IRC Chat : 2009-12-04 - OpenMRS

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04:52:02 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11380]: idgen: Initial revision of core UI pages for managing identifiersources, … <>
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05:35:37 <openmrs_web649> can any body tell me how to install and run openmrs
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06:28:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: the aids virus <>
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07:21:36 <pascal`> There's going to be a /huge/ party in Cape Town tonight for the SWC draw :)
08:12:30 <Echidna> what draw
08:19:51 <njero> heh futbol man!
08:20:24 <pascal`> yu
08:20:25 <pascal`> p
08:21:00 <pascal`> I'm not really a fan, but I think I think it's for which teams are in which groups
08:21:00 <pascal`> I am a fan of the party that's going to happen :)
08:24:06 <pascal`>
08:24:10 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
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09:40:28 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Loading standard terminologies into OpenMRS <>
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11:27:00 <Echidna> pascal`: are you invited?
11:29:20 <pascal`> Echidna, it's a street party
11:29:56 <pascal`> well, there is the official draw with all the celebrities at the convention centre, but the public isn't invited to that
11:30:03 <Echidna> o
11:30:08 <Echidna> of course not
11:30:18 <Echidna> with charlize theron being there etc
11:30:20 <Echidna> heh
11:30:46 <Echidna> is it safe to party in south african streets?
11:40:29 <pascal`> Echidna, safety is relative
11:40:29 <pascal`> it's not as safe as Germany I'm sure, but they're bringing in a bunch of extra cops
11:40:29 <pascal`> and I mean, people don't usual get murdered in the middle of crowds
11:41:01 <Echidna> ic
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12:20:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: API Exception on stand alone app <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: seperation between the links <>
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12:49:13 <pascal`> hey bwolfe
12:49:13 <pascal`> back in Indiana?
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13:11:39 <Echidna> so says his hostmask
13:11:41 <Echidna> ih
13:11:42 <Echidna> hi*
13:11:48 <Echidna> how do you guys pronounce "template"?
13:22:26 <bwolfe> pascal`: yep
13:22:33 <bwolfe> Echidna: I pronounce it "template" :-p
13:24:37 <pascal`> template
13:25:30 <Echidna> temp-late?
13:25:54 <Echidna> or temp-lit?
13:27:49 <pascal`> Echidna,
13:27:51 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
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13:31:49 <Echidna> oic
13:31:50 <Echidna> thx
13:36:50 <upul> some people have stolen a huge area of grass from the main international cricket stadium :-p
13:37:01 <Echidna> pwnt
13:37:08 <pascal`> sweet
13:37:45 <upul> probably inside work, may be cricket board
13:38:17 <pascal`> I use both pronounciations
13:38:17 <pascal`> probably the second one the most though
13:38:41 <upul> may be they took them for lunch :-p, now there's a bare patch in the ground
13:39:18 <Echidna> they put them into their own gardens
13:40:38 <upul> proabably selling because it's not typical grass
13:41:21 <upul> hi bwolfe, welcome back :-)
13:42:48 <upul> you're home
13:54:26 <pascal`> upul, lol
14:00:07 <bwolfe> upul: hi upul, thanks
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14:26:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11381]: chica * fixed concept name in NotRelapsePWS mlm <>
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14:58:53 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11382]: pihmalawireports: Fixed some bugs and added a new dataset <>
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16:03:01 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11383]: ncd: Fixes for Icd9InObxCritic. Fixes for Diagnosis model class. <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: Loading standard terminologies into OpenMRS <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: the aids virus <>
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17:42:56 <Echidna> wow
17:43:00 <Echidna> rien ne va plus
17:43:27 <Echidna> running vista + eclipse + ubuntu in virtualbox on a 2gb ram machine
17:43:30 <Echidna> =/
17:44:31 <jmiranda> Echidna, crushing you?
17:46:01 <Echidna> ram widget was showing 95%
17:46:17 <Echidna> and then i tried saving the virtual machine while shutting down eclipse
17:46:21 <Echidna> and everything nearly froze
17:46:42 <Echidna> gonna ask the boss for more ram
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17:49:16 <jmiranda> Echidna, any experience with netbeans?
18:11:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Justin Miranda: r0bby might have been right about NetBeans IDE <>
18:32:37 <Echidna> jmiranda: very little
18:32:47 <Echidna> i took this swing class once
18:33:57 <jmiranda> swing as in java ui or swing as in throwing girls into the air, around your back, and between your legs?
18:34:38 <Echidna> as in sharing spouces in a dark room
18:34:39 <Echidna> j/k
18:34:41 <Echidna> the former
18:34:44 <jmiranda> :)
18:34:55 <jmiranda> key parties are huge here in madison, wi
18:35:28 <jmiranda> i can't believe i'm going to say this ...
18:35:37 <jmiranda> but r0bby was right about netbeans
18:35:44 <Echidna> whaat
18:35:51 <Echidna> r0bby was right about something?
18:35:52 <Echidna> =P
18:35:54 <Echidna> what did he say
18:35:55 <jmiranda> it's pretty sweet (minus being a swing app)
18:36:25 <jmiranda> over the summer, he tried to convince me to switch to netbeans
18:36:40 <Echidna> i thought he keeps convincing people to use IDEA
18:36:48 <Echidna> trying to convince*
18:36:49 <jmiranda> oh, maybe that was it
18:37:05 <jmiranda> well, someone was right about netbeans
18:37:09 <Echidna> lol
18:37:12 <Echidna> whats so great about it
18:37:15 <jmiranda> i'm building a prototype for the pharmacy inventory app
18:37:32 <jmiranda> and have had a couple of start/stops with all of the different technologies i'm playing around with
18:37:39 <Echidna> so no rcp then?
18:37:43 <jmiranda> spring rcp
18:37:48 <Echidna> o
18:38:12 <jmiranda> which is an interesting (maturing) project
18:38:33 <jmiranda> that i've been dying to play around with
18:38:44 <jmiranda> i also like the spring dynamic modules project
18:38:49 <bwolfe> jmiranda: yeah, r0bby's thing is IDEA
18:39:05 <jmiranda> so anyway, developing with netbeans is super easy
18:39:13 <jmiranda> bwolfe, thanks
18:39:23 <jmiranda> ok, sorry r0bby is still wrong about IDEs
18:39:53 <bwolfe> haha
18:40:02 <bwolfe> there have been a few netbeans fans
18:40:11 <bwolfe> jmiranda: whats easy about it ?
18:40:46 <jmiranda> it takes a different perspective from eclipse
18:40:55 <jmiranda> it does things more "by example"
18:41:10 <jmiranda> so it might be just that i'm doing exploratory development right now
18:41:16 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11385]: chica_ccd branch * fixed concurrent modification exception in medication … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11384]: rgccd * added constructor to clone Medication object <>
18:41:26 <jmiranda> and need to quickly get to a running example of code
18:41:40 <jmiranda> but i just like how easy it is to start a new project and have things work
18:42:16 <jmiranda> and integrating "services" like dbs, web services, svn is also easy
18:42:45 <jmiranda> for instance, i just created a new maven project in eclipse to play around with that
18:43:09 <jmiranda> and had to fill out fifteen fields in order to generate the pom.xml for the project
18:43:12 <jmiranda> artifact id?
18:43:18 <jmiranda> c'mon
18:44:58 <jmiranda> not only do i not know what that is, i don't really care right now
18:45:08 <jmiranda> i just want to get a quick maven project off the ground
18:46:25 <jmiranda> the kicker is that within 5 minutes i had a working spring rcp application in netbeans
18:47:13 <Echidna> whats so great about maven
18:47:16 <jmiranda> after 20 minutes, in eclipse, i had a maven dependency error that is impossible to understand
18:47:16 <njero> jmiranda: rails my_new_project
18:47:30 <jmiranda> :)
18:47:33 <njero> :)
18:47:37 <jmiranda> njero, not a chance
18:47:48 <njero> we could race...
18:47:55 <njero> it would be loads of fun
18:48:24 * jmiranda just lied
18:48:28 <jmiranda> jmiranda@jmiranda-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install rails
18:48:30 <bwolfe> njero: funny you should mention "load" ;-)
18:48:46 <jmiranda> snap
18:48:47 <njero> heh
18:49:10 <njero> I bet I would fnish first but jmiranda's would be better
18:49:12 <jmiranda> njero, i'm building a desktop app at the moment
18:49:29 <njero> what are those?
18:49:32 <njero> j/k
18:49:43 <jmiranda> but thinking about just using the RCP app as a container for a web app container and browser
18:49:48 <jmiranda> so it's easier to install
18:50:18 <jmiranda> so making that working with ruby/jruby is not out of the question
18:50:19 <jmiranda> s/working/work
18:50:53 <njero> true
18:51:13 <jmiranda> jmiranda@jmiranda-laptop:~/my_new_project$ ls
18:51:16 <jmiranda> app config db doc lib log public Rakefile README script test tmp vendor
18:51:17 <njero> I have a couple of destop apps that are just local webservers
18:51:20 * jmiranda likes
18:51:33 <jmiranda> njero, what did you use ?
18:51:38 <njero> rails
18:51:38 <jmiranda> as the "container"
18:51:41 <njero> oh
18:51:52 <njero> on a mac I used
18:52:22 <jmiranda> hmm ... interesting
18:52:23 <njero>
18:52:28 <njero> screenshots <=
18:52:28 <jmiranda> so it's just running on apache
18:52:42 <njero> at the time no, but now, yes
18:52:54 <njero> sqlite3 database for the backend
18:52:55 <jmiranda> and you use Fluid to fake a desktop environment?
18:52:59 <Echidna> Beck’s ‘Christmas Sweater’ flops in major cities, just 17 tickets sold in New York and Boston.
18:52:59 <Echidna> lol
18:53:00 <njero> yup
18:53:40 <jmiranda> Echidna, he's a scientologist
18:54:00 <jmiranda> i love beck, but i can't take him seriously anymore
18:54:41 <jmiranda> and certainly can't encourage that kind of behavior
18:54:48 <Echidna> you love beck? o_O
18:54:54 <jmiranda> njero, so how does one install that app?
18:55:02 <njero> hmmm
18:55:12 <jmiranda> you need to go through the process of installing apache, sqlite, etc
18:55:20 <jmiranda> or is there an easy installer?
18:55:33 <njero> there is a bundler fo that somewhere
18:55:41 <njero> I never set that up
18:55:45 <jmiranda> one of the "requirements" for my project is zero-configuration, zero-maintenance overhead
18:55:50 <njero> ah
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18:56:09 <jmiranda> so i'm trying to adopt a platform that can make install/updates easy
18:56:27 <jmiranda> a little scared about that from a database perspective though
18:57:02 <jmiranda> as we'll likely need to use liquibase database updates
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18:57:18 <jmiranda> which is fine, but adds to the complexity of an otherwise simple app
18:57:51 <jmiranda> by the way, creating a new maven project in netbeans is as easy as entering a project name
18:58:02 <njero> nice
18:58:13 <jmiranda> all the other fields are derived (editable)
18:58:18 <njero> yeah for my stuff there is definitely config
18:58:44 <jmiranda> njero, i'll take a look anyways
18:59:35 <njero> you could get away with no apache...
18:59:53 <njero> just use mongrel or some lightweight server
18:59:55 <jmiranda> njero, so this is like slimtimer?
19:00:04 <njero> jmiranda: yeah
19:00:06 <jmiranda> sweet
19:00:15 <njero> but I wanted some custom stuff
19:00:29 <jmiranda> i've been thinking about writing an app to pull tickets/tasks from different places
19:00:49 <jmiranda> (jira, trac, rtm, etc)
19:01:04 <jmiranda> and allow them to be "started"/"stopped" in a slimtimer-like interface
19:01:26 <njero> yeah
19:01:49 <njero> mine was more abot wanting to track which windows were getting my time
19:02:00 <njero> it is pretty invasive :)
19:02:06 <jmiranda> that's really cool
19:02:15 <jmiranda> that's get of what i need as well
19:06:30 <jmiranda> what blogging software are you using for
19:06:45 <njero> mephisto
19:06:49 <njero> but it sucks
19:06:51 <njero> no
19:06:54 <njero> it is cool
19:06:58 <njero> but dont use it
19:07:00 <njero> :)
19:07:20 <jmiranda> i like the Hemingway lnf
19:07:30 <njero> I am going to switch to something like blogger soon
19:07:33 <njero> thanks!
19:09:09 <njero> I have been thinking I need to lighten it up though
19:11:47 <Echidna> hmm
19:11:53 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Question regarding equal() method of ConceptWord class <>
19:11:58 <Echidna> germany got into the same group as australia, ghana and serbia
19:12:08 <Echidna> nothing too dangerous, it seems
19:13:06 <njero> usa looks okay I think
19:13:20 <Echidna> you have england in your group =P
19:13:35 <njero> well, you got to have someone toug
19:13:38 <njero> *tough
19:13:56 <Echidna> north korea qualified =o
19:43:22 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11386]: ldap: modified the updateUser, deleteUser, addUser, and searchUser methods <>
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20:47:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [11387]: ldap: added modifications to with respect to exceptions … <>
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23:13:58 <r0bby> jmiranda: IDEA is what i've been pushing you to use
23:14:06 <r0bby> Netbeans minus the swing builder is nice too
23:14:15 <jmiranda> r0bby, yeah ben mentioned that
23:14:28 <r0bby> hehe :)
23:25:38 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Question regarding equal() method of ConceptWord class <>