IRC Chat : 2010-07-03 - OpenMRS

01:10:33 *** robbyoconnor has quit IRC
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07:32:57 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14184]: openmrs-contrib/ui-frameworks/spring3mvc+jquery branch: Modified Encounter … <>
07:58:06 *** umashanthi has joined #openmrs
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08:37:02 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14185]: pharmacy: added balance calc <>
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08:47:16 <sunbiz> hey robbyoconnor
08:47:37 <sunbiz> robbyoconnor: howz ur gsoc project going??
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14:59:35 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14186]: Implemented a webservice WsGetEncountersByUUids(String) <>
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16:32:27 <firzhan> bwolfe: hi
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16:35:08 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14187]: webservices.jaxws.api: ticket 2254 -- intermediate commit; transitioning … <>
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17:05:45 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14188]: webservices.jaxws.api: ticket 2254 -- intermediate commit; removed JSON … <> || Lu Zhuang Wei: My GSoC project's progress report - 03/07/2010 <>
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17:37:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14189]: webservices.jaxws.api: ticket 2254 -- intermediate commit (will not … <>
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18:09:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14191]: webservices.jaxws.api: ticket 2254 -- (yee ha!) intermediate commit; does … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14190]: conceptmanagement: adding dao, include more lib <>
18:35:36 *** firzhan has joined #openmrs
18:36:10 <firzhan> bwolfe: hi
18:38:53 <bwolfe> hi
18:40:08 <firzhan> Are there any solutions can be used rather than storing the data as a xml in
18:40:14 <firzhan> dataabse
18:40:16 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14193]: webservices.jaxws.api: trivial removal of commented code <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14192]: webservices.jaxws.api: ticket 2254 -- trivial removal of code previously … <>
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18:48:47 <bwolfe> firzhan: you make tables/columns for the data you're storing... :-)
18:49:33 <firzhan> bwolfe: ah........what do you prefer more...
18:49:34 <firzhan> ???
18:49:37 <firzhan> ;)
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18:49:55 <bwolfe> tables
18:49:56 <bwolfe> bbl
18:51:15 <firzhan> bwolfe: Ok thaks
18:51:23 <firzhan> I will do on that way
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19:44:03 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [14194]: - Adding Slider widget for date range selection - Adding filtering feature … <>
19:55:40 *** robbyoconnor has joined #openmrs
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