IRC Chat : 2010-10-04 - OpenMRS

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06:40:42 * maxalwings says hello
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07:22:51 <me_> hallo guys
07:23:09 <me_> anyone here?
07:23:25 <me_> have a quick question on web services
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14:36:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Concept dictionary errors <>
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14:48:47 <ime> hello
14:51:20 <ime> who's in the house? :)
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14:55:16 <bwolfe> ime: no one here but us chickens!
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15:50:52 <ime> hi Ben
15:51:17 <bwolfe> hi ime
15:51:25 <ime> howdy chicken? lol
15:51:37 <bwolfe> do tell. which ime is this ?
15:52:14 <ime> the one with long nose
15:52:47 <ime> so, how r u guys doing over there?
15:52:58 <ime> its Ime from Nigeria
15:53:13 <ime> was just looking at the webservice module
15:53:25 <ime> is there a problem with svn at the moment?
15:54:00 <bwolfe> svn should be ok
15:54:03 <bwolfe> I just checked something out
15:54:14 <bwolfe> svn over all has been sucking though
15:54:38 <bwolfe> so asangansi then. welcome!
15:54:40 <ime> cant even open this page
15:54:41 <ime>
15:54:45 <bwolfe> have you been hanging out here long, or is this a new one?
15:54:59 <bwolfe> ah yes, try fisheye
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15:55:16 <bwolfe> ime, I'm heading off to lunch. I'll be back in an hour or so
15:55:32 <ime> ok
15:55:40 <ime> b4 u go, pls can u
15:55:58 <ime> point me to the implementation of the webservice api methods
15:56:10 <ime> methods that are provided in the "0.1" release of webservices.jaxws.api
15:56:23 <ime> methods listed on
15:56:26 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
15:56:46 <ime> methods such as public void wsAddAttributeForPerson(String uuid, String attributeTypeName, String value)
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16:24:30 <rahult> hello
16:26:07 <rahult> I subscribed to OpenMRS dev list, but i am unable to post emails to the list - can anyone help me around here?
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16:35:11 <rahult> any mailing list admins here?
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17:02:37 <bwolfe> rahult: downeym is
17:02:46 <bwolfe> rahult_ ^^
17:02:54 <rahult_> thanks bwolfe
17:03:10 <bwolfe> rahult: make sure you are sending with the exact same email address that you registered with
17:03:42 <rahult_> downeym: are you able to help me with my subscription? I posted a message this morning but I can't see it on nabble (even though its been a quite few hours now)
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17:11:32 <bwolfe> rahult: what was the email subject?
17:12:00 <downeym> Hi rahult ... sorry I was away.
17:12:51 <rahult> subject is: "Errors while executing a birt report"
17:13:18 <rahult> would you need the email that I sent it from?
17:13:30 <downeym> When did you subscribe to the list?
17:14:01 <rahult> downeym: I subscribed this morning (like about 12 hours ago)
17:15:16 <downeym> OK. Did you get any confirmation back from the listserv application after you subscribed?
17:15:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15702: [bwolfe] Adding assembly goal to create src distribution file - TRUNK-1758 Author: misha680 <>
17:16:10 <rahult> yes, i got a link to confirm my subscription
17:18:06 <downeym> Hmm, OK. If you still have the message could you forward it to me? michael at
17:24:47 <downeym> OK, for some reason your subscription was not completed for OPENMRS-DEVEL-L but you were subscribed to OPENMRS-IMPLEMENTERS-L. I have subscribed you for the dev list. You should get a confirmation soon. :)
17:27:27 <rahult> thanks bwolfe , downeym - appreciate the help
17:28:24 <downeym> Happy to help. You'll probably want to re-send your mail now -- it should be sent fine this time.
17:31:47 <rahult> great, will do that
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18:17:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.5.x #15707: [djazayeri] Added some log.isDebugEnabled() checks in HtmlIncludeTag <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.7.x #15706: [djazayeri] Added some log.isDebugEnabled() checks in HtmlIncludeTag <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15705: [djazayeri] Added some log.isDebugEnabled() checks in HtmlIncludeTag <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.6.x #15704: [djazayeri] Added some log.isDebugEnabled() checks in HtmlIncludeTag <>
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18:51:06 <tinashe> Ben...have p-med you..
18:52:12 <misha680> bwolfe: with regards to the application data directory and the runtime property of the same name do you mean confusion in terms of semantics or programming?
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18:52:51 <misha680> bwolfe: as far as programming, the application data directory from runtime properties file will take precedence. The simplest thing is to change the name of the property to something like runtime properties file path.
18:53:22 <misha680> bwolfe: otherwise, I'm going to have to modify a lot more places :( e.g., with regards to the configuration wizard utility. thx.
18:57:34 <misha680> bwolfe: I will post a copy of what I'm suggesting to ticket
18:57:54 <bwolfe> misha680: I was thinking from a users perspective. but I guess it doesn't really matter because they're different use cases
18:58:17 <bwolfe> if someone wants to modify their web.xml or pass in an init-param, then can do it that way
18:58:36 <bwolfe> if they don't want to do that (or can't) then they can use a runtimeproperty + env var
19:00:29 <misha680> bwolfe: got it. in any case I think I can fix the semantic confusion. I will post a modified patch. I don't want users to get confused.
19:19:59 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.5.x #15709: [djazayeri] Putting @Ignore on ModuleUtilTest that depends on connecting to a remote server <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.7.x #15708: [bwolfe] Adding build target to create src distribution file - TRUNK-1758 Author: misha680 <>
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19:35:54 <agdak> bwolfe: hey do you recommend any tutorials on how to get started i have no idea how to get started. I was taking a look at one of the tickets you showed me and found where the error was occuring but had no idea on what to do
19:36:33 <bwolfe> agdak: what do you mean on "what to do"
19:36:38 <bwolfe> do you mean how to test the webapp ?
19:36:41 <bwolfe> or how to add in your code ?
19:36:54 <bwolfe> or what to do now that you've tested and finished what you need to do ?
19:37:16 <agdak> bwolfe: how to add in code
19:38:09 <agdak> well i know how to add in code just i want to add code that is right
19:38:30 <agdak> i was taking a look at the encounters that there is no patient id: "
19:39:04 <agdak> and i wanted add like an warning box that pops up when you click on new encounter that you have to specify a patient or patient id
19:39:44 <agdak> like is there a tutorial for the openmrs api that tells you what certain functions do?
19:49:35 <agdak> bwolfe: sorry i forgot to put your id
19:50:15 <bwolfe> agdak: remind me, which ticket are you looking at?
19:50:51 <bwolfe> agdak: documentation is sparse. but if I remember right you don't need to call the openmrs api. you'll just use some jstl
19:51:14 <agdak> bwolfe: i think it was 17 something is not loading for me
19:52:09 <bwolfe> hmm, loads for me. did you claim the ticket? whats your username in jira?
19:52:59 <bwolfe> agdak: maybe?
19:53:19 <agdak> bwolfe: yeah that is the one
19:55:27 <agdak> bwolfe: haven't claimed the ticket yet
19:55:46 <agdak> i first wanted to see if i could do anything about it then wanted to claim the ticket
19:57:11 <bwolfe> ok, no worries
19:57:27 <bwolfe> I found it by scanning the intro tickets list again. :-)
19:57:57 <bwolfe> agdak: some of the openmrs api is documented, but in this case you're just doing some jsp/jstl stuff
19:58:11 <bwolfe> agdak: I don't have a link to some good intro stuffa bout that.
19:58:28 <bwolfe> or you can look at other jsp in openmrs for hints
19:58:35 <bwolfe> you'll just need a c:if
19:58:48 <agdak> bwolfe: that is allright just wondering if you did i will probably search the interweb for such
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21:57:34 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: On Twitter: OpenMRS: Get a job! Our friends at @SMSmedic need Java and web devs. Write code and save lives: #ICT4D #mHealth <> || On Twitter: OpenMRS: @emahlee Thanks for your dedication and valuable efforts this summer! #OpenMRS <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.6.x #15720: [bwolfe] Added extension points to webapp on encounter and obs pages - TRUNK-1678 Author: cristian.chircu <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.7.x #15719: [bwolfe] Added extension points to webapp on encounter and obs pages - TRUNK-1678 Author: cristian.chircu <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS 1.7.x #15718: [bwolfe] Fixed the compile warning on the daemon class TRUNK-1688 Author: ajanthan Also a bug was found/fixed for TRUNK-120 <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15717: [bwolfe] Added extension points to webapp on encounter and obs pages - TRUNK-1678 Author: cristian.chircu <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15716: [bwolfe] Added svn ignore to target in test directory <> || New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15715: [bwolfe] Fixed the compile warning on the daemon class TRUNK-1688 Author: ajanthan Also a bug was found/fixed for TRUNK-120 <>
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23:00:51 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: New Changeset: OpenMRS trunk #15721: [bwolfe] Removing file that was accidentally committed <>
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