IRC Chat : 2008-06-04 - OpenMRS

00:09:05 <nribeka_> woohoo three tickets :D
00:10:10 <sgrannis> 3 tickets should keep you busy for a couple minutes, right? :)
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00:11:45 <nribeka_> hehe ... :P
00:11:53 <nribeka_> years probably sgrannis hehe :D
00:12:23 <nribeka_> you're still testing right now?
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00:24:06 <nribeka_> sgrannis: you work really hard :D
00:24:23 <sgrannis> why do you say that?
00:24:59 <nribeka_> yeah, it's really late but you're still doing testing :D
00:25:32 <sgrannis> well, i would have liked tohave tested it earlier, but so many thing s to do ...
00:25:53 <sgrannis> i just sent you an email with a document capturing the patheway forward
00:25:57 <nribeka_> yes
00:26:00 <nribeka_> i got it
00:26:05 <sgrannis> good.
00:26:06 <nribeka_> reading it right now
00:26:25 * r0bby sighs
00:27:42 <sgrannis> unles you have any questions, I'm going to get some sleep ...
00:28:01 <nribeka_> not for now i think shaun :D
00:28:11 <nribeka_> tomorrow probably :P
00:28:13 <sgrannis> g'night
00:28:20 <nribeka_> gnite sgrannis
00:30:23 <r0bby> Half hr more of work then im going to bed
00:35:00 <nribeka_> bed r0bby?
00:35:13 <nribeka_> come on it's still early :P
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01:02:33 <r0bby> good night im going to bed
01:02:56 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #798 (defect created): Second XML configuration file not loading properly <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #797 (defect created): Second XML configuration file not loading properly <> || OpenMRS Modules: XForms 1.7 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
01:27:39 <nribeka_> good night r0bby
01:33:53 <r0bby> okay
01:34:00 <r0bby> now I dont hate my design
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01:34:16 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4550]: xforms module: changed default date format <>
01:34:39 <r0bby> I had a professor who told me it was inefficient to create objects in loops...
01:34:44 * r0bby did just that
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01:35:16 <r0bby> zzz.
01:35:30 <r0bby> tomorrow i write mt templates and now that it's easier :)
01:35:44 <r0bby> :D
01:36:50 <r0bby> YES!
01:37:03 <r0bby> I just eliminated having 2 maintain 4 lists
01:37:10 <r0bby>
02:01:51 <nribeka_> really r0bby? it is inefficient to create object in loop?
02:01:56 <nribeka_> that's interesting
02:02:00 <nribeka_> off to bed
02:02:07 <nribeka_> c u tomorrow all
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02:14:49 <r0bby> :D /jj
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07:44:31 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #799 (defect created): Setting guid field as NOT NULL and DEFAULT NULL throws an SQLException <>
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07:47:56 <Keelhaul> hi
07:52:39 <bwolfe> hey Keelhaul
07:53:05 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: have you had any chance to check out my code yet?
07:53:27 <Keelhaul> we looked at the problem with bmckown last night and came to the conclusion that you're the person to talk to =)
07:53:35 <bwolfe> haha
07:53:38 <bwolfe> ok
07:53:46 <bwolfe> I didn't have a chance yesterday
07:54:06 <bmckown> :-)
07:54:09 <Keelhaul> noticed though, that you used DWR for your formentry portlet, rather than a controller
07:54:46 <bmckown> So ben, have you ever tried using a CustomPortletController in a module?
07:55:07 <bwolfe> is CustomPortletController something special?
07:55:11 <bmckown> That extends the PortletController
07:55:16 <bwolfe> or are you just indicating SomeOtherPortletController
07:55:29 <bmckown> just a name of a portlet controller that extends the PortletController
07:55:46 <bmckown> yes SomeOtherPortletController extends PortletController
07:56:16 <bmckown> So Keelhaul cannot get that to work in the module. But it looks like it's coded right from the snippets I've seen.
07:56:35 <bmckown> cannot even put a "hello" on the map.
07:57:18 <bwolfe> ah
07:57:30 <bmckown> So the question was just simply: Are you aware of any reason that SomeOtherPortletController would not work in a module?
07:57:30 <bwolfe> I'll bet you need to change the priority on your mappings element
07:58:08 <bwolfe> bmckown / Keelhaul : see the foremntry module moduleApplicationContext mappings element
07:58:13 <bwolfe> it has an "order" element of 1
07:58:25 <bwolfe> the core mappings element in openmrs-servlet.xml has an order of 99
07:58:32 <bwolfe> lower numbers are processed first
07:58:37 <bwolfe> if you don't have an order, you're processed last
07:58:45 <bwolfe> or in some random order, I can't tell
07:59:11 <bwolfe> so your mappigns element is probably being processed after the core one...and the core one has a **/*.portlet that is catching everything not mapped so far
07:59:45 <Keelhaul> but you'Re still supposed to be processed eventually, right?
08:01:13 <bmckown> Keelhaul, can you try changing the module to order 1 and see if it works?
08:01:16 <bwolfe> yes, but since there was a **/*.portlet, it doesn't care
08:01:25 <bwolfe> set it to order 2, just to make it after formentry
08:01:39 <bwolfe> (not that it should matter, formentry won't screw up your module)
08:02:08 <Keelhaul> =)
08:03:00 <bmckown> brb
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08:11:27 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: oh yea
08:11:38 <Keelhaul> model.cases i readable now
08:11:39 <Keelhaul> thx
08:11:41 <Keelhaul> is*
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08:15:33 <Keelhaul> maybe someone should make a wiki entry
08:15:58 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #790 (task closed): Merge patients is broken <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4551]: Fixing merge patients method - #790 <>
08:22:31 <bwolfe> Keelhaul: go for it! :-)
08:22:31 <bmckown> cool
08:22:46 <bwolfe> maybe an entry on the module wiki page in the faq section?
08:22:59 <bmckown> so we don't all forget after this.
08:23:46 <Keelhaul> bwolfe: not sure which wiki page
08:23:50 <Keelhaul> and what exactly to write =/
08:24:02 <bmckown> >(
08:24:09 <bwolfe> !modules
08:24:09 <OpenMRSBot> bwolfe: "modules" ---
08:24:11 <bmckown> must write wiki page!
08:24:30 <Keelhaul> the extension page is too general for something that specific
08:24:31 <Keelhaul> or is it
08:25:29 <bmckown> in the FAQ section at the bottom of the link ben put there.
08:26:23 <Keelhaul> i disagree
08:26:26 <Keelhaul>
08:26:28 <Keelhaul> better here
08:26:35 <bmckown> okay. that's good.
08:26:58 <bmckown> yea, probably better there.
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08:38:35 <Keelhaul>
08:38:36 <Keelhaul> done
08:42:54 <bmckown> very nice Keelhaul . good work.
08:43:14 <Keelhaul> thx
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08:52:03 <Keelhaul> how can i make a table use the entire box width
08:52:07 <Keelhaul> instead of just as much as it needs
08:52:20 <bwolfe> style="width: 100%" ?
08:52:32 <bwolfe> style="overflow-x: scroll"
08:52:54 <bwolfe> the overflow one might need a fixed width though
08:52:59 <Keelhaul> in the <table> element
08:52:59 <Keelhaul> ?
08:55:58 <bwolfe> on the td element
08:57:43 <bmckown> Netbeans has an awesome javascript editor.
08:58:40 <Keelhaul> eclipse EE has a crappy one
08:58:42 <Keelhaul> but better than nothing
08:59:47 <bmckown> yes I have been using eclipse EE and the netbeans js editor is WAY better.
09:05:55 <bwolfe> I prefer gvim's javascript editor ;-)
09:06:07 <bwolfe> sometimes bluefish if I'm feeling lazy
09:06:21 <bmckown> gvim is great.
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09:22:20 <Keelhaul> aighte
09:22:21 <Keelhaul> gtg home
09:22:25 <Keelhaul> bb later tonight
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09:42:55 <r0bby> jingle bells
09:43:03 <r0bby> batman smells --- ...
09:47:36 <bwolfe> r0bby laid an egg
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09:49:31 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #68 (task closed): Move all business logic out of DAOs into the service layer <>
09:59:29 <bwolfe> oh c'mon, no chuckle out of that one? I thought the r0bby / robin similarity was perfect
10:00:47 <atomicturtle> keys fixed
10:00:52 <atomicturtle> commence the jigglin
10:01:56 <bwolfe> atomicturtle: thanks scott!
10:02:25 <bwolfe> atomicturtle: and out of curiosity, who do you keeps giving you these keys?
10:02:45 <atomicturtle> I have a bunch that I dont use
10:03:25 <atomicturtle> most of the time they come with the server when you lease it though
10:04:19 <atomicturtle> gadi gave us a bare bones system for rax, I didnt want to push it with him :P
10:04:25 <atomicturtle> beggers cant be choosers and all
10:05:26 <bwolfe> atomicturtle: ah ok. makes sense
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10:22:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #798 (defect closed): Second XML configuration file not loading properly <>
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10:52:52 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #366 (defect closed): Cannot delete program workflows <>
10:56:14 <nribeka> off to bed ... c u guys later
10:58:23 <bwolfe> nribeka: bed?? its noon!
10:59:34 <nribeka> hehe ... i was just kidding
10:59:37 <nribeka> off to campus
10:59:42 <nribeka> wanna go to library :P
11:00:32 <bwolfe> I see
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11:03:45 <nribeka> hehe ... i have a class at 5 so it's better to be around campus
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11:53:04 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #800 (task created): Remove backticks from sql calls <>
12:23:13 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #777 (task closed): Test all functionality in UI after api-refactoring is merged and before releasing 1.3 RC2 <>
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13:56:06 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4554]: double entry reconciliation module: fixed a bug where discrepencies were … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4553]: Fixing conceptClass deletion error and fieldAnswer errors found by cmack <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4552]: Fixed ability to delete workflows via Manage Programs page - #366 <>
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14:03:02 <bmckown> never did like that guy
14:03:52 <bmckown> that bmckown_ guy
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14:04:18 <[OmegentooX]> Yeah, he says bad things about you
14:04:33 <bmckown> yea
14:11:56 <mshanks> awesome
14:12:12 <mshanks> newest generic linux kernel doesn't detect my monitor
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14:40:53 <bwolfe> monitors are for sissies
14:47:01 <nribeka> bmckown: bmckown_ says you're bad boy
14:47:19 <nribeka> bwolfe: what are not for sissies?
14:47:20 <nribeka> :
14:48:02 <bwolfe> nribeka: coding with just a keyboard, a mouse, and a cpu
14:48:11 <bmckown> yes that's why I kicked him off of irc.
14:48:50 <nribeka> bmckown + bwolfe: bwahahaha ... lol
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14:54:08 <nribeka> you guys are so funny for a devs kind of guy ...
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15:18:37 <nribeka> sgrannis: any comments?
15:20:31 <sgrannis> hang on -- I'm in a mtg -- every thing looked good - go for it
15:20:58 <nribeka> i will commit it tonight :P
15:21:10 <nribeka> going for class in a few mins
15:23:37 <sgrannis> what class?
15:25:03 <nribeka> i have a boring class today. make me sleepy for the entire 2 hour
15:25:13 <nribeka> concept of software engineering :D
15:33:34 <bwolfe> you need a laptop to take with you so you can code during it. :-)
15:37:33 <nribeka> yes, but she has that strange look when looking someone with laptop on her class
15:42:44 <sgrannis> don't teachers expect students to have laptops these days?!?
15:42:49 <bwolfe> heh
15:43:53 <nribeka> yeah, she despise the use ppt file
15:44:27 <nribeka> she wrote everything in the white board and expect us to take notes manually haha lol ...
15:47:31 <bwolfe> you can manually type them into your laptop
15:49:32 <nribeka> haha ... :P
15:49:51 <nribeka> yeah, type in laptop and get a strange look :P
15:51:37 <nribeka> off to class
15:51:47 <nribeka> cya bmckown bwolfe and all
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16:05:46 <r0bby> mshanks: o/
16:06:00 <r0bby> yeh yeh yeh it looks like heil hitler
16:08:32 <mshanks> alloha
16:08:45 <mshanks> stupid computer. my gfx card is dieing. keeps losing connection to monitor :x
16:10:15 <bwolfe> mshanks: so it wasnt the kernel then?
16:13:29 <mshanks> no idea
16:13:36 <mshanks> got too confusing
16:14:07 <mshanks> was in windows for a bit, rebooted and came into 17 but didn't get monitor (which i normally do), rebooted again into 18 and did get monitor (which I usually don't)
16:14:14 <mshanks> so now I don't have a clue lol
16:23:34 <r0bby> sigh
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16:34:51 <mshanks> whats up r0bby?
16:53:30 <r0bby> bout to get to work
16:53:44 <r0bby> I redesigned my container class
16:54:01 <r0bby> I was gonna write up a detailed google doc explaining the current design and where I wanna take it
17:07:39 *** bmckown has quit IRC
17:20:23 <r0bby> ugh i suck
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17:27:54 * r0bby beats mshanks up
17:29:34 * mshanks is a ninja and cannot be beaten up
17:30:44 <r0bby> oh yeah?
17:30:50 <mshanks> yup
17:31:06 <r0bby> oh yeh
17:31:20 <r0bby> mshanks: have you hit any roadblocks yet?>
17:31:24 <r0bby> I've hit several :/
17:31:40 <r0bby> triggered a re-working of one of my classes
17:31:47 <r0bby> ;x
17:32:01 <mshanks>
17:32:05 <mshanks> see? ninja
17:32:10 <mshanks> mm nothing I'd call a roadblock yet
17:32:50 <r0bby> which one are you
17:33:04 <r0bby> i see ids :P
17:33:08 <r0bby> kids*
17:33:56 <r0bby> my only roadblock has been 1) persistence (got through it)
17:33:59 <r0bby> and templating
17:34:09 <r0bby> Once templating is done -- generating will be cake
17:34:19 <mshanks> aye
17:34:27 <mshanks> am working on my templates at the moment
17:34:45 <mshanks> kids was when ... dun dun daaa... i was a kid
17:34:55 <mshanks> picture in bottom right i'm in middle, picture in bottom left, i'm one in the air
17:35:50 <r0bby> remind me to not piss you off
17:35:56 <mshanks> hehe
17:36:13 <r0bby>
17:36:14 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
17:36:15 <mshanks> set your on join message with OpenMRSBot to a reminder :p
17:36:17 <r0bby> HAHHA
17:36:43 <mshanks> hahaa
17:36:43 <mshanks> nice
17:37:56 <r0bby> how do i set that
17:39:12 <mshanks> dunno
17:40:38 <r0bby> you gonna stick around after soc?
17:40:48 <mshanks> yup
17:40:52 <r0bby> good
17:40:53 <mshanks> well, I certainly hope so
17:43:57 <mshanks> i take it you are too?
17:44:53 <r0bby> I'm a moron for choosing velocity
17:45:07 <r0bby> but yeh
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17:45:48 <mshanks> velocity?
17:46:33 <r0bby> yes -- templating engine
17:46:46 <r0bby> groovy has one -- but it's wayyyy too close to scriptlets
17:49:43 <r0bby> this is painful
17:53:19 <mshanks> :(
17:56:12 <r0bby> in groovy i could make a map
17:57:25 <r0bby> in velocity it's #if(${clazz}.getType() == "String" || ... repeats for everything but booleans/lists) ... #end
17:58:34 <Keelhaul> godawful syntax
18:00:13 <r0bby> I'll just define methods to return the form widgets
18:00:18 <r0bby> then write it out to html
18:00:21 <r0bby> it's easy
18:00:33 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #801 (defect created): Problems in updating existing data concepts <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4555]: Updated latest jars from SVN <>
18:01:24 <r0bby> when burke said "Velocity. Meh." i didn't get it
18:01:25 <r0bby> now i do
18:02:06 <r0bby>
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18:30:41 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4556]: groovyforms: removing velocity . Going to use GStringTemplateEngine. Also … <>
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18:39:07 <mshanks> oh FGS
18:39:11 <mshanks> mysql died AGAIN
18:39:26 <mshanks> i wouldn't have thought it possible... but I think wordpress is killing my database lol
18:40:36 <r0bby> fail.
18:41:03 <r0bby> burke++
18:41:06 <r0bby> burke++
18:41:07 <r0bby> burke++
18:41:08 <r0bby> burke++
18:41:11 <r0bby> !karma burke
18:41:11 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: Karma for "burke" has been increased 12 times and decreased 1 time for a total karma of 11.
18:41:24 <r0bby> burke has a karma level of two
18:41:30 <r0bby> :)
18:44:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v atomicturtle
18:55:17 <r0bby> atomicturtle: o/
18:55:25 <atomicturtle> heya
18:56:42 <r0bby> I wish somebody told me how painful it was writing velocity templates
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19:03:50 <mshanks> woo database back online
19:03:55 <mshanks> blog back online. post done
19:04:00 <mshanks> life is starting to come together nicely
19:04:09 <mshanks> just need to sort out some music on here
19:04:11 <mshanks> ¬.¬
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19:06:06 <r0bby> ... I need to work damn it
19:11:47 * [OmegentooX] is proud of these
19:13:00 <Keelhaul> of what
19:13:02 <Keelhaul> glasses?
19:13:37 <[OmegentooX]> The pictures =P
19:13:52 <Keelhaul> so you played with filters a bit
19:13:54 <Keelhaul> big deal
19:15:18 <[OmegentooX]> lol
19:15:23 <[OmegentooX]> No filters
19:16:24 <Keelhaul> what then
19:16:26 <Keelhaul> i dont get it
19:16:43 <Keelhaul> people photograph something completely irrelevant, make it black&white and call it "art"
19:21:40 <Keelhaul> nice flash navigation though =)
19:24:19 <[OmegentooX]> lol
19:24:46 <[OmegentooX]> sheesh, geeks
19:24:51 <[OmegentooX]> Tough critics =P
19:25:03 <r0bby> i hate software licenses
19:25:16 <r0bby> [OmegentooX]: jqeuery
19:25:17 <mshanks> wish some one would port to linux
19:25:22 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:25:50 <[OmegentooX]> r0bby, what of it?
19:25:57 <r0bby> :|
19:26:28 <r0bby> nothing
19:26:36 <r0bby> just i'd benefit from grails code
19:26:39 <r0bby> but can't use it
19:27:35 <[OmegentooX]> jQuery is killer
19:28:00 <[OmegentooX]> mshanks, oh that is cool
19:28:08 <mshanks> aye
19:28:18 <mshanks> run it on my windows boot... but using ubuntu boot more and more often atm
19:28:45 <[OmegentooX]> Boo. It won't install on FF3 RC1
19:30:55 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Matthew Shanks: GSoC Week 1 Summary <>
19:32:45 * [OmegentooX] sees what mshanks is up to...
19:33:12 <mshanks> lol
19:33:27 <mshanks> yay for getting stalked :p
19:34:51 <[OmegentooX]> Good stuff. What the heck is your project again?
19:35:18 <mshanks> Prepacked openmrs development studio
19:35:40 <mshanks> easyeclipse package with an openmrs plugin for it so they can just install and go
19:35:42 <r0bby> mshanks
19:35:49 <r0bby> get off your lazy...wait.. nevermind
19:36:06 <mshanks> ?
19:36:11 <mshanks> who you calling lazy
19:36:35 <r0bby> nobody O:-)
19:36:47 <r0bby> what the f
19:37:21 <r0bby> I gotta play with GStringTemplateEngine some
19:37:47 <mshanks> lol
19:38:12 <mshanks> ah wish I had my old irc bot here... would be nice to have an !addquote thing running
19:38:39 <mshanks> !addquote
19:38:39 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: Error: "addquote" is not a valid command.
19:38:39 <r0bby>
19:38:40 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
19:38:45 <mshanks> !quote
19:38:45 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: Error: "quote" is not a valid command.
19:38:54 <r0bby> !learn mshanks as ...
19:38:54 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: The operation succeeded.
19:38:59 <r0bby> !mshanks
19:38:59 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: "mshanks" --- ...
19:39:06 <r0bby> !forget mshanks
19:39:06 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: The operation succeeded.
19:39:11 <r0bby> =)
19:39:34 <mshanks> !learn gstring as "<r0bby> what the f. I gotta play with GStringTemplateEngine some"
19:39:34 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: The operation succeeded.
19:39:37 <[OmegentooX]> mshanks, ah, that's right. Cool.
19:39:39 <mshanks> !gstring
19:39:39 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: "gstring" --- <r0bby> what the f. I gotta play with GStringTemplateEngine some
19:40:05 <[OmegentooX]> Are you going to make an actual installer that checks for stuff, or just a bundle?
19:40:30 <mshanks> at the end, if I get it all finished, there will be 6 options to download
19:40:32 <r0bby> mshanks: groovy has a concept called GStrings
19:40:45 <mshanks> 3 will be complete packages (installer including openmrs plugin for windows, linux and mac)
19:40:49 <mshanks> or stand alone plugin
19:41:00 <mshanks> (again, probably 3 versions for each os type)
19:41:04 <r0bby> def foo = "rob"; println "hi $foo"; // prints hi rob
19:41:21 <[OmegentooX]> Cool
19:42:07 * [OmegentooX] snaps r0bby 's GString
19:42:10 <mshanks> I move back home in a few weeks - am nicking my mums iMac and hopefully nicking the install cd's - this machine will be tri-boot by mid summer :)
19:42:12 <mshanks> already got dual running nicely
19:42:19 <mshanks> and got a 3rd partition ready and waiting for os x
19:42:43 <mshanks> !whoami
19:42:43 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: I don't recognize you.
19:42:59 <[OmegentooX]> woot
19:43:00 * mshanks slaps OpenMRSBot
19:43:02 <[OmegentooX]> iMac++
19:43:12 <[OmegentooX]> I ran OpenMRS on my iMac last year
19:43:20 <[OmegentooX]> (and had to update directions on the wiki to get it working)
19:43:50 <mshanks> heh
19:44:13 <mshanks> I do find my whole project a little ironic though... a new developer making a dev studio to help new developers
19:44:54 <[OmegentooX]> lol
19:46:00 <r0bby> it is
19:46:10 * r0bby gets the fire dept on standby
19:46:22 * r0bby also finds the men in white suits
19:53:23 *** mmmshanks_ has joined #openmrs
19:53:39 *** mmmshanks_ has quit IRC
19:54:03 *** mmmshanks_ has joined #openmrs
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19:54:54 *** mmmshanks_ is now known as mshanks
20:02:23 <nribeka> !forget nribeka
20:02:23 <OpenMRSBot> nribeka: Error: 2 factoids have that key. Please specify which one to remove, or use * to designate all of them.
20:02:31 <nribeka> !forget nribeka *
20:02:31 <OpenMRSBot> nribeka: The operation succeeded.
20:02:41 <r0bby> !r0bby
20:02:41 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: Error: "r0bby" is not a valid command.
20:02:52 <r0bby> !forget gstring
20:02:52 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: The operation succeeded.
20:02:57 <r0bby> dumb factoid :P
20:03:03 <r0bby> however funny you think it is
20:03:14 <mshanks> pfff
20:03:21 <mshanks> don't go deleting my factoids
20:03:22 <mshanks> they're important
20:03:25 <mshanks> to the growth of the world
20:04:52 <[OmegentooX]> lol
20:07:03 <mshanks> Ah I do love being the first result on a google search for my name
20:07:28 <mshanks> in both uk and world search
20:07:30 <mshanks> result
20:07:32 <mshanks> +1 point for meee
20:07:59 <mshanks> !karma matt++
20:07:59 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: matt++ has neutral karma.
20:08:00 <mshanks> !karma mshanks++
20:08:01 <OpenMRSBot> mshanks: mshanks++ has neutral karma.
20:08:12 <mshanks> up zee karma!
20:18:35 <[OmegentooX]> Never!
20:18:48 <[OmegentooX]> Not until you do something as cool as your secret-agenty name sounds
20:21:48 <mshanks> hahaha
20:28:35 <r0bby> !learn gstring as "<r0bby> what the f. I gotta play with GStringTemplateEngine some"
20:28:35 <OpenMRSBot> r0bby: The operation succeeded.
20:28:48 <r0bby> better?
20:31:09 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Matthew Shanks: #1 on Google… <>
20:31:50 <mshanks> score
20:31:56 <mshanks> r0bby, ; much
20:33:47 <r0bby>
20:33:48 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:34:58 <r0bby>
20:34:59 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:35:09 <r0bby>
20:35:10 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:35:24 <r0bby>
20:35:30 <r0bby> :)
20:35:31 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:35:52 <r0bby> and beat this matt
20:35:55 <r0bby>
20:36:07 <r0bby> :-P
20:36:16 * r0bby made a ripple in the java community
20:37:08 <r0bby> ffs matt you suck
20:37:32 <r0bby>
20:37:33 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
20:37:35 <r0bby> :)
20:40:29 <r0bby>
20:40:30 <OpenMRSBot> <$> (at
20:40:33 <r0bby> third link :)
20:41:04 <r0bby> but you still win :) because i've only demo'd how to use certain new things in java
20:42:10 <mshanks> :p
20:43:07 <r0bby> mshanks: immediately after i posted those links i was first hit for fcm, bgga, and cice :)
20:43:31 <r0bby> Only because those posts made their way onto
20:44:58 <mshanks> woot good to see firefox still crashes in ubuntu as much as it does in windows
20:46:51 <r0bby> mshanks: firefox is a steaming pile of shit, unfortunately nothing is better than it
20:48:51 <mshanks> aye
20:48:59 <mshanks> well, tbh it's not so much firefox that's a pos
20:49:01 <mshanks> it's the internet
20:49:08 <mshanks> everyone insists on doing everything differently
20:49:26 <mshanks> each vid streaming site has their own standards.. the whole thing is one big fooking mess
20:54:30 <r0bby> no shit
20:54:37 <r0bby> And don't get me started on applets
20:54:43 <r0bby> fartking things lock up
21:10:42 *** mshanks has quit IRC
21:10:42 *** Keelhaul has quit IRC
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21:10:55 *** sets mode: +v Keelhaul
21:29:06 *** maveriick has joined #openmrs
21:30:32 <mshanks> my GOD I LOVE PULP FICTION
21:30:44 <mshanks> such an amazing film
21:31:13 <r0bby> im trying to figure out how grails does things
21:31:22 <r0bby> it seems they use SimpleTemplateEngine
21:32:21 <r0bby> i think i got it
21:43:48 <mshanks> woot
21:43:55 <mshanks> akismet blocked a spam comment already
22:00:43 <r0bby> ...
22:00:48 <r0bby> yes
22:00:53 <r0bby> i love groovy
22:03:47 *** upul has joined #openmrs
22:04:10 <nribeka> i hate my class
22:12:02 <r0bby> "Domain Class " +" has a name of: " + ", has datatype of "+f.type.simpleName +" and a value: "+f.get(clazz)
22:13:51 *** maveriick has quit IRC
22:17:33 <r0bby> Jun 4, 2008 11:17:01 PM sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0
22:17:33 <r0bby> INFO: Domain Class org.openmrs.module.groovyforms.Foo: [String] -> bar has a value of: baz
22:17:37 <r0bby> Jun 4, 2008 11:17:01 PM sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0
22:17:42 <r0bby> INFO: Domain Class org.openmrs.module.groovyforms.Foo: [int] -> x has a value of: 14
22:17:45 <r0bby> how does that look :x
22:25:04 <mshanks> mwahaahahahahaha
22:25:11 <mshanks> I know where my GSoC money is going
22:25:20 <mshanks> and I'll even have a bit of change at the end
22:25:20 <mshanks>
22:25:25 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
22:31:35 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4558]: form import export module: bumping up the version number to 1.5 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4557]: form import export module: finished updating to work *correctly* with 1.3 <> || OpenMRS Modules: Form Import Export 1.5 uploaded to OpenMRS Module Repository <>
22:40:16 <nribeka> mshanks: is that for real?
22:40:21 <nribeka> awesome ...
22:40:23 <mshanks> yup
22:40:25 <mshanks> cool huh?
22:40:37 <nribeka> yeah, really cool ...
22:40:54 <mshanks> hehe
22:41:45 <nribeka> it will take the entire gsoc money :P
22:44:19 <mshanks> not quite
22:44:29 <mshanks> about $50 left :p
22:47:03 <mshanks> righty. bed time for me
22:47:16 <mshanks> night all
22:47:32 <upul> mshanks: aren't you in uk
22:48:20 <nribeka> night mshanks
22:48:26 <nribeka> c u ...
22:51:06 <mshanks> upul; yes
23:06:18 <Keelhaul>
23:06:20 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
23:14:35 <nribeka> Keelhaul: what game do you play?
23:15:32 <Keelhaul> of those?
23:15:33 <Keelhaul> neither
23:15:54 <nribeka> so what game do you play?
23:15:59 <nribeka> mmo?
23:16:23 <Keelhaul> hell no
23:16:25 <Keelhaul> i dont like mmos
23:16:32 <Keelhaul> right now i play mario kart wii
23:16:37 <Keelhaul> and lego indiana jones =)
23:17:14 <nribeka> hahaha ... stay away from mmo
23:17:29 <Keelhaul> i used to play uo like 7 years ago
23:17:35 <Keelhaul> but i get boring of games like that
23:17:40 <Keelhaul> i like single player rpgs
23:17:45 <Keelhaul> with a good story etc
23:18:28 <nribeka> example rpgs with good story:?
23:27:07 <Keelhaul> mass effect is good i heard
23:45:45 <nribeka> interesting, probably my friend will get it and i can borrow it from him :P
23:51:40 <Keelhaul> lol
23:57:15 <nribeka> hehe ... he has the money power