IRC Chat : 2009-12-18 - OpenMRS

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07:35:07 <pascal`> hi
07:35:48 <upul> hey
07:40:14 <pascal`> vanakkam
07:40:24 <upul> where did you get that
07:41:09 <pascal`> yahoo answers]
07:41:42 <upul> heh heh that's like saying ni hao to an american
07:42:21 <pascal`> well it seems like hello is hello in tamil and sinhala
07:42:28 <pascal`> so i just wanted something else (=
07:42:45 <upul> it's tamil
07:43:27 <pascal`> yeah, vanakkam is tamil
07:43:36 <pascal`> but it means welcome, not hello (aparently)
07:43:41 <pascal`> hello is hello
07:44:51 <pascal`> why is saying vanakkam like saying ni hao to an american?
07:53:30 <upul> imagine chinese in new york state ask for separate state, and demand everything done in chinese, kill and drive every african and european out of new york while rest of the usa chinese can walk freely while non-chinese cannot live in new york state, and the rest of the chiense go to better countries say they are tortured and get citizenship and live a happy life :-)
07:55:59 <pascal`> ok
07:56:00 <pascal`> well
07:56:12 <pascal`> it's says on wikipedia that tamil is an official language
07:56:21 <upul> yeap
07:56:29 <upul> also english
07:56:37 <pascal`> yeah
07:56:50 <pascal`> it does say sinhalese are 70% of the population though
07:58:14 <pascal`>
07:58:35 <pascal`> upul, do you see the text in the parentheses in the second paragraph? ^
07:58:47 <upul> yes
07:58:53 <upul> in linux it works
07:59:27 <pascal`> ah yes, I see it does
07:59:42 <pascal`> and you can write like that?
08:00:08 <upul> do you know why those letters all round
08:00:43 <pascal`> dried palm leaves?
08:00:50 <upul> yep
08:01:02 <pascal`> Most of the Sinhala letters are curlicues; straight lines are almost completely absent from the alphabet. This is because Sinhala used to be written on dried palm leaves, which would split along the veins on writing straight lines. This was undesirable, and therefore, the round shapes were preferred.
08:01:17 <pascal`> interesting
08:01:53 <pascal`> do they have computer keyboard that can do those characters?
08:02:11 <upul> yes, before that there were type writers :-)
08:02:51 <upul> but some of them are wrong in the page
08:03:18 <upul> it's a one of the dieing languages
08:05:04 <pascal`> one of many
08:06:50 <pascal`> ශුද්ධ සිංහල
08:07:02 <upul> why do you type boxes
08:07:14 <upul> :-p
08:07:24 <pascal`> looks fine in my xchat/ubuntu
08:07:35 <upul> i'm using konversation
08:10:09 <pascal`> looks fine here too:
08:11:12 <upul> yep, first word is written wrong
08:12:13 <pascal`> well i'm sure wikipedia would appreciate being corrected
08:12:44 <upul> may be it cannot be written
08:13:51 <pascal`>
08:13:54 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
08:13:58 <pascal`> does that ^ look any better?
08:14:20 <upul> yep
08:15:21 <upul> but there's are mistakes
08:29:38 <SparFux> Hi all. Perhaps this in my mysql is important for OpenMRS:
08:31:23 <upul> yep, old jdbc drivers had trouble with new database servers, this time it's the other way
08:31:30 <upul> it could be
08:32:08 <upul> or you can write small java app to create a jdbc connection to check connection too
08:32:25 <pascal`> does it work if you change that old_passwords flag?
08:33:02 <SparFux> no. I did set old_passwords=ON in mysql command line and checked it was ON, then created openmrs user and database and tried to use it in setup, does not help :-(
08:33:55 <upul> there was free pure java database query client, dbvisualizer i think, you can try with that
08:35:36 <pascal`> maybe ON should be 1 or 0 (instead of ON or OFF)
08:35:45 <pascal`> I'm not sure though, I've never seen this before
08:35:52 <pascal`> did you use aptitude to install mysql?
08:36:40 <SparFux> pascal`: well, default value is OFF.
08:37:10 <pascal`> ok
08:37:17 <SparFux> anybody using openmrs with mysql 5.1?
08:37:43 <upul> i think i do
08:37:56 <pascal`> I'm using: mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.75, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 5.2
08:39:17 <SparFux> at least the mysql-admin prog works.
08:42:06 <SparFux> dbvis I have to install as root? hm...
08:42:32 <upul> nope it's just a client app
08:42:48 <upul> unzip and run kind of thing i guess
08:43:34 <SparFux> upul: I only get a blank window from it and it's saying testing JVM in /usr ... Starting Installer ...
08:43:50 <SparFux> how about instead?
08:44:13 <upul> yep try with some other jdbc tool
08:49:57 <SparFux> ok, it gives me one documentation window and one another empty blank window. right now a second blank window opened...
08:50:47 <upul> well, we should abandon that try then
08:51:15 <SparFux> well, the jdbc applications don't work. perhaps that's a hit.
08:51:20 <upul> you can write a small jdbc app and see
08:51:35 <upul> that was probably because of java
08:51:45 <upul> what is the java version you have
08:51:51 <upul> java -version
08:53:53 <SparFux> java version "1.6.0_0" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6.1) (6b16-1.6.1-2) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
08:54:23 <upul> you can try switching it to sun java
08:55:23 <upul> pascal`, what do you use?
08:55:44 <SparFux> it's said they are equal.
08:56:17 <SparFux> why is sun-java in non-free anyway?
08:56:21 <upul> yes, i have been wokring on openjdk for someting without knowing
08:56:55 <SparFux> perhaps some jdbc debian package isn't installed.
08:57:04 <upul> they are mean
08:57:12 <SparFux> libspring-jdbc-2.5-java - modular Java/J2EE application framework - JDBC tools
08:58:23 <pascal`> java version "1.6.0_16"
08:59:06 <upul> you don't need those libspring stuff
08:59:12 <SparFux> k
08:59:38 <SparFux> I read an article there are perhaps jdbc drivers around and if openmrs has it's own such drivers they may conflict.
09:00:04 <upul> hmm, if tomcat has something
09:00:29 <SparFux> for example, yes.
09:00:34 <pascal`> openmrs uses it's own copy of mysql connector
09:00:56 <upul> why don't you just download a pure tomcat zip file unzip and run it then you won't affect with any os installed jars at all
09:01:30 <pascal`> what exactly is the error you're seeing?
09:01:48 <SparFux> in syslog:
09:02:44 <SparFux> in OpenMRS I see "Unable to connect to database"
09:03:41 <SparFux> and before for some seconds I see this in OpenMRS browser window:
09:04:03 <SparFux> ERROR - UpdateFilterModel.updateChanges(63) |2009-12-18 09:16:45,049| Unable to get the database changes
09:04:39 <pascal`> ok
09:04:42 <upul> SparFux, are you trying it on your own machine?
09:05:12 <upul> or do you have limitations on which os etc. to use
09:05:48 <pascal`> are you sure mysql is listening for connections?
09:06:49 <SparFux> I am.
09:06:51 <SparFux> nmap tells me.
09:07:00 <SparFux> and I can connect with mysql command line tool and log in.
09:07:53 <pascal`> and mysql and tomcat are on the same server?
09:08:18 <pascal`> and the correct port is specified in the file?
09:08:55 <SparFux> yes, same machine.
09:09:18 <SparFux> there is no runtime properties file yet. but we tested creating it and specifying correct port, yes.
09:09:34 <SparFux> I give the port in the connection string on startup: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/@DBNAME@?autoReconnect=true&sessionVariables=storage_engine=InnoDB&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
09:09:43 <SparFux> I even tried with instead of localhost
09:10:36 <pascal`> well
09:10:40 <SparFux> the debian packages don't seem to ship jdbc driver:
09:10:54 <pascal`> ok
09:10:54 <SparFux> I download pure tomcat
09:11:04 <pascal`> you dont need the driver, openmrs has the driver
09:11:20 <pascal`> it looks like a comms error as apposed to a password error, no?
09:12:14 <SparFux> hm... which one do I need?
09:12:30 <SparFux> pascal`: the question is, wether a duplicated driver would cause the problem :-)
09:12:42 <pascal`> well
09:12:49 <pascal`> i dont see how
09:12:50 <SparFux> yes, communication does not seem to take place.
09:13:09 <SparFux> pascal`: was just an idea I read about on the net. perhaps duplicate drivers don't do any harm.
09:15:55 <pascal`> have you tried increasing the log level and seeing if you get any more info in the log?
09:16:15 <SparFux> I turn on logging in mysql server and before AND after openmrs installation try I get this log (no entries added):
09:16:21 <SparFux> ergo mysql isn't even contacted.
09:16:37 <SparFux> pascal`: I am not sure how to do that.
09:16:48 <SparFux> I think in the properties file which doesn't exist?
09:17:22 <pascal`> i think you need a runtime properties file
09:17:35 <SparFux> yes.
09:17:50 <pascal`> although
09:18:01 <pascal`> the initialisation process should create one for you
09:18:15 <SparFux> openmrs
09:18:22 <SparFux> well, it doesn't.
09:18:30 <SparFux> it does not get there itseeems.
09:18:46 <pascal`> ok
09:18:56 <pascal`> so you go to http://localhost:8180/openmrs
09:19:03 <pascal`> and you see nothing?
09:19:07 <SparFux> but I can create one in /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS/
09:19:18 <pascal`> but the webapp is loaded when you look at http://localhost:8180/manager/html
09:19:23 <SparFux> pascal`: no I see setup dialog there, 6 pages.
09:19:34 <pascal`> ok
09:19:45 <pascal`> and you go through the setup but it still doesn't work?
09:20:09 <SparFux> page 6 of 6 is "finish" button, I click on it and get then after seconds I get back to initial page with top line saying "Unable to connect to database"
09:20:13 <SparFux> yes.
09:20:29 <SparFux> /usr/share/tomcat6 is all owned user tomcat6 and writable. same with /var/lib/tomcat6
09:21:05 <pascal`> and the runtime properties files doesn't exist after the setup?
09:21:12 <SparFux> it doesn't.
09:21:23 <SparFux> I can create it and what's the option for verbose logging?
09:21:26 <pascal`> ls -l /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS/
09:21:53 <pascal`> lets rather try and do things thru the setup, then we can iron out any bugs if they exists
09:22:02 <SparFux>
09:22:03 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:22:20 <SparFux> ls -l give no files.
09:22:24 <pascal`> ok
09:22:41 <pascal`> try: mkdir /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS
09:22:43 <SparFux> the idea is good to have more logging.
09:22:53 <SparFux> pascal`: well, this directory is there already, yes.
09:22:57 <SparFux> .OpenMRS.
09:23:01 <SparFux> but no files in it.
09:23:14 <pascal`> ok but what are the user/group and permissions?
09:23:23 <SparFux> I have done a fresh mysql database install today.
09:23:31 <SparFux> pascal`: tomcat6.tomcat6
09:23:32 <pascal`> ok
09:23:55 <SparFux> it's my tomcat user.
09:23:59 <pascal`> yeah
09:24:36 <pascal`> ok
09:24:45 <pascal`> there's a tomcat security thing which sometimes causes issues
09:24:54 <SparFux> Very sorry for that, it's my typical experience when it comes to Java / Flash.
09:25:02 <SparFux> I bet we will never get this going here.
09:25:12 <SparFux> Yes, I have set it to NO.
09:25:28 <SparFux> TOMCAT6_SECURITY=no
09:26:21 <pascal`> ok
09:26:25 <pascal`> well
09:26:39 <pascal`> lets try creating the runtime properties file manually
09:26:52 <SparFux> it has impact on JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS$POLICY_CACHE"
09:27:25 <SparFux> touch /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS/
09:27:35 <SparFux> ls -l shows all owned by tomcat6.tomcat6
09:27:52 <SparFux> # are comments.
09:29:00 <pascal`> ok
09:29:33 <SparFux> what to put in to log?
09:29:49 <pascal`> so dump in the properies from
09:29:50 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:30:15 <SparFux> runtime properties, right?
09:30:35 <pascal`>
09:30:41 <pascal`> er, yeah, the runtime properties
09:30:44 <SparFux> have to change user / passwords
09:30:50 <pascal`> here is stuff you can pass to the driver:
09:30:53 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:30:59 <SparFux> database connection user is openmrs here
09:31:00 <pascal`> yeah, you'll have to fix up the properties to match up your system
09:31:07 <pascal`> ok
09:31:16 <pascal`> try the openmrs database user
09:31:31 <SparFux> yes.
09:31:48 <SparFux> connection string is shorter!
09:31:52 <pascal`> ok, now lets try restart tomcat
09:31:52 <SparFux> than the default.
09:32:01 <pascal`> yeah you dont need the storage engine stuff
09:32:07 <pascal`> i think it's there for optimization
09:32:15 <pascal`> but we first need to work on getting it to connect at all
09:32:24 <SparFux> hibernate.show_sql to true.
09:32:59 <SparFux> I leave obscure* or comment them out?
09:33:07 <pascal`> /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
09:33:14 <SparFux> restarted.
09:33:22 <pascal`> doesn't matter about the rest of the properties for now
09:33:27 <SparFux> ok.
09:33:36 <SparFux> now re-trying installation?
09:33:42 <pascal`> tail -f your tomcat log and see if you notice anything
09:33:53 <pascal`> no, if the war file is in webapps, it should reload automagically
09:34:25 <pascal`> wait until http://localhost:8180/manager/html loads
09:34:43 <pascal`> check if openmrs is loaded, and then click to it from there
09:34:57 <pascal`> keep a terminal open tailing your log tho, so you can spot anything
09:35:04 <pascal`> although i guess you can just check afterwards too
09:36:47 <SparFux> it does not reload
09:37:29 <SparFux> I mean the web page.
09:37:46 <pascal`> tomcat could still be starting up
09:37:55 <SparFux>
09:38:39 <pascal`> netstat -a
09:38:51 <pascal`> it doesn't seem like mysql is listening properly
09:40:58 <pascal`>
09:41:01 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:41:03 <pascal`> take a look at the solution there
09:41:11 <pascal`> (second or third last post)
09:42:58 <SparFux> hm...
09:43:24 <SparFux> unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 119927 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
09:43:39 <SparFux> I have to use netstat -an
09:43:51 <pascal`> hmm
09:44:00 <SparFux> to display numbers instead of names.
09:44:01 <SparFux> hm...
09:44:10 <pascal`> you dont see: tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN
09:44:12 <pascal`> ?
09:44:23 <pascal`> do you have the locahost mapping in /etc/hosts
09:44:51 <pascal`> oh
09:45:04 <pascal`> you wouldn't see that with the n flag
09:46:17 <SparFux> hosts.allow...
09:46:17 <pascal`> have you tried the hosts.allow solution?
09:46:24 <SparFux> mysqld : : allow
09:46:29 <SparFux> I have mysqld: all in that file.
09:46:42 <SparFux> should be mysqld: all: allow perhaps.
09:47:17 <SparFux> no, even that line does not work.
09:47:36 <pascal`> well
09:47:49 <SparFux> no, I don't see that listen line.
09:48:05 <pascal`> the fact that there isn't anything in the mysql server logs seems to indicate that something else is killing the connection
09:48:11 <pascal`> like a firewall or something
09:48:13 <SparFux> `netstat -an
09:48:31 <SparFux> well, on localhost there is no firewall.
09:48:37 <SparFux> the hosts.allow can be the problem, ok.
09:48:41 <SparFux> but I added the line.
09:49:08 <SparFux> besides, there was ALL: ALL in hosts.allow beforehand.
09:49:22 <SparFux> putting that in was one of the first things I tried when nothing worked.
09:49:35 <SparFux> and I had it in there all the time.
09:49:56 <pascal`> i guess you've tried restarting mysql a new times
09:51:21 <SparFux> yes.
09:51:54 <pascal`>
09:51:58 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:52:10 <pascal`> it wasn't started with that option was it? I don't see how it could have been =\
09:52:43 <pascal`> what can you not do netstat -a ?
09:53:08 <SparFux> no: /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --port=3306
09:54:02 <SparFux> I try to change that now: #bind-address = to bind-address =
09:54:44 <SparFux> no help.
09:55:09 <SparFux> but you are right, I have no tcp listening line at all on mysql !
09:55:21 <pascal`> SparFux, how do you know you have no tcp?
09:55:28 <SparFux>
09:55:30 <pascal`> I mean, that's my suspicion, but we have to be sure
09:55:43 <pascal`> No
09:55:44 <SparFux> do you hae a tcp listen line?
09:55:53 <pascal`> the "n" flag wont show you
09:55:57 <SparFux> tcp 0 0* LISTEN
09:56:03 <pascal`> ok
09:56:07 <pascal`> now you're getting somewhere
09:56:10 <SparFux> $ netstat -an
09:56:22 <SparFux> I just grepped for 3306. So it was there all the time.
09:56:37 <SparFux> now it's listening on, before it was listening on only, but it does not make a dfifference.
09:56:46 <pascal`> i have: tcp 0 0* LISTEN
09:57:03 <SparFux> yes.
09:57:25 <SparFux> I changed that in mysql config.
09:57:41 <SparFux> now changed it back: $ netstat -an
09:57:59 <SparFux> so the database is there.
09:58:02 <pascal`> ok
09:58:12 <pascal`> so mysql is listening on tcp
09:58:22 <SparFux> "Don't try random drivers. Use the driver suitable to your DB version. Which MySQL server version are you using? At any way, did they all give the same error? Does the MySQL server accept TCP/IP connections? The mysqld should be started without the --skip-networking option."
09:58:27 <SparFux> how to use the proper driver?
09:58:48 <pascal`> openmrs specifies the driver
09:58:50 <SparFux> which driver is suitable for mysql 5.1?
09:59:01 <SparFux> perhaps openmrs gets the driver wrong.
09:59:11 <pascal`> I dont think so
09:59:19 <pascal`> which release are you using?
10:00:18 <SparFux> 5.1.41
10:00:47 <pascal`> I mean of OpenMRS
10:01:02 <pascal`>
10:01:06 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
10:01:09 <pascal`> the driver should support MySQL 5.1
10:01:26 <pascal`> ok, if you go to http://localhost:8180/manager/html
10:01:36 <pascal`> and "Reload" Openmrs, lets see what happens
10:02:02 <pascal`> btw, do you have " localhost" in /etc/hosts
10:02:05 <SparFux> btw, it's 8080 here. I have tomcat6
10:02:09 <pascal`> ok
10:02:21 <SparFux> localhost yes.
10:02:27 <pascal`> er
10:02:34 <SparFux> ok, reloaded.
10:02:51 <pascal`> maybe see what happens if you remover ""
10:03:26 <pascal`> or reverse the order (i.e localhost
10:03:42 <pascal`> in any case I just have: localhost
10:03:57 <SparFux> same error
10:04:11 <SparFux> hm.. perhaps restart tomcat first.
10:04:54 <SparFux> and reload openmrs
10:05:30 <SparFux> nope, same error.
10:05:32 <pascal`> dont think that will change things
10:05:47 <SparFux> yes.
10:06:51 <pascal`> hmm
10:06:58 <pascal`> oh
10:07:16 <pascal`> and do you see in the tomcat logs that openmrs actually found the runtime properties file?
10:07:39 <pascal`> and also, you have an existing openmrs database, and the openmrs user has the necessary privilages granted on it?
10:08:26 <SparFux> yes, I created that like this:
10:09:43 <SparFux>
10:09:48 <SparFux> strange log now available.
10:10:21 <SparFux> there IS log available.
10:10:29 <pascal`> hmm
10:10:48 <SparFux> multiple instances of the same error.
10:10:48 <pascal`> so you can connect to the openmrs database like this: mysql -u openmrs -D openmrs -p
10:11:25 <SparFux>
10:11:27 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
10:11:52 <SparFux> sudo -u tomcat6 mysql -u openmrs -D openmrs -p works.
10:11:55 <SparFux> yes.
10:14:06 <pascal`> and you can create tables etc?
10:14:25 <pascal`> i guess that's not relevant to just connecting
10:14:36 <pascal`> something is killing the tcp connection
10:15:05 <SparFux> crap:\
10:15:33 <SparFux> nope, wrong line:
10:15:58 <SparFux> I can switch to database openmrs.
10:16:05 <pascal`> try without the sudo -u tomcat6
10:17:38 <SparFux> how to create table?
10:17:56 <SparFux> works, without sudo.
10:18:15 <SparFux> plus, I even tried openmrs setup with mysql root user and password.
10:18:17 <SparFux> same error.
10:18:21 <pascal`> yeah
10:18:33 <pascal`> it's the tcp connection that's the problem
10:18:45 <pascal`> i'll try and code up a simple test so we can get to the bottom of this
10:18:48 <SparFux> but mysql command line uses tcp, too?
10:19:54 <pascal`> i dont think so
10:20:03 <SparFux> I think it works:
10:20:48 <SparFux>
10:20:54 <SparFux> the tcp connection seems to work.
10:24:10 <pascal`> i wonder what hostname it'll use
10:24:34 <SparFux> openmrs?
10:24:40 <SparFux> I think localhost, according to the connection string.
10:26:27 <pascal`> I mean the command line client
10:26:36 <SparFux> I specified localhost:
10:26:40 <SparFux>
10:26:49 <SparFux> it's --host=localhost
10:27:06 <pascal`> yeah, that's the server host
10:27:12 <SparFux> ah, I see.
10:27:39 <SparFux> well, mysql does only bind to
10:29:08 <pascal`> the test just tries to establish a connection, then prints out if it can or cant
10:29:47 <SparFux> ok, how to install it?
10:30:12 <SparFux> no mail yet :-)
10:31:33 <pascal`> just a sec
10:31:39 <SparFux> k
10:36:39 <SparFux>
10:36:47 <SparFux> same error :-)
10:37:03 <pascal`> aha
10:37:19 <pascal`> ok
10:37:47 <pascal`> so we have things more simplified
10:38:15 <pascal`> see what happens if you open the .java file and change to localhost
10:38:25 <pascal`> then recompile (javac
10:38:29 <pascal`> then try run again
10:40:34 <SparFux>
10:40:37 <SparFux> same.
10:40:53 <pascal`> ok, i'm looking around for possible solutions
10:40:53 <SparFux> no!
10:40:55 <SparFux> $ diff Error-*
10:40:55 <SparFux> 36c36
10:40:55 <SparFux> < Caused by: Network is unreachable
10:40:56 <SparFux> ---
10:40:56 <SparFux> > Caused by: Connection refused
10:41:03 <SparFux> now it is Connection refused!
10:41:17 <SparFux> before network unreachable.
10:41:46 <pascal`> ok
10:41:50 <SparFux> so, with localhost it's connection refused and with it's network unreachable.
10:42:01 <pascal`> netstat -l
10:42:10 <pascal`> ^ what output do you get from that?
10:42:33 <pascal`> i'm still seeing the hosts.allow solution working for a lot of people
10:42:50 <pascal`> here's a hosts.allow solution <-
10:42:57 <SparFux> $ netstat -ln
10:42:57 <SparFux> unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 127154 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
10:43:00 <SparFux> I have to use -ln
10:43:04 <SparFux> otherwise it hangs.
10:43:15 <pascal`> it only hangs for a little while
10:43:16 <SparFux> some reverse lookup issue?
10:43:18 <pascal`> be patient (=
10:43:26 <SparFux> I think it hangs forever. let's see.
10:43:46 <SparFux> hm... still hangs.
10:44:11 <SparFux> ah
10:44:18 <SparFux> $ netstat -l
10:44:18 <SparFux> tcp 0 0 *:* LISTEN
10:44:18 <SparFux> unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 127154 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
10:44:20 <SparFux> oh!
10:44:22 <pascal`> ok
10:44:23 <SparFux>
10:44:29 <pascal`> get rid of the br.priv thing
10:44:56 <pascal`> i think edit the hosts file, then restart mysql
10:45:27 <pascal`> or
10:45:31 *** SparFux1 has joined #openmrs
10:45:34 <SparFux1> re
10:45:38 <pascal`> change the connection string in the test
10:45:46 <SparFux1> now: tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN
10:45:50 <pascal`> ok
10:45:53 <pascal`> now try the test
10:46:01 <SparFux1> but same error with the test.
10:46:17 <pascal`> communication failure?
10:46:28 <SparFux1> yes.
10:46:38 <SparFux1> network unreachable and connection refused, depens on localhost or number.
10:47:11 <pascal`> and you can ping both localhost and
10:47:24 <SparFux1> restarting mysql
10:47:29 <pascal`> when you get connection refused, is there anything in the mysql server log?
10:47:41 <SparFux1> yes.
10:48:08 <SparFux1> no, nothing in the log.
10:49:05 <pascal`> can you pastie the connection refused error?
10:49:32 <SparFux1>
10:49:45 <pascal`> is netstat -an
10:50:04 <SparFux1> tcp 0 0* LISTEN
10:50:07 <SparFux1> yes.
10:52:45 <SparFux1> that's weird.
10:53:05 <pascal`> sudo iptables --list
10:53:12 <pascal`> ^ that show anything interesting?
10:53:51 <SparFux1> ok, my iptables are complicated.
10:54:15 <SparFux1>
10:54:59 <pascal`> er
10:55:08 <pascal`> I have a suspicion this is where our problem is going to be
10:55:16 <pascal`> try: telnet localhost 3306
10:55:22 <pascal`> do you get a connection like that?
10:55:36 <SparFux1>
10:55:36 <pascal`> (or, whichever is the one that gives connection refused)
10:55:42 <SparFux1> no, because mysql command line tool can connect.
10:55:57 <SparFux1> both get a connection.
10:56:01 <SparFux1> both telnet lines.
10:56:36 <pascal`> it might still revert to named pipes if the tcp doesn't work and just fail over silently
10:57:16 <SparFux1> hm... then I allow all localhost now.
10:57:32 <pascal`> ok, or we could try and just open up 3306
10:58:10 <SparFux1> sudo iptables -I INPUT --source localhost -j ACCEPT and sudo iptables -I OUTPUT --source localhost -j ACCEPT
10:58:39 <SparFux1> same.error.
10:58:54 <SparFux1> when allowing localhost
10:59:23 <SparFux1> sudo iptables -I INPUT --destination localhost -j ACCEPT
10:59:27 <SparFux1> sudo iptables -I OUTPUT --destination localhost -j ACCEPT
10:59:35 <SparFux1> same.
11:00:14 <upul> why not disable it altogether for a while
11:00:27 <SparFux1> ok.
11:00:56 <SparFux1> hello?
11:00:59 <pascal`> hi
11:01:30 <pascal`> i've never really used iptables, so i'm reading up about it, and at the same time trying to figure out what else could be wrong
11:02:15 <SparFux1> no, test fails even without iptables set up.
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11:03:08 <pascal`> do you have to refresh anything? maybe restart mysql or something
11:03:11 <SparFux1> it can't be the reason.
11:03:36 <SparFux1> even then, does not work still.
11:04:07 <upul> have you tried with machine ip address, or hostname
11:04:07 <pascal`> nmap -p 3306 localhost
11:04:16 <pascal`> ^ tells you the port is open?
11:04:36 <SparFux1> 3306/tcp open mysql
11:05:04 <pascal`> and warnings about hostname?
11:05:13 <SparFux1> nope.
11:05:26 <SparFux1> Warning: Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Using
11:05:28 <SparFux1> sorry, there is.
11:05:34 <SparFux1> hä?
11:05:38 <SparFux1> resolving to two ips?
11:06:02 <SparFux1> how come that?
11:06:17 <pascal`> i get the same thing
11:06:31 <SparFux1> aha
11:06:34 <SparFux1> but what two ips?
11:06:42 <pascal`> when you use in the test, you get host unreachable?
11:06:48 <SparFux1> ah, perhaps the local lan.
11:07:14 <SparFux1> with I can unreachable, yes.
11:07:23 <pascal`> hmm
11:07:29 <pascal`> but you can ping it?
11:07:35 <SparFux1> yes.
11:09:29 <pascal`> we should ask in #mysql
11:09:44 <SparFux1> yes.
11:09:59 <SparFux1> but I have to get to work. have to do that tomorrow.
11:10:13 <SparFux1> I thought of that, though. It has nothing to do with OpenMRS as it seems, even.
11:10:23 <pascal`> yup
11:10:38 <pascal`> something to do with networking on your system
11:10:47 <pascal`> might even want to ask in #ubuntu-za
11:11:11 <SparFux1> or in #java
11:11:55 <pascal`> maybe
11:12:03 <Echidna> wat ^
11:12:18 <SparFux1> wat?
11:12:26 <Echidna> "what up"
11:12:35 <SparFux1> ah.
11:12:36 <SparFux1> :-)
11:12:40 <pascal`> scroll up, read
11:12:51 <Echidna> no, write me a synopsis =P
11:12:59 <pascal`> java can't connect to SparFux1's DB
11:13:04 <SparFux1> Echidna: synopsis: my network setup is screwed.
11:13:17 <Echidna> =/
11:13:24 <Echidna> why dont you try it on windows first
11:13:31 <SparFux1> better on linux.
11:13:44 <SparFux1> you mean install it on windows?
11:13:45 <pascal`> could try in virtual box
11:13:51 <SparFux1> hm....
11:13:54 <Echidna> it seems like you've spent most of the time trying to set up the environment for openmrs
11:13:59 <pascal`> i think you can just use the preconfigured appliance
11:14:05 <Echidna> and havent gotten to look into openmrs itself much
11:14:37 <SparFux1> if there is a problem in my linux network setup, Iwould like to know that anyway.
11:14:46 <SparFux1> plus, there IS a problem, java cannot make db connection.
11:15:33 <SparFux1> plus, I will have to clean up my firewall, I guess.
11:15:40 <SparFux1> it's a bit messy.
11:16:26 <SparFux1> I get double entries. that's bad. My script seem to suck.
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11:22:31 <SparFux1> I load basic rules and just link to them on interface up and down. the recommended way is to completely configure the iptables in ifupdown in debian. so I have to change that anyway.
11:22:38 <pascal`> SparFux1, change your connection string in the test to: String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openmrs?traceProtocol=true";
11:22:40 <SparFux1> but again, I don't think iptables is my probelm.
11:23:52 <pascal`> I think we might be able to get some info trying out a few of these:
11:23:55 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
11:23:55 <SparFux1> pascal`: with that I don't even get the error page anymore, and no logs.
11:24:26 <SparFux1> bookmared that page.
11:25:50 <SparFux1> ok, have to go for today. sorry.
11:26:10 <SparFux1> I might be back tomorrow morning. I'll try the mysqls stuff. thxh for the help so far.
11:27:47 <SparFux1> bye all.
11:27:47 *** SparFux1 has quit IRC
11:36:14 <Echidna> hmm
11:36:25 <Echidna> these cough drops have 90% alcohol
11:36:32 <Echidna> this is gonna be my personal office xmas party =D
11:42:17 <pascal`> heh
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12:13:11 <Echidna> is down?
12:13:19 <Echidna> hmm not here
12:21:53 <njero> Echidna:
12:22:25 <Echidna> njero: thx, it seems like it's only down from this office
12:22:36 <Echidna> Echidna is at home, same ips
12:22:38 <Echidna> and it works from there
12:22:43 <Echidna> isp*
12:22:52 <Echidna> works fine
12:22:56 <njero> Might be DNS..
12:23:22 <Echidna> local dns?
12:23:26 <njero> if you ping what do you get
12:23:27 <njero> yeah
12:23:31 <Echidna> nothing
12:23:37 <Echidna> it tells right away domain doesnt exist
12:23:38 <njero> try going to
12:24:02 <Echidna> that ip takes me to
12:24:12 <njero> heh
12:24:33 <njero> that is probably just because that was where you last went in the google navigable routing
12:24:43 <Echidna> maybe
12:24:53 <Echidna> can the router mess it up?
12:24:57 <njero> yeah..
12:25:04 <Echidna> a colleague on another pc has the same problem
12:25:21 <njero> yeah, the network where you are must be caching dns
12:25:45 <njero> you could change your dns provider to opendns
12:27:50 <Echidna> i dont have admin access to the router
12:28:07 <Echidna> or do you mean locally
12:28:44 <njero> I mean locally
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13:45:47 <upul> i'm reading new moonthese days
13:46:13 <upul> very readable
13:46:25 <Echidna> lol
13:46:27 <Echidna> are you a teenage girl?
13:47:20 <upul> it's good writing
13:47:51 <pascal`> lol
13:55:02 <Echidna> emo fiction
13:57:14 <upul> have you read lost symbol
13:57:46 <Echidna> hm no
13:57:59 <Echidna> but then again, i havent read a fiction book in 10 years or so
13:58:18 <upul> first half is good then it gets weaker at the end
13:58:40 <upul> davinci code is super
13:58:44 <pascal`> O.O
13:59:06 <Echidna> i watched the da vinci code..
13:59:23 <pascal`> O.O
13:59:28 <Echidna> not the sequel though
14:01:33 <Echidna> brb, getting lunch
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14:03:17 <pascal`> bwolfe
14:03:20 * pascal` nods
14:03:35 <upul> bwolfe: any wikipedia links?
14:04:54 <pascal`>
14:08:11 <bwolfe> hi pascal`
14:08:20 <bwolfe> upul: you're the one that doles those out, not me
14:09:30 <upul> i didn't know you play jazz,
14:09:59 <pascal`>
14:10:33 <pascal`> wow, Juilliard, impressive
14:14:38 <upul> well i have to read a book on search today see you
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14:40:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11503]: - Added Cross-Sectional DataSet - Added validation by xsd - Improved … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11502]: atd * removing atd_ccd branch <>
14:43:05 <atomicturtle> I'll be upgrading PHP to 5.2.12 on rax shortly
14:43:30 <atomicturtle> this is just a security fix update, no features or functionality changes
14:43:36 <atomicturtle> but let me know if you see anything weird
15:12:08 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11504]: chica * removed ccd_changes branch <>
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15:29:41 <pascal`> finished already upul?
15:30:07 <Echidna> maybe he reads like johnny 5
15:30:50 <upul> yep, book has some spelling mistakes even, nothing much in it
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15:31:09 <upul> do you know what lemmatization is
15:31:40 <upul> run -> runs, running, ran or mouse -> mice
15:32:00 <upul> so when you search for one you search for others
15:36:29 <Echidna> what uses it
15:36:36 <upul> search engines
15:36:48 <Echidna> are there java libs that use it
15:36:55 <Echidna> like lucene or smt
15:37:13 <upul> it should be doing that
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16:16:14 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11507]: ncd: Added ConditionDAOTests. Fixed ConditionDAO items found via tests. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11506]: logic: library are now in lib-common <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11505]: idgen: Add Privileges to Service Methods, remove extension points and … <>
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16:17:51 <jmiranda> upul, did SparFux figure out the mysql connection issue?
16:22:36 <upul> pascal`: isolated it to a network issue
16:22:56 <upul> :-) jmiranda: pascal` solved it to a network issue
16:23:13 <jmiranda> what?
16:23:24 <jmiranda> that's crazy
16:23:41 <jmiranda> how did you fix it?
16:23:48 <jmiranda> and did you know that your wikipedia page is now gone?
16:23:50 <upul> no solution yet,
16:24:34 <upul> but pascal isolated that it was not a openmrs issue, jdbc connection didn't work in that machine
16:34:59 <jmiranda> upul, pascal` did you write a quick java class to test it
16:35:08 <jmiranda> why is it a network issue then?
16:36:10 <jmiranda> we discussed the /etc/hosts* files and sounded like he looked into that angle
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16:42:46 <upul1> jmiranda: somehow mysql couldn't listen for connections
16:43:55 <jmiranda> interesting
16:44:03 <jmiranda> even though you can connect at the command line
16:44:08 <jmiranda> ?
16:44:40 <upul1> i think mysql client must be using some local connection method
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16:45:25 <upul1> it must have been a messed machine
16:45:29 <upul1> :-)
16:46:08 <upul1> it's lightening heavily in here, going offline
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16:46:28 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11508]: logic: shuffling around some xml file, fixing some unit test, and bug … <>
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19:56:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11511]: Pull out the logic service from trunk for 1.6 release - #1626 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11510]: patientflags: improved error handling <>
19:59:07 <r0bby> bwolfe
19:59:14 <r0bby> for many to many i need a link table right?
20:04:43 <bwolfe> r0bby: yes. I don't know any other way to do it
20:04:44 <r0bby>
20:04:45 <r0bby> LMFAO
20:04:46 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:04:51 <r0bby> okay thanks
20:05:12 <r0bby> as for how to do that i think i'll try and do trial and error
20:05:18 <r0bby> I have a month to get this working
20:05:19 <r0bby> :(
20:05:34 <r0bby> or at least show I was able to take the reigns
20:07:12 <r0bby> bwolfe: is there an android app that's needed for OpenMRS?!?!
20:07:13 <r0bby> :D
20:07:23 * r0bby has the hardware for it already :)
20:07:50 <bwolfe> there is the odk forms stuff already
20:08:08 <bwolfe> not sure what else to do on a phone besides data collection...
20:08:42 <r0bby> yeh
20:09:28 <r0bby> best thing i can think of is a decent IRC client
20:11:03 <r0bby> wow mike did teach me a lot lol
20:11:21 <r0bby> I got him in my head making me doubt my decisions as to prioritizing things I need to do
20:11:39 <r0bby> in my mind i want to fix the data model which the most glaring problem
20:11:50 <r0bby> THEN go and fix some of the UI issues
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20:12:01 <r0bby> (which there aren't THAT many
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20:13:24 <r0bby> (sorry thinking outloud)
20:14:58 <r0bby> LOL
20:15:03 <bwolfe> r0bby: there were about 5 different irc clients already for android last time I checked
20:15:14 <r0bby> all of which sucked except for one. ]
20:15:21 <r0bby> there is one for pay one
20:15:24 <r0bby> and one free one
20:15:29 <r0bby> AndChat and AndroidIRC
20:20:11 <r0bby> bwolfe: I'm looking for one quality irc client that has everything I want :)
20:20:33 <r0bby> USer list, and easy access to functions i want i.e. no typimng /j ...
20:20:39 <r0bby> it's a PITA>
20:26:41 <bwolfe> r0bby: why not just jump on with the best open source one and contribute the features you want?
20:26:45 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11512]: logic: Add comment to top of auto-generated queryparser files and … <>
20:27:03 <r0bby> bwolfe: the best one is not open source
20:27:14 <r0bby> believe i pushed the author to Open Source it
20:27:48 <r0bby> I wanna learn android but im commited to finishing this project
20:28:00 <r0bby> I hate that we hit tis problem late in the game
20:28:21 <r0bby> I had an amazing mentor so this is my fault for ignring my instaninct
20:28:33 <r0bby> it was my inexperience that was a sole contributing factor
20:28:45 <r0bby> (admitted in a publically logged channel)(
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20:57:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1874 (task closed): Create a general way to create a logic criteria <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11514]: Deprecate the parseString method and introduce the parse method in the … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11513]: Deprecate the parseString method and introduce the parse method in the … <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1626 (task closed): Separate logic into a separate module <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1883 (task closed): Add comment to top of auto-generated queryparser files <>
21:28:50 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1879 (task closed): Allow subclasses to override method of retrieving Concept in HibernateLogicObsDAO <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11516]: Abstract logic for retrieving concept for token in HibernateLogicObsDAO … <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1843 (task closed): Merge and trim logicathon branch <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11515]: Take down the logicathon, all the code from the branch are in core-trunk … <>
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22:00:53 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1880 (task closed): LogicService fails to correctly parse a LogicCriteria expression that contains only and aggregator and token <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11518]: Fix to LogicQueryTreeParser to correctly parse an expression which … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11517]: Take down the logic-cache. <>
22:32:55 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11519]: ncd:Adding NLP Concept Creation documentation. <>
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23:37:00 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11520]: patientflags: added functionality to display flags in header of patient … <>