IRC Chat : 2009-12-22 - OpenMRS

00:26:51 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11546]: visitscheduler: fixing memory leaks. <>
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02:02:56 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1980 (enhancement closed): Default message when patient identifier validation fails <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11549]: openmrs-1.4.x: Change default message when patient identifier validation … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11548]: Change default message when patient identifier validation fails - see … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11547]: openmrs-1.5.x: Change default message when patient identifier validation … <>
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07:20:43 <SparFux> hi pascal`
07:20:50 <pascal`> hi SparFux
07:21:58 <SparFux> pascal`: I have reworked my network setup, still the same problem. But my firewall now is a better setup, it uses whitelisting now.
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08:02:45 <pbrandt> SparFux, you find your issue?
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08:04:02 <SparFux> pascal`: no.
08:04:12 <SparFux> But my network setup is now a bit better :-)
08:04:43 <pascal`> SparFux, try a virual machine, or the openmrs appliance
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08:57:33 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1981 (defect created): PatientIdentifierCohortEvaluator calls PatientService.getPatient(String, String List ) incorrectly <>
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10:01:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1981 (defect created): PatientIdentifierCohortEvaluator calls PatientService.getPatients(String, String, List ) incorrectly <>
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10:12:43 <Echidna> wb
10:13:03 <r0bby> HAI
10:13:16 <pascal`> 'lo
10:23:58 <SparFux> hgi
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11:56:11 <pascal`> two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff
11:57:50 <Mkop> ba dum ch
11:58:29 <pascal`> heh
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12:30:57 <pascal`> hey bwolfe
12:31:15 <bwolfe> hi pascal`
12:45:43 <pascal`> bwolfe, with the handler annotation
12:45:58 <pascal`> if you have class x, and class y extends x
12:46:24 <pascal`> and you have have a handler hx and hy, which handle classes x and y respectively
12:46:53 <pascal`> then, it seems like hx will be used for y unless the order is explicitly specified
12:46:55 <pascal`> does that sound right?
13:11:57 <bwolfe> pascal`: yeah. there's an order property on the handlers I think
13:13:25 <pascal`> bwolfe, there is
13:13:48 <pascal`> just seems like, if the order isn't specified, it just finds the first one that'll work
13:14:00 <pascal`> it should probably check to find the most specific one
13:14:49 <bwolfe> potentially...or you could just set the order attribute
13:15:48 <pascal`> bwolfe, yeah, that's kinda like a work around though
13:16:08 <pascal`> well, k haven't checked the docs too see if that issue is mentioned, but it probably should be (=
13:17:25 <bwolfe> pascal`: I don't think we really have any documentation on the handlers yet
13:18:01 <pascal`> ok
13:28:10 <pascal`> bwolfe, know of a good way to go from a Cohort to a List<Person>?
13:28:35 <bwolfe> cohort.getPersonList() ?
13:30:21 <pascal`> i wish
13:43:56 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11550]: remoteformentry: Turned off the session timeout to prevent the httpsession … <>
13:54:47 <pascal`> bwolfe, you just created the reporting module and reporting compatibility module components in trac, right?
13:54:51 <pascal`> or was i just temporarily blind?
13:55:10 <bwolfe> blindness
13:55:21 <pascal`> your database knows the truth
13:55:27 <bwolfe> or I suppose someone else could have done it
15:52:08 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11545]: added "org.openmrs.patientDashboard.afterLastEncounter" extension point to … <>
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16:24:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11551]: mailscheduler: fix to build.xml to enable successful compilation <>
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17:00:00 <pascal`> hey jmiranda
17:09:17 <jmiranda> hey pascal`
17:09:33 <jmiranda> what's new?
17:09:54 <pascal`> !ticket 1981
17:09:54 <OpenMRSBot> pascal`: Ticket #1981:
17:10:15 <pascal`> not much besides that, going on a road trip soon, u?
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17:13:32 <jmiranda> pascal`, i'm in boston / newport (ri) for the holidays
17:14:17 <jmiranda> pascal`, thanks for the patch
17:14:55 <pascal`> cool
17:18:09 <pascal`> jmiranda, will you be staying here: ?
17:18:11 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
17:18:30 <jmiranda> pascal`, no, but i used to work there
17:18:38 <jmiranda> the breakers
17:18:45 <pascal`> =O
17:18:49 <pascal`> you're kidding
17:18:56 <jmiranda> no
17:19:07 <jmiranda> it was a pretty cool job
17:19:15 <pascal`> google autocomplete wanted me to search for "mansions", so I guess it makes sense
17:19:42 <jmiranda> you did a google image search of newport?
17:19:58 <jmiranda> yeah, my favorite of the "houses" is Rosecliff
17:20:32 <pascal`> well, i started at google maps
17:21:33 <jmiranda> the mansions are set up for tours during the day and parties at night
17:21:49 <pascal`> sweet
17:28:17 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11552]: chica * added check for division by zero to bmi rule <>
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18:00:19 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11553]: atd * added fix for NPE <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1982 (defect created): MailMessageSender does not allow for configuration of message content type <>
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18:32:23 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11554]: atd * changed getFormInstancesByEncounterId to … <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1983 (task created): Add support for sync module to formentry module <>
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18:43:58 <r0bby> ben!
18:44:00 <r0bby> hai
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19:23:31 <bwolfe> jmiranda: ok
19:23:32 <bwolfe> did you want to do your reporting stuff now, or do code review ?
19:23:33 <jmiranda> code review
19:23:33 <jmiranda> i'd like to keep it to an hour
19:23:33 <jmiranda> so mike and i can use the rest of the afternoon for reporting
19:23:34 <jmiranda> i'm sure you'd also like to keep it short
19:25:12 <jmiranda> bwolfe, ready whenever you are
19:25:49 <bwolfe> jmiranda: ok, let me head upstairs (away from the noisy baby) and I'll be ready
19:25:59 <jmiranda> cool
19:29:58 <bwolfe> soy preperado. anyone else want to join us?
19:36:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1984 (defect created): BIRT Report Module - Error because of unsupported multiple values for a list box <>
19:55:52 <jmiranda> bwolfe, call that number whenever
19:56:02 <jmiranda> skype was using 99% of my cpu
19:56:06 <bwolfe> weird
20:07:20 *** SparFux has joined #openmrs
20:07:26 <SparFux> Hi all.
20:07:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1979 (enhancement closed): adding extension point to patientHeader.jsp <>
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20:10:16 <bwolfe> hi SparFux
20:10:25 <SparFux> hi bwolfe
20:10:47 <r0bby|android> Hi
20:15:16 <jmiranda> meonkeys, when you get back ... let me know what code review and desktop sharing tool(s) you guys use
20:15:47 <meonkeys> jmiranda: desktop sharing: hamachi/vnc
20:15:55 <meonkeys> console sharing: GNU Screen shared sessions
20:16:01 <jmiranda> meonkeys, thanks
20:16:22 <meonkeys> code review: we used uh... crucible a little bit
20:16:43 <meonkeys> great tool, we just don't have time to do proper code reviews
20:17:10 <meonkeys> so I set up a mailing list that gets every diff instead, and try to make sure folks leave detailed commit log messages ( )
20:17:15 <OpenMRSBot> <$> (at
20:17:18 <meonkeys> ( )
20:17:20 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:18:01 <meonkeys> hth!
20:18:16 <bwolfe> yeah, we have for all commits
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20:19:12 <jmiranda> meonkeys, cool thanks for the recommendations
20:19:19 <bwolfe> really want crucible for asynchronous code reviews
20:19:31 <jmiranda> bwolfe, yeah that would be cool
20:20:14 <meonkeys> I believe atlassian would host crucible for you
20:21:06 <meonkeys> they set up for us, and crucible too
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21:10:45 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11557]: visitscheduler: updating NetBeans project configuration. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11556]: visitscheduler: adding full schedule view. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11555]: visitscheduler: adding search schedules by provider and date. <> || OpenMRS Forum: Scanned document management <>
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21:42:47 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1985 (defect created): Program Enrollment - Needs to display the creator <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11558]: ncd: Added more ConditionDAO tests. <>
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22:14:50 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11559]: patientflags: minor fixes/changes <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1986 (task created): BIRT reports are slow to generate <> || OpenMRS Modules: Patient Flags 1.1 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
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