IRC Chat : 2010-04-29 - OpenMRS

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03:26:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: News Blog: OpenMRS Welcomes Newest Team Members <>
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03:43:23 *** fixl has joined #openmrs
03:51:21 <fixl> gday
03:51:30 <fixl> in orde rto creade my database-schema
03:51:37 <fixl> do i need to have tomcat installed?
03:51:50 <fixl> i cant get this ant script to work properly
04:06:15 <Mkop> jmiranda: did I tell you about how you indirectly were the cause of me getting junk mail?
04:06:30 <jmiranda> Mkop, no
04:06:38 <jmiranda> how?
04:06:39 <Mkop> fixl: which ant task?
04:07:39 <Mkop> jmiranda: I got an insurance offer or something like that from the MS Foundation
04:08:01 <jmiranda> damn them
04:08:06 <jmiranda> sorry about that
04:08:14 <Mkop> it doesn't matter
04:08:19 <jmiranda> :)
04:08:20 <Mkop> I just threw it away
04:08:30 <Mkop> and it isn't actuallly your fault
04:08:32 <fixl> Mkop: in the, the generate-offline-sql-create-mysql
04:09:16 <fixl> i have mysql setup in a vm (kvm)
04:09:36 <Mkop> I'm opening eclipse to take a look
04:10:02 <fixl> i've got the latest trunk version
04:10:14 <fixl> or the one thats 2 days old
04:10:47 <fixl>
04:10:48 <Mkop> just as a warning: don't expect some kind of expert answer from me. I don't know what's in or what exactly it does, but I'm gonna take a look
04:11:40 <fixl> hehe ok
04:11:59 <fixl> the problem is, that i dont even have a dist folder
04:20:47 <Mkop> fixl: is there a build folder?
04:21:33 <fixl> w8 a second o_O
04:21:42 <fixl> i did an svn update
04:21:46 <fixl> and ran it again
04:21:51 <fixl> it seems to have worked
04:21:59 <Mkop> nice
04:25:48 <fixl> what is wrong now o_O
04:25:53 <fixl> no errrs
04:25:59 <fixl> but no tables :D
04:27:52 <fixl> but the sql files are there
04:37:49 <Mkop> hmm, i dunno
04:37:57 <Mkop> does the db exist?
04:38:22 <fixl> the db gets created
04:40:53 <fixl> k then lets use the query browser
04:41:28 <fixl> did you guys do anything to enhance the speed of the db? because the conenction to my vm is really slow ... it takes 5 seconds for a query to execute ...
04:41:34 <fixl> and its on my local machine
04:42:30 <Mkop> wait, so mysql is on the vm but you're running ant on the host?
04:42:40 <fixl> yes
04:42:42 <fixl> but
04:42:46 <fixl> when i to like
04:42:52 <fixl> select * from ... where id = 1;
04:43:11 <fixl> and the core-data.sql is wrong
04:43:22 <fixl> it tries to create tables which allready get created by the schema
04:43:44 <fixl> i think there shcould be some "if not exist" or something
04:44:28 <Mkop> you're saying that just doing a select is slow? or that a select is fast but running the sql is slow?
04:45:03 <fixl> sql seems to be slow
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04:45:26 <Mkop> run 'select now()' or the like
04:45:26 <fixl> 0 lines fetched in 0:05.032
04:45:46 <fixl> 5 seconds
04:45:48 <fixl> brb
04:45:53 <Mkop> this is probably something to bring up on #mysql or #kvm
04:46:01 <Mkop> that's definitely not normal
04:48:50 <fixl> yep
04:48:56 <fixl> i'll test it on the vm itself
04:51:54 <fixl> it must have something to do with the connection
04:53:04 <fixl> i think i have to change some setting in the mysql server
04:58:24 <Mkop> could also be an issue with kvm port forwarding or the like
04:58:56 <Mkop> I've never used kvm, but when I try to access an apache server running in a virtual box vm, it is slow as heck
04:59:10 <Mkop> that could be due to a number of factors though
05:01:54 <fixl> yes
05:02:06 <fixl> but 5 seconds is way to long
05:06:49 <Mkop> definitely
05:07:23 <Mkop> if you run mysql client locally (on the guest), it's quick?
05:09:01 <fixl> yes
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05:19:13 <Mkop> I suspect it's a kvm issue
05:22:45 <fixl> maybe a dns issue
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05:31:47 <Mkop> fixl: what domain name are you using?
05:31:55 <fixl> ares :D
05:32:02 <Mkop> and that shouldn't be an issue once you're connected
05:32:11 <fixl> yes :/
05:32:19 <fixl> i'll look into it after i've had a shower
05:32:22 <Mkop> have you asked in #mysql?
05:34:28 <fixl> not yet
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06:08:50 <fixl> it realy was some dns stuff
06:09:56 <fixl>
06:12:32 <Mkop> ok, weird
06:18:33 <fixl> now its time for tomcat :D
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08:51:34 <ruwan> hi all!
08:55:56 <pbrandt> hey ruwan
08:57:18 <ruwan> I'm having a problem when deploying the webapp in fedors..
08:57:24 <ruwan> *fedora
08:58:27 <ruwan>
09:00:27 <ruwan> it creates a dir called $CATALINA_HOME in the current dir and copy the war in to that instead of getting the value from the env. vars.
09:03:04 <pbrandt> ruwan, it's because the CATALINA_HOME environment variable isn't set
09:04:46 <ruwan> [ruwan@localhost openmrs-trunk]$ echo $CATALINA_HOME
09:04:48 <ruwan> /Work/tools/apache-tomcat-6.0.24
09:05:09 <ruwan> it is set
09:06:02 <pbrandt> hmm... not sure what's up with the script then...
09:06:23 <pbrandt> if you urgently need to deploy, then just manually copy the war file
09:06:33 <pbrandt> if you want to help out the community, debug the script :)
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09:31:36 <ruwan> javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error getting unrun updates on the database
09:31:45 <ruwan> what does this mean..?
09:32:10 <ruwan> I get this in the browser
09:38:27 <pbrandt> hmm
09:38:34 <pbrandt> are you sure there is database connectivity?
09:38:44 <pbrandt> what's in the tomcat logs?
09:44:18 <ruwan> how can I rerun the Initial setup..?
09:44:59 <ruwan> this error feels like cause by an error in the setup
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09:50:45 <pbrandt> ruwan, you can drop the database and restart tomcat
09:50:53 <pbrandt> assuming you want a clean install
09:58:28 <ruwan> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(1,1) File "/WEB-INF/taglibs/c-rt.tld" not found
09:59:23 <ruwan> is this an OpenMRS related error..?
10:01:48 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #2296 (enhancement created): Allow for dynamic skip logic <>
10:02:56 <pbrandt> ruwan, where are you getting the war?
10:04:02 *** pbrandt is now known as pascal`
10:04:40 <ruwan> the path to the deployed war file..?
10:05:14 <pascal`> ruwan, no, are you building from the depot, or are you downloading an official release?
10:05:36 <ruwan> building from the svn chekout
10:05:38 <pascal`> that error does seem to be OpenMRS related, but not core
10:05:59 <pascal`> ruwan, so you're checking out and building trunk?
10:06:06 <ruwan> yes
10:06:11 <pascal`> and you have all the prerequisite software for 1.6+?
10:06:43 <ruwan> yes
10:06:50 <ruwan> I guess
10:07:12 <pascal`> and you get that JasperException on a clean install, before anything shows up in browser?
10:07:44 <ruwan> yup
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10:08:32 <pascal`> I assume the file it's looking for doesn't actually exist?
10:08:33 <ruwan> its HTTP STATUS 500 coming from tomcat
10:09:05 <ruwan> and the error message is org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(1,1) File "/WEB-INF/taglibs/c-rt.tld" not found
10:09:49 <ruwan> is there any bug with installing openmrs on tomcat 6.x versions..?
10:10:29 <pascal`> any bug should be mentioned in the installation instructions
10:10:45 <pascal`> it might be that you haven't sync'd out all the libs or something
10:11:15 <pascal`> do you get the same issue if you try with an official release?
10:13:37 <ruwan> I'll hv to check that out
10:23:00 <ruwan> I'm havinh the same problem with the tomcat 5
10:23:40 <ruwan> I will get the war and try it first
10:28:58 <pascal`> cool
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10:57:00 <kennymac> hi all
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11:03:34 <pascal`> hey kennymac
11:05:45 <kennymac> hey pascal`, how is it going?
11:09:58 <pascal`> not bad kennymac, you?
11:10:49 <kennymac> good thanks pascal`, very happy about being picked for gsoc, just trying to find a suitable blog template :)
11:11:11 <pascal`> :)
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11:48:09 <Echidna> hi ppl
11:51:43 <pascal`> hey Echidna
11:53:32 <danielf`> hi Echidna
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12:15:07 <downeym> hello world
12:15:15 <upul`> what about wyclif downeym
12:15:18 <kennymac> hi downeym
12:15:29 <kennymac> thanks for voice! :D
12:15:35 <ruwan> hi downeym
12:15:38 <downeym> upul`: he's not identified to nickserv :)
12:16:11 <pascal`> hey downeym
12:16:12 <downeym> wyclif: did you ever get your password reset?
12:16:25 <downeym> hey kennymac
12:16:43 <upul`> that means i can pretend i'm wyclif
12:17:26 <downeym> hahah
12:17:38 <kennymac> upul`, i guess you could pretend you were anybody as long as they were not online ;)
12:17:59 <downeym> if you set your nickserv settings right it will force someone to change their nick if they try to use yours
12:18:02 <upul`> is it? i think it logs off in a few seconds
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12:18:27 <downeym> you have to SET ENFORCE
12:18:32 <kennymac> ahhh, mine needs a bit of configuration then
12:18:40 <downeym> do /msg nickserv help set enforce -- for info
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12:19:48 <kennymac> ahh great, thanks downeym
12:20:39 <kennymac> openmrs is the first time i have been using irc extensively since I was about 12! ><
12:21:01 <downeym> heh
12:21:20 <downeym> it may not be the most intuitive thing, but it's pretty cool
12:21:58 <kennymac> yeah it's nice... glad it's still around, feels oldschool and "proper"
12:22:25 <downeym> we have the irc channel projected onto the wall in indianapolis during our meetings
12:22:29 <downeym> !devmtg
12:22:29 <OpenMRSBot> downeym: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer meeting Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern -
12:22:52 <kennymac> haha nice
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12:24:09 <upul`> got my first msdn magazine
12:24:33 <upul`> usually postage costs more than the magazine in here
12:24:50 <downeym> postage rates have gone so crazy lately
12:25:10 <downeym> US is probably going to change post delivery to 5 days each week from 6
12:26:24 <upul`> how much is for a standard letter in US downeym ?
12:26:41 <downeym> you know that's a good question, i haven't sent a letter in a long time :D
12:27:10 <downeym> US $ 0.44 for 1 oz
12:27:20 <downeym> (1 oz = 28 g)
12:28:30 <downeym>
12:28:34 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
12:29:13 <kennymac> it's about the same here except for in pounds instead of dollars, so even more expensive...
12:30:14 <upul`> that's because it's royal mail
12:30:41 <downeym> take your grievance to the queen :)
12:30:41 <kennymac> it is yeah ^^
12:31:01 <kennymac> or just remove the queen...
12:31:07 <downeym> o.O
12:31:31 <kennymac> she costs the taxpayer a tonne!
12:31:34 <downeym> modern technology will keep her alive indefinitely
12:32:20 <upul`> there's the story one country putting the king s face on stamps and people spitting on the wrong side
12:32:25 <kennymac> hah, elizabeth 2 the imortal
12:32:35 <kennymac> sounds like a horror movie
12:33:07 <downeym> kennymac: hey have you got a blog?
12:33:37 <kennymac> downeym, i am actually starting one for openmrs as we speak
12:33:47 <downeym> kennymac: ok cool :)
12:33:53 <kennymac> i am just waiting for the subdomain on my domain to become available
12:34:01 <downeym> dns fail
12:34:25 <downeym> All your blog are belong to downeym
12:34:26 <kennymac> yeah takes as long as a real domain for sub domains to propagate
12:34:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Regarding basic module <> || Firzhan Naqash: <>
12:34:33 <kennymac> haha
12:35:06 <downeym> i guess OpenMRSBot was listening
12:35:49 <kennymac> quite relevant yes!
12:36:28 <upul`> kennymac, was oliver cromwell a good guy or a bad guy?
12:37:06 <kennymac> upul`, that is a very deep question... it really depends on your racial origin i guess...
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12:37:43 <kennymac> he did some good things that gave the uk a sense of democracy but he also killed many catholics
12:37:54 <chopin> hey-o ruwan
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12:38:10 <ruwan> hey chopin
12:38:50 <ruwan> hi wyclif
12:39:05 <wyclif> ruwan, hey
12:39:15 <downeym> chopin: your account is ready
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12:43:15 <kennymacd> why did you ask upul` ?
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12:44:38 <chopin> downeym: NEAT
12:44:46 <downeym> chopin: WHAT?
12:44:52 <chopin> downeym: re: account
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12:44:58 <downeym> chopin: ah
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12:45:46 <upul`> kennymacd, i liked him the way he finished one dictator, and then 100 dictators (aka parliament) came up he finished that off too, but some stories show cromwell as the devil, burning books etc.
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12:47:24 <downeym> chopin: come over when you want and we'll get it set up
12:47:39 * chopin will be there in a minute
12:47:41 <kennymacd> upul`, it probably wasn't black and white... not sure if i actually would have liked the guy though! ;P
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13:13:55 <ruwan> Developers Conference Call...?
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13:18:46 <raffael> hi
13:20:37 *** Shazin has joined #openmrs
13:20:55 <Shazin> Hi All
13:21:13 <Shazin> can anyone tell me in how many hours will the conference call begin?
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13:24:01 <raffael> Shazin: hi, in 0,67 hours or if you prefer 40 minutes ;-)
13:24:51 <Shazin> raffael: Thanks alot
13:25:05 <raffael> Shazin: you're welcome
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13:39:50 <downeym> !devmtg
13:39:50 <OpenMRSBot> downeym: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer meeting Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern -
13:39:55 <downeym> 20 minutes
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13:56:48 <fixl> does openMRS work with apache tomcat 6.0 as well?
13:56:54 <downeym> yep
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14:03:37 <downeym> !devmtg
14:03:37 <OpenMRSBot> downeym: "devmtg" --- Reminder: Developer meeting Thursday at 10:00 AM Eastern -
14:03:41 <downeym> we'll be starting in a few minutes
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14:05:02 <pbrandt> ohai
14:05:22 <ratpik1> hey
14:06:32 <raffael> let's play, interns say HO :-)
14:06:34 <raffael> HO
14:06:38 <ratpik1> HO
14:06:44 <downeym> :)
14:06:47 <downeym> sorry for the delay guys
14:06:54 <downeym> few more minutes everyone should be here
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14:07:05 <raffael> downeym: no problem
14:07:09 <ratpik1> That should be fine :)
14:07:21 <ruwan> downeym: no probs
14:07:57 <raffael> ratpik1: which project are you doing?
14:08:28 <ratpik1> @raffael - I'm with the media viewer enhancements
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14:08:50 <ratpik1> wat abt u?
14:09:09 <raffael> metadata sharing module
14:09:15 <ratpik1> nice
14:09:52 <ratpik1> where are you from?
14:09:57 <raffael> Poland
14:10:01 <raffael> call has started
14:10:12 <ratpik1> yeah
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14:11:20 <kennymac> though europe was in the western hemisphere :S
14:11:24 <kennymac> thought*
14:11:32 <ratpik1> yeah :)
14:12:17 <bwolfe> MalteF: where in germany are you ?
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14:12:31 <bwolfe> Echidna here is also in germany somewhere...not sure where though :-/
14:12:38 <kennymac> if you look at this the uk is but not all of europe apparently
14:12:41 <OpenMRSBot> <$> (at
14:12:42 <MalteF> bwolfe: i'm in münster
14:13:08 <raffael> MalteF: is it far from Berlin?
14:13:53 <MalteF> raffael: google says about 560km
14:14:24 <raffael> MalteF: hehe that's precise
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14:14:46 <nribeka> astelmashenko, you should join the call :)
14:14:56 <MalteF> raffael: i didn't know what to guess.. so i looked it up :D
14:15:13 <raffael> MalteF: i'm asking because i'm in Berlin right now
14:15:40 <astelmashenko> nribeka: i know, i`m trying do this
14:15:40 <MalteF> raffael: cool
14:15:53 <upul``> Echidna is in Gottingen i think
14:16:37 <raffael> MalteF: but 560 km is a little bit too far to go out for a beer ;-)
14:16:44 <jkeiper> ruwan: are you on the call?
14:16:50 <ruwan> yup
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14:16:54 <bwolfe> kennymac: how do you feel about haggis?
14:16:54 <jkeiper> excellent :-)
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14:17:00 <downeym> haggis++
14:17:11 <MalteF> raffael : a little bit yeah ^^
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14:17:32 <pbrandt> kennymac++
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14:17:46 <astelmashenko> nribeka: i can not connect, because of access code (
14:17:57 <pbrandt> astelmashenko, 707531#
14:18:40 <astelmashenko> it says "please reenter your code"
14:18:43 <nribeka> there you go astelmashenko, pbrandt gave you the code
14:18:51 <docpaul> umashanthi++
14:20:39 <docpaul> astelmashenko: win is talking about how great of an intern you will be
14:20:46 <downeym> Access Code: 707531
14:20:47 <docpaul> and what sort of work you'll be doing this summer
14:20:49 <docpaul> welcome!
14:21:01 <downeym> astelmashenko: once you are able to join you can introduce yourself
14:21:04 <downeym> :)
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14:22:28 <kennymac> ><
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14:24:12 <_Glen> firzhan: are you on the dev call?
14:24:24 <firzhan> _Glen: Yeah
14:24:43 <_Glen> firzhan: great. just checking
14:24:52 <firzhan> _Glen: :)
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14:25:15 <kennymac> Hi _Glen :)
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14:25:25 <pbrandt> saimanohar <- my student
14:25:40 <_Glen> kennymac: I heard your introduction. : )
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14:26:23 <kennymac> _Glen, ohh good, thanks for the help with the proposal, it seemed to have helped!
14:27:01 <_Glen> kennymac: yeah. we did a bit of a switcheroo and created a different project for you.
14:28:26 <kennymac> _Glen, yes, was slightly confusing at first but i think that it was the best option, would have been very demanding otherwise
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14:30:05 <umashanthi> _Glen: yes, we are from the same University. Different faculties :)
14:30:07 <Echidna> astelmashenko actually has the same first name as me, so i get a highligh whenever he's addressed
14:30:10 <burke> Next up: discussing ticket priority definitions...
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14:30:56 <syhaas> firzhan, umashanthi, you know each other?
14:31:08 <firzhan> syhaas: No
14:31:20 <umashanthi> syhaas: not met yet
14:31:32 <_Glen> firzhan: how many students at the school?
14:31:33 <firzhan> syhaas: No never
14:31:42 <nribeka> you should meet up
14:31:53 <firzhan> _Glen: It is about 5000
14:32:03 <firzhan> I am from fifferent faculty
14:32:07 <firzhan> :)
14:32:18 <umashanthi> nribeka: yes. soon after the vacation :)
14:32:31 <kennymac> is hamish scottish too? or just has a scottish name?
14:32:37 <nribeka> when is the vacay?
14:32:41 <nribeka> hamish is
14:32:51 <umashanthi> We have 26 GSoC students from our University this time
14:33:03 <nribeka> wow ... awesome umashanthi
14:33:05 <downeym>
14:33:08 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
14:33:18 <ruwan> umashanthi: cool!!
14:33:26 <downeym> yeah hamish is scottish :)
14:33:27 <kennymac> that is a lot umashanthi, how did you find that out? I would interested to see how many are on gsoc from my uni
14:33:27 <umashanthi> We had the record(most no. from the same University) in the past 2 years
14:33:28 <downeym> hamish fraser
14:33:50 <docpaul> man, that says an amazing amount about the quality of your school
14:33:51 <raffael> umashanthi: where did you find those stats?
14:33:57 <docpaul> i am going to come visit there in the next year
14:34:22 <umashanthi> kennymac: raffael: we counted among the studnets. not officially yet
14:34:56 <umashanthi> docpaul: sure. A nice country Sri Lanka :) We have lot of Apache committers from our University
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14:35:33 <umashanthi> Sri Lanka has initiated the Sahana - award winning open source disaster management system. We are proud of that
14:35:34 <docpaul> there have been many conversations about a regional meeting in sri lanka
14:35:46 <docpaul> and the leader of sahana asked us to come
14:35:52 <umashanthi> docpaul: cool
14:35:57 <ruwan> docpaul: cool
14:36:04 <ruwan> ha ha
14:36:09 <firzhan> docpaul: :)
14:36:09 <docpaul> they want to use openmrs as the government sponsored emr solution
14:36:31 <docpaul> so they thought of having a get together to start this process
14:36:49 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13172]: added brief comments for better understanding of functionality <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13171]: removed uneccessary lines <>
14:36:55 <umashanthi> docpaul: Nice.
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14:48:41 <kennymac> what exactly is tbd prio for?
14:49:18 <burke> fire, must, should, could, non-essential, tbd
14:49:59 <ruwan> burke: fire=blocker...?
14:51:01 <kennymac> blocker seems clearer than fire
14:51:18 <rcrichton> blocker++
14:52:08 <kennymac> mus, should, could, non-essential are all good
14:52:18 <kennymac> must*
14:52:41 <burke> emergency, must, should, could, non-essential, tbd
14:53:49 <rcrichton> Blocker seems to make perfect sence to me, I wouldn't want to see it cahnge
14:54:10 <rcrichton> The rest as kennymac say seems good
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14:54:59 <upul`> Apache uses Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, Trivial
14:59:48 <docpaul> how the first round is shaking out:
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15:02:42 <kennymac> somebody's mic is cracking up
15:04:58 <downeym> it was astelmashenko :) but he dropped the call
15:05:05 <raffael> What about automatic control of code conventions? I haven't used it though.
15:06:09 <bwolfe> raffael: might be able to integrate checkstyle/sonar into maven when we move that direction (within the next month or so)
15:06:31 <downeym> astelmashenko: can you mute your skype?
15:06:32 <raffael> bwolfe: great
15:06:42 <bwolfe> raffael: really we want to catch a lot of these things before someone submits a patch for code review...we need it less to be auto formatting when people commit
15:06:57 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13176]: chica * temporarily commented out calls to ADHD Toolkit JIT since it … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13175]: chica * fixed missing endif's in ADHD rules <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13174]: upped version <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13173]: commented out unused code / constants, added comments for better … <>
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15:07:50 <raffael> bwolfe: ok i see the point
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15:22:34 <umashanthi> these coding guidelines will be documented, isn't it?
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15:22:47 <raffael>
15:26:34 <downeym> burke++
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15:30:07 <fixl> what is Catalina in connection with tomcat?
15:30:28 <bwolfe>
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15:36:46 <kennymac> would love to, but have exams right up until 21st of may
15:37:04 <kennymac> will see if there is anything i can manage in an evening or so
15:37:05 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13178]: htmlformentry: updates to javadocs <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [13177]: in patientmatching module, information now saved on whether u values were … <>
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15:45:49 <fixl> and how do i connect to tomcat o_O
15:46:50 <raffael> fixl: you do not have to do anything. it comes with tomcat.
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15:47:17 <fixl> cant i check somehow
15:47:24 <fixl> that it shows a default page in my browser
15:47:29 <fixl> or something
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15:47:39 <kennymac> if it's running you usually point your browser at localhost:8080
15:47:51 <fixl> its running in a vm :D
15:47:52 <kennymac> that might just be for windows
15:48:30 <raffael> fixl: so point your browser to VM_IP:8080 ;-)
15:48:42 <fixl> yep that was the first thing i did :D
15:48:59 <kennymac> and it worked?
15:49:08 <fixl> no^^
15:49:19 <fixl> Unable to connect
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:20 <fixl>
15:49:21 <fixl>
15:49:21 <fixl>
15:49:22 <fixl>
15:49:22 <fixl>
15:49:23 <fixl>
15:49:23 <fixl>
15:49:24 <fixl>
15:49:26 <kennymac> the service is probably not running then
15:49:26 <chopin> uh
15:50:34 <upul`> some apt-get install tomcat's use 8180
15:51:02 <fixl> i installed it by hand
15:51:13 <fixl> do you think its better if i used debians tomcat?
15:51:22 <kennymac> you should be able to see which port is configured for in it's config ui... not sure how you would do it on the cmd line
15:52:25 <upul`> which OS fixl
15:52:38 <fixl> debian squeeze
15:52:46 <downeym> don't use the OS package
15:52:59 <downeym> download the universal binary from apache site and untar it
15:53:17 <fixl> thats what i did
15:53:28 <fixl> i followed the steps on the openMRS page
15:53:39 <downeym> ok :)
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15:54:25 <downeym> fixl: you're catching us when 30 of us are in a meeting :) so it may take some time to get back to you
15:54:38 <fixl> no worries
15:54:54 <fixl> its 1:30 in the morning for me :D
15:55:02 <fixl> i'll probably go to sleep soon
15:55:10 <fixl> i've got university tomorrow :d
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15:57:49 <umashanthi> yes. but there is heavy noise, it's raining out side
15:58:09 <downeym> umashanthi: any feedback about the call today?
15:58:11 <umashanthi> can I get the question repeated?
15:58:14 <downeym> and everyone: feedback?
15:58:22 <downeym> what was good in today's call and what could we do better next time?
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15:58:52 <umashanthi> It was really useful and specially the discussion on coding style was very useful for new interns
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16:00:21 <umashanthi> yes, will do for next week's call
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16:00:43 <ratpik1> I think it was a good
16:00:45 <ratpik1> call
16:00:57 <downeym> a lot of questions we can answer in IRC
16:01:00 <downeym> with links, etc
16:01:01 <ratpik1> Intro to code style, bug terminologies
16:01:10 <ratpik1> and yeah links over IRC helped
16:01:11 <fixl> k
16:01:17 <fixl> now that everyone seems to be back :D
16:01:24 <ratpik1> :)
16:01:29 <fixl> how can i check if tomcat is running :p
16:01:41 <ratpik1> write a helloworld :)
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16:02:00 <ratpik1> I think it makes sense :)
16:02:15 <ruwan> fixl:
16:02:15 <ratpik1> Yeah definately
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16:03:04 <fixl> that page looks nice
16:03:14 <fixl> i think i'll have a look at it tomorrow
16:03:22 <ratpik1> would the call record be available somewhere?
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16:04:06 <downeym> yes we will post it in a few hours
16:04:10 <downeym> on the agenda page on wiki
16:04:15 <ratpik1> ohk cool
16:04:18 <ratpik1> bye!
16:04:24 <kennymac> thanks everyone
16:04:57 <downeym> thanks all
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16:09:49 <kennymac> it would be nice to be able to somehow keep a track of who is speaking in the conference call
16:10:17 <kennymac> there is no indication of that on skype
16:10:56 <kennymac> i guess it would be more or less impossible to do that for those in indianapolis
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18:07:23 <downeym> Transcripts of today's developer meeting are available at
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18:19:58 <kennymac> cheers everyone, cya soon
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18:37:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tech Talks Podcast: Developer Meeting: April 29, 2010 <> || Kenny MacDonald: OpenMRS proposal accepted for Google Summer of Code 2010! <> || OpenMRS Tech Talks Podcast: Developer Meeting: April 22, 2010 <>
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19:40:07 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #2299 (defect created): ISDH April 2010 Varicella NCD SAT - Patient Demographics missing <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #2298 (defect created): ISDH April 2010 Varicella NCD SAT - Catagory 2 errors <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #2297 (defect created): ISDH April 2010 Varicella NCD SAT - Catagory 1 errors <>
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19:56:35 <Mkop> downeym: <kennymac> it would be nice to be able to somehow keep a track of who is speaking in the conference call <-- I don't know if you've noticed this (it took me a while to notice), but there's a way to publish the recording from so that people can see who was talking
19:56:59 <Mkop> of course, it can only distinguish between connections and not people, but that can help a lot for new people
19:57:29 <downeym> Mkop: the link to that recording is at the bottom of the wiki page
19:57:38 <Mkop> oh
19:57:40 <downeym> :D
19:58:00 <downeym> great minds think alike? :)
20:10:14 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Xiaohu Fan: jQuery <> || Xiaohu Fan: Spring Annotation <> || Xiaohu Fan: Openmrs workflow (1)where to find <> || Xiaohu Fan: Learning OpenMrs Project, Source code(4) <> || Xiaohu Fan: Spring MVC(3) AOP advicer <> || Xiaohu Fan: Spring MVC(2) Property Editor <> || Xiaohu Fan: Spring MVC(1) basic controller work flow <> || Xiaohu Fan: Learning OpenMrs Project, Source code(3) <> || Xiaohu Fan: Learning OpenMrs Project, Source code(2) <> || Xiaohu Fan: Learning OpenMrs Project, Source code(1) <>
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