IRC Chat : 2009-05-17 - OpenMRS

00:00:20 <bwolfe> jmiranda: haha, nah, go ahead and give yours.
00:00:39 <bwolfe> my chinese food just arrived, so its dinner time for me. bbs
00:01:13 <bwolfe> (one random comment for Glen_: I see red on your Glen_: @should match search to familyName2. why'd you delete that line?)
00:01:46 <jmiranda> bwolfe: i need to take a quick break too
00:01:53 <jmiranda> will do so when you get back
00:02:17 <jmiranda> i've got some issues with existing UserService @shoulds
00:02:20 <jmiranda> like in saveUser
00:03:14 <jmiranda> @should should create user who is patient already
00:03:19 <jmiranda> should probably be
00:03:30 <Glen_> bwolfe: it seemed inconsistent with the description of the method
00:05:01 <nribeka> i need some chinese food too
00:05:37 <jmiranda> nevermind that one (seems ok)
00:05:45 <jmiranda> just need to remove the redundant should
00:06:25 <Glen_> done
00:06:28 <jmiranda> Glen_: we can't really remove @should's because we'd need to remove the test case as well
00:06:52 <jmiranda> any updates to the @should statements should be reflected in the test class
00:07:11 <jmiranda> unless the test method has not been created yet
00:07:20 <jmiranda> (in the case of new @shoulds)
00:07:56 <Glen_> jmiranda: ok.I'm with ya.
00:09:05 <Glen_> (reinserted @should statement)
00:10:27 <Glen_> (removed redundant 'should' from UserServiceTest method name)
00:10:35 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7821]: testathon: Initial commit of @should behaviors for all non-deprecated … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7820]: Added more @should statements <>
00:11:07 <jmiranda> Glen_: thanks
00:11:33 <Glen_> supper is ready. be back later
00:11:37 <jmiranda> Glen_: @should retrieve a list of user objects assigned a give role object 
00:11:41 <jmiranda> @should retrieve a list of user objects assigned a given role object 
00:11:45 <nribeka> next is me ...
00:11:52 <nribeka> dinner time
00:12:02 <jmiranda> ok, let's all take a break
00:12:04 <jmiranda> :)
00:12:18 <jmiranda> i need to get some coke and twizzlers
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00:15:38 <jmiranda> @should Delete a user from the database 
00:15:41 <jmiranda> @should delete a user from the database 
00:17:32 <r0bby> jmiranda: I need food _NOW_
00:17:39 * r0bby demands food
00:18:00 <r0bby> I also need to get this module out the door then maybe start working on what burke wants :x
00:18:15 * jmiranda grants r0bby permission to eat
00:18:35 <jmiranda> UserService.saveUser() needs
00:18:58 <jmiranda> @should fail when creating user and password is empty
00:19:22 <jmiranda> @should fail when create user and username already exists
00:19:34 <r0bby> to give you guys a break
00:19:35 <r0bby>
00:19:37 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
00:19:42 <r0bby> and
00:19:45 <r0bby> :)
00:19:47 <jmiranda> @should return the correct user object given an integer representation of the userid
00:19:53 <jmiranda> sorry
00:20:01 <jmiranda> UserService.getUser(userId)
00:20:03 <jmiranda> @should return the correct user object given an integer representation of the userid
00:20:25 <jmiranda> @should return a single user given valid userId
00:20:49 <jmiranda> @should return null given empty userId
00:20:59 <jmiranda> or perhaps
00:21:11 <jmiranda> @should throw error when given empty userId
00:21:16 <jmiranda> not sure which there
00:22:35 <Keelhaul> hi
00:22:59 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: i tend to omit "a" and "the"
00:23:01 <Keelhaul> is that ok
00:23:33 <jmiranda> Keelhaul: yeah, i prefer that too
00:23:44 <jmiranda> i think bwolfe just said that he likes that
00:23:57 <Keelhaul> sorry i havent really helped out today yet
00:24:11 <Keelhaul> i foudn out my own tests stopped working
00:24:13 <Keelhaul> so i had to fix them
00:24:18 <jmiranda> Keelhaul: no worries
00:24:23 <Keelhaul> i see all the good stuff is taken already
00:24:26 <jmiranda> i'm not keeping score
00:24:41 <Keelhaul> i'll just finish the validators for now then
00:24:46 <jmiranda> sounds good
00:24:59 <jmiranda> i'll be back in about twenty
00:26:14 <bwolfe> Glen_: a lot of the @shoulds that are in there right now are linked to unit tests already
00:26:39 <Keelhaul> bwolfe
00:26:45 <Keelhaul> ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "name", "");
00:26:50 <Keelhaul> shoudl this be one test or two
00:26:52 <Keelhaul> i'd say one
00:26:57 <Keelhaul> it's not really openmrs functionality
00:27:11 <bwolfe> Glen_: renaming the @should is fine, but you need to regenerate the test and copy the new method name and @Verifies annotation on top of the other unit test
00:27:27 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: yeah, one is good
00:40:08 <bwolfe> jmiranda / Keelhaul : it could go either way on the including of "a"s and "the"s.
00:47:51 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: what about ValidateUtil
00:49:05 <Keelhaul> also, SchedulerFormValidator throws all sorts of exceptions which i'm not sure how to trigger
00:54:13 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: what about it ?
00:54:44 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: to find out where those are thrown you can take them out of the throws clause. eclipse should then give you a red squiggly line saying where the problem is
00:55:51 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: no i mean not sure how to trigger them in a test case
00:56:23 <Keelhaul> Object o = taskClass.newInstance();
00:56:31 <Keelhaul> like how do i trigger an InstantiationException
00:57:04 <bwolfe> give it a bad class?
00:57:17 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: create an inner class that throws some error in the constructor
00:57:24 <Keelhaul> hm
00:57:27 <Keelhaul> never done that before
00:59:34 <Keelhaul> eh
00:59:50 <Keelhaul> the class has to be real enough to pass the member checks
00:59:58 <Keelhaul> and then fail instantiation afterwards
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01:10:48 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: commit @shoulds, then write tests?
01:10:55 <Keelhaul> commit when everything is done
01:14:29 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: I think they've been commiting the @shoulds first
01:14:35 <Keelhaul> ok
01:18:40 <jmiranda> Keelhaul: yeah, commit @shoulds
01:18:50 <jmiranda> and then we'll run the generate test cases plugin
01:18:59 <Keelhaul> i hate this plugin
01:19:02 <Keelhaul> it worked for one class
01:19:08 <jmiranda> it's working for me now
01:19:37 <nribeka> back ...
01:19:43 <nribeka> what did you guys have for dinner?
01:19:54 <nribeka> -frozen food-
01:19:56 <nribeka> lol
01:20:16 <jmiranda> nribeka: i grilled up an ostrich steak
01:20:19 <Keelhaul> "No Test folder is defined for Source folder 'test/api'."
01:20:26 <jmiranda> made some mashed potatoes and asparagus
01:20:27 <Keelhaul> test/api is not a source folder
01:20:58 <nribeka> wow ... sounds delicious ...
01:21:01 <jmiranda> Keelhaul: i think you need go to project Properties
01:21:06 <Keelhaul> i did
01:21:20 <Keelhaul> i set test/api for src/api and test/web for src/web
01:21:23 <Keelhaul> generated one test class
01:21:27 <Keelhaul> now it gives me that error
01:21:34 <nribeka> how about my @should?
01:21:38 <bwolfe> Glen_: oh yeah, the other feedback I had was that you should avoid all punctuation in your @shoulds.
01:21:56 <jmiranda> do you have src/api, src/web, test/api, and test/web as Source folders?
01:22:12 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: no test/* as source folders, only as destination
01:22:28 <Keelhaul> i tried adding test/* to source folders, then it doesnt find any @shoulds
01:22:55 <jmiranda> i've got them as source folders for testathon
01:23:31 <jmiranda> i mean in Project Properties > Build Path > Source
01:23:45 <jmiranda> not the Generate Test Cases dialog
01:23:59 <Keelhaul> yea they are in there
01:24:08 <Keelhaul> all four
01:24:11 <jmiranda> ok
01:24:36 <Keelhaul> in the generator dialog it' just src/api->test/api, src/web->test/web
01:27:47 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: can you help me fix that concept_word error when deploying the war
01:27:52 <Keelhaul> i drained my table
01:29:02 <nribeka> bb in 10mins
01:29:22 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: ok it works if i open the class in the main window and right click the window and click on "generate test cases"
01:29:31 <Keelhaul> not if i right click on the file in the package explorer
01:46:19 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7822]: @should annotations for remaining API validators <>
02:18:21 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7823]: testathon: Fixed issues with @should annotations in ProgramWorkflowService <>
02:39:55 *** Mkop has joined #openmrs
02:40:09 <Mkop> hi, jmiranda
02:40:16 <jmiranda> hey Mkop
02:40:18 <jmiranda> welcome
02:40:31 <Mkop> I don't think I can join you guys now for the testathon
02:40:37 <Mkop> I'm not on my own computer
02:40:48 <Mkop> I'll see how things are later tonight/tomorrow
02:40:53 <Mkop> how late will you be around tonight?
02:41:47 <jmiranda> ok
02:41:54 <jmiranda> maybe midnight my time
02:42:07 <jmiranda> but i'm dragging so i might be done in about an hour
02:42:12 <Mkop> which = midnight my time as well :-)
02:45:06 <jmiranda> really?
02:45:14 <Mkop> I'm in Chicago
02:45:18 <jmiranda> oh right
02:45:22 <jmiranda> forgot about that
02:45:33 <jmiranda> what are you going to be doing tomorrow?
02:50:23 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7825]: testathon: Adding @shoulds for the ObsService - #1495 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7824]: testathon: Generated empty test cases for ProgramWorkflowService. <>
02:50:42 <jmiranda> we're getting there!
02:50:42 <jmiranda>
02:52:59 <bwolfe> jmiranda: yep, 100 tests so far
02:53:44 <bwolfe> jmiranda: we need Keelhaul, nribeka, and Glen_ to run the test generator plugin on their @shoulds to make that number go up some more. :-)
02:53:49 <jmiranda> does that include nribeka and Glen_'s @shoulds
02:53:57 <jmiranda> ok
02:53:59 <jmiranda> i can do that
02:54:49 *** jmiranda has quit IRC
02:56:12 <nribeka> wow ... 100test failing because of bwolfe
02:56:15 <nribeka> ck ck ck ck ...
02:57:01 <Mkop> how is this working? people are writing @shoulds? or @shoulds and test code? or what?
02:57:04 <nribeka> *running away*
02:57:23 <Mkop> jmiranda already ran away, aparently
02:57:58 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: why did you deprecate lots of non-uuid service methods
02:58:06 <Keelhaul> like getProgramWorkflow
02:59:06 *** atomicturtle has joined #openmrs
03:00:23 <Keelhaul> i assume it's not ok to use deprecated methods in tests?
03:00:43 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: ?? link?
03:00:43 <Mkop> Keelhaul: not if you want to incur my wrath
03:01:00 <Mkop> ;-)
03:02:01 <Keelhaul> bwolfe:
03:02:05 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:02:47 <Keelhaul> cant pull a single workflow cept by the uuid
03:03:10 <Keelhaul> i guess i could pull a program and get the rest from there
03:04:16 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: the changes in the testathon are to @shoulds and unit tests only
03:04:20 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
03:04:25 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: so that deprecating as been done for a while
03:04:42 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: i know
03:04:48 <Keelhaul> just made it a bit uncomfortable =P
03:06:37 <Mkop> good night
03:06:41 <Mkop> I might be back a bit later
03:06:44 <Mkop> most likely not
03:06:53 *** Mkop has quit IRC
03:09:14 <nribeka> so what is next?
03:14:06 <nribeka> no comments on my @should?
03:15:38 <bwolfe> nribeka: link to your changeset?
03:17:29 <nribeka> 7821
03:17:49 <bwolfe> !changeset 7821
03:17:49 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: View changeset 7821:
03:17:53 <nribeka>
03:18:22 <bwolfe> nribeka: skip the uuid tests for now, someone did those and they will be committed by darius soon
03:18:44 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return all no voided patients" what did you mean here?
03:20:16 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return unvoided patient " should be "@should unvoid patient "
03:20:31 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7826]: testathon: Adding tests for @shoulds on ObsService <>
03:20:45 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return all patient identifier type" --> @should return all patient identifier types (just made it plural)
03:22:20 <bwolfe> nribeka: (sorry, this is picky) "@should return null when patient identifier id is not exist" --> "@should return null when patient identifier id does not exist"
03:23:04 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return retired patient identifier type with the input reason " --> "@should retire given patient identifier type with the given reason"
03:23:28 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return unretired patient identifier type of the input " --> "@should unretire given patient identifier type "
03:24:17 <nribeka> so, i need to remove the @should in the uuid?
03:24:50 <bwolfe> nribeka: you can just remove the whole javadoc. I am sure darius's commit will have that
03:25:02 <nribeka> ooo ok ok
03:26:13 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return null when no person having the given id " --> "@should return null when no person has the given id "
03:26:25 *** Glen_ has quit IRC
03:26:41 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should return void relationship with the given reason " --> "@should void relationship with the given reason "
03:27:16 <bwolfe> nribeka: "@should null when no relationship type match the given id " --> "@should return null when no relationship type match the given id "
03:27:50 <bwolfe> nribeka: most of yours are good. you just missed a few words here and there. :-)
03:28:16 <nribeka> haha ... ok. i'm joining the esl next semester bwolfe lol
03:28:17 <nribeka> :D
03:28:23 <nribeka> changing it now ...
03:29:17 <nribeka> is it all bwolfe?
03:29:17 <bwolfe> nribeka: remember to read the @should annotation like a sentence to make sure it makes sense: " (this method should) null when no relationship type matches the given id" doesn't makes sense. "(this method should) return null when no relationship type matches the given id" could be a real sentence
03:29:31 <bwolfe> I think so
03:29:46 <nribeka> hmm ... ic ic
03:33:19 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: is throwing an npe expected behavior of a controller?
03:33:36 <bwolfe> usually not
03:33:43 <Keelhaul> ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "role", "error.role");
03:33:43 <Keelhaul> ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "description", "error.description");
03:33:43 <Keelhaul>
03:33:43 <Keelhaul> // reject any role that has a leading or trailing space
03:33:43 <Keelhaul> if (!role.getRole().equals(role.getRole().trim())) {
03:33:44 <Keelhaul> errors.rejectValue("role", "error.trailingSpaces");
03:33:57 <Keelhaul> if role is null when it gets to the lower part, one is thrown
03:34:23 <Keelhaul> i can either make an npe test or add a check for not null
03:34:39 <nribeka> bwolfe, @should return all non voided patients --> all non voided
03:34:44 <nribeka> not no but non
03:34:45 <nribeka> :D
03:35:07 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: I thought you already determined that a null value would never get to the validators. You said spring was throwing some other error before that
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03:35:27 <bwolfe> nribeka: ah, makes more sense :-)
03:35:34 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: dont remember =/
03:35:39 <nribeka> :P
03:35:54 <nribeka> is there any other bwolfe?
03:37:54 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: so what shall i do
03:38:22 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: is it even possible to test for it ?
03:38:55 <Keelhaul> expecting=NullPointerException.class
03:38:57 <Keelhaul> woudl that work?
03:39:27 <Keelhaul> although imo throwing NPEs shouldnt be expected behavior anywhere
03:39:57 <Keelhaul> it
03:40:09 <Keelhaul> it's basically crashing back to desktop with a segfault
03:40:13 <Keelhaul> although not as severe
03:42:02 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: that is how you expect the exception, yes. I was asking how you would write the code to throw that exception
03:42:21 <Keelhaul> oh i already have the code
03:42:26 <Keelhaul> which wasnt my intention
03:42:52 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: I don't think the controller should throw an NPE. but justin has said we're not changing code in this branch. you'll have to create a ticket for it and suggest that an if role.getRole() != null fix. :-p
03:43:04 <Keelhaul> all you need to do is try validating a role with no "role" set
03:43:14 *** jmiranda has joined #openmrs
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03:43:42 <Keelhaul> so after rejecting the field, it goes on with the code
03:43:46 <Keelhaul> and crashes
03:43:47 <jmiranda> sorry guys, pidgin keeps crashing silently on me
03:43:53 <Keelhaul> oh jmiranda
03:44:00 <Keelhaul> i want to change code
03:44:04 <r0bby> jmiranda: use xchat
03:44:08 <r0bby> a sane IRC client :)
03:44:15 <Keelhaul> a controller is throwing an NPE where i think its not supposed to
03:44:24 <Keelhaul> err
03:44:28 <Keelhaul> -controller +validator
03:48:46 <nribeka> committing again
03:48:46 <nribeka> :)
03:49:45 <nribeka> any more comments before i commit bwolfe and jmiranda?
03:50:04 <jmiranda> i was just finishing up with glen's
03:50:14 <jmiranda> are you committing the @should's?
03:50:20 <jmiranda> or @should's and test cases
03:51:05 <jmiranda> i would recommend committing the @shoulds. then i'll review, make changes (if necessary) and generate all test casses
03:51:07 <jmiranda> cases
03:51:12 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1496 (task closed): Syntax error in latest liquibase update script (200905150821) <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7827]: Fixing update sql in liquibase changeset 200905150821 - #1496 <>
03:52:14 <nribeka> @should jmiranda
03:52:36 <jmiranda> ok cool
03:52:39 <nribeka> too late, commit already
03:52:40 <nribeka> lol
03:52:54 <nribeka>
03:53:10 <jmiranda> so you did patient and person service?
03:54:00 <nribeka> yes
03:54:28 <nribeka>
03:54:32 <nribeka> first commit
03:54:37 <nribeka> wow ... ten commit interval
03:54:38 <nribeka> lol
03:56:31 *** Mkop has quit IRC
03:57:03 *** nribeka1 has joined #openmrs
03:57:31 <nribeka1> argh cris cros with management wireless ...
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03:58:05 *** nribeka1 is now known as nribeka
03:59:52 <Keelhaul> jmiranda: what kinda strings do i pass to TaskDefinition.setTaskClass()
04:00:06 <jmiranda> character
04:00:13 <Keelhaul> cant find a way to pass it a class name that wont be rejected
04:00:24 <jmiranda> org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks....
04:00:28 <Keelhaul> yea
04:00:29 <jmiranda> a class name
04:00:35 <jmiranda> hmm
04:00:38 <Keelhaul> tried just the class name, tried ClassName.class
04:00:42 <jmiranda> what's one you used
04:00:48 <Keelhaul> tried org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ClassName
04:00:52 <Keelhaul> i used HelloWorldTask
04:01:34 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: look in your mysql openmrs database. there should be a class name in your scheduler_config table
04:01:34 <jmiranda> what exception is it giving?
04:01:56 <Keelhaul> ah i got it
04:01:57 <Keelhaul> def.setTaskClass("org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.HelloWorldTask");
04:02:01 <Keelhaul> full name
04:02:18 <Keelhaul> it wasnt an exception, it rejects the field if class is not instance of Task
04:02:52 <jmiranda> oh
04:03:01 <jmiranda> i think when spring binds it
04:03:14 <jmiranda> it will use a binder that turns it into a class
04:03:29 <jmiranda> checking
04:03:46 <jmiranda> was lying
04:03:55 <Keelhaul> ok now to trigger these exceptions
04:07:41 * jmiranda needs to learn to read the scrollback before continuing to babble
04:08:56 *** nribeka1 has joined #openmrs
04:09:41 <nribeka1> i will do location next
04:09:43 <nribeka1> is it ok?
04:09:58 <bwolfe> I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm not really functioning well. I'll be up tmrw morning early to fill in some more tests
04:10:32 <bwolfe> (I filled in a few tests in ObsService, so the line graph on will be a little more interesting)
04:10:43 <nribeka1> i didn't really functional last Thursday morning
04:10:55 <nribeka1> didn't sleep the night before
04:11:05 <bwolfe> nribeka1: you functioned well enough. :-)
04:11:10 <nribeka1> lol
04:11:43 <nribeka1> which one is better, array or list? ... ehm hold on let me think about it for a moment ... (lol)
04:11:58 <nribeka1> thanks bwolfe :)
04:15:59 <Keelhaul> can someone help me with something
04:15:59 <Keelhaul>
04:16:03 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
04:16:08 <Keelhaul> i cant get any of the exceptions at the bottom thrown =(
04:16:32 <Keelhaul> ah doh
04:16:36 <Keelhaul> <--- imbecile
04:16:53 <Keelhaul> how could i not see the exceptions are caught..
04:17:49 <nribeka1> :D
04:20:38 <jmiranda> nribeka1: i just got through the person service
04:20:41 <jmiranda> good work
04:21:03 <jmiranda> i'm going to take a break
04:21:13 <jmiranda> i'll either finish the patient service when i get back
04:21:16 <jmiranda> or tomorrow morning
04:21:20 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7831]: testathon: modified some @should in comments <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7830]: testathon: Deleted inadvertent commit of test case coverage report. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7829]: testathon: Generated test cases for UserService. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7828]: testathon: Modified some @shoulds in UserService. <>
04:21:24 <nribeka1> i'm going to do the adm serv + location serv
04:21:34 <nribeka1> going to commit when done for review
04:21:41 <nribeka1> ok jmiranda
04:21:47 <nribeka1> c u tmorrow then :D
04:21:58 *** bwolfe has quit IRC
04:22:00 <nribeka1> it's me + Keelhaul here then
04:22:07 <Keelhaul> heh
04:22:11 <jmiranda> :)
04:22:14 <jmiranda> enjoy
04:22:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v nribeka1
04:22:24 <jmiranda> see you guys in a bit
04:22:29 *** nribeka has quit IRC
04:22:32 <Keelhaul> nribeka: do you know how to get an IllegalAccessException thrown?
04:22:37 <nribeka1> cya jmiranda
04:23:19 <nribeka1> Keelhaul: An IllegalAccessException is thrown when an application tries to reflectively create an instance (other than an array), set or get a field, or invoke a method, but the currently executing method does not have access to the definition of the specified class, field, method or constructor.
04:23:22 <nribeka1> hmm ...
04:23:27 <Keelhaul> yea
04:23:31 <Keelhaul> i'm not sure how to do it
04:24:23 <nribeka1> interesting
04:24:29 <nribeka1> let's ask google then Keelhaul
04:24:35 *** nribeka1 is now known as nribeka
04:25:05 <nribeka>
04:25:08 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
04:25:21 <nribeka> what do you think Keelhaul? let's read together
04:25:23 <nribeka> haha
04:25:35 <Keelhaul> nribeka: hold on, gotta fix something first =P
04:25:46 <Keelhaul> i was hoping you were familiar with it by chance
04:25:47 <Keelhaul> heh
04:27:51 <nribeka> familiar with?
04:28:16 <Keelhaul> that exception
04:28:59 <nribeka> never seen it happen :)
04:32:40 <nribeka> any comments jmiranda?
04:32:46 <nribeka> ups
04:32:48 <nribeka> haha ...
04:32:51 <nribeka> wrong line
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04:37:05 <nribeka> i thought you're not functional bwolfe?
04:37:06 <nribeka> :D
04:52:50 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7835]: testathon: Generated test cases for PersonService. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7834]: testathon: Modified some @shoulds within PersonService <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7833]: testathon: Added missing javadoc to ObsServiceImpl <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7832]: testathon: Filled in some unit tests in ObsService <>
05:01:53 <nribeka>
05:02:07 <nribeka> up for review location and administration service
05:08:20 <Keelhaul> Latest build JUNIT-TESTATHON-14 failed with 198 failing tests
05:08:24 <Keelhaul> Reason:
05:08:24 <Keelhaul> Updated by nribeka
05:08:26 <Keelhaul> lol
05:08:27 <Keelhaul> =P
05:09:20 <nribeka> haha ...
05:09:39 <Keelhaul>
05:10:16 <nribeka> jmiranda causing the failure lol
05:17:42 <nribeka> no bed time Keelhaul?
05:17:51 <Keelhaul> in a few
05:20:20 <nribeka> yeah
05:20:21 <nribeka> me too
05:20:24 <nribeka> :D
05:20:27 <nribeka> off to bed Keelhaul
05:20:34 <nribeka> cya tomorrow
05:20:37 <Keelhaul> gn
05:20:43 <nribeka> nite
05:28:08 <nribeka> Keelhaul, do you play soccer (football)?
05:28:17 <nribeka> oot: Amazon $40 off $80 Select Adidas Soccer Cleats and Shoes: Cleats from $15, Indoor Shoes from $33
05:28:19 <nribeka> wow ...
05:28:57 <Keelhaul> nribeka: no, why?
05:29:10 <Keelhaul> i watch it sometimes =)
05:30:08 <nribeka> i'm going to buy some of those shoes as a gift for my friends lol
05:38:35 <Keelhaul> they should be there though
05:38:46 <Keelhaul> cant buy shoes for other people and expect them to fit fine
05:38:49 <Keelhaul> expecially sports shoes
05:39:51 <nribeka> yeah ...
05:39:55 <nribeka> haha
05:39:56 <nribeka> true
05:56:56 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7837]: testathon: fixed some previously added @should annotations, added … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7836]: testathon: @should behaviors for all non-deprecated methods on … <>
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06:16:04 <jmiranda> nribeka: i'll get to the patient service tomorrow morning
06:16:21 <nribeka> ok jmiranda
06:16:31 <nribeka> i commit location and administration
06:16:35 <nribeka> bed time jmiranda?
06:16:54 <nribeka> i think i should go to bed too
06:18:26 <jmiranda> nribeka: yeah
06:18:30 <jmiranda> it's about that time
06:19:02 <nribeka> otherwise i will be dysfunctional tomorrow
06:19:11 <jmiranda> yeah, i'll be up early
06:19:25 <jmiranda> so i need a few hours
06:19:29 <jmiranda> good night
06:19:32 <jmiranda> see you tomorrow
06:19:44 <jmiranda> and thanks for all of your work today!
06:20:10 <nribeka> cya tomorrow jmiranda
06:20:12 <nribeka> thanks :)
06:20:15 <nribeka> nite nite
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11:12:23 <bwolfe> anyone still around?
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11:34:06 <pascal`> o.O
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13:11:59 <bwolfe> nribeka: are you awake ?
13:12:21 <nribeka> yes sir
13:12:59 <nribeka> are you fully functional today bwolfe?
13:13:00 <nribeka> :D
13:13:43 <pascal`> did the testathon go on late?
13:13:49 <bwolfe> heh, yeah. my laptop lid must have bounced open again last night and signed me back on
13:14:03 <bwolfe> nribeka: have you done any unit tests or just @shoulds ?
13:14:31 <nribeka> yeah, i thought you went online again
13:15:21 <bwolfe> pascal`: still going on technically
13:15:35 <bwolfe> pascal`: according to logs it looks like they went until 2AM EST
13:15:36 <nribeka> i wrote some test for the "@should return null when no person/patient has the given id"
13:15:53 <nribeka> i think this is the simplest one, right bwolfe?
13:16:00 <nribeka> pascal`, join us :)
13:16:23 <nribeka> i commit @should for location and administration service
13:16:27 <bwolfe> nribeka: starting easy, thats good. have you committed anything ?
13:16:32 <nribeka> nope
13:16:56 <nribeka> could you review the location and administration service bwolfe?
13:17:10 <pascal`> i should join you, but i'm catching up on some module dev that i should have had done by now =S
13:17:12 <bwolfe> changesets?
13:17:38 <pascal`> i'm sure i'll be adding some tests over the next few months though (=
13:18:20 <nribeka> 7836
13:18:50 <bwolfe> !changeset 7836
13:18:50 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: View changeset 7836:
13:19:36 <nribeka> cool pascal`
13:20:30 <bwolfe> nribeka: those look good. one spelling error in "@should return null when no globar property match given property name "
13:20:44 <bwolfe> nribeka: can you generate those test cases and commit them ?
13:20:50 <nribeka> ups
13:20:56 <nribeka> ok bwolfe :)
13:21:34 <bwolfe> nribeka: do you have the test generator plugin working ?
13:22:10 <nribeka> i think it's working on me
13:22:22 <nribeka> i did it once for the password patch
13:22:29 <nribeka> so i hope it's still working now :P
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13:37:35 <nribeka> committed the test bwolfe
13:39:29 <bwolfe> cool
13:40:39 <bwolfe> nribeka: do you want to start going to town on implementing the tests ?
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13:42:05 <nribeka1> when do we need to create or modify the xml bwolfe?:D
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13:42:59 <bwolfe> nribeka1: don't modify standardDataSet.xml
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13:43:07 <bwolfe> nribeka2: don't modify standardDataSet.xml
13:43:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v nribeka2
13:43:22 <bwolfe> nribeka2: if what you need isn't in there, copy a file and create a new xml
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13:44:29 <nribeka> ok ok bwolfe
13:45:27 <jmiranda> nribeka: bwolfe: i'm awake
13:45:34 <jmiranda> nribeka: i'll do the patient service now
13:46:03 <bwolfe> good morning jmiranda
13:46:08 <bwolfe> jmiranda: define "do"
13:46:20 <jmiranda> bwolfe: looks like we're going to be writing tests for awhile now
13:46:38 <jmiranda> bwolfe: review the patient service
13:46:43 <jmiranda> and create the tests
13:46:55 <jmiranda> (generate empty tests)
13:47:21 <nribeka> ok
13:49:24 <jmiranda> bwolfe: looks like we only need to generate 19 more empty tests to hit 1000 tests
13:49:27 <bwolfe> jmiranda: writing the tests isn't that hard. I did the 30 or so in ObsService in an hour (that was with cleaning up the old crusty tests left over from yester-year)
13:49:44 <bwolfe> jmiranda: I'm working on FormService. that should put us there
13:49:56 <jmiranda> PatientService has a bunch too
13:50:22 <Keelhaul> hi
13:50:28 <jmiranda> hi
13:52:27 <bwolfe> jmiranda: well good, then we'll be above 1000. :-)
13:53:28 <jmiranda> does anyone know why CTRL-SHIFT-T does not work in openmrs devstudio
13:53:50 <jmiranda> it's mapped in "Keys" ... just doesn't take
13:54:00 <nribeka>
13:54:08 <nribeka> is it ok to do the test like this?
13:54:19 <nribeka> i put some random number
13:54:22 <nribeka> :D
13:54:40 <jmiranda> nribeka: i think so
13:55:11 <nribeka> ok because i did like this in most of the "return null" test
13:55:25 <nribeka> or should i put some nasty number like -999
13:55:51 <jmiranda> i think a positive integer is good
13:56:09 <jmiranda> the test will fail if someone adds a patient with that ID to your dataset
13:56:15 <Keelhaul> i doubt there will ever be 100 attributes in standardDataSet
13:56:18 <jmiranda> and someone will have to fix that at some point
13:56:23 <Keelhaul> but make it 1000 to be safe =P
13:57:29 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: OpenMRS Installation problem on windows 2003 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7838]: testathon: Filled in rest of unit tests on ObsService class <>
13:58:27 <bwolfe> jmiranda: to get control-shift-t to work you have to make sure the command is available in your perspective. right click on toolbar-->customize perspective-->commands-->check "java open actions"
13:58:45 <nribeka> brb in a mins
13:58:54 <bwolfe> jmiranda: how are we going to parcel out who works on implementing which tests?
13:59:13 <bwolfe> do you want to write out the different groups in the google doc and let people take them on ?
13:59:24 <bwolfe> showering. bbs
14:00:42 <jmiranda> bwolfe: sure
14:09:51 <jmiranda> bwolfe: the java open actions was selected
14:10:01 <jmiranda> for both java and j2ee perspectives
14:10:43 <jmiranda> when i closed out of that dialog (without changing anything) CTRL-SHIFT-T started magically working
14:16:21 <jmiranda> bwolfe: (or anyone else) have you seen the Open Implementation menu option in Eclipse?
14:17:14 <jmiranda> it allows you to open the implementation method on an interface (similar to Open Declaration)
14:17:19 <jmiranda> it has changed my life
14:17:33 <Keelhaul> does the j2ee perspective offer anything useful
14:17:53 <Keelhaul> i see a data source explorer
14:22:29 <bwolfe> jmiranda: I think I was the one that told you about the Open Implementation plugin. And yes, it has changed my life too.
14:23:31 <bwolfe> I'll be back in a few hours. I'll help clean up any tests you guys haven't finished then.
14:26:58 <jmiranda> bwolfe: ok
14:27:02 <jmiranda> see you
14:27:11 <jmiranda> i'll probably be gone when you get back
14:27:44 <jmiranda> Keelhaul: i wouldn't say it's dramatically better than the java perspective
14:27:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7845]: testathon: Added @shoulds and generated tests for FormService <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7844]: testathon: Added @shoulds for PersonName <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7843]: testathon: Added @shoulds and generated tests for PersonName <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7842]: fixed unit tests, updated core jars, minor problem form changes <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7841]: testathon: generated test cases from @should in LocationService and … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7840]: testathon: Generated unit tests for PersonAttribute <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7839]: testathon: Added @shoulds for PersonAttribute <>
14:27:53 <jmiranda> it's more server oriented (i think)
14:28:32 <jmiranda> data expolorer, server integration
14:28:35 <jmiranda> that's all i can think og
14:28:36 <jmiranda> of
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14:51:38 <nribeka4> msg nickserv ghost nribeka2
14:51:44 <nribeka4> hahahaha
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14:51:59 <nribeka> go away nribeka 1 2 3
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14:53:33 <jmiranda> i hate to admit it, but i think you were right r0bby
14:53:42 <jmiranda> going with xchat for the foreseeable future
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15:12:55 <pakon> hi all
15:13:11 <pakon> i need help with liquibase and ant
15:13:15 <nribeka> hi pakon
15:13:24 <nribeka> ugh ... liquibase and ant
15:14:53 <pakon> how can i run my own liquibase changeset (in separate xml-file) after update-to-latest.xml?
15:17:46 <nribeka> pakon, i think the changesets are run from inside the code core api
15:18:27 <nribeka> are you running the changes on module or no?
15:18:42 <pakon> i have no module
15:18:48 <pakon> i have a branch
15:18:53 <nribeka> module i think have separate liquibase file
15:19:08 <nribeka> lets summon jmiranda to ask about this :D
15:19:55 <pakon> nribeka: ok
15:20:06 <jmiranda> pakon, why do you want to run it in a separate file?
15:20:18 <jmiranda> you can just add your changes to the end of the update script
15:20:47 <pakon> i did so
15:21:30 <jmiranda> and what happened?
15:21:40 <jmiranda> the database was unchanged?
15:21:49 <pakon> but after merging trunk to my branche - application can't run
15:23:10 <pakon> and Dave Thomas recomend move my liquibase changes into separate file
15:24:17 <pakon> jmiranda: where is the code that run update-to-latest.sql?
15:25:13 <jmiranda> it should be in the initialization filter
15:25:25 <jmiranda> and DatabaseUpdater util class
15:25:54 <pakon> aha
15:27:22 <jmiranda> yeah, line 540 of InitializationFilter
15:27:33 <jmiranda> calls DatabaseUpdater.update
15:28:11 <jmiranda> what's the error you're getting
15:29:13 <pakon> i can't see logs now
15:31:07 <pakon> thanks for direction. i will deal with this problem. if i need more help then i will chat you.
15:31:31 <pakon> one more question
15:32:54 <pakon> when the liquibase-generate-sql targe run? who invoke it?
15:38:06 <nribeka> i think it's called by Context.startup() pakon
15:38:51 <pakon> nribeka: tnx
15:39:20 <nribeka> ups ... you mean the ant target pakon?
15:40:36 <pakon> yes
15:40:51 <pakon> nribeka: i can't find Context.startup :)
15:41:37 <nribeka> the ant target i think is just there if you need to create the sql file
15:42:24 <nribeka> my prev answer was because i thought you were asking for where the liquibase is called :P
15:42:27 <nribeka> my mistake :D
15:42:35 <pakon> i think too
15:42:49 <pakon> no problem
15:42:58 <pakon> thanks
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16:00:56 <nribeka> showering bbl
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16:08:43 <nribeka> jmiranda be back in an hour :D
16:08:50 <jmiranda> ok
16:09:02 <jmiranda> i'm going to leave in about an hour (for most of the afternoon)
16:09:05 <jmiranda> but will be back tonight
16:09:18 <jmiranda> i'm almost done with patient service
16:09:36 <jmiranda> (the @shoulds)
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17:05:55 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1498 (defect created): AdministrationService missing critical privilege checks <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7847]: testathon: Generated about 100 new test cases for PatientService. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7846]: testathon: Modified @should behaviors for PatientService. <>
17:09:05 <bwolfe> not much movement on the testathon...
17:14:17 <jmiranda> bwolfe, yeah i think nribeka and i are the only ones left
17:14:25 <jmiranda> and i think he's taking a break
17:14:42 <jmiranda> and i'm about to take off for the afternoon
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17:24:45 <bwolfe> jmiranda: that was a short break :-p
17:25:33 <jmiranda> bwolfe, megan isn't ready yet
17:26:01 <bwolfe> ah yes, its all about the women
17:33:23 <jmiranda> bwolfe, ok ... now i'm leaving
17:33:33 <jmiranda> and somehow megan is now mad at me for making her wait
17:33:47 <jmiranda> go figure
17:33:47 <bwolfe> jmiranda: haha, ok
17:33:49 <bwolfe> cy
17:33:50 <jmiranda> later guys
17:33:51 <bwolfe> cya
17:33:57 <jmiranda> be back tonight
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17:38:01 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7848]: testathon: Implemented a few test cases for PatientService. <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1500 (defect created): Groovy evaluation should require Run Groovy Scripts privilege <> || OpenMRS Forum: Re: OpenMRS Installation problem on windows 2003 <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #1499 (task created): Rename 'System Developer' privilege to 'Administrator' <>
17:48:16 <bwolfe> nribeka: are you around ?
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18:10:04 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7850]: testathon: Implemented tests for PersonAttribute <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7849]: testathon: Added another test case for Patient Service. <>
18:42:05 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7851]: testathon: Implemented unit tests for PersonName <>
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19:13:39 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7852]: testathon: Added cleanup to PersonName tests <>
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20:16:12 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: OpenMRS Installation problem on windows 2003 <>
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20:37:29 <r0bby> ow my nick
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21:09:40 <nribeka> bwolfe
21:09:44 <nribeka> are you there?
21:10:02 <bwolfe> I am now
21:10:13 <nribeka> haha ...
21:10:19 <nribeka> i'm outside ...
21:10:33 <nribeka> crazy mocha
21:14:50 <bwolfe> crazy mocha?
21:15:14 <nribeka> coffee shop
21:15:14 <nribeka> :D
21:15:24 <bwolfe> nribeka: ah. are you working on any test classes ?
21:16:18 <nribeka> yes
21:16:23 <nribeka> person service
21:16:55 <bwolfe> nribeka: cool. I added your name to that on the google doc then:
21:16:58 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
21:17:06 <nribeka> ok ok
21:17:06 <nribeka> :D
21:17:12 <nribeka> halfway in there
21:17:43 <nribeka> are you done bwolfe?
21:18:19 <bwolfe> nribeka: I'm still working on some tests
21:18:32 <bwolfe> I was done for the last few hours because my parents stopped by
21:20:01 <bwolfe> how many tests are in there nribeka ?
21:20:41 <nribeka> 47
21:21:41 <bwolfe> wow, thats a big one
21:24:02 <nribeka> :P
21:24:16 <nribeka> i think i need to create new xml for relationship
21:24:26 <nribeka> to test the voided relationship
21:30:11 <bwolfe> nribeka: thats fine. I usually copy/paste an xml, take out most things, and then add in the few more attributes I need
21:30:22 <bwolfe> err, copy/paste the xml to a new file
21:31:10 <nribeka> do we need to create xml for all new test bwolfe?
21:31:56 <bwolfe> nribeka: no, most tests should be able to use the xml that is automatically run for all tests: include/standardDataSet.xml
21:34:18 <nribeka> ok ok bwolfe ;)
21:40:21 <Keelhaul> hi
21:40:25 <Keelhaul> is there work left?
21:40:40 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: plenty of work left
21:40:49 <bwolfe>
21:40:52 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: can i implement tests someone else defined?
21:41:08 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: yep. put your name next to one in
21:41:09 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
21:41:23 <bwolfe> see the section titled "Test Classes That Need Implemented"
21:41:32 <Keelhaul> nribeka: if you dont mind, i'll take LocationServiceTest
21:41:55 <bwolfe> heh, I figured you would be sick of locations :-p
21:42:26 <Keelhaul> i worked on that file before
21:43:05 <nribeka> sure Keelhaul
21:43:27 <Keelhaul> hmm
21:43:36 <Keelhaul> how do i edit the google minutes =(
21:44:05 <nribeka> is there any standard for naming the xml file bwolfe?
21:44:17 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: whats your google alias ?
21:44:28 <Keelhaul>
21:44:42 <bwolfe> nribeka: not a strict one. I put the name of the test class in the file
21:45:40 <nribeka> ok i will use PersonServiceTest-createRelationship.xml
21:48:13 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: ok, you should have write access now
21:48:18 <bwolfe> nribeka: yep, that works
21:48:21 <Keelhaul> thx, i received an email
21:50:25 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: OpenMRS Installation problem on windows 2003 <>
21:50:59 <Keelhaul> value = "should return list of all non retired locations"
21:51:13 <Keelhaul> should i just check the list size or iterate checking for retired=true
21:51:50 <r0bby> nribeka: you suck
21:52:12 <r0bby> somebody remind me why i have 50,000 modules set up in ONE project :x
21:54:37 <Keelhaul> ugh
21:54:55 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: there are no LocationTags in the standard dataset
21:55:21 <Keelhaul> if i add some to it, no existing tests should be affected
21:56:19 <nribeka> you should create your own xml Keelhaul
21:56:26 <nribeka> r0bby, join us :)
21:56:45 <Keelhaul> there shouldnt be an own xml file for every class =/
21:57:14 <nribeka>
21:57:23 <nribeka> i test that kind of thing like this
21:57:25 <nribeka> is it ok?
21:57:54 <nribeka> i don't think we're allowed to play with standardDatasets
21:58:00 <nribeka> well we need to ask bwolfe about it :D
21:58:10 <Keelhaul> nribeka: i'd do Assert.assertFalse(relationship.isVoided()) in the loop
21:58:14 <Keelhaul> no boolean
21:58:49 <Keelhaul> the test will fail the moment one of the items is voided
21:59:45 <Keelhaul> also, imho "should return all" suggests you should check for the list size (i.e. whether all records from your file have been fetched)
22:00:11 <r0bby> Keelhaul: i think we should switch to JPA
22:00:32 <Keelhaul> this kind of testing relies on the xml files remaining unchanged (record number wise)
22:00:39 <nribeka> yes
22:00:43 <Keelhaul> r0bby: i think you should participate =P
22:00:56 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: usually just checking size is ok for the retired one. just make sure the whole possible dataset has both retired and nonretired and you 're getting hte ones you want
22:01:22 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: yea, that's a given
22:01:38 <nribeka> so, we need to make sure that the number is stay the same?
22:02:02 <bwolfe> nribeka: you are right in that we shouldn't modify the standard data set, but adding entries to it is helpful. so I think adding some location_tags to the standard one would be fine
22:02:05 <Keelhaul> but i think iterating over the list and checking for false positives should be a second test called "should only return unvoided..."
22:02:19 <Keelhaul> yea
22:02:32 <Keelhaul> what's dangerous is adding new rows for already present datatypes
22:02:36 <Keelhaul> that can break tests
22:02:51 <nribeka> Keelhaul, wouldn't asserting in the loop flood the test report?
22:03:07 <Keelhaul> maybe
22:03:10 <Keelhaul> in theory
22:03:18 <Keelhaul> but your dataset has how many records, 3-4?
22:03:19 <Keelhaul> not 4000
22:03:22 <nribeka> haha ...
22:03:26 <nribeka> true :D
22:04:53 <nribeka> i'll go with you then Keelhaul
22:05:31 <Keelhaul> nribeka: @Verifies(value = "should return locations when includeRetired is false", method = "getAllLocations(null)")
22:05:34 <Keelhaul> what did you mean by this
22:05:49 <Keelhaul> it should return at least one location?
22:06:08 <nribeka> hold on
22:06:59 <nribeka> ups i think i mean when include retired is true Keelhaul
22:07:08 <nribeka> so, it will also return the retired location
22:07:18 <Keelhaul> hm
22:07:29 <Keelhaul> maybe the method name should be changed then
22:07:30 <nribeka> unlike the getAllLocations which only return the unretired ones
22:07:33 <Keelhaul> like should return all locaitons
22:07:56 <nribeka> yeah, i think you should change that one ...
22:08:01 <nribeka> could you
22:08:10 <nribeka> you could run the plugin right?
22:08:14 <Keelhaul> then you we should use the same annotation text
22:08:22 <Keelhaul> so the plugin doesnt generate a new test next time someone runs it
22:08:50 <nribeka> i think you can cheat by changing the name and annotation
22:08:52 <nribeka> or no?
22:08:55 <nribeka> :P
22:09:09 <Keelhaul> how about "@should return all locations when includeRetired is true"
22:09:15 <Keelhaul> yes
22:09:20 <Keelhaul> but the text must be the same i think
22:09:41 <nribeka> make include retired separate instead of includeRetired (i think)
22:09:50 <bwolfe> soccer time. bb in an hour
22:09:59 <nribeka> can i join in bwolfe
22:10:50 <Keelhaul> hmm
22:10:52 <bwolfe> sure, but the game will be done by the time you get here
22:11:00 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: so can i add a few locationtags to the standard set?
22:11:27 <nribeka> hahaha ...
22:11:30 <nribeka> pick me up bwolfe
22:11:31 <nribeka> :P
22:11:35 <nribeka> would you :D
22:12:04 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: yeah, go ahead and add some locationtags
22:12:08 <Keelhaul> ok
22:12:15 <bwolfe> nribeka: nope :-p
22:12:21 <nribeka> huhu mean bwolfe
22:12:29 <nribeka> how far is it from my place bwolfe?
22:12:30 <nribeka> haha lol
22:12:37 <nribeka> cya tonight bwolfe
22:13:00 <Keelhaul> oh n m
22:13:08 <Keelhaul> locationservice has its own xml
22:22:15 <nribeka> Keelhaul, are you gonna be around?
22:22:22 <Keelhaul> for another 6h or so
22:22:26 <nribeka> wow ...
22:22:37 <nribeka> don't you sleep Keelhaul? how many hours do you sleep?
22:22:45 <Keelhaul> 7-8 usually
22:22:56 <Keelhaul> i usually sleep 7-15
22:23:10 <Keelhaul> between 7am and 3pm that is
22:26:29 <nribeka> haha ...
22:26:30 <nribeka> ic ic
22:30:23 <Keelhaul> nribeka: the getLocations and getLocationTags methods w/o a parameter also return retired items it seems =/
22:30:38 <nribeka> really ...
22:31:54 <nribeka> getAllLocations?
22:32:00 <Keelhaul> yea
22:33:25 <nribeka> how come? it
22:33:40 <nribeka> there's a param to filter it out right?
22:34:06 <Keelhaul> dunno
22:34:13 <Keelhaul> havent looked at it yet
22:34:23 <Keelhaul> but i was the one who implemented LocationTags
22:34:28 <Keelhaul> so if it has an error, it's my fault
22:36:26 <nribeka> hohoho ... ok ok
22:43:52 <nribeka> off now ...
22:43:53 <nribeka> ttyl
22:45:12 <Keelhaul> bye
22:52:34 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [7853]: testathon: Implemented tests on UserService <>
23:05:51 *** nribeka has quit IRC
23:27:45 <r0bby> you know we can use spring to manage DWR right?
23:30:28 <r0bby> holy crap pro Swing 2.5 is crap
23:30:49 <r0bby> Stubborn r0bby is trying to make @Service work
23:30:59 <r0bby> but finding an example is next to near impossible!