IRC Chat : 2009-05-21 - OpenMRS

00:17:40 *** atomicturtle has joined #openmrs
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00:24:06 <Keelhaul> heh
00:24:10 <Keelhaul> updating concept workds too like 5 min
00:24:16 <Keelhaul> words*
00:35:25 <r0bby> nice
00:35:36 <r0bby> I got the dialog burke wanted
00:35:42 <r0bby> but spring validation fails :D
00:42:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7963]: reporting module: Upgrade jars and fixes to applicationContext and … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7962]: Fix HibernateSerializedObjectDAO to work correctly with the new UUID … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7961]: Fix ServiceContext.getRegisteredComponents to recursively check all parent … <>
00:52:29 <r0bby> this should work
00:52:32 <r0bby>
00:52:50 <r0bby> where the div "name" is in the modal dialog
00:58:56 *** atomicturtle has joined #openmrs
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02:19:08 <r0bby> hot damn
02:19:20 <r0bby>
02:19:22 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
02:19:31 <r0bby> I'm tired of fighting w/ spring
02:19:47 <r0bby> for some reason the stuff in the dialog isn't bring sent w/ the stuff that's not
02:20:07 <r0bby> and i am either gonna a) throw something out the window or b) get rid of the dialog and say f it
02:20:18 <r0bby> c) use the validator as the dwr service :)
02:49:57 *** docpaul has joined #openmrs
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02:50:01 <docpaul> hi. :)
02:50:07 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <>
02:56:36 <r0bby> NEAT
02:56:38 <r0bby> docpaul: o/
02:56:47 <r0bby> you misread groovy as groovyforms didn't you?
02:57:03 <docpaul> nope?
02:57:10 <r0bby> you mistyped it then :)
02:57:21 <r0bby> because i read groovy forms :)
02:57:29 <r0bby> groovy forms isn't remotely working anymore
02:57:29 <docpaul>
02:57:32 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
02:57:32 <r0bby> eh
02:57:36 <r0bby> DOH
02:57:37 <docpaul> hehe
02:57:43 <r0bby> docpaul: i cant get onto my labs
02:57:51 <docpaul> um
02:57:58 <docpaul> you can load modules through the webapp
02:58:08 <docpaul> d0h to you
02:58:16 <r0bby> I know :)
02:58:22 <r0bby> I need to get my key sorted out
02:58:27 <r0bby> and ben said it was going to be reset
02:58:32 <r0bby> how do you like it so far paul
02:58:36 <r0bby> I put hours of work into it
02:58:41 <docpaul> i literally just fired it up
02:58:48 <r0bby> eh
02:58:48 <docpaul> let me do some script action
02:59:09 <r0bby> like th eerrk
02:59:12 <r0bby> why is this 1.3
02:59:26 <r0bby> I want this loaded w/ trunk :)
02:59:35 <r0bby>
02:59:38 <r0bby> how do you like it :)
02:59:38 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
02:59:41 <docpaul> nah... that doesn't make much sense
02:59:48 <docpaul> you want to run against latest stable
02:59:50 <r0bby> color scheme is awesome :)
02:59:53 <r0bby> 1.4?
02:59:54 <docpaul> trunk is not stable by definition
03:00:00 <r0bby> isn't 1.4 stable?
03:00:10 <docpaul> trunk is 1.5a
03:00:14 <docpaul> or will be very very soon
03:00:22 <r0bby> :)
03:00:34 <r0bby> docpaul: heh :)
03:00:43 <r0bby> 1.4 is what i'm going to code against primarily for soc
03:00:46 <r0bby> so i'd like at least that
03:01:00 <r0bby> it's one of the PIH requirements for facility data module
03:01:08 <r0bby> one of the very few things i actually get
03:01:20 <r0bby> right now im trying to get it woring
03:01:29 <r0bby> OH i got in touch with david mccallie
03:01:32 <r0bby> emailed him :)
03:01:45 <docpaul> i owe him some email
03:01:58 <r0bby> he wants to get GSP in OpenMRS asap
03:02:02 <r0bby> that's a groovyforms job tho
03:02:13 <r0bby> I was thinking a cool feature for groovy
03:02:21 <r0bby> a neat dsl to add schedulers for reminders
03:02:42 <r0bby> I have meds i should prolly take on a regular schedule, and an injection (PTH) every other day which i constantly forget about!
03:02:57 <r0bby> forget calcium etc i get all lovely uhm tingly feelings
03:03:04 <r0bby> mostly in my hand
03:04:28 <r0bby> so my idea was a reminder pop-up that pops up
03:04:30 <r0bby> something :)
03:04:43 <r0bby> sort of a way to script in to set up schedulers etc
03:04:53 <r0bby> though i think the groovy module as is can do it?
03:05:11 <docpaul> kind of has some wierd screen update behavior
03:05:27 <r0bby> heh wehre?
03:05:38 <r0bby> it switches to the tab that's active
03:05:49 <r0bby> that's a jquery ui problem not us :)
03:06:12 <r0bby> what it does: if the output doesn't return "null" ie no output it doesn't go to that tab
03:06:27 <r0bby> if there's output it goes there: if there's a stacktrace it goes there
03:06:55 <r0bby> the last statement determines which tab gets "focus"
03:07:06 <r0bby> i use focus looseley
03:07:18 <r0bby> to test the exceptions type "throw null"
03:07:22 <docpaul> fairly decent
03:07:28 <docpaul> i like the gui
03:07:30 <r0bby> (that'll throw a NPE)
03:07:37 <r0bby> i'm still wroking on it
03:07:41 <docpaul> p = patient.getPatient(2)
03:07:41 <docpaul> println "${p.givenName} ${p.familyName}"
03:07:47 <r0bby> yup
03:07:56 <r0bby> or
03:07:59 <docpaul> it throws exceptions when you dont find a patient
03:08:02 <r0bby> hrm
03:08:04 <r0bby> yeh :)
03:08:11 <r0bby> that's the api :)
03:08:12 <r0bby> not me
03:08:19 <docpaul> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'givenName' on null object
03:08:20 <docpaul> at
03:08:20 <docpaul> at Script1$ Source)
03:08:20 <docpaul> at Script1$ Source)
03:08:26 <r0bby> duh :)
03:08:37 <docpaul> you could imagine a more graceful handle of that one
03:08:53 <r0bby> it's out of my hands...
03:09:02 <r0bby> that's groovy handling it
03:09:12 <r0bby> it's up to the coder to do null checks
03:09:15 <r0bby> you COULD do
03:09:42 <r0bby> if(p) println "${p.givenName} ${p.familyName}"
03:09:48 <r0bby> Note: null == false in groovy
03:09:59 <docpaul> true
03:10:10 <r0bby> so it's not my problem if the coder didn't do their job :)
03:11:02 <r0bby> all this does is pass this to the scripting engine which parses, compiles it to bytecode, and executes it
03:11:24 <docpaul> we need a real dataset behind the labs. :) ben added 500k obs and 5k patients to
03:11:28 <r0bby> yeh
03:11:32 <r0bby> I'm gonna do it
03:11:37 <r0bby> soon as I get on it...
03:11:38 <docpaul> i think we will likely replicate demo for all labs
03:11:47 <docpaul> you wont have to fool with it
03:11:51 <docpaul> i spoke with verio today
03:11:58 <r0bby> are they resetting labs?
03:12:00 <docpaul> they're just rsync all the labs
03:12:05 <docpaul> er, they'll
03:12:12 <r0bby> so I dont need to get on it by ssh
03:12:20 <r0bby> ?
03:12:27 <docpaul> nah, i think you should all still have access to shell
03:12:42 <docpaul> if you want to quickly copy .omods over
03:12:46 <r0bby> yeh
03:12:54 <r0bby> ok
03:12:59 <r0bby> i need to change this pass...
03:13:02 <r0bby> it's a security hole
03:13:36 <docpaul> i just want students to show works in progress so that people aren't encumbered with having to keep an openmrs environment at the ready which is consistent with the next one
03:14:00 <r0bby> heh good point :)
03:14:18 <docpaul> having an open lab allows one to quickly post a link to see work
03:14:33 <docpaul> that was my dream at least a couple of years ago when I brought up the labs concept
03:14:46 <docpaul> nice to see it making the light of day
03:14:46 <r0bby> :)
03:14:55 <docpaul> i think it will revolutionize collaborative oversight
03:14:59 <r0bby> I'll keep testing on my local instance til i'm ready to publish it :)
03:15:11 <r0bby> because right now I have a broken code
03:15:16 <r0bby> though bout to fix it :)
03:16:15 <r0bby> document.forms["name"] = $("#name").val(); $(this).dialog('close');
03:16:21 <r0bby> wow this is hacky as hell :-)
03:16:44 <docpaul> well, i just pulled open the curtains on the mailing list. :)
03:16:57 <r0bby> gee... thx
03:17:12 <docpaul> hiding = anathema to open source
03:17:14 <r0bby> excuse me while i add an addendum
03:17:46 <r0bby> let me an anonymous user..
03:17:55 <docpaul> it's just a lab
03:17:58 <docpaul> it's harmless
03:18:33 <r0bby> heh good pt :)
03:18:47 <docpaul> that's the beauty of a lab
03:18:49 <docpaul> it's a lab. :)
03:18:56 <docpaul> no harm no foul
03:19:16 <docpaul> meant to hack and be rapidly prototypic with
03:19:32 <docpaul> show your warts, robby... it will allow you to proceed with work much more quickly
03:19:37 <r0bby> :(
03:19:41 <docpaul> perfect is the enemy of openmrs
03:19:48 <docpaul> show early, show often
03:20:22 <r0bby> That's what caused machine gun commits. Ben beats me daily for it! :( The owwies.
03:20:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7964]: reporting: Finished implementation of the patient and lab visit … <>
03:20:56 <docpaul> well, changing a line of code and committing each line change IS painful
03:21:01 <docpaul> :)
03:21:48 <r0bby> I like it :)
03:22:03 <r0bby> let me email Guillaume so he can see what his code is being used for :)
03:22:12 <r0bby> his code is the sanitizing of the stack trace :)
03:22:15 <docpaul> send him the labs link! :)
03:22:19 <r0bby> Im gonna.
03:22:34 <docpaul> ppl are going to really enjoy the labs methink
03:22:37 *** omar has joined #openmrs
03:22:43 <docpaul> hey omar. :)
03:22:57 <omar> hi
03:23:19 <omar> I was watching the dev list and see the module of Robby
03:23:32 <omar> Nice , isn't
03:23:45 <docpaul> robby: see what i mean? :)
03:23:57 <docpaul> nothing easier than sending someone a link. :)
03:23:58 <omar> groovy looks cool
03:24:20 <r0bby> shit
03:24:23 <r0bby> alt+n wont work
03:24:33 <r0bby> because the id param will still update that object :X
03:24:45 <r0bby> I need to remove that param somehow...
03:25:02 <docpaul> omar: do me a favor...
03:25:09 <omar> yes
03:25:10 <docpaul> install openmrs 1.42
03:25:13 <docpaul> not trunk
03:25:14 <omar> mmm
03:25:18 <omar> ok
03:25:24 <docpaul> and then apply the demo database
03:25:25 <omar> the war
03:25:26 <r0bby> docpaul: can you add keys?
03:25:28 <docpaul> i bet it works
03:25:32 <omar> ok
03:25:37 <r0bby> is omar the verio guy?
03:25:45 <r0bby> er oh soc guy
03:26:05 <omar> ?
03:26:15 <r0bby> done
03:26:20 <r0bby> including the link to svn :)
03:26:25 <docpaul> omar: he's a little slow sometime. :)
03:26:28 <r0bby> you wanted me to show my warts, well i just did
03:26:33 <docpaul> perfect
03:26:41 <docpaul> i bet you will be happy with the results
03:26:41 <omar> hehe
03:26:43 <r0bby> to the guy who runs the groovy project
03:27:44 <docpaul> great cavs magic game
03:27:52 <r0bby> Addendum sent :)
03:27:52 <omar> yes
03:28:02 <omar> why lebron is bleeding?
03:28:04 <r0bby> :)
03:28:39 <docpaul> hahaha... looks like magic just owned cleveland... at home
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03:30:19 <r0bby> heh
03:30:24 <r0bby> magic johnson is still playing
03:30:31 <r0bby> i believe caffiene eats calcium...
03:31:05 <r0bby> I need to get sleep patterns on track :/
03:31:42 <r0bby> HAHHA
03:31:44 <r0bby> <3 this
03:31:48 <r0bby> "too much recursion"
03:32:12 <r0bby> jquery ui is acting up
03:32:48 <docpaul> hahah... love that email robbo
03:33:03 <docpaul> "i didn't feel this was ready"
03:33:09 <docpaul> you have much to learn young padawan
03:33:16 <r0bby> I love the first part
03:33:20 <r0bby> :)
03:33:28 <docpaul> key to becoming an open source jedi is getting past that feeling
03:33:32 <r0bby> :(
03:33:35 <docpaul> release early and often
03:33:40 <omar> hehe, star wars fans, OMG
03:33:43 <docpaul> show works in progress
03:34:02 <docpaul> show crappy code
03:34:16 <docpaul> people will help you de-crapify it
03:34:19 <r0bby> OH FFS
03:34:23 * r0bby kicks jquery
03:34:47 <r0bby> GAH
03:35:15 <r0bby> i love my friends, i seriously do
03:35:34 <docpaul> i love how the cavs stadium just went totally quiet once lewis dropped that dagger
03:35:44 <r0bby> heh :)
03:35:53 <Keelhaul> sup docpaul
03:36:01 <r0bby> WTF is going on
03:36:06 <docpaul> heya keelhaul :)
03:36:22 <docpaul> did you see robby and burke's groovy module WIP?
03:36:28 <docpaul>
03:36:29 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:36:56 <r0bby> it's 99% me
03:36:57 <Keelhaul> nope
03:36:58 <Keelhaul> looks nice
03:37:05 <Keelhaul> but i dont know any groovy so i cant use it
03:37:10 <r0bby> 1% burke :)
03:37:17 <docpaul> haha... great email from justin. :)
03:37:20 <r0bby> Keelhaul: sample scripts are provided
03:38:29 <Keelhaul> Groovy : true
03:38:35 <r0bby> "p.s. Paul - Thanks for throwing Robby under the bus for the benefit of the group :) "
03:38:36 <Keelhaul> it's supposed to list the modules
03:38:38 <r0bby> HAHA
03:38:40 <Keelhaul> is the output somewhere else?
03:38:44 <r0bby> yes
03:38:49 <r0bby> in teh output tab
03:38:57 <Keelhaul> that was the output tab
03:39:30 <docpaul> ah well, my work is done tonight...
03:39:31 <docpaul> omar? :)
03:40:03 <jmiranda> r0bby, i meant "get ready for feature requests from everyone else"
03:40:04 <docpaul> i expect to hear from you that you have a 1.4.2 version of openmrs installed, operational, and loaded with 500k observations tomorrow. :)
03:40:21 <r0bby> Oh i kniw L)
03:40:23 <docpaul> jmiranda: :)
03:40:29 <r0bby> docpaul: i need my lab fixed
03:40:30 <jmiranda> once people see what it can do already
03:40:39 <r0bby> I'm gonna add macros
03:40:41 <jmiranda> they are going to want a whole lot more :)
03:40:42 <docpaul> this whole "it's not ready" nonsense is for the birds
03:40:45 <r0bby> it's entirely and piss easy to do :)
03:40:48 <jmiranda> docpaul, agreed
03:41:03 <r0bby> we COULD throw the buttons inside the editor
03:41:07 <r0bby> but it looks like utter crap
03:41:17 <jmiranda> r0bby, let the users decide
03:41:20 <jmiranda> they'll let you know
03:41:47 <jmiranda> that's the whole point paul is trying to make and something developer's have a hard time dealing with
03:41:49 <jmiranda> we never think our stuff is finished
03:41:50 <docpaul> hehe, exactly... i love what lab* will bring to the community
03:41:54 <r0bby>
03:41:55 <jmiranda> and we spin our wheels for months
03:41:57 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:42:04 <r0bby> the line numbers make it look horrid
03:42:12 <omar> ok, sure
03:42:23 <omar> I am updating already the war
03:42:38 <r0bby> agh i need calcium
03:42:41 <r0bby> or something
03:42:42 <omar> but I think that Im going to make a backup of my database
03:42:46 <r0bby> this tingling is drivinf me nuts
03:42:55 <omar> or maybe just another database
03:43:02 <jmiranda> r0bby, the buttons don't look too bad inside
03:43:10 <jmiranda> just need a background color
03:43:12 <r0bby> jmiranda: add in line numbers :)
03:43:17 <r0bby> we got it :)
03:43:23 <r0bby> post 2.0
03:43:32 <r0bby> right now just wanna get saving working in a sane way
03:43:40 <jmiranda> how do you add line numbers?
03:43:42 <r0bby> once i get jquery to behave like a good lil librar
03:43:47 <r0bby> it's a property
03:43:55 <r0bby> hold on
03:44:24 <r0bby>
03:44:30 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:44:31 <r0bby> when i construct the editor
03:44:55 <jmiranda> oh, i thought you meant with the jstest demo you posted
03:45:09 <r0bby> oh we can't change that :)
03:45:14 <jmiranda> yeah, line numbers are enabled in the labs version
03:45:18 <jmiranda> and i like it
03:45:19 <r0bby> yes
03:45:24 <r0bby> it was a requireent
03:45:27 <r0bby> requirement
03:45:31 <r0bby> I knew this existed
03:45:33 <r0bby> what we cloned
03:45:38 <jmiranda> it's a very nice feature
03:46:00 <r0bby>
03:46:05 <r0bby> that's what i cloned :)
03:46:33 <r0bby> I beat him to a lot of features hot keys etc
03:46:51 <r0bby> saving :)
03:47:00 <r0bby>
03:47:03 <r0bby> the code
03:47:03 <r0bby> :)
03:47:04 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:47:49 <r0bby> it is :)
03:47:56 <r0bby> plus the hotkeys we set ip were VERY easy
03:48:10 <r0bby> just had to edit one of the codemirror js files :)
03:48:42 <r0bby>
03:48:46 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:48:58 <r0bby> our edits start at the checks for altKey :)
03:49:22 *** Mkop has quit IRC
03:49:58 <r0bby> I want you to let me code facilitydata in groovy :(
03:50:02 <r0bby> BAH
03:50:09 <r0bby> I'll do it in java but damn :<<<
03:50:49 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7965]: reporting: Fixed lab visit dataset to return most recent observation for … <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <>
03:51:16 <r0bby> ok
03:51:20 <r0bby> I need to get my lab working
03:55:11 <r0bby> w00t full gc in progress
03:55:12 <r0bby> :D
03:55:33 <r0bby> it takes i think 3-5 minutes for it to complete :(
03:57:09 <Keelhaul> "Taste my sad, Michael" -G.O.B Bluth
03:57:10 <Keelhaul> lol jmiranda
03:58:05 <r0bby> I love this project
03:58:21 <r0bby> one of the founders throws me under a bus, i feel all naked and exposed
03:58:33 <r0bby> it's one of those nightmares where you're naked
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03:58:56 <r0bby> sigh
03:58:58 <docpaul> and then you realize... wait... i had nothing to worry about! :)
03:59:16 <r0bby> hmm
03:59:17 <r0bby> :<
03:59:19 <r0bby> sigh
03:59:24 <r0bby> burke wants the name in a dialog
03:59:29 <r0bby> which i'm doing :)
03:59:41 <r0bby> and very hacky mind you :)
04:00:40 <r0bby> mmm rename ro groovy
04:07:14 <r0bby> ok
04:07:25 <r0bby> I by default am making the 100 concepts script a default :)
04:07:31 <r0bby> heredocs are AMAZING :)
04:07:34 <r0bby> '''
04:07:35 <r0bby> :)
04:07:38 <r0bby> and """
04:07:49 <r0bby> handy when you wanna format a string
04:07:56 <r0bby> and dont wanna deal w/ anything :)
04:30:15 *** omar has quit IRC
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04:53:21 <r0bby> ?!?!
04:53:28 <r0bby> uhm
04:53:39 <r0bby> comcast can't do routing worth a damn
04:53:49 <r0bby> correct me if i'm wrong
04:53:58 <r0bby> he should be on the indiana routers....
04:54:04 <r0bby> gg
04:54:05 <r0bby> er
05:03:20 *** omar has quit IRC
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05:57:01 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Unable to re-build database from war deployment? <>
06:05:41 *** Mkop has joined #openmrs
06:06:27 <Mkop> ahhh, back on my own computer
06:06:28 <Mkop> finally
06:06:33 <Mkop> enough with this mibbit business
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06:15:30 <r0bby> wtf
06:15:37 <r0bby> wtf does this mean: too much recursion
06:17:22 <Mkop> r0bby: what's giving that error?
06:17:35 <Mkop> I know python for example has a limit of recursion depth
06:17:46 <r0bby> jquery
06:17:53 <r0bby> and it's not referencing my code either
06:18:04 <r0bby> i *AM* manipulating the DOM
06:18:10 <Mkop> no idea, never used jquery
06:18:11 <r0bby> specifically form field values :)
06:18:16 <r0bby> I have
06:18:44 <Mkop> does jquery have a limit to recursion depth?
06:18:52 <Mkop> and are you using very deep recursion?
06:20:07 <nribeka> hi Mkop
06:20:09 <nribeka> hi r0bby
06:20:10 <r0bby> no!
06:20:17 <Mkop> hi nyoman
06:20:29 <nribeka> haha
06:20:34 <nribeka> you know my first name?
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06:20:59 <Mkop> of course
06:21:11 <Mkop> I think I looked you up on the pitt website
06:21:19 <nribeka> eh ... really?
06:21:21 <nribeka> hmm ...
06:21:42 <Mkop> you've probably also emailed the listserv with your full name, no?
06:22:22 <nribeka> yeah ...
06:23:38 <r0bby>
06:23:48 <r0bby> I do :)
06:23:55 <r0bby> nribeka: why do they call you win :P
06:23:58 <Mkop> hmm, have you? I'm not finding you
06:24:03 <r0bby> I have :)
06:24:04 <Mkop> that's his middle name or something
06:24:16 <Mkop> emailed the listserv? yes, of course you have
06:24:35 <Mkop> oh, I found you nribeka
06:24:39 <r0bby> :)
06:25:03 <r0bby> I recently sent msgs warning of the potential of the groovy module to eat your first born and/or do things to you when you sleep.
06:25:06 <r0bby> :)
06:25:10 <r0bby> meh
06:25:12 <Mkop> but I did also stalk you on the pitt website
06:25:22 <r0bby> Mkop: that's creepy :P
06:25:34 <Mkop> not particularly
06:25:36 <nribeka> haha ...
06:25:42 <nribeka> did you find anything interesting?
06:25:50 <nribeka> my name is Nyoman Winardi Ribeka
06:26:04 <nribeka> so win --> it's easier to pronounce :P
06:26:10 <Mkop>
06:26:13 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
06:26:28 <Mkop> what's "I Nyoman Ribeka"?
06:26:47 <nribeka> I Nyoman Ribeka
06:26:50 <nribeka> forgot the I
06:26:54 <nribeka> I --> male
06:27:01 <Mkop> huh?
06:27:04 <nribeka> Ni --> female
06:27:10 <nribeka> Nyoman --> third son
06:27:27 <nribeka> so I Nyoman --> most common name for male third son in Bali, Indonesia
06:27:28 <nribeka> :)
06:27:33 <Mkop> cool
06:27:48 <Mkop> for the third son, or for the third child, if he's male?
06:28:11 <nribeka> third child always Nyoman
06:28:15 <nribeka> I always for male
06:28:16 <Mkop> what does Winardi mean?
06:28:17 <r0bby> huh lol
06:28:23 <nribeka> :P
06:28:44 <nribeka> Winardi --> just some common name too lol
06:28:47 <r0bby> I'm Robby -- spelled with a y because i dunno why but it worked because i *ALWAYS* asked "why"
06:29:27 <r0bby> my parents stopped after me :)
06:29:30 <r0bby> I taught them :D
06:30:03 <Mkop> how else would you spell robby?
06:30:25 <nribeka> robi? :D
06:30:28 <nribeka> indonesian way ...
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06:50:56 <nribeka> r0bby, your module is awesome
06:51:08 <r0bby> Mkop: Roby, Robbie, the list is endless
06:51:17 <r0bby> nribeka: I know :)
06:51:24 <Mkop> that would be a dumb way to spell it
06:52:33 <r0bby> AGH
06:52:41 <r0bby> Robbie is common
06:52:55 <r0bby> in fact most people misspell my name close to i'd say 90% of the time
06:53:04 <r0bby> only those who know me VERY well spell it correctly
06:53:17 <r0bby> oh i'm stumped...
06:53:53 <r0bby>
06:53:58 <r0bby> now that _SHOULD_ work
06:54:08 <r0bby> as it's literally setting the value within the DOM :)
06:54:50 <nribeka> argghh ...
06:54:51 <Mkop> robby: 5.4 million hits on google
06:54:54 <nribeka> flood committing
06:54:56 <Mkop> robbie: 27 million
06:55:03 <nribeka> i need to restructure our directory ...
06:55:03 <nribeka> :(
06:55:05 <Mkop> I was wrong
06:55:26 <r0bby> Mkop: I know :)
06:55:38 <r0bby> Roby is also common
06:55:55 <r0bby> one of the guys in the credits for the old sonic the hedgehog cartoon was named roby(spelled that way)
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06:58:29 <r0bby> YES ok i got it
06:58:42 <r0bby>
06:58:43 <r0bby> WEEEE
06:58:54 <r0bby> setting the value of form fields programmatically :)
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06:59:16 <r0bby> BOOYAH!
06:59:19 * r0bby dances
07:05:49 <r0bby> this i spissing me off
07:09:12 <pascal`> hi guys
07:09:30 <pascal`> i have a question... what operating systems are you all using?
07:12:17 <Mkop> WinXP here
07:14:08 <r0bby> Vista Home Premium
07:14:40 <r0bby> the value of the name field isn't saving...
07:15:17 <Mkop> pascal`: probably more people use linux though
07:15:27 <Mkop> well, it's probably a mix
07:15:41 <pascal`> i'm on xp atm, but i think i'm gonna try out ubuntu
07:15:56 <pascal`> i'm getting a new machine hopefully soon
07:16:08 <r0bby> I'm ircing from ubuntu tho :)
07:16:41 <Mkop> r0bby: from a VM?
07:16:51 <Mkop> or from another machine?
07:17:06 <pascal`> 9.04?
07:17:24 <Mkop> the next time I buy a new computer it'll probably be a linux machine
07:17:32 <Mkop> I have no idea which distro I would get though
07:17:50 <pascal`> well, it depends on what level of configuration you feel like doing
07:18:08 <pascal`> it ranges from: [Gentoo, XFCE] to [Ubuntu]
07:18:44 <pascal`> with Redhat, Fedora, Mandriva, Debian, Slackware making up the middle
07:19:04 <pascal`> Fedora and Mandriva are on the easy side
07:19:12 <pascal`> The others are a bit more tricky
07:19:32 <Mkop> Gentoo and XFCE are the hardest ones?
07:19:43 <pascal`> Ubuntu is well supported and has a nice package repository
07:19:53 <pascal`> XFCE is a X Windows system
07:19:57 <pascal`> Gentoo is the distro
07:20:06 <pascal`> it just takes a bunch more config
07:20:11 <Mkop> the way this laptop is working for me, I'll probably end up getting Ubuntu 12.0 or something
07:20:42 <pascal`> if it's your first linux distro, it's probably best to go to Ubuntu
07:20:50 <pascal`> you could always test it out with the windows install
07:21:31 <pascal`> check out the bottom of:
07:21:41 <Mkop> I have experience with linux, but not with an entire machine
07:21:46 <Mkop> this computer has andLinux
07:21:51 <pascal`> (kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE)
07:21:56 <Mkop>
07:22:13 <Mkop> and I often ssh into a server
07:22:25 <Mkop> and lately I've done considerable work on other linux machiens
07:22:28 <Mkop> machines*
07:22:37 <Mkop> but they have been machines configured by other people
07:22:45 <Mkop> so I know nothing about configuring systems
07:22:50 <Mkop> but that's what google and IRC are for
07:23:24 <pascal`> yeah, well, ubuntu is pretty much a one click install type thing
07:23:52 <Mkop> right now installing a VM isn't really an option - I just don't have the hard drive space
07:23:53 <pascal`> gentoo is like, recompile the kernel for each installation and compile each driver individually
07:24:08 <pascal`> hdd space is always a problem =\
07:24:11 <Mkop> I have 1 gig of HD space free
07:24:19 <Mkop> if I were to delete andLinux, I'd have 4
07:24:25 <Mkop> which is still nowhere close to enough
07:24:53 <Mkop> this is a 4 year old computer, so I only have ~30 gig total
07:25:10 <pascal`> 4 gigs is more than enough
07:25:15 <pascal`> even 1 gig is fine
07:25:27 <pascal`> most OS's fit in a gig
07:25:50 <pascal`> remember, you can still access all the space outside the vm.... you just map network drives
07:27:52 <pascal`> if you only have 30 gigs, i would recommend getting an external =D
07:28:41 <Mkop> I have an external drive
07:28:49 <Mkop> but then it started making funny noises
07:28:51 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7967]: patient matching lib: adding new dir structure. i hope this will become … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7966]: patient matching lib: removing the folder and added on the next commit. … <>
07:29:00 <Mkop> and I don't want to do anything with it until I back it up
07:29:11 <Mkop> because once it starts making funny noises, you know it's about to die
07:30:40 <pascal`> naah
07:30:45 <pascal`> mine makes funny noises all the time
07:30:47 <pascal`> it's find
07:31:23 <pascal`> my internals started doing it, so i tilted my tower to once side for a few months.... now it's back up straight and everything seems fine
07:31:25 <pascal`> (=
07:31:40 <pascal`> *fine
07:41:00 <Mkop> lol
07:41:15 <Mkop> aside from funny noises, it also gives funny error messages
07:41:26 <pascal`> well, that's different
07:41:28 <Mkop> the kind of error messages indicating that the drive's about to die
07:42:17 <Mkop> and the noises themselves are pretty ominous - things like strange clicks
07:42:31 <Mkop> repeated clicks telling me the drive is scratched, maybe
07:43:39 <pascal`> hmm
07:43:44 <pascal`> yeah, that doesn't sound good
07:44:00 <pascal`>
07:44:02 <r0bby>
07:44:05 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
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07:44:07 <r0bby> what's your take ?
07:46:55 <pascal`> groovy
07:47:28 <r0bby> oh that was just patronizing!
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07:59:46 <Mkop> is there an easy way to convert a bunch of linux-formatted (\r) text files to windows format (\r\n)?
08:01:54 <pascal`> unix2dos?
08:01:56 <pascal`> well, in linux
08:02:05 <pascal`> or awk/sed script
08:02:33 <pascal`> or in vim with the multifile search and replace plugin
08:06:50 <r0bby> in gvim:
08:06:54 <r0bby> :set ff=dos
08:07:05 <r0bby> (available for windows)
08:08:57 <Mkop> I need to do it with a bunch of files
08:09:08 <Mkop> I'm writing a shell script
08:09:14 <Mkop> using sed
08:14:18 * r0bby burps
08:14:34 <r0bby> Mkop: google around
08:14:41 <r0bby> there are scripts trust me
08:14:48 <Mkop> I actually don't need sed
08:14:53 <Mkop> I can use unix2dos
08:15:14 <Mkop> but I still need a bit of a "script" to go through all the m-files in subdirectories
08:16:03 <Mkop> for file in `find`;do unix2dos -p -u $file;done;
08:16:57 <pascal`> there are plenty of ways of doing it
08:17:37 <Mkop> that way works and is done in one line, so I think it's the winner
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08:59:05 <pascal`> o.O
09:04:08 <Mkop1> hmm, strange. I tried printing a paper, and the first 4 pages are fine, and then the rest is total gibberish
09:06:44 *** Mkop has quit IRC
09:09:02 <pascal`> maybe you haven't done the required preliminary reading?
09:11:26 <r0bby> Mkop1: become well versed in the art of BS'ing
09:11:34 <r0bby> I had to do a research paper for my digital electronics
09:11:50 <r0bby> either her standards are really low, or I am an awesome BS'er
09:12:21 <r0bby> It sounded co-herent when i wrote it :)
09:12:34 <r0bby> part of it was written when i was dead tired too :)
09:15:58 <r0bby> Mkop1: and 90% of it isn't even research, it was just stuff i had learned :)
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12:13:51 <pascal`> hey bwolfe
12:19:23 <bwolfe> hi there pascal`
12:51:58 <pascal`> should i get coffee?
12:51:58 * pascal` shakes magic 8-ball
12:53:40 <pascal`> anyone seen this?
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13:44:51 <jmiranda> pascal`, nope, it looks like you're the first
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13:55:20 <pascal`> well, the first out of you guys
13:57:54 *** Keelhaul has joined #openmrs
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13:58:03 <pascal`> anyway, everyone should check it out
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14:04:13 <Keelhaul> hi
14:04:37 * pascal` gets coffee
14:06:12 <nribeka> hi Keelhaul
14:15:00 <pascal`> hi
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14:21:59 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7971]: in patientmatching module, remove if statement that was made redundant … <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1485 (task closed): Implement a maintenance page to allow administrators to upgrade database manually <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1460 (enhancement closed): Disable automatic liquibase updates (by default) <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7970]: Fixing hsqdl database check in database updater <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7969]: Added update wizard to let the admin review the liquibase updates - … <>
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14:46:47 * pascal` :D\-< :D|-< :D/-<
14:49:35 <bwolfe_> heh, what now pascal` ?
14:56:19 <pascal`> music
14:56:40 <Mkop1> pascal`: you need to do it on separate lines
14:56:41 <pascal`>
14:56:44 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
14:58:18 <Mkop1> pascal`, r0bby: that thing I said printed out as gibberish, I mean total gibberish. Not a badly written paper, but a printer screw-up so it kept the right layout, but switched all the characters around
14:58:38 <Mkop1> and it wasn't a paper I wrote
14:58:46 <Mkop1> it was a paper I want to read
14:59:18 <pascal`> i'm thinking outside the box
14:59:47 <Mkop1> pascal`: is that earthlings things supposed to have sound?
15:04:50 <Keelhaul> gta 4 soundtrack is nice
15:04:58 <Keelhaul> i actually put some of it in my car
15:09:37 <pascal`> yeah, san andreas was good too
15:09:43 <pascal`> but gta iv is amazing
15:14:35 <Keelhaul> well
15:14:39 <Keelhaul> i liked the predecessors better
15:14:45 <Keelhaul> mostly because they were sunnier
15:14:48 <Keelhaul> =)
15:20:51 <pascal`> well
15:21:27 <pascal`> Mkop1, earthlings is a whole documentary
15:21:49 <pascal`> i'm not sure if the trailer on the site is supposed to have sound, but i watched the doccy last night and it definately has sound
15:22:22 <pascal`> Keelhaul, I think the general environment on gta iv is way better than san andreas and the others
15:22:32 <pascal`> ... /way/ more realistic
15:22:36 <Keelhaul> well
15:22:54 <Keelhaul> but it doesnt have a huge wilderness region like san andreas
15:23:02 <pascal`> yeah sure
15:23:14 <Keelhaul> and cali is cooler than ny =P
15:23:30 <pascal`> if you say so
15:23:33 <nribeka> pittsburgh is cooler
15:23:36 <Keelhaul> gta4 design of it is better than gta3 though, imo
15:26:04 <pascal`> gta4 is awesome. the environments, the level of detail, the car physics, voice acting, storyline.... everything....
15:26:43 <pascal`> *music
15:28:36 <Keelhaul> well
15:28:45 <Keelhaul> tbh, i liked the vice city music better
15:28:50 <Keelhaul> i like 80s music
15:29:06 <Keelhaul> gta4 had some nice stations but there's also a lot of music which i can't relate to
15:29:10 <Keelhaul> like contemporary rap
15:29:27 <Keelhaul> and maybe you played gta4 on an xbox
15:29:33 <Keelhaul> because the pc version is a poor port
15:29:46 <Keelhaul> and looks awful unless you jack up the details
15:29:55 <Keelhaul> and because it's such a poor port, you need a quad core for that
15:30:07 <pascal`> I like the Massive B station :)
15:30:18 <pascal`> i played the pc version
15:30:25 <pascal`> didn't like too bad
15:30:41 <Keelhaul> i had to set everything to 1/4 or so
15:30:44 <pascal`> i only have a dual core and an 8500gt, seemed fine
15:30:45 <Keelhaul> which is lame
15:30:50 <Keelhaul> weird
15:30:52 <Keelhaul> what res
15:30:55 <pascal`> low res
15:30:58 <Keelhaul> ah
15:31:05 <Keelhaul> i drop everything else before i drop the res
15:31:06 <pascal`> you're right
15:31:10 <Keelhaul> 1680x1050
15:31:14 <pascal`> it's wasn't ready for PC
15:31:25 <pascal`> no, i'd rather have the proper effects at a lower res
15:31:31 <Keelhaul> yea, considering it took them 8 months or so to port it
15:31:35 <pascal`> i don't want to lose all the lighting and weather etc
15:31:54 <Keelhaul> who cares about details if it's blurry
15:32:09 <pascal`> well, 1024x768 isn't blurry
15:32:23 <Keelhaul> that dependso n the monitor's native res
15:32:30 <pascal`> i played on a crt
15:33:15 <pascal`> you are correct tho, that was one bad aspect of the game.... you need high end hardware
15:33:30 <pascal`> I liked the russian music channel
15:33:38 <pascal`> Vladivostok FM
15:33:47 <pascal`> and of course all the talk channels were hilarious as usual
15:33:53 <Keelhaul> heh
15:34:12 <pascal`> def my fav game of all time
15:34:13 <Keelhaul> it was ok
15:34:29 <Keelhaul> and i understand all the lyrics on vladivostok fm =)
15:34:38 <pascal`> heh, cool
15:35:28 <Keelhaul>
15:35:32 <Keelhaul> thats what it looks like on mine
15:35:35 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
15:35:51 <Keelhaul> it doesn support fsaa, which sucks
15:37:19 <pascal`> i'm not sure you're supposed to have guys hanging off the car.... :D
15:37:32 <pascal`> and yeah, you're definately missing all the cool post processing effects
15:37:44 <Keelhaul> oh well
15:37:48 <Keelhaul> not my fault
15:39:20 <pascal`> no, pity though
15:39:34 <pascal`> because a lot of the feel of the game comes from the post processing
15:39:45 <Keelhaul> well maybe in a year or so lol
15:39:58 <Keelhaul> i still havent unlocked most of the achievements
15:41:17 <pascal`> i finished the main story line then stopped
15:41:25 <pascal`> my addiction level was super high
15:42:17 <Keelhaul> i think gta are the only ones i ever played after beating them
15:42:29 <Keelhaul> it was fun to just get on a bike and go across country in san andreas
15:42:57 <pascal`> yeah
15:43:04 <pascal`> i liked flying around in san adreas
15:43:25 <Keelhaul> heh yea
15:43:28 <Keelhaul> i had my own hydra
15:44:48 <pascal`> san andreas also has more vehicles than gta iv
15:45:43 <Keelhaul> maybe
15:45:48 <pascal`> definately
15:45:48 <Keelhaul> the turf wars were annoying though
15:45:51 <pascal`> types
15:45:57 <pascal`> in san andreas?
15:46:00 <Keelhaul> i remember conquering all hoods so that they stop attacking me
15:46:00 <Keelhaul> yea
15:46:16 <Keelhaul> only to find out that you lose them all mid game and have to conquer them again
15:46:26 <pascal`> yeah
15:46:42 <pascal`> i never finished san andreas because i was getting annoyed by that mission
15:46:52 <pascal`> well, i didn'
15:46:58 <pascal`> t finish the main story line
15:52:38 <pascal`> jmiranda, did you find a new phone?
15:55:07 <jmiranda> pascal`, not yet
15:55:16 <pascal`> oh
15:55:25 <jmiranda> haven't done any research yet
15:56:30 <pascal`> ok
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15:59:06 <pascal`> xperia x1 ftw (=
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16:04:10 <Mkop1> it's so much fun reading through chat logs if you do it with accents
16:04:55 <Mkop1> pascal`: do you have an English SAn accent, or an Afrikaans accent, or a zulu accent, or what?
16:05:15 <pascal`> english south african
16:05:23 <Mkop1> that's what I figured, somehow
16:05:29 <Keelhaul> what does that sound like
16:05:35 <pascal`> um
16:05:47 <pascal`> i'll find a clip
16:05:49 <Mkop1> Keelhaul:
16:05:52 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:06:10 <Mkop1> pascal` probably sounds like #4
16:07:14 <Keelhaul> doesnt sound any different from british to me
16:07:31 <Mkop1> that one doesn't have so much pronounced south africanisms
16:08:04 <pascal`> downloading...
16:08:20 <pascal`> i might sound like 27 or 28
16:09:06 <pascal`> i dont think i use that many south africanisms
16:09:18 <pascal`> i sure i probably do
16:09:19 <Mkop1> I'm not talking about in choice of words, but more in accent
16:09:45 <Keelhaul> also, why do you read irc logs out loud o_O
16:10:15 <pascal`> yeah, i think that southafrica4 is pretty accurate
16:10:19 <Mkop1> what got me reading the logs in accents was
16:10:19 <Mkop1> [09:39] <pascal`> no, pity though
16:10:31 <Mkop1> that's a SAnism
16:10:35 <Keelhaul> rly
16:10:42 <Mkop1> I'm sure you say ja instead of yeah, right?
16:10:43 <pascal`> it's what most of my friends etc sound like
16:10:48 <pascal`> ja
16:10:53 <Keelhaul> me?
16:10:58 <pascal`> or sometimes i say: yes
16:11:05 <Mkop1> I was talking to pascal` but I'm sure you do too
16:11:10 <Keelhaul> no i dont =P
16:11:16 <Mkop1> ja pronounced yaah
16:11:23 <pascal`> Keelhaul, Mkop1, what do you guys sound like?
16:11:29 <Mkop1> American
16:11:36 <Mkop1> I was born in SA but I have no accent
16:11:37 <Keelhaul> i dont know what i sound like
16:11:44 <Keelhaul> how come you were borin in SA
16:11:46 <Keelhaul> -i
16:12:01 <Mkop1> Keelhaul: do you have a russian accent, or german, or both?
16:12:08 <Mkop1> because that's where my family lived
16:12:13 <Keelhaul> well i have no accent when speaking german
16:12:14 <Mkop1> that usually why people get born in a cocuntry
16:12:16 <Keelhaul> when speaking english, i dunno
16:12:33 <Mkop1> pascal`: there's a large Indian population in SA? really?
16:12:43 <Mkop1> so says Mrs. SA 7
16:12:50 <pascal`> yeah
16:12:55 <pascal`> especially in Durban
16:13:01 <pascal`> (on the east coast)
16:13:10 <Mkop1> my mom was born in Durban
16:13:13 <Mkop1> or nearby
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16:14:13 <pascal`> well, that's the closest to india =)
16:14:14 <Keelhaul> Mkop1: do your parents have sounth african accents, then?
16:14:19 <Keelhaul> -n
16:14:21 <pascal`> also, it has a pretty tropical climate
16:14:47 <pascal`> Keelhaul, do you sound like any of these: ?
16:14:49 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:15:56 <Mkop1> my parents have been in the US for 18 years, so they've lost most of it
16:16:05 <Keelhaul> #5 sounds like those stereotype german accents in cartoons
16:16:07 <Mkop1> but they still have some
16:16:31 <Keelhaul> really
16:16:38 <Keelhaul> well maybe because they're native english speakers?
16:16:45 <Keelhaul> my parents have been in germany for almost 17 years
16:16:48 <Keelhaul> still have heavy accents
16:17:12 <pascal`> Keelhaul, russian accents?
16:17:32 <Keelhaul> yea
16:17:39 <pascal`> hey, what kind of bandwidth do you guys have?
16:17:43 <Keelhaul> 26/1
16:17:47 <pascal`> i like russian accents (=
16:17:57 <pascal`> 26/1?
16:18:01 <Keelhaul> mbits
16:18:07 <Mkop1> I have no idea what bandwidth it is, but we have DSL
16:18:12 <Keelhaul> to westerners, all eastern europe accents sound pretty much the same
16:18:15 <pascal`>
16:18:22 <Keelhaul> and languages too
16:18:24 <Mkop1> why do you ask?
16:18:27 <pascal`> Keelhaul, yeah, that's true
16:18:43 <pascal`> well, in south africa we don't really have decent bandwidth, so i'm just interested
16:19:11 <pascal`> also, i'm wondering how you guys use your bandwidth
16:20:01 <pascal`> i have 384kbps / 192kbps
16:20:08 * pascal` sobs
16:20:13 <Mkop1> I don't use much bandwidth
16:20:29 <Keelhaul> yea, thats barely enough for youtube =/
16:20:33 <pascal`> plus our bandwidth is capped to rediculously small amounts
16:20:40 <pascal`> i can't stream youtube
16:20:47 <pascal`> 3gig caps are about the standard
16:20:50 <Keelhaul> some rural areas here are limited to 384
16:21:13 <Mkop1> I'm around 3 Mbps download, 0.7 Mbps upload
16:21:14 <pascal`> well the fastest you can get here is a 4mbps dsl line
16:21:26 <pascal`> sigh
16:21:29 <Keelhaul> the fastest i can get is 32/2
16:21:37 <Keelhaul> large cities have 50 nowadays
16:21:49 <Keelhaul> and theres an experiment with 100 in hamburg, i heard
16:21:57 <pascal`> i use as much bandwidth as my line will allow =)
16:22:24 <pascal`> 384kbps mean 40kbps downloads =\
16:22:26 <pascal`> tops
16:22:32 <Mkop1> pascal`: you're in Cape Town, right?
16:22:38 <pascal`> plus, most protocols are shaped (limited) during the day
16:22:42 <pascal`> Cape Town, yeah
16:22:57 <Mkop1> I assume the offerings are the same in Joburg, ja?
16:24:32 <pascal`> yarr
16:25:51 <pascal`> international bandwidth is rediculously expensive
16:25:54 <pascal`> local is ok
16:30:35 <Keelhaul> hmm
16:30:40 <Keelhaul> holiday today, all stores are closed
16:35:07 <pascal`> all?
16:35:25 <pascal`> what day is it?
16:35:27 <pascal`>
16:35:31 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:36:03 <Keelhaul> ascension day
16:36:07 <Mkop1> how many days is it since easter?
16:36:12 <Keelhaul> dunno
16:36:14 <Mkop1> I guess 39 then
16:36:23 <pascal`> oic
16:36:35 <pascal`> and ascension day is actually and official holiday?
16:36:45 <Keelhaul> catholic provices have even more holidays
16:36:52 <Keelhaul> provinces*
16:37:03 <pascal`> hmm
16:37:10 <Mkop1> Keelhaul: here's a better way to hear a SAn accent:
16:37:43 <pascal`> that guy does funny pranks
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16:38:46 <Mkop1> that definitely sounds different from a british accent
16:38:57 <pascal`> he's putting on a weird accent tho
16:39:14 <pascal`> he's trying to sound like an old person
16:39:23 <pascal`> but i guess there are other people speaking...
16:39:41 <Keelhaul> lol
16:39:56 <Mkop1> is probably more normal
16:41:08 <pascal`> SA ftw
16:41:40 <Keelhaul> so
16:41:47 <Keelhaul> are you guys prepared for the world cup next year?
16:41:59 <Mkop1> is it in SA?
16:42:21 <Keelhaul> yea
16:42:45 <Keelhaul>
16:42:47 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:43:06 <pascal`> yeah we're prepared
16:43:14 <pascal`> i mean, i think so
16:43:25 <pascal`> it's a pretty big operation which i'm not really a part of
16:43:41 <pascal`> i dont think it will run as smoothly as germany, but that's to be expected
16:43:42 <Mkop1> what city is it in?
16:43:55 <pascal`> it's in multiple cities i think
16:43:59 <Mkop1> as long as they don't have brownouts in the middle
16:44:04 <Mkop1> or whatever you call them
16:44:13 <Mkop1> when the electric company randomly decides to shut off power
16:44:15 <pascal`> ppl used to first world efficiency might get impatient with certain things
16:44:18 <Keelhaul> Mkop1: it's all over the country
16:44:21 <pascal`> no, we wont have power cuts
16:44:32 <pascal`> i think they'll make pretty sure about that
16:44:58 <pascal`> i mean, Eskom is the largest power company in africa (afaik), so i think they're pretty capable
16:45:28 <pascal`> we have all the stadiums and infrastructure and stuff
16:45:39 <Mkop1> lol - "your okes"
16:45:41 <pascal`> it's only really transport that we're lacking... but they're making various plans for that
16:45:49 <pascal`> i don't say okes
16:46:02 <Mkop1> I'm still listening to whackhead simpson
16:46:08 <pascal`> i figured
16:46:16 <pascal`> (spot the americanism)
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16:46:55 <Mkop1> lol
16:50:40 <pascal`> will either of you guys be at the developer conference this year?
16:52:22 <pascal`> looks like i've finished my second module =D
16:52:28 <pascal`> time for another...
16:52:38 <Keelhaul> heh
16:52:40 * pascal` :D\-< :D|-< :D/-<
16:52:43 <Keelhaul> what do they do
16:52:57 <pascal`> well, my first module was a global property editor module
16:53:11 <pascal`> you can grab it from the module repository if you wanna check it out
16:53:39 <Mkop1>
16:54:12 <pascal`>
16:54:13 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:54:31 <pascal`> the module that i just finished adds roles based viewing and editing to htmlforms
16:56:21 <pascal`> well, there is one problem which need to solve
16:56:46 <Mkop1> bwolfe_: you here?
17:00:29 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7973]: ncd: Removed ZipCodeToCountyConverter as it's debug code that wasn't ever … <>
17:04:13 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: I am now
17:05:02 <Keelhaul> pascal`: nice
17:05:14 <Keelhaul> pascal`: are you a gsoc student
17:05:29 <pascal`> no
17:05:39 <pascal`> just an ordinary developer
17:05:41 <Keelhaul> hmm
17:05:48 <Keelhaul> how does the role based thing work for htmlforms
17:05:52 <pascal`> hopefully i'll be able to do gsoc next year, i missed it this year
17:06:03 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: did you see the email to the implementers list today ?
17:06:15 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: "Updated Flowsheet module"
17:06:20 <bwolfe_> :-)
17:06:21 <Mkop1> no
17:06:25 <Mkop1> are the archives online?
17:06:36 <Mkop1> I'm not subscribed to the implementers list - should I?
17:06:36 <bwolfe_> yeah, nabble
17:06:44 <bwolfe_> no, you probably don't need to be
17:06:45 <pascal`> Keelhaul, well, when you create an html form, you can associate roles with the form and you can specify whether that role is a view or edit role
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17:07:12 <pascal`> then, on the html forms patient portlet, it only shows the html forms that the current user has the roles to view/edit
17:07:21 <Keelhaul> ah ok
17:07:21 <Keelhaul> nice
17:07:22 <Mkop1> nice
17:07:38 <pascal`> it's ok
17:07:46 <Mkop1> I'm starting work on that now
17:07:49 <bwolfe> pascal`: would be awesome to have that functionality be on the general org.openrms.Form objects
17:07:49 <Mkop1> just checked it out from the repo
17:07:59 <bwolfe> Mkop1: sweet
17:08:54 <pascal`> bwolfe: well, maybe when i'm working regenstrief then i can implement that =D
17:09:57 <pascal`> also, i'm only working on the htmlforms module, so i can't really make core changes...
17:10:27 <Keelhaul> pascal`: you work on the module directly?
17:10:50 <pascal`> i checked out the module, disconnected it from the repository and started hacking away =)
17:10:55 <Keelhaul> ah ok
17:11:14 <Keelhaul> theres a patch i wrote for that module which darius never reviewed
17:11:24 <pascal`> a patch that does what?
17:11:43 <Keelhaul> allows different decimal and thousands separators based on the user's locale
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17:12:05 <pascal`> oic
17:13:42 <pascal`> i just have to make one more change to include inhereted roles, but other than that it seems to work fine
17:13:49 <pascal`> well, it's not fool proof
17:14:06 <pascal`> you can still edit/view a form by entering the url directly
17:14:11 <Keelhaul> heh
17:14:24 <pascal`> but i knew that was going to be the case from the beginning
17:14:48 <pascal`> anyway, gonna go chill with the wife for a while
17:14:52 <pascal`> bbl... maybe (=
17:15:08 <Mkop1> bwolfe: I switched up the .jars, and am only getting 3 deprecation warnings
17:15:08 <Keelhaul> ok
17:15:10 <Mkop1> no errors
17:15:57 <bwolfe> Mkop1: might be a jsp thing then. :-/
17:16:16 <bwolfe> or you need to do a clean build
17:16:25 <Mkop1> I did a clean build
17:16:38 <Keelhaul> what are you up to
17:16:52 <Mkop1> is there any way to test the jsps, other than start openmrs, load the omod, crash and burn, fix error, try load again, crash and burn again, ....
17:17:01 <Mkop1> !ticket 440
17:17:01 <OpenMRSBot> Mkop1: Ticket #440:
17:19:09 <Mkop1> bwolfe: ^^
17:20:02 <bwolfe> Mkop1: nope, thats about it :-/
17:20:07 <Mkop1> hey wait, I don't know if eclipse is even opening the jsps
17:20:28 <bwolfe> Mkop1: although you can use "deploy-web" after the first module install and it will just copy over the jsps/images/css for you. no reloading of the module is necessary
17:21:05 <Mkop1> are there any incompatibilities between 1.4.x and 1.5.x in this regard?
17:21:57 <bwolfe> not that I can think of
17:22:20 <Mkop1> so I should be able to compile the module using the 1.4 jar and load it using my trunk build?
17:24:57 <Keelhaul> pascal`: very nice module
17:25:02 <Keelhaul> no more scrolling
17:25:22 <Keelhaul> hm
17:25:52 <Keelhaul> i need to steal his tree view code
17:29:19 <bwolfe> Mkop1: yeah, I think you should be able to
17:29:25 <Mkop1> ok
17:32:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7976]: Set each of the input dates for rwandaIndicators.jsp to default to the … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7975]: serialization: add function to deal with cglib proxy and writted a simple … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7974]: reporting module: added XlsReportRenderer and supporting classes <>
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17:45:12 <Mkop1> uh oh
17:45:25 <Mkop1> how do I change the password to the admin user?
17:45:50 <Mkop1> I would prefer not having to do drop database openmrs; and then go through the whole wizard again
17:46:05 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: you can change the password/salt column in the users table
17:54:44 *** bwolfe has quit IRC
17:58:57 * Mkop1 starts going through the mysql tutorial to figure out something as "easy" as that
18:01:27 <nribeka> you need to use the method call to generate the password and salt Mkop1
18:02:00 <Mkop1> I'm still stuck on changing a value in a table
18:02:14 <Mkop1> how are secret question and answer stored?
18:02:24 <Mkop1> they're not plain text, I assume?
18:02:31 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: actually they are
18:02:43 <nribeka> update users set password = xxxxx where user_id = 1
18:02:49 <bwolfe_> you could just set your question and answer in the db and then click on "forgot by password"
18:03:03 <Mkop1> that's probably easier than generating the encoded password
18:03:17 <nribeka> yeah
18:04:57 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: the encoded admin/test password and salt are in the initialInMemoryTest.xml
18:06:16 <Mkop1> I just created a secret_question and secret_answer
18:06:24 <Mkop1> hmm
18:06:28 <Mkop1> first it tells me (Must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one number)
18:06:40 <Mkop1> then it says Please choose a password that is at least 8 characters long
18:07:22 <bwolfe_> haha, nice
18:07:30 <nribeka> haha ...
18:07:32 <Keelhaul> 8 is new
18:07:34 <bwolfe_> that is nribeka's fault. :-p
18:07:39 <nribeka> argh ...
18:07:40 <Keelhaul> the pw also has to have at least one uppercase char too
18:07:52 * nribeka duck
18:08:12 <nribeka> one uppercase + one digit + min 8
18:08:32 <nribeka> a mistake in the error message Mkop1?
18:08:49 <nribeka> ups ... i guess i need to change the props file again?
18:08:59 <Mkop1> I'm staying out of this
18:09:04 <Mkop1> actually, that's a lie
18:09:24 <Mkop1> I vote for not having strict password requirements, or if they are strict, reporting all the problems with the password right away
18:10:19 <nribeka>
18:11:07 <Mkop1> lol!
18:12:48 <Mkop1> nribeka: am I blaming you for these password issues?
18:13:02 <Mkop1> it's telling me to choose a password with letters and numbers, and I already have letters and numbers
18:13:15 <Mkop1> unless you mean I need an A-Z, an a-z, and a 0-9
18:13:22 <Mkop1> in which case you should darn well say so
18:14:32 <Mkop1> grrr
18:14:35 <Mkop1> this thing is fubar
18:15:10 * Mkop1 casts "anger" against whoever half-changed the password validation thing and didn't get it quite right
18:16:52 <Mkop1> but seriously, who should I talk to about fixing that?
18:16:59 <Mkop1> nribeka? bwolfe_?
18:17:38 <bwolfe_> nribeka
18:17:53 <bwolfe_> there was a ticket for the password chnage
18:19:04 <Mkop1> what happened (among other things) was that I changed the password, but it gave an error on changing secret answer. So I fixed secret answer, and then password gave an error because the old password was still in the old password box and it was trying to change the password again
18:19:16 <Mkop1> I suggest that pw and secret q/a be moved to different screens or something
18:22:22 <nribeka>
18:23:10 <Mkop1> bwolfe_: huh. flowsheet module works fine for me
18:23:11 <Mkop1> on trunk
18:23:32 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: does it display obs/concepts for you ?
18:23:37 <Mkop1> yep
18:23:43 <Mkop1> only from 1 encounter
18:23:45 <nribeka> the min requirements is one uppercase + one digit + 8 alphanumeric char Mkop1
18:23:54 <Mkop1> because there only is one encounter in the system
18:24:33 <nribeka> do you want to change it to something else Mkop1?
18:25:04 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: the error message it looks like its calling "description" on the object
18:25:07 <Mkop1> I don't care what the requirements are so much, just make them clear
18:25:31 <bwolfe_> yeah, agree
18:25:41 <bwolfe_> the just need a little tweaking
18:26:10 <Mkop1> bwolfe_:
18:26:12 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
18:26:58 <nribeka> i thought it will call this one:
18:26:59 <nribeka> User.password.description=Must have at least 8 characters, an uppercase letter, and a number
18:27:15 <nribeka> i think me + Keelhaul change that one
18:27:40 <bwolfe_> nribeka: there might be another one
18:27:44 <Mkop1> "Your password must have at least 8 characters, including one lowercase, one uppercase, and a digit."
18:28:05 <Mkop1> also find the message (or maybe it's in a jsp) which says the requirement is 6
18:29:20 <nribeka> on which page are you getting the error Mkop1? could you send the link :D
18:29:49 <Mkop1> http://localhost:8080/openmrs/options.form#Change%20Login%20Info
18:32:15 <nribeka> options.login.password.hint=(Must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one number)
18:32:19 <nribeka> this is the one :P
18:32:27 <nribeka> sorry Mkop1, i didn't see this one
18:32:48 <bwolfe_> Mkop1: look for "description" in that jsp. perhaps its an obs group?
18:32:56 <bwolfe_> or perhaps you need to "toggle description" ?
18:34:07 <Keelhaul> heh
18:34:14 <Keelhaul> how about admin setting the passwort str
18:34:19 <Keelhaul> via global props or smt
18:34:24 <Mkop1> toggle description works fine
18:34:38 <Keelhaul> passwordMinCharacters
18:34:42 <Keelhaul> passwordUppercase
18:34:49 <Keelhaul> passwordAlphanum
18:34:52 <Keelhaul> etc
18:36:35 <nribeka> i'm not following you Keelhaul
18:36:54 <nribeka> you mean storing all the properties string in db?
18:37:23 <Keelhaul> i mean the require password strength for the installation is determined by the values of these global props
18:37:35 <Keelhaul> so if passwordUppercase is set to false, then no uppercase is required
18:37:36 <Keelhaul> etc
18:38:06 <Mkop1> bwolfe_: is there an obs group in the basic installation that I can use to test?
18:38:09 <Keelhaul> this is just a random idea btw, you dont have to give it any serious thought =P
18:38:58 <Keelhaul> maybe this could also be done with a regex?
18:39:11 <nribeka> ooo ic ic Keelhaul
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18:39:28 <Keelhaul> i'm sure a single regex could handle it all
18:39:34 <Keelhaul> but i'm not very familiar with those
18:39:41 <bwolfe__> Keelhaul: why would we want to encourage/allow implementations to have insecure passwords ?
18:39:48 <bwolfe__> Mkop1: no, there isn't one
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18:40:03 <Keelhaul> bwolfe_: not encourage, just give the option, with the safest option being default
18:40:09 <Keelhaul> but i find it quite annoying on a dev box
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18:40:31 <Mkop1> or just have an option for password strength = 1, 2, 3, or 4
18:40:35 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: so on your dev box you can modify the code ;-)
18:40:58 <Mkop1> where is the code for this?
18:41:07 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: i actually hate modifying trunk just for my own use and having it out of sync with the repository
18:41:19 <bwolfe> Mkop1: I think you can create one by just adding setting the "obs_group_id" of an obs to another obs
18:41:21 <Keelhaul> i's better to just alter the db values
18:41:24 <Keelhaul> but still too much work imo
18:41:44 <Mkop1> bwolfe: do you mean by messingwith the db? or manipulating via the webapp?
18:41:59 <bwolfe> Mkop1: db
18:42:22 <Keelhaul> Mkop1: wahtss the flowsheet for
18:42:58 <nribeka> the code for the password OpenmrsUtil
18:43:28 <Mkop1> Keelhaul: making the implementers happy :-)
18:43:44 <Keelhaul> that's quite ambigous
18:44:19 <Mkop1> displaying encounters in a nice, chronological view
18:44:28 <Keelhaul> oh
18:52:12 <Mkop1> bwolfe: I finally got at least _some_ kind of error message out of it
18:52:13 <Mkop1>
18:52:48 <Mkop1> still no error in the webapp though]
18:52:58 <Mkop1> the precursor to that error was: update obs set obs_group_id=3 where obs_id=2;
18:53:39 <Mkop1> when I displayed the encounter normally it showed as a group, but in the flowsheet it just ignored obs 2
18:54:50 <bwolfe> Mkop1: ah, that error is probably because there is no form/field for that obs
18:54:58 <Mkop1> yeah, probably
18:55:08 <Mkop1> I did screwy stuff when I created that encounter
18:55:52 <Mkop1> I installed htmlformentry, and created the obs somehow using the form, but entered the data manually (without the form), IIRC
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19:00:52 <Keelhaul> new terrist attack in new yourk was prevented?
19:01:14 <omar> are you serious?
19:01:23 <Keelhaul> yea
19:01:27 <Mkop1> yep
19:01:28 <Keelhaul> domestic
19:01:34 <Keelhaul> tried to blow up synagogues in the bronx
19:02:03 <omar> :S
19:02:29 <Mkop1> they also were planning to shoot down some planes with missiles
19:02:41 <Mkop1> s/synagogues/synagogue/
19:02:59 <Keelhaul> yea and a community center
19:03:01 <Keelhaul> oe amr
19:03:03 <Keelhaul> or smt*
19:03:11 <Mkop1> the Riverdale Jewish Center is a synagogue, IIANM
19:03:30 <Keelhaul> well they showed two spots on the map of the bronx
19:03:39 <Mkop1> where are you looking?
19:03:46 <Keelhaul> n-tv
19:03:50 <Keelhaul> german news station
19:03:56 <Mkop1> the only article I looked at was from the new york post, which is basically a tabloid
19:04:02 <Mkop1> oh
19:05:10 <Mkop1> Keelhaul: you were right. They were seized after planting what they believed to be bombs in cars outside the Riverdale Temple, which is a Reform synagogue, and the nearby Riverdale Jewish Center, an Orthodox synagogue, Kelly said.
19:05:26 <Mkop1> well, half right
19:11:28 <Mkop1> bwolfe: can we always assume that obs_id<obs_group_id?
19:11:41 <Mkop1> s/</>/\
19:11:54 <Mkop1> i.e. that the parent will have a higher id than the child
19:12:05 <bwolfe> Mkop1: maybe
19:12:13 <bwolfe> the parent probably has to be created first
19:12:20 <bwolfe> but the code doesn't make any assumptions about it
19:12:44 <Mkop1> ok
19:12:59 <Keelhaul> can obs be grouped later on?
19:14:48 <Mkop1> bwolfe: what does something like this call: ${obsGroupsMap[encounter.encounterId]}
19:15:09 <Mkop1> i.e. what is this obsGroupsMap function/variable?
19:15:30 <bwolfe> there is probably an array available because th controller implemented the referenceMap method and put obsGroupsMap into ti
19:15:49 <Mkop1> i'd find that in the controller's .java?
19:16:18 <Mkop1> this is my first time touching jsp, so you'll have to bear with my ignorance
19:17:41 <bwolfe> ah
19:17:47 <bwolfe> yes, look at the controller
19:19:12 <Mkop1> // stores a map from obs group id to all obs in that group
19:19:12 <Mkop1> Map<Integer, List<Obs>> obsGroups = new HashMap<Integer, List<Obs>>();
19:19:36 <Mkop1> bwolfe: that probably needs to get changed to a HashMap<Obs, List<Obs>>, right?
19:20:27 <bwolfe> why? the Integer there is probably the obs.getObsId anyway
19:21:01 <Mkop1> I'm confused about what changed from 1.0 to 1.4 in the structure of obs groups
19:22:39 <Mkop1> bwolfe: ^^
19:24:05 <bwolfe> obs groups didn't change
19:24:08 <bwolfe> what changed were concepts
19:24:13 <bwolfe> and conceptnames
19:24:18 <bwolfe> ConceptName.description is no more
19:24:27 <bwolfe> it is now ConceptDescription
19:26:01 <Mkop1> ConceptName is a property of a Concept? i.e. class Concept { ConceptName cn; ConceptDescription cd; ...}
19:27:47 <r0bby> This is a nightmare
19:27:52 <bwolfe> Mkop1: Concept.getConceptNames() I think
19:28:10 <bwolfe> or maybe just Concept.getNames() returns a set of ConceptName objects
19:28:22 <Mkop1> ok
19:28:24 <bwolfe> and Concept.getDescriptions() returns a set of ConceptDescription objects
19:29:17 <Mkop1> should be fixed but shouldn't give trouble since there is a deprecated method doing what it's supposed to
19:29:52 <Mkop1> when was this last tested? could it be that when this ticket was created those deprecated methods had been deleted?
19:31:34 <bwolfe> hmm
19:31:38 <bwolfe> potentially
19:31:55 <Mkop1> bwolfe: what do I need to do to get a change to the jsp to reflect to the app? recompile, repackage, reload via the webapp? deploy-web?
19:32:02 <bwolfe> can you check the 1.4.x branch to see if it has them ?
19:32:12 <bwolfe> deploy-web
19:34:15 <Keelhaul> bbl
19:34:16 *** Keelhaul has quit IRC
19:34:25 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7977]: ncd: fixed query in ConditionNameDAO. Refactored DecidedResult attribute … <>
19:35:06 <Mkop1> bwolfe: the truth is, that ticket was created on 1.1.10
19:38:21 <Mkop1> bwolfe: yes, 1.4.x has the get description method
19:40:27 <Mkop1> I mean ConceptName.getDescription()
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20:03:54 <r0bby> w00t w00t :D
20:04:00 <r0bby> google just saved me $19 :D
20:04:59 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7978]: Change to BaseContextSensitiveTest to ensure the Hibernate Session is … <>
20:12:29 <Mkop1> bwolfe: bottom line, I can't reproduce the problem. Either we need to ask the original submitter for more info, or we can close the ticket and tell the implementers we're good to go
20:13:01 <bwolfe> Mkop1: yeah, I sent an email to the person that emailed out today about it asking.
20:13:07 <Mkop1> ok
20:13:18 <bwolfe> Mkop1: your conclusion about it being deleted for a time makes sense. maybe that is why the ticket was created initially
20:13:53 <Mkop1> bwolfe: the ticket says it was on version 1.1 - does that make any sense?
20:15:16 <bwolfe> yeah, that is the guy that was super-alpha testing because it was his developer that was doing all the concept changes work
20:15:55 <Mkop1> oh
20:19:07 <bwolfe> we were a little slow with getting the changes integrated
20:19:33 <bwolfe> he was done around the time v1.2 was released. :-/
20:22:21 <nribeka> is there any other request for password Mkop1?
20:22:22 <nribeka>
20:23:13 <Mkop1> did you see what I said about what happened to me with the conflicting changes to pw and secret answer?
20:24:14 <nribeka> which one Mkop1?
20:24:33 <Mkop1> nribeka: it's not just that message - there are others as well
20:24:57 <Mkop1> and I think that "Your password must have at least 8 characters, including at least one lowercase, one uppercase, and a digit." is clearer
20:29:56 <nribeka> Mkop1, what is the scenario that you're trying to run? i'm not following you
20:30:12 <nribeka> i will try to do it in my laptop
20:30:40 <Mkop1> nribeka: did you read what I wrote at 2:19 Eastern Time?
20:31:45 <Mkop1> [12:19] <Mkop1> what happened (among other things) was that I changed the password, but it gave an error on changing secret answer. So I fixed secret answer, and then password gave an error because the old password was still in the old password box and it was trying to change the password again
20:31:52 <Mkop1> nribeka: ^^
20:33:01 <nribeka> hold on Mkop1
20:33:07 <nribeka> scrolling ...
20:33:08 <Mkop1> if that's not clear, I'd be glad to walk you through it
20:33:14 <Mkop1> you don't need to scroll
20:33:20 <Mkop1> just what I pasted
20:37:04 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1407 (task closed): Uuids Branch: Compare branch with latest trunk <>
20:37:32 <r0bby> bwolfe: what do you think:
20:37:33 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:37:36 <r0bby> for the name burke asked for?
20:37:54 <Mkop1> nribeka: also, when I had the wrong entered password, it said passwords don't match, instead of "wrong password"
20:37:59 <r0bby> I wasn't sure of the color-scheme w/ the textarea
20:38:09 <r0bby> BUT it seems to mesh well the more i look at it :X
20:39:23 <bwolfe> r0bby: looks very cool...but follow conventions! put Groovy Documentation and Manage Groovy Scripts at the top like all other pages on the admin screen
20:39:34 <bwolfe> 3 plus 3 ?
20:40:03 <bwolfe> did you or burke make the openmrs logo around the groovy one? :-)
20:41:46 <bwolfe> oh, and I was re-running a large groovy script the other day and the line numbers helped me find the error in 0.2 seconds instead of having to copy/paste to another editor! it was sweet!
20:42:08 <nribeka> Mkop1, i can't replicate the same thing in my lappie :(
20:42:23 <nribeka> walk me through it please
20:42:24 <nribeka> :)
20:42:26 <r0bby> ah so plug into the header extension pt?
20:42:36 <r0bby> :X
20:42:46 <r0bby> bwolfe: burke did
20:42:57 <r0bby> and paul went behind my back and put it up on the labs1
20:43:06 <Mkop1> nribeka: you're trying to change pw as well as secret answer
20:43:15 <nribeka> ooo at the same time?
20:43:20 <nribeka> hold on
20:43:21 <Mkop1> yes
20:43:34 <Mkop1> change the pw to something illegal, and the secret answer to something good
20:43:52 <r0bby> bwolfe: it was a script that just gave the result of 3+3
20:43:57 <r0bby> this was me testing the dialog
20:44:08 <r0bby> I'm actually manipulating the form
20:44:10 <r0bby> document.forms
20:44:17 <r0bby> it's annnoying as hell to work w/ :(
20:44:23 <Mkop1> you'll get an error from the pw, and the secret answer will get changed, but the box for "old secret answer" is still populated with the old old one
20:45:26 <Mkop1> so now when you fix the pw to something legal, secret answer gives an error because the box for old secret answer is populated with the wrong thing
20:46:08 <bwolfe> r0bby: you can do var form = document.getElementById("formId")
20:46:44 <bwolfe> or document.getElementById("nameInput").name = "what the user entered int he modal box";
20:47:12 <r0bby> bwolfe: I wanted to actually set the form field value :) to be submitted :X
20:47:34 <r0bby> manipulating the form values
20:47:52 * r0bby gets his giant misshapen turkey burger
20:48:49 <bwolfe> r0bby: yes, that what my one-liner does too
20:48:53 <bwolfe> *thats
20:49:37 <nribeka> Mkop1, my secret answer never goes through to database even though there's no answer
20:49:50 <r0bby> heh :)
20:50:01 <nribeka> trying to init it with something (not null) because i think you put something in there initially, right?
20:50:01 <Mkop1> what do you mean "even though there's no answer"?
20:50:10 <nribeka> i mean no error
20:52:34 <Mkop1> nribeka: yes, I manually put something there initially
20:52:47 <r0bby> hmm yeh it'd be less headaches too
20:52:55 <nribeka> the secret answer never gets updated
20:52:58 <r0bby> i'm setting the value on a hidden div
20:53:13 <nribeka> doing update on the web
20:53:49 <nribeka> updating trunk
20:59:52 <nribeka> bbl
21:00:01 <nribeka> Mkop1, are you gonna be around later tonight?
21:00:06 <nribeka> ttyl then :)
21:00:07 <nribeka> off
21:00:12 *** nribeka has quit IRC
21:00:14 <Mkop1> nribeka: I might....
21:00:16 <Mkop1> not sure though
21:16:25 *** bwolfe has quit IRC
21:18:26 *** Keelhaul has joined #openmrs
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21:35:33 <r0bby> oh this is adorable
21:38:48 <r0bby> We had a terrorist cell plotting to shoot down planes at the Air national guard base right near me
21:40:08 <r0bby>
21:40:10 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
21:40:31 <Keelhaul> r0bby: welcome to several hours ago =P
21:41:56 <r0bby> yeh I know :X
21:41:58 <r0bby> i missed it
21:42:02 <r0bby> just that uhm
21:42:09 <r0bby> this is quite damn literally in my backyard
21:42:53 <Keelhaul> do you live in the bronx?
21:44:34 <r0bby> No, I live in Newburgh
21:44:42 <r0bby> New Windsor (which neighbors newburgh)
21:44:53 <r0bby> their other plot
21:45:35 <r0bby> Their plot to shoot down planes at the ANG base.
21:45:55 *** nribeka has joined #openmrs
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21:51:59 <r0bby> any idea how to localize msgs from js?
21:58:39 <Keelhaul> Hide Utility Class Constructor: Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor.
21:58:41 <Keelhaul> how do i do that
22:00:29 <Keelhaul> nm got it
22:03:32 <jmiranda> hey all - i'll be back in about an hour
22:03:38 <jmiranda> (not that i've contributed much today)
22:04:06 <jmiranda> i'm going to try to finish the last 50 or so unit tests to get us to a 1000 ...
22:04:10 <jmiranda> if anyone is interested
22:04:16 <Keelhaul> heh
22:04:29 <jmiranda> Keelhaul, you and nribeka are not allowed to do any more :)
22:05:01 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: were my tests so awful? =P
22:05:23 <jmiranda> far from it
22:05:34 <jmiranda> just don't want to squeeze any more unit test juice from you too
22:05:41 <jmiranda> s/too/two
22:05:49 <jmiranda> you won't have any left for the next round
22:06:09 <Keelhaul> well i think nribeka has done more than me but fine =P
22:07:02 <jmiranda> you both did commendable jobs ... thanks again
22:07:20 <nribeka> huhu ...
22:07:23 <jmiranda> s/commendable/outstanding
22:07:24 <nribeka> jmiranda is mean
22:07:45 *** omar has joined #openmrs
22:08:00 <nribeka> well i need to go through the password thing with Mkop1 i think
22:08:16 <jmiranda> ok, be back in a little while
22:08:24 <nribeka> i put some @should in
22:08:43 <Mkop1> jmiranda: that's funny of you to let us know you'll be back in an hour when you haven't said a thing all day :-P
22:09:35 *** jmiranda has quit IRC
22:10:00 <Mkop1> nribeka: you want to do that now?
22:10:47 <r0bby> holy crap..
22:10:53 <r0bby> Just watched all the news coverage :X
22:10:59 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1512 (enhancement created): Allow admins to view (tail) tomcat server log from the web interface <>
22:13:12 <nribeka> sure Mkop1
22:13:15 <nribeka> firing my tomcat
22:13:37 <Mkop1> hey, be nice to your tomcat - you don't want to claiming unemployment\
22:14:29 <nribeka> argh ... i have to postpone it Mkop1
22:14:30 <nribeka> :(
22:14:38 <Mkop1> this isn't so hard
22:14:39 <nribeka> tomcat you're not fired now ...
22:14:41 <nribeka> :(
22:14:44 <nribeka> i need to run ...
22:14:50 <nribeka> sorry ...
22:15:41 *** nribeka has quit IRC
22:16:25 <omar> what's about the property auto_update_database=falsei
22:19:06 *** kane77 has quit IRC
22:20:05 <r0bby> it tells liquibase to not to update it i'd assume :)
22:20:14 <r0bby> omar: may wanna email the devlist or paul
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22:23:38 <Mkop1> r0bby: how the heck do I get to edit profile? do you know?
22:23:39 *** omart13x has quit IRC
22:24:04 <Mkop1> in openmrs, I mean
22:26:12 <r0bby> click "My Profile"
22:26:17 <r0bby> on the top right hand corner
22:26:25 <r0bby> aside from that, i have no f'en clue :)
22:26:30 <r0bby> i think i changed my password once
22:27:24 * r0bby curses nyoman
22:27:34 <Keelhaul> Mkop1: it works
22:28:05 <Mkop1> on there's no link for profile
22:28:12 <r0bby> Keelhaul: ever deal w/ document.forms in js?
22:28:17 <r0bby> js=javascript of course :)
22:28:24 <Keelhaul> r0bby: no, i really suck at js
22:28:26 <r0bby> r0bby needs his java (the coffee)
22:28:30 <r0bby> So do I :(
22:28:40 <r0bby> this isn't good considering i need it
22:28:47 <r0bby> I REALLY wanna play with ExtJS :)
22:28:52 <r0bby> it looks awesome!
22:29:47 <Keelhaul> is paul gonna be here tonight
22:31:01 <Mkop1> !magic8ball
22:31:01 <OpenMRSBot> Mkop1: Error: "magic8ball" is not a valid command.
22:31:08 <Mkop1> darn
22:32:20 <Keelhaul> heh
22:32:28 <Keelhaul> isnt it just !8ball
22:32:37 <Mkop1> !8ball
22:32:37 <OpenMRSBot> Mkop1: Error: "8ball" is not a valid command.
22:32:38 <Keelhaul> at least when there's a chanserv instance in the channel
22:32:42 <Keelhaul> not OpenMRSBot
22:32:43 <Mkop1> !magic8ball
22:32:43 <OpenMRSBot> Mkop1: "magic8ball" --- My sources say no
22:40:47 *** omar has quit IRC
22:41:26 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7979]: ncd: renamed some DAO classes. <>
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23:02:19 <Mkop1> pascal`: whackhead simpson does a horrible american accent
23:02:25 <Mkop1>
23:02:28 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
23:06:26 <r0bby> wow my neck is really f'ed uo :(
23:10:49 <r0bby> AGH
23:12:15 <Keelhaul> swine flew
23:12:46 <r0bby> chiropractor soonish
23:12:53 <r0bby> sigh i hate refactoring
23:13:37 <Mkop1> swine flew = when pigs fly
23:13:43 <Mkop1> I love the spelling!, Keelhaul
23:13:51 <Keelhaul> =)
23:21:45 <r0bby> swine fly is stupid
23:21:48 <r0bby> flu
23:22:28 <Keelhaul> eh
23:22:31 <Keelhaul> chiropractor
23:22:35 <Keelhaul> isnt that alternative medicine
23:26:42 *** jmiranda has joined #openmrs
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23:28:42 <r0bby> jmiranda has returned and the world rejoices and r0bby gets more coffee
23:30:40 <r0bby> I love how IDEA acts
23:30:46 <r0bby> "Variable can have final modifer
23:30:51 <r0bby> then unncessary modifier
23:34:55 <omar> in the bottom line in the first page od openmrs home
23:35:01 <omar> login page
23:35:18 <omar> where there are the links to change the message properties
23:35:27 <omar> if you have this line
23:35:30 <omar> Version: Build 7656 Database Version:
23:35:50 <omar> database version is loaded from...?
23:37:03 <omar> not from the global property table
23:37:06 <r0bby> a properties file somewhere
23:37:06 <omar> ?
23:37:16 <r0bby> a database property actually
23:37:19 <omar> mmm
23:37:21 <jmiranda> i think
23:37:28 <jmiranda> during build process
23:37:33 <omar> well
23:37:35 <jmiranda> the database version is from global properties
23:37:47 <omar> now am following implementetors step by step installation
23:38:19 <omar> implementers I mean
23:38:23 <jmiranda> following implementer's guide, the variable has already been set
23:38:28 <jmiranda> it's set during the build process
23:38:32 <jmiranda> when the WAR is created
23:38:38 <omar> mmm, ok
23:38:48 <omar> its just that running the sql dif
23:38:52 <omar> fro 1.4.2
23:39:00 <jmiranda> there's an ant target that swaps variables like @VERSION@ with values from properties.xml or
23:39:05 <jmiranda> can't remember which
23:39:23 <r0bby> jmiranda: how do I plug into the header where Administration etc is :x
23:39:29 <r0bby> localHeader.jsp
23:39:36 <r0bby> and openmrs reads that in and adds the link?
23:39:44 <omar> but I already dont have any ant file to run
23:39:49 <jmiranda> you mean through the extension point
23:39:53 <omar> I just downloaded the war in download pages
23:39:54 <r0bby> yeh
23:39:57 <jmiranda> omar, correct
23:40:00 <r0bby> I need to do it
23:40:01 <jmiranda> what do you want to do
23:40:15 <r0bby> add the manage scripts if we're at the scripting form
23:40:22 <jmiranda> there's an extension point you need to use called Gutter something
23:40:23 <r0bby> or create a script if we're at the management screen
23:40:24 <omar> just check the sql diff
23:40:39 <omar> because I already run the script
23:40:57 <omar> but the database version in the global property dont correspond the one in the openmrs home page
23:41:03 <r0bby> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/template/include.jsp"%>
23:41:03 <r0bby> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/template/header.jsp"%>
23:41:03 <r0bby> <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid black;">
23:41:07 <r0bby> erm
23:41:12 <jmiranda> it's a java class
23:41:16 <jmiranda> r0bby,
23:41:19 <r0bby>
23:41:21 <r0bby> :x
23:41:27 <r0bby> like that
23:41:28 <r0bby> or no?
23:41:34 <r0bby> I'm looking at the reporting module
23:41:36 <Keelhaul> gutter is always visible
23:41:53 <r0bby> since it has to add to the list Cohorts iirc ?
23:42:00 <jmiranda> r0bby, nope
23:42:11 <r0bby> something like that?
23:42:15 <jmiranda> you need to create a java class that extends the Gutter extension point
23:42:18 <r0bby> maybe i misunderstand how it works :X
23:42:20 <r0bby> ok
23:42:21 <jmiranda> i'll show an example in a minute
23:42:33 <r0bby> what module
23:42:35 <r0bby> \i'll look
23:42:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7980]: ncd: refactored the CodeFrequency system to include a codesystem column. <>
23:42:45 <Keelhaul> i have a gutter ext
23:42:46 <r0bby> I have all modules local
23:42:46 <jmiranda> dataset builder
23:43:04 <jmiranda> that has an example
23:43:11 <r0bby> I keep em all local :)
23:43:13 <jmiranda> search for a java class with Ext in it
23:43:15 <r0bby> for this very eason :)
23:43:30 <r0bby> GutterList
23:43:41 <jmiranda> yeah, something like that
23:43:53 <r0bby> sigh
23:44:22 <jmiranda> and you need to declare it in your config.xml file
23:44:43 <r0bby> <point></point>
23:44:44 <r0bby> <class>@MODULE_PACKAGE@.extension.html.GutterList</class>
23:44:46 <r0bby> got it :)
23:44:53 <r0bby> let me load this module
23:45:06 <r0bby> to see whta it looks like
23:45:11 <r0bby> is it in the module repo?
23:45:30 <r0bby> I need to get this working
23:45:31 <Keelhaul> r0bby: GutterExt adds another link on top
23:45:49 <Keelhaul> where you have Home, Find/Create Patient etc
23:45:51 <r0bby> why did you extend Extension
23:45:57 <jmiranda> r0bby, there's no guts to that module yet
23:45:57 <r0bby> and not GutterExt
23:45:58 <jmiranda> so no
23:46:08 * r0bby sighs
23:46:17 <r0bby> i'm sorry i'm trying to understand
23:46:21 <Keelhaul> hmm
23:46:33 <jmiranda> omar, what exactly are you trying to do?
23:46:33 <Keelhaul> i dont think theres a "GutterExt"
23:46:34 <r0bby> ugh
23:46:41 <jmiranda> :)
23:46:41 <r0bby> it's Extension
23:46:41 <Keelhaul>
23:46:44 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
23:46:46 <Keelhaul> mine uses LinkExt
23:46:47 <jmiranda> sorry r0bby
23:47:39 <jmiranda> GutterList ... close enough
23:47:55 <r0bby> what is the diff
23:47:58 <r0bby> :/
23:48:02 <r0bby> thx so much
23:48:09 <omar> make and implementer installation from scratch, I have already downloaded and setted up a developer version of OpenMRS from trunk, but I need another one for version 1.4.2
23:48:11 <r0bby> you guys are saints for tolerating me!
23:48:42 <jmiranda> you call it what you want
23:49:01 <Keelhaul> r0bby: there is an extension point in the gutter, but no "GutterExt" as a type
23:49:04 <jmiranda> i forgot that there wasn't a difference between extension points in the gutter and in the admin
23:49:05 <Keelhaul> you have to use another type
23:49:10 <jmiranda> right
23:49:13 <jmiranda> just Extension
23:49:27 <jmiranda> we could extend Extension to do other things if we wanted
23:49:33 <jmiranda> and put them in other places in the code
23:49:43 <jmiranda> but the basic Extension is just a link
23:50:03 <jmiranda> omar, ok
23:50:11 <jmiranda> so you've downloaded and installed the war
23:50:22 <jmiranda> it looks like your db is up to the right version
23:50:36 <omar> yes, it's only that
23:50:40 <jmiranda> but the global property for database version is not set ?
23:50:49 <jmiranda> or is different than what you expect?
23:51:20 <omar> its different, right now Im checkin mysql script
23:51:25 <jmiranda> as long as you ran update-to-latest (and it succeeded), things should be fine
23:51:30 <r0bby> I need to get my lab set up ASAP :(
23:51:33 <omar> and throws an error in
23:51:48 <r0bby> I technically have it set :)
23:51:56 <jmiranda> omar, do you have more than one openmrs databases?
23:51:56 <omar> Script line: 2130 Duplicate key name 'concept_word_concept_idx'
23:52:00 <r0bby> jmiranda: have you guys used the new version yet
23:52:03 <jmiranda> omar, ok
23:52:15 <jmiranda> omar, check the dev list emails for the solution to that
23:52:18 <omar> yes, I have two OpenMRS databases
23:52:20 <Keelhaul> i need a bigger monitor
23:52:20 <omar> yes
23:52:23 <r0bby> I'm annoyed that i cant do anymore work on groovy module
23:52:31 <Keelhaul> if i add any more rss feeds to my thunderbird, i'll have to scroll
23:52:34 <omar> i remember that I see some of that stuff last week
23:52:36 <omar> i Think
23:52:40 <omar> let me see
23:52:45 <jmiranda> omar, what i was worried about was that your runtime properties might be pointed to a different database than you're expecting
23:52:53 <r0bby> Keelhaul: i learned my lesson w/ rss feeds in thunderbird :)
23:53:04 <r0bby> it locks it up at REALLY bad times
23:53:08 <r0bby> ie typing an email!
23:53:25 <jmiranda> r0bby, i had that for a while
23:53:33 <omar> No, coz, the name only differs in the environment
23:53:36 <r0bby> jmiranda: i ditched it :)
23:53:37 <omar> imp and dev
23:53:42 <omar> dev works fine
23:53:45 <r0bby> for google reader
23:53:54 <jmiranda> omar, ok
23:54:02 <omar> and all the passwords for open mrs and database are the same
23:54:04 <jmiranda> so check the dev list for the solution that issue
23:54:08 <omar> ok
23:54:13 <jmiranda> i just deleted the concept_word table
23:54:14 <Keelhaul> tbird works fine here
23:54:19 <jmiranda> sorry
23:54:26 <jmiranda> i deleted all the rows from the table
23:54:33 <jmiranda> delete * from concept_word
23:54:40 <r0bby> :)
23:54:40 <jmiranda> then re-ran the updates
23:54:45 <Keelhaul> the concept_word sql error was fixed a few revisions ago
23:54:54 <r0bby> Keelhaul: try having over 50 subscriptions :)
23:55:05 <jmiranda> Keelhaul, i think omar is on 1.4 though
23:55:05 <Keelhaul> r0bby: nah, i cant read that many
23:55:07 <r0bby> plus i think 5 or so mail accounts
23:55:11 <r0bby> neither can I
23:55:16 <r0bby> I just dont know when to say no
23:55:20 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: maybe you should backport it to 1.4 then
23:55:28 <jmiranda> omar, are you using the 1.4 or the 1.5 alpha war
23:55:28 <omar> and run in admin udate concept words right?
23:55:36 <omar> no, 1.4.2
23:55:37 <jmiranda> omar, yes
23:56:38 <jmiranda> Keelhaul, yeah we should
23:56:57 <Keelhaul> i'm not familiar with the liquibase stuff so i cant write a patch
23:57:02 <Keelhaul> but i can link you to the changeset
23:57:04 <jmiranda> omar can you create a ticket with the error you received when running the update script
23:57:19 <jmiranda> Keelhaul, 1.4.2 uses the old style sql diff
23:57:25 <Keelhaul> ah
23:57:25 <Keelhaul> ok
23:57:28 <r0bby> agh I have multiple urls :(
23:57:33 <Keelhaul>
23:57:35 <Keelhaul> well here it is
23:57:38 <jmiranda> ok, be back in a few minutes
23:57:40 <jmiranda> thanks Keelhaul
23:57:58 <Keelhaul> hmm no coloring
23:58:10 <Keelhaul>
23:58:11 <Keelhaul> thar
23:58:30 <omar> you mean the " script line 2130: .... "