IRC Chat : 2008-06-03 - OpenMRS

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01:17:20 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4521]: groovyforms: add the velocity deps. <>
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02:17:32 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4522]: groovyforms: the else was associated with the wrong if statement when … <>
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05:13:06 <mshanks> well well
05:13:18 <mshanks> after pissing around with the boot parameters, finally got ubuntu working
05:18:13 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #792 (defect created): names working for data export in trunk? <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4523]: sync_bidrectional: fix data export for patient names. <>
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06:49:41 <upul> good morning bwolfe
06:50:02 <bwolfe> hey upul
06:51:32 <upul> i'll start the autoupdate thing in after few days
06:52:48 <upul> i hope i have finished the tribe thing mostly
06:54:00 <upul> going home now, see you in a while
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07:22:44 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: Nzeyimana Antoine: GSOC Week1: Getting familiar with the Sync Code <>
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07:52:49 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #792 (defect closed): names working for data export in trunk? <>
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09:15:53 <rachel> hello there
09:15:59 <vdgreat> hi!
09:16:03 <rachel> exciting place
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09:18:24 <bwolfe> heh
09:18:37 <bwolfe> Rachel_: ?
09:18:50 <Rachel_> >:O
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09:19:39 <bwolfe> rachelf: what brings you to our humble corner of freenode?
09:19:48 <rachelf> oh just checking things out
09:20:28 <rachelf> thinking about working on a project
09:20:28 <bwolfe> looks like you're at trinity. are you working on one of the openmrs projects there, or are you guys still just deciding?
09:20:58 <rachelf> we're definitely going to work on a project, just havent decided which yet
09:23:19 *** vdgreat has joined #openmrs
09:27:14 <bwolfe> rachelf: what are your other options? anything as exciting as openmrs? :-)
09:28:27 <vdgreat> i m workin on openmrs too
09:29:03 <rachelf> no other options right now, we were assigned to work on openmrs by the mentors in our program :D
09:32:50 <bwolfe> ah cool
09:33:02 <bwolfe> let us know if you have any questions
09:34:31 <vdgreat> i actually had one
09:36:16 <vdgreat> i was interested to work on the digital image importing function
09:36:29 <vdgreat> how hard it will be to implement that with jsp
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09:41:22 <bwolfe> vdgreat: link?
09:41:47 <vdgreat>
09:41:48 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:41:59 <vdgreat> it is listed as one of the projects
09:44:18 <nribeka>
09:44:19 <OpenMRSBot> <> (at
09:44:57 <nribeka> bwolfe: i think that one is what he/she means
09:45:01 <bwolfe> this would probably lead into TorLye's project
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09:45:24 <TorLye> someone said my name!
09:46:01 <bwolfe> TorLye TorLye TorLye
09:46:03 <bwolfe> indeed
09:46:08 <bwolfe> sorry to bother you ;-)
09:46:20 <bwolfe> vdgreat: there would be more than just jsp involved
09:46:29 <bwolfe> there would be some java as well
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09:50:13 <TorLye> this is relevant to my project, yes... especially regarding how images are handled in the model layer
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09:53:18 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Forum: Re: Repeated Form Processing Errors Logged in hl7_in_error <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4524]: Fixing person name data export - #792 <>
10:01:51 <nribeka> yaayyyy ... will got a books :P
10:02:16 <nribeka> conf call over :D and clear path has been set for soc
10:02:30 <nribeka> bwolfe: no answer from dthomas
10:08:26 <bwolfe> nribeka: thats unfortunate
10:08:34 <bwolfe> perhaps he is not in the office yet
10:08:46 <bwolfe> I know they work strange hours out there in boston
10:09:02 <nribeka> really? not 8 - 5 like in regen?
10:09:21 <nribeka> how about the basicmodule?
10:09:35 <nribeka> is it different with the trainingmodule?
10:10:38 <bwolfe> yeah, basic module is mostly just folder structure and a few classes
10:10:43 <bwolfe> the training module has example jsps
10:11:12 <bwolfe> pih is a lot more flexible than rg. some of them work 10-7
10:12:13 <nribeka> wow ... that's strange :P
10:12:32 <nribeka> hoping to get that one soon
10:12:46 <nribeka> i want to learn about the web area of openmrs
10:13:32 <nribeka> needed for the next step in my project
10:14:14 <bwolfe> nribeka: there are some other modules you can pull examples from
10:14:28 <bwolfe> printing module only has a few things in it
10:15:44 <nribeka> ok, i will have a look at printing module
10:26:07 <nribeka> printing module is broken
10:33:10 <bwolfe> nribeka: it probably only works with an older version of openmrs
10:33:53 <nribeka> yeah
10:34:18 <nribeka> the classpath is still pointing to openmrs-alpha folder
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10:34:30 <nribeka> checking form entry module
10:34:54 <nribeka> who is vdgreat and rachelf, bwolfe?
10:35:14 <bwolfe> they are trinity college students
10:35:29 <bwolfe> trinity has a grant this year to have some students work on open source projects
10:35:35 <bwolfe> they are dedicating a few students to openmrs
10:37:06 <nribeka> wow that's cool
10:37:25 <nribeka> how come pitt doesn't have that kind of grant haha ...
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10:56:21 <bwolfe> sandwich?
10:57:24 <r0bby> I hate arguing w/ burke
10:57:26 <Keelhaul> does the training module include lots of examples?
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11:04:37 <nribeka_> Keelhaul: i hope so
11:09:00 <bwolfe> r0bby: because he's always right? :-)
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11:09:13 <bwolfe> Keelhaul / nribeka_ : I don't know how many are in there
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11:35:01 <r0bby> bwolfe: I plread the fifth
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12:32:18 <r0bby> I hate this -- i hit a road block
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12:54:00 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #793 (task created): Use discriminators for Concept subclasses <>
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13:38:54 <nribeka> i want one sandwich
13:46:57 * r0bby makes one magically appear
13:47:08 <r0bby> it only took me thinking for a couyple hours to realize how to do tenmplates
13:53:55 <[OmegentooX]> I see you've been drinking during those "couyple" of hours =)
13:54:14 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4529]: Added longitude, latitude to Kenya address template. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4528]: patient matching module: modified string value to be checked when a user … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4527]: formimportexport. updated a test class. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4526]: formimportexport. Previous commit missed dbunit and hibernate jar files. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4525]: formimportexport built against 1.3.09. <>
14:08:42 <r0bby> [OmegentooX]: no
14:08:47 <r0bby> just stumped
14:10:12 <r0bby> i really hate to concede thta maybe burke was right
14:10:42 <r0bby> in his idea to use GStringTemplateEngine
14:13:40 <bwolfe> burke is a smart shouldn't doubt him. :-)
14:18:45 <r0bby> I'm not, just don't agree with the exception thing because it won't ever get to that point
14:19:24 <r0bby> I have checks in place to stop it :)
14:19:29 <r0bby> I designed this well
14:19:59 <r0bby> Why does burke have to be in clinic damn it
14:20:15 <r0bby> bwolfe: how is your velocity kung-fu?
14:20:37 <bwolfe> I've done my fair share of training
14:20:45 <r0bby> and i REFUSE to use GString templates because it does the same freaking thing scriptlets do
14:24:19 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #664 (task closed): Saving an existing concept with numeric datatype <>
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14:27:45 <r0bby> sgrannis: o/
14:28:04 <sgrannis> howdy
14:28:15 <r0bby> bwolfe: Regenstreif is at Perdue Univeristy right?
14:28:44 <bwolfe> r0bby: that does look like a "hail hitler" salute:
14:28:45 <bwolfe> O/
14:28:46 <bwolfe> /|
14:28:46 <bwolfe> /\
14:29:10 <bwolfe> make that:
14:29:11 <bwolfe> O/
14:29:11 <bwolfe> /|
14:29:11 <bwolfe> / \
14:29:19 <bwolfe> arggh
14:29:20 <bwolfe> O/
14:29:20 <bwolfe> /|
14:29:20 <bwolfe> / \
14:29:22 <bwolfe> finally
14:29:28 <bwolfe> my copying and pasting skills are limited
14:29:29 <Keelhaul> lol
14:29:38 <bwolfe> r0bby: no, Purdue is 1 hour north of indianapolis
14:29:46 <bwolfe> it is an amazing school though
14:29:50 <bwolfe> probably the best in the country
14:29:52 <bwolfe> at everything
14:29:55 <Keelhaul> lol
14:29:59 <r0bby> CS?
14:30:14 <bwolfe> a degree from Purdue is like getting a stamp of approval from God himself
14:30:41 * r0bby just remembered justin went to columbia university -- i had a friend who took me into the tunnels that run underneath the columbia campus
14:30:45 <r0bby> amazing place
14:30:53 <bwolfe> there is a Regenstrief campus up at Purdue. they do research stuff more on the engineering side though. we here at the Regenstrief Institute don't interact with them though
14:31:05 <r0bby> it was like 5 years ago
14:31:07 <bwolfe> purdue has tunnels
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14:31:15 <bwolfe> although not over near the CS building. :-/
14:32:58 <r0bby> bwolfe: it's under the CS building :(
14:33:03 <r0bby> I never got to go back :<
14:33:07 <Keelhaul> bbl
14:34:28 * r0bby wants a job @ regenstreif
14:34:38 * r0bby wants a job @ regenstrief
14:34:46 <r0bby> if i can spell it right
14:37:28 <bwolfe> r0bby: why is that ? what have we done to make you want to work here sight unseen?
14:38:44 <r0bby> I dunno
14:38:48 <r0bby> I like openmrs?
14:39:07 <r0bby> and it's a field that makes a difference
14:39:13 * r0bby goes back to reading velocity docs
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15:03:03 <nribeka> wow
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15:03:12 <nribeka> i was list back there
15:03:21 <nribeka> lost
15:03:33 <sgrannis_> nribeka: ?
15:03:46 <nribeka> yes, sgrannis_
15:03:50 <sgrannis_> The problem seems to persist -- still can't select a data source
15:04:15 <nribeka> really?
15:04:31 <nribeka> after the menu the dialog appear right?
15:05:21 <sgrannis_> I choose "Configure data source" and nothign happens
15:05:38 <sgrannis_> let me be sure I've updated properly
15:05:52 <nribeka> mine is at 4535
15:09:40 <nribeka> sgrannis_: is it still there?
15:12:39 <sgrannis_> Still not working ... I'm in a meeting and can't troubleshoot fully
15:13:07 <nribeka> that's strange
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15:24:34 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #791 (defect closed): Error on Create New Patient page from Manage Patients admin screen <>
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15:27:05 <kevjay> hello....I wanted to check with everyone to see if there was a preferred way to unit test a servlet?
15:27:19 <kevjay> I believe there are many options like httpunit
15:27:49 <bwolfe> kevjay: httpunit is the only one I know of
15:27:53 <bwolfe> I'm sure there are others
15:28:14 <bwolfe> we don't have anything set up in openmrs for any web/view testing (but we need to)
15:29:01 <r0bby> kevjay: hai
15:29:04 <kevjay> ok, cool, I'll just go with httpunit then if there is no preference....just wanted a way to quickly test the mock logic web service
15:29:42 <bwolfe> kevjay: cool, let us know how it goes. :-)
15:29:51 <kevjay> will do!
15:29:51 <r0bby> kevjay: i personally am throwing everything in util classes and testing those clasess seperately...but your problem may ne different
15:30:20 <r0bby> The servlet will serve as the bridge between the front and end code
15:30:40 <kevjay> yeah, I want a way to make an actuall HTTP GET request because I'll be able to use the same tests when the real logic web service is good to go
15:30:40 <nribeka> bwolfe: dthomas probably on vacation :P
15:30:55 <r0bby> nribeka: look at the other modules
15:31:04 <bwolfe> nribeka: nope, he'll commit it soon under devexamples
15:31:23 <nribeka> r0bby: i use formentry module
15:31:29 <nribeka> :P
15:31:36 <r0bby> ouch
15:32:43 <r0bby> okay this should be less painful now
15:33:05 * r0bby taps his foot as IDEA loads
15:33:55 <nribeka> why me and sgrannis_ have different result but we're in the same revision of code?
15:34:00 <nribeka> any idea guys?
15:34:13 <bwolfe> nribeka: black magic
15:34:21 <bwolfe> nribeka: global property settings?
15:34:25 <bwolfe> runtime property settings?
15:34:28 <bwolfe> database backend?
15:34:33 <bwolfe> java 5 vs java 6 ?
15:34:34 <r0bby> black magic
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15:34:48 <r0bby> isn't that what spring is all about
15:34:48 <nribeka> eclipse didn't build the latest one?
15:34:51 <bwolfe> ok, thats 2 votes for black magic. that must be it
15:34:59 <nribeka> haha ... lol
15:35:10 <r0bby> actually im an idiot
15:35:11 <nribeka> i need to call local magician then
15:36:29 <r0bby> nribeka: wrong
15:36:31 <r0bby> warlock
15:36:36 <r0bby> they do black magic
15:40:09 <r0bby> is it a bad thing that i'm taking the time to learn velocity :(
15:40:26 <bwolfe> nah, it'll speed up your coding. ;-)
15:40:39 <r0bby> even if it takes time away?
15:40:51 <r0bby> bwolfe: I er 'found' a book
15:40:54 <r0bby> :>
15:41:04 <nribeka> r0bby: do you have their numbers?
15:41:11 <r0bby> \Mastering Apache Velocity
15:41:12 <bwolfe> velocity is so quick
15:41:14 <bwolfe> its no problem
15:41:16 <r0bby> it is
15:41:27 <bwolfe> you'll go from zero to sixty in no time
15:41:37 * r0bby is just reading up rifght now
15:43:55 <r0bby> part of the purpose of soc is to learn
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15:44:32 * r0bby wants to get a bit of work done -- I'm gonna be outta commision for a few days starting thursday \
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15:48:20 <r0bby> \o
15:48:27 <r0bby> o/
15:48:33 <r0bby> \o
15:48:36 <r0bby> o/
15:48:44 <r0bby> \o/
15:49:09 <r0bby> sgrannis: ^
15:52:27 <r0bby> if you're questioning my sanity, question no more
15:54:44 <r0bby> bwolfe: your brain up for a design question?
15:55:05 <bwolfe> possibly
15:55:12 <bwolfe> I'll let you know after the question ;-)
15:58:09 <r0bby> What i was thinking of doing
15:58:17 <r0bby> is breaking up the templates into multiple files
15:58:42 <bwolfe> define "template"
15:58:43 <r0bby> then using the #parse directive with an #if directive controlling which template file i parse
15:59:06 <r0bby> with one *.vm with the macros defined
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15:59:22 <r0bby> it makes it easier top swallow
15:59:25 <r0bby> s/top/to/
16:00:36 <r0bby> bwolfe: ex) <label for="${name}"> then a macro
16:00:48 <r0bby> with each thing dealing w/ one widget or so
16:00:57 <bwolfe> define "thing"
16:01:21 <r0bby> each data type's wodget mapped
16:02:10 <r0bby> ex) for boolean
16:03:06 <r0bby> <label for="isDead"/> #SelectBoolean('isdead')
16:03:18 <r0bby> where isdead would be the name of course
16:03:31 <r0bby> boolean r0bbyIsDead = true;
16:03:37 * r0bby croaks
16:04:17 <bwolfe> so one page would be multiple velocity templates?
16:05:20 <r0bby> more or less
16:05:27 <r0bby> with conditional parsing of that template
16:05:43 <r0bby> so we dont have one huge template
16:05:50 <bwolfe> ok
16:05:56 <bwolfe> so whats the design decision?
16:06:15 <r0bby> I wanna do it :x
16:06:24 <bwolfe> um
16:06:40 <bwolfe> thats more of a "r0bby decision" than a "design decision"
16:07:03 <bwolfe> you're free to try things and succeed/fail with them
16:07:16 <bwolfe> design decisions are more about the direction of the project
16:07:41 <bwolfe> stuff like folder structure and template layout are up to you. :-)
16:08:08 <bwolfe> burke might have a say in some stuff...but thats because he likes to micro-manage. :-)
16:08:54 <nribeka> what is volunteer job? wants me to work for them
16:09:08 <nribeka> they said that they use openmrs
16:09:34 <bwolfe> nribeka: they want you to work for free. :-)
16:09:35 <r0bby> I think i need to explain to burke the design
16:09:58 <r0bby> and the flow of how things work -- it's entirely clear since the pieces haven't been brought together yet
16:10:11 <bwolfe> r0bby: how does breaking things up into files change things?
16:10:17 <r0bby> not sure
16:10:27 <r0bby> keeps my ADD happy
16:11:08 * r0bby goes back to working on learnming VTL proper
16:11:55 <r0bby> I'm putting all templates in web/resources
16:12:56 <nribeka> bwolfe: free?
16:13:17 <bwolfe> nribeka: yeah, volunteer == no money
16:13:28 <bwolfe> which is all well and good if you want to help them
16:13:29 * r0bby wants money
16:14:13 <nribeka> as long it's not difficult thing to do :D
16:14:20 <nribeka> i will be ok :P
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16:24:11 <nribeka> wichsand_: wichsand_ = sandwich?
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16:24:16 <nribeka> make me hungry
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16:34:11 * r0bby makes nribeka a roofie sammich
16:34:18 <r0bby> wait... that came out wrong
16:35:10 <nribeka> :P
16:35:30 <nribeka> give me more
16:35:39 <r0bby> ...
16:35:53 <nribeka> lets call bmckown
16:36:33 <nribeka> or call r0bby
16:36:37 <bmckown> I know. The Penguins won.
16:36:44 <nribeka> haha ...
16:36:50 <nribeka> dramatic
16:36:55 <nribeka> :P
16:36:59 <bmckown> 3OT
16:37:10 <nribeka> hehe ...
16:37:36 <nribeka> i thought we're not going to win it
16:37:39 <nribeka> but
16:37:43 <nribeka> hahaha ...
16:37:44 <bmckown> after a penalty..
16:37:56 <bmckown> the penguins took advantage
16:38:02 <nribeka> hehe ...
16:38:19 <nribeka> that's a high sticking :P
16:38:32 <bmckown> that was a nasty hit from detroit.
16:38:42 <nribeka> hahaha
16:38:59 <nribeka> they thought it's their night
16:39:18 <nribeka> best man was marc andre fleury
16:39:34 <nribeka> 54 or 55 shot
16:40:15 <bmckown> I don't watch hockey, but seeing the end of that game makes hockey look pretty exciting.
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16:41:55 <nribeka> hehe ... we're going to win the stanley cup
16:41:55 <nribeka> :D
16:44:19 <Keelhaul> who
16:44:44 <bmckown> Pittsburgh
16:45:20 <nribeka> Let's go Pens hehe ...
16:45:44 <nribeka> i wanna watch it at Mellon Arena tomorrow but i have class :(
16:47:12 <Keelhaul> what sport
16:47:18 <nribeka> hockey
16:47:22 <Keelhaul> o
16:47:48 <nribeka> what sport do you watch Keelhaul?
16:48:18 <r0bby> god does gatorade taste like crap
16:48:40 <Keelhaul> nribeka: soccer and F!
16:48:41 <Keelhaul> F1
16:49:10 <nribeka> they call it football in EU right?
16:49:22 <nribeka> i'm a liverpool fans
16:49:34 <Keelhaul> well in england yes
16:49:39 <nribeka> michael schumacher fans
16:49:41 <nribeka> haha ...
16:49:44 <Keelhaul> we call it fußball =)
16:50:02 <nribeka> which club?
16:50:12 <Keelhaul> oh i'm not really a fan of a club
16:50:18 <Keelhaul> i only watch germany vs other countries
16:50:50 <nribeka> going to watch the euro cup?
16:51:23 * r0bby dances
16:52:31 * nribeka join dancing
16:54:46 <Keelhaul> sure
16:54:53 * r0bby tries to get velocity syntax highlighting working
17:00:32 <Keelhaul> wheres ben =/
17:06:13 * r0bby summons the powers of evil
17:06:39 <Keelhaul> thats how unix was designed
17:08:27 *** bmckown has quit IRC
17:09:16 <r0bby> Keelhaul: no unix was created by genius
17:09:18 <r0bby> es
17:10:10 <Keelhaul> i thought it was created by freaks on lsd
17:11:50 <r0bby> Keelhaul: no that was windows
17:11:59 <r0bby> or was it monkeys with typewriters?
17:12:53 <nribeka> Keelhaul: ben is out but he said he will ol later on
17:13:49 <Keelhaul> ok
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17:56:55 <pearlbear> [OmegentooX]: just sent you an email ...
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18:18:23 * r0bby pokes pearlbear with a stick and gets back to work
18:19:45 <r0bby> +/jo
18:19:45 <r0bby> er
18:23:26 <pearlbear> ouch!
18:23:39 * pearlbear takes the stick out of r0bby's hand
18:44:57 * r0bby sits in the corner
18:50:38 <r0bby>
18:50:41 * r0bby dances
18:50:53 <r0bby> I'm gonna let the view handle how it is rendered
18:50:57 <r0bby> =)
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19:47:33 <[OmegentooX]> pearlbear, oh excellent!
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19:55:37 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4546]: groovyforms: more clearly state what happens <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4545]: formimportexport: updated test dataset (though tests still don't work) <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4544]: formimportexport module: passing off code to Chase. Code mostly works with … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4543]: tbla module: Updated to match the OpenMRS … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4542]: ClinicalSummary Module: Moving tag 3.0 to trunk. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4541]: ClinicalSummary Module: Deleting root level files. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4540]: ClinicalSummary Module: Deleteing 'clinicalsummary' folder from tag 2.3 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4539]: ClinicalSummary Module: Forgot to change version number on tag 3.0 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4538]: ClinicalSummary Module: Creating tag 3.0 (OpenMRS 1.3 - compatible). <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4537]: ClinicalSummary Module: Creating tag 3.0 (OpenMRS 1.3 - compatible). <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4536]: ClinicalSummary Module: Tagging current as 2.3 (OpenMRS 1.2 - compatible) <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4535]: ClinicalSummary Module: Creating folders for 2.3 tag (OpenMRS 1.2 - … <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4534]: Deleting unused training module <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4533]: Creating devexamples directory for dthomas <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4532]: Fixing the Manage Patients --> Create New Patient form - #791 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4531]: Fixing saving concepts as concept subclasses - #664 <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4530]: formimportexport changed service routine for comparing incoming … <>
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21:24:14 <r0bby> bmckown: ping?
21:24:42 <bmckown> ping
21:25:02 <bmckown> Hi, r0bby
21:25:21 <Keelhaul> hi
21:25:22 <r0bby> nevermind i dont know what im asking
21:25:26 <bmckown> Coding in NETBEANS!!!
21:25:30 <Keelhaul> =o
21:25:32 <Keelhaul> gude?
21:26:08 <bmckown> Netbeans rocks.
21:26:33 <Keelhaul> bmckown: are you familiar with portlets, by chance?
21:27:01 <bmckown> Yes. They are just like any other jsp page really. Just that a portlet is within the main jsp page.
21:27:18 <bmckown> They share a common PortletController
21:27:35 <bmckown> And you can override that to add extra stuff in your MyPortletController
21:27:42 <Keelhaul> yea thats my problem
21:27:48 <Keelhaul> it just wont use my custom controllers
21:28:11 <bmckown> The common PortletController is causing havoc?
21:28:27 <Keelhaul> not really
21:28:48 <Keelhaul> the porlets just cant access the data that the custom controllers are providing
21:28:54 <Keelhaul> so i'm taking it they arent linked correctly
21:28:56 <r0bby> this is gonna be amusing
21:29:13 <bmckown> why, r0bby?
21:30:28 <bmckown> right. I didn't think he would say anything.
21:30:35 <Keelhaul> lol
21:31:06 <bmckown> Your PortletController extends the common PortletController?
21:31:10 <Keelhaul> yes
21:31:16 <Keelhaul> and just has one method
21:31:21 <Keelhaul> the one that adds extra data to the model
21:31:22 <bmckown> What method
21:31:26 <Keelhaul> um
21:31:26 <bmckown> Ah.
21:31:30 <Keelhaul> forgot the name
21:31:35 <Keelhaul> eclipse would take ages to load now
21:31:51 <Keelhaul> same was as the other WhateverPortletControllers are
21:31:54 <Keelhaul> -was
21:31:57 <bmckown> add extra data to the model. (Netbeans is great AND fast)
21:32:03 <Keelhaul> heh
21:32:55 <bmckown> If you override the method, obviously you will no longer reap whatever benefit was provided by the common PortletController. If in fact your method is being read.
21:33:06 <bmckown> Hmm. Did you map it correctly in Spring?
21:33:45 <bmckown> (r0bby commits 1 character of code)
21:33:56 <Keelhaul> lol
21:34:04 <bmckown> oops I slipped while trying to backspace
21:34:08 <bmckown> hehe
21:34:22 <Keelhaul> well
21:34:28 <Keelhaul> thats my question
21:35:01 <Keelhaul>
21:35:03 <Keelhaul> thar
21:35:23 <Keelhaul> i thought the custom controllers extend the main controller
21:35:26 <Keelhaul> which has 2 methods
21:35:34 <Keelhaul> the long one that provides all the basic data
21:35:51 <Keelhaul> and the one thats empty and that you're supposed to override
21:36:56 <Keelhaul> i tried various combinations instead of those **/
21:36:57 <bmckown> i'm assuming the beans have properties you did not paste
21:37:02 <Keelhaul> like the full path
21:37:10 <Keelhaul> no properties
21:37:45 <Keelhaul> the ones that are in trunk dont have any properties either
21:38:46 * bmckown looking at code
21:40:50 <Keelhaul> openmrs-servlet.xml
21:40:53 <Keelhaul> or whatever it'S called
21:41:01 <Keelhaul> i'm not good at remembering file names =/
21:41:10 * r0bby sighs
21:41:54 <Keelhaul> what's wrong, r0bby? =)
21:42:50 <r0bby> nothing
21:42:52 <bmckown> right. Hmm. What if you tried to either 1) just use the PortletController to see if anything works 2) Make your CustomPortletController actually extend Controller and imitate the PortletController 3) nudge r0bby just because it's funny.
21:43:03 <r0bby> I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this templating
21:43:17 <r0bby> I think i'll write the parsing code
21:43:19 <bmckown> tempating what? must be groovy stuff.
21:43:20 <r0bby> it'll come to me
21:43:49 <Keelhaul> bmckown: yes, when i access data that the main portletcontroller providers, i can use that data
21:43:51 <bmckown> r0bby's going to teach me groovy after the summer
21:44:15 <Keelhaul> and i had it like 2) before
21:44:18 <Keelhaul> and it didnt work either
21:44:27 <Keelhaul> the extending the main portletcontroller idea came up later
21:44:53 <bmckown> that's how most portlet controllers do. extend portletcontroller.
21:45:19 <r0bby> bmckown: you'll need to learn it (at least basics)
21:45:24 <bmckown> what does your controller do?
21:45:29 <r0bby> if you plan on using my module
21:45:45 <bmckown> r0bby you are right and I cannot wait to learn groovy. It's really cool.
21:46:05 <Keelhaul> bmckown: two of them just add a list of Case objects (my custom objects)
21:46:06 * bmckown thinks about using "r0bby's" module ...
21:46:09 <bmckown> nah
21:46:19 <r0bby> bmckown: i can get the AST =D
21:46:20 <bmckown> just kidding.
21:46:29 <Keelhaul> i.e. retrieve all cases (with a condition or not) for the given patientId
21:46:30 <r0bby> ..*IF* the source code is on the classpath
21:46:35 <r0bby> god that sounded dirty bmckown
21:46:36 <bmckown> r0bby's module will be GREAT.
21:46:41 <Keelhaul> and let the portlet use that data (or at least supposed to)
21:47:49 <r0bby> what the hell.
21:47:58 <r0bby> hibernate jar is in my lib-common dir
21:48:03 <r0bby> I didn't put that there..
21:48:44 <r0bby> maybe it got there by accdient
21:49:02 <bmckown> Since I can't see the code... and since the Portlet controller uses patientId's I wonder if that is the problem.
21:49:05 <bmckown> wait
21:49:27 <bmckown> I still don't get what your portletcontroller does. what condition? what cases?
21:50:44 <bmckown> If you could get your overridden method in your CustomPortletController to say "hello" or something? If not then it must be spring mapping i think.
21:51:33 <Keelhaul> i wouldnt know how
21:51:38 <Keelhaul> controllers dont output
21:51:42 <Keelhaul> they just add data to model
21:51:49 <Keelhaul> and then my portlets cant read that data
21:51:53 <r0bby> hibernate gone :)
21:52:40 <bmckown> Map.put("hello", "hello, I said");
21:53:19 <bmckown> hmm. this is in a module, huh?
21:53:31 <bmckown> or in a branch?
21:54:42 <Keelhaul> yes module
21:55:02 <r0bby> ffs what good is auto-completion if it doesn't god damn work
21:55:03 <bmckown> hmm. any other module out there ever used a portlet I wonder?
21:55:56 <bmckown> kick r0 kick rob ffs what good is tab completion if it doesn't even work?
21:56:13 <Keelhaul> bmckown: formentry does but it uses DWR, no controllers
21:56:19 <bmckown> ah.
21:56:22 <bmckown> yes.
21:56:33 <r0bby> bmckown: IDEA *SHOULD* pop up where classes are
21:56:50 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4547]: odamocklogicws: Creating root directory for ODA Mock Logic Web Service … <>
21:57:31 <bmckown> whew
21:58:04 <Keelhaul> bmckown:
21:58:09 <Keelhaul> thats one of my controllers
21:59:05 * bmckown looks at code
22:00:31 <Keelhaul> <prop key="**/patientPrograms.portlet">patientProgramsPortletController</prop>
22:00:31 <Keelhaul> <bean id="patientProgramsPortletController" class="org.openmrs.web.controller.PatientProgramsPortletController" />
22:00:42 <Keelhaul> thats how the custom portlets are linked in trunk
22:00:46 <Keelhaul> no props either
22:01:11 <Keelhaul>
22:01:56 <bmckown> temporarily take out if (hasPrivileges)
22:02:11 <bmckown> now THAT, my friend. THAT ...
22:02:20 <bmckown> is pretty gross.
22:02:22 <bmckown> :-)
22:02:45 <Keelhaul> lol
22:03:18 <bmckown> and I think gwb should ha... ah nevermind.
22:03:46 <bmckown> back to the code...
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22:05:12 <sgrannis> nribeka_: u there?
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22:05:30 <nribeka_> yes
22:05:48 <bmckown> Keelhaul, have you tried something simple like this:
22:05:54 <bmckown> protected void populateModel(HttpServletRequest request,
22:05:54 <bmckown> Map<String, Object> model) {
22:05:54 <bmckown> Object o = request.getAttribute("org.openmrs.portlet.patientId");
22:05:54 <bmckown> model.put("hello", "hello, I said");
22:05:54 <bmckown> }
22:05:54 <bmckown> }
22:05:56 <bmckown>
22:05:59 <nribeka_> got your email too
22:06:06 <sgrannis> nribeka_: I just sent you an updat eon the CI calculation via email -- let me know if you have any questions
22:07:06 <bmckown> Keelhaul, with no if authenticated and no other "if" statements... ?
22:07:18 <Keelhaul> yea, reloading the module now
22:07:30 * r0bby growls
22:07:54 <Keelhaul> nope, removing the priv check didnt help
22:08:03 <nribeka_> yes
22:08:03 <nribeka_> i just check it
22:08:03 <nribeka_> just need to add the n right?
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22:09:51 <nribeka> sgrannis: what did i miss
22:10:04 <sgrannis> nothing -- you're right, I think you just need to add the divide-by-n factor
22:10:14 <nribeka> hm ic
22:10:31 <bmckown> Keelhaul, it has to be Spring then. Either it is a special kind of mapping or maybe a dwr controller is the answer.
22:11:28 <bmckown> It seems kind of strange that bwolfe would not have extended the PortletController in the formentry module and opted to use dwr instead unless there was some strangeness there.
22:12:09 <nribeka> about the field
22:12:09 <nribeka> i think you're right sgrannis
22:12:30 <sgrannis> ? not sure wha tyou're saying
22:12:40 <sgrannis> "about the field"?
22:12:53 <Keelhaul> bmckown: =/
22:12:56 <nribeka> all field included in the random sampling process
22:13:03 <bmckown> Keelhaul, might be a good idea to ask.... ay should I say it... the wolfeman of code?
22:13:15 <Keelhaul> yea
22:13:19 <nribeka> instead of only field that is picked for the current blocking runs
22:13:22 <Keelhaul> in fact, i sent him my code earlier today
22:13:23 <bmckown> I don't know at this point I'm sorry to say.
22:13:25 <Keelhaul> but now he's MIA
22:13:37 * r0bby sighs
22:13:42 <bmckown> Well, yea. Most of us work in the daytime.
22:13:47 <sgrannis> nribeka: now I understand
22:14:35 <sgrannis> some work at night! ;)
22:14:46 <bmckown> :-)
22:14:53 <bmckown> yea. this is cool.
22:18:35 * r0bby sighs and reboots hoping that helps hi
22:20:23 <bmckown> Keelhaul, now I know why you cannot override the parent Controller:
22:20:26 <bmckown>
22:20:27 <OpenMRSBot> <$J> (at
22:20:33 <bmckown> it only has "one" method
22:20:50 <bmckown> and it is not the one you're using.
22:22:08 <Keelhaul> well
22:22:13 <Keelhaul> others do it!
22:22:34 <bmckown> sorry I meant :
22:22:35 <OpenMRSBot> <$L> (at
22:23:42 <Keelhaul> what about the other one
22:24:20 <Keelhaul>
22:24:21 <OpenMRSBot> <$N> (at
22:24:28 <r0bby> that explains it
22:24:47 <Keelhaul> /**
22:24:47 <Keelhaul> * Subclasses should override this to put more data into the model.
22:24:47 <Keelhaul> * This will be called AFTER handleRequest has put mappings in the model as described in its javadoc.
22:24:47 <Keelhaul> * Note that context could be null when this method is called.
22:24:47 <Keelhaul> */
22:24:50 <Keelhaul> protected void populateModel(HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> model) { }
22:24:50 <Keelhaul>
22:24:50 <bmckown> notice that "populateModel" method is called within the "handleRequest" method
22:24:50 <Keelhaul> }
22:24:58 <Keelhaul> hm
22:25:14 <Keelhaul> yea
22:25:16 <r0bby> bmckown
22:25:18 <bmckown> otherwise "populateModel" would *never* be seen.
22:25:27 <r0bby> OpenmrsMemento has an @author tag
22:25:31 <r0bby> shall i remove it?
22:25:42 <bmckown> I thought r0bby rebooted?
22:25:57 <r0bby> NOT YET
22:26:04 <r0bby> gonna try killing some apps
22:26:20 <bmckown> darn thought the computer would maybe not power up.
22:26:26 <bmckown> just kidding.
22:26:40 <r0bby> bmckown: would it be okay if i removed that @author tag>
22:26:47 <bmckown> no
22:26:59 <bmckown> No more 1 line commits dude!
22:27:05 <Keelhaul> lol
22:27:20 <bmckown> do it in a muti-commit or something.
22:27:21 <r0bby> I'm done --
22:27:23 <r0bby> I swear.
22:27:23 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4549]: groovyforms: upated .classpath and *.iml with the new deps <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4548]: groovyforms: I think this was one of those errors that pops up … <>
22:27:47 <r0bby> No more commits for me today i swear.
22:28:06 * bmckown looks at the clock and sighs
22:28:24 <r0bby> Oh dopnt worry
22:28:27 <Keelhaul> bmckown:
22:28:28 <OpenMRSBot> <$O> (at
22:28:29 <r0bby> i wont be home tomorrow
22:28:35 <Keelhaul> it works for other controllers
22:28:45 <r0bby> there wr gpo
22:28:48 <bmckown> which, Keelhaul ?
22:29:11 <Keelhaul> the populateModel method
22:29:15 *** nribeka_ has joined #openmrs
22:29:40 <nribeka_> test
22:29:53 <nribeka_> am i connected here?
22:30:40 <Keelhaul> no
22:30:46 <nribeka_> aha ...
22:30:48 <r0bby> ffs
22:30:48 <bmckown> you know what the problem really is? when I look at your code. It SHOULD work!
22:30:52 <nribeka_> connected
22:31:23 <Keelhaul> bmckown: yea, thats the kind of problem i hate
22:31:33 <Keelhaul> or when it magically starts working w/o any real changes
22:31:39 <Keelhaul> at this point, i wish it did
22:31:47 <bmckown> Keelhaul, yes. I already have a bump on my forehead.
22:31:55 <Keelhaul> so my best bet is that the controller mapping is wrong
22:31:59 <Keelhaul> but i'm not sure
22:32:04 <bmckown> maybe.
22:32:34 <bmckown> Let's consult with the... I hate having to do this... consult with the WolfeMan tomorrow.
22:32:43 <Keelhaul> hehe
22:33:22 * bmckown 's ego reboots
22:33:25 <Keelhaul> thanks for the input though
22:33:32 <bmckown> sorry
22:33:59 <r0bby> I'm about to kill somebody, preferably whoever designed GNOME
22:34:03 <Keelhaul> anything new i learn about hibernate and spring is welcome =)
22:34:12 <Keelhaul> because i actually put those under "skills" on my CV
22:34:17 <Keelhaul> so i have to live up to that
22:34:41 <Keelhaul> vista aero++
22:34:45 <bmckown> r0bby I created a ThinHuman theme in GNOME to get rid of some of the 'bigness'
22:35:02 <bmckown> well, i haven't published it.
22:35:36 <r0bby> I like my gnomepanel
22:35:43 <r0bby> im using OpenBox :)
22:35:51 <r0bby> openbox + gnome panel
22:35:54 <bmckown> staving off crazy people on irc should be on your cv too, no?
22:36:09 <r0bby> im crazy myself
22:36:15 <r0bby> i contribute to the madness
22:36:26 <bmckown> well, r0bby we're both in the crazy club.
22:36:33 <r0bby> All i wanna do is write the processing coidde for the freaking temp[lates
22:36:40 *** nribeka has quit IRC
22:36:40 <r0bby> That's all :|
22:36:46 <bmckown> one character at a time.
22:36:47 <bmckown> oops
22:37:04 <bmckown> :-)
22:37:28 <nribeka_> sgrannis: ok, got the idea of the sd
22:37:40 <sgrannis> good
22:38:04 *** r0bby has quit IRC
22:38:22 <Keelhaul> OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4550]: groovyforms: Added new whitespace in config.xml to line up the blocks
22:38:58 <Keelhaul> aw he quit
22:38:59 <Keelhaul> lol
22:39:05 <nribeka_> he
22:39:11 <nribeka_> he'll back :D
22:40:19 <nribeka_> bmckown + Keelhaul: you guys must teach me about portlet + portletcontroller + all web stuffs :D
22:41:08 <Keelhaul> first i must be taught myself =/
22:41:12 <bmckown> nribeka_, it's not too hard.
22:41:28 <Keelhaul> portlet is just a type of jsp file
22:41:32 <nribeka_> do you use netbeans bmckown?
22:41:36 <Keelhaul> that integrates into other jsp pages
22:41:46 <nribeka_> yeah, that's what wolfeman said to me :P
22:42:09 <bmckown> But I would recommend spending all possible time with sgrannis as priority.
22:42:17 <Keelhaul> the controller is where the jsp files gets its data from
22:42:19 * nribeka_ usually read bwolfe as beowulf (movie)
22:42:41 <Keelhaul> it passes an object that has all the data attached to it, usually called "model" or "map" etc
22:42:47 *** r0bby has joined #openmrs
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22:42:57 <bmckown> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
22:42:59 <nribeka_> sgrannis needs the web (1st step in my second phase project)
22:43:14 <Keelhaul> so in the jsp file, you can access that data with ${model.encounters} etc
22:43:19 <Keelhaul> and loop throught them
22:43:50 <Keelhaul> r0bby
22:43:54 <Keelhaul> OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4550]: groovyforms: Added new whitespace in config.xml to line up the blocks
22:43:57 <bmckown> hi, r0bby
22:43:57 <Keelhaul> whats that? >=/
22:44:12 <bmckown> ahh. no way.
22:44:43 <r0bby> ,,,
22:44:48 <r0bby> i didnt do that
22:44:52 <Keelhaul> =P
22:45:08 <r0bby> if it fucks up in my IDE, i'll kill ou
22:45:34 * bmckown is being picked up by an ambulance
22:45:46 <nribeka_> haha ... lol
22:46:35 <bmckown> sweet joke, Keelhaul ... just not for my blood pressure.
22:46:57 <Keelhaul> o sorry =P
22:47:51 <bmckown> Okay. gotta count that as the best irc joke for me #1 ever yet.
22:49:25 <sgrannis> Just created a new ticket #794 in trac for the RecMatch GUI ...
22:50:48 <nribeka_> !ticket 794
22:50:48 <OpenMRSBot> nribeka_: Ticket #794:
22:52:03 <nribeka_> we'll check that one too
22:53:52 <nribeka_> wow, lots of bug. i need to be careful next time :(
22:55:41 <r0bby> :'(
22:55:56 <bmckown> sorry to interrupt, is [794] for trunk? a specific part of trunk code or a branch?
22:56:42 <nribeka_> yes, bmckown please fix the blocker bug ... lol
22:56:46 <nribeka_> :
22:56:46 <nribeka_> :P
22:56:59 <bmckown> right. can't find it.
22:57:08 <nribeka_> lol ...
22:57:15 * r0bby throws his mouse across the room
22:57:16 <bmckown> is that in trunk or your branch, nribeka_
22:57:17 <nribeka_> no, it's for me bmckown
22:57:24 <bmckown> okay.
22:57:32 <nribeka_> it's in patient matching module
22:57:39 <bmckown> ah. okay.
22:57:39 <nribeka_> you wanna do it for me?
22:57:40 <nribeka_> :D
22:58:02 <bmckown> hmm. That actually sounds like an exciting project.
22:58:40 <nribeka_> yeps, and you can do the web stuffs too on my behalf ... lol
23:00:44 <bmckown> no, this will be significant when it is rolled out. i just have to focus on my micro-part of the code for now.
23:03:46 <nribeka_> sgrannis: did you find any other defect?
23:04:01 * nribeka_ is eating some tofu
23:05:08 <sgrannis> yes ... see ticket 794 -- (i erroneously labeled it openmrs core, but it's really just the patient matching module)
23:05:26 <sgrannis> i'm entering the tasks so we can "trac" them ;)
23:05:56 *** njero has joined #openmrs
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23:05:56 <sgrannis> just put in ticket #795 as well
23:06:05 <nribeka_> hehe ... that's why you attract bmckown :D
23:06:14 <nribeka_> !ticket 795
23:06:14 <OpenMRSBot> nribeka_: Ticket #795:
23:06:32 <nribeka_> thanks OpenMRSBot :D
23:07:37 <sgrannis> do we need to create a ticket for the SD calculation, or do you just want to fix it quick-like?
23:08:03 <nribeka_> no, i don't think we need to create ticket for it
23:08:43 <nribeka_> hehe ... well for a better documentation of changes we should create one :P
23:09:49 <sgrannis> I can create a ticket for the SD by pasting my email to you into trac -- i lkethe idea of tracking the work -- makes you look good!
23:11:20 <nribeka_> hehe ... true
23:11:50 <sgrannis> FYI -- I'm running a large sample size as I was earlier today and if my laptop overheats (as it did earlier) then I'm going to sleep. So if i disappear suddenly you'll know why :)
23:12:54 <nribeka_> hehe ...
23:12:57 <nribeka_> ok sgrannis :D
23:13:04 <nribeka_> good luck with the samples
23:13:19 <nribeka_> how many samples do you have?
23:14:30 <r0bby> hmm
23:14:48 <r0bby> bmckown: should I use a singleton or per instance for velocity :x
23:15:12 <r0bby> yeh per instance is better
23:16:37 <nribeka_> seems sgrannis laptop is burned again :D
23:16:43 *** sgrannis_ has joined #openmrs
23:16:57 <sgrannis_> well .... it happened
23:17:03 <nribeka_> hehe sgrannis_ is back with another name
23:17:06 <nribeka_> busted again?
23:17:20 <sgrannis_> my laptop shut down while running a large random sampling run
23:17:24 <sgrannis_> wierd
23:17:28 <sgrannis_> it happens a lot
23:17:46 <nribeka_> yeah, why shutdown
23:18:04 <sgrannis_> now i'm nor usre it actually relates to overheatingor whether there's some strangeness in the random sampling function.
23:18:15 <sgrannis_> nor usre = not sure
23:18:32 <nribeka_> how many sample did you run?
23:21:01 *** bmckown has quit IRC
23:22:43 <nribeka_> gone?
23:24:02 <sgrannis_> here
23:24:41 <sgrannis_> two blocking runs each with 100,000 samples. each file had 5,000 records in it. sampling them at 1,000 samples was no problem
23:25:09 <sgrannis_> i added ticket #796
23:25:15 <sgrannis_> !ticket 796
23:25:15 <OpenMRSBot> sgrannis_: Ticket #796:
23:26:12 <sgrannis_> I wouldn't dig too deeply into the laptop shutdown just yet -- I have a 2 year old beat up laptop that I need to replace -- it may be the laptop not the software
23:27:15 <nribeka_> hmm ... yeah, the shutdown is kinda weird
23:28:29 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #794 (defect created): Number of u-value random samples returns to default after user changes <>
23:28:40 <nribeka_> 5000 samples is like the datasource that you gave me then?
23:30:43 *** sgrannis has quit IRC
23:34:57 <sgrannis_> yes -- 5000 like I gave you
23:36:19 <nribeka_> ah great then, i can try it in my laptop
23:37:01 *** sgrannis_ is now known as sgrannis
23:37:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v sgrannis
23:40:32 <r0bby> /jg
23:40:34 <r0bby> \er
23:58:09 *** Keelhaul has quit IRC
23:58:55 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #796 (defect created): Correct standard deviation calculation <> || OpenMRS Tickets: Ticket #795 (enhancement created): Random sampling for u-values should only sample fields used for matching, not all fields <>