IRC Chat : 2009-12-16 - OpenMRS

00:02:11 <jmiranda> SparFux, sorry, i had to step away for a few
00:02:18 <SparFux> np
00:02:42 <SparFux> I can offer the web interface over web :-)
00:02:43 <jmiranda> do a tail -f /var/log/syslog
00:02:53 <jmiranda> i'll give this a shot
00:03:31 <jmiranda> could you reset the root password to 'root' for a minute
00:03:56 <SparFux>
00:03:57 <jmiranda> or send me a PM with the password
00:05:07 <jmiranda> actually
00:05:13 <SparFux> I think it's not critical. tomcat6 as long as it's save, is the only thing one could get from the outside.
00:05:59 <SparFux> the connection to the db fails.
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00:07:10 <jmiranda> do this in mysql
00:07:20 <jmiranda> GRANT ALL ON openmrs.* TO openmrs@'localhost'
00:07:29 <jmiranda> and restart tomcat
00:07:55 <jmiranda> actually
00:08:15 <SparFux> hm...
00:08:25 <jmiranda> create user openmrs@'localhost' identified by 'openmrs';
00:08:28 <jmiranda> then
00:08:28 <SparFux> done
00:08:37 <jmiranda> grant all on openmrs.* to openmrs@'localhost';
00:08:44 <jmiranda> then restart tomcat
00:09:39 <jmiranda> and double check the runtime properties file to see that this is the correct username/password combo
00:10:48 <SparFux> ok, do you want to have it installed already? or should the init process be done?
00:11:03 <jmiranda> is the database there?
00:11:22 <SparFux> guess so.
00:11:24 <jmiranda> i was thinking that we'd already installed the database and we're just trying to get to openmrs
00:11:28 <SparFux> show databases show it.
00:11:39 <SparFux> so without the init process. ok.
00:11:51 <SparFux> for now I only get a white page.
00:11:55 <jmiranda> but for some reason the init filter keeps coming up because we cannot connect to the database
00:12:18 <SparFux> now I only get white page!
00:12:28 <jmiranda> you restarted tomcat?
00:12:40 <SparFux> yes.
00:12:45 <jmiranda> i get a 404 Not Found page from apache
00:12:45 <SparFux> again.
00:12:53 <jmiranda>
00:13:18 <SparFux> now I get the not able to start msg again.
00:13:23 <SparFux> try again.
00:13:35 <SparFux> I get OpenMRS is not able to start. page.
00:14:00 <jmiranda> by the way
00:14:01 <jmiranda>
00:14:35 <jmiranda> this is due to the fact that /usr/share/tomcat5.5 and all subdirs are not accessible by the tomcat user
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00:14:46 <jmiranda> that's the error that i ran into earlier
00:14:52 <SparFux> wait, this is tomcat6 again.
00:15:19 <SparFux> where'd you get htis error?
00:15:31 <jmiranda> that was from earlier
00:15:35 <jmiranda> you sent it some time ago
00:15:45 <jmiranda> but i hadn't looked at it until now
00:15:47 <SparFux> strange, the tomcat6 in /usr/share is set root again!
00:16:15 <SparFux> ah, seems it was my error, in chown I forgot the -R some time ago.
00:16:33 <jmiranda> ok
00:16:49 <SparFux> but it does not solve the problem.
00:16:50 <jmiranda> well that should probably get us back to something reasonably close to an install
00:16:59 <SparFux> now tomcat6 dirs belong to user tomcat6.
00:17:14 <jmiranda> ok, restart tomcat again, just for s&g's
00:17:23 <SparFux> but wouldn't we want to correct the automatic installation instead?
00:17:31 <SparFux> restarting.
00:17:42 <SparFux> done
00:17:46 <jmiranda> at this point
00:17:55 <jmiranda> i'm assuming we have a database called 'openmrs'
00:18:11 <SparFux> yes.
00:18:16 <jmiranda> a user 'openmrs' with password 'openmrs' that can access 'openmrs' database when we run this command
00:18:21 <jmiranda> mysql -u openmrs -p openmrs
00:18:25 <jmiranda> Password: openmrs
00:18:34 <jmiranda> mysql> show tables;
00:18:40 <jmiranda> shows us all the tables
00:18:46 <jmiranda> select * from users;
00:18:58 <jmiranda> will return a single row with user 'admin'
00:19:11 <jmiranda> (that's the openmrs users table)
00:19:24 <jmiranda> we also have a runtime properties file under
00:19:37 <jmiranda> /usr/share/tomcat6/.OpenMRS/
00:19:56 <jmiranda> which contains 'openmrs' as values for the connection username and password
00:20:06 <jmiranda> so if we restart tomcat
00:20:14 <jmiranda> and go to http://localhost:8080/openmrs
00:20:18 <jmiranda> we should get the login screen
00:20:31 <jmiranda> if not, we can probably throw the server out a window
00:20:38 <jmiranda> or find a better use for it :)
00:21:24 <SparFux> why can't I set openmrs password for openmrs?
00:22:07 <jmiranda> i don't follow?
00:22:23 <SparFux> the openmrs password is not accepted by mysql.
00:23:19 <SparFux> set password for openmrs = password ('openmrs') ;
00:23:19 <SparFux> Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
00:23:23 <jmiranda> from the command line?
00:23:24 <SparFux> but pw is not accepted.
00:23:27 <SparFux> yes.
00:23:54 <SparFux> sudo -u mysql mysql -u openmrs -p openmrs
00:23:54 <SparFux> Enter password:
00:23:54 <SparFux> ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'openmrs'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
00:24:01 <SparFux> hm...
00:24:56 <SparFux> that's strange.
00:25:16 <jmiranda> try this
00:25:19 <jmiranda> login as root
00:26:23 <SparFux> set password for 'openmrs'@'localhost' = 'openmrs' ;
00:26:24 <SparFux> now works.
00:26:25 <jmiranda> update mysql.user set password = password('openmrs') where user='openmrs'
00:26:36 <jmiranda> flush privileges;
00:26:38 <jmiranda> ok
00:26:47 <SparFux> now it works, ok. openmrs password openmrs.
00:26:53 <jmiranda> so try to restart tomcat one more time
00:27:00 <SparFux> done
00:27:06 <jmiranda> and magic will be ours
00:27:23 <jmiranda> i have no idea what that means either
00:28:35 <SparFux> there is something wrong with the communication to the database.
00:30:08 <jmiranda> same thing
00:30:12 <jmiranda> ?
00:31:22 <SparFux> yes.
00:31:31 <SparFux> OpenMRS not able to start.
00:31:43 <SparFux> Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
00:33:08 <SparFux> I'd say, something in mysql blocks OpenMRS.
00:33:14 <jmiranda> give this a shot
00:33:19 <jmiranda> /etc/init.d/mysql status
00:33:25 <jmiranda> /etc/init.d/mysql restart
00:33:52 <jmiranda> after the restart check to see if you can make the connection from the command line
00:33:56 <jmiranda> and then try tomcat again
00:33:57 <SparFux>
00:34:49 <SparFux> ok, sorry, have to go for now.
00:34:56 <SparFux> see you tomorrow.
00:35:43 <bwolfe> very weird SparFux
00:36:02 <bwolfe> have a good night and let us know when you're working on this tmrw
00:36:58 <jmiranda> SparFux, ok i think i have another theory
00:37:03 <jmiranda> catch me tomorrow
00:49:38 <jmiranda> bwolfe
00:49:41 <jmiranda>,199085,204628#msg-204628
00:49:45 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
00:49:52 <jmiranda> which lead me to
00:49:53 <jmiranda>
00:49:54 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
00:51:22 <jmiranda> i can't figure out where the issue might be
00:51:51 <jmiranda> mysql, tomcat, java, jdbc driver, hibernate, c3p0?
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00:55:49 <jmiranda> SparFux, when you get back ...
00:56:35 <jmiranda> check /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts.allow, and /etc/hosts.deny
00:56:41 <jmiranda> and let me know what you see
00:59:01 <jmiranda> and replace connection.url with the following
00:59:10 <jmiranda> connection.url=jdbc:mysql://
00:59:26 <jmiranda> ok, i need to get back to work work
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01:59:40 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1972 (task created): personField.tag breaks if pageContext contains a 'roles' variable <>
02:12:27 <Mkop> bwolfe, jmiranda: you around?
02:12:44 <Mkop> on this page: the unix description seems kinda lacking
02:12:47 <Mkop> b/c that won't persist
02:13:16 <Mkop> shouldn't we say put "export NAME=VALUE" into ~/.profile?
02:19:24 <bwolfe> Mkop: it does say "in the startup file"...
02:19:50 * Mkop hides
02:20:07 <Mkop> I think we should fix the css to make the code stand out a little bit less
02:20:37 <Mkop> hmm, I think with mediawiki you can change your own css
02:20:40 <Mkop> it has skins
02:21:53 <Mkop> I've learned today that installing OpenMRS etc. from scratch takes more effort than it should. Not your/our fault, but just b/c it requires so many software packages, some of which are finicky. (Primarily Subclipse. PITA)
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02:35:49 <upul> hey ben
02:38:46 <Mkop> bwolfe: I'm confused. It says to add "tomcat.home=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.16" to the build properties file, but I can't find any such file on the machine
02:40:36 <Mkop> should it be /usr/share/tomcat6/bin?
02:43:52 <upul> Mkop, it should be /usr/share/tomcat6
02:48:36 <upul> but i don't think i needed anything in build properties file, i went with all the defaults, that's easier
02:49:09 <upul> convention over configuration :-)
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02:52:26 <Mkop> why does the step-by-step guide say to modify the file?
02:53:08 <upul> it should be used for some tasks in the build tasks
02:54:24 <upul> it's used in deploy undeploy tasks, i don't use them
02:55:42 <bwolfe> Mkop: yeah, its optional really
02:58:37 <upul> hey ben
03:28:18 <bwolfe> hi upul
03:29:30 <upul> bwolfe, are these open for non usa people
03:31:13 <bwolfe> upul: potentially. although the RG jobs on there aren't right now. we still are trying to convince the HR dept people to allow us to do that
03:32:41 <upul> i see
03:35:40 <bwolfe> upul: do you want to move to kenya or malawi ? :-)
03:36:41 <upul> that want make a difference :-D
03:38:29 <upul> soon I have to get out somewhere, feel like being wasted, thinking of australia, new zealand or canada
03:39:47 <upul> how different is usa from from canada
03:51:56 <upul> we have a precidential election next year
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03:53:32 <upul> former army leader is contesting against existing precident
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03:59:41 <bwolfe> upul: I've never been to canada...but I think they're similar
03:59:48 <bwolfe> as far as development anyway
03:59:51 <bwolfe> its colder up there
04:00:00 <bwolfe> and they speak more french than we do
04:02:38 <Mkop> depends where in Canada
04:03:02 <Mkop> Quebec is largely french speaking, other provinces less so
04:03:38 <Mkop> culturally, US and Canada are pretty similar, though there certainly are differences
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04:07:31 <upul> i see
04:13:08 <Mkop> the differences are small compared to the differences coming from wherever you are
04:13:14 <Mkop> is it Kathmandu?
04:13:20 <Mkop> I remember it was a weird time zone
04:15:52 <upul> heh heh
04:16:34 <upul> i like a country where vehicles stop at a road crossing
04:17:02 <Mkop> huh?
04:17:40 <upul> do they stop cars when people are crossing the road in usa?
04:18:30 <Mkop> oh
04:18:32 <upul> not here, but there are worse places than here
04:18:46 <Mkop> at most intersections, there is a light telling you when to cross
04:20:51 <Mkop> some variant of these:'t+walk+sign
04:20:54 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
04:20:59 <upul> we do have lights, funny thing they created one infront of a university, because university student dies while crossing the road, and university students protested (as usual)
04:21:46 <Mkop> what country are you in again?
04:22:07 <upul> but schools don't have traffic lights they don't protest, so seems university students can't even cross the road with asking for traffic lights
04:22:25 <upul> sri lanka
04:22:33 <Mkop> oh yeah, that's right
04:23:00 <Mkop> one thing you'll find about Americans if you come here is that they are _incredibly_ Ameri-centric
04:23:13 <Mkop> don't know anything about anything outside the US
04:23:38 <upul> yeah, i heard many can't locate usa in a map :-)
04:31:39 <upul> have you seen italian pm
04:31:45 <upul> 's face
04:32:40 <Mkop> no
04:34:01 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11475]: personrefactoring branch: made add/edit user page work <>
04:36:28 <upul> you never heard person smashing his face with a block, lost two teetch and all bloody
04:41:02 <upul> Mkop, quick who's the precident of india
04:41:45 <Mkop> ha!
04:41:52 <Mkop> I told you
04:42:02 <Mkop> Americans don't know anything
04:47:10 <upul> actually i can't remember his name must be narayan, but i will recognize him if i see him on the road, indian precident is only a precident, powers are with the pm, singh. bush got it wrong i remember
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07:14:20 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Justin Miranda: On setting up a development environment in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard <>
07:42:30 <mkulumadzi> pascal` you around?
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09:04:28 <pascal`> mkulumadzi, see skype
09:17:38 <Echidna> i'm a pariah at work
09:17:47 <Echidna> no one wants to be around be because i'm sick
09:18:02 <Echidna> and the boss said "you know, you dont have to come to the office when you'Re sick"
09:33:45 <pascal`> Echidna, go home
09:33:59 <pascal`> you'll make other ppl sick, which is probably your bosses concern
09:49:05 <Echidna> yea
09:49:11 <Echidna> the boss is sick already lol
09:52:18 <pascal`> heh
09:52:23 <pascal`> well, that's one strategy... =P
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10:10:04 <upul> drink some vodka Echidna
10:10:19 <upul> everthing will clear up
10:10:54 <Echidna> not at this stage
10:10:59 <Echidna> might help early on
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18:23:45 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11479]: rgccd * added ant builder * moved axis2 jars from lib to lib-common … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11478]: dss * updated chirdlutil jar <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11477]: sockethl7listener * updated chirdlutil jar <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11476]: chirdlutil * added axis2 jars to lib directory. Axis2 jars should ONLY be … <>
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19:03:14 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1973 (defect created): htmlformentry: repeat tag does not handle html comments correctly <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11482]: chica * added axis2 and rgccd jars * updated jibx, atd, chirdlutil, and … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11481]: atd * updated module version <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11480]: atd * updated chirdutil and jibx jars * added processing to keep PWSs to … <>
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19:05:39 <SparFux> re
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19:23:10 <SparFux> Well, things still don't work. using instead of localhost does not help.
19:24:37 <SparFux> adding ALL: ALL to hosts.allow doesn't help.
19:24:55 <SparFux> and /etc/hosts lists as localhost.
19:35:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1974 (defect created): synchronized blocks in ModuleClassLoader causing dead locks <>
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20:07:12 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1975 (defect created): Start Time field of Manage Scheduled Reports detail page does not accept valid date/times <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1969 (defect closed): Not all HL7 messages exported by the export report contain an MSH segment <>
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21:43:22 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11483]: visitscheduler: adding proper Javadoc commentaries to the non-web classes. <>
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22:15:24 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11484]: perufitnessstudy. changed possible addres1 length. fixed a status bug. <>
22:47:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11485]: reporting-trunk: Allow users to search for patients with observations that … <>
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