IRC Chat : 2008-05-04 - OpenMRS

01:14:59 <r0bby> hey
01:40:25 <r0bby> wow
02:12:20 *** nribeka has joined #openmrs
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04:05:02 <r0bby> .aix
05:49:16 *** nribeka has joined #openmrs
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09:16:28 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: oXDesigner: Cleaner UI Up and live <>
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12:30:33 <mshanks> hmm
12:30:40 <mshanks> wheres default install for javadoc on windows ¬.¬
12:35:43 <mshanks> sun's java site is a fooking mess
13:33:01 *** bmckown has joined #openmrs
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13:34:05 <bmckown> Hardy heaven for the T61:
13:34:09 <bmckown>
13:34:23 <bmckown> Wireless problems are over for now. :-)
13:47:32 *** chase has joined #openmrs
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14:50:08 <r0bby> goooooooooooooood morning...
14:50:20 <r0bby> bmckown: i had no problems w/ wireless
14:50:25 <r0bby> I had problems w/ display
14:50:35 <r0bby> but not wifi :)
14:51:52 <bmckown> r0bby, my t61 uses Atheros ar5418 driver.... It works with madwifi or with ndiswrapper.
14:52:30 <bmckown> except that the madwifi driver doesn't work as good as it should for that chipset yet
14:53:22 <r0bby> pfft
14:53:29 <bmckown> hehe
14:53:29 <r0bby> I dont require much from my hardware
14:53:45 <r0bby> I have a dlink wifi pcmcia card =)
14:54:03 <bmckown> when you're in a meeting using wireless and then the wireless stops and will not come back up,,, that is unacceptable.
14:54:03 <r0bby> (I suck at hardware)
14:54:12 <r0bby> yes indeed
14:54:21 <r0bby> let's go shoot the designers!
14:54:24 <bmckown> so ndiswrapper is working for linux again.
14:54:49 <atomicturtle> Im renaming the new box something better than "bh1305". Someone give me a rad name
14:55:19 <bmckown> name it after a nuclear weapon.
14:55:32 <r0bby> I named mine easy
14:55:40 <atomicturtle> we use a fruit theme in iCE
14:55:42 <r0bby> rob-laptop, robpc
14:55:44 <chase> name it after a roman poet
14:55:58 <r0bby> mompc dadpc
14:56:02 <atomicturtle> like ovid, or pliny the elder?
14:56:04 <r0bby> ya know names i can easily id :P
14:56:13 <atomicturtle> we're not leaving until we have a rad name
14:56:16 <chase> ovid's not bad.... pliny is a bit.... dry
14:56:16 <r0bby> and ips i can't remember for my life
14:56:25 <r0bby> only the ones i use
14:56:32 <r0bby> i turned off dhcp :)
14:56:46 <atomicturtle> curia pauperibus clausia est
14:56:51 <chase> how about catullus_lepidus?
14:57:00 <atomicturtle> "The doors to the senate house are closed to the poor"
14:57:01 <chase> the senate is closed to the poor?
14:57:25 <chase> oh
14:57:28 <chase> how about
14:57:56 <chase> 04thep
14:58:08 <atomicturtle> I could go with egyptian god names
14:58:17 <atomicturtle> I always like hapi, the hippo goddess of the nile
14:58:20 <r0bby> How about Isellseashellsbytheseashore
14:58:43 <atomicturtle> ah!raxicoricofallapatorius!
14:59:29 <atomicturtle> all in favor?
14:59:33 <chase> nay
14:59:54 <atomicturtle> come on, just say it out loud
14:59:56 <atomicturtle> dr. who can
15:01:20 <chase> aids_will_lose
15:01:53 <atomicturtle> damn you and your moral high ground names
15:02:04 <atomicturtle> who would vote against that? :P
15:02:11 <chase> =)
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15:02:45 <atomicturtle> Id call it www3, but theres a wildcard on www now. And we need a rad name
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16:28:10 <r0bby> Do people know how to use google groups? are they at all competent?
16:58:11 <OpenMRSBot> Recent updates in the world of openmrs: OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4096]: data_sync_bidirectional-- Setting svn:eol-style to CRLF. <> || OpenMRS Changesets: Changeset [4095]: Set the svn:eol-style property to CRLF. <>
18:34:39 <bmckown> Anyone who does not know how to use google groups is totally, incomprehensibly, irreversibly, desperately, hopelessly, pathetically, immorally incompetent.
18:35:03 <bmckown> BTW, what are google groups?
18:35:09 <bmckown> :-)
19:25:33 <r0bby> bmckown: hahha!
19:25:39 <r0bby> bmckown: we tried
19:25:42 * r0bby gets his shotgun
19:26:17 <r0bby> we really did, but sorry to end it this shall meet old yeller's fate *cue scene where old yeller is taken out back ala family guy*
20:46:09 * bmckown does not think this sounds very funny
20:46:21 <r0bby> it sounded funnier in my head
20:46:46 * bmckown says "whew" r0bby is okay
20:47:12 <bmckown> :-)
20:49:58 <bmckown> r0bby
20:50:01 <bmckown> dude
20:50:21 <bmckown> what in god's green earth were you talking about?
20:58:08 <r0bby> heh fine :P
20:58:14 <bmckown> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
20:58:18 <r0bby> (21:57:34) (polastre): The javaone speaker gift is kinda lame. Wind up light thing with java logo. Did it pass tck?
20:58:18 <bmckown> thanks
20:58:21 <r0bby> hah LOL
20:58:28 <bmckown> scaring me man
20:59:07 <bmckown> community = we care about each other.
20:59:59 <r0bby> heh
21:00:04 <r0bby> Im on twitter now
21:00:09 <r0bby> I wanna be at javaone
21:00:13 <r0bby> does openmrs pay for that? :X
21:00:23 <r0bby> (if i ever manage to get hired)
21:00:23 <r0bby> :X
21:00:36 <Phantal> hey guys, i have a question about opensource projects like openmrs
21:00:44 <bmckown> okay.
21:00:56 <Phantal> when you contribute to the project, is your contribution something that is tax deductible?
21:01:18 <bmckown> ?
21:01:20 <r0bby> Phantal: if they file the proper tax papers with the IRS
21:01:32 <r0bby> Phantal: are you talking donation or something?
21:01:37 <r0bby> or code?
21:01:44 <Phantal> code contributions
21:01:47 <bmckown> open source != 501c3
21:02:08 <Phantal> bmckown: i know, but I assumed openmrs is a sort of charity
21:02:17 <r0bby> it kinda is
21:02:23 <r0bby> but sorta
21:02:25 <r0bby> not sure
21:02:58 <bmckown> no, we're not an organization where you can contribute code for a tax deduction.
21:03:27 <r0bby> that makes no sense code != money
21:03:44 <r0bby> jesus -- do it because you wanna help people not because you benefit
21:04:05 * bmckown agrees with r0bby
21:04:32 <r0bby> if you need to get something out of it -- you're not doing it for the right reason
21:04:44 <Phantal> r0bby: wow. Way to jump to conclusions
21:04:46 <r0bby> I'm happy to make money for soc -- but i would have done it anyways
21:04:59 <r0bby> Phantal: I jumped to the conclusion that was available.
21:05:34 <r0bby> is regenstreif a 501(c)(3) org?
21:06:51 <bmckown> I don't think so.
21:08:34 <Phantal> r0bby: my understanding of tax law is, you need to have enough deductions to be able to itemize, so if that was my reason for contributing, I'd need to have enough deductions. I'm asking because I was curious.
21:09:11 *** bmckown sets mode: +v r0bby
21:09:26 <r0bby> don't interns get auto-voice
21:09:28 <r0bby> :X
21:09:55 <bmckown> r0bby, pm
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21:58:24 <r0bby> hey
22:03:35 <maveriick> !karma
22:03:35 <OpenMRSBot> maveriick: Highest karma: "burke" (6), "me" (3), and "pearlbear" (3). Lowest karma: "bwolfe" (-3), "scriptlets" (-1), and "--- ping statistics -" (-1).
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