IRC Chat : 2008-08-07 - OpenMRS

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02:06:12 <maveriick> hi everybody
02:08:31 <maveriick> hi bwolfe
02:09:16 <bwolfe> hey there maveriick
02:09:19 <bwolfe> its been a while
02:13:46 <maveriick> bwolfe, yup ....
02:14:19 <maveriick> bwolfe, did you see the ConceptComplex class in complex-obs branch?
02:15:17 <bwolfe> I haven't looked closely at it, no
02:15:20 <bwolfe> why maveriick ?
02:15:31 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #964 (task created): Ensure a persisted de-identified ID for patient lookup <>
02:16:27 <maveriick> bwolfe, there is a method in Concept - isComplex which is overridden by ConceptComplex ...
02:17:46 <maveriick> but I wonder why the overridden method can't straightforward return true in ConceptComplex? Is there any possibility that a ConceptComplex's data type is not complex?
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02:23:26 <bwolfe> maveriick: hmm
02:23:48 <bwolfe> I think it could be in only a very small use case
02:24:19 <bwolfe> if a complex concept is being changed to another type of object
02:27:18 <maveriick> bwolfe, but then again we can just put it in the Concept class if we check the data type to determine complex or not complex need to override .
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02:46:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Problem with RemoteFormEntry Module Implementation <>
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03:18:36 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Problem with RemoteFormEntry Module Implementation <>
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03:22:03 <maveriick> I guess, approximately 40 minutes left before today's developers call.... is it?
03:36:30 <bwolfe> maveriick: yes, 40 mins from when you said that :-)
03:36:38 <bwolfe> only 23 mins from now
03:37:55 <maveriick> bwolfe, will justin attend today? He is not online in IM
03:38:36 <bwolfe> not sure
03:38:39 <bwolfe> I think he's at a conference
03:40:49 <maveriick> hmm, then the skype option is out ....need to dial in ....
03:41:26 <bwolfe> maveriick: I'll see about a replacement
03:42:33 <maveriick> Probably Andreas is also going to miss this call I guess better for me If I can have chance at the start of the call
03:43:14 <maveriick> The other day I dialed in the call ....I got connected for over 20 minutes then suddenly got d/c
03:43:44 <maveriick> bwolfe, what replacement?
03:44:25 <bwolfe> maveriick: why will andreas miss? It'd be best if he is on
03:45:08 <maveriick> I mailed him one day ago ....asking whether he could attend the call .....still to get a reply.....
03:45:45 <maveriick> The last call I attended (and eventually got disconnected), Andreas missed that as he was traveling in that time .
03:50:40 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Problem with RemoteFormEntry Module Implementation <>
03:56:16 <sprasanna_> bmckown: Hi Brian
03:56:31 <sprasanna_> bmckown: I spoke to Daniel today...
03:57:06 <sprasanna_> bmckown: we were thinking the issue about hierarchy components...
03:59:13 <sprasanna_> bmckown: when the system is used to store the different varying hierarchies the existing name might confuse them.... though the managing hierarchy order is a best option... yet many places follow different hierarchies which doesnt fall in our existing components...
04:00:08 <sprasanna_> bmckown: I need your opinion and advice on this
04:03:24 <maveriick> bwolfe, is the call started?
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04:06:21 <bwolfe> maveriick: send a skype to michael_seaton. he will be calling in via skype
04:07:53 <maveriick> ok added him there...
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04:20:46 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Problem with RemoteFormEntry Module Implementation <>
04:27:00 <maveriick> bwolfe, u there?
04:27:28 <bwolfe> yep
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04:29:26 <maveriick> bwolfe, I am just going to ask you ...if it is ok to leave the call now :-)
04:29:33 <maveriick> I just did that....
04:29:52 <bwolfe> maveriick: yep, thats fine
04:30:02 <bwolfe> you're welcome to stay if you want, but you are also able to leave
04:30:20 <maveriick> I am in school now ....will go home ...will stay if I would be in home... :)
04:30:35 <bwolfe> ah yes
04:30:39 <bwolfe> what time is it there maveriick ?
04:30:50 <maveriick> its 8:30 pm here in BD
04:30:59 <bwolfe> ooo, late
04:31:32 <maveriick> I came because the bandwidth is Good in the school .... (I don't want to experience the problem what I experienced in 26th July's call)
04:31:48 <maveriick> bye for now, everybody ...
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05:17:42 <sprasanna_> bmckown_: are you there?
05:18:58 <bmckown_> in the develpers conference call,.. hi , sprasanna_
05:19:40 <sprasanna_> oh sorry for disturbing you. I will talk to you after the developers call.
05:20:09 <bmckown_> anything i can help with now?
05:21:52 <bmckown_> or can you send an e-mail? we're in meetings most of the day on thursdays
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05:24:55 <sprasanna_> i just want to know people opinion for the dynamic table... i will mail to the devlist.... thats the best way to get everyone's opinion i guess
05:25:05 <bmckown_> yes. agree.
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07:23:43 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #965 (task created): Mongolian cyrillic characters don't entirely work <>
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08:02:32 <jacobb> bwolfe_ around?
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08:56:10 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #966 (defect created): ModuleUtil.getModuleRepository() can create bad paths for module directory <>
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09:58:26 <bwolfe> jacobb: yes
10:01:51 <jacobb> hey bwolfe: for some reason when I call the UserService.getUsersByName I am getting an exception:
10:02:01 <jacobb> SEVERE: illegal attempt to dereference collection [user0_.user_id.names] with element property reference [givenName] [from org.openmrs.User u where u.names.givenName = :givenName and u.names.familyName = :familyName]
10:02:02 <jacobb> org.hibernate.QueryException: illegal attempt to dereference collection [user0_.user_id.names] with element property reference [givenName] [from org.openmrs.User u where u.names.givenName = :givenName and u.names.familyName = :familyName]
10:10:11 <jacobb> is there some trick I need to do to call that? I'm simply using List<User> users = Context.getUserService().getUsersByName(givenName, familyName, true);
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10:41:48 <bwolfe> jacobb: hmm
10:41:52 <bwolfe> not sure
10:44:15 <bwolfe> jacobb: where would that be called right now?
10:47:25 <jacobb> I don't see it called anywehre in openmrs right now..
10:47:33 <jacobb> i did a find usages and got nothing
10:47:45 <jacobb> what's used to get the provider lists in the provider widget?
10:48:45 <bwolfe> in infopath ?
10:48:56 <bwolfe> is that the widget you're referring to jacobb ?
10:48:59 <jacobb> no on the add encounter page
10:49:05 <jacobb> when you can select a provider
10:49:35 <jacobb> since it seems like there's smoething wrong with getUsersByName...maybe I can use something else
10:49:45 <jacobb> i just need to find a provider based on their first and last name
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10:50:31 <bwolfe> DWRUserService
10:50:56 <jacobb> ah, can't really use that from amodule
10:51:09 <bwolfe> jacobb: looks like it calls userservice.getUsers
10:53:08 <jacobb> and then walks through it?
10:53:11 <jacobb> i guess i coudl do that...
10:53:26 <jacobb> let me see if that works
10:53:51 <jacobb> if it works...then it sounds like there's a bug in getUsersByName
10:55:18 <jacobb> or maybe the getUsers(String nameSearch, List<Role> roles, boolean includeVoided) method
10:55:20 <bwolfe> jacobb: there probably is if no one is using it
10:55:51 <jacobb> trying to figure out how "searchValue" works
10:55:54 <jacobb> any idea?
10:57:00 <jacobb> i'm guessing nameSearch could take a first and last name
10:57:06 <bwolfe> yes
10:57:17 <bwolfe> its the input box value I think
10:57:26 <jacobb> oh ok
10:57:42 <bwolfe> Return a user if any part of the search matches first/last/system id .......
10:57:53 <jacobb> hm ok
10:57:58 <jacobb> so i can just pass it first middle last
10:58:02 <jacobb> with spaces like that
10:58:06 <jacobb> i'll give that a shot
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11:07:18 <jacobb> that worked great, thanks!
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11:59:13 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #954 (task closed): CohortService - getCohort('nameofcohort') <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #967 (task created): Add Class Type for Proposed Concepts <>
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13:13:52 <r0bby> maybe
13:13:58 <r0bby> er wrong weind
13:14:00 <r0bby> window
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15:34:22 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #969 (enhancement created): Persist Token Tags <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #968 (enhancement created): Support for AGGREGATE X CONCEPT request in Logic Service Parser <>
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16:30:54 <r0bby> upul: hai
16:31:28 <upul> Hi r0bby
16:31:59 <r0bby> done?
16:32:10 <upul> done what?
16:32:40 <r0bby> project
16:32:50 <upul> i don't think so
16:33:05 <r0bby> gonna finish?
16:33:11 <upul> i don't know
16:34:12 <upul> i have done parts for the update project
16:34:28 <r0bby> gonna pass?
16:35:04 <upul> bwolfe will decide that
16:35:08 <nribeka> i'm not done too :(
16:35:12 <upul> hope to do something in the next few days
16:35:20 <nribeka> r u done rob?
16:36:50 <upul> i don't think it matters it's completely finished or not, it should be the effort done so far
16:42:41 <r0bby> I have the hardest part done
16:43:13 <r0bby>
16:43:14 <r0bby> :)
16:43:14 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
16:43:37 <r0bby> :>
16:45:24 <r0bby> DROOL
16:45:49 <r0bby> I could also use groovy's AntBuilder to do it :D
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