:33:11 <agdak> i mean for getting started
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